Perdev 5
Perdev 5
Perdev 5
Mental Health
1. familiarize the concepts relative to mental health;
2. differentiate mental hygiene and mental health; and
3. discuss the causes, effects and possible responses to mental health problems.
Considering how important mental health is, this lesson will look into the many
aspects that can allow one to be psychologically healthy. At the same time, the common
causes of psychological distress and its early signs will be tackled.
Watch this video in Mental Health. (
The WHO has also identified adverse and protective factors in relation to the major
determinants of mental health. Refer to the table below.
Level Adverse Factors Protective Factors
Individual Low self-esteem Self-esteem, confidence
Attributes Cognitive / emotional Ability to solve problems
Immaturity and manage stress or
Difficulties in communicating adversity
Medical illness, substance use Physical health, fitness
Loneliness, bereavement Social support of family
and friends
Social Neglect, family conflict Good parenting/family
Circumstances Exposure to violence/ abuse interactions
Low income and poverty Economic security
Difficulties or failure at school Scholastic achievement
Work stress, unemployment Satisfaction and success at
Environmental Poor access to basic services Equality of access to basic
Factors injustice and discrimination services
Social and gender inequalities Social justice, tolerance,
Exposure to war or disaster integration
Social and gender equality
Physical security and safety
It is always better to prevent mental health problems than to cure or manage it. This
makes detecting its early warning signs an important undertaking. This is particularly true in
our fast-paced world where burgeoning demands, expectations and pressures could lead to
mental health problems, especially if one is unable to cope and adjust. The US Department
of Health and Human Services has indicated the following as possible indicators or early
warning signs of a mental health issue or problem.
Eating or sleeping too much or too little
Pulling away from people and usual activities
Having low or no energy
Feeling numb to life or resigned
Having unexplained aches and pains
Feelings helpless or hopeless
Smoking, drinking, or using drugs more than usual
Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or sacred.
Yelling or fighting with family and friends
Santos, Ricardo Rubio (2016). Personal Development, Manila: Rex Bookstore.
Perez, Aida Maria Hernandez (2016). Personal Development, Quezon City: Vibal Publishing
Cayubit, Ryan Francis and Avelina L. Mandin (2017). Actualizing the Adolescent: Values Approach to Personality
Development. Makati City Don Bosco Press.