Me To Do Simplex
Me To Do Simplex
Me To Do Simplex
restriccion 1 1 1 5 <= 5
restriccion 2 10 6 45 <= 45
Subproblema 1
solucion 4 0.833333 23.33333
coeficientes 5 4
restriccion 1 1 1 5 <= 5
restriccion 2 10 6 45 <= 45
restriccion 3 1 0 3.75 >= 1
Subproblema 2
solucion 3 2 23
coeficientes 5 4
restriccion 1 1 1 5 <= 5
restriccion 2 10 6 42 <= 45
restriccion 3 1 0 3 <= 3
5 4
1 1 5
10 6 45
solucion 0 5 20
coeficientes 5 4
restriccion 1 1 1 5 <= 5
restriccion 2 10 6 30 <= 45
restriccion 3 1 0 0 <= 0
x1 x2 Z
solucion 0.9 0 1.8
coeficientes 2 1
restriccion 1 10 10 9 <= 9
restriccion 2 10 5 9 >= 1
x1 x2 Z
solucion 0.9 0 1.8 solucion
coeficientes 2 1 coeficiente
10 10 0 <= 9
10 5 0 >= 1
1 0 0 <= 0
x1 x2 Z
solucion 2.4 1.6 280
coeficientes 50 100
restriccion 1 7 2 20 >= 20
restriccion 2 2 12 24 >= 24
x1 x2 Z
solucion 3 1.5 300
coeficientes 50 100
restriccion 1 7 2 24 >= 20
restriccion 2 2 12 24 >= 24
restriccion 3 1 0 3 >= 3
x1 x2 Z
solucion 2.285714 2 314.2857
coeficientes 50 100
restriccion 1 7 2 20 >= 20
restriccion 2 2 12 28.57143 >= 24
restriccion 3 0 1 2 >= 2
x1 x2 Z
solucion 3 1.5 300
coeficientes 50 100
restriccion 1 7 2 24 >= 20
restriccion 2 2 12 24 >= 24
restriccion 3 1 0 3 >= 3
x1 x2 Z
solucion 2.4 1.6 280
coeficientes 50 100
restriccion 1 7 2 20 >= 20
restriccion 2 2 12 24 >= 24
restriccion 3 1 0 2.4 <= 3
x1 x2 Z
solucion 2 3 400
coeficientes 50 100
restriccion 1 7 2 20 >= 20
restriccion 2 2 12 40 >= 24
restriccion 3 1 0 2 <= 2
x1 x2 Z
solucion 6 1 400
coeficientes 50 100
restriccion 1 7 2 44 >= 20
restriccion 2 2 12 24 >= 24
restriccion 3 0 1 1 <= 1
x1 x2 Z
solucion 2 3 400
coeficientes 50 100
restriccion 1 7 2 20 >= 20
restriccion 2 2 12 40 >= 24
restriccion 3 1 0 2 <= 2
x1 x2 Z
solucion 2.4 1.6 280
coeficientes 50 100
restriccion 1 7 2 20 >= 20
restriccion 2 2 12 24 >= 24
restriccion 3 1 0 2.4 >= 2
x1 x2 Z
solucion 2.285714 2 314.2857
coeficientes 50 100
restriccion 1 7 2 20 >= 20
restriccion 2 2 12 28.57143 >= 24
restriccion 3 0 1 2 >= 2
x1 x2 Z
solucion 6 1 400
coeficientes 50 100
restriccion 1 7 2 44 >= 20
restriccion 2 2 12 24 >= 24
restriccion 3 0 1 1 <= 1