Four Dimensional 2
Four Dimensional 2
Four Dimensional 2
Published by:
PLOM Publishing
Port Harcourt, Rivers State - Nigeria.
+234 803 341 8826
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his book is dedicated to my Source of inspiration,
My Stretcher, My Preserver, My Watcher the
precious HOLY SPIRIT who makes all things
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lory, honour and praise to the Most High who
makes all things beautiful at His time.
The typist, Mrs. Carol Firstman, thank you so much, you did
a good job.
Izuchukwu, thank you for the sacrifice.
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he author of this book is a trained leader, informed
and experienced mother, successful wife and a life
coach for youths. A lot of the content of this book
are her working tools with which she has rescued many lost
youths, transformed some confused minds, and raised
many hopefuls out of hopeless cases.
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Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Foreword v
Introduction ix
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Conclusion 137
References 139
Appendix 141
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I pray that your life will never remain the same as you
contact the Lord through this piece of work.
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The Elijahs: The Stretchers
he stretchers are those who see your big size, even
when you look small. They are discoverers, they see
what others may not really see in you. They relate
with you based on what they see on the present. Their
dealings are centred on building you into the man or
woman they see in you. They insist on you going on extra
mile, not supporting you settle for less. They expose you to
assignments that ordinarily may look bigger than you, one
that will make you sweat and spent quality time on; one
that seems to stress you, one that seems to be a virgin area
for you. The stretcher sees you as an elastic band (rubber
band), though looks small but can take care of so much if
pressure is put on it.
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and then I will follow you”. And he said to him, 'go back
again, for what have I done to you?” So Elisha turned back
from him and took a yoke of oxen and slaughtered them
and boiled their flesh, using the oxen's equipment, and
gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he arose and
followed Elijah and became his servant” (1 Kings 19:19-
It was now left for Elisha to discern, and give thought to the
incident and come up with the needed action. When Elijah
decided to say something, his words were not encouraging
“Go back again, what have I done to you?”
Another may run after him like Elisha did, but on hearing
Elijah's response 'what have I done to you?' will
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(4) Then Elijah said to him, “Elisha,stay here, please, for the
Lord has sent me on to Jericho”. But he said, 'As the LORD
lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!” sothey
came to Jericho.
(6) Then Elijah said to him, “Stay here, please, for the LORD
has sent me on to Jordan”. But he said, “As the LORD lives,
and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!. So the two of
them went on”.
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The Mordecais: The Watchers
he watchers are the Mordecais. They consider you
a treasure, and have regard for your person not
minding how fragile you might be, not minding
your age, size, experience or background. The watchers
have the ability to identify the covered beauty, gold in the
refuse dump. They are faith boosters, confidence restorers,
cheer leaders, and great coach.
As the name implies, they keep watch over you and are
consistent in approach, until they see you become what
they have seen in you; like Apostle Paul said to Christians at
Galatia “my little children, for whom I labour in birth until
Christ is formed” (Galatians 4:19). Watchers never give up;
even when pushing. They can be considered to be hard
runners and desperate pursuers.
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arrived and that is all she was wired for; but the watcher
knew that it is only a stepping stone.
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The Deborahs: The Inspirers
he Inspirers are people from whom you drew
strength. They are those who can motivate you into
actualizing your dream; those helping you obey
God and making Him happy, helping you see reason to go
against the tide, the so-called convention that do not
produce result. They are the people whose lives are graced
and have lived to become a-food-for-thought, people who
appreciate your little effort but challenge you to go beyond
that; those helping you to see your unconquered grounds.
Those whose contact with you cause a stirring within,
waking up the dormant gifts/talent and potentials in you.
The Inspirers are those who ignitea cry in you “more of you
Lord”, those who as you watch them, you grow taller and
stronger. These are the Deborahs
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The Elizabeths: The Preservers
he bane of our society, the perennial problems in
the homes, the backwardness of communities and
nations and several unhealthy patterns that have
lingered over the ages are not there because they defied
solution or that there are no people capable of handling
them. Rather the people that are meant to handle them are
either distracted or are ignorant of their purpose. If I may
ask, are there no dreamers? Do we not have people who
are carrying the solution, those whose purpose for arriving
on the earth is to solve those problems? Are there not
people who by the nature of their configuration are wired
for certain specific purpose? What can you say about the
Samsons? Those who before they entered the womb, their
parents had visible encounters? What about those before
they entered into the higher institution or get a job had
tangible encounters of what is ahead of them.
Just like every product was designed for a specific use and
to solve a given problem, so also every human. The truth is
that unlike other human is so unique. Human is tied to
time. There is always an appointed time for every activity. A
child who is designed to save life through medical practice,
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The preservers are those who have been tested and tried in
the furnace of affliction and they come out more refined.
Those who have gained weight and still continue to
accumulate such that they are not tossed about by every
wind of doctrine. Those who carry the virtues needed to
beautify lives; those who have given themselves to be
discipled and disciplined such that God is not ashamed to
identify with them; those who are flexible in the hand of
God that he can toss them however he wants.
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It was like saying to her, this thing that you are going
through now, someone has gone ahead of you; she is
carrying a Holy Ghost induced child, for with man, it is not
possible considering her age. Can you see the need for a
preserver? Why do you think that Elizabeth was involved?
For preservation!
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was filled with the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:41) Elizabeth spoke
under the unction of the Holy Spirit to the amazement of
Mary. She called Mary “the mother of my Lord” and went
further to confirm the word of the angel to Mary “Blessed
are you among women” (Luke 1:42). I believe that a strong
conviction came upon Mary as she heard this from her
cousin. She must have said “so this is really true'. Elizabeth
under that atmosphere continued “Blessed is she who
believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things
which were told her from the Lord” (Luke 1:45). The
preserver strengthened the voice of the Lord, became a
witness and made the journey easier for Mary. Once she
entered into Mary's life, doubt and confusion left her. She
was not bemoaning herself again. The situation was no
longer embarrassing as she had previously analysed. She
was comforted and looked forward to seeing the
My dear you need a preserver. Pray to the Lord and cry out
to him for a preserver. Many dreams are aborted due to fear
ad unbelief. Often times people place their dreams
alongside their background, unfortunately there seems to
be no coherence, due to the 'how' factor. How can this be
looking at my educational qualification, my family
background, my position in the family, my financial
strength, my health condition? As the how continues, faith
starts going down, weakness sets it, helplessness and
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The preserver brings God nearer to you and helps you see
yourself through his eyes.
Let's see what Mary said after those inspired words from
Elizabeth in Luke chapter one:
46. …my soul magnifies the Lord,
47. And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour.
48. For He has regarded the lowly state of His
maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations
will call me blessed.
49. He who is mighty has done great things for me, and
holy is His name.
50. And His mercy is on those who fear him from
generation to generation.
51. He has shown strength with his arm, He has
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Influencers Are Dreamers
he four dimensional youth is an influencer. No one
is created only to be a receiver rather you are both a
receiver and a giver. What you give depends on the
nature and volume of what you receive. This is very
important as you cannot give what you do not have. This
approach to life is very crucial; it prepares one to living a
responsible and productive life; living a life while bearing in
mind that there is someone somewhere being impacted
upon. Influencers do not live their lives alone.
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naturally revolt against them, telling them, that they are not
meant to be here, they do not belong here anymore. The
power of the jungle to house them break, the doors and
keys that locked them will on their own accord open.
Dream comes with light and when the light shines, one's
eyes get opened, reasoning comes back, strength enters,
hopes restored and you see reason for living. Dreams tell
you that there is more to life than you know. Oftentimes I
hear people especially young ones, say that, life is scam,
school is scam, hard work is scam – infact to them, and
everything is scam. Hence they resign to fate, life of
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laziness, looking for an easy way out which has led many
into all kinds of dubious lifestyle. And so cut short their
lives, and they turned out to be liabilities instead of assets,
nuisance instead of joy, terrors instead of hopes and
problems instead of solutions.
The passage says, those who dwell in the house of the Lord
and those whose strength is in God. This is a dream-man,
the man who knows and understands his root, his source,
his make-up, his design, and knows who and what he is
living for. Such person keeps praising, that is keeps living.
There is no end to living. It is not subject to any condition or
“As they pass through the valley of Baca, they make it
a spring; the rain also covers it with pools” NKJV.
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Nature of Dreamers
I want to believe that you have an understanding of what
we mean by dreams in this chapter. Dream, as referred
here, is not necessarily what happens in your unconscious
mind while you sleep. Rather it is the ability to see yourself
in the future. It is what you conceive in your heart to
become or do after a careful thought and search. It is a
strong resolve to become. It is the invisible perception of
your person waiting to be made visible. It is the hunger and
yearning to live a productive life not minding the obstacles
or limitations on your way. Dream is a correct assessment of
your past and present with a redefinition of your future that
far outweighs who you were and who you are. It is a coded
glorious future waiting to be discovered and harnessed.
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It is such a dream that unfolds day after day, year after year;
where one ends, another is shooting out, such that you live
and be relevant all the days of your life irrespective of your
age. Your relevance is not tied to age. “The righteous shall
flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in
Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the LORD
shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear
fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing” (Psalm
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Can you see the reason why you need to engage God?
Acknowledge Him for who He is in your life, give him a
chance to really be your God and consistently walk with
him. I have seen and heard of people that were said to have
pursued their dream and become famous and successful
but had a painful end, some died a miserable death by
hanging themselves. The question is why? The truth is that
when the God-factor is neglected, ignored, abandoned;
When there is so much gap between you and your source;
when you take him for granted; when you live your life
outside him, it is like building a castle on the air, swimming
against the tide or like a blind man running without a guide.
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If you have done this, you are now part of Gods family. Your
responsibility is to grow in him. Remember that when a
baby is born, he/she needs to grow and there are necessary
things that the baby need to grow into a matured human,
this is a gradual process.
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Influencers Are Leaders
eadership in simple terms is to show someone the
way, to direct the actions of people towards a set
goal.It is influencing peoples actions, behaviours and
conduct in such a way that they can follow. Leadership is
making people do what ordinarily they would not want to
do. Leadership is a visible expression of someone's thought,
opinion, aspirations, interest and pursuit that compels
another to go in his direction. It is an ability to identify
yourself, stir up and awaken your potential in such a way
that you will be able to help others do same for the purpose
of attaining a desired goal. Leadership according to
Madugba (2017) in his book Apostolic Leadership is
“possessing and demonstrating the wisdom required to
draw out the best out of other people and inspire them to
maximise the use of their potentials and whatever
resources at their disposal to achieve a desired goal”.
Haggai (1986) in his book Lead on defines leadership as the
“discipline of deliberately exerting special influence within
a group to move it towards achieving goals of beneficial
permanence that fulfil the group's real needs”. While Myles
Munroe defines it as “the capacity to influence others
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Vision is the ability to see where you are going before you
get there. It is conceiving in one's heart what ought to be
regardless of the prevailing circumstances and also
envisaging ways through which such can be achieved.
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Indeed leaders are risk takers. King Saul played safe and lost
respect, honour and followership from that day. While
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Can I say to you, take risk! Come out from your shell. Do
what the four lepers did. “Why are we sitting here until we
die?” If we say, “we will enter the city, the famine is in the
city and we shall die there. And if we sit here, we die also.
Now therefore, come, let us surrender to the army of the
Syrians. If they keep us alive, we shall live, and if they kill us,
we shall only die”(2 Kings 2:3-4).
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Let me point out here, it was not a selfish desire like most
of our politicians nowadays, who desire an office due to the
euphoria of it to satisfy their ego, enrich themselves and
perpetrate all manner of wickedness. Abraham Lincoln was
attested to be one of the greatest President America ever
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One of the lessons here, is that there is a set time for trouble
or challenge. It comes to everyone. That is why I say, make
room for challenges and face them head on when they
come. The more problems you solve, the stronger you
become. The more problems you solve, the more
discovery of yourself you make.
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Intimacy With Divine
here is a connection between God and man right
from creation. God's intention is to share what he
has with man and vice versa. This compelled God
to have fellowship with man as found in Genesis 3:8. Being
the usual practice, God was calling for man 'where are you?'
Man incidentally has lost the boldness, the enthusiasm and
the friendliness. For the very first time, intimacy was lost.
Man became very much fearful, could no longer enjoy the
warmth, and cherry relationship with God. While God on
his part, was making effort to draw man, unfortunately the
gap keeps widening.
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The Place Of Knowledge In Intimacy
he degree of closeness in any relationship is
dependent on several factors. These factors
include: Knowledge, Love, Quality time, Effective
communication. Knowledge they say is power; while
power is the ability to do, to execute, or to enforce. Hence,
the power to engage God in an intimate relationship will be
lacking if one is ignorant. There is need to know. Let's
briefly consider the place of knowledge as pointed out in
the scripture.
- Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through
the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. (2 Peter
1:2 KJV).
- According to his divine power hath given unto us all
things that pertain unto life and godliness through
the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory
and virtue (2 Peter 1:3 KJV).
- And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make
you free (John 8:32 LJV).
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“In that day their burden will be lifted from your shoulders,
their yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat”
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What destroys the yoke is not necessary the physical oil
(Anointing Oil) like some think, but rather because of
changes that have taken place from the inside which has
caused one to gain weight. As the weight continues to
increase, it will get to a point where the chain or yoke will
be unable to hold together, the next thing is to break hence
deliverance is received. What brings about the increase?
Intake of food (Physical). Spiritually speaking, the food of
the soul is the word (knowledge). The more of the word,
the more light floods in, and this releases a kind of
awareness that somehow gets one angry to say 'Enough is
enough'. And that becomes the end. For it shall be unto you
according to your faith; and all things are possible to those
who believe.
God. The way you see God and who you take him to be
determines how you will relate with him. I remembered
one of my daughters sharing one of her experience with
regards to relating with God. How she used to see God as
being so judgmental with the eyes of the old-testament
events. She called to mind several occasions where God
asked Israelites to destroy completely the occupants of the
land, God's dealing with Uzzah during the returning of the
ark to Jerusalem and other incidents. This made her to
conclude that God is not fair and she found it difficult to
relate closely with such a personality even though she had
received the offer He made through Jesus. But as she grew
in knowledge, her mindset has been seriously transformed.
While another of my daughter 'saw the Holy Spirit as a
'school headmaster' who is always wanting to correct and
punish. It appears that she always visualised the long cane
of the Holy Spirit as a headmaster. This made her get so
much scared of having dealing with the Holy Spirit because
she doesn't want to be flogged; without knowing that the
Holy Spirit is a very loving and admirable personality. With
time, knowledge delivered her, to the point of falling so
much in love with the Holy Spirit, such that He becomes
her best topic, and subject for discussion whenever she
speaks. Knowledge, indeed is power.
· His power
God's Nature
To be candid, time will fail us to talk about God, but I shall
try a little. However, I encourage you to dig deeper. The
nature of God include and not limited to these – love,
mercy, and justice. God talking through Jeremiah on who is
qualified to glory, boast or brag, said, not the mighty, rich or
the wise, rather the One that knows and understands him,
that “I am the LORD, exercising loving-kindness,
judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these, I
delight” (Jeremiah 9:24) while He said to Moses, “And the
LORD passed before him and proclaimed. 'The LORD, the
LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and
abounding in goodness and truth (Exodus 34:6).
It is very easy for human to 'love' who loves them but not
someone who is not showing any form of affection or one
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Now, let me say this, the moment you accept the gift of God
through Jesus, asking Jesus to be your Saviour and Lord,
immediately you have been adopted into the family of
God. God sees you as son (daughter), Jesus sees you as his
brother (sister), and you share in the privileges of Gods
family. “For the spirit which you have now received is not a
spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear,
but you have received the spirit of adoption (the spirit
producing sonship) in (the bliss of) which we cry, Abba
(Father)! Father! The spirit Himself (thus) testifies together
with our own spirit, (assuring us) that we are children of
God. And if we are (His) children, then we are (His) heirs
also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ (sharing His
inheritance with Him); only we must share His suffering if
we are to share His glory (Romans 8:15-17 Amplified).
What a privilege.
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Now tell me, why you will not fall in love with such a
personality. And as you continue to learn of Him, you grow
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God's way
God's ways are referring to his doings, pattern, and
standard. Why is this important? When you understand
whom you are walking with, the way he/she does things
will either strengthen your relationship or you don't take it
serious. Sometimes people don't grow in their relationship
with God owing to the fact that God is a general God, for
all; He might not have the time to look at someone's
direction or that He can only consider the very few who
may be prominent. So pursuing intimacy seems fruitless.
God is not human! Hear this, “For my thoughts are not your
thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD. For as
the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways
higher than you ways, and my thoughts than your thought”
(Isaiah 55:8-9).
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God's power
His power is known by the name He bears. The
understanding of his names is of great importance. This
creates a longing in one's heart leading to prayer 'Lord may I
know you.' One of the ways of God in His dealings with us,
is an introduction of who He is, which is through His name.
When the relationship with God and Abraham began, it
did not take time, the Lord showed up by introducing one
of his names through which Abraham could know Him
“After these things, the word of the LORD came to
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me; I did not let you touch her” God ordered him to give
the woman back to the husband else he'll die together with
his household. This Abimelech did. Though he sent her
away with gifts meanwhile God had already afflicted
Abimelech, his wife, and female servants “So Abraham
prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife and
his female servants. Then they bore children; for the Lord
had closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech
because of Sarah, Abraham's wife” (Genesis 20:17-18).
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you know him the closer you become and the better and
more useful your life become. Know his power and seek to
see it real in your life. The angel told Mary in response to
her question 'How can this be? “The Holy Spirit will come
upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow
you ;”(Luke 1:35). In other words, the Holy Spirit will
impregnate you, God will give you a child without contact
with any man. How? And to the disciples before the
ascension of Jesus, He said “But you shall receive power
when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be
witnesses to me. “(Acts 1:8)
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The Place Of Love In Intimacy
ove is an active word. It is a state of heart which is
given voice through action. Like asserted earlier,
God's nature is love and everything/every activity in
Gods family is initiated by love. Hence without love,
intimacy cannot be achieved. Naturally, only in the
atmosphere of love can relationship grow.
God has demonstrated his own love first by given away the
greatest treasure ever both in heaven and earth, Jesus. Ours
now is to reciprocate. It is important to note that cordial
relationship/intimacy cannot be achieved in the
atmosphere of fear and intimidation. If you are serving God
because you don't want to be punished or go to hell, you
may not really enjoy intimacy. You will behave like a
student before the school master who choose to obey once
he sight the long cane and does otherwise when the cane is
not there. Such obedience is mechanical and does not
have any serious effect on the person. God does not expect
us to serve him in fear, because fear is a torment.
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Firstly, your love for God starts and increases the moment
you understand His place in your life, who He is to you.
“That you love the LORD your God, that you may obey His
voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life
and the length of your days; and that you dwell in the land
which the LORD swore to your father, to Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, to give them” (Deuteronomy 30:20).
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17. that the God of your Lord Jesus Christ, the father of
glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and
revelation in the knowledge of Him,
18. the eyes of your understanding being enlightened,
that you may know what is the hope of His calling,
what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in
the saints,
19. And what is the exceeding greatness of His power
toward us who believe, according to the working of
His mighty power which He worked in Christ…
The plan of God for your life is mind blowing but it takes
understanding to grasp it and align yourself to it. There is so
much God is saying concerning you but sometimes, it
never made sense due to lack of understanding.
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It is very easy to say, I love God. But the test of love for God
is in your ability to make sacrifices. Sacrificing your desire,
pursuit, ambition, pleasure etc. Anytime you say 'Yes' to
God, there is something that you have given up. Because
there is this desire in man to do his own thing. For example,
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Growing Intimacy Through Fellowship
ntimacy grows as parties involved seek to spend time
together. Intimacy means closeness. The degree of
closeness is dependent on how much of that person
you know and prove. You can claim to know me because
you have heard of me, or seen me somewhere or traveled
in the same vehicle with me. Whereas you may not know
the issues surrounding my life, why I do what I do, my life's
principle, what puts me on or off, my pursuit and so on. But
if you have followed me closely and we have played along
for some-time, both at formal and informal situations, you
can attest of me to an extent.
Spending time with God helps one to really know God. The
truth is that God knows you but you don't know him. That is
the reason why we behave foolishly most times. Intimacy
calls for time. God says 'Draw closer to me and I will draw
closer to you'. Why do you think that Jesus said to the
disciples, I do no longer call you servants but you are now
friends? (John 15:15). At the outset of his ministry, he chose
them and continuously spent time with them. While the
multitude left, they would share fellowship together.
Sometimes, he'll take them to the mountain or any solitary
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The book of Acts has it on record that this fellowship did not
end even after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. “And they
continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine and
fellowship in the breaking of bread and in prayers” (Acts
2:42). Outside the general fellowship, each of them have
their personal time with the Lord. It was on one of those
occasions that Peter had an encounter to visit a gentile
Cornelius, which ordinarily couldn't have been possible as
he rightly told the Lord “Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten
anything that is common or unclean” (Acts 10:14 KJV).
Intimacy broke limit in Peter's life.
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Can you see that prayer is not just asking for your schools
fees, who you will marry, food, job and so on. All these are
not bad but when your life is put in order, every other thing
will fall in place. It is an error for someone to engage in
prayer or call himself a prayer warrior or the like without
any reasonable change in one's life.
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There are times some thoughts will pop in, and nothing
stops you from reporting such to the Lord. Sometimes the
Spirit of God might be the one that dropped the thought,
wanting to engage you. It is therefore important you train
yourself to engage God by being intentional about it. Tell
the Holy Spirit you would appreciate that. You can ask Him
question on any subject matter and expect response. May I
say that, you must not get discouraged when you do not
pick any information, just go and share your feelings and
you will see the atmosphere improves little by little.
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Lastly, let me inform you that the Lord has feelings, He has
what bothers Him. So desire to know His feelings. You can
do so by asking Him, telling Him you care. As you
wholeheartedly do so, He will continue to impress on your
heart his feelings and heartbeat. Some of these will
translate to assignments and prayer burdens. It is at this
level you become relevant to Him, because you are not just
being busy with whatever that enters your head or church
The Lord also has secrets which He does not just reveal to
everybody but to those who deserve it. When He wanted
to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He did not go to Lot who
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The Bewares
nybody who wishes to go far in life, make positive
impact and fulfil purpose must be careful in doing
so. So many great dreamers have crashed on the
way leaving their dreams behind and are busy pursuing
shadows. Some have died before their time yet the
problems they were wired to solve are still there
multiplying and getting more complex; the people tied to
their destiny to impact on are still waiting and expecting
Samson was a great child just like any other child but his
was very prominent due to angelic visitation before his
conception. He ended in frustration because of
carelessness, when he started taking things for granted.
Friends, it does not matter what your dream is, the size and
influence you carry. It does not matter the volume of your
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This is indeed a serious matter. The devil does not get tried,
this you must know. He is a man of faith, always believing
that one day he will score. He is a stubborn pursuer. He is a
strategist. That is why, when you gain victory over an issue,
before you know it, you are engaging in another tussle.
Therefore, Beware!
The adversary does not rest, he does not give up. That is
why intimacy with the Lord is paramount, you must pursue
it like a wounded lion. The adversary is afraid of dreamers.
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Now when they saw him afar off even before he came near
them, they conspired against him to kill him. Then they said
to one another 'look this dreamer is coming! Come
therefore let us now kill him and cast him into some pit, and
we shall say, “Some wild beast have devoured him. We
shall see what will become of his dreams!” (Genesis
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He was careful to allow God take over his battle even when
he was pushed to take vengeance and act otherwise.
“Moreover, my father, see! Yes, see the corner of your robe
in my hand! For in that I cut off the corner of your robe, and
did not kill you, know and see that there is neither evil nor
rebellion in my hand, and I have not sinned against you. Yet
you hunt my life to take it. Let the LORD judge between
you and me and let the LORD avenge me on you. But my
hand shall not be against you”. (1 Samuel 24:11-12)
Make God your lover, pursue Him and chase Him. “The
one thing I ask the Lord, the thing I seek most – is to live in
the house of the LORD all the days of my life, delighting in
the LORD's perfections and meditating in His temple”
(Psalm 27:4 NLT) “…to gaze upon the beauty of the
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he Four-Dimensional youth is a total youth. A youth
that pursues every dimension of life as was found in
Jesus. One who is not only spiritually sound but
socially influencing , economically relevant, and
psychologically balanced. He is one who has made God his
number one, has allowed Jesus the Lord of life to manage
his life, one who is accountable first to God, considering
him first in every action he/she takes.
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Study I
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James 1:5-8 warns us not to be like the doubting man who is not
stable. We all exercise faith in our everyday life. Take for
instance, when you sit on a chair school, at church or at home,
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you don't normally fear that it would break, or when you don't
board a bus to and from school you don't doubt it can take you
to your destination. Maybe you have travelled in a train or an
airplane. Did you ever scramble to get out because you had not
faith in the driver or the pilot? No! Rather you sat down
comfortably until you reached where you were going. It is the
same kind of faith that you need to exercise for your salvation.
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Study 2
Sharon was only three months old when famine broke out in her
village. Her mother had been very sick and died shortly after
having baby Sharon. Since all the cows died during the famine
the father could not get milk anywhere to feed her. He had to
travel to the neighboring village to buy milk about once every
two weeks. So Sharon neither had enough milk to drink nor
could she get fruits to eat. The famine bit even harder. She could
only drink a bottle of milk once every week. So little Sharon
became malnourished and suffered from a sickness called
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That formular will be good for you too and for every other
Christian. The Bible is the only food the soul can feed on. You
are looking healthy today because you feed your body at least
two or three times a day. Your soul will also be healthy if you feed
it daily with God's word. As you grow older in the faith, you will
no longer be satisfied with basic teachings, which is like milk but
hard stuff in the Bible. You will also receive strength from God's
But God's word shows us the right way to follow. It tells us the
right things to do and the bad things to avoid. Since we are
strangers on this earth, God's word also guides us in our daily
walk. As a young person, you still have many more years ahead
of you. Studying God's word and memorizing it is a sure way to
succeed in whatever you are doing in life (Joshua 1:8). Nobody
will be able to mislead you if you know God's word.
A Christian who does all these has a firm grip of God's word.
God's word teaches you about God the Father, the Son and Holy
Spirit. It is the only book that transforms lives, thoughts and
attitudes of people. The only book God ever published. It is used
to motivate people to hate sin. It is a very powerful book that
pierces a heart that is as hard as stone. God revealed Himself in
the Bible so anyone who wants to know God will know Him
through feeding on His word.
Study 3
Load, are you listening?
John has just turned 12. Being an only child, he knows that he is
the only rose in his parents' garden. John's father, Daniel, is a
business man, who travel a lot. John gets to see him only a few
days in a month but those few days are very meaningful to John.
His father tries to give him quality time. They play football and
other games together. John uses these moments to tell his father
stories about his school and friends, and share his worries and
fears. He also tells his father about things he wants him to buy for
him. One time, John made a list of the things he needed his
father to do for him. The list went like this:
If you were John's father, what would you think about John's list?
Would you grant all of them? You would at least grant some
because he is your son. John's request to his father is just like
when we talk to God about our needs. Let's see what the Bible
says about prayer.
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always there for you whenever you need him. You don't need to
make appointments or stand in a queue before you can see him.
He says you can call on him any time and anywhere. You can
talk to him about your problems as many times as you want until
you are satisfied. The more you spend time in prayer the more
you become close to God.
Prayer is warfare
A prayerless Christian is like a toothless bulldog that the devil is
not afraid. Prayer is the battle weapon for Christians, without
which they are powerless. When you don't pray, the devil notice
that you are losing power and comes to attack you. Remember
that the devil is not happy that you left his camp so he is always
looking for a way to bring you back. He trembles and fears en he
sees you praying. Romans 8:39.
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Whatever answer he gives is the best for us. Again there are
times when what we are asking for may well be God's will, but
some things block our prayers. Some of them are:
a. Unconfessed sin (Psalms 66:18, Isaiah 59:1-2)
b. Lack of forgives (1 John 4:20)
c. Asking selfishly ( James 4:3)
d. Doubts ( Hebrews 11:6)
e. Discouragement or losing hope quickly ( Luke 1:8)
f. Satan ( Daniel 10:12-14)
You may have heard of the popular saying that birds of the same
feather flock together? Can that saying also be true of human
beings? Let's see what the Bible says.
Bible Learning: Acts 1:14, 2:42, 46. 4:24, 31; Ephesians 4:11-
As read the passages in the book of Acts, did you noticed that the
disciples of Jesus were like birds of the same feather? They ate
together, move together, pray together, study the Bible together
and shared things together. That kind of fellowship was helpful
to his one of them. They grow stronger in their faith.
Is there any lesson you can learn from Emily and this disciples?
When we meet and pray together with other believers, we not
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only learn new things but we are also encouraged in our faith.
The Bible says we are members of the body of Christ. Just take a
look at your body and see how different parts of the body fits
together to make up the real you. No part can function without
the help of some other parts. The brain sends a message to the
hand to pick up something from the floor. When there is danger
around, the eye first sees the danger and sends a message to the
brain which tells the legs to run for safety and they obey. If the
legs refused to obey, the whole body would be in danger.
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Study 5:
How about your faith in Christ? Are you excited enough about
your faith that you want to share it with friends? Let's pause and
read what the Bible says.
Little Joe realized this when he was about ten. He knew he must
obey his Lord but he was afraid of all the big people around him.
How would he be able to look in their faces and tell them about
Jesus? Will they be patience enough to listen to a small person
like him? He was determined to obey his master's command. He
saw a tall man with a brief case at a football match.
“I must share the light with this man”, Joe whispered to himself.
He walked confidently to where the man was but on getting
there his heart sank. “What if the man slaps me? He is so big!”
Joe though to himself. But something from within him gave him
the courage to move on. He went closer to the man. All he could
do was jump up to the man's ear and shout the word: “Eternity!”
meters away running for safety. He had a prayer on his lips that
went like this, “God, I've done my part, please do your part by
helping him accept Jesus as his Saviour” The man dismissed Joe
as one of those street urchins and continued watching football.
But from that moment, he had no peace of mind. He wondered
what the word “eternity” had to do. With him, he continued
searching for the meaning of “eternity” until he found it years
later. He accepted Jesus into his life and later became an
evangelist and brought many people to Christ.
Can you imagine that Jesus also calls you “the salt of the earth”?
What this means is that the earth would be dark, drab and dull
without you. You are the one to introduce your friends to a
meaningful and abundant life in Jesus Christ. Some of them are
so lost in sin that you have to literally pull them out as you would
to someone burning in fire or to someone who has fallen in pit.
There are two ways in which you can share your light with
friends and neighbours. One is by “telling” and the other is by
“showing”. You tell them with your mouth the wonderful things
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Christ has done in your life, but you also show them through
your behaviour that you are a new person in Christ. Don't be
clouded by small problems like shyness stammering, not being
able to express yourself well and whatever else. Talk to God
about it and allow the Holy Spirit to speak through your mouth.
You will see a big difference. Moses, in the Bible was a
stammerer and could not express himself well but God did
mighty things through him. He can do the same with you.
Perhaps you are worried about what you would say to people
when sharing about Christ. Here are a few tips to help you.
Write them in a small note book and carry them in your pocket
or school bag.
* Tell them about the love of God- John 3:16
* Tell them about the sinful nature of all men- Romans3:23
* Tell them about God's provision of salvation and the
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They may not get saved immediately you talk to them. After
doing your own part of sowing the seed in their heart, God will
water it. You have to be patient like the farmer who plants, waits
for the germination, the weeding and the harvest. But if they are
willing to receive Jesus, lead them in a simple prayer of
confession and invitation of Christ into their lives(ask them to say
a short prayer after you like the ones in lessons one and two). As
simple as that!
Study 6:
Meet Kate. She is a charming 11 year old girl. She has a nice little
dog known as Jimmy. Kate is a very neat girl ad doesn't like dirt at
all. She keeps herself clean. She ensures that all her belongings
are clean too. And that includes Jimmy. She washes him every
day and trains him to remain clean. She goes to the extent of
spraying her perfume on Jimmy so that he may also smell nicely
like her.
I need some freedom to play and wiggle in the mud like other
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Guess what he did! Shortly after Kate gave him a warm bath,
Jimmy stayed at the corridor waiting for Kate to go for her music
lesson. He then ran to the front of the house where “shumba”, a
stray dog was scrounging for food. They hit off and started rolling
in mud over and over again. They thoroughly enjoyed
themselves but at the end of it they looked horrible. For
“shumba”, it didn't matter because after all he was a stray dog.
But for Jimmy, he belonged to somebody who does not take any
nonsense. When Jimmy saw Kate returning home, he ran into
the house. With all that dirt on him, he went and sat on the
couch in the living room, innocently waiting for Kate's reaction.
What would you do to Jimmy if you were late?
It wasn't funny for Kate at all. With her mouth wide open in
shock, she stood at the door for a while staring at Jimmy. She
couldn't believe what she was seeing. Jimmy had never done
this before. She got really furious, kick Jimmy around and called
him names.
“You nasty stinking dog! Get out of here and don't you ever
come back to me!” she snarled. He sadly walked away. He
never seen Kate get so angry. He got scared as he saw the anger
and disappointment written all over her face. He decided to
spend the whole day in the neighbour's garden, brooding over
his foolish behaviour.
With time however, Kate started calming own. She grew restless
and off she went looking for Jimmy.
“Now, you try to be a little cute dog!” she implored, rubbing him
at the back. Jimmy wagged his tail in repentance and joy. Now,
thinking about God and His children, don't we sometimes
behave like Jimmy? What does the Bible say?
Now let's look at bottle A. How would you describe the water in
this bottle? Pure, clean, drinkable, uncontaminated, dear,
transparent, safe, sweet and pleasing. It does not contain any
particles. These sound good to the ear, don't they? Would you
like your life to be described this way? This is how God wants
your life to be like because you are his temple. In 1 Peter 1:15-
16, God says he wants you to be holy and clean like He is. Only
then can your prayers and praises reach him. You will be his
friend just like Abraham was.
Try another experiment. Mix the clean and dirty water. What do
you get? Clean water + Dirty water = Dirty. Darkness and light
cannot mix. Even if you put only a drop of the dirty water. What
do you get?
God says you should set yourself apart from those friends whose
lives are contaminated with sin. You should not touch or look as
unclean things like they do. He wants you to run away from
those things that contaminate our hearts – pornographic
pictures (pictures of naked people), dirty novels and movies,
bad friends, and other things (2 Corinthians 6:14-18).
you better, talk to you sometime and even reveal some things to
you. He is the one who chose you (Ephesians 1:4). And He
wants you to be a vessel through which his Holy Spirit can flow
and bless other people. Besides, we all desire to see God at the
end of our lives here, don't we? Without keeping His temple
clean, how then can we be able to see Him (Hebrews 12:14)?
In addition to keeping your heart clean, you must also keep your
body clean. Brush your teeth at least twice daily, comb your hair
and wear clean clothes. Even if you have only one good dress or
shirt you can wash it at night and wear it the next day. God wants
his temple to be physically clean also.
Study 6:
Help, I need a helper!
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Did you know that God put a stamp or seal on you the day you
got saved? That was the seal of the Holy Spirit, to show that you
now belong to God. Every believer has that seal and the devil
recognizes it very well. How nice to know this truth! You should
walk with your heads high. You have a helper to guide and
strengthen you throughout your life. That helper is the blessed
Holy Spirit.
So, what work does the Holy Spirit do in the lives of God's
- He changes the sinner's heart;
- He gives new life to the believers;
- He lives within the believer;
- He helps the believer when he is performing any task;
- He is great teacher to the believer;
- He gives the believer power to share about Christ with
- He help the believer to live a holy life;
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So these are some of the things the Holy Spirit would be doing in
your life. Tick them and thank God for each of them. If he has
not done any of the above, ask him to begin doing them now. He
is there for you all the time. He does many other wonderful
things in the life of any believer who asks Him for help. When
you are weak ask him for strength. When you are scared or
afraid, ask him for faith and courage. When you are always
forgetful during exams, ask him to remind you of everything you
have read. When you feel dry, empty, shy and unable to share
with others, ask Him to fill you with power. When you are
feeling sad and you need comfort, he will bring you happiness
and comfort. When you are faced with a difficult task, He will
give you ideas. He is your Counsellor or Adviser. He will teach
you everything you need to know about God. Your pastor or
teacher cannot teach you everything you need to know. The
Holy Spirit will do that for you as Jesus said.
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