Irs 508 C 1 Aprogrsm
Irs 508 C 1 Aprogrsm
Irs 508 C 1 Aprogrsm
1. Introduction
This article provides a summary of current developments under IRC 508 and
is intended to supplement previous EOATRI articles issued on this subject. A
major portion of this topic is concerned with various aspects of IRC 508
notification requirements, however, other issues that have arisen with respect to
IRC 508 generally are also discussed. Notification requirements regarding private
foundation status are not covered in this topic.
A number of questions have arisen with respect to the date on which one
begins to compute the 15-month period in order to determine whether IRC 508(a)
notice requirements have been satisfied. These questions have been raised in
regard to trusts described in IRC 4947(a)(1) and the first date on which a nonprofit
corporation is considered "organized" for purposes of IRC 508(a).
a. IRC 4947(a)(1) Trusts
Although IRC 508(a) does not apply to a trust described in IRC 4947(a)(1),
it can have the effect of preventing such a trust from obtaining exemption under
IRC 501(c)(3) for the period prior to its submission of an application for
recognition of exemption. Where a trust submits an application for exemption
beyond the 15-month deadline, it will be treated as an organization described in
IRC 501(c)(3) for the period after the date of its IRC 508(a) notice and as a trust
described in IRC 4947(a)(1) for the period prior to submission of the notice. This
can result in a number of differences in its tax treatment. For example, if it is a
private foundation it will be taxed under IRC 4947(b) for the period prior to its
IRC 508(a) notice and under IRC 4940(a) for the period after the submission of its
One question that has been raised in regard to IRC 4947(a)(1) trusts and IRC
508 notice requirements relates to the determination of the date of creation of such
trusts. The answer to this question requires reference to the regulations under IRC
b. Nonprofit Corporations
Rev. Rul. 75-290, 1975-2 C.B. 215, provides that, in determining the date on
which a corporation is organized for purposes of applying the provisions of IRC
508(a), the Service looks to the date the corporation comes into existence under the
law of the state in which it is incorporated. One question that comes to mind with
regard to the notice requirement relates to the practice of retroactively recognizing
exemption back to the date of formation where an organization is required to
amend its articles of incorporation in order to meet the organizational test set forth
in Reg. 1.501(c)(3)-1(b). It can be argued that this practice is inconsistent with
Reg. 1.508-1(a)(2)(iii), which states that an organization is "organized" on the date
it first becomes an organization described in IRC 501(c)(3). An organization
cannot be deemed described in IRC 501(c)(3) unless it has met the organizational
test. Since an amendment is effective as of the date of its adoption, the
organization could be considered described in IRC 501(c)(3) only from such date.
Thus, for purposes of IRC 508(a), the 15-month period would begin with the date
of amendment and, if an organization filed a properly completed and executed
application within this period, its exemption would be effective from the date of
amendment but not its date of formation or incorporation.
This principle was carried forward and republished in Rev. Proc. 72-4, 1972-
1 C.B. 706.
Consistent with the above, it has been and continues to be the practice of the
Service to recognize an organization's exemption effective as of the date of
formation, even though a non-substantive amendment of its governing instrument
is necessary to satisfy the IRC 501(c)(3) organizational test. This result, of course,
presupposes an organization's satisfaction of operational requirements from the
date of its formation. Usually, the types of non-substantive amendments relate to
the addition of a "non-inurement" clause, or "dissolution" clause, or clarifying
language regarding the specific exempt purposes of the organization.
This practice may not accurately reflect state law with respect the effective
date of amendments to a nonprofit corporation's articles of incorporation. In this
regard, the law in a number of states provides that amendment to the articles of
incorporation of a nonprofit corporation is effective upon the issuance of a
certificate of amendment. Thus, in these jurisdictions, amendments may not be
deemed to have retroactive effect. However, there may still be other jurisdictions
that follow the doctrine of relation back, and, thus, may accord amendments to
articles of incorporation retroactivity. In these jurisdictions, amended articles of
incorporation, when filed and issued in accordance with statutory authorization
may relate back to, and become part of, the articles of incorporation. See Eickhoff
and Schneider, Fletcher Cyclopedia of Law of Private Corporations, sec. 3729
(1978 rev.).
The opposing view to this longstanding administrative practice has merit and
is currently receiving consideration in the National Office. When final resolution
of this issue has been completed, a revenue ruling will be published.
In the 1979 EOATRI, application of the three-year gross receipts test set
forth in Reg. 1.508(a)-1(3)(ii) was illustrated. (See pp. 395-398 of that
publication.) This three-year test has been interpreted to apply to organizations on
a sliding basis. The purpose of this flexible rule is to except from the IRC 508
notice requirement organizations that may nominally exceed the statutory $5,000
guidelines in some but not all of their taxable years and yet remain within the
aggregate $15,000 average established by the three-year test set forth in the
Further clarification of the application of the three-year test has recently
been considered where, for example, an organization has satisfied the $7,500 gross
receipts guideline in its first year of existence but has exceeded the aggregate
$12,000 guideline by the end of its second tax year. The question presented is
whether an organization, under these circumstances, will be recognized as exempt
during its first year of existence if it does not file an application for exemption
within 90 days after the end of its second taxable year. A similar issue arises where
an organization is within the gross receipts exceptions during its first two years of
existence, but exceeds the $15,000 limit at the end of the third tax year and does
not file proper notice within the appropriate time period. Although this issue is
currently pending in the National Office and has not been finally resolved, pro and
con arguments are reviewed below.
IRC 508(c)(1)(B) of the Code provides that IRC 508(a) does not apply to
any organization which is not a private foundation (as defined in IRC 509(a)) and
the gross receipts of which in each taxable year are normally not more than $5,000.
The second approach interprets the three-year test under Reg. 1.508-
1(a)(3)(ii) as indivisible. IRC 508(c)(1)(B) applies only to organizations whose
gross receipts are normally not more than $5,000, determined by a three year
averaging test. Thus, an organization cannot satisfy the test unless it meets the test
over a full three year period. Accordingly, where an organization failed, over its
first three years of existence, to normally have $5,000 or less in gross receipts, it
does not meet the exception of IRC 508(c)(1)(B). (Emphasis added.) Therefore,
such an organization would not, for any period of time, be excepted from the IRC
508(a) notice requirement.
5. Withdrawal of Applications
Another recent issue considered in the National Office relates to the effect of
IRC 508(a) notification requirements, when (1) a subordinate organization
described in IRC 501(c)(3) withdraws from a group exemption or (2) an
organization claiming IRC 501(c)(3) status withdraws a substantially complete
exemption application from consideration.
Resolution of this issue was based on the recognition that IRC 508(e) applies
only to private foundations and that a private foundation, as defined in IRC 509(a),
is first an "organization described in IRC 501(c)(3)..." An organization that does
not meet the requirements of Reg. 1.501(c)(3)-1(b)(4) as to dissolution is not
"described in IRC 501(c)(3)." This requirement is a prerequisite for classification
as a private foundation and, accordingly, is a condition precedent to the application
of IRC 508(e).
The legislative history of IRC 508(e) and IRC 509(a) also makes it clear that
the requirements set out in IRC 508(e) are additional to those found in section
501(c)(3). For example, see H. Rep. No. 91-413, Committee Report to the Tax
Reform Act of 1969 (Part I), 91st Cong., 1st Sess. 40 (1969), 1969-3 C.B. 200,
226, which, in regard to "effective assurance... that the assets and organizational
structure dedicated to charity will in fact be used for charity," states that:
See also S. Rep. No. 91-552, 91st Cong., 1st Sess. 56 (1969), 1969-3 C.B. 423,
In view of the above, it was concluded that an organization does not satisfy
the organizational test with respect to dissolution requirements set forth in Reg.
1.501(c)(3)-1(b)(4) by virtue of satisfying the governing instrument provisions
applicable to private foundations under IRC 508(e). It is important to note that this
holding does not apply to nonexempt charitable trusts that are private foundations
by virtue of IRC 4947(a)(1), because IRC 4947(a)(1) treats them as described in
IRC 501(c)(3) regardless of the dissolution provision.