Superstiions - Wed - 30102024 - Efe Eginda - Final
Superstiions - Wed - 30102024 - Efe Eginda - Final
Superstiions - Wed - 30102024 - Efe Eginda - Final
EFE Eginda
A belief that certain things or actions can bring good or bad luck,
even if there is no scientific proof.
1. Mirror 3. Prohibition
2. Doorway
/ˈmɪrər/ /ˌproʊ.ɪˈbɪʃ.ən/
3. Believe 5. Avoid
/bɪˈliv/ /əˈvɔɪd/
[Percaya] [menghindari]
Many people do not believe the People often avoid traveling on
prohibition : "Don’t wear green at Malam 1 Suro.
the Southern Beach!"
6. Crave
[sangat menginginkan ]
My niece always craves Chinese
New Year cake for good luck.
7. Superstitious 9. Grant
/ˌsuː.pərˈstɪʃ.əs/ /ˈɡrænt/
[percaya takhayul] [mengabulkan]
My grandmother is very I hope my four-leaf clover earrings
superstitious about black cats. grant me good health.
Woman : Yes. I’ve heard that in some places if you see or hear an
Woman : People are so strange. One of my colleagues was owl, it means that bad news is coming. And even
panicking at work because he accidentally broke a worse – if an owl comes into your house, it means that
mirror in the bathroom. He kept talking about how it someone in your family will die!
was going to give him “seven years of bad luck”. Man : Wow, I’d never heard of that one before. I heard of a
Man : It sounds like he’s superstitious. There are lots of little really weird one from Canada though. Apparently, if
things like that, that people believe bring good or bad pregnant women are craving fish and don’t eat it they
luck. will give birth to a baby with a fish head!
Woman : I’ve never heard of that one before. Woman : No way! Why would anyone actually believe that?
Man : That’s the interesting thing; they tend to be different in Man : I have no idea. A lot of these superstitions have been
different parts of the world. Speaking of mirrors, would passed down through so many generations that it’s
you ever place two mirrors across from each other? hard to remember the reasoning behind them.
Woman : Maybe. The reflections might look cool. Woman : They just come from a different time, I suppose. I think
Man : True, but in some places, it’s believed that doing this my favorite superstition is from Turkey.
opens a door for devils or ghosts to come through. Man : What is it?
Woman : It’s interesting how lots of superstitions are connected Woman : Apparently, if you jump over a child, you are cursing
to the same things. Like owls. them to be short. Forever!
Man : Owls? You mean the birds? Man : Did someone jump over you when you were a child?
Woman : That’s not funny, John.
Answer these following questions
I. Decide if the statements are True or False.
3. What does the woman think about placing two mirrors across from each other?
A) They will be smart B) They will have bad luck C) They will be short
1. Strange
2. Avoid
3. Believe
4. Nonsense
5. Crave
6. Passed Down
Breakout Room Questions
No. Question Sample Answer
What is a popular superstition that you know A popular superstition I know is that... (you mustn’t sit at the
in your hometown? doorway/ you mustn’t sit on a pillow. etc.)
Can you tell me a superstition that was My family believes... (if you don’t finish your meal, the rice
passed down in your family? will cry, etc.)
Why do you think more people nowadays Because people... (see no proof that they are real/ focus on
think superstitions are nonsense? logic/ feel superstitions seem irrelevant, etc.)
Let’s Learn More !
Grammar Flash
"Every superstition is just a reminder that we seek
meaning in a world full of uncertainties.“
— Unknown