Shintoism - Iwr
Shintoism - Iwr
Shintoism - Iwr
•The goal of every human being is to become part of the natural reaim
through purification rites.
•There is no clear-cut distinction between good and evil in Shintoism,
but there are things which are associated with impurity such as blood
and death thus, it is necessary to perform the appropriate rituals to
purify oneself from these things which are considered mpure.
•As long as people worship the komi, they are protected and
provided for by the kom not performing the necessary
rituals that will appease the kom will certainly not sam the
favor of the spirits
•Living a healthy and bountiful life is more important than
the concept of what will happen in the afterlife; hence,
Shintoism prefers that people live a healthy and prosperous
life here on earth than be concerned with the afterlife.
There is no clear concept of heaven and heil, there is
mention, however, of another world which is inhabited by
the kamc and there is another world connected to the burial
of the dead.
Shintoism is primarily concerned with humanity's lile on
earth than on the afterlife.