Ph.D. Admission (Spring Semester) 2024: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee ROORKEE-247667

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ROORKEE- 247667

Ph.D. Admission (Spring Semester) 2024

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

S.No. Query Remarks

1. What is/are the required fee(s) for i) For GEN/ GEN-EWS/OBC-NC category
filling out the online application candidates: Rs. 500/- per department
ii) For SC/ST/PwD category candidates: Rs. 250/-
per department
2. My last semester / year result has You may proceed with your pre-final year /
not yet been declared. What to fill in semester percentage / CGPA. However, it is
CGPA / percentage field of required to submit the final result at the time of
qualifying degree? registration, if selected for admission at IIT
3. I have secured high GATE marks, but No
my CGPA / percentage is less than
the minimum prescribed. Am I
eligible to apply?
4. What must be the issuing date of OBC and GEN-EWS certificate(s) must be issued
OBC-NC and GEN-EWS certificates? after March 31, 2024.
5. I am an OBC-NC / GEN-EWS If you do not have a valid OBC-NC/ GEN-EWS
Candidate, but I do not have a valid certificate, you can apply with the old/available
OBC-NC/GEN-EWS certificate. What certificate and duly filled undertaking (available in
should I do? the Information Brochure) regarding submission
of certificate at later stage. However, you have to
mandatorily submit the valid OBC-NC/GEN-EWS
certificate in the prescribed format at the time of
registration if selected for admission at IIT
6. Maximum in how many There is no limit to applying within the
Departments/Centres/Schools can I departments/centres/schools.
7. I have applied to multiple The submitted application cannot be edited.
departments and have submitted the However, you can register with a new email ID
application. Now, I want to apply to and fill out the application to apply to other
another department. What should I departments/centres/ schools.
8. I am a foreign national, and I have Please visit the link: or contact
not qualified for GATE; how can I the International Relations office, IITR.
S.No. Query Remarks
9. I have not received the final You can upload marksheets available with you
year/semester marksheet or and the undertaking for the remaining documents
Provisional Degree / Degree (available in the Information Brochure). However,
certificate. What should I upload? you have to submit the qualifying degree
certificate/ provisional degree certificate & final
marksheets / transcripts at the time of registration
if selected for admission at IIT Roorkee.
10. I have entered the wrong Any alteration/modification/change in application
information (i.e. CGPA / Percentage would not be possible after submitting the online
of qualifying degree, Date of Birth, application on any ground. Kindly fill out the form
etc) in the application form. with the utmost attention.

11. During online payment of the Please make the payment again, as your
application fee, if the amount gets additional amount, if any, will be automatically
deducted from the account but the reverted. In case of any issues, write to us at –
payment remains pending, what with all transaction
should I do? details and screenshots.

12. Is Digitally Signed Documents Digitally signed documents can be uploaded at

allowed? the time of application, but all documents shall be
verified/signed by the University/Institution.

13. I am a first ranker till the prefinal Proof of First rank holder (Gold medallist) issued
semester/year, but the final result is by the qualifying degree University/Institution for
awaited. Am I eligible to apply under the qualifying degree is required at the time of
the Golden Girl Scheme? submission of the application. The qualifying
degree University/Institution must be within the
TOP 50 ranks (OVERALL category) in NIRF in the
most recent year. Therefore, appearing candidates
would not be considered for admission under the
Golden Girl scheme.
14. I had first rank (Gold Medal) in my No. The first rank holder (Gold Medal) in the
UG degree. Now, I am applying for qualifying degree is needed for admission under
PhD admission after completing my the Golden Girl scheme, which is PG in this case.
PG degree. Am I eligible to apply
under the Golden Girl Scheme?
15. I want to change the admission No change is allowed in the submitted
category on the application form. application form. Please register again using a
different email and fill out another application

“IIT Roorkee is committed to nurture and promote diversity and inclusion”


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