Ijg 2023081610254581
Ijg 2023081610254581
Ijg 2023081610254581
ISSN Online: 2156-8367
ISSN Print: 2156-8359
School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China
Dump Truck, Cycle Time, Mine Haul Road, Regression Analysis
1. Introduction
Mining is one of the costly and complicated industries. Widespread studies have
been conducted in relevant sections such as geology, canalization, and excava-
tion planning and operation process [1]. Particularly, transportation costs amount
to 50 to 60 percent of the total investment costs and 70 percent of the operation
costs [2] [3] [4]. In open pit mining, the movement of raw materials is consi-
dered one of the most challenging tasks with the truck transportation representing
the most influential factor of mining costs [5]. The deeper the open pit, the
longer the open pit road is needed; thus leading to higher transportation cost.
Accordingly, in order to reduce the transportation cost, it is necessary to inves-
tigate the potential strategies to improve the open-pit mine cycle time of the
dump trucks.
The current study analyzes the dump truck haulage system of “Ukhaa Khu-
dag” Open Pit Mine in Umnugobi Province, Mongolia which started its opera-
tions in 2009 and produced ten million tons of coals in 2018. Due to its potential
growth and expected long life cycle, we aim to conduct a detailed survey on cycle
time of the dump truck. The main contribution is to identify the potential op-
portunities to reduce the costs of dump truck systems by evaluating the mining
road conditions in Mongolia which had not been rigorously studied. Specifically,
this study surveys 13 trucks of CAT 785 model. Two main channels to improve
the efficiency of the dump trucks are to increase truck capacity and to reduce
cycle time [6]. As the movement time is the most important factor of overall
cycle time, it is crucial to understand which factors significantly affect the speed
of the movement so that we can optimize the speed and increase the efficiency of
the dump truck [6]. To improve the efficiency of the dump truck, an optimal use
regime for open-pit mining trucks should be established [7] [8]. The determi-
nant of the optimal use regime includes the movement regime which is directly
related to the speed of the dump truck.
The type of the road pavement and the grade of the road have a great influ-
ence on the speed of the dump truck [9] [10]. If the speed of the dump truck is
accurately determined, the production amount as well as the number of trucks
required will be calculated correctly [6] [2]. The speed of the dump truck can be
controlled by optimizing the condition of each road section. Examining the ef-
fects of the open pit mine dump truck in the aspect of the movement regime can
help us determine which parts bear the most cost and which strategies should be
implemented to reduce the costs [7].
The road pavement expresses the direct rolling resistance of the road. Rolling
resistance is a measure of the extra resistance to the motion that a haul truck ex-
periences, and it is influenced by tyre flexibility, internal friction and most im-
portantly, wheel load and road conditions [9].
Roger J. Thompson (2013) has thoroughly researched various mining road
conditions and reported that the optimal overall road resistance of the dump
truck is at 8 to 11 percent.
The current study employs regression technique. Our goal is that the equa-
tions resulting from our calculations are only applicable to this open pit mine.
2. Methods
2.1. Cycle Time of Dump Truck
Cycle time is defined as the time required for any equipment to complete one
cycle of operation. For a truck, cycle time comprises the time to spot and load,
travel to the dump site, maneuver, spot and dump, and drive back to the loading
point, also inclusive of predictable delays and unpredictable waiting times (Li-
neberry, 1985) [11] [12].
Principally, cycle time is a direct measure of process and equipment perfor-
mance in waste material transport for open-pit mining and other processes [13]
Cycle time analysis was conducted starting with identification of the activities
to be analyzed, for which the cycle times of seven activities were determined and
recorded. In accordance with Samwel Victotmanyele (2017) [13], the total cycle
time for the truck was appointed as per Equation
Tct = tq + tsp + tld + t fh + tdp + thg + teh (1)
where tq : queuing time at the excavator, tsp : spotting time, tld : loading time,
t fh : full haul time, tdp : dumping time, thg : hanging time and teh : empty haul
∑ i =1 li ∗ wi , N/kN
l ∗ w1 + l2 ∗ w2 + + ln ∗ wn
=wlj 1= (2)
l1 + l2 + + ln ∑ i =1 li
The average value of the road rolling resistance in the direction of the empty
section j is set as:
Rolling resistance
Road surface conditions (built from unbound gravel materials)
ej wlj ∗1.25 , N/kN (3)
At the same time, the average slope of the road in the load and empty section j
is specified as:
∑ i =1 li ∗ ii , ‰
l1 ∗ i1 + l2 ∗ i2 + + ln ∗ in
=ij = (4)
l1 + l2 + + ln ∑ i =1 li
wi : the rolling resistance of the road in the load of direction;
li : the length of the road section i for traffic j, km;
ii : the slope of the road section i for traffic j, ‰.
Meanwhile, the total resistance of the movement is described as:
Pl1 ( wl1 + il1 ) ∑ ll1 + Pe1 ( we1 + ie1 ) ∑ le1
Wj = ,N (5)
where: Pl1 , Pe1 : the weight of the dump truck in the load and empty direction,
wl1 , we1 : the rolling resistance of the road in the load and empty direction,
ll1 , le1 : the length of the road in the load and empty direction, km;
il1 , ie1 : the slope of the road in the load and empty direction, ‰;
L1 : the total distance of road.
It is essential to develop a methodology to optimize the utilization regime in
connection with the increase in the volume of transport. Consequently, a scien-
tific assessment of the organizational level, operating conditions and quality
characteristics should be conducted; otherwise it is impossible to maximize the
efficiency of the dump truck.
Before the road is simplified, following road conditions must be taken into
• Summarized roads must be a same type of road section (bench road, ramp,
surface road, dump road).
• Pavement and structure of road must be the same.
• Road gradient and rolling resistance are nearby for dump trucks operating in
the same regime.
• The speed of the dump truck is nearby.
• Safety conditions must be the same.
The R radius curved sections is converted to the slope of straight section. The
curved sections of radius R are defined as the curve resistance according to the
200 − R
∆iR = 30 ∗ , ‰ (per mille) (6)
where: R: turn radius, m.
The radius R curve in section j is defined according to the equations:
i j = i ′j + ∆iR , ‰ (7)
∑ LBRj ∗ Q j , km (8)
∑ Qj
Weighted average slope of the bench road:
iBR =
∑ LBRj ∗ iBRj , km (9)
∑ LBRj
Weighted average rolling resistance of the bench road:
wBR =
∑ LBRj ∗ wBRj , N/kN (10)
∑ LBRj
where; LBRj: length of bench road in j section, km;
IBRj: slope of bench road in j section, ‰;
Qj: quantity of transport load by section j, tn/m3;
WBR: rolling resistance bench road in j section, N/kN (‰).
speed (time) of each road section. Testing process consists of measuring chips in
each dump truck and recording the cycle time. The determination of rolling re-
sistance is based on the knowledge on the road surface and the current road de-
fect. Meanwhile, road gradient and road length are determined by the measure-
ment of the open-pit mine surface.
The road description from the excavation point to the discharge point is
shown in Table 2.
Figure 2 exhibits the scheme of an open-pit mine road for a dump truck. Points
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are loading positions and Point 12, 15, 18 are discharge positions.
Parameter/ Bench road Ramp Surface road Dump road uphill Dump road
Position 1_6 2_7 3_8 5_8 4_7 6_7 7_8 8_9 9_13 9_10 9_16 10_11 13_14 16_17 11_12 14_15 17_18
length, km 0.043 0.135 0.795 0.055 0.191 0.55 0.72 0.432 0.975 0.126 0.699 0.331 0.332 0.34 0.3 0.36 0.5
80 80 80 80 51 27.5 30 60 30 30 46.5 152 152 152 152 152 152
radius, m 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0
LBRj ∗ wBRj
75.46 , N/kN (20)
∑ LBRj
Weighted average rolling resistance of the ramp:
LRj ∗ wRj
40.99 , N/kN (21)
∑ LRj
Weighted average rolling resistance of the surface road:
LSRj ∗ wSRj
36.41 , N/kN (22)
∑ LSRj
Weighted average rolling resistance of the dump road uphill:
152 , N/kN (23)
Weighted average rolling resistance of the dump road:
LDRj ∗ wDRj
152 , N/kN (24)
∑ LDRj
In this case, three roads have a curve radius and have been converted to a
straight road gradient as illustrated in Table 4.
Figure 3 shows a simplified representation of road sections. Measured values
of road are grouped into bench road, ramp, surface road and dump road.
Bench road Ramp Surface road Dump road uphill Dump road
loaded empty loaded empty loaded empty loaded empty loaded empty
Mean 38.71 30.86 77.47 44.04 53.19 44.05 53.23 35.61 62.11 62.08
Standard error 3.51 2.95 4.83 2.24 4.63 3.85 1.81 0.58 1.34 0.76
Median 24.90 18.79 80 47.5 73 60 58 36 63 62.5
Mode 3.28 5.36 30 19 10.63 9.26 60 38 65 65
Standard Deviation 39.53 29.81 32.76 15.21 34.71 28.82 10.56 3.39 7.86 4.46
Sample Variance 1563.2 889.1 1073.5 231.3 1205.2 831.1 111.6 11.51 61.8 19.9
Kurtosis −0.128 0.219 −0.956 −0.685 −1.834 −1.819 −0.882 −1.146 −0.343 −0.524
Skewness 1.195 1.340 −0.278 −0.502 −0.374 −0.362 −0.863 0.004 −0.222 −0.338
Range 127.20 110.70 109 54 82.47 71.58 31 11 33 17
Minimum 2.02 4.31 23 16 10.52 8.12 34 30 45 52
Maximum 129.22 115.02 132 70 93 79.70 65 41 78 69
Sum 3949 3148 3564 2026 2978.9 2467 1810 1211 2112 2111
Count 102 102 46 46 56 56 34 34 34 34
Largest 129.22 115.02 132 70 93 79.70 65 41 78 69
Smallest 2.02 4.31 23 16 10.52 8.12 34 30 45 52
Confidence Level (95.0%) 0.76 0.85 0.73 0.51 0.29 0.72 0.68 0.18 0.74 0.55
Table 6. Comparisons of the moving times regression model of the road in each section (loaded).
T =6.53 + 39.96 ∗ L2
T =21.12 + 140.50 ∗ L T=
−64251.68 + 90.61 ∗ e L
5 Regression model T −0.02 ∗ D 2 + 22.04 ∗ L
+0.043 ∗ i − 279.68 ∗ w +1.85 ∗ ei + 59226.97 ∗ e w
∗D − 69.01 ∗ L − 1.05 ∗ D
1 Multiple R R 0.986360259 0.986317476 0.986356668
2 R Square R 2
0.97290656 0.972822164 0.972899477
3 Standard Error E 3.582549638 3.591237708 3.583279283
4 Observations n 46 46 46
T= −569.25 − 0.91 ∗ D 2
T= −36.99 + 134.67 ∗ L T=
−171.48 + 77.32 ∗ e L
5 Regression model T −88.52 ∗ L ∗ D + 994.92
+0.79 ∗ i + 121.69 ∗ w +0.0005 ∗ ei + 114.91 ∗ e w
∗L + 68.97 ∗ D
Surface road
2 R Square R 2
0.988403609 0.987246315 0.988413895
4 Observations n 56 56 56
−0.71 − 39.8 ∗ L2
T = 24.43 + 53.73 ∗ L T=
−217.12 + 23.23 ∗ e L
5 Regression model T +0.02 ∗ D 2 + 7.43 ∗ L ∗ D
−1.45 ∗ i + 247.3 ∗ w −6.67 ∗ ei + 239.17 ∗ e w
+107.31 ∗ L − 1.3 ∗ D
Dump road uphill
4 Observations n 34 34 34
−25287.04 − 256924.76 ∗ L2
T= 257.62 + 90.9 ∗ L T = 976.09 + 64.96 ∗ e L
5 Regression model T −1.03 ∗ D 2 + 570.85 ∗ L ∗ D
−1.38 ∗ i − 1000.9 ∗ w −0.02 ∗ ei − 859.8 ∗ e w
+160942.16 ∗ L − 156.76 ∗ D
Dump road
4 Observations n 34 34 34
T= 6385.91 − 212.3 ∗ L2
T = 254.87 + 72.88 ∗ L T= 1461.95 + 48.11 ∗ e L
5 Regression model T +250973.44 ∗ W 2 − 762.51 ∗ L
−1457.53 ∗ w −1264.04 ∗ e w
+6645.97 ∗ L ∗ W − 80170.28 ∗ W
Table 7. Comparisons of the moving times regression model of the road in each section (empty).
Bench road
2 R Square R 2
0.957233945 0.944639578 0.957302266
T = 42.88 + 39.7 ∗ L2
T =23.47 + 107.44 ∗ L T = 101.37 + 66.31 ∗ e L
5 Regression model T +0.18 ∗ D 2 + 18.13 ∗ L ∗ D
+0.059 ∗ i − 238.17 ∗ w +0.0004 ∗ ei − 147.25 ∗ e w
−109.44 ∗ L − 5.82 ∗ D
4 Observations n 46 46 46
T = 232.49 − 584.97 ∗ L2
T =−5 + 64.74 ∗ L T=
−100.56 + 70.26 ∗ e L
5 Regression model T +2.34 ∗ D 2 − 136.72 ∗ L
−0.29 ∗ i + 52.44 ∗ w −4064.02 ∗ ei + 49.23 ∗ e w
∗D + 84.1 ∗ D
2 R Square R 2
0.986998051 0.98369162 0.986999336
4 Observations n 56 56 56
−21.46 − 45.38 ∗ L2
T =28.7 + 39.94 ∗ L T=
−34.25 + 17.25 ∗ e L
5 Regression model T −0.48 ∗ D 2 + 1.62 ∗ L ∗ D
−1.42 ∗ i + 65.22 ∗ w −6.12 ∗ ei + 62.36 ∗ e w
+117.98 ∗ L + 5.45 ∗ D
Dump road downhill
2 R Square R 2
0.631009871 0.646002716 0.631012716
4 Observations n 34 34 34
+578.552 − 13619.0271 ∗ L 2
T= −214.9 + 818.18 ∗ L T=
−510.78 + 584.69 ∗ e L
5 Regression model T −0.168448 ∗ D 2 + 288.4464 ∗ L ∗ D
−0.29 ∗ i − 213.16 ∗ w −1334.16 ∗ ei − 228.95 ∗ e w
+2913.8509 ∗ L − 95.6335 ∗ D
Dump road
2 R Square R 2
0.285303722 0.325452001 0.301593775
4 Observations n 34 34 34
−1040.43 + 448.69 ∗ L 2
Figure 4. Comparison of measured time and calculated time of bench road loaded direction.
Figure 5. Comparison of measured time and calculated time of bench road empty direction.
in one unit increase of the road length. Furthermore, one unit increase of pave-
ment road leads to a decrease of 399 seconds movement time.
Ramp in loaded direction
−36.99 + 134.67 ∗ L + 0.79 ∗ i + 121.69 ∗ w (27)
The regression model reveals that one unit increase of the rolling resistance
causes an increase of 121.69 seconds movement time. One kilometer increase of
the road length contributes to an increase of 134.67 seconds movement time. In
the meantime, one unit increase of the road slope per mille conduces to an in-
crease of 0.79 seconds movement time.
In summary, three factors included in this model significantly impact the
cycle time.
Figure 6 reflects the similarities between the regression model described in
the direction of ramp and the value of the actual measurement.
Ramp in empty direction
−5 + 64.74 ∗ L − 0.29 ∗ i + 52.44 ∗ w (28)
The regression model demonstrates that one unit increase of the rolling resis-
tance and the length of the road lead to the increase of the movement time for
52.44 and 64.74 seconds respectively.
As evidenced in Figure 7, the differences in the values of the errors have a
higher value compared with the other figures.
Surface road in loaded direction
−217.12 + 23.23 ∗ e L − 6.67 ∗ ei + 239.17 ∗ e w (29)
The regression models shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9 are drawn from
Figure 6. Comparison of measured time and calculated time of ramp loaded direction.
Figure 7. Comparison of measured time and calculated time of ramp empty direction.
Figure 8. Comparison of measured time and calculated time of surface road in loaded direction.
Figure 9. Comparison of measured time and calculated time of surface road in empty direction.
related exponential functions. It is obvious that the road pavement has larger in-
fluence on the movement time. Hence, the pavement should be highly consi-
dered as the surface road length increases.
Dump road uphill in loaded direction
−25287.04 − 256924.76 ∗ L2 − 1.03 ∗ D 2 + 570.85 ∗ L ∗ D
+ 160942.16 ∗ L − 156.76 ∗ D
The regression models portray the values of the slope while main resistance
factors on the road are expressed in the term of D;
D= ( i + w ) 10 (33)
The turning radius and the slope of the dump road are relatively small, for this
Figure 10. Comparison of measured time and calculated time of dump uphill road in loaded direction.
Figure 11. Comparison of measured time and calculated time of dump uphill road in empty direction.
Figure 12. Comparison of measured time and calculated time of dump road in loaded direction.
reason, the regression model should be determined by including only two va-
riables: rolling resistance and the road length.
The regression models emphasize that one unit increase of rolling resistance is
attributed to a reduction of 1457.53 seconds movement time in loaded direction.
Simultaneously, one kilometer increase of the road length is the cause of an in-
crease in the movement time for 72.88 seconds and 36.25 seconds in the loaded
direction and the empty direction respectively. As a result, it is necessary to de-
fine the road exactly as the length increases. Figure 12 and Figure 13 show the
comparison of the calculated and measured values of the defined models in the
loaded and empty direction.
Figure 13. Comparison of measured time and calculated time of dump road in empty direction.
time, dumping time, and dumping spot time. The experimental measurement
exemplifies the combination of Excavator R9250 and Truck CAT785, and the
results are displayed in Table 8.
It is affirmed that waiting usually takes longer time than most of the other
processes. Moreover, the difference between the minimum and the maximum
records of the waiting time appears extremely large. Thereby, it is necessary to
optimize the combination of trucks and shovels.
Corresponding to Table 9, the difference between the actual and mathemati-
cal model of the mean time is 0.82 seconds. Regarding the errors, the absolute
error of 0.82 seconds with the relative error of 2.51 percent confirms the proba-
bility value of the mathematical models. Table 10 shows the total cycle times of
the dump trucks.
5. Conclusion
• The results of the study on movement duration reveal that it is possible to in-
crease the productivity by 34.19 percent according to the comparison between
the maximum duration and average duration. Regarding the practical experi-
ments, the regression equations are derived and can be used for defining the
movement time of both loaded and empty direction for each road section.
Table 9. Comparison of actual and calculated time for road section (seconds).
Road section Actual Calculated
Absolute Relative
Bench road loaded 38.72 38.72 0 0
Bench road empty 30.86 30.76 0.1 0.3240
Ramp loaded 77.48 77.45 0.03 0.0387
Ramp empty 44.04 43.77 0.27 0.6131
Surface road loaded 53.2 53.22 −0.02 −0.0376
Surface road empty 44.05 44.08 −0.03 −0.0681
Dump road uphill loaded 53.24 53.58 −0.34 −0.6386
Dump road uphill empty 35.62 34.8 0.82 2.3021
Dump road loaded 62.12 62.13 −0.01 −0.0161
Dump road empty 62.09 62.09 0 0.0000
Total 501.42 500.6 0.82 2.5175
My thanks go to Dr. Boryo Orkhontuul from the Mining Department of the
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
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