ITP115 Syllabus 20221
ITP115 Syllabus 20221
ITP115 Syllabus 20221
Programming in Python
Units: 2
Semester: Spring 2022
Section: Various
Days: Various
Times: Various
Location: Various
Course Description
This course is intended to teach the basics of programming in Python. Python’s high level data structures and clear
syntax make it an ideal first language, while the large number of existing libraries make it suitable to tackle almost
any programming tasks. Python offers an interactive environment in which to explore procedural, functional and
object oriented approaches to problem solving.
Learning Objectives
• Learn the syntax of the Python programming language.
• Implement a simple program by writing the code, testing the code, and debugging the program.
• Incorporating the use of sequential, selection, and repetition control structures into a program.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the design and implementation of functions and the passing of
parameters to simplify the solution of large problems and to promote the concept of code reuse.
• Implement programs using sequential input and output files.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the use of the list and dictionary data structures.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the basics of object-oriented programming by creating a class with
attributes and methods and then creating objects from that class.
Prerequisite(s): None
Course Notes
This course will make use of Blackboard ( for content and assignments. Lecture slides
and any supplemental course content will be posted to Blackboard for use by all students. All assignments will be
posted to Blackboard and will be submitted through Blackboard. Please familiarize yourself with Blackboard before
the course begins.
The software needed for this course is available for free online. All homework and projects will need this software
to be completed (available for Mac and Windows). Download the latest version of Python 3.
Python 3.x
You will also need to download and install PyCharm, which is an integrated design environment (IDE) for writing
code and creating project. You may feel free to use another IDE such as Eclipse or NetBeans, especially if you are
already familiar with one.
PyCharm CE
Choose the Free Community Edition
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ITP 115
Grading Breakdown
Category % of Grade
Coding Assignments (weighted proportionally) 50
In-Class Labs 15
Test 15
Final Project 20
Grading Scale
Course final grades will be determined using the following scale
A >= 93
A- >= 90 and < 93
B+ >= 87 and < 90
B >= 83 and < 87
B- >= 80 and < 83
C+ >= 77 and < 80
C >= 73 and < 77
C- >= 70 and < 73
D+ >= 67 and < 70
D >= 65 and < 67
F < 65
For the Pass/No Pass grading option, you must earn at least 70% to pass.
General Policies
Students are expected to:
• Attend (or watch videos of) lectures and complete the in-class labs
• Complete the individual assignments
• Complete the test
• Complete the individual final project
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You may ask for an assignment’s late policy to be waived for various reasons. This needs to be approved before the
due date of the assignment. To ask for a waiver, please contact the instructor using Piazza or email. Do not contact
CTAs for this since they are not authorized to approve these requests.
In-Class Labs
There will be approximately 10 in-class labs, almost weekly. Of the labs that you are required to complete as
announced in class, the two lowest scores will be dropped. Labs are due on Saturday at 11:59 pm PT (Pacific Time).
The labs should be done the day they are assigned, but the deadline is being extended this semester due to the
ongoing pandemic involving Covid-19. Labs must be submitted on Blackboard. Late labs will not be accepted.
This semester the test will be available for 24 hours or more and taken online to allow students to take it at home.
Make-up tests will not be offered, except for documented medical or family emergencies. If you will not be able to
attend a test due to an athletic game or other valid reason, then you must coordinate with the instructor before
the test is given. You may arrange to take the test before you leave, with an approved university personnel during
the time you are gone, or within the week the test is given. If you do not take a test, then you will receive a 0 for
the test.
If you need accommodations authorized by OSAS (Office of Student Accessibility Services), notify the instructor at
least one week before the test. This will allow time for arrangements to be made.
Final Project
The final project replaces the final exam. This comprehensive assignment will be due during Finals Week and needs
to be submitted by the due date. Late projects will not be accepted. If you do not submit a final project or if you
submit it past the deadline without instructor approval, then you will receive a 0 for the final project.
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ITP Computers
ITP has a limited number of laptops that are available to borrow for ITP classes. This semester, ITP is working with
Viterbi IT (VIT) to facilitate the shipping and/or pick-up of loaner devices for ITP students. Eligible students will be
able to borrow a MacBook or Dell XPS for ITP coursework once their request is approved and their contract is
signed via DocuSign. Though the initial loan period is 7 days, they will still be able to renew their device and extend
the loan period as in previous semesters. They will need to pop into one of ITP’s Zoom device check-in sessions
before the end of each week. If all of them have been checked out, then the student will be placed on the waiting
list. Information about the ITP Loaner Laptop Program and the request form can be found at
You will not be able to save your work on the ITP lab computers and the ITP laptops. Once they are restarted, all
work will be deleted. Use an external USB drive or a repository like GitHub or Dropbox to save your work. ITP is not
responsible for any lost work.
Attendance is not part of the grading breakdown, although attending lectures will help you learn the material and
succeed in this class. If you are not able to attend synchronously, then it is your responsibility to watch the
recorded lectures and complete the in-class labs.
Academic Integrity
SCampus is USC’s Student Guide to Policies and Conduct Code and can be found at
Students will be referred to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards (SJACS) for further
review, should there be any suspicion of academic dishonesty. The Review process can be found at
Assignments and projects in computer programming courses are different from those in some other types of
courses. Students may NOT collaborate, work together, share code, or in any way exchange solutions for
assignments and projects. Assignments may be analyzed by software that looks for similarity. Any sharing of ideas
or code will be considered a violation of academic integrity (cheating); an SJACS report will be filed with the
recommended penalty of an F in the course. Do not share your code with anyone else in this or a future section of
the course, as allowing someone else to copy your code carries the same penalty as you copying the code yourself.
If the instructor, a grader, or a lab assistant suspects you of academic dishonesty, it has to be reported to SJACS.
Do not share assignments with another person. Do not submit another person’s work as your own. Do not look at
other students’ papers during tests. Do not leave the room during a test without permission. Do not cheat! As
Trojans, we are faithful, scholarly, skillful, courageous, and ambitious.
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The preferred way to communicate with instructors and CTAs is posting on Piazza ( All ITP 115
students, instructors, and CTAs will have access to the same class on Piazza. Information about accessing Piazza is
available on Blackboard. If you have questions about assignments, labs, tests, and other aspects about this course,
please post on Piazza. You are able to make public posts which all members can see and answer or private posts to
individuals. which are only accessible to instructors and CTAs. To make a private post to all instructors and CTAs,
next to “Post to” select the “Individual Students(s) / Instructor(s)” option and enter Instructors in the text field.
Students should NOT directly email the CTAs or graders: all correspondence with the CTAs should be done on
Piazza. If a direct email is required for any reason, the student must cc the instructor in the email.
OSAS Accommodations
If you have course accommodations authorized by OSAS (Office of Student Accessibility Services), please email the
instructor or post privately on Piazza and attach your accommodation letter by the end of Week 3. In the body of
the message, include your name and your class section. In addition, reach out the week before the test to discuss
details for coordinating specific text accommodations.
Impact of Covid-19
Due to the ever-changing situation of our lives due to the lasting impacts of Covid-19, it is our understanding and
expectation that faculty, staff, and students are doing their best to make learning a priority. However, health
concerns and external factors will affect everybody in different ways throughout the semester: from common
colds to covid exposure or illness and other health or family concerns. Therefore, we will all have to remain flexible
and understanding with one another and to give each other the benefit of the doubt. Each instructor will do their
best to assume the best of intentions from each of their students, and we ask that you do the same for us.
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* To accommodate asynchronous students, each in-class lab is due on Saturday by 11:59 pm PT (Pacific Time).
** Each assignment is due on Friday by 11:59 pm PT.
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Academic Conduct:
Plagiarism – presenting someone else’s ideas as your own, either verbatim or recast in your own words – is a
serious academic offense with serious consequences. Please familiarize yourself with the discussion of plagiarism
in SCampus in Part B, Section 11, “Behavior Violating University Standards” Other
forms of academic dishonesty are equally unacceptable. See additional information in SCampus and university
policies on scientific misconduct,
Support Systems:
Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Services (RSVP) - (213) 740-9355(WELL), press “0” after hours – 24/7
on call
Free and confidential therapy services, workshops, and training for situations related to gender-based harm.
Office of Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX (EEO-TIX) - (213) 740-5086 | Title IX – (213) 821-8298
Information about how to get help or help someone affected by harassment or discrimination, rights of protected
classes, reporting options, and additional resources for students, faculty, staff, visitors, and applicants.
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USC Emergency - UPC: (213) 740-4321, HSC: (323) 442-1000 – 24/7 on call
Emergency assistance and avenue to report a crime. Latest updates regarding safety, including ways in which
instruction will be continued if an officially declared emergency makes travel to campus infeasible.
USC Department of Public Safety - UPC: (213) 740-6000, HSC: (323) 442-120 – 24/7 on call
Non-emergency assistance or information.
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