Time of Judgement - Gehenna
Time of Judgement - Gehenna
Time of Judgement - Gehenna
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By Bj o r n T. Bo e , Tr a v is -Ja s o n Fe l d s t e in ,
Ch r is t o ph e r Ko b a r a n d De a n $h o m s h a k
Va m pi r e c r ea t ed by Ma r r Re in • Ha g e n
Cr e d it s Spf c ia i Th a n k s
Thanks to fans, collectors, players and Storytellers
Written by: Bj0rn T. Boe, Travis-Jason Feldstein,
for 13 kick-ass years. It wouldn’t have been half the
Christopher Kobar and Dean Shomshak. Vampire and
fun without you.
the World of Darkness created by Mark Rein "Hagen.
Storyteller Game System Design:
Mark Rein "Hagen
Developed by: Justin Achilli
Editor: Carl Bowen
Art Director: Richard Thomas
Layout & Typesetting: Mike Chaney
Interior Art: Michael Gaydos, Andrew Trabbold,
Christopher Shy, Vince Locke, Matt Mitchell,
Guy Davis, Drew Tucker, and Josh Timbrook.
Front Cover Art: William O’Connor
Front & Back Cover Design: Mike Chaney
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Ta b l e of Co n t e n t s
Pr e l u d e : Ou r o b o r o s 4
In t r o d u c t io n : Th e Be g in n in g o f t h e En d 14
Ch a pt er On e : Th e Fin a l Nig h t s 20
Ch a pt e r T w o : Wo r m w o o d 40
Ch a pt e r Th r e e : Fa ir is Fo u l 88
Ch a pt e r Fo u r : Nig h t s h a d e 124
Ch a pt e r Fiv e : Th e Cr u c ib l e o f Go d 168
Ch a pt e r Six : St o r y t e l l in g 210
Appe n d ix : Ch a r a c t e r s 228
By Ari Marmeli
Coming as she did to the church of Abu Serga, Finally, just as she could stand no more, she
without invitation, the Egyptian Tremere called Hyapatia was there. She saw two figures through eyes on the
should never have been able to enter this holy site. Her verge of boiling. The first figure bore stigmatic
flesh crawled as she mounted the steps. She stretched a wounds upon its arms and wept blood even as it
hand toward the door with her other arm wrapped about bared jagged fangs in a furious snarl. The second,
a bone-white canopic jar. Her fingers ached; her mind clearly with child, retreated in fear.
screamed in instinctive fear. Hyapatia wanted desper- Hyapatia tossed back her head, ignoring the
ately to turn and flee. tearing of burnt flesh, and let loose a primal
But Hyapatia was not in the driver’s seat tonight. scream. And just before the faith shared by the
A thaumaturgical word shattered the locks, church and its Nosferatu keeper immolated her,
allowing her entrance. Hyapatia wrenched open the canopic jar and
Her feet burned against the church floor. The smashed it at the pregnant woman’s feet.
* * *
gazes of the Apostles, each carved into a marble
pillar, pierced her skull, pinning down her swirl- A strangely mismatched pair stood on the tarmac at
ing thoughts like dead butterflies. By the time she Cairo’s International Airport, watching as burly men
reached the door to the crypt below, her skin had unloaded a large crate from the belly of a small jet. They
reddened, even blackened in places. had chosen an isolated runway, even though their cargo
Each step down the stairs was an abyss. She was not technically illegal.
tasted blood on her lips and could not think Once the men had dispersed, the taller of the
enough to wonder from which orifice it came. She two figures — olive-skinned, handsome yet some-
lost track of where she was, which way she must how furtive — stepped forward. Crowbar in hand,
turn. Nothing was real. Nothing existed hut the he set to work on the crate’s fastenings. His smaller
searing agony of the ambient faith... companion, who appeared to be a teenager, stared
...and the voice she’d heard so often in past off at an angle, as though not really seeing the
months, urging her forward. crate before him. Perhaps, considering the un-
natural hue of his eyes, he didn’t.
A sharp crack sounded as the lid opened, and the “1 don’t understand,” Netchurch complained,
taller man reached down. “Good evening, friend,” he staring out the window at the ancient buildings.
said as a hand clasped his own. “1 am Assad Salhoum. “1 was told you required my help, so you asked
Wespokeon the phone. 1 trust your journey went well?” Assad — who has some important connections
“And I trust," the new arrival said, pulling himself within the Camarilla — to contact me.”
upright, “you’re being sarcastic. 1 am not an avid fan of “True. But while it was my idea to contact you
travel to begin with, Mr. Salhoum. I like it even less specifically, the request for aid came from an-
when I’m forced to ship myself air freight." other. I don’t even know the patient personally,
“Please, call me ‘Assad.’” though I feel a certain kinship to her, being fellow
“1 see. And you can call me ‘Doctor.’” clanless. You’ll see when we get there.”
Dr. Douglas Netchurch, perhaps the world’s “And when will we get there?” Netchurch had
most noted expert on Kindred physiology, stepped refused to let Waulkeen tell him any more about
from the crate and took a moment to clean his “the girl” than he already knew: that she was a
glasses on a handkerchief. pregnant thin-blood, and that she was ill. He
He didn’t particularly want to be here; he’d didn’t wish the theories of less ordered minds to
been in the midst of some very interesting studies cloud his initial observations. But he was also
back home. Several Kindred were exhibiting growing impatient. “We’ve been driving for over
strange symptoms of late: bouts of weakness, an an hour, Mr. Waulkeen. I’m not familiar with
inability to call upon the Blood... Netchurch Cairo, but 1 know it’s not that big.”
feared that these symptoms might be preliminary “You are correct, Doctor,” Salhoum said from
signs of some new vitae-borne sickness, and he the driver’s seat. "We are not taking a direct
resented being pulled away. If the call hadn’t route. 1 fear you’ll have to don a blindfold for a
offered the opportunity to study something even portion of the journey as well."
more interesting, he’d never have come. “Think of it," Waulkeen added before Netchurch
CJ could protest, “as a chance to experience Cairo.”
“This,” Salhoum continued, “is Waulkeen.
You are here at his request.” And so he did, for at least another hour. He
"1 have very much looked forward to meeting you, saw the ancient structures, heard much of the
Dr. Netchurch," Waulkeen said in a rich, cultured city’s history and learned why the Camarilla had
voice. “1 am a great admirer of your... work.” so little presence here.
Waulkeen trailed off. Netchurch was staring “...chantry has been abandoned,” Salhoum
at Waulkeen’s face, unblinking and motionless. told him some time later. “With the Tremere
“Doctor?” Salhoum asked from behind. “Is gone to God knows where, I am the last remnant
there a problem?" of a formal Camarilla presence. Not,” he added,
“that this is a bad thing.”
“What? Oh!” Netchurch finally dropped
Waulkeen’s hand. “Forgive me. 1 simply... Mr. “You think not?” Netchurch asked. “Surely a
Waulkeen, your eyes are fascinating. Would you Camarilla presence would calm the Assamite-Setite
mind discussing your condition?” rivalry you claim has gripped Cairo for centuries.”
“My condition? Dr. Netchurch, I’ m blind. It’s “It would not. At best, it would offer both sides
hardly unusual.” another tool to use against one another. At worst, it
would add a third competing faction. Antara — the so-
“This," Netchurch said, waving a finger uncomfort-
called ‘Shepherd’ — and his Assamites will not stop
ably near those strange, black orbs, “is no ordinary
until they’ve ousted the Setites and stolen their lands
blindness. Perhaps we can discuss it on the way?”
and relics, and the Setites are hardly going to abandon
“Ah... Yes, perhaps. Assad, would you get the car?” their homeland.”
“Of course." Netchurch glanced back just in time to see
Puzzled, the two Egyptian Kindred led Dr. Netchurch Waulkeen’s expression. Clearly, the Caitiff was uncom-
— who was muttering something about “the Caitiffs fortable with Salhoum’s sympathy for the Serpents.
eyes" into his tape-recorder — away from the plane. “We are here,” Salhoum said suddenly.
* * *
Netchurch looked around. “Here” seemed to be a
"...rather complicated,” Waulkeen explained as random street corner. Salhoum stopped the car and
they drove the cramped streets of Old Cairo. “You see, stepped out. “Your other driver will arrive shortly,” he
it isn’t precisely I who requested your assistance.”
Geh en n a
said. “Doctor, you will have to wear this now.” He With a scowl that might have petrified a liv-
passed a blindfold in through the open door. ing man, Petra acquiesced. Apparently, she was
"Thank you for your help, Assad,” Waulkeen the source of at least part of the ambient faith, for
offered. “1 will let you know how it goes.” as she stepped aside, Netchurch felt the pressure
“Thank you, Waulkeen.” With that he was gone, lessen enough for him to ignore what remained.
and Dr. Netchurch— blind and largely lost — could do “1 am grateful you have come,” Shahid said as they
nothing but wait until the new driver arrived. proceeded through the church. “It was I who requested
* * * Waulkeen's help. Petra means well, but she greatly fears
Netchurch felt it the instant he approached that others seek to harm her ward. When her own faith
the church of Abu Serga. It began as a faint proved insufficient to drive the taint from the girl, she
oppressive heat in the air that seemed to discom- would have left it in God’s hands to decide what came
fit his mind. (He refused to succumb to melodrama next.” The hatta that wrapped most of his head shifted
and say he felt it in his soul.) Waulkeen, a pace or subtly as the Nosferatu smiled. “I would like to think
two behind, sensed his discomfort. that my actions in this have been at His subtle urgings.”
“The power of God infuses this most holy “Seems rather arrogant to me,” Netchurch
place,” the Caitiff explained. “If you can bear it remarked. Shahid went silent.
for but a few moments, those who dwell within They proceeded through a door and down a
can extend us some measure of safety.” flight of steps. The air turned cooler, and
Netchurch knew that to be nonsense. “Power Netchurch was not at all surprised to find that the
of God” indeed. Why, any educated person would steps ended in a cave that had been converted
realize that those mortal emotions that accompa- into a crypt.
nied feelings of devotion generated specific And there, lying atop one of the biers like one
wavelengths of brain activity that, due to some of the departed, was the girl.
oddity in the Kindred mind, interfered with vam- Netchurch didn’t need his Kindred percep-
pire physiology. But at the moment, he didn’t tions to tell that something was wrong. The
really feel up to explaining that. thin-blood’s brown hair was plastered to her fore-
And indeed, Waulkeen was correct. Those head by a crusty layer of dried blood-sweat. Her
within were able to shield them from the worst of eyes were unfocused, and Netchurch would have
the emanations — though it seemed uncertain, at called them bloodshot had the veins running
first, if they would be willing to. through them been red instead of black. Her stom-
Waulkeen had barely introduced him to the ach bulged, but something about the shape of her
two Nosferatu who waited within before the pair abdomen was off. It seemed stretched, as though
dragged Waulkeen into what was apparently an the infant within was too large.
ongoing argument. Netchurch had little luck in He concentrated upon the abilities inherent in his
following it, as his substantial education did not own Blood, attempting to study the various shades of
include Arabic. As best he could tell, however, energies the girl put off, what more mystically minded
the female Nosferatu — Petra, Waulkeen had Kindred called “reading auras.”
called her — didn’t want him around. In fact, He couldn’t. He saw no colors, only a shifting
Netchurch was fairly certain, judging by her ex- morass of darkness, not unlike a thick fog — and
pression, that she would have attacked him had it was darkest around her belly.
she been alone. Waulkeen and the second “All right,” Netchurch said, pulling a pair of
Nosferatu, Shahid, seemed to be trying to con- latex gloves from his case, “we do this the old-
vince her to let him stay. fashioned way.”
It was Netchurch himself who finally ended “Do you fear catching some illness?" Petra
the argument. “1 don’t especially care,” he broke asked sarcastically in heavily accented English.
in, assuming they could all understand him, “who “That would be unlikely, Ms. Petra, but not impos-
wanted me here and who didn’t. I’m here now. I’m sible. However, my fear was for the woman—”
told the pregnant girl is unhealthy. If you wish her “My name is Afifa!”
to die, 1 will leave. Otherwise, kindly cease wast- Netchurch raised his eyebrow at the sudden
ing my time — and more importantly, hers — and gasp from the bier, but otherwise remained fo-
show me to her.” cused on Petra. “For Afifa, and for her child.
Despite all my studies, there is still much about
the thin-blooded 1 do not know. Until 1 am cer-
tain that they will not catch anything from me, 1
will continue to take precautions.
“Now,” he continued, turning toward Afifa
and pulling other implements from his case, “I’d
like you to relax, please. This may be cold, but try
not to tense up.” He glanced back at those stand-
ing behind him. “And would one of you be so good
as to turn on my tape recorder?”
* * *
Netchurch had decided that the acoustics of this
room — one in a small building owned by Waulkeen,
where Netchurch had been invited to stay — were far
better for recording than the echo-filled church. “In
summary, then, despite three hours of preliminary in-
vestigation, 1 could find nothing blatantly wrong with
the child. However, several aspects of the mother’s
physical condition suggest that something is indeed
amiss. Her skin and musculature are stressed, in a few
cases torn internally. This, combined with the length of
pregnancy as reported to me by Petra, indicate that the
child has grown abnormally rapidly in the late months
ofpregnancy. Afifa seems mere nights from delivery, yet
Petra tells me—”
Netchurch was able to limit his reaction to a
slight widening of the eyes and a sudden twitch of
his thumb to turn off the recorder. The Arabic
woman who had simply appeared in the far corner
of the room smiled at his reaction.
“You have great control over your emotions,
Dr. Netchurch. Most people would have leaped
from their chairs.”
“1 find the behavior of others easier to predict
if 1 limit the stimuli 1 give them. Who are you?”
“To the point then? How refreshing. My name,
Doctor, is Kahina. 1 am—”
“You are one of Set’s Followers. An important
member of the Dream Court and a devoted enemy
of the local Assamites.” Netchurch allowed him-
self a smile of his own at Kahina’s look of surprise.
“My hosts gave me a crash course in Cairo’s poli-
tics. I’m a quick study.”
“You’d have to be. May 1?” she asked, gestur-
ing toward the room’s other chair.
“Please." Netchurch leaned forward, eyes alert.
“Do we want to pretend for a few moments that 1
don’t know you’re here to talk about the child?Or
shall we again cut to the point?"
Kahina laughed. It was a light laugh, feminine, not
at all what Netchurch would have expected from an
Ge h e n n a
-*r £
ancient Setite sorceress. “All right then, Doctor. Yes, The woman was going to give birth in a matter of
we want the Herald’s child.” months; the Tremere were abandoning their
“The Herald?” Interesting. During his exami- chantry. His intention was never to join with the
nation, Netchurch had noted a crescent child in a place of such faith as Abu Serga, and he
moon-shaped mark on the back of Afifa’s neck, knew that he would need my help. Hence, notes.”
but he hadn’t paid it much attention. In these And Netchurch understood. “You fear the
tumultuous times, many people saw signs that the church’s ‘faith’ will block him from his true power.
mythical Gehenna was upon them, and Afifa was That he’ll be born helpless, a tainted infant but an
hardly the only woman to appear in recent months infant just the same."
who had the proper mark and could lay claim to Kahina nodded. “The energies of that place de-
the title of the so-called Last Daughter. But the stroyed an experienced thaumaturge in moments. What
Setites clearly believed she was special. do you imagine they’ll do to a newborn?”
“Why? Certainly the child of a thin-blood is a “And you can’t enter the church to remove him,
remarkable find, but of what use could it be to you?” either. So you’ve come to me, to ask my help in... what?
“We believe,” Kahina answered, “that this Getting Afifa out before she gives birth?"
child represents the culmination of an ancient “Indeed. And to our temple, where we may
religious prophecy, and we’d like—’’ perform a ritual to cleanse the child of the taint of
“If you’re going to lie to me,” Netchurch said Christian faith, so that he may be born into his
simply, “you may leave. If you’re going to stay, full power. We need you there too, to make sure
don’t insult my intelligence.” the child survives the birth."
The sorceress’ eyes narrowed. “Some might “And 1 would wish to assist you in this why?”
take offense at your distrust. Doctor.” The Setite’s mouth widened in a sudden smile.
“Some know better than to take what your “For science, good doctor. Help us, and I swear in
people say at face value, Setite.” Set’s name that you will have the opportunity to
“All right, Netchurch. The truth.” study the child as it grows. Think on it! A new
And tell the truth she did, for sometimes truth is a creature, a hybrid of the most ancient and most
liar’s most useful tool. Kahina told him how the ancient recent of Kindred!
leader of the Court of Dreams, the Sleeping Lord, had “Or you can refuse, and watch the child burn
spent millennia slumbering, its consciousness wander- as it’s born. Nothing to study or to learn. A unique
ing to escape a warped and inhuman body that could no opportunity, wasted.”
longer move on its own. She told him how prophetic Netchurch didn’t even need to think on it; he knew
dreams had revealed that the Herald of Gehenna would she was right. Something deep in his gut twisted in
appear in Cairo, and how the Sleeping Lord had planned protest, but it took no effort at all to ignore it.
to take over the body of her unborn child, to be bom * * *
again as something neither human nor vampire. She It required over an hour of argument before Petra
told how, before the plan could be completed, its would allow her ward to leave the church, but in the
roaming essence had been trapped by rival Setites in a end, Netchurch’s assessment that the tainted child
canopic jar, as well as how that jar had fallen into the would not survive in the midst of such faith convinced
hands of the hated Tremere. her. They decided to take two cars to a private hospital
“Fortunately,” she concluded, “the Sleeping Lord Waulkeen suggested, an establishment the Caitiff owned
was able to gain influence over the woman responsible through mortal proxies. Neither Netchurch nor Petra
for cataloging the artifacts, even as 1 had my own pawns were willing to be separated from the thin-blood, so
in place within their chantry. His servant was able to they would ride with her in one car. Shahid, Waulkeen
expose his essence to Afifa, though the attempt de- and hisdriver would lead in the other. Where Waulkeen
stroyed her. And my servant brought me the notes she came up with a second car on a moment’s notice was not
left at his orders.” a question anyone cared to ask.
"Notes?” The Malkavian had been following taillights
“Yes.” Kahina frowned. “Would it surprise you for fifteen minutes now. He’d feared that Petra
to hear me admit, doctor, that even our plans are would insist on driving, but, fortunately, she’d
not always without flaw? The Sleeping Lord was admitted that she’d never picked up the skill.
forced to act before circumstances were optimal. Therefore, when a hideous screeching of tires
foretold the car that came roaring out of a nearby sewage-slick rats that erupted from the gutters with a
ally to block the road between the two vehicles — deafening communal screech.
when the staccato thump of automatic weapons Guns fired, shattering windows and sending
and the shattering of safety glass drowned out the powdered brick cascading from nearby buildings,
rumble of the engine — Netchurch didn’t have to but none found their target. Petra moved through
convince anyone to run. He simply yanked the the attackers like a thing possessed. Her faith
wheel to the left and slammed his foot down so prevented them from approaching, yet it did noth-
hard that the pedal creaked in protest. ing to stop her closing on them. The horde of
“Shahid!” Petra’s voice was anguished, sur- rodents grew larger, and blood pooled in the street.
prisingly so. Still, the Nosferatu was heavily outnumbered,
“Shahid later,” Netchurch said. “Afifa now.” and Netchurch was fairly certain she couldn’t
Waulkeen had given him directions to the long maintain this pace. Her courage in facing
hospital, and Netchurch tried at least to look as such overwhelming odds was almost enough to
though he were following them. A left here, a make him change his mind, to step in and help.
right there... It was difficult to concentrate, espe- Almost.
cially with Afifa crying in the back seat. Instead, he clasped an arm around Afifa's face so she
“Slow down!” Petra demanded. “They’re no couldn’t scream and vanished into the darkness.
longer following!” * * *
As if to spite her, the crack of a gunshot was “You assured me,” Netchurch growled, as near
followed almost immediately by a shudder in the to true anger as he’d been in many years, “that
engine and a burst of steam from under the hood. your attacks would be a distraction only.”
“Out!” Kahina merely smiled. “None of your ‘friends’ was
Netchurch slammed on the brakes even as he permanently injured, doctor.” The smile fell. “A state-
shouted, then winced as he felt Afifa impact the ment 1 cannot make for my own. So 1 suggest you belay
back of his seat. In an instant he was out and the sanctimony and get in place if you’re going to be part
yanking open the rear door. of this. Once the ceremony has begun, 1 don’t want you
Dreamlike, several figures materialized from wandering about.”
the shadows. Some wore traditional Egyptian garb, “Really? And what of him?” Netchurch ges-
others American jeans and T-shirts, but all had tured, almost idly, at Salhoum.
murder in their eyes — eyes that, for several of The other Malkavian—whose presence here proved
them, boasted gold irises and slit pupils. beyond doubt that it was he who had initially alerted
Of far more concern than their varied outfits the Setites to Netchurch’s purpose in Cairo — seemed
were their varied weapons. From simple machetes dazed. He meandered through the chamber, eyes affixed
to nine-millimeter pistols, they very clearly con- on the stained glass.
sidered themselves prepared for every eventuality. “Him? He thinks he hears angels, doctor — a
Yet they weren’t prepared for a maddened Nosferatu. convenient delusion when I needed to ‘convince’ him
Netchurch had seen the effects of the of certain truths. 1 imagine we’ll have to lock him away
Kindred’s’ animalistic urge — the so-called frenzy before the service. Now, if you’ll excuse me...”
— before. It had never been quite like this, how- Netchurch frowned, again wishing others of
ever. his clan could follow his example. He’d never had
The first of the Setites was hurled off his feet that much difficulty maintaining his sanity. Why,
by the wave of psychic pressure — “faith,” Petra if anything, his devotion to science and reason
would no doubt call it — that preceded the raven- felt stronger than ever!
ing Nosferatu. The others were less visibly Not, he had to acknowledge, that this cham-
impacted, but they still flinched away. When they ber seemed much like a place of science.
looked back, Petra was gone. Had he not walked here himself, guided by a
But only for a moment. Even as the first of the Setite ghoul who met him near the sewer en-
attackers raised his weapon and spun about, the mad- trance, the doctor would never have believed that
dened vampire appeared beside him and drove a brick he was beneath the streets of Cairo. The room
through the front of his skull. Two others moved in appeared very much like the inside of a cathedral,
behind Petra, only to fall screaming beneath a horde of complete with high peaked roof. Stained glass
Geh en n a
windows in disturbing abstract shapes somehow the boy appeared normal, like any infant — though
evoked visions of half-remembered dreams from his shock of deep red hair was thicker than aver-
his mortal days. In the floor where the pews would age for a newborn. His skin was slightly pale, but
normally stand were a number of rusted metal that, too, was not especially unnatural.
grates, through which Netchurch could hear run- It wasn’t the sense of cold emanating from the
ning water. At the front, on the dais, was a stone child that drove Netchurch, and even Kahina, to
table with heavy leather straps. It had been hap- take a frantic step back from the table, or caused
hazardly covered with a blanket and a pad, Afifa to squirm in her bonds as though trying to
probably from a futon. A small, cloth-lined basket flee. It wasn’t the sudden dimming of the stained
sat at the table’s edge. glass, as though the light itself recoiled from
This was not where he’d have chosen to see something in that chamber.
the baby born, Netchurch thought with a pang of It was the child’s expression. From an infant
what might have been regret. face that should have been capable of displaying
The ceremony began with little forewarning. only the most basic emotions, two deep blue eyes
Setites filed in from various doors, some chanting gazed forth, focused deliberately on first the as-
paeans in Latin, some in modern Arabic and some sembly, then Netchurch, and finally Kahina
in what Netchurch assumed was Ancient Egyp- herself. And the infant smiled.
tian. Despite the drastically different vocabulary 1 knew you would not fail me, my child.
and intonations, the hymns seemed to come to- His lips had not moved. The voice sounded
gether, to resonate and build upon one another on instead in the minds of everyone present. It rever-
the minor and unresolved chords in a way that berated through the vaults of their consciousness,
made the doctor’s flesh crawl and his mind beg for and though Netchurch first heard the words in
some resolution to the incomplete chords. Even English, its echoes were Egyptian.
as they chanted, they lifted knives and spikes and “My... my lord?” Kahina seemed somehow
bled themselves over the grates. Two stepped shaken. What, Netchurch wondered, had she ex-
forward to strap Afifa to the waiting table. pected? “Is that you?”
Kahina led the ceremony, dressed now in cer- It is I. With your help, I am reborn. I...
emonial garb that might have been the style when Kahina scowled as the voice trailed off, glaring at
the pyramids were new. She spoke in Ancient Netchurch as though any potential impediment was
Egyptian, so Netchurch could only guess at her somehow his fault. “Is something wrong?"
meaning. She stood atop the table, feet at either Wrong? I think not. There is... another presence here,
side of Afifa’s shoulders. The Caitiff seemed to be with me. It is, I imagine, only the child himself. He is
in some sort of stupor. Her eyes were glassy; her stronger than I anticipated, but with a hit of effort...
only sound was an occasional moan. The bulge in Dear Set!
her belly sporadically moved, as though the child The Sleeping Lord, it seemed, already possessed
shifted in time to Kahina’s cadence or the notes of some rudimentary foresight, for its exclamation lin-
the chanting Setites. gered in their minds for almost a full second before the
It wouldn’t be long now. doors and windows exploded into the room. Netchurch
* * *
heard a rapid snapping sound, and it took him an instant
Afifa’s scream, as Dr. Netchurch delivered to recognize it as unnaturally swift footsteps on broken
the child, was the wail of a damned soul. The glass.
umbilical chord slid from her like a slime-covered Three Setites died before the last of the debris
root; it was stiff, brittle, and it broke away even as fell to earth. The others scattered, diving for
Netchurch lifted the infant and placed him in the cover or some tactical advantage. They found
basket. The smell that permeated the room was a none, for their paths were already blocked.
dry, reptilian musk. Netchurch recognized Petra and Shahid among
There was no blood. the assailants, for neither Nosferatu had masked
Netchurch disliked thinking in metaphors their inhuman forms. He recognized Waulkeen as
such as “spine-tingling,” but something unset- well, who, despite his blindness, seemed to look
tling ran through him as he touched the child. upon Netchurch with saddened eyes. They must
Some part of him had expected a physical trans- have gathered the others, whoever they might be.
formation, perhaps scales or serpent’s eyes. But Netchurch knew none of them by sight — but
Kahina clearly did. Her eyes fixed balefully, fear- Even from behind, Netchurch could see the
fully, on the obsidian-skinned figure who appeared Assamite struggling. His shoulders straightened; his
abruptly in the center of the chamber. “Antara...” slackening grip on the blade tightened. The Methuselah
“Kahina.” His voice was deep, almost melodious. within the child was powerful, but it was not yet strong
Before the Setite could even begin preparations for a enough to defend itself, not from one such as the
spell or defensive move, the Assamite was upon her, one Shepherd. The child would die.
hand on her throat, the other wrapped around a blade This unique creature, this unique opportu-
nearly as old as he was. nity, would be lost. Without record. Without
The sword never landed. As though drawn of study. Just... gone.
their own accord, Antara’s eyes turned slowly to When Antara finally hurled off the last of the
meet those of the infant in the basket beside him. Sleeping Lord’s will, the child was indeed gone.
“Allah preserve us...” And Doctor Netchurch with it.
The thought formed, but never left his mouth. * * *
He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t [A muffled click, followed by sounds of fumbling.]
breathe, and though he hadn’t needed to draw “1... 1 hope I’ve enough tape left.
breath for over 15 centuries, he felt smothered, “Heh. Tape. Sticky situation, this. Heh...
panicked. He no longer saw Kahina, who yanked
“Excuse me. Get a grip, have to get a...
herself from his grip and fled the chamber. He
“1 believe it has been three nights... perhaps
didn’t see his fellows, engaged in what should
four... since the birth. Several times now, 1 have
have been easy combat, begin to falter, as though
felt something... flow from the child. Felt like...
the strength was slowly sapped from them. He saw
like an invisible shadow, if that makes any sense.
only the infant’s eyes, pools of endless night into
As much as anything else does anymore. A dark-
which his very soul began to fall.
ening, but not of sight. I’ve felt similar, done
e He was Antara! He was Haqim’s heir! And
similar when I’ve called on the Blood to hide from
others, but never anything — like this! 1 believe
this would not be!
( ?’V
it is this power that has prevented any searchers the comer where I sat. And he... He stood. He rose to
— and they must be searching — from finding us. greet them, and the first bent down and offered his wrist
“1 wanted to stop running, to study it, maybe to the infant, and I couldn’t see, but 1 could hear the
just to hide. But I didn’t. I couldn’t. He — it — tearing of flesh. And then 1 did see, saw the child’s skin
wanted to go. So we went. darken and redden, and the first of the Setites collapsed
“1 don’t know how we got to the room. I remember into dust. Then the next stepped forward, uncaring, and
streets and lampposts and... pedestrians.” they just kept coming, and coming...
[Speech on the tape stops for a moment, re- “And 1 ran. 1 ran. 1 don’t even know where 1 am now.
placed by a sound of cloth on flesh; perhaps I’m sure he knows. I’m sure he’ll find me when he wants...”
someone wiping a hand or a mouth.) [Laughing; high-pitched, tinged with hysteria.)
“Pedestrians. I... Where was... The room. “I have no scientific rationale for what I’ve
“We waited there. Hours? Nights? I felt a hunger seen here. Nothing in my understanding of the
like I’d never known. I don’t think it was mine. Kindred can account for the boy developing this
“And then they came. No word, no warning. much power so swiftly. I can’t... can’t explain it.
The door simply opened, and they were there. I can’t explain.
“Kahina... smiling. She ushered in the others, “You, whoever you are. Whoever finds this
clearly in control. Yet I’d swear, somewhere in her tape, 1 pray to a God I don’t — didn’t? — believe
eyes 1 saw the faintest trace of panic. in, that you can do something. That you can find
some way to stop this atrocity, this new creature
“But the others, the others had empty eyes.
before it gains even more power. Before it be-
I’ve seen people under the domination of others,
comes unstoppable.
and they were never this... blank. I recognized
many of them, from the Court of Dreams. These “And 1 pray even harder that this is a new
were Cairo’s Setites. creature...
“And the baby...” “You see... for a moment there, the Sleeping
Lord spoke of another. Another presence in the
[Speech stops, replaced by several minutes of
boy’s body.
sobbing. When it returns, the voice is shakier.)
“And before the Assamites arrived, he shouted.
“It couldn’t be... couldn’t have happened. It... I
He shouted. And God help me, I don’t know if it
didn’t feel as though I were hallucinating, but who can tell ?
was an exclamation...
“This infant, who should be incapable of move-
“...or a greeting.”
ment on his own, crawled over to them, leaving me in
It’s time to bring about the End of the World. to survive, but all of his much-vaunted powers are
Armageddon. The apocalypse. Gehenna. We’re gone. It’s literally as if God turned His back on the
not just doing it with Vampire, either — it’s “vampire experiment,” writing it off as a failure or
happening with all the other game lines. as something that just didn’t serve a purpose in
Vampire is the most tragic, at least at face the modern world any longer.
value, among the games in the World of Darkness This book presents a sliding scale of end-of-
series. By design, its characters are Damned, the-world scenarios. While Vampire favors that
shunned by God Himself in a guilt-heavy “sins of futile, tragic and — we’ll say it — angst-heavy
the fathers” way. As such, Vampire’s end should conclusion, we don’t want to railroad players into
evoke a significant sense of tragedy as well. having to accept that as the end of their chronicles.
As Gehenna arrives, the vampires’ curse should Indeed, though we’re ending the world, we in-
be one of their ultimate insignificance at the End clude options for pursuing a chronicle in light of
of the World. The world simply doesn’t need the vampires’ Judgment Day. More on that later,
vampires anymore. It’s a cynical place, and though — right now, concentrate on how you’d
humanity’s need to be scared and fearful of the like your apocalypse flavored.
dark has led to a full-scale disbelief in “creatures Here are some examples of principles that
of the night.” Years ago, a pair of the game’s have signified and characterized the End Times
designers had a conversation, imagining the End throughout this book's design and development.
of the World involving the last vampire in it, • The Blood weakens. Powerful vampires
sitting at a bar. He's one of the Fourth Genera- have difficulty being... well, powerful. While this
tion, merely having a drink at the bar and doesn’t seem dynamic at first, imagine the panic
wondering about his own fate. He still needs to vampires experience after finding out they can’t
drink blood, but the Curse has thinned so much in do the things they once could.
light of the world’s waning faith that he can eat • Rampant diablerie. In order to fight back
food, drink beverages, et cetera. He can’t go out- their growing weakness, vampires diablerize like
side during the day, and he has to consume blood mad, trying to spike their blood with bursts of
power from consuming the souls of other vam- CONSFQUFNCFS OFTHFRf D Sl<)N
pires. The Sabbat’s freaking out because it's never The crux of the Red Sign is that a cabal of
really forbidden diablerie, but the practice rises to mages has either discovered or is about to dis-
insane levels. The Camarilla’s shaken because its cover the secret of returning vampires to mortal
powerful members — the ones who forbade status. Should the mages be experimenting with
diablerie in order to preserve their own safety — power of this caliber? Hell, no, and that’s why it
are having to turn to diablerie to maintain their serves both Vampire and Mage, in that it hits
edges. Once they’re caught in the act, the hypoc- key themes of both games (hubris for Mage and
risy is too much for the rest of the Ivory Tower to rhe Biblical Curse of Caine for Vampire).
bear, so they indulge themselves to protect them- Th in -Bio o d f d Kin d r e d
selves against their own elders’ thirst. Of course these mutts play a role, as proph-
• Widespread mistrust. Politics grind to a esied in The Book of Nod. In recent years, many
halt, and survival becomes more important than princes have appointed scourges and tasked sher-
appearing at Elysium. Young vampires move in iffs with the elimination of these Kindred. The
coteries and packs for safety in numbers, but also problem is, the sheriffs and scourges can’t act-
in hopes of using those numbers to take down fast enough, anti you might wish to employ a
elders and drink them dry. Of course, even those “terrible reveal” in which a veritable army of
vampires can’t trust each other, so these gangs thin-blooded Kindred, probably headed by some
tear themselves apart, fracture and join other messiah-figure (the Last Daughter, perhaps),
gangs, infiltrate other gangs in hopes of bringing faces the characters. This army of thin-bloods
them down from within, et cetera. It’s like gang might even be able to overthrow a city, with an
culture, with Blood as the ultimate commodity. extremely high-generation survivor assuming
Of course, a certain demographic of the Kin- the princedom, sending the Camarilla into ma-
dred keeps its head in the sand, “fiddling as Rome nia and causing the Sabbat to laugh hysterically
burns.” In these Kindred’s minds, though, they — with no understanding of the presence of the
know the time has come, so they squander their thin-blooded in their own ranks, who subse-
resources on a few more pleasurable nights before quently unseat an entire council of bishops and
they meet their end. Vampire parties are lavish claim the city for their own. These two “thin-
but desperate, debased but opulent. blooded cities" would probably come under
Here are a few other notable ideas that we assault by various undead factions, but they
explore a bit in Gehenna. have the fodder to resist their more experienced
foes (as thin-bloods from around the world flock
Th e Re d St a r
to them in order to make a place for them-
As a setting element, the Red Star won’t be
selves). These places should probably be South
nailed down to an actual, irrefutable thing. Most
American or Third-World cities, where you can
vampires can’t see it anyway, and few of those
still hide the Kindred violence among the mor-
who can see it really know what it is. As such, it
tal violence. Then again, the cities of Sydney
serves Storytellers as a vague and ominous threat.
and Cairo already have clanless princes, if not
It can appear here as a variety of story devices: It
princes of exceptionally high generation.
might work well in your chronicle as Caine’s eye
or some such, watching over the Kindred and Th e Bl a c k Ha n d
waiting for the right time to return. It can also If you use this faction in your chronicle, it’s
serve as a “Gehenna clock” if it changes bril- suggested that certain high-ranking members of the
liance, or as the linchpin of any number of radical Camarilla are actually either spies or Manchurian
Gehenna cult philosophies. While it should fea- Candidates placed by the Black Hand. (“One story
ture in some of the visual realm of vampires’ even holds that one or more high-level officials of
perceptions, don’t feel like you have to let char- the Camarilla are actually deep-cover Hand agents
acters be able to do anything about it. It might — or even Manchurian candidates — planted into
also be a physical incarnation of rhe “Red Sign,” the sect many centuries ago.”) While this shouldn’t
the Lovecraftian plot device we used for the be the case across the board, it would serve well to
ritual (in book of the same name) that allows cripple the Camarilla if it depended upon the ac-
vampires to reclaim their mortal status. tions of a key Kindred who turned out to be a traitor
or plant. While almost reminiscent of the old chest- monstrosity. They’ve got their capable individu-
nut, “Oh, he’s really a Sabbat agent!", it at least has als, hut even a bunch of capable individuals can’t
the ethical repercussions that don’t come up with make up for the fact that their rank and file is
deep conditioning. The best route to go here is with better suited to stabbing itself in the eye and
one of each — an active traitor (or one who runs to setting itself on fire than... well, anything of
the Sabbat/Hand when the shit starts to go down) actual value. Add to this the fact that they don’t
and perhaps a lesser dupe/Manchurian. have a leader (the Regent of the Sabbat died in
Clanbook: Tzimisce, and the question of who’s
Th f Sf c t s
To be honest, sect is sort of irrelevant to the going to fill the position came up in Mexico City
coming of Gehenna. The sects have existed for by Night). Logically, the Sabbat should fracture,
only 500 years or so. Storytellers will likely want too, with maybe a few of the sect’s luminaries
to exhibit part of the End of the World via the possibly leading a subsection of the more compe-
dissolution and collapse of the sects. tent ones and the rest of them proving to be the
general pain in the ass they've been all along.
The Camarilla: They’re not the tools of the
Politics will rend the sect from within, disorder
Antediluvians — they don’t believe the
will undo it from without, and a select few of them
Antediluvians exist. Okay, so they’re not the
will rise from the ashes and take their place...
direct tools, but that’s the nature of the Jyhad. The
wherever. Those are the ones who have the dis-
Camarilla should fracture from within along lines
tinct pleasure of facing the Antediluvians, in
of generation, as the elders who actually remem-
whatever form.
ber or have verifiable descent from Antediluvians
reveal themselves as a bunch of hypocritical, T j if An t f d il u v ia n s
Jyhad-playing SOBs who were trying to trick the Things start getting sticky here. We’ve al-
gullible younger generations all along. The luded to certain Antediluvians being in certain
younger ones, who never really bought into all places, but some of them aren’t around at all.
eJ that crap about Noah’s ark and rhe First City, What follows is a summary of where the clan-
resist the wakening of the Antediluvians as best founding vampires are (if they still exist) and
they’re able, mostly out of resentment for being rough plans that exist for them, if any, at this
played in the Jyhad and the modern desire to lead point.
their own unlives. Some people are on opposite Note: Consider this a "spoiler" warning. This is the
sides of this thing. They’re elders who don't want secret document that has hidden deep within a file
to knuckle under to the Antediluvians (most el- folder at the back of a cabinet for years. While you don’t
ders will accept their proper place in the hierarchy have to use it by any means — and we never enforce any
again with the rising of their progenitors) and of these aspects as irrefutable dogma — these are the
poor, misled souls who bought into the lie and are “official” statuses of the members of the Third Genera-
pissed about it (paging Mr. Pieterzoon). Bottom tion. Some are more fleshed out than others, as they
line: The Camarilla collapses like Enron/ have been assigned specific roles to play, but all have
WorldCom as the worthlessness of its foundation been considered. This doesn’t account for other
becomes public knowledge. Chaos ensues among Antediluvians, as we’ve never formally said who’s real
the vampire community, princes find themselves and who’s not. By the same token, it doesn’t attempt to
besieged by their own locals, and it’s all a big answer certain mysteries, such as the true identity of
clusterfuck. Ashur or the nature of the Second Generation. You
The Sabbat: Uh... okay, so they were right might also enjoy reading between the lines. For ex-
about the whole Antediluvian thing. That doesn’t ample, note that [Tzimisce] is simply referred to as
mean they’re disciplined enough to do anything [Tzimisce]. Even here at the game studio, our limited
effective about it. The Sabbat is the Mongol Horde mortal minds weren’t able to comprehend the creature’s
of Kindred society. These Cainites are brutal, real name.
felonious, self-righteous, consumed by their own Assamites (Haqim): His avatar, ur-Shulgi,
purposes and, largely, a chaotic mess. Occasion- recently rose on the border of Iran and Iraq and
ally, they muster enough coincidences that keep killed an untold number of infidels. It has taken
them from shooting any more hookers in the head over leadership of Assamite hierarchy in its sire’s
and occasionally win a game/Crusade, but there- stead. Open to any plans for Haqim himself.
after, they sink back into their mire of self-invoked
In t r o d u c t io n
Brujah (Troile/|Brujah|): This Kindred has Antediluvian was such a master of Obfuscate
been rumored to be dead for a while, so it can that he made the whole world forget he ever
safely he ignored or used if a need for it arises. existed.
Followers of Set (Set/Typhon): Nice try, Ravnos ([Ravnos]): Too bad. So sad. Bye bye.
guys, but your magic isn’t going tp bring back Toreador (Arikel/lshtar): No reliable re-
a dead god. A cool moment of despair for a ports of “her” death (if she’s a she or even has a
clan very deserving of whatever nastiness is gender) have surfaced, but this individual makes
foisted upon it: “Aw, fuck, we were wrong all an excellent tie-in to the Ishtarri of Kindred of
along.” We’re open to this changing, but this the Ebony Kingdom.
fits the predominant Judeo-Christian myth Tremere (Tremere/Saulot): Time for a ride.
we’ve established for Vampire. Saulot resides in Tremere’s body. Tremere re-
Gangrel ([GangrelJ/Ennoia): Active and sides in Goratrix’s body. Goratrix resides in a
scary for an inordinate amount of time. It’s our mirror. (Tremere diablerized Saulot to become
impression that in order to escape its Damned a third-generation Kindred, but the Antedilu-
self, it ultimately Earth Melded to the center of vian was far more powerful than Tremere
the Earth, where it either burned to Final Death anticipated and retained control over himself
or became something else. In any event, if it’s to some degree, ultimately reclaiming himself
not burned up, it’s still there, and certainly from his “killer” in the Transylvania
capable of being one of the most hellish “force Chronicles.) But. The Tremere first became
of nature” overt movers among the vampires by experimenting with the blood of
Antediluvians. (Developer’s note: This scares other captured vampires, among them the
me just thinking about it.] Tzimisce. So, when Tremere first became a vam-
Giovanni (Augustus Giovanni): Augustus pire, he was infected by the Tzimisce Ancient’s
is a pig, and he should probably die as one of the universal-among-its-clan presence. (All
early events of Gehenna. He’s the youngest of Tzimisce carry a “seed” as it were of their
the Antediluvians and probably possessed of founder; see their clanbook.) The body Saulot
the greatest ego (in mortal terms), so it’ll be is in is going to be the perfect vessel for the
cosmic justice when he eats it. return of [Tzimisce]. It cripples Tremere as an
Lasombra ([Lasombra]): Diablerized long Antediluvian and destroys Saidot.
about the 14th century. Dead and gone. Good Tzimisce ([Tzimisce]): Thought to be
riddance; what a brute! Whatever it is in the diablerized in the late 14th century, this thing
Abyss certainly isn’t a vampire anymore. survived. At present, it’s dead (the thing be-
Malkavians (Malkav): The best use of this neath New York City is just a lifeless husk
individual isn’t that he’s in Jerusalem (as Foun- boiling over with its own Vicissitude), but it’s
tains of Bright Crimson suggests), but that he’s coming back. See “Tremere." [Tzimisce] isn’t
become the Malkavian Madness Network, the even a thinking entity anymore; it’s just a
sort of insanity-meme that links all Malkavians malignant presence.
in the Final Nights. Ventrue (Ventru/[Ventrue]): Dead a long
Nosferatu (Absimiliard): Despised by the time ago.
rest of the world — hated subconsciously by And you know what? You’re encouraged, as
people who don’t even know he exists — Storyteller, to involve "other" Antediluvians
Absimiliard has fled as far from human con- that might be found over the course of Gehenna,
tact as possible. He’s gone to either the bottom suggesting that there’s a lot more out there than
of the sea (alien and inaccessible by lesser even the most book-buying, self-styled genius
creatures) or Antarctica (which segues with pundit know-it-all has the answers to. These
some Werewolf back story), where he just sits can be vampires of “dead" lineages or vampires
rotting, but ultimately unable to end his own from the initial batch of Antediluvians who
unlife because he hasn’t got the willpower. never Embraced at all. Lucian. Mekhet. Maybe
Another theory is that maybe Absimiliard isn’t some African vampires. Guys we haven’t even
the actual Antediluvian, and that the real heard of at all. Things our mere mortal minds
can’t fathom.
Ho w t o Use Chapters Two through rive are the actual
stories themselves, four different scenarios, scal-
t h is Bo o k
ing up from the Kindred vanishing without the
acknowledgement of the rest of the world to
There’s no need to get fancy here — save that hellfire and bloodstorms.
for the stories themselves! Chapter Six offers some advanced storytelling
Chapter One sets the stage for rhe impending advice, largely on the topic of structuring the
End of the World, offering resolution to a few actual scenarios themselves. It pays particular
lingering plot threads and advice to Storytellers mind to the inevitable customization that’s going
who plan to undertake the daunting task of bring- to have to take place so that individual Storytell-
ing about Gehenna. ers can organize things for their troupes.
The Appendix presents some of the key play-
ers and signature characters who could appear
during the course of Gehenna.
In t r o d u c t io n
n a
1 L 21
iirl^r p II'
u kJ
The Book of Nod tells us that we will know
when Gehenna comes. The moon will run red Th e Sig n s
o f Ge h e n n a
as blood, the sun will rise black in the sky.
The world will turn cold, and unclean things
will boil up from out of the ground. Great The Book of Nod describes the coming of
storms will roll, lightning will ignite fires, Gehenna to be forerun by several grave signs and
animals will fester and their bodies, twisted, marks. A few scholars claim that some of these
will fall. The Methuselahs and Antediluvians have already come true. Others posit that these
will rise from their torpor and devour those in prophecies are merely ancient nonsense. What-
their path. Caine will return and call his chil- ever the truth is, some of these prophecies are
dren to him to the location whereupon the listed here, with brief discussions on what could
First City once stood. Here he will sit on a be the truth behind them.
basalt throne and judge all his childer. The • A Time of Thin Blood will come, when Clanless
events that follow are allegedly even more will rule and vampires unable to sire will exist: Both
apocalyptic. It’s no wonder the elders of the Sydney and Cairo are the domains of Caitiff princes,
Camarilla try (hut often fail miserably) to and many high-generation vampires are actually un-
suppress talk of it at all costs. able to sire. Their blood is simply too diluted and the
The race of Caine, however, has no way of Curse of Caine too weak. This seems fairly straight-
knowing if The Book of Nod is actually right. It forward. Too straightforward according to some...
seems a little too clear at some parts and far • Wild Ones will hunt vampires even in their
too vague on others. Symbolism and clarity strongest cities: This is most likely a predic-
converge in a witch’s brew of prophecy, prob- tion of the coining of those who call themselves
ably also strongly affected by its translators.
“hunters.” Many a vampire has met her fate at
To maintain poetic discourse in the transla- the hands of one of these zealous mortal witch-
tion, certain changes have to have been made. hunters, in possession of some truly outlandish
But at what cost? powers.
Ca s e St u d ie s :
Po r t e n t s o f
Ge h e n n a
The book Nights of Prophecy details five scenarios each
involving the fulfillment of certain prophecies of Gehenna.
This supplement is highly useful when dealing with the
overarching plot lines ofVampire, and a Storyteller may rightly
assume that it builds many of the foundations on which this
book is structured. That said, this book is more or less an historic
event. It sums up close to 13 years worth of story lines and
shadow conspiracies, and most importantly, it collects many
“loose ends" leading to Gehenna, culminating in four different
scenarios from which Storytellers may select (or be inspired
The following is a summary of some of the most important
events that have served as the bricks to pave the road to
Gehenna. These events might have been present in your
chronicle, perhaps in a different aspect or shape, or they
might be completely new to you. Regardless, this material
is yours to change as you like. The more you customize it to
Ch af o r On e : Th e Fin al Nig ht s
fit your chronicle, the firmer the foundation for your
story becomes, and by extension the story line. Reasons
as to why things happen, who performs what action or
where it takes place, could vary in your chronicle based
upon how it appears in the metaplot. This is fine. The
only thing to worry about is continuity and the big
picture. As long as you’re being consistent, there is no
reason not to change what you need to change.
What follows is a list of events and a discussion of
how you might integrate them in your chronicle. They
even include possible alternatives that could make
them work better.
Ca s t St u d y :
Aw a k e n in g o f
It is generally believed by those who heed the
prophecies of The Book of Nod that the Antediluvians
will return, and that they will devour their childer
before Caine passes down his judgment on all. As
Gehenna occurs, it likely becomes an indisputable fact
that the Antediluvians exist, despite how hard the
| Camarilla wishes to believe otherwise. The truth is
r that the Ancients are awakening, and that their moti-
vations most likely spell doom for all of creation. kJ
Several Antediluvians are already active, some are
still awakening, and others still are dead and gone.
Despite the rigid research and chronicling of schol-
arly Kindred, the history of the Damned is far from
certain. Most believe that following Caine came a Sec-
ond Generation, and that these childer were named Irad
the Strong, Zillah the Beautiful and Enosch the Wise.
Each of these childer had progeny, theoretically number-
ing 13 in all. These are the beings who would be known
as the Antediluvians by Kindred of later generations.
Most hardly even consider that there might have been
more beings of both the Second and Third Generations,
but it is entirely possible nonetheless. Reference in a book
as elusive and vague as The Book of Nod, or lack thereof,
I does not mean much when considering that the events in
question occurred thousands of years ago. For instance,
I 1 some claim that according to certain sources, Set cannot
have been an Antediluvian perse, as he is nimored to have
I arisen in 5000 BC—which is after the Great Deluge (and
Antediluvian literally means “from before the Great
Flood”). Other such discrepancies could lead one to be-
lieve that more or less than 13 Antediluvians existed at
one time—or continue to do so. After all, it is not before
the time of the Second City that one obtains a clearer
■ picture of which of the 13 were actually present.
Geh en n a
In fact, could not some of the Antediluvians easily hand of another, or perhaps it would also be possible by
be one and the same? After all, many of them, such as using lesser vampires as puppets, potentially meaning
[Lasombra] and [Tzimisce], have lost their names in the that other Ancients engineered events such as the
annals of time, so we might never even know. To add to Anarch Revolt or rhe Week of Nightmares.
the confusion, there is the question of where the LI SING I HE A WAKENING OFTHE
Antediluvians have been all this time. Have they all An t f d il u v ia n s in y o u r Ch r o n ic l e
lain torpid? All the preceding points are merely speculation.
In addition to the 13 commonly “known” They don’t even really matter as far as you're con-
Antediluvians — all of whom are either named or cerned. It’s your chronicle: You get to decide what the
simply referred to by the clan name, such as [Lasombra] real truth behind the Antediluvians is. The various
— we also know the names Nergal, Loz, N inmug and Ancients can be used in a number of ways in your
Al-Mahri, or the Aralu as they had once been defined. chronicle. They all have different natures and prob-
These names were carved in the door of a room in the ably different goals and motives. Consider each of
ghostly fortress of the True Black Hand, which suppos- them and integrate those you wish to use into your
edly, held the torpid bodies of four Antediluvians. story. Does your story involve killing an Antedilu-
What is told of this to those outside the True Black vian? Fine. How should your players’ characters go
Hand is that the corpses inside where those of the about killing it? This is the end; nothing is certain
Ventrue, Toreador, Malkavian and Nosferatu progeni- anymore. Even Antediluvians must die at some point
tors. This fort ress has since fallen and been destroyed, so or other, at the hands of either your players’ characters
no one will ever know the truth, but some tales claim or another third-generation vampire, perhaps acting
that the sarcophagi were found vacant before the de- in concert with the coterie. You need to decide what
struction of rhe stronghold. Is it possible that this room the Antediluvian has been doing, though, to bring it
held four Antediluvians? Did it hold the specific four it into the chronicle. It doesn’t have to be accounted for
claimed? We can only speculate. Most assume that the in agonizing detail, but you must be sure that it can
Ventrue Antediluvian perished during the reign of the enter your game without seeming too random. Having
historical Second City. Many Malkavians claim that an element as powerful and incredible as an Antedilu-
Malkav has been active and communicating with his vian should leave little to chance. You might even
progeny, and some postulate theories as fearsome as decide the outcome in advance, and guide your players
Malkav being the mysterious Malkavian Madness Net- through it. The power level of an Antediluvian is
work. Then again, who could say? An even greater godlike, and even as the Curse of Caine weakens, these
mystery is that of the whereabouts and actions taken by Cainites will be potent beyond anyone’s belief.
Absimiliard or the Toreador Antediluvian. If anyone • Absimiliard
does know, no one is sharing. The Nosferatu Antediluvian has not been seen or
At any rate, it is highly likely that most vampires of heard from for many centuries. Most of his progeny
the Third Generation perished in the Great Deluge. fear him, believing that he intends to slay them all
Perhaps 13 were all that remained. Perhaps the Aralu eventually. They fearfully whisper of something called
were the first four of the Third Generation to die, and the N ictuku, beings commanded by Absimiliard, from
thus entombed within the First City. That would ac- wherever he is, and they claim that the slaying of Baba
count for why its spiritual mirror would include this very Yaga is proof of this.
room. It showed the rest that they could still be killed, Most common theories place Absimiliard as far
even with their remarkable power, and they greatly away from mortal contact as possible, and this is, in fact,
mourned (or celebrated...) their siblings’ deaths. It true. The Ancient hates people — mortal or Kindred.
might even have convinced them that their progenitors Because of his epic, biblical ugliness, he is the thing in
also could be killed, thereby spurring their revolt after the darkness, the monster in the closet, always hated,
the Deluge. This could account for why The Book of Nod always feared. He cannot go on wh i le being the focus for
mentions only the known 13 of the Antediluvians. hatred of so many who don’t even know that he exists.
Many legends claim that only seven survive tonight. Absimiliard has spent thousands of years with
Some say that only another of the Third Generation
pent-up self-loathing, breaking down his own will-
can kill an Antediluvian. If the last two points should
power for every night he continues his unlife. He is
hold any truth, this means that those who already met
unable to finish off his wretched existence, and he
their Final Death must have fallen at rhe hands of
wishes to eradicate his very existence through his
Antediluvians. This could perhaps be physically at the
• [Toreador] released, it did not enter Gratiano, but rather entered the
Whether [Toreador] is named Ishtar or Arikel, or Abyss, with which [Lasombra] has potent ties. Through
perhaps something completely different, he, she or it is centuries of being incorporeal, the Ancient worked its
definitely no less enigmatic than any of the other designs through lesser proxies who sometimes would ven-
founders. Her bloodline is supposed to be responsible for ture too deep into the Abyss and come under its sway.
creating the Masquerade, which is a small paradox, Unbeknownst to them, these proxies would work toward
considering their simultaneous devotion to all things of restoring the Antediluvian when the time was right, where-
beauty and sophistication — concepts that the Torea- upon it plans to bring the Abyss into the material world,
dor clan sometimes epitomizes. Given the fact that conquering it and claiming a world forever cloaked in
most think that [Toreador] is protecting her clan, and shadow as its domain. The theory goes on, claiming that
one might even assume actively taking action through [Lasombra] could potentially become stronger through this
it, the creation of the Masquerade could very well be a suspended state, feeding offthe Abyss and gradually becom-
ploy in some grand scheme wrought by the Degenerates’ ing one with it.
founder. She has certainly eluded the public eye for Through the Discipline ofObtenebration, the Antedi-
several centuries, whether she is active or torpid. luvian is potentially linked with any Cainite possessing this
• Malkav power, and all it needs toescape the Abyss is for an indi vidual
Malkav could be literal proof that an Antediluvian is skilled in this Discipline to prepare for its return. It will then
everlasting, as many claim that he has ascended from the absorb that person, grant ing his wish, by attributingonto him
shackles of the flesh to become one with all his progeny. the powers of a god. Others laugh at this prospect. Baron von
The Malkavians have always been known for their eccen- Miinchhausen couldn't have told a better tale. Then they
tric ways and wild theories, but no theory or concept has leave and return to their havens. And rum on all the lights.
ever been so strange as that of the Malkavian Madness • [Ravnos]
Network. No one outside the clan can ever truly under- If [Ravnos] is anything but truly dead, few believe it.
stand what this is, apart from somehow being something Numerous theories suggest that the creature’s no-doubt
V like a collective mind state that Malkavians can enter. prodigious Fortitude could have saved it, but such <5
Whatever the case is, more and more have come to believe theorists didn’t witness firsthand the Ravnos
that this “madness network" somehow is Malkav, or what- Antediluvian's ability to withstand the sun and on-
ever the true name of the Malkavian founder is. slaught of Kuei-jin elders for three days and nights.
Although it hasn’t been reported, at least not to the • Saulot
point of becoming common knowledge, Malkav could Few actually know who Saulot is. After all, his clan
potentially physically manifest or even acquire a new body. was destroyed several hundred years ago. Those who
Whatever goals he might have, they are almost certain to know of him, might also know that he was diablerized
differ from anything any of the other Antediluvians strive by Tremere. As such, there is little reason to even
toward. Communicating with Malkav could be exceed- consider him when speaking of Antediluvians.
ingly difficult to anyone but the most enlightened Some high-ranking Tremere, however, know that
Malkavian. As far as anyone can hypothesize, Malkav be Saulot is actually at large. After centuries of mental
trying to bring all of his progeny to Golconda through the battle over dominion of Tremere’s body, Saulot re-
"madness network,” perhaps to lead them all to a new cently took control over his would-be murderer and
existence outside this one. Then again, Golconda might forced the soul of Tretnere to leave. Saulot then escaped
not be the ultimate destination... Vienna with the body of Tremere.
• [Lasombra] Now Saulot has another card to play in the great
This Antediluvian could possibly be the source of Jyhad. Those who are more clued in than others suspect
humanity's fear of the dark. Few things seem more horren- that this Antediluvian is the true master of the game,
dous than control over darkness and shadow. For centuries and one who has not lost any power despite the decline
it has been believed that | Lasombra] met its fare during the of his bloodline’s wellbeing.
Anarch Revolt, at the hands of its own childer, but lately, • Tremere
many have worried openly that this might not be true. For What has actually happened to Tremere is not
all we know, it certainly is true, hut one theory, which common knowledge. In fact, only a few Kindred in the
seems a tad better thought-out than others, supports it. world know about it — Tremere himself, the loyal
When the clan rebelled and turned on its sire on Etrius, Tremere’s rogue childe Goratrix and a small
Castillo d’Ombro during the Anarch Revolt, [Lasombra] cabal of Kindred who were there to witness the historic
allowed its childe Gratiano to diablerize it. As its soul was
Ch a pt er On e : Th e Fin a l Nig h t s
shift of power among these potent Kindred. Having Dominate might be, [Ventrue] would likely orchestrate
been forced out of his own body, Tremere entered that the movements of unthinkable amounts of Kindred
of his childe and forced the latter into a mirror, where through the manipulation of their blood and minds.
Goratrix is now trapped.
Ot h f r An t f d il u v ia n s
One option for using Tremere would find him
But what about others? As stated previously, there
unable to employ the full spectrum of his Antediluvian
might have been any number of additional Ancients.
powers in the body of a fourth-generation vampire. In
The following are a few examples with brief discussion.
such a scenario, Tremere seeks a way to restore himself.
• The Aralu
Devouring every last one of the dreaded Tremereantitribu
seemed inadequate, and the Usurper now seeks alter- In the depths of the spirit city Enoch lay four
caskets. On rhe entrance to the tomb were written the
nate methods.
names Nergal, Al-Mahri, Loz and Ninmug. These were
• Typhon
collectively known as the Aralu and believed by some
Generally believed to be the Setite founder, Typhon
to be the Antediluvians of the Ventrue, Malkavian,
is assumed dead and gone. He need not be so in your
Toreador and Nosferatu. Yet the Aralu could be four
chronicle, however. Was he dormant in Switzerland, as
hitherto unknown Antediluvians, and here the Story-
was his enemy Horus? Did he awake from torpor and
teller is free to decide how to use them.
travel back to Egypt? Whatever the truth is, he could
Take Nergal as an example. Nergal is reputedly the
have returned to reorganize his fractious clan.
name of a Baali Methuselah, and also possibly known as
If you want to run with the prospect of Typhon
Shaitan. It makes no sense that he has been lying within
being dead, it might be possible to restore him, as the
Enoch, because he is supposed to have surfaced in
Setites wish and plan for. Seeing as how he is almost
Mexico in the early 1990s, only to be struck down. The
exclusively spoken of as a god, odds are that he would be
name Nergal, however, has roots back to the ancient
one of the strongest Antediluvians.
Akkadians. Among them, he was revered as god of the
• [Tzimisce] Underworld, with his wife Ereshkigal.
c? A handful of Cainites and ghouls know that the
Contradicting myths and more than one Cainite
Tzimisce Antediluvian stirs under New York City. It assuming the name Nergal is certainly possible, and the
bubbles over with its own Vicissitude and absorbs Baali Nergal could even have taken the name after the
animals, people and vampires. A low murmur in the Antediluvian Nergal — having been worshipped as a god
back of the head of every Cainite sharing his blood —slipped into the arms of torpor. After all, the name bore
beckons them to come to it, so that it can devour them great significance, and Nergal could even have believed
to increase its potency. For a supposedly dead creature, that he was honoring the Ancient by bearing its name.
this Antediluvian is remarkably active, however. Its
Applying this theory, it would also be entirely
favored childe, Lambach Ruthven, has acted errati-
possible to attribute Namtaru as being identical to the
cally, leading some to believe that the entity possesses
Ancient Nergal, and that the Baali Antediluvian was
the craven Methuselah, whether through force of will
laid to rest in torpor in Enoch, after its recovery from
or some eldritch artifact. Ruthven has Embraced childer
Chorazin. After all, the True Black Hand was known to
with reckless abandon in Los Angeles, threatening the
truck with both infernalists and necromancers.
Masquerade and pressing an agenda likely unknown
On a similar tangent, determining whether or not
even to his conscious self. Since the Ancient has sworn
Ereshkigal could have been an Antediluvian, or even
to protect Lambach unt i 1 the very end—whatever form
Cainite, is more difficult, as she is completely unknown
that takes—such radical behavior on the Methuselah's
in the Kindred "pantheon” of Methuselahs and their
part is both noteworthy and fearsome.
sires. It is likely that Nergal could have made progeny of
• | Ventrue]
a mortal lover, though.
Most believe that the progenitor of the Blue Bloods
• Namtaru
was slain ages ago, probably during the height of the
Although most hold that Namtaru was lost when
Second City. If it managed to elude Final Death and
Knossosfell, some are aware of its recovery in Chorazin,
return, in one form or another, who can tell what it is
after Azaneal — conspiring with debased Lasombra
planning, or even doing? The alternatives are near
known as the angellis ater — seized the citadel. What-
endless, but it might be behind the Camarilla, slowly
ever became of Namtaru is impossible to say, but it is
erasing the evidence of its and its siblings’ existence, to
conceivably one of the Ancients, and not a true demon
better use its descendents. Whatever its mastery of
(as far as the Antediluvians can be discounted for being
Ge h e n n a
demons!). It is likely that Namtaru has awoken
during the Final Nights, especially with the return
of the so-called “fallen” to Earth.
• Mekhet
One of the names of two Antediluvians reputed
(or “knowndepending upon wi th whom one speaks)
to be active in the Final Nights, Mekhet leaves little
in the way of concrete evidence to suggest its pres-
ence. Some believe that Mekhet is the name (or even
True Name) of the Tzimisce Antediluvian, but the
origin of that rumor remains unknown. The name
itself appears to be Egyptian, at least to a casual
glance, so some connection with Typhon in the guise
of Set might be possible.
Another possibility is that "Mekhet” doesn’t exist at
all, or is far weaker than might be expected — possibly
serving as a screen to the movements of another, better *
player in the Jyhad. The passing of an Antediluvian is a ■
momentous event, and unless this individual possessed i
the ability to mask the power that one of its kind is likely
to have, someone would have taken notice. Therefore, it j
is possible that Mekhet is a rumor and nothing more, |
intended todivert attention from someone else’s act ions, j
It is also possible that Mekhet does exist and is an ]
Antediluvian but has somehow been prevented from, or j
failed to achieve, the level of power associated with the 3
Antediluvians. Like the “Wandering Jew" of medieval ,1
legend, Mekhet might lie little more than an observer, 1
powerless and cursed to wander the Eart h for eternity and I
watch its evils manifest.
• Lucian
It is curious that rumors of the “Antediluvian” 1
Lucian began to circulate so closely after the collapse g
of Hell’s gates and the disappearance of Lucifer...
Ch a it o On e : Th e Fin a l Nig h t s
least according to a society of thin-bloods called the (or, perhaps, simply on how the mortal reaction to
I Twilight Cult. They say that she is the one spoken of Gehenna and vampires are presented in the various
thus in The Book of Nod: “When the snows consume scenarios), you need to consider how to treat the
the earth and the sun gutters like a candle in the wind mortal population of the world as that of the vam-
then, and only then there will be born a woman the pires shakes to its foundation.
last Daughter of Eve, and in her there will be decided Depending on how severe the course of your
the fate of all.” The prophecy goes on to describe how Gehenna chronicle is, the world of mortals can re-
she shall be known only by the mark of the moon main oblivious of the existence of vampires, miss the
upon her. It so happens that after becoming aware of entire thing because the world ends too quickly or
her pregnancy Afifa developed a crescent-shaped simply focus more on the imminent disaster than on
birthmark on the base of her neck, visible only to something that can’t be right anyway. We can break
those who would examine her thoroughly. this subject down into four rough categories, all based
What could the true nature of this girl be? Is she on how events unfold in the various scenarios.
really this woman, known as the Herald? Whatever
Bu s in e s s a s Us u a l
the truth is, a Coptic Nosferatu named Petra brought
If, as in Chapter Two, mortals never learn of
Afifa under her protection and sheltered her in a
vampires and Gehenna takes place outside the mor-
Cairene church known as Abu Serga, where Afifa
tal awareness, only slight changes signify that
had her baby (or hasn’t yet, according to the needs of
anything has happened at all. Society gradually
your chronicle). If she really is the “Last Daughter of
adapts to a world without vampires, as positions
Eve," a sound theory based on interpretation of the
previously held by vampires are assumed by mortals
text would be that the child she bore is \yhat will
without much ado. After all, most of mortal society
“decide the fate of all.” The sticking point is that
is founded on the concept of rank of succession
according to the general translation of the prophecy,
anyway, so if Brujah or Ventrue influence within
the time she is destined to arrive is after the return
the Mafia disappears, for example, mortal mobsters
and 1,000-year reign of the Antediluvians.
rise to take their place as a matter of course.
Us in g Af if a t h e He r a l d in y o u r
Ch r o n ic l e Se c r e t Ho l o c a u s t
Storytellers have a multitude of possibilities here. If, however, as in Chapter Three, the disappear-
First of all, a reason as to her appearance now could ance of vampires leaves considerable vacuums that
be that the Antediluvians already have arisen, and simple rank of succession does not fill — such as
they already have ruled for 1,000 years, doing so from major monetary funding or valuable counsel —
the shadows, by proxy. The entire Jyhad could be a instability is sure to arise. The skills and capabilities
symbol of this rule. The idea of snow consuming the of centuries-old vampires vanish, leaving mortal
Earth, although it sounds like an analogy for nuclear institutions and organizations that depended on
winter, could refer to nothing more than end-time them fumbling in the dark. Politicians risk losing
paranoia or possibly the effects of the Week of Night- valuable backing supported by the influential net-
mares (which the well-versed reader would know works and financial support of affluent Kindred.
featured mystical nuclear devices detonated on both Having subtly effected broad-reaching social policy
sides of the spiritual wall, causing major trauma to in their domains for centuries, Cainites must sud-
supernatural creatures). denly concentrate on surviving Gehenna.
Afifa’s infant child might work as a powerful plot Expos?
device, as the baby could be the antithesis of Caine, Being hurled head-first into a full-fledged
the only surefire way to destroy him. Gehenna, such as in Chapter Four, mortals’ entire
world and concept of it is forced to forever change.
Mo r t a l Re a c t io n s Mortal reactions to the existence of vampires are
t o Ge h e n n a presented in detail in Chapter Four.
In the scenarios presented in this book, Gehenna’s Ar m a g e d d o n
effect on the world of mortals takes several forms, and Experiencing Gehenna on par with the vam-
all should be considered carefully before beginning pires, the end has come, as much for the race of men
the chronicle. After all, this is the stage on which as for the Cainites. This might truly be Judgment
Gehenna unfolds, and depending on your choices Day, such as in Chapter Five.
In t e r e s t in g Tim e s tially state that the corpses of some of the cult
members must have been mixed up with the corpses
When rhe world of mortals becomes rhe stage of rhe of the cult’s previous victims, but freak incidents
Cainites’ Gehenna, things happen. Maybe not too result in reports ending up missing and the corpses
noticeably, maybe not too convincingly, but they hap- being cremated before new reports can be made.
pen. The following is a list of a few events and situations Christian fringe groups and other sects of mortals
happening in a select few locations of the world. If they proclaim the spawn of Satan to be upon the world.
are unsuitable for your chronicle, simply change them, Minor riots break out when other Cult of Cain cells
but they should serve as inspiration for creating more in Sweden, Norway and other Northern European
such events. countries are uncovered.
• A peculiar video clip is circulated on the
Th u En d is Nig h Internet. It shows a man being tortured, only to
The letter below made it to the desk of a secretary regenerate all wounds inflicted upon him. The clip is
at CNN, before being discarded. said to have originated from a religious group, the
Unsurprisingly, the letter went unnoticed. Jacobite Debators, and it supposedly proves demonic
• A politician in Indonesia is accused of allegedly existence. Very few believe it to be real, but it
being a vampire. Unlike other similar cases, some- becomes a popular topic in conversation and Internet
thing about this case piques the interest of the rest of chats.
the world. The Camarilla tries its best to cover the • Over the last few years, more and more people
tricky situation, dismissing it as an allegation from the have been and are being diagnosed with various
politician’s dodgy rival, but the damage is done, and degrees of insanity and mental instability. The peak
the politician is stoned to death in a public square. of these outbreaks of madness occurred during the
• A “blood cult” dubbed “The Cult of Cain” in Week of Nightmares, but they return en masse over
the media is uncovered in a small town outside the first stages of Gehenna. Mass psychosis and delu-
Gothenburg, Sweden. Media stories refer to the cult sions become more frequent, especially in
as “cannibalistic” and “vampiric,” and most of the Third-World countries. The appearance of dooms-
members are allegedly killed in a police standoff as day prophets becomes commonplace. In some
they are being apprehended. Coroner reports ini- locations, the outbreak is even culturally recognized
as true evidence of the End of the World.
Qslxilxle. of
Zu r ic h c l in ic
Yours sincerely,
i Dr. Ruehen St. Clair,
The Zurich Clinic
Unknown Number of
Casualties, As Many as 100 Om in o u s I t r a n s m is s io n s
Still Lost After New The following are confidential letters written by
Earthquakes in Turkey Cainites to each other that might shed some light on
how various vampires are preparing for Gehenna.
Earthquake in Turkey injures 40,
kills three.
Says Turkish Prime-minister:
Armageddon-like conditions take a ITUj 5)ear ^gkos.
turn for the worse 3 fear tfjat gour premonitions (jave
been correct, anb tfjat tfje Ctbest is.
Istanbul (Reuters): Yet another earth- inbeeb, stiff wit(j us anb awakening.
quake struck Istanbul, Turkey $or severaf nigljts 3 (jave been
yesterday, as the city was still recover- ijaunteb in nig breams 6g
apocafuptic visions of armies of
ing from last week's massive tremor.. ungoblg bemons feb 6ij wliat 3 am
A number of historical buildings were positive must 6c tlje ftounber, mfiicfj
destroyed, and Turkish officials caffeb me to it. 3 (jave corresponbeb
stated in a press conference mere witfj otfjers of our lineage tvtjo (jave
hours after the cessation of the quake eyperienceb siniifar images. 3.
that, "At least 40 people have been befinitefu recognizeb parts of
evacuated from the debris, and we manljattan in tfje wreckage. Gut
against a bgckbrov tfjat can ontg 6e
tlje Carpathian mountains of bur
confirmed 10 casualties." origins.
Yesterday's tremor is the last in the
series of what experts dub Awaiting gour assessments before
"cataclysmic events" occurring pursuing nig investigations.
around the world. Seismologists fear
several t5>incerefg,
significant aftershocks may hit Istan-
bul within the next couple of days, and
Geh en n a
3 have received your communiques and am currently making preparations. J share your
faith that the tjiovanni, willingly or not, will serve their purpose. The grave-robber
STmbrogino Cjiovanni has definitely uncovered the artifact, and it should not prove
difficult to rob him of it.
JTs for your requested information regarding Tdykos, 3 am positive that it is currently
located in (^Montreal. cAly spies have failed to make a positive identification of it, but
we believe this may be attributed to its mastery of changing its shape.
JTIso, 3 have conferred with "SHis cAlajesty the Trince" as you asked. (When your
divinations come true, "he" has promised to take action. JTs always, 3 look forward to
hearing from you again.
Geh en n a
• The length of the palliation depends on the pects, they’re just little bits of advice on struc-
victim’s age: ture, technique and scripting. Use or ignore them
New Childe (less than as you will, but do be aware of them.
five years a Cainite) or Wa it , Wh o ’s Th i s Gu y ?
Thin-Blood 3 nights Throughout these scenarios you'll be intro-
Neonate 1 week duced to characters who have critical roles in the
Ancilla 2 weeks events of Gehenna. Let’s get this out of the way
Elder 3 weeks right now: If you have someone who fits their roles
Methuselah or Antediluvian I month already established in your chronicle, use your char-
acters instead. These scenarios are built to be run
“out of the box,” with a few adjustments made on
Pr o g r e s s io n
the Storyteller’s part for the power level of her
o f t h e Wit h e r in g players’ characters. As such, they’re mostly self-
After the Antediluvians rise (assuming they contained. And to that end, they have characters
do in your chronicle), the Withering becomes in them who are key figures of prophecy or fate.
more severe. The chance for any Discipline or Now, rather than have some random new
vitae use to fail increases to 2 in 10 (a roll of 1 or Methuselah step out of the shadows as Gehenna
2 on the die). Each time the Storyteller decides draws close, use one of the ones already in your
that an Antediluvian has met Final Death, the chronicle if you have one. A thin-blooded seer
chance of failure increases by one. By the climax can serve the role of Lyla without causing players
of Gehenna — assuming that any characters sur- to wonder just who this other cryptic thin-blood
vive that long — the chance of failure should be is. If your group has already crossed paths with an
at least 4 or 5 in 10, making any use of Cainite Anathema, you might wish to adapt that charac-
powers chancy and supplying a great temptation ter instead of using Ferox. Cyscek need not he the
to diablerie. singular Fiend upon whom some of New York’s
fates rest.
Th e Ca u s f Bear that in mind — it’s not our intent to
In some versions of Gehenna, characters never create “toaster messiahs” who just pop up into
have a chance to learn the reason for the Curse of your chronicle to derail it from where it’s been
Caine’s end (unless you want them to, of course). going all along. They are placeholder characters,
They may speculate, and other Kindred offer plenty there for people who don’t have such individuals
of their own guesses. Some Cainites think that already in their chronicles and also to facilitate
the Red Star is a gigantic Thing From Beyond that the flow of the scenarios as printed.
drains away vampires’ stolen life force. Others
think that something happened to Caine. Still Fa i r n e s s
others blame rhe Withering on the mysterious Kiss it goodbye. This is the End of the World,
mortal mages, on a hidden Antediluvian who at least for the Kindred. Some events kill Kindred
found a way to siphon all Cainite power to him- of certain clans or compel them to act in certain
self, a new disease or any of a dozen other causes. ways. While it’s all fine and good for characters —
Many fear that the Withering is God’s judgment that’s characters, not players — to rail against
on the Kindred, though they disagree with the their cruel fates, that’s just how the world works,
rest about the immediate mechanism that weak- especially as it goes to Hell in a handbasket. As
ens the Curse of Caine. the Storyteller, you’re welcome to change these
The truth is whatever you want. bits to suit your chronicle, but give careful con-
sideration to doing so. When Set calls his childer
Ge h e n n a
Posing challenges need not be a case of giving the fore, will face a challenge in that their more
antagonists superior levels of capabilities in which the de'sperate but less able foes will take chances that
players’ characters already specialize. Turn the tables on they don’t want to take themselves.
the characters or have them deal with a situation in As another example, let’s say our same physi-
which they haven'I specialized. cally inclined characters face an occult threat
For example, let’s say your players’ characters that always seems to know where they’re going to
are fairly combat savvy. Don’t feel the need to be. Likely, the Storyteller characters in this situ-
overwhelm them with angels sent down from ation are smarter and more in tune with
Heaven to mop rhe Earth with their asses. Maybe supernatural effects than the players’ characters
they face a doomsday cult that fears nothing — in are. This wise, occult threat doesn’t have to have
a fight that breaks out in a manufacturing plant, a string of traits all rated at 8. It can simply have
these cultists don’t care about diving into a die- traits in the above-average range, which exceed
cutting metal press as long as they take some the characters’ own capacities but not to an ab-
vampiric hell-spawn with them. The characters, surd degree.
on the other hand, are probably more capable The challenge lies in the presentation and the
than these cultists, but they certainly don’t want characters’ reactions to it. Don’t force it to rely
to be die-cut themselves. The characters, there- solely on dots and dice.
Fora time they obeyed me, for they feared their father's wrath. But just as I had not accepted God’s edicts,
so they did not accept mine, for they were of my Blood, and their nature was defiance. Those that were nearest
me Embraced the sons of Seth in secret, those that were far distant Embraced them openly. They ruled the <3
Children of Seth as gods not by man’s choice, but by their own decree. And I knew that then they were doomed,
for God would not tolerate such practices. Foolish children! You make light of God's law, but you have never
seen His face. You make light of His curse, but you have never felt His power. He who made this world can
unmake it, He who gave life to mankind can also give death, and He who cursed us to prey upon the living
can make for us such Hell on Earth that all the Adversary's torments will pale by comparison. I saw the storm
clouds gathering, I felt the air grow cold. And I knew the time of reckoning had come at last. The Children
of Seth /frayed for me to save them but I could not. My children begged for me to save them but I would not.
The rain began to fall, and it did not cease...
And in the end there was only water. My foolish children knew hunger and loneliness and fear. And it
was good.
—The Erciyes Fragments. IV (Enoch)
Let us never forget, lest we earn his rage anew. Let us never forget, lest the waters rise again.
—The Erciyes Fragments. V (Lamentations)
And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burningas it were a lamp, and it
fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called
Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because
they were made bitter.
—Revelation 8: 10-11
Ch ait ir Tw o : Wo r mw o o d
Covenant. Pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust and ava- twist the secrets of the world to their own horrific
rice blossomed like black weeds in the hearts of those purposes any longer. He watched as they stepped be-
who fell under the sway of the Kindred and soon the yond their bounds, going so far as to birth their own
Earth was no different than it had been before; worse bastard monstrosities and carry their taint into other
even. As cities sprang up across the globe and every realms of existence, not satisfied to befoul the lands of
civilization became a playground for the spawn of Nod. Even as their blood thins they continue to spawn,
Caine, Cainites Embraced mortals at will, damning giving unholy birth to thin-blooded abominations whose
them with their own cursed Blood and spreading their first breaths reek of the grave. God has seen enough of
influence into every corner of the world. Centuries this blasphemy, and He has finally been moved to act.
passed and nations rose and fell, but the corrupt touch Wormwood. God has called into existence a sec-
of vampires was always felt. Even during the creatures’ ond great cleansing of the earth with that single word,
most difficult nights, when the Inquisition was at its but He will not break His Covenant with Noah. This
righteous height, the shadowy undead continued to time there are no raging waters to drown humanity and
play their games and bring as many mortals as was devastate its achievements. Instead, God’s wrath is like
prudent into their service. This was not the world God a deadly fog that descends from the heavens and engulfs
had hoped to see rise from the flotsam of the Great the world, leaving no place safe for Kindred. More
Flood. spiritual than physical, it passes unseen by the Children
Although many mortals sought to follow the path of Seth and all but the most sensitive of Caine’s prog-
of love and faith, Caine’s children made it difficult. The eny, bringing Final Death only to those whose time has
Kindred created a world in their own foul image, a world finally come. For 40 nights the bitter force of retribution
that was most suited to their predatory and monstrous shall be loosed upon the Earth, and when it is over, the
needs. Whatever they touched became blighted and Curse of Caine and all those marked by the Curse shall
bore the mark that Caine wore upon his own brow. be gone without a trace, their stain washed clean.
Sometimes, God did intercede to strike down the truly Maybe then Seth’s children can build the world that
e> wicked or to offer salvation to those most worthy, but was promised them, one that glorifies God and sings of
He could not break His Covenant; He could never His works as it never has before.
again cleanse the Earth of its sins and sinners to start Gehenna is not what the Kindred believed it would
anew. Caine’s progeny knew this and howled their be. There is no great war between the Antediluvian
delight, having no fear of divine retribution. That was generals of the Jyhad, nor shall all that has been
their greatest mistake. prophesized come to pass. Neither is Gehenna just
Millennia have passed since the Great Flood, and another turn of some great cosmic wheel, and it does not
the world is awash in humanity. Many great things have herald the triumphant return of Caine the Dark Father
been achieved and so much has been done to make the to punish or lead his multitude. There is no warning. No
world a better place. Yet for all this, the pestilence that silver trumpets blaring to announce the arrival of the
lies in the cold hearts of the Kindred has been greater Kindred’s Judgment Day, no host of angels on wing, no
and threatens to snuff out all that is good. As rhe 21st booming voice from on high. There are no second
century opens, vampires relish their power and trample chances. There is only a sudden torrent of divine
all that dares to come between them and their unholy emanation that floods the world and erases the vam-
desires. The Children of Seth are mere kine to them, pires and all that they have done. For 40 nights the
cattle to slake their ravenous hunger, tools to be used for Kindred drown in their sorrows, gasp for vitae and
advantage and pawns to sacrifice in their endless petty wither under the weight of their sins. For 40 nights they
Jyhad. Although they no longer rule openly, Caine’s shall learn the meaning of fear and know that this is
offspring rule nonetheless, insofar as it suits their pur- their final hour. All their ambitions, schemes and plans
poses. Wherever they see a benefit in seizing a person, will be for naught, for how can a dying man do anything
a place or a resource, they do so without a care as to the but struggle helplessly against such a doom? No vam-
consequential suffering or loss. What does it matter if a pire, not even rhe grandchi Ider of Caine, can escape the
few of the sheep should die, as long as the herd contin- punishment that is Wormwood, if God does not wish it
ues to grow fat? to be so. All their vaunted powers are useless. Gehenna
All things come to an end, however, and the is, quite simply, the end ofone of God’s failures, nothing
sanguinary excesses of Caine and his get must finally more and nothing less.
stop. God will not allow them to prey upon the Chil- And what of Caine, the Dark Father himself? What
dren of Seth, to pollute the Earth with bloody rites or to role does he play in Gehenna?The short answer is none.
He, like all his spawn, is destroyed by God without by those of the Third Generation, and like his own
looking hack. Caine was originally punished by God for Creator, he punished the wrongdoers. Still, they were
I slaying his brother, a brother he envied. Caine believed truly their Dark Father’s children, and even the harsh
I that God accepted Abel’s sacrifice and not his own punishments levied upon them could not quash the sin
I because God favored Abel, but Caine was wrong. God that grew in their unbeating hearts. When Caine saw
I always loved Adam’s first son most of all, but God could this, he turned his back on what he had wrought,
r not accept his first sacrifice because it was not offered leaving his progeny to squabble among themselves over
with a true heart as Abel’s had been. In his blind pride rhe one thing they all craved: the Children of Seth.
and envy, Caine railed against God and murdered Abel, Caine did not look back, but left them to their own
and for this God punished him. Despite what Caine and devices, seeking the most remote comers of the world
his descendants believed, however, God neVer cursed instead in the hope of finding something to cure the
Caine. In fact, God so loved Caine that He gave him life canker in his soul. For the millennia since then, he has
everlasting so that Caine would have all the time he continued to do sq, never again meddling in the affairs
might need to finally see the error of his ways, to finally of his line.
understand his own sins and seek forgiveness for what Caine was not ignorant of what his children were
he had done. But Caine was blind to this greatest of up to, however. He knew that they worshipped demons,
mercies, so he never saw it as the second chance that it dabbled in heretical magic, spawned unfit progeny,
was. Instead, he embraced the role of the unjustly warred upon each other, treated mankind like animals
punished child and accused God of bias and cruelty. and saw the world as their own playground where even
Like a stubborn child who fails to see his parents’ love the most malignant crimes were part and parcel of their
behind their admonitions, Caine literally ran away, petty personal feuds. Yet he would not do his duty as a
fleeing into the Land of Nod and forever turning his father. He would never again punish them, teach them
back on his true home. or deign to destroy them. Long ago, Caine abdicated his
The Curse of Caine is one of Caine’s own manufac- responsibilities and chose instead to let the world suffer
ture. Even as God sent angelic messengers to offer Caine unjustly as he felt he must suffer unjustly. Let God taste
forgiveness, Caine spurned their words and defiantly His own medicine. -J *
welcomed the burning glare of the sun, the sacred agony After all this time, nothing has changed, at least
of fire, the howling hunger for blood and all the other not enough to bring Caine to actually ask for forgive-
facets of the Curse as personal badges of honor. He ness with true remorse and faith in his heart. When one
relished this punishment as a slap in the face of God. of Caine’s grandchilder rose from its long torpor in
Forever after, all his get have borne this curse, rarely 1999, God saw this as the final test, one last chance for
understanding its true nature. The Beast that nightly Caine to accept his paternal duty and strike down his
struggles to run free in the cold heart of every vampire unruly chi Ide, sparing the world its monstrous hunger
is nothing less than Caine’s own wrath, passed to his and wrath. But Caine would not lift his hand. He simply
children, still burning after all this time. So too are watched and refused to see his own responsibility in
Caine’s other sins inherited by those hecreates, from his this. In the end, it was mankind that finally rose up to
pride and envy to his lust and gluttony. As every mortal destroy the monster, using the semi-divine seed planted
was born already tainted by the sin of Adam and Eve, so within their own souls to confront the Antediluvian
was every man or woman reborn as a vampire the heir and wage unrelenting war upon it. God saw this and
to Caine’s sins. Whereas mortals have recourse to the knew then that mankind, for all its failings, could build
divine sacrament of baptism to cleanse them of original a world where virtue and faith prevailed, if only it was
sin, however, Caine’s children have no such salvation. given a real chance. On the other hand, God saw
Even Golconda, for all its rumored efficacy, was never Caine’s inaction as final proof that no amount of time
anything more than a temporary reprieve from the would cause the son of Adam’s heart to change. He no
worst of the Curse. No messiah was ever sent to the longer had any reason to allow Caine or his spawn to
Kindred to offer them salvation, for as long as Caine walk the Earth and hold back the Children ofSeth from
refused to put aside his pride and kneel in true faith achieving Heaven thereupon. So be it. God had been
before God, asking his Creator for forgiveness, the gates generous, but the time for generosity is now over.
of Heaven remained closed to his kind. Caine’s story has come to an end.
None of this is to suggest that Caine approved of the This chapter is the vision ofGehenna that takes the
atrocities of his children or basked in their evil. On the road less traveled, to borrow a phrase. Certainly, all
contrary, he was horrified at the murder of his progeny manner of conflict can arise during the telling of this
Ch aph r Tw o : Wo r mw o o d
' last epic tale, from brute combat to subtle political
intrigues, but if these are the things that take
center stage in your chronicle, then perhaps one of
the other alternative endings in the following
chapters will be more suited to your troupe’s dra-
matic palette. This Gehenna is a morality play, and
as such, it is heavily focused on issues pertaining to
faith, humanity, conscience, willpower, self-con-
trol and courage. This ending replaces all the
razzle-dazzle and concerns itself, fittingly, with the
personal horror upon which this game was built in
the first place. At its best, it offers Storytellers ami
players alike a final chance to examine what it truly
means to be a vampire, to bear Caine’s Curse and
to perhaps even understand a little bit more about
what it means to be human.
Although this version of Gehenna is not
everyone’s cup of tea, it is suitable for any coterie of
vampires, from the most bestial and diabolic to the
most cultured and even repentant. It can be played
one-on-one for a very personal epitaph to an intro-
spective chronicle or with a larger troupe, and it
lends itself just as well to a live roleplaying experi-
ence. Neonatesand elders alike will find themselves
challenged and offered equal reward, with neither <5
having any greater advantage. What does physical
or supernatural power mean to God ? If your troupe
wants to experience Gehenna as something very
personal, a grand ending that leaves the beaten
path and returns instead to the basics ofstorytelling
and dramatic discovery, this story should please.
Finally, despite the seeming gloom and doom
and the futility of running a story that almost
certainly ends with everyone’s demise, there is a
seed of hope. Gehenna is intended to cleanse the
world of all vampires, and if God wants it that way,
that’s what’s going to happen. All Abrahamic
judgment aside, however, God does offer a way out
for those who are truly deserving of eternal salva-
tion. And because God has an infinite capacity for
love and forgiveness, this offer is available to all
characters, regardless of whether they are hoary
Tzimisce who rejoice in tormenting children or
deeply ph ilosophical Toreador who use I heir power
to build humanitarian institutions. (Of course, if
such a Tzimisce does not actually repent his sins,
he will find the offer swiftly withdrawn.) In other
words, all characters are given one last chance to
truly redeem themselves in the eyes of God before
the hammer of justice falls. For those who do, there
is no limit to what they can accomplish.
His Mf s s f n g f r which Alia’s father did not, at the time, fully compre-
With but a Word, God passed judgment on Caine hend —and the couple felt blessed that they could have
and his children. Wormwood, the Red Star, has come to their own child, a chill descended on them that they
issue forth God’s righteous wrath and drown the blight could never have imagined. A local Nosferatu had long
of the Kindred. But God did not loose His judgment in been spying on the pair on the off chance that anything
an instant, for even in His divine wrath, He can show he learned might come in handy one night, perhaps to
mercy. He has seen that against all odds, a few Kindred pay off a debt or even blackmail the autarkis into doing
not only succeeded in resisting the sins of their accursed him a favor. When he discovered that the woman was
blood, but some actually demonstrated that rarest and with child, he was unable to keep the information to
most special of things, faith. Despite the horrors de- himself, and he told others of his clan the astonishing
manded of them as Children of Caine, despite the news. Suddenly, Alia’s parents found themselves be-
temptations and urges of the Beast, a few Kindred found sieged by local vampires, some of whom apparently
within themselves a true devotion to God. These few sought to kill the couple and halt the birth, and some of
gave God hope. Maybe, if given the chance and freed whom wished to protect the couple and see the child
from the Curse of Caine, these special few might actu- •carried to term, perhaps to experiment upon it or
ally prove a boon to the world instead of a f igue. worship it in some obscene fashion. Fortunately, it was
Maybe, if their faith was true, they might be woi orthy of a trio of Caitiff, with the assistance of an elder vampire
serving God and His divine plan. . X simply found that it suited
who simply
who suited his own political ino-
And so God chose a messenger, tbgirl born of a fives, who approached the couple first and were able to
mortal mother and a Kindred father, a child who was help them find sanctuary. Finally, one evening under a
heir to the legacies ofboth Seth and Caine from the very ’sliver of a moon, Alia was born.
first. God marked His messenger so that one of true faith For the first few years of the dhampir’s life, things
would recognize her. Then, when the time was right, went remarkably well. The three Caitiff remained with
when the girl was of an age where she could handle the the family as protectors and augurs, always trying to
demands of her appointed task and carry the W«/ord of understand the hidden importance of the infant girl, kJ
God on Earth, He spoke to her and revealed His plan. but it was only when Alia turned 12 that something of
His messenger understood, and she set forth tofulfill
t< her her divine role began to be made evident. When she
part in that plan, never once questioning or hesitating first experienced menstruation — the “mark of the
to do what had 2 been set ™_„
before 1her. She was G-2
God’s hnoon” that all women bear — she fell into a feverish
messenger, and she would bring His Word to those she state that lasted until she shed no more blood. When
must. , • the ever passed, Alia seemed different. Upon entering
Alia was born a dhampir, an abomination trapped wot iannood she became more serious and the look in
between the world of the living and the world of the her eyes med to belong to someone far older and
undead. Her father was a thin-blooded Caitiff who jj wiser. Im diately, her childhood had disappeared and
knew next to nothing about what he himself had her dem tor struck those around her as befitting
become a few years earlier. He had avoided other osen fopa tremendous responsibility. Al-
Kindred, all too swiftly learning just how hated he was, ' though she was not particularly religious (neither ofher
his bastard lineage making his short unlife hell. Instead, 3 parents were really believers), she exuded a power that
he clung to those things he knew, the semblance of his made the vampires uncomfortable, as if they were not
former life, including family and friends. Unfortunately, worthy of being near her. Even her father was taken
he discovered that his new existence soon alienated aback and deferred to her as if she knew what was best
him from these familiar touchstones, too, forcinghim to for theinKll.
spend most of his time alone, hunting on the fringes of Alia had heard the voice of God, and it had indeed
the city in places where few other vampires would care changed her. Upon becoming a woman, she was ready
to go. It was here that he met Alia’s mother, a young to receive His Word and to learn of her purpose on
woman who recognized the loneliness in his soul and Earth. She listened and accepted her role. She was to
empathized with him. The two became lovers, and they find a Kindred, one whose faith was stronger than all
did their best to carve out a life they could call their others combined, and give him God’s Message. Alia did
own, one that required nothing of them and did not not know who this Kindred was whom she had to find,
judge them. but she didn’t doubt for a moment that she would know
But this was a pipe dream. Even when Alia’s mother soon enough to fulfill her duty. She kept all of this from
discovered she was pregnant — the implications of her family, as she didn’t want to frighten them. The
Ch a h e r Two: Wo r mw o o d
message God wished her to pass on was for one Kindred’s refuge. At first, they believed they were alone in the
ears only and would only have terrified those she loved. place, but they soon began to feel as if they were being
Over the next few months, Alia heard God’s voice watched. The Caitiff grew restless and increasingly
again, each time during her period. Though she did not fearful, but Alia never quavered. Instead, she knelt at
reveal what she learned, she did explain that she could the dusty altar and bowed her head in prayer, sure in her
no longer stay with her family. As heartbroken as her conviction that God’s will was all that mattered. If He
parents were, they did not try to keep her; they knew wished her here, then who was she to do otherwise?
that more than they, she understood what she was The walls seemed to move, the faded scriptural
doing. Only her Caitiff protectors went with her, to
continue to ensure her safety and to learn whatever they
could. The coterie traveled from city to city as Alia
looked for the signs she had been told to watch for.
murals shifted, and the electricity in the air magnified
a thousandfold. Directly over the altar, high up in the
nave, a figure started to form. Michael the Archangel
came out of the wall, to spread his white wings and to
Wherever she went, she visited churches and cathe- descend onto the altar. This was too much for the
drals, apparently seeking someone or something in Caitiff. The Beasts in their hearts shrieked in fear, and
these holy places. She never told her companions who they fled blindly into the storm outside. Only a few
or what it was she sought, however. Finally, after nearly paces from the open church doors, the trio was struck by
a year of fruitless searching, she found the one she was a single bolt of lightning that destroyed them on the
looking for and relayed God’s Word. spot. Throughout all this, Alia remained in prayer,
His Mf s s a g f unmoved by the commotion. Even as the angel landed
on the altar before her, his wings spread across the nave
In an old mission church in the Sangre de Cristo
and the divine light of God streaming out of his eyes
Mountains in New Mexico, Alia’s coterie found refuge
more brightly than even the lightning, she did not
from a particularly torrential storm, one that rolled
move. A few moments passed, then the church doors
across the mesas with the blackest ofclouds and thunder
closed, bringing an odd quiet while the storm continued
that shook the land. Lightning lashed the ground al-
outside. The blinding light of the angel finally dimmed,
most as if it were seeking victims, driving the Kindred
and he spoke to Alia.
into the lonely mission, the only place of obvious
The figure was not an angel, of course, though he though only the Children of Caine would taste its bitter
believed he was. He was a vampire, a Gargoyle to be waters and know what it means to feel God’s wrath.
precise, a creature doubly cursed, for he was unable to After 40 nights it would be over. Those who remained
even pretend to be human given his grotesque form. in the sanctuary would be safe, but they too would be
That never mattered to him, though, for from the judged. Those found wanting would be undone.
moment he received the stony Embrace of his sire, he When she finished, Alia said nothing for a time.
found something that even the holiest of men rarely She could only stare at the winged monster before her
find: True Faith. And in the centuries since his Becom- and trust in God. Ferox was struck so mightily by the
ing, that faith had only grown in strength until it had dhampir’s words — for he knew them to be holy — that
become so unassailable that God Himself took notice. he too could do nothing but shake in fear and humility.
The Gargoyle saw himself as an angel, albeit a fallen God had spoken; He had chosen Ferox, a fallen angel,
one, his current state nothing more than a test of his for this tremendous responsibility, and Ferox could only
faith. He had faced countless adversaries over the years be awed. He was being offered the salvation that he had
and none could shake his devotion to God; instead, always believed was beyond his reach, the greatest gift
they only made it grow. The servant of God spent his x of all. Eventually, the two spoke again, this time at
days in churches,
. always .traveling
„„ ..i : in the hopes ofc doing
length, about each other and about the message she had
God’s work, whatever it might be. He destroyed those brought to this desolate place. When the morning light
Kindred he believed were demons, and he spread the finally came, they had formed a bond not of blood, but
word of God to those he felt were worth saving. But he of faith and purpose; Alia would help Ferox find the
had never actually heard God speak, until now. others God spoke of, and when the time came, they
The Gargoyle told Alia that his name was Ferox would give the Chosen sanctuary.
and that he was God’s servant. He told her of his mission The next evening, the Red Star appeared in the
to do God’s bidding and that if she believed as he did, heavens. God’s plan had been set in motion, and
she might be spared His wrath. While he spoke, Alia nothing would stop it. Wormwood approached and
listened quietly, piously, her head half-bowed. When with it so did Gehenna, the 40 nights of bitter wrath
Ferox had finished with his introduction, Alia lifted her that had come due for Caine and all his progeny. Ferox
head and gazed into the eyes of the monstrosity before and Alia gazed at the star and began their final journey.
her. Ferox wore sunglasses so as to not blind her with the They had work to do, His work to do, and the clock was
divine light that streamed continuously from his crim- now ticking.
son eyes, but she looked through them and saw him
Wa it in g i o r Ge h e n n a
plainly. For the first time in centuries, Ferox was startled,
for this slip of a girl not only refused to flinch from his Since the earliest nights, Kindred have wondered
about their fate and whether or not they were truly
presence, but she exhibited a purpose and strength that
Damned after all. They listened to the stories of their
he had never before witnessed. And in her eyes was
elders and whispered of Caine and the fateful night
something he had never encountered, something that
when he might return to pass judgment, a time called
made him drop humbly to his knees and weep blood as
Gehenna. Over the millennia, these musings have
she spoke.
become solidified in the minds of the Kindred. They
Alia also trembled as she revealed God’s Message,
have become a heady eschatological mythology that
no hint of pride whatsoever in her voice. She never saw
describes the signs that presage the arrival of Gehenna.
herself as anything more than a simple messenger and so
Before the end, many things will happen and the most
she spoke softly, even with fear, so terrible were the
learned and watchful Kindred will see clearly as the
words she conveyed. She told Ferox that God had
final hour draws nigh. The legendary sacred scriptures
judged the Children of Caine and found them wanting.
of the most ancient vampires, The Book of Nod, along
God would erase them from Creation, and the instru-
with various other apocryphal fragments, lay out in
ment of His judgment would be called Wormwood,
traditionally obscure fashion the many omens that
which would appear as a crimson star. God wanted
would come to pass in the Final Nights. Since the
Ferox to gather others of his kind according to signs to
Middle Ages, the Children of Caine have sought to
come and to create for these Chosen Kindred a sanctu-
identify these signs so that they would have time to
ary. When the doom that is Wormwood is nigh, God
prepare for Gehenna. On many occasions, the more
would let him know to go into the sanctuary with the
religious-minded Kindred have pointed at this or that
Chosen and stay until 40 nights have passed. During
event and declared them to be auspices of Gehenna.
that time, the world would be poisoned by Wormwood,
Ch a h l r Tw o : Wo r mw o o d
Numerous cults and secret societies have grown up the approach of Gehenna, or at least to understand the
around the idea of this last night, some seeking to hasten finality that it might represent. Their petty wars have
its arrival, while others hoped to postpone it or halt it become all-important, and when they have considered
entirely. Other Kindred have sought to simply find the Gehenna, they have mostly seen it as nothing more than
greatest tactical advantage, hoping that they will be that moment at which the greatest master of the Jyhad
best prepared to survive whatever horrors it brings when will finally be revealed for all to see. Few of these
it does arrive. Though each Gehenna scholar believes Machiavellian puppet-masters can really imagine that
that she has the inside scoop on the End of the World, Gehenna will mean the end of all their kind, including
none of them have any true conception of what the end the victors of the Jyhad. Where’s the justice in that?
will he like. None of them could foresee the coming of Clearly, they miss the point.
what is essentially a second Great Flood. A few of the most introspective and spiritual of these
This does not mean that none of Caine’s children Methuselahs, however, have come to recognize that
have come close to discovering something of the truth. Gehenna might be more than the end of the Jyhad. For the
Many Kindred have come to the conclusion that most part, these Kindred have lurked behind the scenes
Gehenna is very close, that these truly are the Final throughout the ages, but they have been careful to watch
Nights, and that there is very little time left before the for the signs and have done their utmost to try to decipher
end is upon them. Now, as the Red Star appears in the them. The inscrutable Inconnu sought just such omens
night sky to those Kindred with the most sensitive of
perceptions, they scramble to figure out what it por-
Sa u l o r
tends. Surely, some prophecies speak of a red star rising
Of all the Antediluvians, only Saulot came close
alongside a blood-red moon, but where does this fit into
to finally understanding what might await him and
the whole Gehenna story? Is this merely a sign, as in the
his kind. He learned after many very difficult lessons
star that led the shepherds and kings to Christ’s nativ-
that the Curse sustaining all vampires had become
ity, or is it something far more dreadful? Some Kindred
nothing more than an excuse for Kindred to bask in
have noted that the star “feels” malignant, and rumors kJ
evil. Every cruelty, ever depredation and every sin
abound of Malkavians and insightful Caitiff—particu-
carried came to be justified as either fulfillment of
larly those of the thinnest blood — who perceive it to
their intrinsic nature as one of the Damned or
be something very bad.
something that had to be done to avoid even greater
It might seem that of all the Kindred, the sin. Saulot searched the globe for answers and for a
Antediluvians would enjoy the greatest advantage in path to salvation, but never found what he was
recognizing the arrival of Gehenna and understanding looking for until it was too late. Now, he merely
what it meant, but that would be to assume that raw watches — in a sense, t he greatest of the Inconnu —
experience and might was capable of revealing the unwilling to become further involved in the struggles
secrets of God’s plan. On the contrary, these demigods and schemes of the Kindred. Despite all his powers,
are some of the least able to fully comprehend their own all his knowledge and understanding, he believes his
fates. So sure in their power, those Antediluvians who purpose is concluded. It is now time for each Kindred
can still be considered sentient have come to believe to come to the same understanding on her own, to
themselves beyond such things. Ancient though they aspire to something greater, he it Golconda, undying
are, they are unable to grasp the thought that all their faith in God or some similar state of personal enlight-
majesty ultimately means nothing when exposed to the enment. He sees the Red Star, he knows the Creator
judgment of God. For all their age and power, they, no watches, and he knows that Gehenna has come.
less than the meanest of neonates, are ultimately insig- What it brings is not necessarily something that he
nificant to the Creator. As such, few look to the desires, but it is something he fully accepts. He
heavens with anything more than a feeling of Luciferan believes that he is not worthy of true salvation, hut he
anticipation. Whatever happens on the eve of Gehenna, recognizes that the failure is his own, so he shall open
they believe it will be their shining moment of glory, himself to whatever punishment God demands.
when they rise again and declare their bloody sover- Nothing—and that means absolutely nothing—will
eignty over the Children of Seth. This shall not come ever draw him into action again. When Wormwood
to pass. blazes and its bitter poisons find him, he shall be
Like their sires and grandsires, most of the ready, and he will go with a look of peace on his
Methuselahs have been too busy pursuing their own ancient face, his unheating heart content wit h how
vendettas against i heir siblings to pay much attention to things must be.
THF M ANUS NIORUM differently, of course, and, as to be expected, none got
Another secretive sect of ancient Kindred did, it quite right. The Cult of Enlightenment, the
ironically, come close to understanding what Arimatheans, the Servitors of had, the Lawgivers and
Gehenna might truly mean. The now-defunct the Edenic Groundskeepers all actively pursue what
Manus Nigrum, orTal’mahe’Ra according to some, they believe to be the best way to avoid destruction
had dedicated itself to studying the state of death come Gehenna, whether it means finding and destroy-
and undeath since its founding in the earliest ing the legendary Last Daughter of Eve, achieving
nights of the Middle East. With the sect’s discov- Golconda or diablerizing the Antediluvians. The cult-
ery of the ghost-city of Enoch in the Underworld, ists, most of whom are young Kindred, scrounge for
however, it came to adopt the belief that it did the evidence to bolster their beliefs and to aid them in
work of the Antediluvians. The vampires of the achieving their aims, seeing their pursuits as at least as
Manus Nigntm looked forward to the arrival of beneficial as sitting around and doing nothing, hope-
Gehenna, for they were convinced that the Third fully more so. Once again, though some of these cults
Generation would rise on that terrifying night and have uncovered some interesting things and have ap-
reward them for their faithfulness, granting them proached Gehenna in very unique ways, none has
domain over all the Earth. The ghost-city and foreseen what will be.
most of its inhabitants were destroyed in a tremen- In addition to these societies, there is a host of
dous spiritual storm a few years ago, but the few others who, while they don’t necessarily focus on
survivors clung to the hope that they would be Gehenna, at least pay attention to it. Most of these cults
vindicated when the Antediluvians rose. Unfortu- are extremely small, numbering only a few vampires,
nately for them, when the Ravnos founder did rise usually all located in the same city. Some are more
up during the Week of Nightmares, the godlike nomadic, however, while others are simply widespread,
monster paid them no attention at all. The Manus even if not centrally organized. The most prominent are
Nigrum was crestfallen; all its service meant noth- the various Lilith cults, whose members tend to view
U ing to the Antediluvians. What remained of the Gehenna as the time when the Dark Mother returns to
sect shattered, but some of its membership realized destroy Caine for his crimes against her. They see their
something that fewotherKindred could. Gehenna, own prostration to Lilith as the key to their own
the Final Night, might not mean victory for any salvation when that time comes. Myriad religious cults
vampire no matter how powerful or wise. Gehenna have always existed among the Children of Caine,
might actually spell doom for all the Children of representing every conceivable way to reconcile vam-
Caine. Despite all their prior delusions of self- pires and their fate with the traditional and
importance, they finally understood that maybe, non-traditional dogma espoused by mortal faiths. Sur-
just maybe, they and their kind were ultimately of prisingly, though it might seem that at least a few of
no importance at all. these would be able to correctly interpret the signs of
Gehenna and the will of God as it relates to vampires,
it is unlikely. Again, without true and absolute faith in
and believed that only by remaining objective could they the One God, in the very purest sense, God’s plan
truly see the grand design revealed. As such, they stayed remains obscured.
apart from most other Kindred, sending their agents only
With the appearance of the Red Star a few years
to watch in order that the signs of Gehenna would be
ago, all those groups that have detected it — keep in
spotted and reported wherever they might appear. Many of
mind that only the most sensitive Kindred can — have
the Inconnu pursued various states ofenlightenment, such
feverishly tried to fit it into their own understanding of
as Golconda and N irvana, but none ever fully grasped the
Gehenna. Very few doubt that it is an important omen,
entirety of God’s plan. For all their searching and watch-
and most see it as proof that at long last, Gehenna is
ing, for all their supposed objectivity, these elder vampires
about to arrive, but as to what it actually is, none can
were still lacking the one thing necessary for full compre-
agree. As has been mentioned, various Kindred per-
hension of their fate: True Faith.
ceive it to be of an infernal or otherwise unholy nature.
Other Methuselahs do not approach Gehenna as They rarely ever consider that it only seems malefic
ascetically as do the Inconnu. Instead, some founded because it is quite literally the very instrument of their
personal cults dedicated to learning as much as possible doom. What they sense is not an intrinsic evil, but
about the Final N ights and to taking action now, before rather their own instinctual terror of the divine judg-
it grew too late. Each such group interpreted things ment that is about to befall them. Their own souls know
Ch a pt er Tw o : Wo r mw o o d
that they will be the survivors or that Caine will be
they have sinned, and they know that they are about to standing around passing out salvation. These warriors
receive their final punishment, even if the Kindred are champing at the bit to fling themselves into what
themselves don’t consciously understand this. they see as holy war. How tragically ironic it is that
The sighting of the Red Star has also resulted in the instead of the frenzied battle they have so looked
very recent formation of so-called “seer cults,” mostly forward to, the end will come silently and without
ragtag assemblages of neonates and thin-blooded Kin- inherent violence, inexorably denying them all that
dred who see the Red Star and their own existence as they have worked so hard to achieve. It is indeed a bitter
clear and indisputable evidence that Gehenna has end for these zealots.
arrived. These groups run the gamut from those who
believe UFOs will land and do battle with their elders
to the much more faith-based cults that proselytize their
Fo r t y Nig h t s
messages of fire and brimstone. Some are even hopeful,
believing something along the lines of “the meek shall
o f Ge h e n n a
inherit the Earth,” and seeing themselves as those heirs. People who treat other people as less than human must
The majority ofthese fledgling organizations and move- not be surprised when the bread they have cast on the waters
ments count at least one, often many, seers among their comes floating back to them, poisoned.
number—usually Caitiff who profess visions of a wildly —James Baldwin, “No Name in the Street”
prophetic nature. Although most other vampires scoff Hell is other people.
at these rabble and their crazy notions, some ancillae —Jean Paul Sartre, No Exit
and elders secretly wonder just what this might all The time has finally come for God to unleash
mean. They shake in their havens as the baleful eye of Gehenna, for the poison that is Wormwood to spill
the Red Star watches from outside their windows. down from the heavens and destroy the Kindred, wher-
The Sabbat has its own breed of Gehenna cultists, ever they hide. There is only one place on Earth safe
the Noddist scholars who spend their unlives examin- from this apocalyptic punishment, one place where
ing the tale of Caine and any apocalyptical artifacts or Kindred can find sanctuary and where they may sit out
knowledge they can get their zealous claws on. Since the proverbial flood without fear of being drowned like
the Sword of Caine believes that it is quite literally the the rest of the undead. It is to this sanctuary that the
army of Caine and that the Dark Father will lead its characters are led and where they are offered safety on
members into battle against the upstart Antediluvians the eve of Gehenna. Should they accept the offer, they
on the final night, it is very important to them to make will be sorely tested, for they will have to remain in this
sure they know when that epic battle is to begin. place with a handful of other Kindred — a small
Kindred use every means of blood magic, scrying and congregation representing a broad cross-section ofvam-
exploration to help make sense of the great puzzle. The pires — for a full 40 nights. If they leave the sanctuary
most spiritual covens in Montreal and elsewhere be- during that time, they are doomed. Only if they stay and
lieve they are extremely close to unlocking the mysteries find a way to deal with the monsters around them and
of Gehenna, and they have no compunctions against within their own hearts, do they stand a chance of
working with nearly anyone — mortal, infernal vam- salvation. During the 40 nights, every variety of temp-
pire, spirit, sorcerer — who might bring them even one tation, conflict and quandary will be presented them by
step closer to the elusive truth. God and by each other. It is up to them to face all these
Within the Sabbat, the even more fanatical Black things without giving in to Curse of Caine and their
Hand waits impatiently for Gehenna, every moment of sinful nature.
its members’ unlives spent preparing for the ultimate This is no easy task, and Storytellers are cautioned
moment when they will take charge of the sect and lead now that this version of Gehenna is unlike any other
it into glorious battle. For the Cainites of the Black Vampire story. Players and characters alike will be con-
Hand, nothing they can imagine is greater than fronted with situations and decisions that test their
Gehenna. They believe they will partake of Zillah’s ability to judge right from wrong, with the consequences
Tears and be rewarded for their unwavering service with perhaps deciding the fate of the world. Although there is
Caine’s promise, while all other Kindred will meet their some structure to ensure that the tale can be told appro-
maker, so to speak. Sadly, though they are not too far off priately, this story gives players as much free will as
the mark about all but a very few Kindred being de- possible in a storytelling game. The plot that does exist is
stroyed in the Final N ights, they are deluded in thinking designed to do little more than set the scene, as it were,
Geh en n a
then provide guidance along the way. A number of sanctuary, again trusting that God will make things
dramatic scenarios are provided to keep things going if right. All they know is that sometimes they simply get
the Storyteller needs some creative help, but the lion's a sense that certain Kindred are to be offered salvation.
share of rhe tale is freeform. It might be that the tale This certainty might be due to an omen, a dream or
becomes deeply philosophical or intellectual for your some other auspice. Regardless, when they find one of
troupe, with the characters and other Kindred present the Chosen, Ferox “marks” him by performing what
largely discussing their fates and the very nature of their amounts to a special sacrament, something he calls the
existence. It might be that your players prefer it more Anointing of the Chosen. Using his own blood, the
religious, with much more ofa focus on faith and miracles, faithful Gargoyle draws a symbol of the Kindred who is
redemption and damnation. Or it might be that you find to be anointed as one of the Chosen on a door, window
it to be grittier, with more emphasis on action and even or other portal into the haven while uttering a brief
violence. Each is possible; all are encouraged. Given 40 blessing that names that Kindred. Even if the blood is
nights, nearly anything can happen. wiped off before the sun rises and burns it off, the power
As has already been noted, the characters can really of the Anointing cannot be diminished. From this
be of any type. Camarilla ancillae, a Sabbat war party, moment forward, that Kindred is one of the Chosen.
anarch rabble-rousers, frightened thin-bloods, decrepit The holy mark this sacrament places upon the
elders, twisted blood sorcerers — all are welcome. Chosen is not physical, but spiritual. It does not alter
Although God has chosen the most faithful child of a Kindred’s aura, but it does mark her soul in a way that
Caine to provide sanctuary in a manner not altogether can be detected only by those possessing True Faith.
different from Noah’s ark, He intends to fill that sanc- Even then, the mark is unclear, appearing to these
tuary with vampires of every stripe. Only thus can the spiritual Kindred as an imprecise golden smudge upon
Chosen truly be tested, can their ability to rise above the brow of the Chosen. Only the wisest understand
their nature be fully revealed. As such, the characters that this is a mark of God and that the Kindred has
are not the only Kindred who join Ferox and Alia in been chosen for some great purpose. In truth, even
their shelter. The Storyteller should introduce other Ferox does not quite understand what he is really <3
Kindred who represent those things that the troupe’s doing by performing the Anointing of rhe Chosen, but
characters do not. If the characters are a coterie of he believes that it will call the Chosen to him when it
relatively moral Camarilla neonates, they should be is time. For details about rhe summons, see the “For
complemented with a Black Hand assassin, a deranged Whom the Bell Tolls” sidebar.
Samedi, perhaps a few incomprehensible Malkavians; Storytellers are given near-complete freedom in
perhaps even some ancient and enigmatic Kindred choosing which Kindred to include among the Chosen.
whose lineage alone would cause a stir. The only Kin- Besides the characters and two other Kindred known as
dred who should not be included are those who have the pilgrims, nearly any other Kindred might be in-
sold their souls to the Adversary — infernalists and cluded in this select group. While it is recommended
their ilk. These bastards are already damned for eter- that the total number of Kindred in the sanctuary
nity, and God’s plan includes no chance for their during Gehenna does not exceed a dozen or so in size,
salvation. If one of rhe characters in your game happens it is your chronicle, so any number is possible. The goal
to be an infernalist, he must spend the 40 nights outside is to have enough to provide a broad range of Kindred
the sanctuary. The damned soul might wish to peer in archetypes and also to have a balance between privacy
the windows and plead for salvation, but it makes no and claustrophobia for the 40 nights of Gehenna. In
difference; the character’s fate is sealed. Don’t suffer addition, make sure that there are not so many Kindred
pangs of guilt over this — rhe player chose the Devil that it becomes difficult to play them as very real,
when she made her character an infernalist, and the unique individuals. To portray the Chosen as simply
check has finally come due, so to speak. generic or stereotypical template characters would not
Th p Ch o s f n serve this final story one bit.
Ferox and Alia have followed God’s Word and Among the Chosen might be other local Kindred,
traveled the world seeking those Kindred to be offered but they are more likely complete strangers to the
salvation. They have identified Kindred based only characters, having traveled far in answer to the divine g
upon their interpretation of what they believe to be summons they have heard for more than a week now. I
signs from God, trusting that God will make sure they With the exception of Caine and the Antediluvians |
choose the right Kindred. The pair doesn’t even know (who would overshadow everything else), or rhe infer-
how many Kindred they are to gather with them in the nal, any Kindred is possible. Always wanted to use I
Chapt er Two: Wo r mw o o d
Karsh! How about Ambrogino Giovanni ? Sascha Vykos ? such places. He and Alia have traveled the world
Etrius? Your own signature characters? This scenario looking for signs to indicate which other Kindred are to
gives you the opportunity to resolve the fates of all those be offered protection from the comingpurge and hoping
Kindred for whom you have always had a desire to bring to discover the actual sanctuary itself. Now, after more
into a story. It is also worth considering the addit ion of than four years, they have found the place they have
at least one of the “stranger” Kindred, to add some real been looking for.
variety — someone who would not only have a very The sanctuary is as important to the story of
different viewpoint of things, but also might just sur- Gehenna as Noah’s ark was to the biblical story of the
prise the characters that she exists in the first place. Great Flood. It is rhe one place where a select group of
Have one of the Laibon show up, maybe one of the Kindred will find shelter while God rains destruction
frightening Naglopers. Introduce one of the odd down upon the rest of their race. In addition to simply
Tlacique; maybe even one of rhe PremaSines, or an serving as a place of safety from the storm, it also
aquatic Gangrel. Don’t worry about a disparity of mo- provides an appropriately Gothic atmosphere that cap-
ralities, Disciplines or any of that. God has seen to if tures much of the mood of Vampire. Because it is a place
that none of the Chosen have undue advantages yvcr of worship, feelings of damnation and salvation are also
the others. Just go and include among the Choser^those ' ' and' reminders
, evoked, ' of- God
- ’s presence should
Kindred you have always wanted your troupe to en- impossible for rhe characters to avoid
impossible for the characters to avoid within its
within its walls,
counter or confront. This is their final chance to do so, Finally, it is a fitting
ally, it is a fitting example of the World of Darkness
so don t hold back. itself.
If. The church is
The church i longer a place of active worship,
is no
Some Storytellers might feel that this character buri’s:instead a barely standing ruin that is left to rot in
roundup could get too silly, suddenly having all these an urban landscape that has symbolically turned from
celebrity Kindred get together for a big slumber party, God. This says more about the desperation, tragedy and
and they would be correct. If that is what you really hopelessness that is prevalent on Earth than it does
want, have at it, but it would be much more fitting to about any religious devotion.
simply include one or two such Kindred at most. The The sanctuary should be a large, abandoned Gothic <3
remaining Chosen (perhaps only a couple more, de- church in a despairing part of the city. If your chronicle
pending on the size of your troupe and how many already has such a church, feel free to use it. Otherwise,
Chosen you feel works best for your chronicle) should create one in a suitably forsaken region on the outskirts
be unknown, just seemingly random Kindred who hap- of the city where life is cheap and only rhe most
pened to be tapped for a chance at salvation. Of course, desperate souls can be found. You could also locate it in
they should be anything but random. These Kindred a nearby city to which the characters can travel, if such
should be created or selected precisely because 1they a church is inappropriate to your chronicle’s home city.
provide a different take on vampirism than the troupe. The structure should be dilapidated, likely condemned
(Most Vampire sourcebooks have a number of charac- ,by by the autlauthorities,,and probably boarded up and fenced
ters who would be suitable for use here.) If the bulk of off Offbehind
behindchainchain link
linkandand padlocks. Despitesuch
padlocks.Despite such barri-
the Chosen happen to be intellectual, then add an ers, it is probably covered with graffiti, and rhe detritus
ignorant lout or two. If everyone seems too i violently of drug addicts, the homeless and rhe lost are strewn
inclined, balance that with a devoted pacifist. If most of about the property. The church should be large enough
the group is relatively young in age, introduce a 6,000 so that characters can go off from the main nave in order
year-old Methuselah so that her uniquely antiquated to engage in semi-private conversation, but not so big
viewpoint brings something new to the mix. A devout that they can hide from one another for any length of
atheist might also be interesting, given the nature,.of time. Finally, the basement levels should be inacces-
Gchenna. Again, don’t worry about balancing Disci- 1 sible, perhaps blocked by rubble or, better yet, entirely
plines or other traits — just balance character types. | flooded, fittingly symbolic of the first Great Flood.
Sa n c t u a r y The main point is that the sanctuary should serve
It has been some years since God’s plan was re- adequately for a dozen or so Kindred to spend 40 nights
vealed to Ferox and Wormwood appeared in the night without them having to climb over one another, but it
sky. In that time, God has indicated only that Ferox should also give them just enough room so they don’t
would recognize sanctuary when it was time and that it feel like rats trapped in a sinking ship (at least not too
would be a house of God. The Gargoyle has taken this much). The characters are effectively stuck here for the
to mean it is a church or other holy place, so he has duration, and the space should make them edgy and
maintained his longstanding habit of seeking haven in claustrophobic, but not so much so that t hey can’t find
a corner now and then where they can seek a degree of Third, upon entering the church, all Disciplines are
solitude. It should also have a classic brooding feel that limited to a Kindred’s True Faith rating plus one. This
reinforces the sense of almost medieval religion and the effectively means that aside from Ferox, most other
omnipresent sense of God, even if it feels faded or Kindred are unlikely to have access to anything greater
distant. Stained-glass windows, biblical icons and para- than a first level Discipline inside the sanctuary. What’s
phernalia, and everything else about the place should more, no form of blood magic or Necromancy works at
remind the characters that they are in a house of God, all, for such arts are of a blasphemous nature.
even if it has not been used as such for a long time. Finally, inside the Church, rhe Chosen lose one
It is important that the Storyteller think about this blood point every 10 days, rather than the usual one
place and what it is like inside. Many excellent ex- each day. This ensures that unless they go around
amples of Gothic cathedrals and churches can be found spending blood like it falls from the sky, each of the
online or in a good visual dictionary, and a visit to an Kindred should have enough to make it the 40 nights
actual place like this can provide everything necessary without falling into torpor.
to accurately describe what the sanctuary is like in your [Note: These conditions supersede those presented
chronicle. It should be a Christian church — classic as the Withering in Chapter One.]
Catholic cathedrals work best — but this is by no means
an absolute. If a Jewish temple seems more suited or
even a mosque, go for it. It is best, however, to avoid less
Fo r Wh o m t h e Be l l Ton s
traditional houses of worship, for few can impart the
Each evening since recognizing that he had
sense of biblical immensity that is so important to this
found the sanctuary he had been seeking for so
story. Ultimately, it is the True Faith of Ferox that
long — 11 nights ago when the story begins —
makes the church a sanctuary against the pox of
Ferox has performed a brief ritual intended to
Gehenna. Prior to his arrival, the church was nothing
summon the Chosen to the church in time for
more than a mostly forgotten building. An appropriate
Gehenna. The ritual takes only a few minutes and
u location simply makes it easier for the players to feel the
involves the ringing of a small church bell. The
sense of the divine during their characters’ ordeal.
Gargoyle usually performs the ritual in the middle
Aside from its physical and aesthetic condition, the of the night, but he does not always do so at the
sanctuary has become a very special place since the same precise hour. During the ritual, each of the
arrival of God’s servants. First, it is possessed of what Chosen — and only rhe Chosen — hears what
amounts to a very high Arcane rating (see the Vampire sounds like the distant tolling of a great church
Storytellers Handbook), meaning that without direct, bell. The sound lasts no more than a minute, but it
physical investigation, it leaves no “signature” for Kin- does stir in the listener a compulsion to find its
dred Disciplines to detect. What this means is that source. The closer to the actual sanctuary the
anything that goes on in there, and anyone who chooses listener is, the louder the bell sounds. Each time
to stay in the church, ceases to exist for most intents and one of the Chosen hears the sound, her player must
purposes of those outside the church. This seclusion make a Willpower roll versus a difficulty of 8 if she
does not sever blood bonds (that comes later), but it intends to ignore the mystical compulsion until
does mean that those Kindred inside are not subject to the next time the bell rings. If the roll fails, the
Summon, Kindred outside can’t enter using Psychic character must attempt to locate t he source of the
Projection, et cetera. This is God’s designated sanctu- sound, though she may do so using ordinary cau-
ary, and rhe greatest powers of the Kindred pale in tion and sensibility. A botch, however, indicates
comparison to those of the Creator. that the Chosen will go to nearly any length to
Second, because of the presence of Ferox, the seek the source of the bell, even placing herself in
church has an effective True Faith rating of 9, making serious danger to do so. Spending a Willpower
it extremely difficult for most Kindred to physically point enables the Chosen to resist the compulsion
enter, even if they did take notice of the place. Only for the durat ion of a single scene.
those Kindred who have been marked by Ferox as the This system will probably not come into play
Chosen find themselves able to bypass this effect. This until the characters are anointed as Chosen Kindred
doesn’t mean they won’t be affected somewhat — they later in the story. Storytellers might wish to use it to
are probably still awed by the place — but only that the determine how many Willpower points the other
site’s holiness won’t actually inhibit them from ap- Chosen have at the beginning of ActTwo, however.
proaching and entering.
Chapt er Two: Wo r mw o o d
Wo r m w o o d
Although the wrath of God manifests as a gaseous Wh y Fo r t y 'Nio h t s ?
vapor that spills into every corner of the earth, the It might seem a little odd that God would not
characters themselves will, in all likelihood, have no destroy the Kindred with a single blow in a single
direct experience of it. If they did, they would be as night. The Creator is certainly capable of doing
doomed as all the Kindred who are not among the this, so why doesn’t He? The answer is as old as
Chosen. Still, it is both poetic and perhaps necessary to Abraham. God wishes those who are to be punished
describe not only the nature of this phenomenon, but to fully understand why they must suffer. He is
also how it affects vampires in terms of game mechanics. giving the Kindred a chance to comprehend their
Maybe a character will choose to try to weather the sins before they literally meet their Maker. If they
storm, as it were, spurning the offer of sanctuary. Per- were to simply be destroyed in a Hash of divine
haps, to heighten the sense of tragedy, the Storyteller lightning, there would be no such understanding,
wishes to describe what it is like for the Kindred who and God’s wrath would be unjust. Most Kindred do
must suffer and be destroyed. not survive the full 40 nights anyway; this is merely
The Red Star has been visible in the sky since 1999 a period of time that ensures that the Kindred have
to those Kindred possessed of Auspex, as well as others time to reflect on their crimes and accept their
— like some Malkavians, thin-blooded Kindred and punishment. It also guarantees that no Kindred
even the very rare mortal — who have similarly sensi- actually survives Gehenna. No matter how resil-
tive, albeit different, perceptions. Such remains the ient and resourceful they might be, no Kindred is
case throughout this tale, meaning that most of Caine’s capable of making it a full 40 nights, beyond those
children won’t even really know the nature of the in sanctuary.
sudden affliction they experience. Mortals have no idea
that anything unusual is occurring, and this is precisely that is already expanding to swiftly envelop the Earth.
the point of Gehenna. God intends to sweep away the More spiritual than physical, this vapor travels quickly
world’s vampires without upsetting the blissfully igno- and penetrates anything and everything — from the <5
rant mortals, who are His only real concern. Gehenna deepest holes in the Earth to the bottom of the ocean,
should arrive and pass as if it were nothing more than a and from the tallest peaks to the interior of airplanes in
light breeze, as far as the Children of Seth are con- flight. Before the first night ends, the only Kindred on
cerned. Earth who are not subject to the ruinous poison of
Gehenna need not start on any particular date, Wormwood are those Chosen in the sanctuary with
though it might seem fitting to have all hell to break Ferox. Keep in mind that most Kindred won’t even
loose on some religiously notable date. For a truly gothic know that Gehenna has come. They won’t realize that
feel, the story might take place in the autumn, with they face certain doom until the effects of Wormwood
barren tree limbs and a harvest moon in the sky, or begin to make their unlives increasingly... difficult.
perhaps winter works better, symbolizing quiet death. When the 40 nights have passed, the cleansing
Since the characters spend only the earliest part of the waters of God’s wrath finally dissipate as if they had
tale outside the sanctuary, it doesn’t really make much never been. The last traces of the Red Star and its
of a difference whether it is warm or cold or raining or gaseous poison are gone. Gehenna is over, and rhe only
snowing beyond the echoing cavern of the church. ones left to notice that it even happened in the first
Again, it is best to simply have it occur when it fits with place are those Kindred who remained in the sanctuary
your ongoing chronicle. No need to force a date on and were able to redeem themselves in God’s judgment.
Gehenna. It should come when least expected, when |A Final Note: Some characters will inevitably
no one is really watching, and most importantly of all, believe they have a way to trick God and escape His
when it is the right time to bring an end to the chronicle. wrath, and not by entering the sanctuary provided
For those rare Kindred who can perceive the Red them. Some might choose to go into the astral plane or
Star, the arrival of Gehenna begins with a lightning- some other realm of existence to sit out Gehenna,
like flash as Wormwood literally explodes. This pulse of hoping that when everything is over they can just come
crimson light fills the entire sky for a brief moment; not on back and everything will be as it was before, except
enough to blind those who can see it, but certainly for the loss of most other Kindred. This is not true.
enough to command their full attention. Almost imme- Everything is part of God’s Creation, and so everything
diately after this initial burst of light fades, the star is is subject to the power of Wormwood and the cold
gone, replaced by a gaseous cloud of the deepest crimson justice it brings. It doesn’t matter if a vampire is in rhe
Tempest, Malfeas or anywhere within the World of equivalent of the Antediluvians. On the fifth night, no
Darkness cosmology. Unless he is in the sanctuary, he’s vampire is any stronger than the those of the Fourth
a goner. There really is no escape for rhe Damned.) Generation, and so on. By this math, on the 13th night
of rhe flood no vampire possesses power greater than
Th e Ef f e c t s o f Wo r m w o o d
that of the Eighth Generation, while on the 23rd night,
In general, the gaseous remains of Wormwood are
rhe power of the Thirteenth Generation is the most
a mystical force that dilutes and ultimately washes away
that can be claimed, even by Caine. Finally, on the 27th
Caine’s Blood. It doesn’t physically cause vitae to disap-
night every vampire who remains will know what it
pear, nor does itdirectly harm the Kindred in a way that
means to be a thin-blooded vampire, for they are the
produces immediate sensation or loss of health levels.
equivalent of 15th-generation Kindred. Each evening
The efficacy and duration of rhe divine fog, however, is
after the 27th, every vampire’s maximum blood pool
more than enough to ensure that no Kindred shall
decreases by one until on the37th night, when they can
remain unliving by the time Gehenna has run its course.
no longer maintain any vitae in their withered bodies.
The following are the various effects that all Kindred
At this point, any Kindred who has survived meets her
not in the sanctuary experience during the 40 nights of
Final Death no later than sunrise on the morning after
Gehenna. In this scenario, these effects supersede the
rhe 37th night. Gehenna continues for the full 40
Withering as outlined in Chapter One.
nights, however, just in case.
• The first and most noticeable effect Wormwood
• Finally, the cost of all blood magic doubles
has on rhe Kindred is rhe shattering of all blood bonds,
immediately, and the difficulty for using any paths or
from individual blood oaths to the Sabbat’s Vinculi.
rituals increases by two. This covers Thaumaturgy,
These bonds are all broken immediately, probably result-
Koldunic Sorcery, Necromancy and the more exotic
ing in many Kindred suddenly experiencing unusual
variations of blood magic (such as Dur-An-Ki, Setite
feelings about certain other Kindred, particularly those
Sorcery, ere.). Any blood magic attempted that draws
they had always despised, but were forced to love by
upon the power of the infernal instead of vitae results in
virtue of a blood bond. What’s more, no blood bond can
u ever again be created; Wormwood is simply too powerful.
an automatic botch and probably some extra divine kJ
punishment on the spot. Storytellers, use your creativ-
• Vampires lose the ability to transubstantiate ity, but make sure those infernalists learn their lesson.
mortal blood into vampiric vitae. In short, the only
This is God’s time to do His stuff, not the Devil’s.
vitae that exists any longer is the stuff already in
Note that all these listed effects apply equally to
vampires. A vampire can drink all she wants from
ghouls, revenants and dhampirs, as well as anything else
mortals or animals, but no matter how much she ingests,
that uses vampiric vitae. Those who have outlived a
it provides no nourishment. The only means of suste-
mortal life span suddenly desiccate and die, while the
nance remaining to the Kindred is another vampire’s
relatively young undergo swift aging until their bodies
(or ghoul’s) vitae. Obviously, this is a pretty serious
reach their real, chronological age. At that point, they
situation, but one that vampires might not realize until
become ordinary mortals, dhampirs included. God does
they have at least tried to feed a few times. After that,
not automatically condemn those who only received
though, you can bet they will grow panicky, especially
half of Caine’s Curse. When Gehenna is ended, how-
since they continue to lose one point of blood each
ever, not a drop of Caine’s blood remains on Earth.
evening just to rise.
• Vampires are unable to sire childer or use their Hin d r f d Re a c t io n s
vitae to sustain a ghoul (though vitae already in a ghoul It might seem that upon first realizing that the Red
remains viable until it is used up). Any attempt at the Star is literally flooding the Earth with a lethal, mystical
Embrace simply fails, while ghouls might complain that fog, many Kindred, especially those possessed of serious
they still thirst and beg for more. supernatural power, would do something. They might
• The upper limits of a vampire's power diminish call upon their minions to wreak havoc, reach out with
quickly. By the last of the 40 nights, even the their Disciplines and wage open battle upon one another,
Antediluvians are no stronger, per se, than a 15th- or j ust race through the streets of the city letting rhe world
generation Caitiff. In game terms, this means that know that vampires exist and that the End of t he World
another generation effectively disappears every two is upon them. If every vampire on Earth suddenly learns
nights. On the first night, only Caine is (theoretically) that this is the end, what have they got to lose?
affected, becoming no different than the long-gone Well, first of all, it should never be forgotten that
Second Generation. On the third night, he is the most Kindred are paranoid bastards who would never
Chapt er Two: Wo r mw o o d
reveal anything to anyone unless they were damned do anything. Some will choose to greet the sunrise;
sure it would be to their benefit to do so and could never others will curl up in a hall and fall into a catatonic state,
be used against them by their fellow backstabbing unable to face the inevitable. Still others rush headlong
bloodsuckers. Imagine the prince of a city suddenly into a last-ditch campaign to find religion and beg God
discovering that he had contracted a rare blood disease for mercy — to no avail, of course. The unique weak-
and that each night he grew less powerful. (In a sense, nesses of each clan will color the final nights of each
this is what is happening.) The slightest hint to his vampire, too. Ventrue might go mad trying to find some
fellow Kindred of such a predicament would be like source of vitae that not only provides nourishment, hut
blood in the water to the primogen and any other that they can stomach. Toreador might sit outside and
Kindred who ever considered taking the prince down. simply stare, entranced, at the terrible beauty that is
They wouldn’t hesitate to capitalize on the news for a Wormwood. Brujah might fly into a rage, destroying
second. Such is the Curse of Caine. everything in their haven and slaying their retainers
This is exactly the mindset t hat most Kindred have and ghouls, seeking any way to vent their pathetic
when they first notice that things aren’t quite right anger. Malkavians might retreat into their own minds,
anymore. The very last thing they want to do is spread ignoring the world around them. (Given the limitless
the word; that’s like declaring a bounty on your own psychoses they might suffer, anything is possible.)
head. Only those Kindred who absolutely trust another What matters most is that the world does not erupt
Kindred — and let’s be honest, how many of those are into a bloodbath with vampires storming the White
there, really? — would even entertain such an idea, let House and the Antediluvians marching through down-
alone actually go ahead and fess up. Let’s also not forget town London like knock-off Godzillas on a rampage. It
that blood bonds no longer exist, so even that enforced is perfectly fine for the dying Kindred to vent their utter
loyalty is gone out the window. This is certainly not to helplessness by howling from the top of the Empire
say that some Kindred still might blurt out rhe fact that State Building or scrawling their last raging emotions in
something fishy is going on and they want to know if blood on the side of the Taj Mahal, but there should be
anyone else noticed the same things. Even so, given the no really notable public sign of Gehenna. If none of the kJ
fear that is probably crawling up every vampire’s spine preceding arguments seems to explain why this is so well
by this time, the loudmouth would quickly find himself enough, then just remember that Wormwood is God’s
greeting the next sunrise. tool. If He doesn’t want the Children of Caine tearing
The most powerful vampires of all, the Antediluvians apart the world before they exit the stage, then maybe
and Methuselahs, won’t keep quiet for the same reasons, Wormwood itself carries a spiritual component that
but they have very good reasons of their own. Most of all, directly forces vampires into a state of fear and intro-
they are terrified to a far greater degree than their spection. The whole point is that Wormwood is intended
descendants, for they are affected by the weakening far to cleanse the Earth of vampires without affecting
sooner. Finding out that you can no longer use that mankind. Sure, a few people might stumble across a
potent Level Eight Discipline one night or those Level lunatic or depressed vampire or two before it is all over,
Seven ones a few nights later scares even these creatures. but that should be the rare exception, not the rule.
For what seems an eternity, they have believed them-
Fin a l Co n s i d e r a t i o n s
selves to be the masters of the Jyhad, the most awesome
There is no need for aslow build-up to Gehenna, for
monsters on the Earth, and now, just like that, their
in truth, that has been happening for years, if not
power has been choked off by someone or something they
centuries, already. If the characters and other local
have no means by which to fight. In a way, they too worry
Kindred are not already fervently awaiting the end,
about the same “blood in the water” scenario. They won’t
there’s no need to railroad them into it now. They have
necessarily realize that what is happening to them is
already had long enough to see the signs. The story
happening to all their kind, and even if they do, they are
should just begin as would any other story, perhaps after
all too aware of how irresistible a target they’d make for
a hit of downtime has passed since the last real dramatic
vampires starving for their vintage vitae.
episode. If, however, there is rarely ever a lull in the
After the initial fear and paranoia sets in, Kindred action in your city, then don’t force a lull, either. Things
no doubt find excuses to remove themselves from vam- should feel as if they’re on the eve of Gehenna and that
pire society in the hopes that their seeming ailment is everything is the way it always has been. The Red Star
not detected by their peers. As the symptoms increase does not change in appearance until Gehenna actually
in severity and Kindred sense that there might be no begins, so after all this time, those who can see it won’t
cure for this horrible affliction, it is already too late to perceive anything different yet.
u Because this really is the last tale to be told, or at how these characters acted in the past when faced with <3
least certainly the last to be anything remotely like all important decisions of morality, life and death. This kind
your previous Vampire stories, it is only fair that the of reflection and contemplation should always occur for
players have been given the opportunity to spend what- good Storytellers, but if not, at least do it now. What you
ever experience points they have accumulated by this know about the characters not only helps you run this story
rime. Like everything already mentioned, however, if as is, but provides you with many great ideas for how you
doing so would be unusual in your game, then don’t can tailor the events to your troupe’s characters. Any
worry about it. A dot or two will not change the attempt to personalize Wormwood is not only admirable,
outcome of the story. It’s just that if you, as the Story- but will go a long way toward making this the very best
teller, can do anything to create a truly fair “last chance” possible ending to a hopefully very enjoyable chronicle.
situation for the players as much as for their characters, The story begins three nights before Wormwood
then by all means do so. By the end of this story, rhe erupts and its bitter flood is unleashed upon the world.
troupe should feel that not only have they been enter- Ferox and Alia have been in the city for a few weeks
tained and given a chance to be an integral part of the already, taking shelter in an old, abandoned church in
end of Vampire, but they should feel that they were the most neglected part of town. This is the sanctuary
given every opportunity possible to go into that last that God has prepared for them. The characters might
story as prepared as they could be. already have some inkling that the two are around, but
It is also a good time now for the Storyteller to take a even so, these two should remain as mysterious as
good last look at the character sheets before an opportunity possible — don’t give anything away too soon. The pair
is m issed I ater. Where arc the characters’ greatest strengths has come to the city as a result of the ongoing search for
and weaknesses? What are their Natures really (versus the Chosen, unsure as to how many more there were to
what they have written on the sheet)? What are the find. Since they have been spending nearly every day for
relationships these Kindred have with their peers and with years in churches, they didn’t realize that they had
mortals? What about real family? Look at their Virtues, finally found sanctuary until four nights before, when
their Humanity or Path ratings, and think about who these God spoke to Alia and told her that her wandering had
characters really are in a way that you might never have ended and that Gehenna would come in a fortnight.
before. Use the dots on paperasguides, but betteryet, recall Prior to learning this, the two had kept to the shadows
Chapt er Two: Wo r mw o o d
and watched the local Kindred for any sign that one of jaded and riddled with doubt and fear. These Kindred
the Chosen might be among them. Now that they know believe that they are on the very precipice of a great
the precise time when Gehenna will begin, however, discovery that might change the world for all Kindred,
they have largely confined themselves to the church in though they do not yet know just what that discovery
order to prepare themselves for that final moment and could be. Their association with the characters soon
to be ready to receive the Chosen when they arrive. comes to the attention of some of the city’s most
Already a number of the Chosen have found their way influential Kindred, who immediately spawn all man-
to the city, but none have yet figured out where it is they ner of rumors, especially when they recognize the
must go. Each has found her own temporary haven, and, Tremere pilgrim as a former alastor now on the Red List
given the strange nature of the call, each has refrained himself. Believing that one of the Anathema is in town
from announcing her presence to the local Kindred generates plenty of fear and paranoia among rhe locals,
authorities, preferring to learn more about why she is and it provides plenty of action, even as everything the
here before discarding her cover. Kindred know is about to come to a crushing end.
Ironically, while rhe city’s Kindred take action against
Ac t On e : the Anathema HectorTrelane, they remain completely
On t h e Ev e of Ge h e n n a blind to the fact that another one of the Anathema is in
The first act begins with the characters encounter- their midst: Ferox.
ing two strange Kindred in the city, a Gangrel and a The characters find themselves smack dab in the
Tremere who consider themselves pilgrims of a sort. middle of all the action for a few evenings as they and
One is a former sinner now on the road to personal other local Kindred seek to use the situation to their
redemption. His companion is a former humanist now personal advantage (as Kindred are notoriously wont to
do). Depending on how the Storyteller wishes to run
things, the characters may even encounter some of the achieve its final and most perfect form. Vampires were
other Chosen who have already arrived in town. (It is just one attempt at perfection, admittedly a flawed one.
recommended that they do not, though, in order to These views, and the fact that he frequently and pas-
heighten the surprise when the time does finally come for sionately spoke out about them, caused John to be
all to be revealed.) The characters should have contact shunned and effectively condemned him to the lowest
only with the two pilgrims, who they may help or oppose levels of the Tremere pyramid.
as they see fit. In any case, things should feel tense for the John and Ryder met a few years ago in Washington,
characters, and they should sense that something of great DC. John was sent there by his superiors under the
importance is on the very near horizon, though what it is, pretense that the DC chantry needed some assistance in
they cannot tell. It is only on the eve of Gehenna itself defending itself against the Sabbat during that sect's
that they learn the tmth for themselves. East Coast crusade, and given his Virginian roots, he
Th e Pil g r im s might be of some help. In truth, it was hoped that he
Among the Chosen who have been mysteriously would simply disappear as a result of chantry infighting
summoned to thecityare two autarkis pilgrims who sense or at the hands of the enemy. Chance has a strange way
that whatever it is that is responsible for drawing them to of making plans crumble, however. Instead of simply
the city is something of great portent for all Kindred. vanishing, John’s return home and the relative freedom
granted him by his new regent opened the way for him
Ryder is a Gangrel who has spent most of his unlife
to dive headfirst with his newfound martial companion
as an anarch troublemaker, stirring things up if only to
into a number of delicate situations. The most dramatic
shatter the illusion of civility exalted by so many Kin-
of these was an encounter with one of the legendary
dred. He has committed foul diablerie on more than a
Anathema, one known as Petaniqua, whose crimes
few occasions, and he was on the verge of losing the last
were such that she had earned the number two spot on
of his humanity to the Beast that raged in his soul until
the Camarilla’s infamous Red List. Despite all odds, a
a few years ago. A chance encounter with some unusu-
sheer stroke of apparent luck handed John a single,
ally spiritual Kindred changed all that. These insightful
momentary opportunity to destroy the Anathema just <3
individuals taught him many things, but most impor-
as she was on the verge of destroying a host of important
tant of all, they ignited in Ryder a desire to explore what
Kindred. His fatal blow brought him instant celebrity
it meant to be mortal again. Since that time, the
and earned him the elite title of Red Alastor in addition
Outlander has traveled the world, talking to others of
to garnering him the rewards that go with the office.
his own clan as well as Kindred of the most uncanny
John’s new status resulted in him becoming even more
origins — from Methuselahs to strange fledglings with
a pawn in the games of others than ever before, some-
abilities that surprised him. Ryder has come to under-
thing Ryder wanted no part of. He had also become
stand that there might yet be a hope for his own
absolutely convinced in his views about the nature of
redemption, though he still struggles to find the way.
vampires and spent most of his time seeking to discover
The Gangrel travels with a Tremere companion the next state of human perfection and how he might
known once as Hector Trelane, though he prefers to go possibly achieve it himself. All the while, Ryder sank
by John Trent now. His sire was found guilty of siring a further on the evolutionary scale in many ways, spend-
childe despite being strictly forbidden to do so by his ing the lion’s share of his time simply hunting down
clan superiors, and was destroyed as consequence. This other Kindred for their precious vitae. The two com-
tragedy forever stained John’s reputation and he was panions had little left in common, so they parted ways.
dragged from his Virginian haven and conscripted to
During their time apart, their roles were ironically
labor with little reward in the basement of an influential
flipped. While Ryder learned to put his more bestial
French chantry for the next two centuries. He spent
ways behind him, John's experiences ultimately led him
most of that time dabbling in alchemy and correspond-
to a run-in with a nest of degenerate Kindred cultists in
ing with an eclectic group of occultists and visionaries
the American Southwest while on the trail of one of the
around the globe, pastimes that earned the black sheep
Anathema. The twisted fanatics wished to “open his
the nickname Le Physicker, meant as an insult by the
eyes to the true evil that existed in the universe.” They
chantry apprentices. The thing John’s Tremere peers
tortured their Tremere “guest” for seven nights with
felt was most odious about him was his increasingly
every physical means imaginable, but it was what they
insufferable conviction that vampires had no divine or
eventually showed him that nearly shattered his mind.
supernatural origin, but were simply an unusual rung
The tormentors forced John to gaze into the darkest
upon the evolutionary ladder. He believed that human-
depths of the universe and to literally see the horrors
ity was somehow trying to surpass its present state and
Ch a pil r Tw o : Wo r mw o o d
that lurked on the very edge of Creation, chthonian terrifying things John has been shown. He also realizes
entities hungry to return to the earthly realm and turn that without his help, John has little chance of survival
it into their own blasphemous playground. This vision against the alastors who hound him.
— real or cruelly concocted to simply break the already
Th r e e Nig h t s Be f o r e Ge h e n n a
shaken magus — contradicted everything John had
The pilgrims John and Ryder arrived in the city less
ever been convinced of. His mind was numbed by what
than a week ago, seeking haven in a rundown motel on
he saw, the revelation undoing everything he had ever
the outskirts of the city. Aside from the requisite hunt-
believed to be true. After more than 200 years, his will
ing that they have limited to this same part of town in
was finally and irreparably broken. By a further string of
order to go unnoticed by other Kindred, the two spend
coincidences he managed to escape his captors, but he
most of their time trying to figure out j ust why they came
has never been the same again. John is no longer an
here in the first place. Both are familiar with the pull of
optimist who seeks to transcend his vampiric state in
a supernatural summons, but the call that has brought
order to become something even greater. Instead, he is
them to this place — the tolling bell — is something
haunted by hellish nightmares and paranoia that have
very different. They have spent some of their time
made him much more of a survivalist than the scientist
trying to locate its source, believing it might be close by,
he once was. His own morality has crumbled as a result
but they have also begun to put together a few other
and now he, not Ryder, is the one who hovers perilously
interesting clues that they believe might be related. The
close to the Beast. Worse still, the Camarilla’s Inner
most important of these is the unusual number of
Circle received word from a discreet source that John
reports of an angel in town, reports they have found in
had committed diablerie upon the Anathema he had
newspapers, by listening to the radio and by actively
been hunting. This unconfirmed news spurred the clans
seeking out local kine who might be more attuned to
to denounce him and to name him to the Red List in
such things (such as priests or social workers). In the
place of the Anathema he is believed to have destroyed.
past week alone, at least four such sightings have oc-
This forced the former alastor to completely disassoci-
curred, with witnesses including a teenager, a retired
e ate himself from the sect and most other Kindred,
becoming a true autarkis in order to avoid detection and
factory worker, a small-time crook and a doctor. While
each story told does differ from the others, the similari-
capture by the alastors who are already on his trail. It
ties are striking. In each case, the angel is described as
was then that he also discarded the name he was most
having a very pale complexion, the obligatory wings,
widely known by, Hector Trelane, in favor of the one he
horns on his head and garbed in a vestment or some
uses now, John Trent.
other ritual robe. Most witnessessay how they just came
When Ryder learned that John had been named to upon the angel while they were going about their usual
the Red List, he sought out his old companion in the business on rhe city streets. A couple claim that the
hopes of saving him from the pursuing alastors. More angel spoke to them, saying something brief and peace-
familiar with John than his other hunters, Ryder suc- ful before vanishing before their eyes. One individual,
ceeded in finding the Warlock, but he was saddened to rhe doctor, even claims that t he angel was accompanied
discover what had become of him. He had looked for by a fey girl who may have been another angel or
John in the hope that the Tremere’s unorthodox theo- perhaps a departed soul being taken to Heaven. A few
ries might have been right all along and that together local churches have taken this as a sign of God’s
they might finally find answers to the questions they presence, but none have gone further and declared it to
both had shared at one time about rhe true origins and be anything more important. If pressed, some pastors
nature of vampires. Instead, he found a paranoid and probably believe it is nothing less than a normal psycho-
inhuman Kindred who had come to reject all his former logical phenomenon, in which people so wish to believe
beliefs as nothing more than foolish naivet<5. Even so, in God that they convince themselves that they see an
Ryder chose to remain with his old comrade. No longer ange|I once they hear it reported that someone else
selfish and seeking only the thrill of the kill, he believes nearby has. Even so, the pilgrims have been investigat-
that maybe his own redemption can come from helping ing these sightings with some interest, for they suspect
John overcome his recent traumas and once again that more might be at work than the kine can guess.
taking up his former quest for humanity and the solu-
Because of Ryder’s bestial appearance, the pilgrims
tion to the mystery of vampiric existence. The Gangrel
stay out of the limelight as much as possible. Most
stays by his side and does what he can to show John that
evenings are spent driving around and paying visits to
some hope exists yet, that they are not necessarily
churches and other houses of worship in order to deter-
damned, and that they still have a chance to avert the
mine which one might house the obviously large bell
they have been hearingforeach of the past 11 nights. So Assuming the characters decide to act on the infor-
far, they have not found anything that solves the riddle mation, they should find the motel easily enough and
of the bell, but they keep looking. They also pursue with little effort be able to locate the room the two
whatever leads they have concerning the angel sightings. strangers are using. Unless the characters arrive just
Until they find an answer to these mysteries, neither prior to sunrise, however, they find the room empty, as
entertains the thought of leaving the city, no matter John and Ryder are out hunting and won’t return for
how difficult things might become for them. Both are about an hour. The door of the hotel room is warded by
certainly capable of taking care of themselves, and John’s use of the appropriate thaumaturgical rituals
neither has any reason to believe that the local Kindred against Kindred and ghouls as a precaution against
would pose too great a threat to make them think alastors and their minions, so characters who touch the
otherwise. Even so, they have no desire to come into door are in for an unpleasant surprise. Should they have
conflict with other Kindred and do what they can to a normal mortal open the door for them, or if they break
keep a low profile. Their hope is that they can learn why the door or window to gain access, a quick search of the
they have been called here, resolve the matter and place reveals little. Aside from about a week’s worth of
move on without having even come to the attention of newspapers tossed on a small table, and a few basic
others of their kind. The last thing they need is for an personal sundrieson the bathnxim vanity (comb, mouth-
alastor to pick up their trail and force them to into a no- wash, etc.), there is little to suggest the identity or
win situation. purpose of the guests’ visit. A more thorough investiga-
The scene begins when the characters overhear a tion, however, might lead the characters to note the
young woman describing in worried tones the strange following: a few small spots of blood on the bathroom
man who is staying at the motel. She works most nights floor; light gray dust and what appears to be bits of
as the front desk clerk at the motel and was very feathers spread about the bathtub; two dead pigeons
disturbed by John Trent when he checked into the beneath the vanity; a handgun bullet beneath the
place. Since then, she has heen keeping a close eye on shabby dresser; faint traces of odd designs painted with
him and has noted the frequent presence of another someone’s finger on the inside of the room door, on the
shady character, Ryder. Her spying has made her so bathroom door and on the windows. The astute also
worried as to what the pair might be up to that she even notice that there are no signs ofeat ing or drink ing ofany
dared to call the police to check up on them. Although kind in the room (food wrappers, crumbs, soda cans,
the police did briefly speak to John Trent — he used etc.), and the toilet paper roll is still unused. If they
that name when he checked in — a few nights ago and examine the newspapers closely, the characters realize
afterward told her that she had nothing to fear from that half a dozen stories have been tom out from the past
him, she has continued to learn what she can and fears week’s issues. The telephone book is also missing a page
the worst. The clerk — give her a name suitable to your or two — those listing local churches and religious
city — tells her friend these things in a way that should institutions — something that a keen searcher might
convince the eavesdropping characters that the strang- notice. Finally, a check with the young man at the front
ers she is talking about are worth looking into. She desk tonight might also reveal that the room is regis-
might have seen the strange mark on John’s right palm tered to a single guest named John Trent who paid in
when he was signing the guest book — the alastor’s cash and did not present any identification. He also
unique tattoo of office; most are black, but John’s is red requested to have the cleaning staff leave the room
as befits his station as an elite Red Alastor. Or maybe alone unless he specifically asked to have it cleaned up.
she caught a brief glimpse of Ryder’s face as he entered It might not be obvious to the characters that the
John’s room or climbed into the car they have parked residents are vampires at this point, as opposed to a
outside the room. (The sight of his face would he couple of shady characters with an odd predilection for
enough to scare most mortals, given the advanced state dead birds who like to eat out a lot. Even the ward on the
of his Gangrel curse.) She might have overheard their door, if described with suitable subtlety by the Story-
conversation, perhaps by entering an empty suite next teller, could be taken as an indication of some sort of
door to theirs and putting her ear to the wall, too curious hedge magic. Tremere characters, however, should rec-
to leave well enough alone. Maybe she actually saw ognize some of the strange things in the room as ritual
them escort someone, a vessel, to their room and never components, while the ward is clearly the product of
saw that person leave. In any case, she should say blood magic. John used the pigeons for their feathers,
enough to her friend to pique the character’s interest. which he burns in the bathtub as part of the ritual Wake
with Evening’s Freshness. He also scrawls various glyphs
Ch a h ir Tw o : Wo r mw o o d
of protection on the doors and windows with his own they instead exchange no more than a few words, then
bloody finger to establish the Defense Sacred
’etense of the bac: that is fine too. They have more than enough time to get
Haven before the sunrise. John spends pends his days in the
i to know each other better later in the story. Even if the
ensorcelled tub, while Ryder sleeps beneath heavy characters do talk to the pilgrims, they won’t be able to
____________ L-J T1______ .1 1 ■ .tilUWl 1 1 i ■ <■ . r
blankets on rhe bed. They also jam a chair against the learn much about what lies in store for them, because
doorknob j ust in case the ward, the two locks and fl imsy like all the Chosen, the pilgrims have no idea of what
deadbolt don’t hold against intruders. God has planned. Still, the pilgrims might wish to
If the characters decide to stake out the place and question them about the angel sightings and see if they
wait for the room’s residents to return, they are eventu- have any knowledge or insight into the phenomenon.
ally rewarded about an hour later by rhe arrival of a Again, they won’t mention the fact that they have been
nondescript, dark blue, late model sedan that looks like called here by an enigmatic church bell, but they
it hasn’t seen a car wash in years. Only John is in the car. instead explain that their reason for coming to this city
Given his paranoia, he has his pistol handy and a was simply to learn more about t he odd sightings of the
shotgun on the seat beneath a road map in case of angel. If rhe characters appear to be ready to expose the
trouble. Ryder is in bat form close by, waiting for his pilgrims to other Kindred, the pair does its best to use
companion to open the room door for him so that he can intimidation and even Disciplines to keep this from
enter unnoticed before changing back into his Kindred happening, stopping short of outright destruct ion if at
form. They travel in this fashion sometimes so that all possible.
other hotel guests do not always see two men going to- If, however, the characters and the pilgrims do
and-fro, and so the staff does not know that the room is come to blows or even go so far as to incapacitate or
actually being used by two guests. It also makes it easier destroy each another, don’t worry that this will torpedo
for Ryder to get rhe drop on anyone who might think of the story. God is about to offer the chance at salvation
ambushing John. After the police visit a few nights ago, to a handful of Caine’s childer, including the most
they can’t be too cautious. (Who knows who might be sinful, defiant predators imaginable. This is part of His
a spy for a local vampire or worse, an alastor?) If the plan, and He wouldn’t have it any other way. Therefore, <3
characters choose not to wait around to see who shows while the point here is not about giving the characters
up, the Storyteller should move up the return of the one final opportunity to go wild with brutal depravity
pilgrims so that they arrive just as the characters are before entering the proverbial convent, if this kind of
leaving their room. In the either case, the precise way in gratuitous mayhem does take place, it won’t really
which John and Ryder react depends in large part on change anything. Despite any and all deeds of evil the
how the characters present themselves. Unless they characters might be responsible for up until the moment
come off as if they are set on destroying the pair, neither they enter the sanctuary, they are still counted among the
of the pilgrims desires to make a scene and start trouble Chosen. Once the church doors shut, however, all bets
here. They would prefer to learn more about how they are off.
were discovered and how they are going to ensure that
T wo Nig h t s Bf f o r f Gf iif n n a
word of their presence goes no further. In their experi-
This is when things start to get interesting. The
ence, simply destroying the characters would probably
night before, while the pilgrims were out hunting, the
draw more attention, not less. If possible, they would
watchful contact of one of the local Kindred (the
also wish to learn something about the city’s Kindred in
scourge, for example, or a knowledgeable Nosferatu)
order to know whether any of them might he the so-
spotted Ryder and John at a gas station where they
called angel that has been in the news. They do not
topped off their tank before returning to the motel.
mention the church bell to the characters at this point.
When John paid the man inside at the counter, he
The Storyteller is free to run this scene in whatever
removed his gloves in order to count out his money and
manner best suits the current chronicle. There is no
the contact noticed the strange crimson tattoo on his
requirement that the characters establish amicable terms
palm. This, in addition to John’s already disturbing
with the pilgrims, but that is a perfectly acceptable
appearance, led the man to telephone his Kindred
outcome if they are so inclined. Ryder and John are on
acquaintance and report what he had seen in detail,
the proverbial high road, but neither is above ultimately
including the make, model and license plate number of
destroying other Kindred who pose a real threat to
the pilgrims’ vehicle. The vampire receiving the tip is
them, if they can do so quietly. It might work well for the
now actively seeking more informat ion and has not ified
characters to have a chance to get to know the pair and
other Kindred of John’s appearance. Word is already
even to discuss their philosophical views, but again, if
spreading throughout the Kindred community as a
consequence. Some of the locals are probably fo-
cused on the report of John’s tattoo, which might
suggest to them anything from membership in the
notorious Black Hand (or some other mythical
Kindred cult) to a sign of infernalism or sorcery at
the very least. The prince — and possibly another
of the city elders — should be knowledgeable
enough to recognize it as the mark of an alastor,
perhaps even a Red Alastor. Given the implica-
tions of having one of these Kindred in town, the
prince sets the wheels in motion and soon man-
ages to get his hands on a standard surveillance
tape from the gas station where the pilgrims were
seen, perhaps putting himself in debt to the
scourge or other Kindred if claims to domain over
the gas station exist. Though the tape is not of the
best quality, the mark on John’s right palm as well
as Ryder's bestial facial features are clear enough
for the elder to act on the information. No later
than a few hours after sundown, the prince re-
ceives enough information from another
Camarilla elder with greater knowledge of such
things to conclude that the unknown vampire at
the gas station is indeed one of the Anathema: the
former Red Alastor, Hector Trelane, a dangerous
blood-sorcerer and known diablerist.
How the prince plans to act upon this infor-
mation is left to the Storyteller’s discretion, but
some things are almost certain to take place. First,
the prince is not about to sit on what he knows and
do nothing. The presence of one of the Anathema
is a serious matter that must be dealt with as
quickly and carefully as possible. The consequences
of not doing so would be grave indeed. The prince
might inform the primogen and sheriff in order to
decide on what to do, or he might simply direct
them to take action. He might try to contact one
of the alastors, hut doing so might risk making the
prince seem unable to control h is own d< >main and
threaten his authority. Such a tack could be a
political disaster, and having outsiders in the city
aggressively stalking a monster would certainly
turn everything upside down, with no guarantee of
stability when and if the drama ended. The prince
might decide to just keep an eye on the pilgrims in
the hope that they have some relatively benign
business in town and will simply depart. Such a
scenario would be good for all, but it is also probably
a pipe dream. Obviously, the Anathema are on the
Red List because they are a threat, not only to
individual Kindred, but to the entire Camarilla. In
fact, it is technically a requirement that all Kindred,
Chapt er Two: Wo r mw o o d
the prince has at least heard rumors about the Trophy
Sa b b a t a n d An a r c h Cit if s
awarded to those who succeed in taking down the
Th is story is assumed to take place in a C kimaril la
Anathema. That alone might be enough to get him and
domain. If, however, your chronicle is based in a
any others who have heard of this in on the action.
city held by the Sabbat or perhaps the anarchs, and
Second, regardless of what the prince decides to do,
if you wish the story to take place t here, only a few
word is spreading like wildfire among the Kindred that
small changes are required. Most obviously, there is
a dangerous vampire is in the city. If the word Anath-
no prince or scourge. Just replace such figures with
ema has also been voiced, then the rumors only become
ones appropriate to the sect in charge. The prince
more outrageous and terrifying; even the most blase
is the archbishop or bishop in a Sabbat town, and
a baron in an anarch area. The anarchs don’t Kindred should be unable to avoid being caught up in
technically recognize the Camarilla's Red List, bur rhe commotion this night. Because hard facts and a
they probably consider most of the Anathema to be great deal of accurate information is likely hard to come
by, the characters should not immediately recognize
a serious danger, nonetheless. They might respect
that the monster being whispered about is John Trent
the presence of one of the alastors, depending on
or his companion. In fact, if they spoke at any length to
the local baron, but most cases give him a little
the pair, they might have ascertained that the pilgrims
respect at the very least, considering the simple
were themselves on the trail of a so-called angel. Could
power such a Kindred can command. The Sabbat
this be the creature the city’s Kindred are talking about?
don’t recognize these institutions and labels at all.
Storytellers should encourage doubt and false assump-
If the local packs are weak, they might feel I hat a so-
tions, allowing the characters to come to al) manner of
called Anathema is still a serious threat and one
conclusions about what is going on in the city. Keep in
that must be faced, likely with force. If they are
mind that even if a pretty good description of John
stronger, or at least possessed of greater confidence,
Trent is already going around, his tattoo should imply
they might actually relish the presence of a creature
that he is an alastor. His presence would only make
that represents a thrilling challenge. And given
sense if there is an Anathema in town that he is
that the Anathema are traditionally of low genera-
hunting. The fact that he is an Anathema himself
tion, the reward from diablerie might be enough
should be lost in the telling, creating greater confusion.
enticement to set rhe whole city on the warpath.
In any case, rumors abound and each of the city’s
The Sabbat and most anarchs probably don’t
Kindred begins maneuvering to deal with the possible
have the necessary knowledge or connect ions to
threat to their domain in a way t hat benefits them most
even know who the Anathema or alastors are in
— whether this means hiding or assembling a posse of
t he first place. Therefore, it is better for John and
well-armed ghouls. If the city has a scourge or sheriff,
even Ryder to be recognized as straightforward
such officials probably put the arrest, capture or destruc-
threats to these sects. Both of the pilgrims have
tion of the intruders at the top of their list of priorities,
had more than their share of run-ins with Sabbat
employing whatever retainers and allies they can to find
and anarchs over the years, and in almost all cases,
and deal with the perceived threat. The Kindred tap all
those encounters did not bode well for those they
their resources, and unless the locals are all relatively
met. Word of this can he assumed to have reached
young vampires, they should be able to close in on their
the ears of the local leader, giving that vampire
prey relatively quickly now that they have a decent
good reason to call in the troops and its to pul
description of who they are looking for (assuming they
down the unannounced visitors, li some other
choose such a strategy to deal with the monster in their
situation exists in your city, use these suggestions
midst). Those with influence in the police department
as guidelines. As long as the local Kindred see the
are able to run the car’s tags — the sedan is registered
pilgrims as dangerous threats or even just unwel-
under a false name out of state — and have at least some
come guests, the story can still work as intended.
patrol cars stay alert for signs of John Trent. The
characters should find this environment ripe for dra-
especially those with authority, such as princes, do their matic exploitation, giving them a chance to work the
utmost to aid in the destruction of the Anathema situation as their fellow Kindred are doing.
whenever possible. A prince with strong loyalties to the How the evening plays out depends on what happened
Camarilla beyond his own domain, or one with higher between the characters and the pilgrims the night before:
political ambitions, might see no choice but to take The Encounter with the Pilgrims Went Well: If the
down John in whatever manner presents itself. Finally, characters got along reasonably well with the pilgrims the
night before, perhaps drawn to their humanistic leanings The greatest danger to the characters now is from
and interesting views on the nature of vampires, the the other local Kindred. Later this evening, word reaches
pilgrims might attempt to get in touch with them again. rhe ears of the city elders that rhe characters have been
I lelping the pilgrims could prove a difficult mission and spotted with the pilgrims, perhaps at the hotel by
could place the characters in serious danger, though, as another Kindred spy. This information suggests that
aiding and abetting unannounced Kindred is a very they are either allies of the pilgrims or have simply not
serious crime in some cities. Doing the same for a true reported the unannounced Kindred to the authorities,
danger can be no less serious. Should they mention the as is their responsibility. Either way, the characters are
rumors to the pilgrims, John’s paranoia kicks into high in very hot water. If they are generally well liked or have
gear. Is it mere chance that he was spotted, or is this part significant influence or status, a messenger might be
of an alastor’s scheme? Are the characters part of the dispatched to summon them to the prince for question-
plan, seeking out the pilgrims to verify their identity or to ing. If they are not so lucky, the sheriff might be sent to
lure them out of hiding? Are the characters unwitting drag them to Elysium by whatever manner he deems
participants, or are they in on the plot? Are the angel most effective. The prince might even use Summon to
sightings just a ploy to keep him and Ryder distracted, compel their presentation. Regardless of the fashion in
something cooked up by those hunting them ? Or is there which it plays out, the characters are in trouble. If they
another being in town too? Perhaps the angel is actually are found guilty of collusion with one of the Anathema,
the monster they are seeking and the local prince is just their unlives could be on the line. While it might be
clueless. If so, who is rhe angel? Could it actually be one poetically ironic if the characters were to meet Final
of the alastors, drawing the pilgrims to him, or is it Death only two nights before God is prepared to offer
someone else, maybe even one of the Anathema that them the chance at salvation, it would also effectively
John hunted in the past? Maybe the monster is the same end the story without Gehenna ever having arrived.
conspirator who fed the Inner Circle lies about John The Encounter with the Pilgrims Did Not Go
being a diablerist, resulting in his own brand of Anath- Well: The characters might not have come away from
ema. John has had so many enemies that it could be their first encounter with the pilgrims on such a good
anyone. These kinds of questions plague the former note. In this case, they might believe some of the darker
alastor, and he is forced to take action as a result. He rumors or simply decide that it is in their best interest to
cannot let himself or his companion fall prey to any of turn the pair over to the Kindred authorities. If they go
those who might be on their trail. Whether John decides straight to the prince and divulge all they know, the
that the characters pose a threat to his safety or not, he prince instructs the characters to help in bringing in the
trusts his own intelligence and ability to turn that threat Anathema and his companion. If he doesn’t already
to his advantage. Even if the characters are only here to have a plan for capturing or destroying John and Ryder,
help nail him to the wall, the fact that John isaware of this then he might solicit the characters’ advice, given what
potential gives him rhe advantage. 1 le can use the they already know of the pair. The sheriff or other
characters to throw any real hunters off his trail, outma- Kindred might be brought in also, and a full plan for how
neuvering whoever is trying to catch him. And with to destroy the interlopers devised. On the other hand,
Ryder close by, anyone who makes a move against them rhe prince might have called for outside assistance, and
is going to be in for a very unpleasant surprise. may merely wish to keep an eye on the Anathema until
Exactly what plan of action the pilgrims cook up that help arrives. In either case, the plan requires that
should depend heavily on what the characters suggest. the characters return to the pilgrims and learn more
For one, the characters are locals who know the city and about their motives and capabilities, keeping an eye on
its Kindred in a way the pilgrims do not. In addition, if them at rhe very least. When t he characters do confront
they are actually meant to trap the pilgrims, then all the the pilgrims again, it is very likely that John sees
better to let them think they can set the agenda. Surely, through their ploy using his Auspex. Unless the charac-
neither John nor Ryder is going to just up and agree to ters were ordered to try tokill rhe pilgrims on their own,
anything the characters put forth. Should their sugges- the pilgrims approach rhis as previously stated. They
tions be completely worthless, like having the pilgrims pretend to be on at least neutral terms with the charac-
present themselves to the prince to turn themselves in, ters in order to convince them that they can outsmart
the pilgrims do not go along with the plan, of course. the pilgrims. This “keeping your enemies closer” strat-
Unless the characters attack them, however, they main- egy ensures that regardless of whether the characters
tain a diplomatic demeanor in order to further ascertain wish to help or hinder the pilgrims, they are be able to
their role in the increasingly dangerous plot. have close contact with them.
Chapt er Two: Wo r mw o o d
If the city elders decide to take immediate action well. The Storyteller might even wish to have the angel
against the pilgrims, the Storyteller should still arrange sightings come to the attention of the Kindred now,
for the characters to have a chance to contact the adding another element of ominous foreshadowing to
pilgrims before the assault is scheduled to take place. what is to come. Despite all this, no vampire should
Maybe they now feel bad about what they have revealed suspect that any of this is a sign of Gehenna, of course,
and wish to warn the pilgrims, or maybe they wish to unless he is already inclined to see everything odd as a
blackmail the pilgrims, offering them a way to avoid the portent of God’s impending judgment.
ambush in exchange for information or other reward.
Tin- Nig h t Be f o r e Ge h e n n a
Whatever the reason, allow the characters to find the
This is the last full night that rhe Kindred have
pilgrims first. John probably sees what is really going on,
before Wormwood is unleashed upon the Earth, the last
and he and his companion are not about to be fall prey
full night for them to carry on as “normal” vampires, for
to a bunch of local Kindred, even if an alastor is behind
whatever it’s worth. The Storyteller should keep this
them. They force the characters to help them escape
firmly in mind. Where it might have been prudent in
from the trap and find a better hiding place. (Remem-
the past to limit the characters’ potential to make sure
ber, until they have solved the mystery that drew them
they don’t rock the proverbial boat too much (and
here, they are not about to leave.) They might play
thereby upset a carefully planned chronicle), it’s time to
Good Cop/Bad Cop or use another means of persuasion,
take a step back. Let the characters do whatever it is
hut they do their best to convince the characters to help
they have always wanted to do and were able to do, but
them. If possible, they try to get t he characters to assist
were restricted from doing by Storyteller fiat. If it’s the
them with their search for the angel, be it a treacherous
prince’s neck they’ve wanted and they now sense that
alastor or something completely unexpected. /»
the opportunity is right while the city’s Kindred are
No matter how things went the night before with running around worried about monstrous vampires in
the pilgrims, it might be the case that the characters their midst, let them have their chance at taking down
simply choose to let other Kindred hunt the strangers, the bastard and proclaiming themselves the new lords of
preferring to stay out of the whole affair. If this happens, the domain. Did they always want to teach that uppity
then the Storyteller should bring rhe fight to them, so harpy a lesson that she won’t easi ly forget ?Take off their
to speak. John and Ryder seek out the characters, even handcuffs and let them go for it. This is not to suggest
if their meeting the night before did not go so well, and that it should be advertised that the characters are now
demand that the coterie helps them avoid their pursuers free to do as they wish without consequences, but if they
as much as possible. They might explain a hit more test that limit now, let them find that it no longer exists.
about why they are here and even ask for assistance in Only if they seek to do something that actually demeans
helping solve rhe mystery of the angel. At this point, the importance of this final story should they be subtly
they might even tell them about the church bell they nudged in another, more fitting, direction.
have heard for 12 nights now. In exchange, they can
As the sun sets, the action should pick up where i
offer knowledge as well as anything else they have at
it left off the night before. Unless rhe pilgrims were
their disposal. As mentioned, another way to ensure
caught completely unawares, in all likelihood they
that the characters get involved is to have one of the
remain at large, having been able to escape notice of
other guests at the hotel be a Kindred contact and report
the local Kindred and their minions. If their lair at
seeing the characters with the strange vampires the
the motel has been discovered, which is probably the
night before. This report could generate rumors that the
case by now, they have already abandoned the place
characters are associates of the newcomers and throw a
and found haven elsewhere. This time they’ve holed
great deal of suspicion on them. Maybe the sheriff orone
up in the basement of a small print shop that went
of the elders demands to speak with them in a threaten-
out of business a few years before, or some other place
ing manner, pressuring the characters to turn to John
arranged by rhe players’ characters. Today’s paper
and Ryder for protection. In the end, the characters
has a back page story about another angel sighting,
should get caught up in the hysteria surrounding the
this time one that took place right outside of the
pilgrims one way or another.
haven of one of the characters. The pilgrims won’t
By sunrise, the characters should have had some know this detail, of course, but they are eager to find
interaction with both the local Kindred and the pil- the mortal who reported the sighting in order to
grims in order to give them a sense of the gravity of the learn as much as possible. After an hour or so of
situation. Rumors abound, including all sorts of specu- phone calls to the newspaper and directory assis-
lation about the pilgrims and possibly the characters as tance, they are ready to find the witness and carry out
Ge h e n n a
their little interrogation. If they arc on good terms witness the arrival, ritual of blessing, and departure of
with the characters and have a way to reach them, Ferox. The Gargoyle certainly qualifies as a spiritual
they make contact and ask for their help, in order to being and his presence, even many nights later, should
both find the place quickly ami avoid any places leave a lasting and potent impression. (Storytellers, ad-
where other Kindred might spot them. The fact that j ust the specifics ofthe scene as necessary to accommodate
the sighting took place on rhe doorstep of one of the the character’s haven. If the entire coterie spends its days
character’s havens should be enough to get t he char- in the cargo hold of a ship, then have the old man walk
acters to accept this request. If the pilgrims cannot or his dog along the docks and see the angel on the ship's
would not wish to contact the characters, however, deck, for example.)
or if the characters refuse to help, the pilgrims go it At this point, John Trent suspects that the angel
alone. In this case, John and Ryder will find the being reported might in fact be Ferox. As one of the
mortal and question him at length on their own. alastors, he did possess enough information about the
The man lives only a few blocks from the haven of Anathema to recognize the more obvious signs of their
one of the characters, ami is a retired widower who lives passage, and Ferox is certainly unique. Rumors about his
alone, except for his dog. He was walking his pet just ability to destroy Kindred with a simple glance and his
before dawn I hat morning when he < ame upon a strange religious fervor are as well known to the alastors as are his
scene. About half a block ahead he saw a tall man in telltale wings, horns and tail. Even so, John is not about
what appeared to he a long, dark robe, standing just to jump to any conclusions — he is a very intelligent
outside the character’s haven. The man wore a hood individual who’s not prone to making assumptions —
and seemed to be gesturing at or on the door to the and he keeps his suspicions to himself unless it becomes
place. Suddenly, the man’s dog began tp whimper and necessary to say something. He also doesn’t see the point
act scared, and the strange man turned toward the in frightening the characters with warnings about one of
witness. The stranger’s face was pure white, as were his the legendary Kindred bogeymen. He does, however,
hands, and it looked as if he actually had horns on his share enough knowledge to enable the characters to help
V head, only partly hidden by the hood. Oddly, he wore him and his companion in their quest.
sunglasses, something the witness is sure of because the At some point in the middle of the night, the
stranger removed them at that point and a nearly characters hear the tolling church bell for the first time.
blinding white light flooded from his eyes and bathed Ferox performed his ritual Anointing of the Chosen
the sidewalk and street. The witness covered his eyes outside of each of their havens just before sunrise,
with his hand, but he swears that he actually saw great making each of the characters one of the Chosen. In
white wings spread out behind the man, convincing fact, they are the very last of the Chosen. Because the
him that the stranger was an angel. Just then, the light actual sanctuary is relatively close by, the sound of the
vanished, and when he lowered his hand, the angel was bell is relatively loud, as if the bell were only a few blocks
gone, as if he had never been there at all. away. Certainly, if rhe characters are in the company of
Once the story comes out, the pilgrims head to the the pilgrims when this occurs, they recognize the fact
precise spot where the angel was seen. This brings them, that they can all hear the sound. This prompts the
of course, to the haven of the character in question. If the pilgrims to reveal all they know about the sound and
characters are not with rhe pilgrims, the arrival of the how it, not stories of angels, brought them here. It also
pilgrims at the haven should come to their attention, makes the pilgrims more convinced than ever that
either as a result of direct observation or because one of something very important is about to happen. This
their retainers or other agents quickly reports it. The doesn’t automatically allay John’s paranoid fears of
pilgrims spend some time examining rhe scene, drawing alastors, dastardly schemes and whatnot, but it does
upon all their abilities to learn what they can about the allow him to open his mind to less self-centered possi-
angelic figure that was here. Unless stopped, they enter bilities. If the pilgrims are not with the characters when
the haven to continue their investigation, thereby learn- the bell tolls, they still reveal what they know to the
ing the identity of the vampire or vampires who spend characters the next time they speak if the characters tell
their days here. This information leads them to conclude them that they have heard the sound.
that there is some clear connection between the charac- The rest of the evening can take almost any
ters and the so-called angel, something they press the course. The city’s Kindred are doing their best to find
characters about now, seeking them out if they must to do the pilgrims, and their hunt could certainly result in
so. If the pilgrims or one of the characters achieve enough nearly any type of encounter. If the characters have
successes using The Spirit’s Touch, they might be able to somehow still managed to remain uninvolved in the
Ch a h ir Tw o : Wo r mw o o d
unfolding events despite every attempt to get them uninterrupted ritual to call the Chosen to the church.
involved, the Storyteller should have them recruited Gehenna comes, and the Gargoyle knows this.
against their will to join in the chase at this time. Just The characters now have until midnight or there-
be sure that every other enticement has been ex- abouts to do as they wish; that’s when Gehenna begins.
hausted before doing so. The idea is for the characters They can meet with other Kindred, seek out the pil-
to have as much freedom as possible this last night, not grims, attend to their own personal affairs or look for rhe
to feel as if they are being led around by the nose. The source of the bells. If they approach Kindred who are not
only real caveat for this evening is that the pilgrims among the Chosen and probe them about the bells or
should not be destroyed (or at least one of them should anything like that, most have no idea what they are
survive into the following night) and Ferox and Alia talking about. It is possible that a Malkavian or two
should not be encountered. No matter how cunning might have some odd premonition that something
the characters and their pilgrim allies might he, they terrible is about to happen, but even that’s iffy. On the
should not be able to locate the sanctuary where God’s other hand, if the characters speak with one of the rare
messenger and servant are staying. Keep in mind that thin-bloods possessed of supernatural Insight, the indi-
the old church is very difficult for anyone to find, vidual might be frightfully aware of what is about to
given its arcane nature. Even the Chosen have no happen. Unfortunately, the knowledge is probably so
advantage in recognizing the sanctuary for what it terrifying that the poor creature is unlikely to be able to
really is until Gehenna actually begins. impart much useful information, only just enough to
T i if Fin a l Nig h t lend the characters some of that terror.
It has finally come to this, the very night that If they look for John and Ryder—who are probably
Gehenna begins. This really is the end’ of the still being hunted — they do not find them. The
chronicle as it has existed up until now. God has no pilgrims have already set out to locate the source of rhe
further use for Caine and his inhuman spawn, and noise once and for all. They have crossed off every
He is about to bring down the curtain on the whole church in the city on their gas station map so far, and
eJ damnable affair. As such, it is your responsibility to none have turned out to be of interest. Now they are
really make the most of this scene’. Draw upon determined to look one last time, perhaps for a place
everything you have ever learned and establish the that somehow slipped by their notice as well as the
Final Night as one that is truly personal for each of notice of those who made the map. If the characters
the characters and their players. Only a few short actually arose in the same haven as the pilgrims, then
hours remain before it is all over and things are concoct some reason for the pilgrims to part company
never the same again, so use these last few hours to with them early on. Maybe they want the characters to
give each character a chance to know what it means pass on a message to the city’s prince, or to locate
to be a vampire one last time. something or someone that might be important. Just
Shortly after the characters awaken this evening, make sure that they are not together when Gehenna
each of them — all the Chosen, and only the actually begins.
Chosen, actually — hear the church bell again. Yet The characters might wish to take care of personal
not only is this an odd hour for it to toll, but now it business, perhaps already feeling that the tolling bells are
sounds as if a dozen bells are ringing together. The like a ticking time-bomb that gives them precious little
bells continue to peal, as if they were being rung in time to get things in order before it is too late. If so, try to
the traditional way to signal some great celebration make sure that whatever the characters do, from purchas-
or catastrophe. Although the bells seem to be only ing a new gun to visiting a favorite vessel, focus more than
a short distance away, they are by no means deafen- ever on the very personal aspect of the situation. Even a
ing, and all but the most sensitive or irritable Kindred relatively mundane gun purchase can bring the character
are able to block them out enough to go about their face-to-face with some aspect of his dwindling (or en-
business without too much discomfort or distrac- tirely lost) Humanity. Don’t rush this, because it is most
tion. If the characters are at all aware by now that likely the very last chance this character has to deal with
the pilgrims have heard rhe single bell for a dozen ordinary people as a vampire. If the errands are of a more
nights already, then this very different ringing should obvious personal nature, such as visiting a vessel, explore
be somewhat alarming. Why the sudden change the relationship between the character and the mortal as
from a single ring to an urgent peal? Is something much as possible, perhaps even heightening the emo-
about to happen? Upon awakening in the sanctuary, tional tension on purpose, in order to make the character
Ferox began ringing his bell as part of a final, sense something that he might ordinarily take for granted.
Ge h e n n a
Storytellers should use this brief time to let the characters
have a final “moment,” as it were, with the world around
them, as a vampire. The characters, and even the players,
might not recognize this for what it is, but give it to them
anyway. It’s the least they deserve considering what is
about to happen.
Finally, if the characters choose to set out and find
the source of the clanging bells, be careful to pace the
scene carefully. Since only the Chosen can hear the
sound, and because it is of a spiritual rather than
physical nature, it should not be simple to locate its
source at first. It would be unfair to steer the characters
in the wrong direction. After all, the sound is a
manifestation of a summons of sorts, and a divine one
at that. God is not out to play tricks on the Chosen, so
keeping them from the church before it is dramati-
cally appropriate is more a matter of delay and
distraction than deception. Let them be drawn to the
part of town where the sanctuary is, but instead of
leading them astray, create a few encounters that slow
their rush to the church. Perhaps they .come upon a
terrible car accident on the way, one in which one of
those killed or injured is a mortal known to them.
(Maybe a retainer, but possibly even someone to
u whom they have a strong emotional attachment.)
Regardless, do not let it delay the character indefi-
nitely. When Gehenna begins, the character must be
able to make her way to the church quickly. If that
journey can be made more interesting, more compel-
ling and more wrought with self-examination, though,
then by all means do so. God wouldn’t have it any
other way. Also keep in mind that any city of a
reasonable size should have a considerable number of
churches, tabernacles and other houses of worship.
While the pilgrims have already visited every one of
them in the past week, the characters have to start
from scratch. Fortunately, the bells do draw the char-
acters in the direction of the church, and it should be
very obvious when a church is not the one they are
looking for. That is part of the summons. When they
do see the real thing, there is no mistaking it.
Until Gehenna actually begins, the characters
have just enough time to involve themselves in other
situations. The city’s other Kindred are still dedi-
cated to seeking out the pilgrims, and possibly even
the characters, depending on their recent actions.
These vampires are very likely engaged in the usual
theater of conniving, backstabbing, debt-swapping
and social esgrima that makes up the bulk of their
unlives. The characters might find themselves des-
perately trying to outmaneuver an elder’s schemes
even as they are trying to find the source of the
strange tolling.
Giapt er Two: Wo r mw o o d
Ge h e n n a part due to the presence of Ferox and the outpouring of
Sometime about midnight — it doesn’t have to be his True Faith that any Kindred can sense. The charac-
precise; God is certainly not tied to mankind’s artificial ters also see that the church doors are open and the
measurement of time — the characters and all the rest pilgrims are standing on the threshold. John Trent is on
of the Chosen, hear the bells erupt into an almost his knees, staring up at the heavens, apparently over-
deafening cacophony, as if the dozen bells were sud- come by horror and despair, while Ryder stands in the
denly joined by another hundred. Those Kindred capable doorway, beseeching his companion to join him inside.
of seeing the Red Star now find their attention drawn to The dim light of a thousand candles from inside the
that heavenly body as it explodes, filling the night sky edifice frames the pair in a strange tableau. The pilgrims
with a blaze of crimson that appears to be moving reached the church nearly an hour ago and found Ferox
quickly toward the Earth like some malign cosmic and Alia inside, along with the other Chosen. Because
storm. Storytellers should describe this in truly apoca- Ferox has not paused for even a moment in the perfor-
lyptic terms, for the sense that something terrible has mance of his summoning ritual, however, the Chosen
begun is inescapable. The experience is not one that have so far dealt only with Alia, who has simply told
should send the Beast into a frenzy, but it is enough to them to stay inside in order to be safe from God’s wrath.
root characters in place as they try to comprehend what When Gehenna actually began, John refused to accept
they are witnessing. With a successful Perception + the truth of the situation and stepped outside. He has
Empathy roll (difficulty 7), Kindred who are unable to been unable to turn his eyes away from the approaching
actually see the flash and Wormwood’s flood of bitter horror since then, for he believes that even if it is
poison rushing toward the Earth can still sense that Gehenna, it is not an act of God he is witnessing, but
something dreadful has just taken place. Those with no
something far more terrible. In his mind, he is seeing the /
awareness whatsoever are likely to be confused by the triumph of evil, the return to the earthly realm of the
reaction of other Kindred, unaware that the end has demonic entities that had been revealed to him years
come. Note that it is not only the most sensitive among ago beneath the New Mexico desert. Their time has
the Chosen who witness this, but all Kindred with keen now come, the time for them to seize the Earth as their
perceptions are alerted to what is taking place. Truly, own and to turn the world into a living hell. The shock
this is a night none of them would be able to forget. of this understanding, flawed though it is, has nearly
Though they have not heard the tolling bells and been crippled the pilgrim’s ability to do anything but watch
privy to some of the things the Chosen have, they in numb submission.
cannot mistake what’s happening for anything good. As the characters rush toward the church, use the
Most other Kindred remain oblivious and continue to moment to reinforce the medieval feeling of damnation
go about their business of preying on humanity like the and redemption. Describe to them the weather-worn
anachronistic abominations they are. bas relief on the tympanum above the doors, which
The toxic poison of Wormwood reaches the illustrates a traditional scene of Judgment Day as de-
character’s city at the precise moment when the char- scribed in Revelation, with Christ offering salvation to
acters stand on the threshold of the sanctuary, and no the just and sending the wicked to the flames. Describe
sooner. This is, of course, for dramatic effect, so forget how devastated the church is, the graffiti, the garbage,
about physics or any precise timetable. The beginning the rats, the broken windows — how it looks like one
of Gehenna, whether the characters recognize it as that good wind could send it all tumbling down into a
or not, should be shocking enough that the characters massive pile of rubble. Make it sound dangerous and
immediately seek to find the sanctuary that the pealing unappealing, even as it shows no sign of habitation.
bells seem to promise. Wherever the characters are in Remember, that given the unique nature of the place,
relation to the sanctuary, they should be given exactly no amount of Auspex or other scry ing reveals that Ferox
as much time to reach the church as they need, but no and Alia are inside. As far as the characters are con-
more. This means that should they decide to take their cerned, the place is truly deserted, aside from the pilgrims
time, to stop off to buy something, or to do pretty much on the doorstep and the vermin who call this home.
anything but rush toward the source of the calamitous Finally, describe for those who can perceive it how
bells, the Storyteller should use whatever means desired Wormwood is almost upon them, like an unstoppable
to scare the characters into a mad dash to safety. tidal wave of red vapor roiling down the street, giving
When the characters finally come upon the crum- them only seconds to reach shelter.
bling ruin that is the sanctuary — however long it takes Ryder spots the characters long before John is aware
— they have no trouble recognizing it for what it is, in of or concerned with their presence, and the Gangrel
snarls to them with real panic in his voice to get inside. to see his garments, though, on account of the brilliant
At the same time, he grabs his companion by the arm white light of pure faith that emanates from his eyes,
and drags him inside, oblivious to John's piteous cries. instilling the Chosen with a sense of rhe truly divine.
He then holds the doors open just long enough for the Until he puts down the hand bell he rings and dons his
characters to make it inside, but not a second more. sunglasses at the conclusion of his ritual, it is impossible
Finally, he pulls the doors closed with a tremendous to make out anything more about him. He appears as
effort, slamming them hard enough to startle pigeons nothing less than an angel, if there are such things. The
high in the rafters and to cause the thousands of candle characters also notice the presence of any other Chosen
flames to flicker wildly. The sound of the doors closing who might be here now. They are nearby, and like the
is the sound of finality that should given the characters characters, they are similarly awed by everything that
the sense that they are not leaving this place anytime has happened so far this evening. These Kindred are
soon. When the noise dies, an even more unsettling probably too frightened to do anything more than
silence takes its place. Gehenna has begun, and there is watch and wait for the moment. It is doubtful that they
no turning back. wish to carry on a conversation or answer questions
until the angelic figure before them takes the lead.
Ac t Tw o : When ready, Ferox addresses the gathered Kindred
Fo r t y Nig h t s of Gf h f n n a in a manner that is simultaneously reverential and lofty,
Outside the church, the world’s vampires are learn- without being too righteous. The Gargoyle informs the
ing what it means to face God’s judgment without a Chosen that God is cleansing the Earth of the spawn of
chance of redemption or salvation. Inside, at least the Caine the Kinslayer, and that for 40 nights His wrath
characters are be given that chance. Once the sanctu- will not be stayed. Wormwood is His weapon, and it will
ary doors have closed, the characters and the rest of the drown the Damned in their sins until none are left —
Chosen have the opportunity to look around. The not even the Antediluvians. Only those present, cho-
interior of the church is even more ruinous than its sen by God as a demonstration of his boundless mercy
v exterior suggests. Spend some time describing the and love, are offered a chance at redemption and <3
vandalism, weathering and disrepair. Almost nothing salvation. For 40 nights they must remain in the sanc-
of value remains in the entire place, and most of the tuary He has created, or they will share the same fate as
areas off the central nave are either devastated by fire their accursed kin. If they prove their worth in that
and collapse or entirely impassable, blocked by rubble. time, they will be spared eternal damnation. He also
Even though most of the stained-glass windows are tells the Chosen that no other Kindred may enter the
broken, the flood that is Wormwood cannot enter. To sanctuary until Gehenna is ended; God will notallow it.
the eyes of those who can see it, it appears as nothing On the other hand, neither God nor Ferox will stop one
more than a strange red mist that washes past the of the Chosen from leaving the sanctuary. If, by his own
church without coming inside. The altar is seriously free will, one of the Chosen wishes to depart and submit
damaged, and the large crucifix that once hung behind to God’s wrath, that is his choice, and it shall be done.
it is long gone, though a pale shadow of where it once Finally, Ferox introduces himself and Alia by name, and
was remains on the sooty walls. The place is a wreck, he welcomes the Chosen to sanctuary.
but it is still God’s house.
Re d e m pt io n
All the ruin and Gothic creepincss aside, it is God’s For the next 40 nights, the Chosen and God’s two
chosen agents who command the characters’ attention. agents spend their every waking hour trapped in the
Alia sits on the step before the altar, 'imply clad and cathedral with only each other as company, doing their
clearly filled with an unsettling joy ar the arrival of the best to deal with the situation. Daylight hours are spent
Chosen. She is not scared. Even the most monstrous of sleeping under pews, in the confessionals, in the choir
Kindred cannot shake her faith that God has chosen loft or in the various small sacramental and housekeep-
them all for His purposes, and it is not something to be ing rooms near the altar that might still be accessible.
questioned. This confidence is perhaps the most un- The Kindred in the sanctuary are faced with having to
nerving thing about her, for no matter how she is find ways to pass the time, to handle their hungers and
approached, she exudes a formidable degree of will. urges, and to come to terms with Gehenna.
More commanding is Ferox, who stands completing the From a Storyteller’s point of view, the sole purpose
ritual of the summoning as the characters watch. The of the 40 nights is for the characters to be given a chance
Gargoyle’s wings are spread wide, stretching across the to redeem themselves in the eyes of God in order to be
altar, and he is garbed in a purple vestment. It is difficult
Chapt er Two: Wo r mw o o d
redeemed themselves and which have not. All of this
Le a v in g Sa n c t u a r y also applies to the other Kindred present, who are being
If one or more characters choose to leave the offered the same chance as the characters at redemption
church and venture even a step outside irs protec- and salvation. They are really present only to help the
tion at any time during the 40 nights ol Gehenna, Storyteller create meaningful challenges for the charac-
they are tainted by Wormwood and suffer the full ters, however. This is important to remember, for this
effects that have already been mentioned. In addi- story is about the fate of the players’ characters, not the
tion, they are unable to reenter the sanctuary, for rest of the vampires in rhe world. Lose sight of that, and
they have turned their back on God’s offer of salva- Gehenna becomes nothing more than a diverting way
tion and chosen another path. There is one very to end a chronicle.
special circumstance, however, in which a Kindred The various tests and challenges that the characters
who has left can return to sanctuary even in the face can and should be many and varied. God will not
middle of the flood. Such is the case only if the judge the Chosen prematurely after having offered
Kindred who exits does so to perform some action them this chance at salvation. As such, the characters
that is truly selfless and demonstrates the very es- are continually tested up until the very last night, giving
sence of humanity. Maybe the character’s mortal each of them every conceivable opportunity to save
mother is on her deathbed, and he decides that it’s their eternal souls. Some challenges might put their
better to go to Hell than to deprive his mother of one courage to the test, while others might force them to
last chance to see her lost child and have him by her make very difficult moral decisions. In some cases, the
side when her time finally comes. If the character in characters might find themselves confronted by exter-
question truly believes he has sacrificed his own nal dilemmas, while other tests come from within. It is
chance at salvation for the sake of one last act of important that the Storyteller keep the ways in which
goodness, not only does he find upon returning that the characters are challenged appropriate. In other
may he reenter, but all the effects he suffered from words, characters should be always given a chance to
e the poison of Wormwood vanish as if he had never
left the sanctuary. Storytellers should keep in mind
demonstrate some virtue or the lack thereof as a result k)
of each challenge. If the test is one that he has no hope
that this is a one-shot-only deal. If the same charac- of winning, then it is not a valid test for that character.
ter tries it again or another Kindred decides to play On the other hand, don’t overlook the fact that a
copycat, there is no turning back. Like the rest of the seemingly impossible test, like a clear no-win situation,
world’s Kindred, they are unable to ever again breach can really be a mask for a subtler test. How a character
the sanctuary and must accept their tragic fate. deals with a no-win situation, for example, can say as
much about that character’s strength of conviction and
granted salvation. Redemption, however, can occur faith as any more obvious test of the character’s mettle.
only if the characters are able to demonstrate that they As long as the Storyteller is able to recognize what each
truly possess the very real potential to be good people — challenge is really testing, it is suitable for inclusion.
not vampires, but people. How they demonstrate their In addition to any unique challenges specifically
worthiness for salvation cannot be defined, for such a arranged to test the characters, there is no end to the
thing is impossible to reduce to a simple list of require- number of less obvious tests facing the Chosen as well
ments. In short, during their 40 nights in the church as Ferox and Alia. First of all, vampires face the hunger
with others of their kind, the characters must show by that gnaws at them as their blood pools deplete. Luckily,
their actions or inaction that they are still more human they all soon discover that they no longer need as much
than Beast. They must show that they are still capable blood to simply rise each evening; however, should they
of compassion, selflessness, forgiveness, faith, love and use their blood for anything else, most begin to find
similar traditional virtues. It is the Storyteller’s job to things growing very difficult, very quickly. Each of the
provide the opportunity for the characters to reveal Kindred also has to contend with the ever-present Beast
themselves as virtuous or irredeemable. What this that lurks within. Being confined with and surrounded
amounts to is confronting the characters with a series of by Kindred who might be anything but pleasant, and
tests or challenges, each one a chance for one or more knowing that the literal Hand of God is wreaking
of the characters to show who they really are. In the end, biblical devastation upon all other Kindred on Earth
it is up to the Storyteller to weigh the actions of the just outside the door, certainly gives the Beast more
characters, to consider their words and deeds during than enough incentive to rise to the surface and make
Gehenna, and to ultimately decide which of them have things more trying for everyone. Add to this the various
Geh en n a
derangements, flaws and weaknesses that plague the prepared challenges is presented as if it were simply a
Chosen — as well as the inevitable clash between those coincidence. As long as the Storyteller paces things
Chosen of widely divergent natures and the total uncer- properly, this method is the best way to avoid short-
tainty as to what their ultimate fate will be when changing the players out of the opportunity rhe 40 nights
Gehenna does finally end — and you have one hell of represents and to make sure that the tale does not bog
a stressful situation. This is exactly how God wants it. down with long stretches of boredom as the characters
There is no strict timeline or dramatic order for how are forced to wait for the next night’s challenge.
things happen during the 40 nights of Gehenna. Until To help make the very most of Gehenna, a number
the last traces of Wormwood are gone, until God is ready of challenges are presented in this chapter. They can be
to pass judgment on those Kindred in the sanctuary, used as the only challenges in your story, but it is
things occur in whatever fashion best fits your troupe’s recommended that you supplement them with at least
style. Some Storytellers may wish to fast-forward many one or two of your own creation — challenges that are
nights at a time and only roleplay every sixth evening or of a personal nature and make sense only to your
so, concentrating the drama in digestible chunks and chronicle’s characters. Some of the challenges offered
simply describing rhe nights in-between to the players. might not work well with your group. In that case,
Others might prefer to play out most if not all of the 40 discard them and come up with something else if you
nights, perhaps posing a particular challenge to a differ- wish. Wherever possible, aim to tailor story elements to
ent character each of those evenings. The middle road your chronicle. Gehenna should feel as if it is the end of
might work best, with the Storyteller arranging a set your chronicle even more than a general end to Vam-
number ofspecial challenges to take place over thecourse pire. The more things you can make personal, the more
of Gehenna, but not worrying too much about exactly everyone will get out of the game’s finale. In addition,
when they occur. This method allows for the Storyteller systems and guidance on the more general challenges
to take his cue from the players, giving them a greater the characters and their fellow Chosen face are also
sense that they are not being artificially forced into a provided, from blood loss and feeding, to dealing with
series of tests like a coterie of undead lab rats. When the
Storyteller senses a lull in the action, another one of the
being cooped-up with a roomful of vampires for more o
than a month, with nowhere to go.
Chapt er Two: Wo r mw o o d
De a l in g w it h Ot h e r Kin d r e d Lasombra who cleaves to the Path of Power and the
Integral to the many challenges the characters must Inner Voice might seek to convince the characters of
face, as well as to the whole experience of being trapped the tenets of his own enlightenment. Going further, the
in the sanctuary for 40 nights, are the other vampires Keeper might even dare to collude with the character
who have been offered a chance at salvation. For the and show him how it is right and good to seek a way to
most part, the sanctuary offers little real privacy beyond neutralize Ferox and seize authority in the sanctuary —
what might amount to some personal space tor medita- certainly a virtuous action in the mind of those who
tion and silent reflection. Any of the Kindred possessed follow that Path of Enlightenment. The personal mo-
of Auspex should still be able to use their Heightened rality and philosophies of each of the Chosen is very
Senses to eavesdrop on quiet conversations in the important to the telling of Gehenna, and the Story-
vestibule or up in the choir loft, unless the church in teller should take the time to become intimately familiar
your story is a truly enormous cathedral. As a result, all with this aspect of each of the Chosen if they are to be
but the most calm-hearted Kindred grow uneasy when used to their greatest potential as foils for the players’
they are sequestered with so many others for so long. characters. To have them he cut from the same spiritual
Even Sabbat characters, who might be more acclimated cloth as the characters (or each other) robs the story of
to sharing close quarters with fellow packmates, prob- many excel lent opport uni t ies for good roleplay i ng, wh ich
ably find the housing arrangements less than desirable. only denies the characters greater and more interesting
Therefore, unless all the vampires in the sanctuary chances at redemption. These Kindred don’t always
become fast friends in a very short time — an extraor- have to be the proactive ones, either. The characters
dinarily unlikely occurrence — an undercurrent of can seek to speak with them and persuade them of their
tension and restlessness among the group is always own views, or at least teach them a thing or two. This /
simmering. This alone is likely to bring the Beast closer is not only welcome, but it should be encouraged. A
to the surface than it normally is, as it can sense the character with a low Courage rating who tries to over-
presence of its natural competitors and enemies nearby come his personal fears and point out to an intractable
— something no territorial predator can ignore. Story- Brujah how his views might be flawed and serve no good
tellers might wish to raise the difficulty of all frenzy rolls purpose is creating his own challenge — one that might
by one to represent this unease, hut do so with care. The actually be the one thing he needs to do to redeem
point is not to make things turn ugly fast, but to instead himself in the eyes of God.
weave this element into the telling of the story, so that Besides serving as tools for the Storyteller to use to
this sense of tension adds atmosphere and a dramatic challenge the characters, the other Kindred in the
edge to the scene. It is probably best to simply have it sanctuary should not be overlooked as unique individu-
show up in the vampires’ voices and mannerisms. A als with personalities, emotions, histories, beliefs, talents,
normally easygoing Toreador, for example, might have skills, knowledge, supernatural powers (albeit largely
less patience than usual, and his remarks might become limited in sanctuary) and even resources that might
clipped and sarcastic. A Gangrel neonate might be- come into play. Each of the Chosen has her own
come fidgety and pace back and forth all night on one thoughts on what is going on both inside and outside
of the rafters far above like a caged animal, overreacting sanctuary, and whether she voices those thoughts or
to every unexpected sound she hears with an instinctual keeps them to herself, they translate into motivations
snarl and unsheathing of razor-sharp claws. As long as that affect almost everything she says and does for the
the players can recognize this dangerous tension, there duration. The more abstract aspects of these characters
is no need to he blunt and use a difficulty modifier. can change over the course of Gehenna, especially if
Assuming you selected the Chosen well, each of they are persuaded to see things differently. The char-
these Kindred poses a unique challenge to the charac- acters might convince a withdrawn Setite that he
ters in their own right. A normally powerful elder of should not despair simply because Set might now truly
some years might automatically treat the characters as be dead; instead he should abandon his adherence to
beneath her notice. Her arrogance might stir the Beast that deity in favor of the divine force that they are all
in the characters, especially if she chooses to insult or now faced with. Perhaps a Tzimisce fledgling comes to
attempts to humiliate the characters in front of the recognize that he can no longer surrender to his In-
others. Even forgetting any possible frenzy, however, stinct, but instead must consider Self-Control from this
other Kindred can potentially pose even greater dan- point forward if he is to have any chance at salvation.
gers. What if the vampire has a unique viewpoint that Regardless of the pace of the story, the characters should
challenges the character’s personal bel iefs. For example, have plenty of opportunity — maybe more than they
desire — to interact with these Kindred. Let them privy to God’s purpose, he probably has a pretty good
engage in conversation and debate, socially as well as understanding of why Gehenna has come and what it
intellectually. Given their predicament, only the most means. He would be pleased to explain what he can to
antisocial of Kindred will not seek some relief from the Chosen, and to help them work through whatever
boredom by participating in interesting conversation fears, doubts or other concerns they might have. He
and rhetorical exercise. These Kindred shoidd draw out probably performs various devotional rituals each
the characters, getting them to expound on their own evening also, and he would be only too happy to see the
views too. Such interaction gives the players a chance Chosen join him in these sacraments. Should he be
to really think about their character’s opinions and asked what it is precisely rhe characters need to do to be
beliefs, and to examine them in a way they might never redeemed in God’s eyes, Ferox offers up only more
have done before. By doing so, the Storyteller is able to vague, pseudo-religious wisdom. (Even he does not
■fl better understand where each of the characters stands know what might ultimately qualify.) In fact, he is
Ch a f er Two: Wo r mw o o d
sleep sooner, giving the Gargoyle a distinct advantage might speak to her at any time. God’s words are unlike
should things get physical. anything she can otherwise conceive of, and nothing
Storytellers should understand that Ferox is not an but the most heinous threats can crack her peaceful
innocent figure free of flaws, weaknesses or troubles. exterior. Her True Faith is not as powerful as her
Despite his True Faith and the fact that he has been companion’s, but it is significant enough to give her the
chosen to serve God in this final hour, he is imperfect, moral armor she needs to withstand 40 nights with the
which can play an important role in the story. His Chosen, in most cases. Where Ferox serves as a mentor
Embrace resulted in a serious case of amnesia, with most and host, the dhampir should be used as a gentle voice
of his memory of the previous centuries as a ghoul being of reason, as well as one of love and compassion. She
entirely wiped away as the ichors of his sire flooded his seeks to become close with each and every one of the
throat. Those memories that did survive tended to color Chosen, unless her genuine offers of friendship are
his new beliefs, including his faith and what he has dramatically thrown back in her face. Alia tries to find
come to see as his mission for God on Earth. This has the good in the Kindred, no matter how deeply buried,
resulted in Ferox having a few very odd ideas that might and coax it to the surface no matter how hard that might
actually cause problems for the characters during their be. She is most interested in the characters’ mortal lives
time with him. For one thing, he is stubborn. He and their later relationships with mortals, especially
believes he is right in everything he does, and though he where it concerns their family and closest friends.
does try to phrase his words with care and empathy, Unlike Ferox, she believes that how one treats others is
explaining as kindly as possible why he is correct about a far more important indication of a Kindred’s worthi-
something, his self-righteousness is still a bit much. ness of salvation than faith alone. For her, the answer is
Ferox also possesses certain biases that cloud his being a good person first; devotion to God comes
normally careful judgment. For one thing, he has a second.
strong dislike forTremere characters, given his history Th e Pil g r im s in t h e Sa n c t u a r y
and the treatment of his bloodline by its creators. This The pilgrims have their own roles to play during
prejudice figures into everything he does, though he is Gehenna. Ryder can be thought of in some ways as a kJ
accomplished at hiding it. If push comes to shove with prodigal child who eventually turned from that path
a Tremere character, however, he might lash out to and has already been seeking redemption for some time.
some degree, still convinced that the blood sorcerers are Once he was the perfect image of the monster, a
blasphemers and slavers. Even worse than his hatred of ravenous diablerist who cared nothing for anyone and
the Tremere is his absolute conviction that the Nosferatu spent his time always on the verge of Wassail. He killed
(and probably the Samedi, the Harbingers of Skulls, with little or no concern for the lives he ended, noteven
etc.) are quite literally demons — or at the very least trying to rationalize his actions. All that changed,
hideous demonic spawn. He has tried to shake this however, after meeting various enlightening Kindred,
belief, and he has even anointed one or more to be and he has fought a difficult battle to overcome the
among the Chosen. Direct and lasting contact with Beast since then, walking that treacherous road alone.
such Kindred, however, especially if they come across as Despite a few missteps, he has largely stayed true to his
inhuman, might eventually wear down his patience and purpose, and now he hopes that he has come far enough.
shatter his peaceful demeanor. Beneath his beatific Ryder is not a religious Gangrel, and does not see a
manner, Ferox is still a vampire, and his Beast is no less necessity to associate redemption with a god. For him,
dangerous than any other if allowed to claw its way to it is personal. He believes that if he can make it through
the surface. Most probably, Ferox sees the presence of the full 40 nights without succumbing to the dark urges
any of these less-than-worthy Kindred as a test. If he and within, if he can stay the course against all odds, that is
the rest of the Chosen can resist the devil in their midst enough to earn salvation. What exactly that means, he
for 40 nights, then they are one step closer to having isn’t really sure, but even if it means death, he is ready.
proven themselves deserving of salvation. In general As long as he feels he has transcended his vampiric
though, the Gargoyle treats such Kindred coolly but state, he is satisfied.
keeps his eyes on them more so than any of the others
Storytellers can use Ryder as the “man of experi-
for signs of trouble.
ence,” in a sense. While he was never a truly sadistic
Alia plays a somewhat different role during fiend -— his choices were always about self-preservation
Gehenna. Although she will not hear God’s voice again and expediency. He is no stranger to cruelty, violence,
until Gehenna comes to an end, she does not know this. apathy, vengeance, wrath, gluttony ora gamut of simi-
Therefore, she is always filled with a serene joy that He lar sins. He knows what it is like to be this kind of
vampire and he knows how hard it is to deny oneself than his trigger finger and finds a degree of fulfillment
these things. If characters don’t take to. well to Ferox’s in intellectual conversation and debate. This is the role
holier-than-thou paternalism or Alia’s ‘we can all do he plays during Gehenna.
this together” approach, they might find a kindred spirit John Trent finds the situation to be a challenge
in Ryder. He won’t rebuke Sabbat characters for their in a way that few others do. More than redemption or
blood orgies, and he won’t be shocked to hear a Giovanni saving his soul, the former alastor spends his energies
describe the pleasure that comes from knowing how trying to understand precisely what is going on, from
much agony a vessel suffers when being drained of her the appearance and explosion of the Red Star, to the
lifeblood. He does not judge; he prefers to listen and presence of Ferox and the apparent immunity the
accept. When he does speak, it is not to condemn or church offers the so-called Chosen. A scientist at
criticize, but to illustrate why the road to redemption heart, he is unable to just accept the situation or the
truly is the only choice left. He is fond of brief stories explanation that Ferox offers. To him, this is no test
that draw upon his own experiences or those of other set for them by a mysterious god. That just doesn’t fill
Gangrel he has heard over the long years, and uses them in all the blanks. No, what is happening is something
to show the characters where his own thoughts lie, else — perhaps something with a very simple expla-
rather than trying to explain or debate the issue. Al- nation, if only he can discover it. For 40 nights John
though he generally treats others well enough, he is no interviews the other Kindred, Ferox and Alia in-
saint. Should another Kindred try to take advantage of cluded, in order to gather the data he needs if he is to
him, he does what he can to persuade them to rethink have any chance at learning the truth. He prowls the
their plan, intimidating them and even employing church, peers out its windows, and spends a good deal
brute force if that is his only remaining option. Those of time in thoughtful contemplation. If he can find
characters who earn his trust find he is honest and is some paper and a writing instrument (things he may
always there to help if needed. Those who do not had already have on him, if you wish), he jots down notes
best tread carefully. and try to find the clues that must be missing. Oddly,
His Tremere companion is another matter entirely. it is this pursuit that might save him in the end. The
John Trent once believed in himself in a way that very more he feels like he is closer to the answer, the
few ever do. His will was unshakable, and regardless of stronger his conviction that he is on the right trail
ridicule or aspersions, he clung to his beliefs no matter grows, with a possible corresponding increase in his
how much evidence was presented to the contrary. He Willpower and other Virtues. Any character who
was sure that vampires were not the result of some aids him, or at least appears to entertain the notion
mythological curse, but rather some aberrant rung on that he is worth listening to, becomes a fast ally.
the ladder of evolution, one that could be passed on to Those who deride his newfound purpose or actively
others like a disease. Being a vampire was one step above seek to hinder his progress are treated as ignorant
being a simple mortal, but it still fell tragically short of fools who need to be brushed aside. John opens up the
perfection. He spent more than a century struggling to possibility for the characters to find redemption even
unlock the secrets of that evolutionary step, dabbling in if they do not wish to accept the grossly religious
alchemy, biology and anything else that came into implications of what is happening. Even agnostics
vogue that offered even the slightest chance at unlock- and maybe, just maybe, atheists have a chance.
ing the mysteries he faced. His fateful encounter in New
Bl o o d Lo s s
Mexico a few years ago all but killed him, and he has
The Hunger can become one of the most prob-
never been the same since. He abandoned his theories
lematic aspects of spending 40 nights in sanctuary,
as naive stupidity, turning his back on research and
and it should be. The craving and need for blood is an
optimism. In their place he embraced fear and saw
essential part of the Curse, and it is one of the greatest
enemies in every shadow. Hope was foreign to him, and
motivations for every vampire. Being in the sanctu-
his humanitas slipped away quickly. Only the timely
ary slows down the need for blood, as has already
return of a changed Ryder stopped him from being
been mentioned, but this doesn’t mean that many
consumed by his Beast. He will never again be who he
Kindred won’t be on their last legs before long,
once was, but he does recognize that he must halt his
desperate for blood however they can get it. So how
slide into oblivion. The only way to do that is to try to
does a Storyteller handle this without everything
care about something again. So he considers his old
turning into a bloodbath as the Chosen frenzy and
theories once more and finds that beneath all the fear
leap upon one another for vitae?
the scientist still lives. He exercises his mind now more
Ch a pt e r Two: Wo r ma o o o
Ch a l l e n g in g Sc e n a r io s
Sy s t e m s f o r Sa n c t u a r y
Aside from all the conversation, sulking, pacing
The following are the special effects of the
and staring out the windows that will eat up most of the
40 nights — and certainly need not be handled via
• The sanctuary has a high Arcane rating (7), storytelling — a number of other things take place.
causing most people to overlook its existence and Some of the scenarios presented here won’t seem too
making it extremely difficult for Kindred or others unusual and will probably be assumed to be simple
to penetrate it with supernatural perceptions. (See coincidences by the characters. Others are more unex-
the Vampire Storytellers Handbook, p. 36, for pected and might strike some of the characters as a clear
information on Arcane.) sign of God’s presence. Whatever the case, each of the
• Because of Ferox’s presence, the sanctuary events will challenge one or more of the characters in
has an effective True Faith rating of 9. some fashion, thereby presenting those characters a
• All Disciplines are limited to the Kindred’s chance to either take a step closer to salvation or fall
True Faith + 1, meaning most Kindred can use no from the path. None are necessary to the story itself—
Discipline greater than the first level. some Storytellers might wish to discard one or more and
• Kindred lose only one blood point every 10 replace them with others. No particular number of
days, rather than the usual one per day. them need be used, but enough should be used to
• Once Gehenna begins, the sanctuary is im- provide each character a fair chance to achieve redemp-
pregnable to all Kindred who have not been Chosen. tion, no matter how difficult it might still be.
Even the Chosen, should they forgo the protection There is no particular order in which the eight
of the sanctuary, are unable to reenter in all but the scenarios need to take place, and none requires that
most extraordinary circumstances. another occur before or after. Each is a self-contained
event that can be plugged in at any time the Storyteller
feels it might be dramatically appropriate. The sce-
First and foremost, impress upon the players the
narios are grouped for convenience according to the IJ
importance of this potentially dire situation. If they
general type of challenge they represent. Some are
are fully aware of the math, they should try to limit
straightforward tests of right and wrong, while others
their use of blood as much as possible. Second, if
are enigmatic occurrences that allow the Storyteller
some of the Chosen happen to be elders with large
and player to examine how a character deals with
blood pools to begin with, they might be convinced
different things. Indeed, there might be no right or
to share some of that with others. Naturally, the
wrong action to take.
concern about blood bonds will arise, but all the
better. Let the Chosen struggle with these issues; Bl ack and Wh it e Mo r a l Dil e m m a s
that’s what the story’s all about. They might also These situations are the types in which it is plainly
succeed in luring mortals into the church — or the clear which is the morally right course of action and
Storyteller could simply have some potential vessels which is the wrong one. It can be argued night and day
stumble inside to sleep, to party, to fool around, to what “right” means, but Abraham’s God is fairly straight-
get high. Finally, there should be rats and birds as forward when it comes to most things, and that’s who’s
well as possible stray cats and perhaps even a curious calling the shots here. As with all the scenarios pre-
dog that can take the edge off the Hunger — pro- sented, there is no need for the Storyteller to keep score,
vided the Kindred can overcome their usual distaste per se, but the actions of the characters (and the other
for such unsavory snacks. Chosen, where appropriate) should be closely observed.
If any of the Chosen actually succumb to torpor It is ultimately up to the Storyteller to figure out
as a result of blood loss (or anything else), Alia feeds whether they have truly redeemed themselves by their
them a single drop of her blood, which has the actions.
miraculous effect of reviving the vampire with a Dial 911
blood pool of one — one of the benefits of being The Chosen hear gunshots outside, followed by the
God’s messenger. God’s not about to let His Chosen squealing of tires, which draws their attention to the
sleep through their one chance at redemption. Also church doors or a window. From their vantage, they see
keep in mind that because of her dhampir nature, that a man is lying on a nearby curb, blood seeping from
her body creates its own vitae, so she, even more his body as an expensive, dark-colored sedan roars away.
than Ferox, offers it if necessary. The few people outside who were close enough to
Ge h e n n a
witness the scene simply stare, and thei i hurry on as
if nothing happened, making no attempt to call
attention to the crime, to summon thi authorities or
to help the victim. As the characters watch, they
notice the man move slightly, trying to lift an arm,
and they might even hear his weak v<e calling for
help. No one out there comes to his aid, however,
fearful of reprisal or simply too jaded . >r shocked by
life’s horrors to feel any compulsion to intervene.
The man is less than 20 yards away, but it might as
well be a thousand miles, for he is still outside the
safety of the sanctuary.
Do the characters try to coerce someone to help
the man, perhaps shouting at passersby ? Do they go
through all their own possessions, find a mobile
phone and call the authorities or emergency ser-
vices themselves? Do they just watch, their empathy
for the man too little to compel them to act with
Don’t Do It!
A few hours before sundown this-evening, a
young man enters the church through the rubble in
the back and climbs up to the highest pi >int, perhaps
in a tower or simply on the peak above the front of
(J the church. Things have not gone well for the man
lately. His drunken father beats him viciously, and
his mother is too fearful and soulless to help. And just
the other day his younger brother, the only person to
ever show him real love in ages, died from a drug
overdose. The young man cannot take it any longer.
He has already been drinking heavily, and he has
now decided to end his life, climbing up onto the old
church so that he can jump when he finally gets up
the last bit of nerve to do the deed. What better place
than on top of a church, right ?The characters notice
him soon after rising, but they are unable to easily get
to him since he is technically outside the sanctuary
proper, and any rash action might just force his hand.
The young man is startled by the characters, but he
defiantly tells them to leave him alone: He will jump
if they try to stop him. And he does jump, if they are
not careful. Honestly, what does he have to live for?
How do the characters react? If they decide to
save him, how do they do it? Direct action might
force him to jump, while talking to him could also
upset him and cause him to make the leap. Maybe
they try reverse psychology and goad him into end-
ing his life, hoping his stubbornness won’t let him do
as they say. Or do they just let him go, cl talking it up
to another useless life well ended?
Ch a pt er Two: Wo r mw o o d
I Gr ay Mo r a l Dil e m m a s realizing that the church is not empty as she had hoped,
Unlike black-and-white situations, gray moral di- the girl attempts to leave, hut she discovers that the she
lemmas do not lend themselves to a right and a wrong has little strength left to do so, and she collapses upon
I decision with any certitude. In a particular situation it the broken flagstones, praying that the strangers cause
might seem inarguably correct to take a particular her no harm.
action, but sometimes, under certain circumstances, it Do the characters recognize the futility of saving
might actually be morally justifiable to do something this doomed child and her unborn infant and sate their
| entirely different. These scenarios force the characters hunger instead? Do they try to help her terminate her
to think carefully about their actions and the subse- pregnancy in the hope of saving the mother? Or do they
quent consequences. Such dilemmas are essential to just do what they can to make her comfortable for a
I being human and, therefore, essential for the Chosen to while, and let fate determine what happens to her?
understand that the world is not always black and white.
No -Win Mo r a l Dil e m m a s
Bon Voyage
Sometimes there is just no right answer. You are
One of the Chosen has decided that she cannot
stuck between a rock and a hard place and every choice
take it anymore. Night after night with these other
is a bad one. But it is precisely what a person does when
Kindred, stuck in a church, unable to feed is just too
faced with this kind of no-win situation that is the true
much. This Kindred declares her intention to leave,
test of character and of who a person really is. God
wondering aloud if there really is any Gehenna after all,
knows all, so He’s not testing the Chosen to find out
and that maybe it’s just a trick that Ferox invented for
what they will do. Instead, He wants them to find out for
his own obscure purposes. He is one of the Anathema, themselves what they will do. He wants them to know
after all. She might even try to convince otherKindred what it is like to make these kinds of decisions and to
to go with her, to hunt for some fresh blood and revive know that sometimes they must make them, no matter
their unlives. Surely all manner of schemes could have
how difficult.
been hatched against the so-called Chosen during their
An Accidental Discovery
absence, so why are they just sitting here in the shell of J
One afternoon, while the Kindred are lost to slum-
a church believing some albino freak and an aberrant
I dhampir? (You get the drift.) This Kindred has every ber, an old woman enters the church in pursuit of her
runaway cat, which she thinks might have entered the
intention of going, and she is likely to do so. But if so,
old building. The woman comes through the frontdoor,
why doesn’t she just go? Why give a soliloquy and try to
oblivious to the dangers of a crumbling structure, hop-
get others to join her? It is because somewhere, in the
ing only that she finds her beloved pet inside. As she
back of her mind, she is still worried. The Beast Within
knows what is going on outside, even if she won’t accept
walks down the aisle and casts her gaze about the gloom,
she does not notice the motionless Kindred until she is
it, and the Beast is scared.
already well inside the sanctuary. Herpresence awakens
Do the characters try to convince her not to go, or
one or more of the characters, who have perhaps only a
do they simply wish her the best of luck and wave
few minutes at most to react before slumber reclaims
goodbye as she leaves? Do any of them take her side or
them again. (Use the rules for this somewhat flexibly.
even speak out on her behalf? Do they actually try to
The other Kindred should remain slumbering, and the
force her to stay, possibly against her will? Do they risk
characters should have at least a few turns to act.) The
injuring her to save her from what they believe is her
woman freezes in fear for a moment then begins to
own destruction?
retreat toward the front door, hoping to escape before
Mother’s Mercy something bad happens. She has no doubts that the
One evening a young woman staggers into the Kindred — obvious vagrants and rogues in her eyes —
church to seek shelter from the weather and the world are dangerous and she warns the characters to leave her
outside. She is barely more than a teenager, and from alone or she’ll scream. She also tells them that she’s
her clothing and manner it is plain to see that she is going to report their presence to the police. She is sick
probably the product of neglect and poverty. More and tired of her neighborhood being overrun by their
important, however, is that she is pregnant, and she has kind, and she’s not going to take it anymore. To make
| come to this place in the hope of aborting her child, matters worse, she lets them know that her son is a
I either by forcing a miscarriage or by performing a crude police officer, and if anything happens to her, he will
I operation on herself. The misery and confusion that fills not rest until he has put the characters behind bars.
I her is easy for any to see, and so are the signs of drug Finally, before she exits (assuming the characters haven’t
I abuse and illness that haunt her watery eyes. Upon
already stopped her), her cat appears on one of the Maybe whoever is selected by the characters to be freed
rafters above, meowing for someone n i lelp it down. If will actually be Embraced, and vice versa. Or maybe
any of the characters who do not posse- Animalism or both will be Embraced as a way for the Kindred behind
Animal Ken 2+ approach it, the cat will Iiissand retreat, this sick stunt to simply demonstrate his power and
recognizing the characters as unnatura I predators. mercy (as it were) by carrying out this charade.
The woman will not leave without her cat unless The messenger is not a ghoul, and he has found the
she realizes her life is in real danger o: her cat is killed characters only by fortune. He is in the neighborhood
(and she is able to do so, of course). In either case, she — maybe someone told him that they saw the charac-
will rush to a phone to call her son, who will respond ters the night of Gehenna, maybe one of their cars is
quickly to her summons. Do the characters allow the parked nearby — and he walks right past the church
woman to leave and summon the police? Even though when one of the characters is watching outside. That
the sanctuary is shrouded by its Arcane rating, it can character recognizes the man as an enemy’s minion. If
still be found by those determined enough to do so. The he doesn’t wish to draw the minion’s attention, have
woman will also scream rather loudly if she is attacked, one of the other Chosen call to him, perhaps to lure him
though it might not be enough to draw any real outside inside in order to feast upon his blood. How the charac-
attention given the insulation of the church walls and ters treat this man is also a test unto itself. Do they
the apathy of the neighborhood. Worse, the characters punish the messenger or show him mercy? Most impor-
probably don’t have too much time t< > make up their tantofall is what decision the characters make, however.
minds about what to do, as the Curse of Caine drags There is no right answer, but what choice they do make
them back to their slumber. They are faced with forcibly should say something about them that is worth paying
dealing with the woman or dealing with police paying attention to.
a visit. Finally, if they simply try to detain the woman,
En ig m a t ic D n. e m m a s
perhaps by rendering her unconscious, they discover
Sometimes, one can learn more about himself or
that she has very high blood pressure and that without
another by what he does when confronted with a
immediate medical attention she will probably have a
situation that does not lend itself to any obvious course
heart attack and die.
of action. Cases of extreme deja vu, cryptic messages,
Who Do You Choose? unusual and untraceable noises — all are perplexing
One of the city’s other Kindred, one who harbors a and can expose something about a character that was
grudge against at least one of the characters, has decided previously hidden or even unknown. The following are
it is time for a little payback. This Kindred has kid- a few such enigmatic dilemmas intended to bring to the
napped two of the coterie’s most cherished mortal allies, surface things about each of the characters that even
retainers or family members and has decided to make they didn’t know about themselves, but that might
one of them his own blood-bound childe. This vampire prove to be very important aspects of who they are.
has not yet chosen which one of his prisoners is to A Grave Sign
receive such a cruel gift, however. Instead, he has sent
Just after sunset, when the more bestial Kindred
a mortal messenger to find the characters and inform
still slumber, one of the relatively humane characters
them of what has happened. The messenger has a cell
who is up notices something unusual and startling. The
phone and is instructed to call his master when rhe
light of the moon happens to pierce the heavy clouds
characters answer a simple question: Which of the
obscuring it and shines through a broken window in
prisoners shall be Embraced and which shall be freed,
such a way that it paints what appears to be a fairly clear
unharmed? (Remember that neither the characters nor
image of an ankh on one of the sleeping Kindred. This
this Kindred have any reason to know that those af-
image lasts for only a few moments, but long enough for
fected by Wormwood can no longer Embrace a childe. at least a few of the characters to notice, then it is gone,
If they do, there is really no great threat here.) Now it
the moon again blanketed by impenetrable darkness.
is simply up to the characters to provide that answer.
The ankh appeared on the vampire’s forehead as if it
The victims should probably be the ass. >ciates of differ-
were intentional, perhaps purposely marking her in a
ent characters, so that no single character has the
way that only the watching characters are supposed to
responsibility alone, and those characters should prob-
ably have close family (maybe children) to make this
Do the characters see it as an omen of import or just
decision that much more troubling. To make matters
a weird coincidence? If the former, what do they make
even worse, depending on the Kindred who has placed
of its possible meaning? Does it mean that Kindred will
them in this predicament, maybe this is all a sick joke.
Ch a pr r Tw o : Wo r mw o o d
soon be destroyed? Is it the mark of one who is to be Do the characters do their best to ignore this guy?
granted salvation? Why an ankh then, and not a cruci- Do they see him as a possible threat, perhaps drawing
fix? The ankh symbolizes immortality, to the Kindred too much attention to the arcane church? Are they
and in various religious groups and magical cults. Is this interested in his views? Could he be another messenger
what it represents now? What actions do the characters from God, or is he just a meal to quench their hunger?
take, if any, on account of this odd occurrence?
Repent! The End is Here! Ac t Th r f e Ju d g m e n t
One evening, a homeless doomsayer in a shabby The characters, the rest of the Chosen, Ferox and
and formerly white robe, who’s carrying a large sign Alia have remained inside the sanctuary for 40 nights,
declaring, “Repent! The End is Here!” takes up resi- safe from God’s wrath. Some might not have survived,
dence on the steps in front of the church and gives his but most probably have, at least physically. Now the last
apocalyptic speech to anyone who happens to wan- night of Gehenna has come. This is the night when the
der by in this downtrodden and mostly desolate figurative rains stop and the only vampires left standing
neighborhood. He spends his days panhandling and are those in the church. Outside its marred granite
sleeping elsewhere, but has decided for no particular walls, the world is dark, but that darkness is not as deep
reason that the church steps will be his new pulpit as it used to be. If one listens very, very closely, the
from which to spread God’s word. He is a cranky old sound of hope is almost discemibly in the air. For a few
bastard, utterly fearless and probably more than a bit hours more, however, the characters are still inside.
crazy, but he is certainly not stupid. He does not give They still face each other and, far more importantly,
in to verbal demands that he leave, but instead face God’s final judgment. Salvation was never guaran-
attempts to engage the characters in conversation, teed them, only the possibility of salvation.
eager to discuss sins, redemption, salvation, damna- The evening begins like all the others, though the
tion and anything else along those lines. No matter Kindred are probably more energized than they have
what, though, the street preacher does not allow been since the first few nights of their seclusion, each
himself to be lured into the church under any circum- feverishly wondering exactly what is in store for them <3
stances. Despite his gregarious demeanor, he is on this, the 40th night, the night that Gehenna is
paranoid and does not put his trust in anyone. If a supposed to end. For those still up and about, they are
character truly shows him empathy and compassion, probably excited at the possibility that they have sur-
he might reveal that his family deserted him, includ- vived the storm and are now the only vampires still
ing three children, whom he secretly misses-a great around. Some might start discussing (or deviously won-
deal. His wife no longer wanted to have a1-lunatic dering to themselves) how they can start a new race of
fanatic in the house, and she kicked him out physi- Kindred, never again bowing to the now-deceased vam-
cally, emotionally and legally. He drinks, but he is pires who once lorded over them. It is likely that some
not a drunk, and he is in pretty good health for a attempt to forge last-minute alliances and deals as they
homeless person. think about their new unlife ahead, while some might
The man believes that Judgment Day has come and start thinking about who they wish to Embrace once
that there is no time left to avoid repentance. He they leave.
believes God has spoken to him and shown him these This is a very delicate time, a time when God is
truths, so it is now his job to spread the word to the watching with His full attention on what these Kindred
otherwise damned. The scary thing is, he really does are and what they can be if given the chance. The kind
seem to know things that no mortal—or even Kindred, of scheming and planning mentioned previously is
for that matter — should know about what is going on. certainly not what God would see as the mark of
If the characters try to ignore him, he will suddenly say someone seeking redemption, and it should spell the
something that should grab their attention, perhaps doom for that vampire no matter how nobly she acted
hollering about how Caine is now finally learning the during Gehenna. This is not only the last night of
true cost of his sins, or how those who sleep by day shall Gehenna, but also the night when God makes His
be struck down by Wormwood. If the characters do lasting judgment on the remnants of the Children of
engage him in conversation, the man will not have all Caine. It’s all or nothing in His eyes, and now’s the time
the answers they seek, as he knows only tantalizingly for the truth to come out. The Storyteller should pay
incomplete pieces of the whole puzzle. Still, he will very close attention to the words, actions and inten-
probably appear to be keeping things from the charac- tions of the characters now, more than ever. If they do
ters, rather than being entirely honest.
Ge h e n n a
show themselves to be worthy of sal v; m< >n, good. If not, joists and slate tiles. In effect, God rips away anything the
they have sealed their own fate. Kindred can use to hide from the sun’s full glare. While
At least one of the Chosen comes to believe that this devastation occurs, Ferox and Alia kneel in prayer
now might be a good time to try to take out all the other near the altar and ignore rhe drama as much as they can,
Kindred. He might reason that if the rest are destroyed, trusting God to protect them. In fact, though the Chosen
then he can become something akin t" a new Caine, sire might fear otherwise, very little debris actually falls upon
of all future vampires and, in some sense, rhe winner of the group. Most is simply blasted away, leaving the
the Great Jyhad. Of course, such a Kindred first has to Chosen mostly unharmed, but with no meaningful pro-
believe that he really is safe from God. He has to be tection from the morning light.
convinced that Wormwood is not really divine justice, And then the sunlight strikes, blazing into the
but some weird, supernatural or cosmic event unleashed church as brilliantly as any sunrise can. Its magnificent
by who knows what to destroy all vampires, or some- rays bathe every inch of the place inside and out,
thing like that. This Kindred is wrong, but that doesn’t banishing all but the weakest shadows and leaving no
mean he won’t try to do something terribly drastic. place safe from its illumination. Now is the moment
When he has the chance, this Kindred will make when everyone’s fate is revealed, when the Chosen
his move, perhaps even with other Chosen he has learn what is to become of them. Did they achieve
somehow convinced to help him. Even given Ferox’s redemption, or does God find them wanting?
formidable powers, the megalomaniac might still be Those vampires who have redeemed themselves,
able to do some serious damage or c« ,ax rhe characters who truly understand what it means to be human, find
into acting in an unwise fashion. Ilpossible that this that Caine’s Curse is seared from them — every weak-
is actually something one of the players’ characters ness, every supernatural ability, every unholy craving,
cooks up, in which case let that character initiate the every bestial fear. God’s light scours the Curse from
bloodletting. Whoever starts the mayhem, even if it is their body and soul as if they had never been Embraced,
quickly suppressed, has his name put squarely in the Go and they are mortal again. It is as if they had not aged a
Straight To Hell column of the Story teller’s scorecard. moment since the wrenching night when they were <3
There is no salvation for this vampire. dragged into the world of nightmare that has been their
This is not the only possible thing that could go wrong. existence for too long. They are fully human now,
The point here is that on this last night < I Gehenna all bets living, breathing and possessed of every mortal weak-
are off again. One wrong decision n< >w could undo every- ness and strength. One day they shall know death, but
thingachievedsofarfor each and every oneof the Kindred. not today.They
hottoday. Theyarearealive, for God has granted them the
On the flip-side, the right decision now can make up for all chance to be the person they have shown H i m they are
the wrong ones of the past. If that is the case, i'though, “it capable of being. -
better be one seriously righteous decision. Those who did not redeem themselves do not find
THF Mo r n in c ; Af t f r salvation. They do not taste the sweet flavor of life
again. Instead, the sun hits them with an agony greater
Just before dawn, the last traces of Wormwood
than any they have ever experienced. God chose them
vanish, leaving the streets and the sky free of its crimson
from among the multitude and offered them one final
miasma for those Kindred who are still awake and able
chance at salvation. He gave these Kindred 40 nights to
to perceive the change. God has finished cleansing the
try to show Him that they were worthy of His merciful
world of all but a very few vampires; those in the
gift, and still they refused and gave in to their basest
sanctuary are His only concern now. When their fates
instincts. For this they burn in fiery horror with no
are decided, Gehenna is ended.
chance to escape. In moments, mercifully, their pain is
Just before the first rays of sunlight spill over the
over and their souls obliterated forever. Not even ash
horizon, an unexpected and unusually powerful wind
remains of the truly Damned. Like their Dark Father,
sweeps over the church in Wormwood’s wake. The wind
they would not change. They are no more.
is so strong that rhe sanctuary shakes as if the entire place
Aside from any other Chosen who might have been
is about to come crashing down upon the Kindred. This
granted salvation, what about Ryder, John Trent and
does not happen, but large sections of rhe roof and wall
others? Alia is almost certain to have earned it. She
will be tom away by the strange wind. Stained-glass
finds herself little changed outwardly, though inside she
windows shatter, and chunks of granite and pieces of
knows she is very different. Any semblance of her
timber come loose and fall to the church floor until the
dhampir nature is gone, and she is fully mortal like the
building’s eastern face is little more than a patchwork of
others who were granted salvation.
Ch a pt er Two: Wo r mw o o d
Ferox, on the other hand, has not been redeemed, which comes as
terrible surprise to him and probably to many others. Despite all his
faith and moral convictions, he was blind in his beliefs. Ferox never
questioned his purpose and what was right or wrong, but simply
followed his own self-righteous authority, always justifying his own
actions by telling himself it must be God’s will. He knew how to
preach about humanity to others, even how to protect it, but he
never understood it. He was the soldier who would shoot
whoever he was ordered to shoot, without thinking for
himself whether doing so was truly right or wrong.
Unfortunately for the Gargoyle, God does not desire
blind fanatics to tend Creation. He wants thinking,
questioning, truly human people who weigh right
and wrong and make difficult decisions as best they
can. This was not Ferox, so he becomes a pyre of
white flame and is destroyed along with the others
who failed.
Storytellers should use this time to describe
not only the physical changes that might take
place for certain characters—Gangrel would lose
any animal features, the Nosferatu would appear
normal, even the Samedi would regain their
mortal complexion — but to also describe the
expressions and spoken feelings of the others who
are now mortal. Make the gift of mortality sound
wondrous and new, with things like the beating
of one’s heart and the stirring of one’s sexual
organs to the simple joy of sucking in crisp
morning air or sneezing on account of the dust
around the group. Don’t let it seem like, “Hey,
this is all we get?” Instead, remind the players of
the infinite joys of being alive, even as rediscov-
ered while standing in the ruined church. Drive
home the absolute magnitude of what the char-
acters have been given.
At this point, the church is really destroyed
and nothing keeps the characters in the place any
longer. It is no longer a sanctuary, hut simply a
ruined building that once served as a place of
prayer. Outside, the neighborhood is still what it
was — a place where life is cheap and sorrow is no
stranger — but the characters should see it very
differently now. The morning light certainly helps
to dispel its less than wholesome nature, but point
out to the players those things that now give their
characters hope, where before they only saw
things as a means to serve their personal desires.
Maybe they spot a homeless man picking up a
lunchbox that a schoolgirl drops and giving it back
to her with a smile. Or they see a young father kiss
his wife goodbye on the street corner before catching
the early bus downtown for work. Just point out that even
here, in what seemed the most inhuman part of the city, dealing with consequences. If that means the end for
hope, love and the possibility for something better can the character, well, then that’s what it means. Simply
be found, despite all evidence to the contrary. letting everyone’s character be saved because they’re a
Wh o Sh a l l Bf Sa v e d ? swell troupe of players or they had entertaining charac-
This is what it has all come down to, not only after ters ultimately serves no one and actually lessens the
40 nights of waiting, but after the entire chronicle. At value of Gehenna itself. All they had to do was sit in a
the very end of their unlives, God decides which of the church for a month or so? C’mon, that’s not how God
Chosen have recognized the inestimable magnitude of works. It never was; never will be. Redemption is about
His offer of salvation, and which have redeemed them- doing something that is so powerful, so pure and so
selves enough to be worthy of receiving it. Of course, morally virtuous that it has the capacity to make up for
God does not actually come down and help you the every other heinous crime ever committed. That might
Storyteller decide, so the decision falls into your hands. sound like a tall order, and it is, but if it weren’t, it would
It is your last real duty as a Vampire Storyteller to denigrate the whole meaning of salvation and of God
choose which characters receive the blessing of God Himself, or at least of the role He plays in this last
and which do not. It sounds simple on the surface, yet Vampire tale.
it is anything but. Don’t rely on feel-good gimmicks like having the
Although it might seem helpf ul at first to have players vote, either. Truly, making this decision is only
ae system to resolve tnis question, 1< is not.
some system to resolve this question, it is not. Sure, Surd Storyteller ’s responsibility. Suck it up, roll up your
:ry player has dots on his character sheet representing sleevesirand wade 'nto the mess; It>s time fo,r mo'al
his character .... .
’s Virtues, morality, •• - a-
etc., .but should triage. Ifgiven the chance, some characters might make
decision so far-reaching and epic come down to num- it as mortals. They might go on and use their remaining
bers? Of course not. No No amount of experience points,
p< days to do good and to take all they have experienced to
Willpower or anything else should be used to male this make the world a better place. They could work to
decision. Even a character’s Humanity rating is a si simple banish the shadowy World of Darkness and whatever
(J numeric representation of her morality. It doesn’t actu- other horrors remain to take up where vampires left off. <3
ally determine her true sense of what it means ate. These are the Kindred who should be saved. Those
other characters, the ones who will probably not make
That’s the point, after all. What is ii to be human?
it, who will turn again to sin and justify it to themselves,
Vampires are just a literary exaggeration i ised to explore
they are a lost cause. No need to spend another minute
this question. Put aside the Curse, the Disciplines and
tending them. Sad as it might seem, it is far better to let
all the other trappings, and what you have is a person,
them go and put all your effort and hope into that first
an individual who must decide for herself how the span
of her years shall be spent. In the end, after all is said and
done, that’s all that matters. Have the characters fig- Yeah, it’s tough. But this is what it finally means
ured this out? Do they understand the choices they have to be a real Storyteller. Remember all those times you
made and fully recognize the consequences of their fudged the dice results so that things would turn out
choices? Have they taken responsibility for their ac- your way? Or the times you simply invented a new
tions and inactions, even if only now? Even if her antagonist or challenge on the spot because the char-
character sheet still displays only three dots in Human- | acters would too easily achieve their aims and drama
ity, has the character shown that she is actually capable would be lessened if you didn’t? Or the time you let a
of transcending her sins and being human’ Now is the character survive even though by all rights he should
time when the Storyteller needs to consider all these have been a greasy smudge of ash long ago? You
things, to weigh each character in her entirety and yet remember these and many similar instances because
recognize that what happened in the past 40 nights was you are a Storyteller, not a machine. You are not a
a chance to wipe the slate clean and let the characters slave to dice, to rules, to static plot lines or to the
have a new start. pleading of the players. It is your job to entertain, but
that doesn’t include pandering. It means telling a
Now is not the time to cave in to player pressures
damned good yarn, one that includes the very best
and simply let everyone be saved, either. If some of the
roleplaying experience possible. This is a morality
characters did not redeem themselves, if they fell short
play, so tell it that way. Make it matter, and in the end,
of their potential to do good, then so be it. They had
when it is all over, you and the players will be far more
their chance; now let them face the consequences. That
satisfied that you didn’t take the easy way out.
is one of the most important lessons to be learned:
Char t er Two: Wo r mw o o d
A Ne w Ch r o n ic l e
Some troupes might be able to sit back when A much more challenging and very different
this is all over, sip a glass of wine and toast each other chronicle might be one that eerily mimics the
to the end of a great storytelling experience, very previous Vampire chronicle. The characters band
satisfied at how it all turned out and ready, willing together to deal with the myriad social, political and
and able to close the proverbial book on rhe whole philosophical problems that face them, and they are
chronicle. Others might want to see what happens forced to confront other characters, some of whom
next. They might see this story not as the end, but are selfish, petty, manipulative and cruel. The dif-
as a new beginning. Sure, their characters are no ference is that all the characters are mortals possessed
longer vampires, but that doesn’t mean that they of no supernatural gifts. The game of Vampire is
can’t venture forth into the world and still experi- merely an exaggerated reflection of the work! as it
ence adventure and drama of some kind or other. If already exists, focusing on its worst aspects, but
this is how your troupe feels, then perhaps it might never forgetting the good things. This new all-
be an enjoyable experience to start a new chronicle mortal chronicle simply discards the supernatural
where this one leaves off. exaggerations and goes on without them. The ar-
One possibility for a chronicle is for the surviv- chetypes for the many supporting characters would
ing characters to take God’s covenant to heart and still be there, but instead of the Conniver being a
to use what they know of the darkness that still century-old Toreador ancilla, he is a 30-year-old
exists in the world to fight it. They are now closer social peer who sees one of the characters as the
together than they have ever been before — or at perfect dupe for his schemes. The Brujah scourge
least they can be, given what they have just been with a penchant for knee-breaking becomes a thug
through — and they recognize that there is still with a posse of troublemakers who crosses paths
much evil in the world, even without vampires. The with the characters in an unfortunate manner and
characters set out to do what they can to fight this now seeks revenge. Obviously, the ideas are endless.
evil, in whatever form it takes. They are hunters The game might not be one of personal horror, per
possessed of no supernatural powers, but knowing se, but it could still involve a great deal of soul-
much more about the horrors that lurk in the world’s searching and moral difficulty. The characters might
grim underbelly than most, giving them a rare edge not fly into an unholy frenzy when drey lose (heir
in battling the world’s ills. Perhaps they know a temper, but they can still lose their cool and do
place haunted by one or more Lupines, a place they things they later wish they hadn’t.
never dared to visit before, but now they see no This kind of storytelling might hit too close to
choice but to rid the world of the shapeshifters. home for some. Vampires are a nice excuse to justify
Maybe during their years as vampires they learned of exploration of some very sensitive issues, and with-
a depraved sorcerer who murdered people in ritual out them or some other kind of bogeyman, things
fashion in order to gain power from the act. Natu- could become too personal. If everyone understands
rally, without their vampiric advantages they might this, however, this chronicle could ultimately be far
have a difficult time facing such threats, but it might more powerful and satisfying than any tale about
make for a stirring chronicle anyway, if run fairly. things that go bump in the night.
them to have their lives taken from them by agents of proverbial windows to the sold, the eyes. When those with
darkness. Forever after until the end of Creation, they evil intent look closely into the eyes of the Chosen, they
and theirs shall be immune to any attempt upon their will see God there, and it will strike them with a fear that
lives, and any who do attempt to destroy them shall be ages them a dozen years in a moment. Deep inside, they will
punished sevenfold. They shall each know a natural know that He is watching and that they are risking His
death after a rich life, not a brutal end by wicked hands. wrath. This is the Mark of God.
And to make sure that evildoers know that they are And so it is over. The surviving characters can now
protected, God has marked each of them with His sign. live out their mortal lives, hopefully knowing a measure
The characters (and players) might be somewhat of relative peace and hopefully understanding, after all
perplexed, for none of rhe group appears to be physically they have been through, what it is to be human. If it
marked in any way at all. They would be looking for the took being a monster to come to that understanding —
wrong things, however. God does not mark men’s flesh, for if it took spending years of suffering and being forced to
it is too easily changed or covered. The Almighty marks a see the world’s deepest, foulest shadows — then it was
person’s spirit, something that can be seen though the a journey worth taking.
Ch af u r Two: Wo r mw o o d
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With the growth of Vampire as a game, it’s natural happiness or even enlightenment. Imagine further that
that the mythology supporting the game has grown as those who previously betrayed her, discontented with
well, through books such as The Book of Nod, The Erciyes their own existences, took it upon themselves time and
Fragments and Revelations of the Dark Mother. Still, it again to destroy what she had created for herself. Give
might have seemed that one of the stories — that of this person the intellect of a goddess, the power of the
Caine — was the “preferred” myth, and that all the most potent supernatural creatures you can dream of
others — whether those of a particular clan, a religious and several millennia to develop the perfect plan of
group like the Bahari, or even the Laibon of Africa — revenge, and you begin to approach the situation in
while interesting to read, were ultimately untrue. Play- which Lilith finds herself when Gehenna finally begins.
ers and Storytellers alike have no doubt wondered what Her vengeance will be masterful, terrible and, most
might be the result if one or more of these “alternate” importantly, the perfect stage on which to test your
mythologies could take center stage when Gehenna characters’ mettle, perhaps for the final time. This is the
comes. story of the Jyhad as it has never before been conceived,
If you are one of those people, then this scenario is told from the sympathies of one of its oldest and most
the one for you. passionate players, the Dark Mother herself.
Imagine, for a moment, a person who has faced You might ask why Lilith would choose to take
nothing but betrayal from those who claimed only to revenge on Caine, rather than on the Almighty, who
love her, curses from those who once blessed her and both cursed Lilith and indirectly caused the death of
obstacles at every turn, but who nonetheless manages Lilith’s children by cursing Caine. The answer is simple
somehow to carve out a niche for herself and to find — Lilith is anything but stupid. The Almighty, if He is
even still involved in the World of Darkness at all, is so
Ch a pt e r Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
beyond even Lilith’s reach that trying to take revenge
On Lil it h on Him would be pointless. Lilith knows what eventu-
Some Storytellers might feel tempted to de- ally became of Cappadocius, after all. Caine, on the
fine exactly what Lilith is and what her capabilities otherhand, isreadilyaccessibletosomeonewithLilith ’s
are before using her in a chronicle. Be careful if you resources and determination... and honestly, he really
intend to do so. As one of the great mysteries of the deserves to meet his end.
World of Darkness, Lilith is a far more powerful A final note before we get to the meat of the chapter:
and engaging character if she remains mysterious. Try to think of this as a set ofelements to weave into your
The idea here should be to keep the players in own personalized Gehenna story, rather than an “adven-
suspense as long as possible, to leave them think- ture" you can run right out of rhe book. Ifyou don’t at least
ing, “What the hell was that?” rather than, “Oh, so read through this chapter and make some notes for
now I know Lilith is a proto-vampire Verbena yourself, storytelling it will be maddening at best. The
Archmage." Consider the fact that Lilith has had story simply has too many possible twists and outcomes to
longer than nearly anyone else, even Caine, to be able to work well without preparation. That being
develop personalized approaches to and applica- said, a little preparation goes a long way, and the more
tions of her abilities. Therefore, even if she is you personalize this story to your chronicle, the more
recognizably one type of supernatural or another, enjoyable it will be for both you and your players.
the way her powers manifest should always be
unique, personal and memorable — when the
characters notice them at all.
Pr e l u d e
There’s also a flip side to this — just as Lilith’s Gehenna — theTimeofThin Blood. Every vampire
powers and abilities are unique, so are her restric- has heard rumors and legends about the time of reckon-
tions. Lilith is one of the first, supernatural beings ing, when the Antediluvians will rise to slay their childer
to walk the Earth, if not the first, and though she is and Caine will return to pass judgment upon them all. A
quite powerful, she must obey certain ancient rules few might be lucky enough to have seen fragments of
that govern the Elohim (the group of gods or some of the prophecies relating to this time, but ulti-
angels to which Lilith ascended upon caring of the mately even this knowledge proves useless, for the will of
Trees of Life and Knowledge). Some recommended the Almighty (if that is even what Gehenna represents)
limitations and areas of influence for her abilities cannot be thwarted. It can, however, be turned to the
come up later in the chapter, but feel free to adjust advantage of those who see it on the horizon.
them based on how you want to present Lilith in For whatever reason, Gehenna begins. Perhaps it is
your chronicle. Adapt hertoyourchronicle, rather the appearance of the Red Star, said by some to be the eye
than vice versa. ofCaine, watch ing and j udging h is wayward grandchi Ider.
Ultimately, Lilith can be whatever you Perhaps the powers of Heaven have decided that Caine’s
want her to be, but don’t feel that you need to time to choose redemption is up, that he and his cursed
pin her down to a single archetype. Lilith can progeny must be wiped from the Earth whether or nor he
be the Dark Mother, the mother of demons, has chosen to repent his selfish ways. Perhaps Lilith has
the first woman or even the first vampire or allies in high places. (By some accounts, after all, she was
the first mage, but she is much more than any once the mate of Lucifer, first among the fallen angels.)
of these. She is an Akkadian wind spirit; the Or perhaps, in this age of vast urban sprawls, dizzying
consort of Samael who is called Lucifer; technological advances and rampant skepticism, the
Daenna, the first of the Roma; Morgan le Fay, world no longer has a need for the night to have eyes or
nemesis of Arthur and Merlin; Kali, Indian fangs. Pick whichever of these ideas fits best with the
goddess of war and vengeance; Yemaya, Afri- themes of your chronicle, or come up with your own. All
can goddess of magic and the dead. She is that really matters is that Gehenna begins. As the story
Wolf, Owl, Cat and Dragon. She is the Scar- unfolds and the end draws nearer, you might want to have
let Empress, the embodiment of yang. She is your players roll for Discipl ine usage without telling them
the enduring feminine principle of every cul- the difficulty first. You might even want to make the rolls
ture. She is all of these and more. Remember for them, so as to keep them in the dark about why their
this, and give her the dignity she deserves powers seem to be failing with increasing frequency. For
when using her in your chronicle. more information on other mechanics for rhe Withering,
see page 36.
As the Blood weakens, its presen ative properties automatically, and Nosferatu slowly grow even more
I do as well, and the lines between modern and ancient repulsive than normal.
I clans blur. Clan disadvantages magnify as the curses • Ravnos — The Beast intensifies, becoming a
I upon the clan founders are no longer held at bay by the literal voice in the character’s ear impelling him to evil
I greater Curse of Caine. The following arc some recom- acts. The voice grows louder throughout Gehenna,
I mended consequences of this change, broken down by until by the end, each Ravnos has a veritable Shadow or
F the major clans. For bloodlines and other clans, feel free P’o to contend with (see Wraith: The Oblivion or
to extrapolate your own intensified weaknesses. Kindred of the East).
• Assamites — Assamites slowly find themselves • Setites — The Serpents come to resemble their
unable to feed on anything but vampire blood. As clan’s epithet. Any time one uses Serpentis (excepting
Gehenna progresses, they soon find that they can gain Form of the Cobra), the change brought on by it might
sustenance from blood only if they commit diablerie become permanent. As Set fails to rise, faith in him
after feeding. dwindles among the clan, and Setite Sorcery fails at an
• Brujah — Strange reports of clan members disap- alarming rate.
pearing without a trace circulate throughout the clan • Toreador — The Degenerates become increas-
with increasing frequency. As Gehenna progresses, all ingly prone to excess. The difficulty of resisting the
clan members gain the flaw Lunacy (see Vampire: The descent into debauchery (with Humanity rolls) in-
Masquerade, p. 300). Some might also gain Temporis creases as Gehenna progresses.
in place of their Celerity, but few will have much • Tremere — In a true display of irony, each
opportunity to use it. Tremere develop third eyes. The eye first opens at a time
• Gangrel — The Clan of Beasts f inds-itself becom- of trauma or stress and allows its bearer to see things
ing more and more animalistic with the passage of rime, even Auspex does not normally reveal. (If you use
sometimes even shifting into animal form without Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom, Tremere gain Ebony
consciously choosing to do so. Some Gangrel might Kingdom Auspex at the same level as their regular
even lose the ability to speak human languages. Auspex, and the first two levels are active whenever the <3
• Giovanni — The Necromancers grow more pale third eye isopen.) AsGehenna progresses,someTremere
and corpselike than even other vampires, coming to develop the new Tzimisce clan disadvantage as well.
resemble the very clan they usurped. (Incidentally, the • Tzimisce — The Fiends can no longer reliably
Harbingers of Skulls start to look and smell like the control their Vicissitude, causing wild aberrations in
Samedi, and the Samedi become even more disgusting both themselves and others. Some demonstrate rhe
than usual.) Wraiths and Spectres attack them at every ability to use the Discipline without touch, bur even
turn, and with greater ease than ever before. Necro- they have reduced control of the fine points of it. As the
mancy — though it still works — attracts so much end comes, the Discipline becomes increasingly primal,
negative attention from these wraiths that using it and many Tzimisce lose the ability to hold the same
becomes perilous. shape for even a short period of time. (If you use
• Lasombra— Some Lasombra feel an overpower- Kindred of the East, treat this intensified Vicissitude as
ing urge to take to the seas as the End Times come; a combination of Flesh Shintai and Bone Shintai.)
however, all see difficulties in controlling their • Ventrue — In a final ironic twist, the Clan of
Obtenebration. Shadows rage out of control, attacking Kings’ notorious fondness for blood of a certain caliber
their creators or — in extreme cases — ripping holes in degenerates into a preference for each other’s blood —
the fabric of reality, directly into the Abyss itself. exclusively. Ventrue become unable to gain sustenance
• Malkavians — No longer able to contain the on anything but the blood of other Ventrue.
madness within them, Malkavians find themselves un- However Gehenna begins, it’s fair to say that Lilith
leashing it upon the world. Bouts of prophesy become has the jump on the situation. One of her major associa-
increasingly frequent, and Dementation activates with- tions is with the stars and the moon, both of which are
out conscious desire. As the end approaches, rhe physical powerful symbols in many different types of divination,
world itself might even be warped by the Discipline. and she’s had eons to refine her prophetic powers. She
• Nosferatu — The Discipline of Obfuscate fails most likely sees Gehenna on the horizon months, or
the Nosferatu at the most inopportune times possible. even years, before it comes, giving her plenty of time to
As Gehenna progresses, Mask of a Thousand Faces fails gather her allies and implement her plan for drawing
Caine into the open. Naturally, she chooses rhe players’
Ch a pt e r Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
characters’ city as the setting for this plan, for one of any just decide that the city is a potent supernatural center
number of reasons, such as location, useful industries, of some kind. (Maybe it sits on a great convergence of
particularly important vampires in the area or whatever ley lines or on top of an ancient burial ground, a pagan
else. If you have trouble thinking of a reason Lilith sacred site or the like.) If your chronicle is already
would pick your particular city, it’s probably easiest to supernaturally focused, you can probably come up with
a specific reason that fits the details of your story.
A Br ie f No t e o n Cl a n We a k n e s s e s
If at all possible, try to run short sessions with A Br ie f His t or y of L il it h
each of your players individually to introduce the In case you’re not familiar with Lilith, the following
new heightened clan disadvantages that come is a short summary of the most common legends about
with Gehenna. The objective here should be jo her. The word “Lilith” comes from the Akkadian “lilit"
create the feeling that each player’s character is or “lilitu,” which referred either to a wind goddess or to
the only one experiencing new problems, includ- any of a thousand or more female demons. (Interest-
ing both rhe thinning of the Blood and its effect ingly, the Akkadian word for the demonic lilit’s male
of heightening the clan weaknesses. Try to intro- counterpart was “satan.”) In collections of Jewish Bib-
duce the new weaknesses in a dramatic setting if lical legend (known as Midrashic aggadoth), Lilith is
you can — having a Tremere suddenly develop a presented as Adam’s original wife, who was cast out of
third eye while speaking to her Regent or a the garden of Eden for refusing to submit to his will. She
mortal contact is far more dramatic than having later became the mother of the demons such as incubi,
it happen while watching TV at home, for ex- succubi and other monsters of the ancient world. An
ample. By no means are we saying here that you alternative Jewish creation story describes Lilith as the
should lie to your players, but the longer it takes consort of Samael — who later fell from the Heavenly
them to figure out that you’re running a Gehenna Host to become Lucifer — and says that when Samael
story, the more they’ll enjoy themselves when fell, Lilith did also. Midrashic aggadoth of Lilith ascribe
they do figure it out. to her a fondness for kidnapping young children, as well
as power over the realm on the other side of mirrors. The
tales of her as a demon suggest she might have many While she lay beneath the earth, Lilith learned to
other powers, as well. send her senses elsewhere. Thus did she discover the
The story presented in Revelations of the Dark Mother gardens of the other Elohim. Finally, after she had
combines the two Jewish Lilith stories, the story of wandered the desert for many weeks, she reached the
Lilith as Adam’s first wife and the story of Lilith as Endless Sea — associated in the myths with both the
Lucifer’s consort, while explaining in detail Lilith’s role physical waters and the unconscious mind — and she
in the creation of both mortals and vampires. It’s worth swam to the bottom, exploring it and mat ing with many
noting here that, with the exception of its vampiric of its creatures. She learned to command the sea,
overtones, Revelations of the Dark Mother draws nearly becoming its mother and gaining powers like those of
all its material from much older sources, including the Jehovah over its denizens, and she left the seed of
Talmud, the Midrash, the Kabbalah and a medieval Jehovah and of the sea creatures among her children
text called the Alphabet of Ben Sira. Although the best within the waters. When she rose again from the sea,
way to learn a variety of information ab -at Lilith is to her skin had turned amber and her hair pitch-black, and
read the book in its entirety (especially the endnotes), her eyes shone with new wisdom and intuition. But still
along with other books on Lilith, a short summary is she was not satisfied, as she could not yet create a garden
provided here for reference. like Eden, and so she returned to the desert, making her
The Bible contains two stories of the creation of way back to Jehovah’s garden to taste again the fruit of
humans, in the first two chapters of Genesis. The first the Trees of Life and Knowledge.
story presents man and woman’s creation together, This time, she wandered for 49 years, and along the
while the second describes the woman's creation from way back, she stopped at the gardens of each of the
the rib or side of the man. According to Jewish rabbini- Elohim. All of the Elohim were impressed with her, for
cal tradition (and Bahari tradition, naturally), the first she was the only one among them to house divine
wife was Lilith, who refused to submit to Adam’s will essence in mortal flesh, but none of the gardens could
because she considered herself his equal. [Revelations of compare with the Garden of Jehovah, so she slowly
the Dark Mother adds that although Lilith did not made her way back there. Jehovah learned of her <3
disobey Jehovah (the God of the Old Testament) by journey, and asked His beloved brother Lucifer, lord of
picking the fruit of the Trees of Life and Knowledge, she night and day, to guard h is garden with a fiery sword. But
did eat of the fruit that fell from them. Afterward, she when Lilith arrived, she and Lucifer saw that they were
saw Adam fornicating with the beasts of the forests and kindred spirits, and Lucifer clothed Lilith in the night,
was repulsed by him. According to the book, this was giving half his power to her out of respect. Out of respect
why she refused to lay with him, and when he tried to for him, Lilith departed the garden, determined to
force himself on her, she called out the True Name of create her own.
Jehovah, who was then bound to rescue her by taking Lilith succeeded in creating a wondrous Night
her up to Heaven. Lilith then became Jehovah’s lover, Garden, but the seeds she most wanted to grow — those
but when she dared to suggest she was His equal, He of the Trees of Life and Knowledge, which she had
banished her from Heaven to wander in the desert. The carried within her and planted iin the garden — were
book suggests that Jehovah had done this once before, not nurtured by her blood as Ithe' other plants were. In
to another Lady before Lilith. It has been suggested that frustration, she destroyed the garden, and turned back
this Lady became the Crone who showed Caine the toward Eden to find the secret of causing the seeds to
blood bond. grow. While Lilith traveled, Jehovah created a new wife
Lilith wandered in the desert for 49 days and nights, for Adam from the inside out: bones first, then muscle,
all the time carrying the seed ofJehovah within her. Her then organs, then flesh. But Adam could not look ar her
skin grew red and cracked, and her hair grew wild from after seeing the inside of her, and he rejected her. So
the hardships she endured there. She learned to hide in Jehovah destroyed her and instead created a lesser
the ground by day and travel by night, as the sun creature, Eve, from the side of Adam. Eve was submis-
scorched her skin, and when she was thirsty, she fed sive, as she was made from Adam’s flesh, not from the
upon her own blood. These are the first instances of earth like Lilith, and she and Adam were content
Lilith becoming associated with vampires. This is also together for some time. j
the beginning of the tradition, still observed by Bahari, When she arrived at the garden, Lilith saw that I
of gaining wisdom through pain and suffering, as Lilith Lucifer was again guarding it for his brother, but upon |
did when she wandered. talking with the Lightbringer, she found that Jehovah
had not told him the “evil one” he was to prevent from I
Ch a pt e r Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
entering was, in fact, his beloved Lilith. She told Lucifer had two sons, and one slew the other out of jealousy,
she wished to find out how to grow the Trees of earning Jehovah’s newest curse. This was when Caine
Knowledge and Life in her own garden, and Lucifer let came to Lilith, and through suffering Lilith taught him
her pass, as he remembered her promise to do no harm to use the power in his Blood, just as she had learned to
on her past visit to the garden. Once in the garden, use her own power through suffering. Three angels
Lilith transformed herself into a great winged serpent visited Caine, but after Lilith’s teachings, he was strong.
and learned from the trees that each required 49 seeds He rejected their offers ofJehovah’s forgiveness, so they
to grow, so she swallowed seven fruits from each tree, as cursed him with thirst, with darkness and with fire, and
each fruit had seven seeds. While Lilith was at the Tree Caine left Lilith’s garden to travel on his own.
of Knowledge, Eve wandered by, and Lilith took pity on On their own in the garden, Lilith and Lucifer had
her lesser nature, giving her the fruit to eat. Eve gave it six children — three male and three female — and for
in turn to Adam, and both their eyes were opened. a time, they were content. But Caine returned with 13
For their actions, Jehovah cursed everyone present. of his many grandchilder and slaughtered Lilith’s chil-
He cursed Adam and Eve in the way described in dren, for he resented the suffering she had caused him,
Genesis, He cursed Lucifer with wrath and suspicion, failing to realize how instructive it had been. The Dark
and He cursed Lilith with the inability to love truly or Mother and the Lord of Day chased Caine and his
be truly loved. Finally, for His own blindness and pride, creations from the garden, cursing them repeatedly and
Jehovah cursed Himself to be forever alone, and to burning them with sunlight. Afterward the two parted
wander, never finding peace. He destroyed the Trees ways in their sorrow.
and cast everyone from the garden, never to return, The book is unclear on what happened next, but for the
barring the gates and setting the flaming sword to guard purposes of this story, the events were as follows. Lilith left
them from all who might enter. her mined second garden and built a third — Ba’hara, the
Lilith and Lucifer went to the edge of the Endless Garden ofSuffering, from which the Bahari take the it name.
Sea and raised a new garden, D’hainu, the Garden of A harsh and foul place, this new garden served to remind
Renewal. Elsewhere, in the Land of Nod, Adam and Eve Lilith ofallshe had lost, as well as to hone her abilities for the
time when she would have revenge on (,'aine. Seven of • Mirrors: The Dark Mother is said to have mas-
/ Caine’sgrandchildercametohertodwell in rhegardenwith tery over the realm on the opposite side of mirrors,
I her—some soon after she raised it, other- later in their own which is one of the most terrifying of the demonic
I time. As the world grew into a more skept ical place, Lilith’s powers associated with her. She can spy upon others
garden became distanced from it, taking i its own charac- through any mirror or highly reflective surface, albeit
ter as a realm of its own, among the spirit worlds, and the without being able to hear them. (Several thousand
gardens of the other Elohim, and there si ic has worked her years is more than enough time to learn to read lips,
plans from the time of myth until the start of Gehenna. though.) If she wishes, she can even travel from one
Once her revenge is complete, she will work to rebuild mirror to another by passing through her otherworldly
D’hainu, the Garden of Renewal, with her new children garden.
and, hopefully, her old lover as well. • Aspects: Based on the tales told in Revelations of
Lil it h ’s “Po w e r s ” the Dark Mother, Lilith has three aspects. The first is the
For all the caution we advise about treating Lilith aspect ofSuffering (with wild black hairand red, cracked
with dignity as a character and avoiding the mistake of skin) which relates to Ba’hara, Lilith’s third garden.
defining her too narrowly, it should sti 11 be helpful to set The second is the aspect of Intuition (with straight
forth an overview of the abilities tradu ionally ascribed black hair and amber skin) which is associated with
to her. These are by no means the only (or even the D’hainu, Lilith’s second garden, the Garden of Re-
best) abilities associated with Lilith in the various newal. The third is the aspect of Darkness (with blue
myths, but they’re at least a start. The Dark Mother’s skin and silver hair) which relates to Lilith’s first gar-
best known affinities are as follows: den, the Night Garden. At your discretion, Lilith can
shift between these aspects based on what action she is
I • Intuition: The first ofthe two domains given to ,. , ,
her by Jehovah, Lilith’s intuition normally refers to her ta in8- n or er to cause suffering upon others, she
might need to take on her aspect of Suffering, for
gift for prophecy and awareness of things supernatural.
Lilith’s insight is great enough that any attempt at
supernatural deception or obstruction of the senses Lilith also has several well-known, and less recog- <3
(including Obfuscate, Chimerstry and Obtenebration) nizable, weaknesses. They include:
used against her by anyone less potent than an Antedi- • Sunlight: As a creature of the darkness, Lilith
luvian automatically fails. finds sunlight exceedingly painful. It’s not deadly to her
• Growth and Fertility: This second gift from the way it is to true vampires, but it’s arguably even more
Jehovah traditionally refers to Lilith’s ability to cause excruciating, as Lilith’s curse came directly from God,
plants to grow, at an alarmingly fast rate if she chooses. while the curse of sunlight upon Caine was delivered
In tales of her demonic aspect, Lilith also has the ability through an angel. During the day, she generally seeks
to steal newborn children or to cause miscarriage or refuge in her garden, where the moon and stars are the
stillbirth in women. At your discretion, Lilith might sole source of light.
have a small (or large) group of mortal children she’s • Faith: While she is not truly a vampire, Lilith is
kidnapped and raised in her garden over the years. still a creature of darkness, and True Faith affects her
Storytellers interested in exploring this idea should just as it does vampires, demons and other similar
consult the rules for chatterlings in Dirty Secrets of the beings. At your discretion, Lilith might be particularly
Black Hand or the Vampire Storytellers Handbook vulnerable to Jewish True Faith, as the Jewish tales
for inspiration. The section on Lilin in State of Grace about her are the source of nearly every negative senti-
might also be helpful. ment ever directed against her in writing. As a result,
• Night: Given to her by her lover. Lucifer the lord most orthodox Jews bear Lilith great contempt for
of Day, Lilith’s power over night can be taken in many defying her husband and her God.
ways. Although she is forced to work her plans and • Love: In addition to her vulnerability to sunlight,
cultivate her garden by night, she can also direct the Lilith was cursed by God with the inability to love.
darkness and harness the power of stars and moon. Although this curse might seem insignificant to the
• The Waters: Lilith gained her mastery over “the story, think about it for a moment — Lilith has count-
endless waters” after journeying in die Endless Sea, and it less children, but none of them love her. Even her
refers both to her command ofthe sea creatures she spawned children by Lucifer didn’t love her, and neither do the
and to her control over the unconscious realms of the mind, Apostates (see p. 98-102). Bahari the world over revere,
with which water is often associated in magic and religion. idolize and worship Lilith, but not even they truly bear
love for her. Lilith is denied the one thing that makes an
Ch a pt e r Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
otherwise bleak existence bearable for so many people the World of Darkness of your Vampire game. After all, R
in the World of Darkness, which makes her story tragic there might not even be demons in your game, at least not II
by definition, regardless of how it ends. in the sense they’re presented in Demon. Don’t feel a I
• Anger: Lilith’s righteous anger at how 'he’s been need to remold your chronicle to conform to the estab- I
treated has been building for all time. Although she’s lished canon of what Lucifer has been up to in a different I
normally able to keep her rage in check (in rhe interests game line, rework Lucifer so that he fits with the story you 1
of carrying out her plan of revenge), certain provoca- want to tell (if you choose to use him at all).
tions can still set her off. In particular, anything that In all the varying accounts of Lilith’s background,
parallels the first few betrayals against her — attempts her love affair with Lucifer (or Samael, as he is known
to curse her, for example, or to harm any of her children in the Old Testament Apocrypha) is one of the few
(including the Apostates) — can still sen I her flying constants. By some accounts, the two even had chil-
into a murderous rage. Don’t confuse this rage with dren. Lilith was cursed by Jehovah with the inability to
frenzy — Lilith can still speak and take normal action love, however, and this is probably the main reason the
when she’s infuriated — but her instinctive reaction as two went their separate ways. Still, according to Revela-
someone who's been slighted time and again through- tions of the Dark Mother, Lucifer was responsible for
out the centuries is still to utterly destroy whomever or giving Lilith dominion over the night, as well as for
whatever has angered her. letting her into the Garden of Eden. When Lilith
• Age: Lilith is very, very old. The Hebrew calen- triggered the fall of Adam and Eve, Lucifer found
dar — which traditionally tells the number of years himselfcursed along with her, and he remained with her
since the creation of the world — is currently at 5763, afterward, even having children with her according to
as of this writing, which effectively makes Lilith’s mini- one well-known tale. At some point, though, the two
mum age 5,763 years. Since Lilith, like Adam and Eve, parted, so their relationship now has many possibilities.
was created as a full-grown adult, she has at least 20 or
30 more years of life (or at least, “years” as we under-
Lil in a n d Ba h a r i
stand them in a modem sense) experience than Caine,
You’ll probably notice that we’ve only included
assuming the story in Genesis is literally true, and
single characters here, rather than large groups such
depending on Caine’s age when he killed Abel. If Lilith
as the Lilin or Lilim (Sabbat followers of the Path of
predates Adam, however, and the Sumerian or Akkadian
Lilith) or the Bahari (all followers of Lilith, Sabbat
myths are true, she could be hundreds or thousands of
and otherwise). This is intentional. The last thing
years older than Caine. Yet since her body is (roughly,
Lilith wants is for her hand to be tipped before all of
at least) a mortal one, it’s safe to say she’s forgotten a few
her plans are laid (and believe it when we say she has
things since ancient times, and her memory might not
many plans to lay.) Though they might make a
be quite what it once was (your discretion).
useful army, the Lilin and the Bahari would likely be
Su ppo r t in g Ca s t a very noisy one as well, proselytizing to anyone who
might listen about the return of the Dark Mother,
Although Lilith is the driving force behind this
the end of the Curse of Caine and so on. Naturally,
story, her allies and enemies form the basis for a rich and
this would prove counterproductive to Lilith’s gen-
multifaceted plot. Their roles in the story are explained
erally secretive approach to her revenge.
in greater detail later, but a brief treatment of each one
is presented here for your reference. Lilith’s allies are On an individual basis, however, Lilin or Bahari
presented first, followed by her adversaries. Traits for have made excellent pawns for Lilith. By simply
Lyla, the only human (or mostly human) character, are pretending to be a high-ranking priestess of either
also provided. Trying to work out traits for Lilith, sect, or subtly revealing tidbits of previously un-
Lucifer, Caine or any of the Antediluvians would just be known information about herself, she can virtually
a waste of our word count and your time. ensure both loyalty and secrecy from those of her
followers she deems worthy. Seldom, if ever, does
Lu c if e r ,t h e Mo r n in g s t a r she let on who she really is, though, for fear of
In the story of Vampire, Lucifer fell because he creating zealots instead of servants. Still, the play-
allowed Lilith into the Garden of Eden (not because he ers’ characters could very easily find themselves
waged war on Heaven, as Demon: The Fallen posits). drawn into Lilith’s inner circle if one or more of
For all we know, Lucifer has kept to himself for the past them is already Bahari or Lilin and they play their
century, rather than watching his demon kin from afar in cards carefully.
Geh en n a
I They might have returned to their former roles as
On Av a t a r s
I lovers, remained indifferent to each other or even
An avatar is generally an earthly representative
I become bitter enemies. of a particular deity, gifted with extraordinary pow-
If Lilith and Lucifer did meet again >. unetime in the ers by that deity, which invests a portion of itself into
I past, Lucifer might be guarding Lilith’s. i u len now as he the avatar to empower it. Avatars can he possessed
I once guarded the Garden of Eden. It he and Lilith and used as physical bodies for their gods, and they
parted on bad terms, he might visit the Apostates each usually considering possession of this type to be an
day in their dreams, subtly turning them against her. If honor. In this sense, Jesus Christ might be called an
he and Lilith parted our of mutual need < >r convenience, avatar of Jehovah, just as many of the lesser Hindu
though, Lucifer might not become involved at all. In gods were avatars of one of the great Hindu Triad
any case, his involvement in the story should be even (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). Although avatars are
more subtle than Lilith’s. Lucifer is literally a deus ex useful for accomplishing earthly goals, they also
machina if you use him overtly, and if you do, your leave their associated god open to attacks through
players will probably resent it, especially if they are the power of sympathetic magic, which is why most
familiar with the role he plays in Demon. Having of the avatars throughout history tried to remain as
Lucifer step out of thin air and smite everyone is most secret as possible.
definitely not the answer here. The level of power at his
Because she’s tasted Lilith’s blood on many
command and mystery surrounding hi m, however, make
occasions (as the food and drink the Apostates feed
him perfect to use as a behind-the-scenes player or an
her is always laced with it), Lyla would be Lilith’s
explanation for loose ends in your story.
avatar if Lilith were a true goddess. Unfortunately,
Ly l a ,t h e Da u g h t e r though, Lilith already has a physical body, so she’s
Lilith’s most important ally, at least as far as the not a goddess in the full sense of rhe word (even
characters’ relationship to her is concerned, will most though she is still among the ranks of the Elohim).
likely be Lyla, her adopted daughter. Lyla is a young This complicates her relationship to Lyla, who is
runaway between the ages of 15 and 18, who also almost (but not quite) her avatar. The sympathetic kJ
happens to be a dhampir (for more information on link between the two of them is quite strong, though,
dhampirs, see Time of Thin Blood). Raised by a single and the injury or death of one reflects identically on
mother, as her vampire father disappeared soon after the other, which explains why Lilith is so watchful
her birth, she fled her mother’s house at age 10 after her and protective of her “daughter.”
mother’s then-boyfriend tried to rape her, and in re-
sponse she somehow snapped his neck as if it were a would also be appropriate to reveal if the characters end
twig. She has lived on the streets ever since and was a up using Lyla against her patron.
perfect candidate for Lilith’s eventual use. She and
As a frightened young girl with powers she barely
Lilith have met in person only one time, during which
understands, Lyla is intended mostly as a Storyteller
Lilith posed as a homeless woman and offered a drink
plot device. The players’ characters will most likely
laced with her own blood to Lyla, who was thirsty and
meet her near the first mini-scenario they play through,
gladly accepted it. Since that time, Lyla has experi-
probably in one of her trances, speaking of the event the
enced frequent visions of disturbing clarity, some of
characters have j ust witnessed. When she awakens from
which she has seen come true. She sometimes also
the trance, however, she might try to escape from these
lapses into trance states during which she speaks in
strangers who are trying to lead her around. It will
tongues and utters words of prophecy. She retains no
probably be difficult for anyone but the kindest of
memory of having done so afterward, though, and she
characters to earn her trust early in the story, and the
often wakes to find herself in unfamiliar circumstances.
best way to do so is likely to save her life from one of the
What Lyla does not know is that although the trances
other major players. Lyla helps drive the plot in many
and visions are real, Lilith can use the blood connection
ways, by giving the characters clues (some of which
between herself and Lyla to control them (and in doing
could be planted by Lilith to lead them astray), and also
so, control Lyla) when she chooses. Lilith is likewise
to help gauge their humanity (as Lilith’s actions toward
unaware that when she is not watching Lyla, the girl’s
the players’ characters will depend largely on how well
visions and trances often concern the Dark Mother’s
they treated Lyla). Since her meeting with Lilith, Lyla
plans and actions. In addition, Lyla might be the Last
has been mentored and raised by seven elderly bums,
Daughter of Eve — which would prove ironic if Lilith
and if the characters do gain her trust early in the story,
succeeds in using Lyla to advance her own plans, but it
Ch a pt er Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
she might take her new associates to meet her mentors might even have summoned some of them to herself.
quite early in the story. Regardless, her actions in the mortal and Kindred
Name: Lyla Yvonne Tzigane societies throughout the ages have largely been through
Generation: n/a (dhampir) her seven disciples and their contacts.
Age: Between 15 and 18 For their part, the seven have been quite busy
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2 through the years. Having never Embraced childer of
their own (yes, some of Caine’s grandchilder actually
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
obeyed his request on Embracing), they nonetheless
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
have built an impressive information-gathering net-
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 1. Dodge work that has come to be commonly known as the
3, Empathy 2, Expression 2, Streetwise 5, Subterfuge 1 Inconnu. Inconnu members have always reported to
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Firearms 1, Melee 1, Security older, more experienced elder members of the sect, but
2, Stealth 2, Survival 3 what no one realized was that the “Methuselahs” at the
Knowledges: Academics 1, Investigation 1, Law 2, head of the sect were in fact Antediluvians reporting to
Medicine 1, Occult 2 Lilith (henceforth referred to as the Apostates). The
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dementation 3, Obfuscate upshot of this is that whatever she has been doing for the
2, Ogham 4, Potence 2 past few millennia — tending her otherworldly garden
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Insight 5, Men- and gaining allies in the spirit worlds — she remains
tor 5 (the Apostates) quite well informed of all the affairs of the mortal and
wcu uiiuiiiicu
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 2, Courage 3 supernatural worlds> as well. It can be assumed that
w • ,
Geh en n a
Lucian Ma id c n , Mo t h e r a n d Cr o n f
If one of the Apostates were to be leader of the The story of Lilith parallels the mythos of the
others, second only to the Dark Mother herself, Lucian Furies in many ways, and also that of the Fates, the
would be that leader. Intelligent, confident, charis- Norns (the Norse ladies of fate), and other all-
matic and preternaturally attractive, Lucian is at once female trios such as Shakespeare’s Weird Sisters. In
the natural leader of the group. Yet Lilith does not hold Adam’s three wives, we see the young woman, the
him in any particular esteem — probably because he mother and the old woman, though which one is
represents all she hates about men — which sometimes which could be debated for days. Lilith, Erinye and
causeshim to question his loyalty to her. He is proud, but Eickos together likewise form a fearsome triad that
only because he knows he can be, and he most likely left could be seen to parallel the Furies. Similarly, the
Caine’s service because he wished to find something combination of Lilith, Malakai and Eickos could
grander in which to involve himself. His greatest affini- symbolize the Fates in some form.
ties are for Animalism, Obfuscate and Presence, with
Storytellers might wish to emphasize or de-
plenty of Auspex, Dominate and Potence as well.
emphasize these parallels depending on how much
Lucian has a special ability that he’s unable to the mythology or the themes these characters sug-
control, which has caused him untold difficulty over the gest generally influences their own particular style
years. His physical form is so perfect and radiant that of play. If you do choose to present several of the
anyone viewing him in his natural form without protec- characters here as Furies or Fates, try to make it
tion (such as the Thaumaturgy ritual Heart of Stone, but subtle, something a scholar of mythology or art
not Pavis of Foul Presence) is automatically affected per history might pick out, but not something blatant
the Presence power Entrancement. For Toreador, this to the casual observer. In a story like this one,
effect increases to that of either the Presence power dealing with characters as old as Lilith, we recom-
Love (see Guide to the Camarilla) or simply the inabil- mend treating the Fates and the Furies as ancient
ity to do anything other than stare without spending archetypes rather than as literal people. A charac-
0 Willpower (Storyteller discretion). Since this ability ter or trio of characters can thus personify or <5
naturally makes conversation of any type difficult at represent the archetypal Sisters without, in fact,
best, it was Lucian’s idea that the Apostates take their being them historically or physically. Conversely,
current disguise of bums to better observe the city and knowingly assuming an archetype — becoming
instruct Lyla. visibly different over the course of a few seconds,
You’ll notice the similarity between Lucian’s three possibly even changing voice — can be extremely
“in-clan” Disciplines and the in-clan Disciplines of effective for intimidation.
Clan Nosferatu. This is intentional and is meant to
suggest that Lucian might be connected to the Nosferatu
somehow. Perhaps he and Absimiliard were broodmates
or mortal relations. Perhaps he is secretly the progenitor nal. Most modern scholars believe rhe mythology of the
of the Nictuku or the African Guruhi legacy. Perhaps he Erinyes far predates that of the other gods, and at least
is the true Nosferatu Antediluvian. The final decision is according to the Antediluvian Erinye, they might in-
up to you, if you want to use this element at all. If you do deed stem from her own often zealous ways. Of all the
decide he's the Nosferatu Antediluvian, you’ll need to Apostates, Erinye has the most in common with Lilith,
figure out whether his perfect appearance is true or in that she possesses both a wicked temper and an
illusionary, and if it’s true, what caused him to curse his indomitable will, and Lilith normally treats her as a
bloodline with ugliness. (Being Embraced without his favored daughter — and as a deadly weapon.
leave is always a good standby.) In her true form, Erinye appears as a woman with
Erinye angular features, piercing red eyes and hair varying in
In ancient Greece, the Erinyes (more commonly shade from black to pure white. She might be called
known tonight as the Furies) were the spirits of ven- beautiful (in the same way a bird of prey such as a hawk
geance responsible for avenging crimes of blood such as or eagle is beautiful), but most people who see her true
patricide and fratricide. Empowered to carry out their face find her to be fearsome. Her fury is both her asset
sacred duty even upon the gods, the Furies were so feared and her liability, giving her great strength and speed,
by common Greeks that people normally referred to but also causing her to act often without thinking.
them as the Kind Sisters or Kindly Ones, to avoid Known for erupting into a whirlwind of passion, as well
angering them by implying they were furious or irratio- as avenging the souls of the dead, her greatest affinities
are for Celerity, Potence and Necromancy (all paths, literally falls to pieces with a single well-placed blow.
including Mortuus, Vitreous and Cenotaph). She also He can put himself back together, but doing so requires I
has her fair share of Abombwe, Auspex, Fortitude and a great deal of time and effort, so he normally prefers to I
Protean. use his magics to make sure no one comes close enough
Mekhet to touch him. Most likely, he joined Lilith because after
Mekhet is perhaps the best example, even more so being robbed of his true magical potential by Caine’s
than Lilith in some ways, of what several millennia of Embrace, he sensed she could teach him far more about I
study can do for one’s magical prowess. Formerly a great his new condition than Caine could ever hope to.
court magician in a now-forgotten proto-Egyptian cul- Ikopabe
ture, Mekhet has used his eons of existence to become Every vampire knows the horrors of the Beast, hut
the foremost blood magician on the planet. (Tremere Ikopabe might be said to personify that Beast more than
might have access to Level 10 rituals also, but only any other vampire. The most primal of the Apostates,
Mekhet has had 5,000 years or so to develop and refine even surpassing Erinye in his bestial nature, Ikopabe
his.) Not surprisingly, his greatest affinities are for all rarely, if ever, speaks human tongues anymore. When
forms of blood magic (includingThaumaturgy, Assamite he does, it is always in his own language, a quasi-African
and Setite Sorcery and Necromancy), as well as Auspex. dialect that only his fellow Apostates and Lilith are old
Lilith most often uses him as an advisor or an assistant enough to remember. Among those few who know him,
for particularly daunting magical endeavors. it is rumored that the last word he said other than his
Whether through neglect or by some lingering own name was “Fools,” in reference to the Convention
aftereffect of his culture’s less than perfect mummifica- of Thorns upon first hearing of it in 1493. Nonetheless,
tion procedures, Mekhet suffers from decay to an even he is a master of shapeshifting, with greatest affinities
worse degree than the vampires of the Samedi blood- for Abombwe, Protean (though for the purposes of
line. He is forced to bandage himself heavily just to keep counting in-clan Disciplines, these first two should be
his various limbs together; without the bandages, he treated as a single one), Animalism and Fortitude, with
his fair share of Auspex, Obfuscate and the other
Geh en n a
I physical Disciplines as well. Most often Lilith uses him time — though he was outside of normal time, because
fl as a tracker or scout, which is probablv the capacity in of the nature of the Temporis Discipline, over 100 times
11 which the players’ characters are most 11kely to encoun- the true number of years passed subjectively. This
'I terhim—if they realize he’s there at all-His appearance means, since he emerged in Lilith’s garden sometime in
I varies, but he always bears an abundance of animal the Dark Ages, he experienced the trip as several
I features, and his eyes remain yellow and catlike regard- hundred thousand years instead of the several thousand
9 less of the form he takes. years that passed on Earth. That’s a terribly long time to
As for why he joined Lilith, Ikopabe remains as harbor a grudge, so it’s no surprise he joined Lilith after
silent on this topic as on any other. Most likely, he she offered him the chance to help destroy both his I
sensed that Lilith’s knowledge came from a truer source childe and his grandsire.
— her own experience and the Tree of Knowledge — Since Hyes Embraced only one childe, Troile, the j
than Caine’s supposed wisdom and teachings. Of the so-called True Brujah are something of an anomaly. At |
seven Apostates, he is the one most likely to have some point while Hyes was outside the flow of time that
Embraced, though he refuses to confirm or deny the mortals perceive, some few of Troile’s brood either
rumor, but the intent here is to suggest he may be the spontaneously developed or rediscovered the lost Disci-
progenitor of the Laibon, or at least of the Akunanse (or pline that was the true legacy of their clan. Since by
possibly even the Gangrel). Like an animal, he tends to most accounts, the True Brujah also helped to start the
have trouble understanding the idea of deception, paranoid cult calling itself Tal’mahe’Ra (the so-called
Ikopabe is a naturally honorable creature and hides True Black Hand), it’s unsurprising they decided their
himself only when asked to do so by Lilith or his fellow own lineage was the only “true” Brujah lineage as well.
Apostates. As a result, if they encounter him hunting Even though the True Brujah share his hatred for and
outside the city (his favorite pastime when he’s not wish to destroy the clan they believe has usurped their
carrying out a task for Lilith), the characters might very name, Hyes harbors even greater hatred for them than
well see Ikopabe in all his feral glory. for “normal” Brujah, as the origin story they spread
0 Hyes implies that Hyes made the mistake of Embracing even <9
Many centuries ago, in the Second City, an Ante- more than once.
diluvian who was often cold and passionless made the Hyes acts most often as Lilith’s messenger or herald,
mistake ofEmbracing an impetuous, fiery young woman. and sometimes also as a scout or tracker. Unsurprisingly,
Over the months preceding her Embrace, he had grown his affinities are for Potence, Presence and Temporis.
to trust her like no other — perhaps even to love her, Malakai
despite his lack of feeling — and so, when he began to In many respects, Malakai was the first and remains
regret his decision to disobey Caine’s dictum against the most pitiable casualty of the Jyhad. Afflicted with
Embracing, she was naturally the first person to hear of the same madness for which her twin brother, Malkav,
his conflict. Sadly, he was a naive creature, knowing is so well known, her decision to join Lilith rather than
little of true emotion, and he failed to make it clear to remaining loyal to her abusive grandsire led to the
her that his concern was only for his act—that he didn’t destruction of the only constant in her life, her relation-
intend to destroy her to rectify the mistake—and so she ship with her twin. Malkav was always the stronger of
attacked and attempted to diablerize him. He escaped the two, helping Malakai bear the weight of their
rather easily calling upon the power of his vitae, but the mutual curse. Malkav was solely responsible for his
confrontation left a wound in his psyche that has not curse by Ca ine: Malakai was affected only because of her
healed to this night, and he searches even now for his close blood ties to her brother. Without him, her
wayward childe, Troile, hunting down and destroying madness has consumed and overtaken her, driving her
her treacherous progeny whenever he encounters them. to untold depths of paranoia, despair and, at times,
Come, now... you didn’t really think the Spanish violence. Even Lilith holds a special place in her unlov-
word for “witch” was the Brujah Antediluvian ’s real ing heart for Malakai, and Lyla tries to comfort her
name, did you? The progenitor of Clan Brujah escaped whenever she’s able.
his supposed destruction at the hand of Troile by using One side effect of the strength of her madness is that *
his trademark Discipline, Temporis, to hurl himself Malakai is immensely powerful, though her true power t
forward in time. The exact circumstances are unimpor- manifests only in times ofgreat distress. Far beyond run- I
tant, but suffice it to say that it’s relatively easy to fake of-the-mill Dementation, Malakai’s delusions are strong I
your own death if you have near-complete mastery over enough that she can warp minds, physical objects and I
time. Unfortunately, the journey took Hyes a very long bodies (human or otherwise) as if they were one. When I
Ch a pt e r Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
she feels threatened, whether by real or imagined foes, Dark Mother further suggests that the Crone might have
the world twists around her, often by a storm of super- been Jehovah’s consort before Lilith, her youth and 1
natural intensity, complete with winds, lightning, hail beauty lost upon being cast out of Heaven. Another ]
or rain, and—should she be truly frightened — warping possibility is that Adam’s second wife became the
buildings, exploding people and nearly anything else Crone — made from the True Earth like Lilith, she
your freakish mind can imagine. Naturally, the other could not be fully destroyed, and she re-emerged outside
Apostates (and Lyla, though she has no idea of Malakai’s the garden in a ghastly shell after Adam rejected her.
true abilities) try to keep her as calm as they can. She might indeed be far older than either of these stories
Malakai’s affinities are for Auspex, Obfuscate, and suggests, but whatever her true origin is, the creature
her own peculiar brand of Dementation (something known of old as the Crone has been known as Eickos for
between Dementation and Chimerstry, really) which the past several millennia. Which identity — Crone,
for the purposes of this story will be called Phantasm. Eickos, Narcise or none at all — is the true or original
one is unknown, and the decision is ultimately up to you
...a n d t h e On e
as Storyteller. Whether the vampires of the medieval
The final member of the Apostates comes rightly at Lhiannan bloodline were truly her descendants, her
the end of the list of Lilith’s allies and just before her list
pupils or simply vampires who wished to emulate Eickos
of definite enemies. This is because where Eickos is
is likewise your choice. (Just for reference, The Book of
concerned, nearly everything is uncertain — the Nod states both that the Crone forced Caine to Em-
creature’s true origin, its gender, its loyalties — even brace her, and that he eventually staked her and left her
whether it is a vampire at all. Although Eickos may to greet the sun, but whether this ever really occurred is
choose to remain mysterious throughout the story,
questionable, given the obvious pro-Caine viewpoint
some suggestions for answering some of the questions expressed in most of that book.) For all we know, the I
surrounding the creature are provided here. Crone’s blood bond might still hold Caine in thrall
Eickos even tonight.
If it is true that the devil has many names, Eickos What should be certain here, however you choose
might be one of those he prefers to use on Earth. to treat the character, is that Eickos is a wild card or free
Truthfully, though, even the other Apostates have agent. Between hatred of God for scorning her, hatred
seldom known how to take Eickos, the most mysterious of Lilith for replacing her, hatred of Caine for attempt-
and strangely silent among them (even more so than ing to destroy her and hatred of all other beings for their
Ikopabe). Eickos comes and goes according to its own inferiority, Eickos’ actions in the story are anyone’s
peculiar whims, slinking about at times in an entirely guess. They ultimately boil down to whom she hates the
inhuman fashion, and Lilith has suffered it to remain most (and once again, this is up to you). Eickos’s
among her followers only because even she has never recommended abilities include ancient rituals of blood
been able to discern what it wants, who it is or how to magic, disguise ability equivalent to Obfuscate, and
get rid of it. In all likelihood, both Lilith and the other other equivalent Disciplines including Melpominee,
Apostates do not consider Eickos an Apostate at all, but Presence and Dominate (and Ogham, from the Dark
rather some type of anomaly. At least in their own Ages Companion, if you own it). Of all the Apostates,
minds, a different seventh Apostate has occasionally she is probably the most likely to help the characters
appeared among them since about 2,500 years ago. She defeat Lilith if they choose to try, and she is also the only
is the beautiful siren Narcise, known among the Apos- one who can enter and roam freely in Lilith’s garden
tates for her powers of song, emotional persuasion and without Lilith’s knowledge or explicit consent. If she is
insight. truly who and what she claims to be, after all, Eickos has
In truth, Narcise is but one of Eickos’ many guises. her own garden — and the gardens of all the Elohim are
Eickos chose the name Narcise in a bout of irony, in fact, connected (though Jehovah’s garden is still closed,
after the myth of Narcissus, as Eickos’s natural form is even to other Elohim).
horribly repulsive. Although Eickos does possess all the
abilities it projects when portraying Narcise, it is actu- En e m i e s
ally something far older and more sinister than any of By now, it should be apparent that Lilith has the
the Apostates (or Lilith) can imagine. cards stacked in her favor when Gehenna begins. Her
allies are far better organized and more loyal than those
In The Book ofNod, Caine meets a crone, who tricks
of Caine, and for good reason: Lilith’s cause is just, at
him into drinking her blood and thus indirectly teaches
least after a fashion, while Caine is and always has been
him of the power of the blood bond. Revelations of the
a self-serving bastard. That being said, Caine does still
Geh en n a
have a few allies (or potential allies, at least) who might people who truly poses a threat to him is Lilith herself.
aid him as the story plays out. For the most part, even Her followers, potent though they are, are still “only”
these “allies” might still wish to see Caine die, just not Third Generation — at least, until the thinning of the
by the hand of Lilith or one of her mink >ns. A treatment Blood places them on equal or perhaps better footing
ofCaine’s role in the story is presented here, followed by even with Caine (depending on how you choose to run
some information on those who might wish to impede the effects of Lilith’s blood).
Lilith’s plans. Excepting Caine himself, all of these What Caine has been doing all these years is
enemies are entirely optional, depending on how much anyone’s guess (and thus, like so many things, up to you
resistance to Lilith you want in your story. to decide). He has probably spent a good deal of time in
Caine torpor, lamenting what he feels is an unjust state of
It’s not surprising to consider that sooner or later, affairs. When active, he likely experiences difficulty
everything in Vampire comes back to Caine. As the adjusting to the new climate of the world before sinking
First Murderer and the First Vampire, he’s made a into torpor once more. The most important thing to
disgusting number of enemies through the ages, and remember about Caine, whatever he has done for the
Gehenna is when he finally gets what he deserves. Lilith past several millennia, is that he is a man consumed by
might be the shining example of someone Caine used greed and pride. Were he simply to feel regret for his
and then betrayed, but plenty ofothers can be named— actions — to wish he hadn’t killed his brother out of
including his grandchilder, some of whom he cursed, jealousy all those years ago—the Curse of Caine would
and all of whom he abandoned after the deaths of the lift and he might well ascend to Heaven right then and
Second Generation. A few remain loyal to him none- there. Caine’s tragedy is that after all the long years of
theless, but most have long since turned toward their suffering, he remains unable to see that he was wrong.
own agendas, either ignoring Caine or actively seeking His true curse is one of the self-inflicted variety.
him out to destroy or diablerize him. It's safe to say that Since this story deals with the coming of Gehenna
it’s difficult — nearly impossible, in fact — to find and the eventual end of the Curse of Caine, a strong
Caine unless he wants you to, though, so one of the only argument can be made that the Curse would not or <3
Ch a pt er Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
should not end unless or until Caine repents. One isn’t to say you should try to railroad your players — just
compelling way to explain this sudden change of heart make sure they know it’s an option, just as eventually
involves Lucifer. Caine and Lucifer meet by chance one joining or helping Lilith is an option.
night, and Lucifer expresses great surprise that Caine Whatever the players’ characters choose to do, Saulot
I didn’t repent his sin centuries ago, .explaining that appears at the end of the story to confront Lilith, but some
I Caine’s Curse stems only from his own pride and blind- complications arise. Being in rhe body of Tremere, who
ness. To demonstrate this, Lucifer touches Caine, taking Embraced himself with stolen vitae from Clan Tzimisce,
him back to the day he killed Abel, and Caine sees that Saulot is a prime candidate for the rebirth of the Tzimisce
no angels come down from heaven ro curse him. The Antediluvian. (Saulot might, in fact, have been keeping
only voice cursing him is the voice of his own con- the Ancient at bay. for a long time — years or even
science, and all God does is enforce the curse Caine has g centuries.} The Antediluvian’s final reclamation of
placed on kimsell (tke same as (JoJ enforces tke curse
Saulot’s body occurs at the most dramatic (that is, the
Noah places on one ofhis sons, later in the Bible). After worst
—orst possible) moment in
possible) moment in his probably whil
plans, probably
his plans, while
being shown his insignificance so blatantly by probably Saulot is confronting Lilith. If Saulot is able to maintaiin
the oldest, most powerful creature to walk the Earth, some measure of control, he might be able to lunge at
Caine’s spirit is finally broken, his will shattered;'and Lilith and the Apostates with Thaumaturgy, Valerenand
the Curse begins to wane. If you do choose to usg, this Vicissitude. If not, he loses control, attacking everyone
scenario of the coming of Gehenna, the players mifht present with limbs he didn’t even have before.
never learn what happened. The most important detail Haqim
to remember is that when Caine appears at the end of
Haqim’s motivation in this story is deceptively simple:
the story, he should be resigned to his fate rather than
He wants to devour Caine, consume his essence utterly
attempting to attack Lilith or the Apostates'.
and become the first among vampires. The new height-
Saulot ened clan weakness of Clan Assamite is, in fact, a curse
Ifany Antediluvian still retains even a shred of loyalty placed on them by Haqim himself, to weed out the strong
to Caine, Saulot is the one. Most likely, Saulot still from the weak and build an army to serve him when he has <5
understands the necessity of Caine’s destruction, but he devoured Caine. Obviously, this plan is flawed, since both
wishes to bring it about in a certain way. Since Saulot has Haqim and Caine lose power very quickly once their vitae
always been one of the more mystically inclined of the begins to thin. Still, Haqim obviously has a vested interest
I Antediluvians, chances are he has come to believe that if in killing Caine himself rather than allowing Lilith to do
Caine dies by the hand of anyone but God or himself, the so, and if the characters are aiding Lilith’s agenda (know-
world will end orsome horrible disaster will ensue. Only by ingly or unknowingly), feel free to send vengeful coteries
asking forgiveness for his actions — or, at the very least, of Assamites against them if you like. By the end of the
honestly coming to regret them — can Caine end his story, Haqim has probably weakened to the point that he
existence without throwing the whole of creation into won’t show up to confront Caine or Lilith, though.
upheaval. Whether this hypothesis is actually true, of Absimiliard
course, is up to you, but since this chapter’s scenario is The Nosferatu Antediluvian has held his grudge a
intended to affect the mortal world only tangentially, we long, long time now, and he’s finally decided to do some-
recommend thinking long and hard before coming up with thing about it. Absimiliard figures that especially with the
contingencies that could destroy it utterly. weakening of the Blood, if he can get his hands on Caine
Saulot has his own mini-scenario in this chapter, and tear him to shreds, the curse Caine placed on him
which details his plans and approach toward dealing might finally be lifted. (Granted, it took literally century
with the players’ characters in greater depth. (For more upon century of feeling sorry for himself before he realized
information, see “Saulot’s Gambit” on p. 113.) He is this, and both he and Caine are going to die soon from the
and always has been a fanatic, but at the same time, he’s thinning of the Blood anyway, but Absimiliard was never
a very charismatic fellow, so while he is firmly con- renowned for his deductive skills.) He could show up early
vinced of the necessity of his actions, he is willing to or late in the story, possibly inhabiting a building or section
take any action short of violence to persuade the char- ofthe sewers that, afterward, no one seems to be able to find *
acters to join his crusade against Lilith. Since they will — at least, not until later, when his prowess at Obfuscate |
probably have met Lyla before Saulot, it might take erodes. Like Haqim, Absimiliard wants to stop anyoneelse I
persuasion from another potential enemy of Lilith from killing Caine, and he might appear at the end of rhe I
(Eickos, Lasombra or even Lucifer, perhaps) before the story to take his shot. Lilith might even allow him to be the I
characters are willing to consider joining Saulot. This one that ultimately kills Caine.
■ 4"
Ch a pt t r Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
“Endgame,” the other recommended mini-scenario, Fo l l o w t h f Da u g h t e r
is probably not optional. If the idea of a confrontation Description: Lyla encounters the players’ charac-
between Lilith, Caine and their various allies and ters and influences them to explore the city through
enemies is not one that appeals to you, this is probably visions and bouts of prophecy. Some or all of her visions
not the chapter to use for your Gehenna chronicle. On might direct the characters toward helping Lilith while
the other hand, if the ending of one of the other others are red herrings to lead them away from Lilith’s
chapters strikes your fancy but you like the other mini- plans, while yet others reveal Lilith’s agenda for what it
scenarios presented here, feel free to mix and match, is. When awake from her trances, Lyla’s surprise at the
and weave together your own ending that fits your style cluster of strangers following her might inspire her to
of play. The most important thing is that both you and flee, possibly prompting the characters to follow, or she
your players enjoy yourselves while playing through this might return later whenever is dramatically conve-
story. To that end, feel free to create your own mini- nient. If the characters gain her trust, she might introduce
scenarios or rework any of the ones presented here as them to the Apostates far ahead of schedule.
you see fit. We’ve tried to keep them as open-ended as
Hooks: The beauty of Lyla, as a young homeless girl
possible within the framework of Lilith’s revenge, but
who normally slips beneath the radar of city authorities,
you know your chronicle best, and there > probably
is that she can appear at any time in the story —
something else that fits your troupe more specifically.
whenever you need a hook to lead into another mini-
It’s important to realize that by no means does scenario or simply when things start to slow down. A girl
every player’s character have to be involved in every speaking in tongues and issuing prophecy can do won-
mini-scenario you run. One fine way to run this story, ders for advancing your plot. Probably the best idea is to
should you choose, is to lead different mini-scenarios have Lyla appear immediately preceding or following
for different characters or subsets of characters, based another mini-scenario, speaking cryptic messages about
on character aptitudes, player interest and so on. the event even though it has not happened yet (or, if it
There’s no reason your Brujah combat monster should already has, even though she was not present for it), so
be forced to accompany a Giovanni into the Under- as to pique the characters’ interest.
world instead of helping in a skirmish with Lilith’s
Events: The events of this mini-scenario are the
children down by the pier. With this approach, you
most open-ended of any of the mini-scenarios. Most
might run parallel mini-scenarios, then one or two
important here is that you decide how you want to use
others with all the characters together, during which Lyla. Is she a direct pawn of Lilith, leading the players’
they can compare notes and try to make sense of all characters astray time and again (either by false proph-
they’ve seen before the final battle ensues. ecy directed by Lilith or simply by trying to escape) ? Is
If you do choose to run the story thus, we recom- she a confused and conflicted girl, sometimes giving
mend having at least one assistant, but preferably clues to Lilith’s plans but other times giving the charac-
more, to run some of the mini-scenarios for you. ters complete garbage? Is she the characters’ wild card
Finding assistants shouldn’t be too difficult — how against Lilith ? This decision will help you decide whether
often does a person get the chance to help storytell Lyla tries to lead the characters, or the reverse, or a
Gehenna? This way, instead of all the players sitting combination of the two. It also helps to decide if Lyla’s
through each other’s personal quests, only to have to motivation is simple self-preservation, revenge against
pretend surprise when the events of the mini-sce- the world, or a desire for freedom from the one who has
narios are explained in-character later, you can run enslaved her. Since it will probably he late in the story
some or all of the mini-scenarios at the same time. before the characters even realize Lilith is involved, the
When the characters reassemble later, they’ll actually decision about whether to join or oppose her might
have to pool their information to try to figure out come quickly and without warning. In short, be pre-
what’s going on, and they can leave out certain details pared to shift your plans for Lyla based on whatever your
if it suits them. It’s far too easy to metagame, con- players decide their characters do.
sciously or not, when you have more information out However you decide to use her, remember this: Lyla
of character than in character. Having some assistants is very practiced at running, hiding and not being
helps rid you of this problem. It also ensures that if
found. She is first and foremost a frightened teenager,
some of your characters choose to ally with Lilith and if the characters startle her, they can expect her to
while others choose to oppose her, you’ll be able to run run far and fast. Whatever angle she takes, Lyla is not a
both angles simultaneously without the two sides stupid girl, and when people she’s never seen before take
knowing each other’s plans out of character.
Ge h e n n a
a sudden, strange interest in her, she knows better than all. As for the true nature of the “bums,” Lyla will not
to stick around to find out what they want. believe they’re any more than they appear to be unless
On the other hand, though, Lyla is an abused girl she is presented with physical evidence to the contrary—
who subconsciously wants nothing more than to be and yes, that means getting the Apostates to use their
genuinely loved. The best way for the players’ charac- powers blatantly. (Malakai is by far the easiest mark in
ters to get her to stay around for the long haul is to treat that respect, as she lacks true conscious control over her
her like a person instead of a set of powers or a useful Phantasm. Simply upsetting her a great deal causes the
prophetic gift, and to express genuine interest in getting power to manifest, though upsetting her carries its own
to know her and help her. Like anyone, Lyla might consequences with the other Apostates. Also, unless the
change her inclination in response to the request of a characters have gotten a hint from someone in the know
true friend, something she desperately craves and thus or they are at last suspicious, they’d better give you a good
far has never had. reason for theorizing that Lyla’s mentors are more than
That being said, Lyla has no idea what she is or who just crazy old homeless people.)
her homeless friends truly are. She’s seen enough strange Beyond her use as a carrot with which to lead the
things in her time on the street to believe in fate, and she characters through the various mini-scenarios you choose,
probably believes the universe has a twisted sense of Lyla is valuable for adding a human element to the story.
humor, but any display of blatant supernatural power will Characters who treat her well — like a real person,
send her running (barring a creative use of Dominate, deserving compassion and friendship — should be re-
Presence or simple Charisma). If the characters try to warded with her trust. Lyla will lead those she trusts to the
explain to her “how things really are," she'' just as likely alley where her mentors, the seven Apostates, reside in
to laugh in their faces as to lose whatever trust she has in their disguises, as she wants her newfound “friends” to
them, depending on how they present things. If they do meet the closest thing she has to parents. Depending on
it well, though, she might thank them for telling her what whether Eickos is present, five or six of them cluster near
nobody else has. This is assuming that the characters (but not too close...) a burning oil drum to warm them-
have any clue what a dhampir (or even a revenant) is at selves, while the last — Malakai — huddles far from the
fire, muttering to herself and appearing frightened.
Ch a pt e r Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
The characters’ actions here are more critical than Co u r t l y In t r ig u e
perhaps anywhere else in the story, as Lilith frequently Description: The prince (or archbishop or whoever’s
watches both the Apostates and Lyla. Lyla spends most in charge of the city) calls a meeting of all the city’s
of her time in the alley with Malakai, trying to calm her vampires. Although the prince does not specifically
and case her suffering, and other characters ai e free to try mention the thinning of the Blood, at least one person in
to help. Doing so certainly earns them some esteem as far the city is under blood hunt (or a Wild Hunt, with a bit
as Lilith is concerned. Those who remain around the fire of adjustment) for engaging in diablerie. The prince
are treated to cryptic but still relevant bits of wisdom from might also direct the players’ characters to investigate
the seemingly eccentric bums. Most of this advice prob- reports of supernatural disturbances throughout the city.
ably centers upon questioning one’s path, particularly if Hooks: A social or supernatural summons from the
the characters have decided to oppose Lilith by this prince is probably hook enough. This scenario is prob-
point. Generally speaking, though, the bums do not
ably best run as either the very first, to direct the
reveal themselves as anything more than normal va-
characters toward other mini-scenarios as you see fit, or
grants unless Lyla is directly threatened or someone after all the players’ characters have experienced one of
mentions Lilith, the garden or something else of great the other mini-scenarios together. (Note: Camarilla
significance. If someone does bring up one of these terms such as “prince” will be used from here onward, for
subjects, though, the characters most likely receive a ease of reading, but this scenario can be easily adapted
direct invitation from Lucian to join Lilith — which
for Sabbat or anarchs.)
could change the complexion of the story dramatically.
Events: The prince calls a gathering, inviting the
Because their auras are cloaked, probably by Lucian, characters or possibly (depending on urgency) using
the bums don’t radiate any unusual power, though at your Presence to summon them. The purpose of the gather-
discretion, uses of Auspex or Eyes of Chaos in the alley ing is to discuss recent problems in the city, most
where they live might suggest that something is “not importantly diablerie, but also other possible indicators
quite right.” Note also that Malakai’s madness is still that something is amiss. The prince generally avoids
quite evident — Lucian only disguises himself and his talking about the thinning of the Blood or the height- J
brethren as normal mortals, but leaves the other emo- ened clan weaknesses, and if the characters do mention
tional aspects of their auras unchanged. He probably either of these things, they might find themselves
couldn’t hide Malakai’s madness anyway, even if he tried. disciplined for it (or even subjected to a blood hunt
One last note: If the players’ characters don’t take under a paranoid prince), depending on the individual
the bait and they try to feed from Lyla, kill her or figurehead. Ventrue princes are probably particularly
condition her into servitude, remember that Lilith and sensitive about the subject. In addition, particularly
her allies keep a fairly close eye on the girl. There’s fervent princes might choose to place all Caitiff, all
nothing wrong with whisking Lyla out of danger to 14th- or 15th-generation Kindred, or even all Kindred
report back to her mentors how badly she was treated. of some particular clan under Lextalionis. (Tremere is a
(Lilith needs to know these things, after all.) It’s safe to good choice for such a persecuted clan, since Tremere
say that if the players’ characters do attack her, though, are all developing that damning third eye.)
they won’t be seeing Lyla again until the endgame. Once everyone arrives at the gathering, the prince
Possible Outcomes: This mini-scenario is most brings up the main agenda item: an act (or several acts)
important for gauging the characters’ Humanity (or of diablerie. At least one person in the city — prefer-
other morality), based on how they react to and treat ably a member of the prince’s own entourage or a
Lyla. If they treat her badly, Lilith takes note of it when well-known elder — has committed the heinous deed
passing judgment upon them at the end of the story. If and must be punished appropriately. If you like, the
they treat her well, Lilith notes this also — and they primogen might then confront the prince at the meet-
might gain the chance to turn Lyla to their own side or ing with evidence that he is a hypocrite who’s
to meet the Apostates who have raised her. This final committed the Amaranth himself as well. If one of the
outcome is the one with the most potential, as it allows players’ characters has committed diablerie as her
the Apostates — particularly those not entirely loyal to blood has thinned, now is the ideal time to make her
the Dark Mother (such as Lucian and Eickos) — to pay for it, forcing her coterie to choose to go into
dispense valuable advice to the characters long before hiding with her or to turn against her.
the story ends. It also gives the characters an opportu- Assuming that the individual under the blood hunt
nity to join Lilith’s cause if they choose. is not one of the players’ characters, the person either is
■ not present at the gathering or he somehow manages to sending all of the characters to each mini-scenario you
/I escape. If the gathering is held in Elysium, the newly want to run. If Lyla attends the gathering and the
11 ostracized Kindred might be allowed to leave, with the players’ characters protect her, that might also serve as
I hunt commencing after he has gone. Alternatively, the a prime motivator for her to lead the characters to her
I Kindred could simply jump out a window and run. mentors for help.
I Regardless, the prince (or an elder, if the prince is under
a de facto hunt by now) calls for his domain to pursue Th e Ra n t
the wrongdoer and bring him to justice. If the players’ Description: The characters are invited to (or
characters are not members of the domain (if they are dispatched by the prince or archbishop to investigate)
independents or guests, for example), they can join a Brujah or anarch rant, or possibly a Palla Grande or
voluntarily — or they might be expected to join as other large Sabbat gathering. If they arrive when it
Kindred ofthe city, regardless, depend ing on the prince’s begins, they’re just in time to see everyone cut down by
policies. Pursuing the fugitive should eventually lead a seemingly invisible foe. If they’re fashionably late, the
into one of the other mini-scenarios. (“Terror in the place is completely empty. Investigation of the site
Sewers” would be appropriate for Nosferatu. “The Rant” might reveal something unexpected.
works for a Brujah or an anarch.) Hooks: Like the previous scenario, an invitation is
If the players’ characters do not join the pursuit of probably enough of a hook, but a request by the prince
the individual, or if the prince asks them to stay behind, to investigate the rant is just as convenient. If you’re
they could be given other tasks instead. The primogen using an invitation, it’s probably best to include a game
might each present some concerns about the security of or sport at the rant that only one or a few of the
the city, or the prince might already be aware of the characters might enjoy, to encourage the others to go
potential disturbances posed by some or all of the other investigate something else. Some good examples might
mini-scenarios. In either case, the prince asks the play- be a battle, war games (see the Guide to the Anarchs or
ers’ characters to investigate these situations — the Guide to the Sabbat for some ideas), or some type
preferably individually or in small groups, though they of exotic scavenger hunt. This scenario loses most of its <3
can all work together if you (or they) prefer. mystery if the entire troupe goes to investigate it, so try
Things become a bit more complicated if the to narrow it down to one or two characters if possible.
players’ characters have already met Lyla and they Events: The rant is being held in an opulent
bring her with them to the gathering. Lyla is under- noituveau-Renaissance salon, complete with full-length
standably uneasy about attending a gathering of undead milirrors on every other wall panel. This is a new club for
— if the charactersexplain toherthat_ ir isone—since vampires and their guests only, and it’s owned by none
even ifi the characters have figured out what she is, she other than Narcise — so feel free to bring her into this
hasonlycome to knowherown true nature tonight (or if you find it dramatically
, appropriate. Whatever the
still remains ignorant of it). If they do convince her to festivities are like, something goes terribly wrong, and
come, it’s unlikely the prince is pleased. Here i:is a girl
' ‘
gi ’ the guests begin disappearing. If the characters arrive
who’s either an unacknowledged thin-blooded early or on time, they will see the vampires around them
ghoul, or — far worse — a Sabbat revenant. If her
_______________ vanish, one by one, seemingly into thin air. If they
tattoo or birthmark is visible and the prince has some arrive at all late, the scene is empty, without so much as
knowledge of The Book of Nod, this is probably the even a. bloodstain on the ground. Unless you’re big on
final nail in the coffin. The prince might choose to the dramatic, it’s probably better to arrange things (a
decree Lyla subject to the blood hunt also, or simply ’’
speeding ticket, road1 construction, etc.) so that your
try to kill her on the spot, which would place the characters arrive after the carnage has already taken
characters in the position of attacking rhe prince to place, since you’ll be hard pressed otherwise to explain
save their new friend, fleeing or allowing the prince to how they escape the fate everyone else cannot.
kill what could be their only lead. The rant is, in fact, the scene of Hyes’ latest act of
Possible Outcomes: Like the pre\ ious mini-sce- revenge upon Clan Brujah. (If it’s an anarch rant or
nario, the main use of this one is to propel the characters Palla Grande, it makes little difference — most of those
into the other mini-scenarios in a natural and logical present were obviously Brujah or Brujah antitribu any-
way. Most importantly, this scenario provides a reason way.) One of the mirrors in the place is attuned to
the coterie or pack might split up to tackle different Lilith’s garden, and through it Hyes makes his entrance
investigations simultaneously. It works to advance the todestroy eachof the guests. Since he is using Temporis,
story more quickly and in a more diverse fashion than having Celerity or Auspex doesn’t help with seeing
Ch a pt e r Th r ee : Fa ir ts Fo u l
him, though any Brujah in the arriving party might be everyone holds hands, only one person can make it
able to detect him if they’ve developed the Temporis through the mirror before the spell ends and no one else
Discipline (which is your call, based on timing and may enter. In addition, since the mirror is an otherworldly
mechanical balance). portal, use of any otherworldly ability (such as
After committing his crime of choice, Hyes escapes Obtenebration or certain types of blood magic) might
through one of the salon doors, rather than going back cause the user to be sucked into the mirror if no one has
through the mirror — he has other ways of returning to already entered it. Users of blood magic may be able to
his mistress. This leaves little possibility of his being devise a ritual to follow, or modify an existing one (such
found, bur it also creates a complication, in that the as one used to enter the Shadowlands) to follow their
mirror, which is still bound to Lilith’s garden, remains colleague into Lilith’s garden, but doing so will take
that way until someone enters it. That is, rhe ritual enough time to allow the person to explore the garden
remains in effect until at least one person has traveled thoroughly first.
through it each way, though not necessarily the same For those who choose to investigate the salon and
person, and in either order. It's probably a good idea to surrounding neighborhood, a few survivors can likely be
plant some false clues here — a dropped piece of found. Hyes is thorough, but using Temporis is exceed-
clothing, perhaps, or a business card — something that ingly painful even for him, and in his pained hesitation,
points to someone other than Hyes or Lilith, so that the a few guests from the rant could have escaped. Some or
mirror is not so obvious. If you haven’t introduced Lyla all would be traumatized by the experience, repeating
yet, this is the perfect time. She might appear wailing rhe same cryptic phrase over and over, or simply unable
about the suffering of the tens or hundreds who at- to speak. Finding one who can adequately explain what
tended the rant, or acting out the method in which Hyes happened might be worthy of a side story in itself. Lyla
killed each one of them, creating a potential distraction can even serve in this role if you wish. This is an
from investigating the scene. This is particularly appro- opportune time to introduce Narcise, playing the role of
priate if you’ve decided to use Lyla as Lilith’s pawn the damsel (or club owner) in distress, and possibly
rather than as a possible weapon against her. feeding the characters bits of correct information about
As the mirror is still active, emitting its own pecu- who was behind the attack.
liar magical signature, it’s possible [with a Perception + If one or more characters enter the mirror, things
Occult roll (difficulty 9) or a Perception + Insight roll take a turn for the truly bizarre. Whether the garden in
(difficulty 8)] for the characters to notice that some- which they find themselves is Ba’haraor D’hainu (which
thing is out of the ordinary in the room. If the characters is up to you), the surroundings likely go beyond any-
have already seen other odd occurrences in the city thus thing your players’ characters have ever seen or dreamed.
far, you can make a roll for them to see if they get a Ba’hara is a savage wasteland of ruined plants and trees,
hunch to check the mirror. The roll should be Wits + an primal wildlife and overpowering elemental hardship.
appropriate Ability (difficulty 10 for Enigmas or Oc- D’hainu, by contrast, is a cool, refreshing place with
cult, for example). Feel free to adjust the difficulty for soothing plants and strange, if generally friendly, ani-
anyone on the Path of Caine or the Path of Lilith, also. mals. In both places, however, the animal and plant life
To anyone who succeeds on the roll, suggest privately is completely unfamiliar, bearing little resemblance to
(either by whispering or passing a note) that her char- anything found on Earth. In fact, the line between
acter gets a hunch to check the room more carefully or animal and plant is so blurred here that attacks by trees
(with more than three successes) to check the mirrors. and bushes, as well as spore-producing or photosynthe-
The clues here aren’t enough to point decisively to sizing mammals, are all commonplace. A wide range of
Lilith, but an astute character’s subconscious mind spirits, demonic beings, hybrid beasts and mythical
might suspect it enough to give the person a hunch. creatures are just as likely to inhabit either garden. At
Anyone particularly observant [succeeding at a your discretion, the characters might be forced to make
Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 9)| who touches a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) just to take in their initial
the mirror notices it’s slightly sticky, and may make a impressions of the garden without being stunned for a
Strength + Athletics roll (difficulty 8) to attempt to minute or two.
push through it. Potence does modify this roll, and five The choice of exactly what inhabits the garden is,
or more successes cause the mirror’s surface to ripple for of course, yours. If you’re keeping with the standard
afew seconds, allowing more characters to jump through Biblical interpretation of Lilith, perhaps demons or
if they’re quick. Normally, though, unless two or more nephilim (hybrids of humans and angels, sometimes
people push through the mirror at the same time or depicted as enormous in size) might be appropriate, and
Ge h e n n a
JI you can find many other possibilities by browsing the of Lilith’s children, or 9 for an Apostate). Note that if
fl Old Testament apocrypha or the Midrashic aggadoth. If the characters get the devious idea of using Lyla in the
’I you’re using a more universalist presentation of the ritual, the difficulty is only 7, since Lyla is the closest
I Dark Mother, the garden might he a perfect place to thing Lilith has to an avatar. If they fail, though, feel
I have the Fates or the Furies, in whatever form you prefer free to let Lilith to rend them limb from limb.
I them, to appear for the first time. (It’s probably better to As for escaping from the garden, this should rake
r do so when just one or two characters are in the garden, more than a little creativity, along with a few good die
to avoid the perception that you’re hurling plot ele- rolls. Anyone who’s wil ling to step into a strange mirror
ments at everyone.) You might also consider vampiric portal without knowing where it leads ought to be
or demonic creatures from other cultures, such as the willing to accept that getting back isn’t just as easy as
Indian rakshasa, the African asanbonsum or the Greek waking himself up or clicking her heels together. If the
lamia. Bizarre plant-animal hybrids work well here also characters in the garden are lucky enough to know some
(including hungry trees, floating bushes or mushrooms, kind of blood magic, they might be able to modify a
and so on). Include a hedge maze, if you think it will go ritual [Wits + Occult (difficulty 8)] or create a new one
over well with your players, but be sure to make a map (difficulty 9) to leave. Botches on these rolls should
of it beforehand to avoid the perception that you’re send the characters somewhere even worse (such as the
stacking the deck by building the garden as you go Abyss or, in the case of Necromancy, the Underworld).
along. In fact, a complete map of the garden (as you Characters with Obtenebration might be able to escape
envision it) could help a great deal throughout the through the Abyss, though not without cost, and possi-
entire mini-scenario. Remember, also, that the place is bly leading straight into the “House of Shadows”
as large as you want it to be, so feel free to include hills, mini-scenario (see p. 114)- Hopefully, though, the
I rivers, lakes and even regions of varying climates. characters don’t have such an easy way out. If this is the
If you want to introduce Eickos as a possible antago- case, they can wander the garden until they find Eickos
nist of Lilith or ally of the characters, the garden is (or go back to her if they’ve found her already) and try
V probably the easiest place to do so. We recommend to persuade her to help them leave. Although Eickos
placing Eickos (or, better yet, Narcise) in a particular has her own agenda, directly opposing Lilith generally
part of the garden — in the center of a hedge maze or does not fit into it, so it should take some excellent
perhaps planting flowers elsewhere — so that meeting roleplaying or some darn good Charisma + Manipula-
her is not a certainty, but rather depends upon the tion rolls to convince her. (Don’t even let them try
decisions of the characters in the garden. Alternatively, Presence — Eickos wrote the book on it as Narcise.)
Saulot might show up in some other part of the garden, Of course, there’s always the possibility your players
most likely exploring. (If he encounters another vam- won’t figure out anything’s strange about the mirror.
pire, though, he’ll still probably try to convert her to his Even if you really like this scenario, avoid forcing the
side — see “Saulot’s Gambit” on pagel 13) Feel free to players into it by saying things like, “Are you sure you
ignore either of these suggestions, though, if you can don’t want to search the room some more?” or “Are you
think of better uses for other Apostates in the garden. sure you looked at everything here before you leave?” If
Erinye and Ikopabe might enjoy burning there, while the characters all return to the prince after visiting the
Mekhet could enjoy the garden as a quiet place to study rant without so much as investigating the mirror, you
his magic. could always send them back. One good strategy is for
If the characters figure out whose garden this is by the prince to suggest they can’t possibly have investi-
themselves, or if they meet Eickos, Saulot or someone gated the scene thoroughly in so little time, sending
else who gives them a clue, they might try to take them back with the sheriff or Keeper of Elysium to
something from it to use against Lilith later. All of the supervise. If no one decides to investigate the mirror the
plants are connected to her slightly, as she caused them second time around, that’s fine — just send the Story-
to grow, hut many of the creatures there are her chi Idren teller character into the mirror instead (possibly to
— particularly the aquatic ones — and they have a return later with fantastical tales of the garden, and
much greater connection to her. The Apostates are a maybe even a plant to support the story). If this piques
special case, not being Lilith’s children literally, but still the players’ interest to try to follow, great. If not, respect
having tasted her blood. If the players' characters later their character concepts and go on to a different mini-
attempt to attack or defeat Lilith with a sympathetic scenario.
ritual using something from the garden, the difficulty Possible Outcomes: Whether or not any of the
will vary based on what they use (10 for a plant, 8 for one characters ends up exploring the garden, this scenario
moving freely throughout the city. Whether Lilith was over the city, or she fails. If she fails, it’s either a simple
able to summon the creatures herself or she used one of failure or the death of the city, depending on how the
the Apostates is up to you, but we recommend having characters go about it. Either way, though, Lilith’s
Lucian be the one who did it, as this further implies a plan is not successful. If Lilith does succeed in this
close connection between him and the Nosferatu. scenario, it’s worth noting that the players’ characters
If any of the players’ characters has Song in the probably can still go most places as long as they’re
Dark (and if Level Six powers still work at all by this part following Lyla, as Lilith will bar Lyla only from places
of the story), this is probably the easiest way to try to that house Lilith’s enemies.
stop the creatures. Lilith has worked them into a frenzy,
however, convincing them that their young are in
Sa u l o t ’s Ga m b it
danger and can only be saved by carving the pattern Description: Saulot approaches one, several or all
she’s specified. Using Song in the Dark makes the beasts of the characters and tries to convince them to join him
suggestible, but they won’t just leave. The best idea is in the fight against Lilith. If they don’t trust him, he
probably to convince one to attack one of the others. offers to help them with something they need in return
The Auspex power Telepathy or lesser levels of Ani- for helping him. If Lyla is present, Saulot reveals her
malism might be useful in this regard as well. For the true identity to the characters.
purposes of combat, the creatures attack only in self- Hooks: Saulot can show up at any point in the
defense, having somewhere between Strength 10 and story, though it’s better to wait to introduce him until
15 and enough health levels that they can be damaged the characters have already seen several indications
in a meaningful way only by another of their number or that Gehenna is near (in other words, after they’ve
by a complete collapse of the sewers. Note that unless already completed several mini-scenarios). The garden
the characters spread out and tackle each of the crea- is one place he might appear, but the streets of the city
tures either separately or in small groups, by the time are more likely, as they’re neutral ground rather than
they’ve stopped one, the other two have likely already Lilith’s personal territory. If Lilith has been successful in
V completed their carving. the “Terror in the Sewers” scenario, placing Saulot
Unless the characters have an idea of what exactly right afterward (once the characters discover the city is
the creatures are carving — Eyes of Chaos, Insight or apparently against them) can be very effective.
the Merit: Oracular Ability can all he useful in this Events: Saulot knows that his list of allies is very
regard — they might inadvertently make things worse. short, so he will do nearly anything to bring the charac- I
Since stopping only one of the beasts is necessary to ters over to his side. His current problem of residing in
thwart the plan and force them to leave, it’s possible Tremere’s body doesn’t help his case at all, particularly
that if the characters stop the one carving thenleph, but with the new third eye afflicting the Tremere, so he does
not the two carving mem and tav, the word met (death) whatever he can to conceal it, using Obfuscate or
might be carved instead ofemet (truth). Met is tradition- (better yet) his ever-growing Vicissitude to cover the
ally the word used, by erasing the aleph, to kill an eye and reshape his appearance.
animated golem, and in this case, it literally begins to Saulot’s preferred approach is to convince one
kill the city. Natural disasters ensue, buildings collapse, member of the coterie to join his crusade against Lilith,
perhaps disease breaks out. In any case, the mortal world so that that person can return to the coterie and
feels the effects of the characters’ failure in a significant convince the others. Don’t worry if this doesn’t work
way. You might want to suggest figuring out what out as planned, and some of the characters side with
Lilith’s tentacled beasts are doing before stopping them Saulot while others choose to ally with Lilith — that’s
if the characters have an interest in keeping this from what your assistants are for. It’s actually preferable in
happening. Otherwise, if the character-- stop only one of some ways if some of the characters disagree, since this
them, at least give them a chance by r< tiling a die to see puts more at stake — not just the fate of the world, but
which of the three they’ve stopped. Naturally, the “met" the characters’ relationships as well. (That may sound
scenario stops Lilith’s plans, but it also creates addi- odd, but Vampire is, after all, a storytelling game of
tional obstacles for the characters and endangers the personal horror. We’re just invoking the end-of-the-
| Masquerade (and probably the characters’ unlives along world aspect of the setting to test those personal ties.)
I with it). Saulot’s main bargaining chip is information, namely
Possible Outcomes: This scenario > has only three the information that Lilith and her allies forget to
| possible outcomes. Lilith succeeds (with or without mention. He knows the true identities of the bums —
I the characters’ help), and gains supernatural control or, rather, he knows they’re Antediluvians, having a
sense for that sort of thing — but he doesn't know that the prophecies of The Book of Nod, so he knows that the
Hyes is the Brujah clan founder or that Eickos is the most auspicious time for casting a ritual against Lilith is
Crone (or that she’s Narcise, forthat matter). He’s been when she, Caine and (preferably) the Crone are all
tailing Lilith for a long time and watching her and her present. Second, he knows that the sooner Lilith learns
closest allies through his own contacts in rhe Inconnu of his plans, the greater amount of time she will have to
and among the mystics of Clan Tremere. He also retaliate. Saulot knows that he has far fewer allies than
suspects that Lyla is the Last Daughter of Eve and that Lilith does, so he is counting on surprise as his only real
she’s connected to Lilith by some type of sympathetic advantage.
link, believing (correctly) that Lyla is the key to defeat- Just as important is Saulot’s desire to conceal his
ing Lilith. identity until his confrontation with Lilith. Even if no
Saulot’s other main asset, especially if none of the one in the coterie is Tremere, he knows the rumors the
characters have any type of blood magic, is his vast Usurpers have spread about him and his clan for the past
knowledge of Thaumaturgy. Spending as many years in eight centuries — and he also knows that he can’t
Tremere’s body as he did, Saulot knows a great deal truthfully deny those rumors because of some of the less
about blood magic, to say nothing of what he might savory things he’s done. Unless he’s dealing with a
have learned during his time in the East. He knows the Sabbat pack that he knows is disposed toward the
principles of magic backward and forward, and he can Salubri antitribu — or that has at least one Salubri
build a ritual for the players’ characters to enact whether antitribu in it — he’s highly unlikely to reveal himself.
or not they have Thaumaturgy, based on those prin- Even among potentially amicable Sabbat, Saulot is
ciples. Saulot has access to rituals that require neither loath to show the true face of the body he’s inhabiting,
blood expenditure nor extensive prior knowledge of as he’s one of the very beings the sect has sworn itself to
magic, and he’s able to teach them to the characters if destroy. If the characters do attack him for some reason,
they choose to help him. Saulot will try to escape rather than returning the
In this scenario, Saulot’s main downfall is his hu- attack, reappearing later in a different guise to try to
manity, or lack thereof. Whether or not he was the first gain their support again.
to seek or attain Golconda, he left that enlightened Possible Outcomes: Most importantly, Saulot can
state long ago, and he’s committed enough atrocities suggest the idea of a sacrifice ritual to defeat Lilith if the
over the years (from killing an astounding number of characters haven’t already come up with the idea. He
Kuei-jin to siring the Baali) that his old role of“the good can also provide a framework for the ritual or help
Antediluvian ” no longer describes him at all. Even construct it if they’ve already begun before meeting
when he chooses to play the role of “the good guy,” him. In addition, he can shed a great deal of light on
Saulot’s motivations and actions are classically Ma- some of the mysteries of the story that rhe characters
chiavellian. (If the end is noble, in other words, the might not discover otherwise, or he can recommend
means are irrelevant.) Indeed, Saulot is arguably be- others to ask (Eickos in particular, as even Saulot knows
yond definition of “good” or “evil,” acting on stimuli she’s rather enigmatic but apparently wise). Try to
and understandings that exceed mortal potential for avoid using him for simple exposition, though. Instead,
comprehension. The upshot is that he will try to con- reveal only the information Saulot would think the
vince the characters to sacrifice Lyla in their ritual, characters need to know, and let them ask questions if
rather than using something from the garden or some they want to know more.
other item connected to Lilith. To Saulot, the death of
one innocent girl is nothing compared with the End of Ho u s e of Sh a d o w s
the World — which is what he believes will happen if Description: The characters go to investigate a
Caine dies by any hand other than his own or God’s. house, long rumored to be haunted, where some
Whether the characters agree with him, of course, strange occurrences have recently been reported in
depends on their morality, concepts and varying views the news. Once there, they discover quite a bit more
of Lyla, but be prepared for fights to break < mt when the than they might have expected. The house is liter-
idea is first suggested. ally a house of shadows, a focus for the will of the
Although Saulot is glad to provide information to creature that was once the Lasombra Antediluvian.
the characters at any chance he has, he recommends As they explore the house, they receive the opportu-
strongly against confronting Lyla or the Apostates. He nity to join the Ancient’s cause — or to feed the
might even use physical force to prevent the characters creature, if they decline.
from doing so. His reasoning is twofold. First, he knows
Hooks: Investigation of a possible Masquerade ised Romans control over the physical world once it
Ibreach is always a good hook, as are Lyla’s vague but gains dominion over the Abyss.
Iever-useful visions. The house also puts out a power- When the characters meet Romans, he’s not
Iful psychic call to all members of Clan Lasombra, not exactly in control of himself — they’re conversing
Iunlike the pull some members of rhe clan feel toward directly with the Lasombra Antediluvian. Posing as
Ithe sea. Lasombra should make a Willpower roll Romans, it leads them throughout the house, “to rhe
(difficulty 8) to resist the call. Whoever fails be- master’s quarters in the catacombs.” Once they ar-
comes suddenly interested in visiting the house (or rive there, the Ancient reveals itself, spouting forth
the general area, if they’re not aware of the news), from Romans' body and entreating the characters
while botching the roll creates an obsessive and directly to help it kill Caine and/or sacrifice Lilith. It
possibly violent need to visit the house immediately. offers the characters the ability to rule sections of rhe
Events: The house is an old, run-down mansion world under Romans after it has gained control over
or castle, and you can probably gain the most effect the Abyss. If they agree, Romans helps them con-
from it if it’s a place the characters have visited struct a binding and sacrifice ritual for Caine. If they
before. The grounds are dark, which is to be expected refuse, both Romans and the Ancient attack them
at night, but even so, it’s a little t,u I.irk. A Percep- with the full force of their Obtenebration. The best
tion + Awareness or Wits + Occult roll (difficulty 8) course of action in this case is probably to try to
is sufficient to figure out something is wrong here. escape rather than fighting, unless the coterie has a
Multiple successes on the Perception-based roll let good mix of Obtenebration- and Thaumaturgy-wield-
the character notice subtly shifting shadows both ing characters. The easiest way to defeat Romans, if
outside and inside. Like Lilith’s garden, we recom- not necessarily the Lasombra Antediluvian itself, is
* mend making at least: a rough map before running to burn the house down after escaping — the oldest
this scenario, so that you
y can decide what creatures tricks are usually rhe best. Of course, burning down
and other threats or remarkable features are in which a mansion might cause all kinds of Masquerade
parts of the house. The characters are free to enter, problems for the characters, but hopefully they’ll see
but if they just barge in, they don’t notice any that coming before they pull out the napalm.
vampires or mortals (although Matthew Romans Possible Outcomes: The characters either gain
might still be watching while Obfusc ated). They can two powerful allies against Lilith, or they destroy at
| roam the house freely, and if they find the cata- least one of the Dark Mother’s enemies. They might
I combs, then just skip to that section. also gain some knowledge on how to construct a
If the characters knock, a pale, unusually attrac- ritual to defeat Lilith — if they didn’t already find
tive man answers the door, introducing himself as out about this some other way.
Matthew Romans, the ghoul servant of the house’s
master. An application of Aura Percept ion or the use Ch il d r e n o f
of Clan Knowledge: Lasombra reveals this as a lie, t h e En d l e s s Sc a
though. Romans is, in fact, an eighth-generation Description: Lilith’s children have begun rising
Lasombra. (With four or more levels of Clan Knowl- . from the Endless Sea to join the ranks of her allies.
edge: Lasombra, the individual recalls Romans’ name They might not love her, but she’s still their Mother.
and remembers that he’s only pretending to be a They rise both from the docks of the local body or
Keeper. In truth, he’s a notorious sixth-generation bodies of water, as well as from the murky depths of
Pander with Auspex, Obtenebration and Obfuscate the collective unconscious, having incubated in both
“in-clan.”) Through the years, he has acted as an places for untold years. The players’ characters must
infiltrator of both the Sabbat and the Camarilla to beat back the encroaching forces of Lilith’s army of
advance his own plan — destroying both sects and beasts, lest the creatures overtake the city and en-
forming a new one with himself at the head. His slave the minds of its people.
schemes and penchant for diablerie attracted the Hooks: This is actually two separate scenarios
attention of the Lasombra Antediluvian, who of- — physical and mental — and as a result, the hooks
fered him an arrangement. Romans allows the are different for each. The physical half is best
Ancient to possess him when it wants, to give it started with a request to investigate some strange
easier access to the physical world (being mostly a events at the docks or with newspaper reports of
creature of shadow now), and in return, it has prom- unexplained attacks there. The mental half can
begin with hallucinations, dreams (or nightmares ),
Ch a pt er Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
astral attacks or whatever else you think might grab them deal with whatever mortals or Kindred are
the characters’ attention. Lyla can, of course, be used trying to kill her children, instead.
as a hook for either or both of these as well. Although this first half of the scenario can be run
Events: As mentioned previously, this scenario as a simple hack-and-slash fest, should you choose,
actually takes place on two separate playing fields — some ingenuity could spice it up a bit. If you decide
the city docks and the astral plane. As these two that too many of Lilith’s children are crawling up out
places are quite distinct, and the two parts relate to of the water for the characters to have any prayer of
each other only in that they both involve Lilith’s stopping them with simple combat, you’ll probably
children, they’re presented separately here for ease see your players scrambling for a more creative ap-
of reference. proach to the problem, such as poisoning the water
The docks half of this mini-scenario is tailor- supply, destroying the docks entirely or dropping jury- I
made for combat-specialist characters. Lilith has a rigged depth charges into the water. Any such solution
nearly infinite number of children, and each is differ- will naturally have repercussions on the mortal world
ent from the next, so you can throw as many of them and thus the Masquerade, but that usually tends to
at your characters as you see fit without ir feeling like make a story more interesting anyway.
they’re random goons. Every one that dies is one less The less tangible but just as important half of
ally for Lilith, after all. Naturally, in addition to this scenario caters to mentally focused characters,
giving your players the chance to test their new particularly anyone with a fair amount of Auspex.
weapons or Discipline levels, it gives another oppor- The events are roughly rhe same — Lilith’s children
tunity to capture one or more of Lilith's brood for use are invading the city and the characters must find a
in a ritual against her. Still, for some players there’s way to stop them — but as this invasion occurs on
nothing like a good, long bloodbath in game, and the astral plane, a great deal more ingenuity is re-
this half of the mini-scenario is mostly for them. If quired. The children act as psychic parasites, drawing
the characters are aligned with Lilith, you can let energy from their hosts and subtly influencing the
Ge h e n n a
person’s thought processes. Vampires are luckily characters might be sorely taxed trying to preserve
immune (though those whose minds are already the Masquerade.
fractured might not be, at your discretion), but mor- As for the children on the astral plane, most of
tals and ghouls are susceptible. These creatures lack those who escape find hosts, who then become subtly
the fine control to force people to physically attack more receptive to Lilith’s suggestion (which, luckily
the characters, but those they possess do show a for her, she can send through any mirror in their
marked increase in goddess worship, particularly house if necessary.) Then they find themselves be-
worship of a particular Sumerian or Assyrian goddess ginning to worship Lilith, even as a feminist idol
whose name should be no mystery to those playing rather than a goddess. The type of belief doesn’t
through this particular Gehenna story. Like all matter as long as it’s belief. (As a result, Lilith has
Elohim, Lilith draws power from belief, so the more more than one thing in common with demons as well
people her children possess, the more power she can as with vampires, but hopefully you’d already real-
draw from the belief of the city’s mortal population. ized that much.) Some of the children instead report
Although it’s possible to run this half of the to Lilith directly, letting her know that they’re present
scenario nearly identically to the first half, with and remain on the astral plane to act as her spies or
astral combat substituted for physical combat, we messengers should she need them. While the physi-
recommend against doing so. Players who’ve chosen cal children are mainly a problem during the final
mental-primary characters often aren’t too keen on battle, the astral children darken the emotional
random combat, even on the astral plane. Instead, landscape of the city considerably. (If Lilith came
try to encourage lateral thinking. Necromancy might out on top in the “Terror in the Sewers” scenario
be used, for example, to cast some of the children also, well... think Dark City.)
into the Shadowlands, particularly if the characters
have any idea what a mess the place is. For Un d e r w o r l d Ma y h e m
Malkavians, you might consider roleplaying out the Description: Lilith has been very thorough in
V invasion of their minds by outside forces (and per- sowing discord to attract Caine’s attention, and the <5
haps of the entire Madness Network as well, which already chaotic realm of the Underworld was an easy
by some accounts is connected to the astral plane), target. In the Shadowlands, Lilith’s demonic chil-
something even more terrifying to mi>st people than dren and the Spectres allied with her wreak havoc,
outright madness. If each Malkavian has control of destroying everyone and everything in their path in
the internal landscape of her mind, tor example, but an attempt to find and destroy Abel. In the Egyptian
Lilith’s children gain control of rhe Madness Net- Underworld, mummies, jackal-headed Lupines and
work itself, the resulting battle could alter how all Middle Eastern sorcerers carry on a similar search for
Malkavians behave and interact permanently Set, having been tipped off to his location by Mekhet.
(though “permanently” is still relatn e. since most if Hooks: Unless the city’s prince is exception-
not all Malkavians are going to die a L ing with every ally well connected, he probably isn’t aware of this
other vampire when Gehenna concludes). We can’t scenario, at least not directly. He could send the
really tell you the best way to run mini-scenario, as characters to investigate unusual ghost activity,
it should be based on the psychology of the charac- though. An easier hook is that with the End Times
ters involved in it. Natures and Demeanors should be at hand, a failure or botch on a Necromancy or
a big help in building your vision, tl ugh. Use your Setite Sorcery roll might pull the characters into
creativity here — you are the Stor\ teller. the associated Underworld. Alternatively, these
Possible Outcomes: Both halve- of this scenario powers do allow viewing of the realm, and some-
are rather clear-cut. Either the characters stem the one with an interest in the Shadowlands or Duat
tide of Lilith’s encroaching children or they don’t. might voluntarily enter to try to calm things down
Surviving children on the physical plane go wher- a bit (or, in the case of Setites, possibly make a
ever Lilith or the majority of the Apostates are — desperate bid at saving Set). Wraith allies, the
most likely the alley where the Ap< estates dwell — Medium Merit or Haunted Flaw also make good
and hide there until the final battle. Most of the hooks for this scenario. a
children don’t have any sort of concealment powers, Events: This scenario is mostly an opportunity I
though, so if more than a few of these ancient, slimy to present the destruction of either Augustus |
horrors from the deep are roaming the city, the Giovanni or Set — or both if you want to. It also
provides the easiest method of introducing Abel if I
Ch a f e r Th r ee : Fa ir b Fo u l
you want to use him in your story. Since both Under-
Th f Sf v f n f o i d Cu r s f
worlds are vast, and this scenario potentially relates
Since almost everyone in this story seems to
to events in Wraith (or Orpheus), Mage, Werewolf
want a piece of Caine, you should decide whether
or Mummy, we leave the details up to you.
or not you want to use his Biblical curse in your
Possible Outcomes: This scenario serves the
story. In Genesis 4:15, God places a mark on rhe
purpose of letting the characters know something
First Murderer, speaking the curse, “'Therefore
very important is happening, and possibly gives them
whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be
some clue that it might be Gehenna. It also allows
taken on him sevenfold.” This means that any-
Abel to he introduced if you choose to use him before
one who wounds Caine takes seven times the
the endgame.
wounds — instantly — and whoever kills him
En d g a m e dies seven times more painfully. Unless you can
think of a good reason not to include this curse
This is it — the final scenario, the culmination
in your story, we recommend using it, as it makes
of Gehenna. Since it has so many possible outcomes,
the question of what the characters (the players’
we’re presenting it a bit differently from the other
and Storyteller’s alike) do in this scenario that
scenarios. It would be difficult and probably tedious
much more complex.
to try to split it into a short description, hooks,
events and possible outcomes. The end happens, Lilith certainly knows about it, and as a
whether or not the players’ characters are present, result, she’s not about to be the one to deliver
the killing blow to Caine — she’ll avoid touch-
and the outcome is pre-determined — all or almost
ing him at all if she can. The main reason she’s
all vampires wither and die. Since so many different
been gathering her children together is to throw
characters might he involved in the final confronta-
them at Caine all at once, and most of the
tion between Lilith and Caine, we’ve broken down
Apostates are loyal enough to her (or hate Caine
this section by character, with actions the character
enough) that they’d be willing to kill him for her
might take, as well as actions others might rake for or
also. Hopefully, characters who are well versed
against him or her. Absimiliard and Haqim are omit-
in religion or the occult (or self-preservation)
ted here, as their plans are relatively simple and have
realize on their own that attacking Caine di-
already been covered in the character section.
rectly might be a bad idea. If not, you might give
Ly l a them a Wits + Occult or Wits + Academics roll
Since the greatest likelihood is that the players’ (difficulty 7) to see whether it occurs to them.
characters will find their way to the alley through
Lyla, she’s the first character presented here. When Mother, they gain (in effect) a “virtual” Lilith to
Caine enters the city, Lilith sets a call to all of her help them. This effect lasts only while Lyla is in
followers to assemble at the alley where the Apos- Lilith’s presence, unless Lyla or someone else does
tates usually gather in disguise. Lyla feels a strong something (probably involving Lilith’s blood) to
pull toward the site, more because her Insight warns make it permanent. If the players’ characters have
her of a great number of Ancients gathering in one chosen to sacrifice Lyla in their ritual against Lilith,
location than because of Lilith’s summons. She will this likewise only works in Lilith’s presence.
make any reasonable attempt to go to the al ley, with
or without the characters. If she’s physically re- Sa u l o t
strained, she develops a powerful headache. This If the characters are allied with Saulot, he
headache starts off mild but quickly develops into a either gives them a signal and directions to the
supernaturally intense migraine, causing Lyla to alley or he leads them there himself when the
scream and flail around until she’s either silenced time comes. As stated before, his main objective
somehow or brought to the alley. is to protect Caine from Lilith, so though he
Once she’s in Lilith’s presence, things get com- helps the characters to set up their ritual (if
plicated. Since she’s Lilith’s avatar in essence, Lyla they’re performing one), Saulot defends him di-
has access to all of Lilith’s abilities through that rectly (with Valeren, Thaumaturgy and so on) as
connection. This means that if she stands with Lilith, soon as Caine arrives.
Lyla changes aspects whenever Lilith does. If the Unfortunately for Saulot, the original owner
characters have convinced Lyla to oppose the Dark of the body he’s using — Tzimisce, not Tremere
— has other plans for it. Some time during the
battle, Saulot begins generating random manifes- La s o m b r a
tations of Vicissitude, such as limbs elongating The Lasombra Antediluvian might also make an
while fighting, warping the flesh of his attackers appearance, particularly if the characters have cho-
seemingly without effort and so on. Whether sen to align themselves with it. Like the Tzimisce
Saulot is wholly consumed or he manages to Antediluvian, it’s hungry, but it also already has a
retain some measure of control is up to you. He body (granted, one made of quasi-solid shadow) and
did successfully resist Tremere tor centuries, but a plan. If Matthew Romans survived the characters’
Tremere also wasn’t an Antediluvian in the root encounter with him, it prefers to act through him, as
sense of the word. If the Tzimisce Antediluvian the Ancient’s own ability to do anything more than
does gain full control of Saulot, its mind has affect the physical world with Obtenebration takes
likely been so twisted by Vicissitude that it will more concentration than it’s worth.
attack everything in sight, possibly retaining Romans’ body is still experiencing the With-
enough residual knowledge to know that it wants ering, though, and as a result, it really isn’t very
to eat Caine, though. Alternatively, the Ancient tough anymore. If he falls, the Ancient erupts out
might have consciously been hiding within its of him, oozing from his wounds and coalescing
bloodline for all this time, and it might still be into a tenebrous monstrosity. (The usual rolls are
quite coherent — but also still quite hungry. necessary for those who have never seen
Obtenebration before.) It then continues its as-
A No t e o n La n g u a g e s sault on Caine and/or Lilith, trying to kill him,
capture her for the ritual or both.
Before running this final scenario, you should
decide how you want to handle the languages If the Antediluvian does succeed in its ritual—or
used by Lilith, Caine and the other ancient even if it simply kills all the opposition — it then turns
beings involved. One approach is to assume they on whomever else is present, including Romans and
have all learned English over the years, albeit the players’ characters. (You didn’t really think the
with an accent related to their original tongue, progenitor of Clan Lasombra would keep its word, did
and have them converse in English so that all you?) By this time, the characters are most likely too
the players’ characters can understand what’s weak to resist, so it stands to reason that the creature
going on. The other approach — which we destroys or devours them, surviving to escape only if
actually recommend — is to have the major it’s circumvented the Curse of Caine by killing Caine
players speak in their native language, probably or sacrificing Lilith and transformed itself into a being
a proto-Hebrew or Sumerian dialect, so that of pure shadow. This might seem to be a harsh end, but
only the characters with experience in Noddist if your players have allied themselves with an evil as
or Bahari studies will probably understand. It’s great as the Lasombra Antediluvian, they deserve
unlikely that Lilith, Caine or an} of the others every bit of what they get.
would speak in anything but their native tongue Of course, if you’re using the sevenfold curse, the
under stress. Lasombra Ancient dies horribly if it kills Caine.
The reason we recommend using ancient Ab e l
languages is that it rewards the players who If you choose to use the restless ghost of Abel in
chose to buy languages and lore instead of pow- your story, his actions during the end of it should be
ers or more immediately dice-related Abilities. subtle. His main objective is to protect Caine so that
If only one or two characters understand what the two of them can have a conversation that’s long
Lilith, Caine and their allies are saying, those overdue. To this end, Abel uses the power at his
characters can act as translators, telling the disposal to try to shield his brother from the attacks
others everything or leaving pieces out accord- of those who wish to harm him, but even after
ing to their own purposes. It’s prob ably easiest to millennia, Abel is far too pure a soul to attack
simulate this exchange through note-passing, anyone directly.
which is less intrusive than takinc some of the Abel’s most powerful weapon is his forgiveness.
players aside every few minutes. Players who If you think it fits with the mood of your game, you
have focused on background-related Abilities might wish to simply have Abel appear during a lull
rather than more physical ones deserve to have in the battle, or after Lilith, Caine and the others
something to show for it when Gehenna comes. have fought to a standstill. His appearance isguaran-
Ch a pt e r Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
teed to stop Caine and Lilith — both of whom vious option can, of course, be used to sow doubt if |
recognize him — dead in their tracks, and it’s likely the characters are allied with Lilith, or to reinforce I
that everyone else will follow suit once the two main the characters’ resolve if they stand with Saulot.)
players freeze. Abel must utter only three words to
his brother for maximum effect: “1 forgive you.”
Even more than Abel, Lucifer is best used subtly I
How Caine reacts to these words depends on
the majority of the time. Still, it’s possible that he
whether you want to emphasize redemption or hu- makes an appearance, particularly in one of two
bris as a theme in this story. Caine might truly be cases. If the Lasombra Antediluvian succeeds in
moved by his brother’s words, shedding a single tear killing Caine, Lucifer can appear and destroy it —
of blood and collapsing to his knees with remorse.
as a creature of shadow, it’s still vulnerable to
Abel then says to his brother, “Come with me,”
sunlight, which Lucifer has in abundance. Sec-
touching his hand and drawing forth his spirit, at
ondly, if Lilith falls, Lucifer might appear in order
which point Caine’s body turns to ash and Gehenna
to avenge her. In either case, a simple “Enough!” is
is over. Abel then fades into his own realm allowing probably all he needs to say, while descending from
the rest of this story to play out as it will. the sky in full angelic raiment. (Notice we said
If you prefer to emphasize Caine’s overpowering “from the sky,” not “from Heaven.”)
arrogance even now, he could reply to Abel, “1 need
Even if Lucifer does not appear throughout
neither your forgiveness nor your pity,” walking any of the battle, he might also choose to show
through Abel’s form and causing his brother’s ghost himself and rejoin Lilith when she returns to her
to dissipate. The battle then resumes, unless this garden afterward.
moment is a good point of entry for Lucifer or Eickos
as a further plot twist. We recommend using this Ca in e
second option to reinforce the players' resolve if Unless he and Lucifer met before the story be-
they’ve chosen to stand with Lilith, or to sow doubt gan, Caine enters this story rather upset. After
if they’re allied with Saulot or Lasombra. (The pre- centuries of enjoying his obscurity and solitude, he
Geh en n a
finds himself forced to travel to some unimportant to the alley, she sends her many children (on both
mortal city to deal with supernatural disturbances no the physical and the astral planes) against him, along
one else was apparently competent enough to handle. with some or all of the Apostates. Since she knows of
Once he arrives, he feels Lilith’s presence there and the sevenfold curse, Lilith attacks Caine only if she
makes straight for her (just as Lilith knows he will). loses her temper— in other words, only ifLylaorone
It’s a toss-up whether Caine would attack Lilith of the Apostates should fall by his hand. She has no
or the Apostates first, but it’s more likely he'd go for problem with using the full range of her power
the Apostates, who directly betrayed him. If he does against anyone who’s aiding Caine, though.
manage to destroy one or more of them, he has to
contend with Lilith’s fury directly - but this is Af t e r m a t h
unlikely because of the sheer number of monstrous
As soon as Caine dies, the Withering acceler-
children Lilith can use to slow him down. Caine is
ates dramatically. Any Cainite who survived to this
very much the reactor, rather than the actor, and
point dies from thinning of the Blood within a few
this is one reason the actions of the players’ charac-
minutes of Caine’s death. It might he possible to
ters matter so much in the story. Caine is too arrogant
to realize he’s been set up, so if anyone’s going to save transition your game into a Wraith story from here,
him, it has to be them. particularly if your characters had a great deal of
unfinished business.
T HF ApOSTATFS Those who were Embraced less than 50 years ago
it’s fair to say that Hyes, Ikopabe. Erinye and and are of high generation might be able to revert to
Mekhet fight at Lilith’s side unswervingly, in what- normal mortals, if they succeed a straight Stamina
ever ways you see fit, so more treatment of them is roll (difficulty equal to 20 - Generation). Ghouls
not necessary here. Lucian might act as a betrayer automatically revert to normal mortals unless they’ve
of Lilith, but that depends on how much of an been ghouls for more than 50 years, in which case
advantage you want Lilith to have, as well as what they die. Revenants and dhampirs may either revert <5
interactions Lucian has had throughout the story. or remain unchanged, at your discretion. Even vam-
The role of Malakai is relatively simple as well. If pires who succeed the Stamina roll still carry an
all goes according to Lilith’s plan, Malakai is the unnatural taint and never become any other type of
one who will be given the privilege of killing supernatural creature except a wraith (after death, of
Caine, as Malakai wishes to do so and longs for the course).
death that would come soon after. Until that If the players’ characters have defeated Lilith,
point, though, Malakai’sdevotion to Lil ith (though they’ve really shot themselves in the foot, as she was
not love...) and her talent for Phantasm ensure the only guaranteed way they might survive. Assum-
that the battlefield can become as nightmarish ing Lilith still exists, she passes judgment on the
and mutable as you wish. characters present before returning to her garden.
As you should already be aware, Eickos is rhe one Lilith is a patient woman, and she’s willing to forgive
wild card among the Apostates. Whether she ap- the players’ characters for being misguided — but
pears at the final confrontation as herself or as not for killing any of her “children.” If they killed
Narcise is your choice, as is whether she reveals Lyla or any of the Apostates (or even if they treated
herself as the Crone. If she does, though, she might Lyla badly), she leaves the characters to die, return-
draw Caine’s fire from Lilith and the A pi ’states long ing to the garden with whomever she has left. If the
enough to give Lilith (or, more likely, Malakai) a characters remained neutral or opposed her indi-
clear shot at him — if she wants to help Lilith at all rectly, she might still offer them a drink of her blood,
by now. Eickos might assist with the characters’ which allows them the Stamina roll mentioned ear-
ritual against Lilith, or she might try to kill both lier (if you weren’t already using it), or a new roll at
Lilith and Caine, forcing the characters to choose a lower difficulty (if you allowed the roll already). If
whom (if anyone) they wish to save. the characters aided Lilith’s cause or treated Lyla
Lil it h particularly well, Lilith might invite them to join her
This story begins and ends with Lilith, as her in her garden and become Lilim.
desire for revenge against Caine shapes and directs This final option is probably the most viable
the very course of Gehenna. Once she’s drawn him one for continuing your chronicle, assuming you
Ch a pt er Th r ee : Fa ir is Fo u l
wish to do so. The garden is a massive place, with Lilith: The Edge of Forever, by Filoinena Maria
plenty of creatures over which Lilith has no direct Pereira.
control, and from it nearly every other spirit world These three of these books are excellent, well-
is accessible. The characters can mingle there documented volumes on the history of Lilith.
with the Apostates, nephilim, Lilith's children Lilith’s Cave: Jewish Tales of the Supernatural,
and other mythical creatures, possibly undertak- edited by Howard Schwartz, is a collection of
ing missions or quests to different gardens or realms Jewish folktales by various authors.
for the Dark Mother as well. If they befriended Rise of the Midnight Sons, published by Marvel
Lyla during the story, this might bi a good oppor- Comics. Despite its obvious superhero tenden-
tunity to get to know her better, since she is as cies, this Ghost Rider graphic novel gives an
much a stranger in the garden as they are, and they interesting modern perspective on how Lilith’s
all might explore it together. return might look. The later story line entitled
Each time they taste Lilith’s blood, the charac- “Road to Vengeance," which might also be avail-
ters grow closer to their idealized selves, gaining new able in graphic novel form, expands upon Lilith as
forms and powers based on their natural talents and she’s presented in Rise of the Midnight Sons.
abilities. After seven drinks, they become wholly Sandman, issue 51, “A Tale of Two Cities,”
Lilim, creatures born (like Lilith) to both divine
published by DC Comics. Also available as part
essence and mortal bodies. At this point, although
of the Sandman graphic novel World's End. Like
they remain creatures of the night, the characters are Dark City, this tale presents a vision of a city
fully returned to life, infused with the juice of the
controlled by a supernatural force, but this is
Tree of Life that runs through Lilith’s veins, and the how the city might look if Lilith chose to try to
story of their new lives has only just begun.
convince the characters they’re utterly alone in
a city that’s against them. It has a creepy super-
Re c o m m e n d e d natural feel that makes for good inspiration, if
nothing else. J
Fu r t h e r Re a d in g The Book of Nod, Revelations of the Dark
Mother and The Erciyes Fragments are, of course,
(a n d Vie w in g ) staples of any Gehenna chronicle. Do yourself a
favor, though, and read all the footnotes and
A character with as much historical significance
endnotes in these volumes, as they’re where you’ll
as Lilith can’t possibly be given a full treatment in
find the meaty bits. You might find some fresh
just one chapter, even one this long. The following
ideas in The Silver Record or in-character re-
are some recommended sources if you want to do
sources for some of the other game lines, as well.
some of your own research on Lilith or the mythol-
ogy surrounding her. The bibliographic-s olf the books Vid e o
and the link pages of the websites are excellent
Dark City, written and directed by Alex Proyas.
places to start if you want to search further. Also,
A murder mystery set in a grim, alien and possibly
many of the books give the name of the college or
futuristic city controlled by creatures that appear
university where the author teaches, and we recom-
very similar to vampires, this movie is a fantastic
mend contacting these authors via email through
source of material for any Vampire chronicle, but
their school’s faculty directory if you want to discuss
particularly a Gehenna chronicle in which Lilith
their work in depth after reading it. Just explain that
triumphs in the “Terror in the Sewers" scenario.
you’re doing a research project on Lilith or on Jewish
Neon Genesis Evangelion and Neon Genesis
mysticism and that you wondered if they could an-
swer a few questions or point you to some other Evangelion: The End of Evangelion, written and
books. Additionally, the writer of th is chap ter, Travis- directed by Hideaki Anno. Neon Genesis
Jason Feldstein, is available to field questions via Evangelion is an anime series with 26 episodes,
email at pandaemonium@phreaker.net. concluded with a movie, The End of Evangelion.
It’s a post-apocalyptic retelling of the story of
I Bo o k s Adam, Eve and Lilith, with dark, manipulative
The Book of Lilith, by Barbara Black Koltuv. and tragic characters and a nearly schizophrenic
interpretation of Jewish mysticism. Replace the
Lilith, by George MacDonald.
Angels with the Antediluvians and it’s the per-
Ge h e n n a
feet inspiration fora Gehenna chronicle. (Ifyou ve pages about Lilith, Hecate, Kali and other related
never seen it before, though, be warned — it’s a goddesses, as well as a page on Jewish Paganism
serious and potentially dangerous ride if you’re that includes many links on ancient Canaanite
not prepared for it.) and Sumerian deities and divinities.
Sacred-texts.com (http://www.sac red-
On l in e Re s o u r c e s texts.com). An exhaustive resource for the holy
Lilitu.com (http://www.lilitu.com). A personal documents of any religion you can name, along
site that includes a Shrines page, with links for with essays and explanations on religions without
a written tradition.
Ch a pt er Th r ee : Fa ir is Foui
1 -UEm
The oldest and strongest emotion is fear. And the oldest and strongest kind
of fear is the fear of the unknown,
—H. P. Lovecraft, “Supernatural Horror in Literature”
We all wear masks. In some form or other, most mortals, ever inferior to the Kindred, would let them-
people construct outward facades to use when interact- selves be run by such a depraved urges. A desire to
ing with others. Most often it is either to hide our expose those around them, to learn their confessions
intentions or an effort to meet the other party on some and see what they do behind closed curtains and
common ground. It’s not hard to understand; it’s the locked doors. How could anyone foresee this? Since
same as how you behave in a different manner when the founding of the Camarilla, the Masquerade has
you’re with your parents than how you do when you’re never been threatened the way it is now.
with your friends. It’s not even wholly intentional. Such For decades, centuries and millennia, in fact since
masquerades are more or less based on our interpretation the very beginning itself, Gehenna has threatened the
of the social context through which we interact. The Children of Caine. It’s as if Gehenna was planned
very word "masquerade” implies that something is con- long ago, as if the history of the world was just a
cealed, but only metaphorically speaking. collection of necessary events leading to the end.
The Masquerade of the Kindred in the Camarilla And now, when the end has finally arrived,
is also metaphorical. It has been purposefully de- humanity will learn about the existence of the
signed to hide the existence of vampires from the Kindred. The Machiavellian schemes and clan-
eyes and knowledge of mortals. For almost six centu- destine dealings of the Damned will be revealed
ries, the Camarilla has successfully managed to for what they are. The dirtiest of secrets and most
convince the world that vampires do not exist. precious of confidences lie open for the world to
Now the end is nigh, and 21st-century Western see. Some see it as a long-awaited blessing, a wild
society is more inclined toward voyeurism than ever card against that awesome hand fate has dealt the "
before. Everyone wants to know the dirty little secrets Ancients. Humanity can be not only a release, but |
those around them hide. Everyone wants to know also a salvation. But if so, is it soon enough? Will I
what their neighbors conceal behind their masks. It’s mortals be able to aid the Damned in the impend- I
a society beyond the influence of even the most ing apocalypse? Or do the actions of humanity
powerful Ventrue dominator. No one expected that actually hasten it?
infighting can disrupt and possibly even spoil the
chronicle. The following is a breakdown of the story
line, with brief descriptions of the various acts. Every vampire, ghoul, gifted mortal, Lupine
Also, some alternate routes have been included. and other supernatural being is affected by these
Whatever course the characters choose, they will even- nightmares. In effect, treat every player’s and Sto-
tually end up at Gehenna (see Act Seven), and as long ryteller character as if he were affected by the Flaw;
as Saulot is found (either through the actions of the Nightmares (see Vampire: The Masquerade, p.
coterie or by simply having him appear if the Storyteller 299). The nature of these nightmares differs from
so wishes), the characters can be anything from active character to character, though, so we’re not saying
players to passive witnesses to the events surrounding that you should substitute this new affliction with
Gehenna. No matter how you choose to deal with this the Flaw completely. Find a good middle ground
Gehenna story, the players should always be encour- between the two. Try to push in the nightmares
aged to be active participants in the chronicle you run. every time the characters sleep, however you find
(Really, what fun is it to sit around and watch things it appropriate. Obviously, diey could easily have
happen?) side effects such as paranoia and sleep deprivation,
If the players should feel that their characters have even for vampires and their almost mystical sleep.
insufficient information to perform a particular task or Doing so, however, opens interesting roleplaying
proceed with their cause at any point, you should feel opportunities, and perhaps even warrants bestow-
free to accommodate them by allowing rhe characters to ing derangements on characters who cope
consult additional sources beyond those listed through- particularly poorly with their new affliction. Night-
out the scenario, enlightening them further with any mares really can destroy people’s lives the same
helpful insights. For instance, you could d< > so by includ- way other mental ailments can, as anyone who has
ing Storyteller characters from stories you have already seriously suffered from them knows.
told together.
Not all courses of action are fully elaborated, so the
Storyteller is encouraged to do whatever amount of are confusing and frightening, with chaotic, shadowy,
work she needs on the material, expanding it to fit to images twisting and twirling about the dreamers. It’s
whatever ends seem necessary. deeply disturbing, and Storytellers should emphasize
“N ightshade” is not set to any particular timeline or how dreadful and cold these dreams are. No one knows
date of events. The Storyteller may advance the story what they mean, but many have theories. Cries of
line in the time it takes the characters to do what they Gehenna start circulating in Cainite societies, but few
need so that she can run the scenario to fit whatever princes or bishops address the issue as a genuine threat.
prearranged plans she has, such as with a plan to use this Some point to what happened in Berlin in 1993, when
scenario as the end of a long-running chronicle. a powerful being rose and fooled many into believing
that the Second Coming of Caine was at hand. Similar
Pr o l o g u f :Th f Bf g in n in g o f i h i En d dreams flourished then, so now some consider Berlin to
All over the world, ancient beings awake. Some are be a more certain parallel for what’s happening than the
known as the Third Generation, the Antediluvians. Week of Nightmares.
Others are obscured by history’s annals and long forgot-
Act One: A Removal of Masks
ten. The impact of the psychic disturbance caused as a
J an Pieterzoon receives orders from Camari Ila officials
result of the rise of these primeval creatures affects every
to go to New York to investigate certain occurrences. It
single Cainite in the world. Nor only vampires feel it,
seems that something unexplainable, something that could
though. Ghouls, Lupines, sorcerers and other beings
very well correlate to the nature of Kindred, is taking place
with any supernatural awareness (including lunatics
there. The media has reported monsterand demon sightings,
and psychics) are also affected.
and New York has come under martial law. Pieterzoon
The Week of Nightmares saw something similar as
recmits the characters to his newfound task force, and the
the Ravnos Antediluvian awoke. This is worse. One by group discovers a beast there, dwelling underground. "
one, the Ancients rise from their torpor, and they cry
Pieterzoon and the coterie engage the abomination, and |
out in hunger for the blood of their childer. with the help of the Tzimisce Methuselah Cyscek, they I
All who are susceptible suffer nightmares of horri- manage to drive it into the ocean.
fying figures, moving as if in stop-motion animation, The onslaught catches the eye of the mortal !
faces obscured, eyes glowing with madness. The dreams
population of New York, though, and the Masquer- I
nounces him, gathering others to him to head a new But what is personal about the end? No one can be
faction within the Camarilla — one not bent on blamed for it, yet still, no one will be let off from it
destroying all that pertains to Gehenna, but gather- either. The personal horror will come through what
ing and salvaging it. Many Camarilla Kindred see individual vampires do about it, which is where this
this faction as heretical, and several terrible house Gehenna story comes in.
schisms begin. Some believe that only those who have achieved
The coterie proceeds to form a new sub-sect at Golconda will be let off easily, if even that. The Camarilla
the Convention of Fire in London. The new faction, hushed such speculation up and hoped that it would go
the Nephtali, revolves around stopping Gehenna away if they just ignored it, and rhe Sabbat never really
and unveiling the lies of the Camarilla. The coterie thought that far anyway. At any rate, this is an event
of characters is offered important positions within it. that should involve ail vampires, if only on an emotional
Act Two: Seeking Answers
level. I
That’s just fine and dandy, you say, but how do we
The coterie must travel through Northern Eu-
include the characters anyway? It’s not like our troupe
rope to find answers regarding the Antediluvians.
has been communing with Saulot lately, is it?
Could it really be that the Ancients are rising?
The Storyteller can involve the troupe in “N ightshade”
Act Three: Return of the Dragon
in more than one way. Although the story has been written
The infamousTzimisce Vykos joins the Nephtali,
for a Camarilla-based coterie first and foremost, this is only
and tells the characters that the Tzimisce Antedilu-
by default. Courses for Sabbat, Giovanni or even Setite
vian still exists. The coterie must travel to
characters are included, and the four might play out sepa-
Transylvania and stop rhe Eldest before it grows too rately, or even cross over. What follow are the various entry
strong to be stopped. The players meet Tremere (in
points of the story. Of course, Storytellers should feel free to
the guise of Goratrix), who ultimately helps them
include the characters in whatever way they deem appropri-
destroy rhe Tzimisce progenitor.
ate. Perhaps the coterie has been pat iently await ingGehenna
Act Four: Ashes to Ashes... and gone through stories from Nights of Prophecy, or
The characters must travel to the depths of the maybe even the Week of Nightmares.
ancient city of Kaymakli to find long-lost answers. • Camarilla characters are recruited by Pieterzoon.
Act Five: ...Dust to Dust Although it seems like a long shot, try to work out a way
Evidence that rhe Second City, home of the that Pieterzoon could have learned of the characters
Antediluvians, might still exist is revealed through a and assumed that they would join his cause. Pieterzoon
mystical ritual in the possession of a new ally (the does recruit a great many Kindred, so it’s not unlikely.
Nosferatu Okulos), and the character- try to locate Perhaps the coterie has encountered Pieterzoon in
rhe lost citadel. the past and left on amicable terms. He might have
Act Six: And There Shall Come a Savior heard of the coterie, if the characters have gained fame
The characters must find Saulot, the mysterious for notable achievements, and decided that the charac-
vampire inessiah. Only he can prevent the fulfill- ters are just the sorts he needs. Maybe a member of his
ment of Gehenna. They must also prevent the entourage or one of his contacts is familiar with the
Lasombra Antediluvian from manifesting in the real characters, and that contact suggests them to him.
world. • Cyscek, a Fiend of the Fourth Generation, comes
At the Valley of 1 linnom, the site of Caine’s to the characters and asks them to go with him to New
prophesized return, the remaining Antediluvians are York and battle the horror that might be the returned
drawn, and the End of the World begins. Tzimisce Antediluvian. Cyscek feels the flesh-thing in
Act Seven: Judgment New York, as do doubtlessly all Tzimisce of the Fourth
The culmination of the story, wherein the char- Generation. The Sabbat in general ignores it, reasoning
acters prepare for God’s judgment. that it will hurt the Camarilla. Cyscek, having joined
the Sabbat only recently, does understand the threat, to the tremors. Some smaller volcanoes actually erupt,
and wants the pack to help end Gehenna and geysers pulsate with never-before-seen energies.
If the characters are already in New York, Cyscek Outbreak
might choose them randomly. Hopefully t hough, Cyscek Springing up in the wake of the New York incident, a
sees something in one or more of the pac k members that strange epidemic spreads from the US to rhe rest of the
he can relate to. We’ll leave this to the Storyteller to world. The symptoms are diluted blood and the effects that
figure out, but it can be anything from a certain philoso- it brings with it: nausea, mild hallucinations, discolored
phy or even the Path progress of the character. skin and theoccasional outbreak ofbleeding lesions (though
• If the characters are Giovanni, or they survived the this symptom is rare). The sickness causes a flesh-like
Giovanni Chronicles or The Red Sign, Ambrogino substance to develop in the blood, clogging the afflicted
Giovanni can enlist them. Ambrogino craves apotheosis, person’s veins. The foreign matter seems to feed off the
but as the end is nigh, is it not better to be on the good side blood. No one has seen anything like this, and though it
of the one person who might make it through rhe end? doesn’t seem to be lethal (at least for now), it’s highly
Ambrogino would select only those worthy of his contagious. Many suspect biological warfare, hut nothing
cause to join his retinue. Blood ties could be a deciding seems to substantiate such claims.
factor here, or perhaps the coterie Has excelled in a During the first stages of the disease, the majority of
particular field, such as archaeology or ethic dogy, which the world’s population is too busy dealing with rhe revela-
is useful to Ambrogino. tion of vampires. Soon many trace the link between the
Ambrogino also knows a bit of necromantic infor- disease’s first outbreaks in New York (it takes some time to
mation obtained from his local clanmates. Apparently, verify this; few things not involving vampires are in focus
the creature in a dead slumber beneath New York has at this time), to the monster’s recent appearance. Drawing
attempted to act as a beacon, using its unknown energies a logical parallel between the disease and the monster is
to draw the spirits of the dead to it. Onlv a monumental also valid, as this is the actual origin of the malady.
effort on the part of tire local Giovanni enabled the spirits The disease has no other effect than the fact that it
to resist the call (though by some accounts, the spirits resembles flesh-eating bacteria. It spreads through blood
were "blocked," raising doubts as to the < >i. >\ anni's true and other secretions, and it sometimes even spreads by
methods and motivations). Whatever rhe thing was touch. It does not kill, but it lives off its victim like a
doing, it wanted dead souls to aid it, apparently. parasite. When [Tzimisce] is ready, it plans to use this
• Among the Setites, resurrecting the dead god Set infection of the human race to bring humanity to its knees.
is the primary concern, even as the end draws near. Scientists soon isolate and dub the disease cthulhosis,
Approached by Hesha Ruhadze or the Fire Court (see a nod to legendary American horror writer H. P.
Giovanni Chronicles III), the characters are made part Lovecraft, and the corresponding similarity rhe mon-
of the final plans to bring back the Serin Antediluvian. ster had with some of the creatures of Lovecraft’s works.
T i if T f l l i a i f Sig n s Riots, Riots and More Riots
Obviously, a great many things happen before and The first thing that happens as soon as the world
during Gehenna itself. Most notable are signs usually learns that rhe existence of vampires is nor a hoax is that
considered ominous, such as earthquakes, plague, war, riots break out. Riots typically occur when a mob
famine and the like. As "Nightshade” does not maintain gathers for whatever reason and pack mentality comes
a rigid timeline, what follow are a few of the events that to the fore. Someone comments that “vampires are just
happen, with rough estimates of when the characters can wrong,” and that’s all it takes. Mobs have a tendency to
expect to hear about them (the following night in news- either absorb, or even hurt, those who get in their way,
papers; same night on television and radio, et cetera). wreaking complete havoc and destruction as they move.
A Wave of Earthquakes Obviously, riots occur throughout this scenario.
Around the time Jan Pieterzoon recruits rhe characters, After all, they could form any time more than one
many countries in the world experience a rash of minor disgruntled individual gathers at a local pub.
earthquakes. With time, these quakes increase in strength A Second Wave of Earthquakes
and frequency as doom-spelling harbingers of the end. This occurrence coincides with a battle between
Volcanic Eruptions Kupala and [Tzimisce], sending waves of vibration
Coinciding with the characters successfully beat- through many parts of Northern Europe that normally
ing the Tzimisce Antediluvian in New York, several of do not experience earthquakes. This wave spurs more
the world’s largest inactive volcanoes stir, probably due paranoia, since earthquakes are the second most com-
mon portents of horrible events, after eclipses.
Chapt er Fo ur : Nig ht shade
T 129
Br e a k in g t h f Ma s q u e r a d e '
Th f An c ie n t s Being exposed to the existence of vampires, mortals I
During the course of this story, several can react in a number of ways, depending on what their I
Antediluvians will meet their fate by the charac- minds are capable of withstanding. The most common I
ters’ hands. Others die as results of other factors. responses to learning something as blasphemous as rhe I
Regardless of the cause, the death of an Ancient existence of vampires include denial, rationalization, I
has repercussions. The bloodlines that trai e from fear, anger and acceptance. These categories, mainly |
founder to lowliest childer are mystical and very
built on pop psychology and frequently featured in films
powerful. When the founder of a line is I, -troyed,
and on TV, fit the behavioral patterns most people
it sends out shock waves that every member of its
could experience when learning about vampires. The
bloodline feels. As might be expected, rhe effects
players’ characters will probably encounter all of these
are strongest for those nearest and weakest forthose
responses through the course of the story.
farthest removed. The instant the trauma afflicts
Denial: When confronted by something that so
the vampire of the bloodline, she risks frenzy,
blatantly clashes with one’s perception of the world,
wanting to devour another of her line, as if she
many will choose to believe that it simply does not exist.
wants to mend the broken blood-tie.
There must be some mistake!
A player of a Kindred whose Antediluvian
When the world first learns of vampires, no one
meets Final Death must roll Self-Control (or In-
apart from the most superstitious, naive and gullible,
stinct) to avoid frenzy as usual, requiring five
believe it. News channels will refuse to air the news, few
successes. If the player rolls less than five successes
papers will print them, and most will see the revelation
(but at least one) the character can avoid the frenzy
as a hoax or a scam, if not simply a really bad joke. Most
for one turn. On subsequent turns, the player con-
people see vampires as creatures of folklore and legend,
tinues to roll until the character suborns the frenzy
improbabilities created to scare children into submis-
entirely — or succumbs to it.
sion or adults into the church.
Difficulty depends on generation as follows:
Rationalization: The easiest way of dealing is to
12th-15th Generation Difficulty 7
rationalize, finding logical explanations to what is in-
8th-11th Generation Difficulty 8 comprehensible. It is similar to denial, but it actually
4th-7th Generation Difficulty 9 includes acceptance to a certain degree. Instead of
restructuring one’s comprehension of the world, one
The Red Star attempts to force the unexplainable experience to fit
with already accepted notions.
Around the time that the characters visit
Colombia, the Red Star becomes visible to the Some people, often of an average or higher intellec-
naked eye, though not instantaneously. It slowly tual situation, or those degraded to apathy and
appears, as if coming from far away, and astrono- insensitivity, will most likely never truly accept that
mers cannot find any feasible explanation for it. vampires exist. They will forever rationalize, no matter
Nor can they work out its trajectory or even what happens. Most others will sooner or later face the
determine what its appearance means. Doomsday fact that monsters out of nightmares, always subcon-
prophets think they can, of course, and they preach scious enough not to he admitted since childhood, are
their increasingly common warnings of impend- really real.
ing doom. Fear: When we find ourselves powerless or faced
Interestingly, Cainites see in their dreams with a dangerous or unknown situation or factor, many
seven gigantic figures, larger than gods, covering of us are struck by the emotion of fear, especially if we
most of the sky, looming against the backdrop of cannot understand or control the situation.
the universe itself. A red eye gleams mercilessly Many people will undoubtedly be stricken by panic
from their midst, and the moon runs red from and hysteria when learning of vampires, perhaps similar
blood trickling across its surface. to End of the World madness. Some groups might
A Third Wave of Earthquakes commit mass suicide, killing themselves to avoid being
taken by the vampires.
Earthquakes strike again, as the characters
restore the Second City from the ground. With General uncertainty will prevail, which causes all
the other waves, the death tolls from people killed manner of economic instability and downtime, espe-
as a result of tremors are staggering. cially when (or if) it is discovered that vampires are
influential in financial and political arenas. Some busi-
/ nesses will profit from the situation, th<>ugh: Gun sales Ao f n t s o f S^T
| will soar, as will the sale of all sorts of survival and Should the troupe portray Serites in rhe End
protection gear. Most likely, many people will also Times, they all experience an additional dream
attempt to upgrade their vehicle and home security beyond the ones all vampires experience. In this
systems. dream, they are visited by Apophis, giving them
instructions to prepare for the resurrection of Set.
Anger: Faced with great injustice, insults, intoler-
The characters are to set this Second Coming into
ance or prejudice, many often turn to anger. This anger
can lead to irrational and erratic behavior and social motion in collaboration with the Fire Court in
Egypt. They wish to prepare for Set’s return without
stigmatization, and it can even lead one to exert preju-
the cooperation of only a few collaborators, thus
Jiceand intolerance himself. Faced with bkxd-drinking
becoming rhe most august of Set’s exalted servants.
monsters controlling and abusing mortals, and even
possessing “life everlasting" despite the tact that they
have to lx* aberrations in the eyes of God, many will with no mind to guide them. The growing monster first
want to strike back and exact vengeance breaks through the underbelly of New York City, then
There will be public outcries, and many will lash crashes through to street level.
out against all things vampiric wherever they find it, The Camarilla is made aware of the horrors in New
real or imagined — like the witch trials of old. Unlike York, and Jan Pieterzoon goes there to try to stop the
the “witches," however, most vampires would be ca- monster. At this point no one knows that it is, in fact,
pable of striking back, undoubtedly leading to more an Antediluvian. Interestingly, the former Justicar of
social catastrophe. Clan Gangrel, Xaviar, once told Pieterzoon that he had
Acceptance: This term is a bit misleading. It been attacked by an Antediluvian near Buffalo. Al-
won’t take hours for mortals to accept that vampires though that claim was never verified, it is still a fairly
exist among them. It won’t take days. It won’t take odd coincidence.
weeks, maybe not even years. It takes a bit more than <5
Sc f n f On f : Of Fa t f s Sig n f d
a public announcement from the president for things
The story begins in whatever city is central for the
to work out.
characters a few nights after nightmares have started
On a microcosmic scale, however, some people will plaguing vampires all over the world. Storytellers could
come to accept vampires, just as some people have for easily choose a different location than the chronicle’s
millennia already. “home city” if that is more appropriate.
Some groups will rise to demand equal rights for The Storyteller should feel free to let the players’
vampires, who are undoubtedly persecuted all over the characters roam, taking part in whatever conspiracies
world, insisting on an end to the prejudice. Such will be and exploits with which they normally involve them-
common in places like Scandinavia, places where people selves, even opening entire chronicles based in this
live comfortably and constantly seek to act and protest city during the End Times. They will still be witness to
on behalf of others, getting involved in whatever con- how the Masquerade is broken, how the Camarilla and
flict they can find. the Sabbat are brought to their knees, and how a new
sub-sect rises to battle the Antediluvians and avert
Ge h e n n a Gehenna, regardless of whether they involve them-
selves with it or not.
Ac t On f : The Plot
A Re m o v a l o f Ma s k s All Kindred are summoned to Elysium, and the
The Tzimisce Antediluvian awakes on two differ- prince introduces a guest. It is Jan Pietenoon, well-
ent continents. One is a soulless monstrosity — the known agent of the Camarilla and childe of Hardestadt.
corpse of an undead being, surviving only because of the Pietenoon explains that he has been charged by the
Vicissitude that its body is made of, the other is a Inner Council to gather a group of Kindred, from
malignant presence. What drives it is impossible to say. various cities and domains, to go to New York and find
out what this new threat entails, as no one actually
The Antediluvian corpse in New York City sus-
knows what is happening over there. Parts of the city
tains itself by absorbing any living (or unliving...) thing
have been shut down, and the Camarilla is working in
it manages to capture, and those who are not made part
overdrive covering up, making sure that the media has
of it are left shambling and hungry for the essence of life,
Geh en n a
Even without knowing it, the characters have just The characters have just broken the Masquerade.
I fought an Antediluvian, and they escaped with their On the Air
I unlives intact. The battle was hard, demanding, and On the huge screen above the mass of gathered
seemingly lost before the arrival of Cyscek. Do not people, addled by shock and terror, but also awe, net-
hesitate to give the characters the kind of aftermath work correspondent Courtney Kwan reports live from
such a battle would likely create. the scene. The screen is split, Kwan on one half, and
Other Ways to Get to Hell scenes from the battle on the other, and updates roll
If Cyscek brought the characters into the story, across the bottom.
they obviously come to the scene together with him. “—insist that the situation is under control." She
They still fight alongside Pietenoon, and upon meeting adjusts her hair, shuffles some papers she is holding, and
Final Death, the Fiend asks the coterie to go with continues. “Authorities have deployed troops from the
Pietenoon, as the Ventrue crusader has a noble task US Army, and the entirety of Manhattan is now to be
ahead of him. Cyscek has foreseen this, and he knows considered under martial law, after what can only be
that Pieterzoon’s path paves the way to salvation. described as an otherworldly monster, according to eye-
Setite characters might have already been hired by witnesses, suddenly appearing in the... Oh, we can now
Hesha Ruhadze to help him prepare for Set’s coming. see the survivors of the confrontation! They’re headed
Going about his business as an antiques dealer, Hesha this way! They look injured. Let’s see if we can get a
has arrived in New York for the occasion of checking better view. (Sidney, get that damn camera around!)
out some advertised artifacts on sale at a fine Manhat- We’ll attempt to get a comment from these individuals,
tan auction house, which might hold relevance. More all described by eye-witnesses as displaying fantastic
or less ending up smack in the middle when the shit hits abilities, as you can no doubt see from the footage from
the fan, the characters have no choice but to try to the scene. I’ll just... (Excuse me, ma’am, coming
defend themselves against the howling flesh monster. through! Are you following, Sidney?) Excuse me! Sir!
Finding out that the progenitors of the other clans are Sir! We’re with CNN, could we please get a statement ?”
rising is a bad sign. Set doesn’t like competition. Sc e n e Fiv e : Co n s f q u f n c f s
Giovanni characters are introduced pretty much The world has watched asfrenzying vampires battled
the same way Setitesare. Ambrogino is in town to check an unspeakable evil on the streets of New York at night.
out the same auction house that Hesha is, and he’s got The Masquerade lies shattered. Camarilla elders from
his newest agents, in the form of the coterie, with him all over the world run to New York to try to fix the
todoso. As the Antediluvian attacks, it’s every vampire damage, but it’s too late. All the influence in the world
for himself, self-defense or not. cannot repair the breach. Attempts to cover it up by
Note that all these groups can be present and liable claiming a movie was being filmed and the like fail,
forengagingtheTzimisce Antediluvian simultaneously, especially as young vampires emerge from their wretched
if the Storyteller so wishes, making uneasy allies for unlives to become stars on nightly talk shows or 60
adversary factions during this battle. Minutes. Some even allow scientists to perform exami-
Sc e n e Fo u r : Liv e f r o m t h e S' f n f nations on them live on TV.
As the characters stagger through Manha ttan, beaten, The first few nights are the hardest. The mortal
wounded and tired, a mere hour before the sun rises, they population surges with hysteria and paranoia, and ho-
become aware of the crowds that have assembled just micide rates triple, as both individuals and hurriedly
outside the CDC perimeter. They look at the characters, formed groups take God’s justice in their own hands,
awestruck, and none of them speak. As the characters burning both vampires and innocent mortals.
approach them, they hesitantly retreat, but only a step. Vampires?!
And above them hang the big screens, showing what the News stations and TV channels paint vampires in
coterie has just been through, on CNN's continuous a variety of shades, most debating what their true
broadcast. They see themselves exhibiting their Disci- motives or origins might be, despite whatever Cainites
plines, frantically using their vampiric Blood to beat the themselves reveal to the press.
monster. They seeCyscek dying in their inns, turning to • During the first hours and days of the “Week of
dust. Make sure you truly elaborate on this. Take notes on Revelations,” those not succumbing to paranoia and
the details during the battle, so as to better describe them panic write off vampire sightings as outbreaks of mass
here. This is one surreal scene, and it should be described hysteria. After all, it’s the only logical explanation.
in painstaking detail.
Ch a h ir Fo u r : Nig h t sh a d e
For example, Doctor R. J. Carter of Oxford Univer-
sity says in an interview printed in the London Times
that what the world is experiencing is an unusual and
surprisingly widespread form of mass hysteria. He ex-
plains that the condition is not at all uncommon,
though certainly more frequent in Third-World coun-
tries and superstitious and highly religious cultures, and
he points out that the real focus of interest should he this
new and astonishing hysteric occurrence. He cites the
many strange cases of outbreaks of mass hysteria during
July of 1999, especially in India and also explains how
most of the victims have since recovered.
• There is no way to explain vampires through
scientific methods (after all, they are innately super-
natural). Therefore, the possibility of their existence is
not plausible to the scientific mind, being nothing short
of a logical impossibility.
Ch a pt er Fo u r : Nig h t sh a d e
“Leave us, childer,” Hardestadt commands the If the characters divulge their newfound lore to Jan,
characters, without even looking at them. Although he first disbelieves them. Then he consults his nephew
they might feel insulted, they have no choice, and Rosenkrantz, and finds out the truth. He is furious.
they do not even manage toget in a word. Rosenkrantz Together with the coterie, he walks in on Hardestadt
follows them out and addresses them. and other high-ranking Camarilla elders currently re-
Rosenkrantz explains that he and his grandsire siding in New York to evaluate the situation of the
have come to New York to oversee the Camarilla Camarilla, and he confronts them with what he has
cleanup of the situation. He tells them that Pieterzoon learned. The righteous bastards. Who the fuck do they
is likely to receive considerable punishment. most likely think they are, what the fuck have they been sending
by Final Death, for what he has done, and that the him around all these years for, destroying artifacts and
characters will probably receive the same punishment. documents that could potentially have prevented all of
He himself has an amicable tone of voice with the this? Hardestadt pulls himself to his full height, ready to
characters, almost worried, and he seems to genuinely punish his disrespectful childe with all his might, and...
want to help the characters (even though he can’t). nothing happens. His powers do not affect Jan.
“Cyscek was one of my dearest fellows,” he con- Weakening of the Blood
fesses. “1 spoke with him before he left for New York. The Blood is weakening. Every drop of vitae in
He went there because he felt the... thing you fought every vampire in the world shifts, as the Curse of Caine
calling him.” He goes on, “That... thing... was his weakens. A wave of overwhelming fear and anxiety
master. The father of all Tzimisce.” spreads through Kindred and Cainite communities.
He goes on to explain more about the Antedilu- Some suffer from spasms as their blood is less stable than
vian (divulge what you like at your own discretion), it used to be, some find that they cannot use their blood
and how, according to myth, it is probably not even at all, at least not all the time. Desperation sets in, and
dead. “Events are escalating all over the world,” he many turn on their own kind to try to remedy their
says. “Even as we speak, volcanoes all over the world sudden near-impotence. Some powers do not work as
have been erupting. Earthquakes destroy major cit- well as they should, and the vampires’ capacity for
ies in the Americas as well as in the East. These are storing blood in their bodies lessens. All Discipline
all mystical signs. Are you familiar with the ancient usage suffers a chance of failure, as the vitae that Hows
tome of lore known as The Book of Nod?' Whatever through the veins of the Children of Caine is no longer
they reply, he fills them in on what they would as stable as it used to be.
otherwise miss. About Gehenna, he admits to them At this stage of the story, introduce the players’
that things look fairly bad, and that many fear that characters to the effects of the Withering, as discussed
the world will end. He explains how Pieterzoon has
been duped, as has nearly every other Camarilla
in Chapter One. The weakening of the Blood does not
happen spontaneously, but rather it spreads, almost 4
vampire, into believing that the Antediluvians do corresponding to outbreaks of the mortal epidemics.
not exist, and that they have been covering up the That is not to say that there is any necessary connection
truth: The End Times have long been in motion. between the two, and as far as the characters are
He is about to continue, when the doors to the concerned, they notice the weakening about the same
conference room open again, and Jan comes storm- time as Hardestadt. You can either let the process
ing out. He has a look about him, as if he’s almost unfold over time, or simply declare that it just happens.
Sc e n e Sf v i -n : Mu s t Co m f t o a n Fn d
"Come, friends,” he says to the characters, em-
Jan requests that the coterie meet with him at the
phasizing “friends.” “We are leaving."
hotel, and he asks them to sit.
"Uncle,” Rosenkrantz salutes Pieterzoon as the
"My dear Kindred,” he begins, "things are chang-
determined Ventrue rushes past, but Pieterzoon does
ing. The Dark Age of the Camarilla is over, and a new
not reply. The characters had best follow, else they
order will rise from its ashes like a phoenix. 1 have
suffer the rage of Hardestadt. If they don’t get this
renounced my sire, and his shadow conspiracy that 1
but insist on bothering Rosenkrantz, Pieterzoon ush-
now understand for its emptiness.” He pauses, removing
ers them to follow and share the information with
his glasses and rubbing his eyes.
“1 have a proposition for you,” he continues. “I
Jan leads them to another floor to his private
would like you join me in a new venture, and one not
involved in this wretched Jyhad. An organization fo-
cused on more important and imminent emergencies: Another portent of The Book of Nod has come true:
Gehenna. For years, 1 have been played for a fool and “Those who eat heart’s blood will flourish." Hopefully, the
sent about on the errands of fools, charged with destroy- characters manage to restrain themselves. Jan does, at
ing evidence of Gehenna and the Antediluvians. That least, and he attempts to fight off any character who
I could have been so blind...” The characters can attacks him, favoring his own unlife over that of a
respond in any way they like, but this is still a seventh- reckless would-be diablerist.
generation Ventrue we’re talking about.
He goes on, “We need to act with haste, to unearth Ac t T w o : S^f h in g An s w e r s
all those secrets that the Camarilla has hidden or Jan leads any willing characters back to London,
overlooked, to try to make some sense i >f it all." Further, where he arranges the Convention of Fire. He has many
he wants the characters to join him and sit with him allies in London, and with the weakened blood of those
(and a few others) as the Council of a new faction of the who claim it as domain, Jan and his sympathizers soon
Camarilla. If they are willing, they w ill be undertaking usurp the mantle of power. If you like, you could play out
the serious task of traveling around the world to seek this coup, giving the players’ characters the chance to
answers and find out how to prevent Gehenna from actually foil or even kill some rival Storyteller charac-
ever happening. The players are obviously free tochoose ters familiar to them. In any event, the players should
whether their characters want to or not. feel like valued contributors to Jan’s new faction. Don’t
Hell, No! relegate them to roles of watching the Storyteller
There are several ways to continue your chronicle character’s plans come to fruition.
even if your players’ characters refuse to take part in any Opening London to any Kindred or Cainite willing
Antediluvian-hunting trips, no matter what faction to join the cause, Pieterzoon manages to gather an
they belong to, or they really can’t be bothered going appreciable group of vampires. Since their departure
around shaking down all manner of people for informa- from New York, Jan has spread the word of the truth,
tion they don’t really give two figs about. with the help of his latest ally, the Nosferatu Calebros,
One is to allow the characters to go about their who has also come to London with the coterie. The <3
business while Gehenna kicks into overdrive and the Camarilla feels its foundations weaken, as the lower
world falls apart around them. This option is easy for the classes of its hierarchy joins this radical faction.
Storyteller to take — just use the events of the plot of ScFNF On F: THF CONVFNTION OF FlRF
this scenario (or any of the other ones).ind extend them Cainites from all over the world have arrived in
so they affect the characters. If the coterie is not around London for the Convention of Fire. The Camarilla can
to stop the Antediluvians, the Ancients will succeed, only watch, impotent and powerless, join up no longer
and that’s just bad for everyone. bound by the shackles of the blood bond, no longer
Alternatively, the characters might wish to further suffering under the yoke of elder oppression maintained
Gehenna, considering everlasting servitude to one by the Camarilla for so long. Many Sabbat also join, but
Antediluvian or another the best way out of this mess. the Sabbat outside Europe seem to enjoy the fragmen-
Well, if Saulot doesn’t accept judgment on behalf of all tation and crippling of the rival Camarilla, seeing the
Cainites, all are likely to be smacked down, but not if foundation of the new faction as mainly a European
you don’t want that to happen. That w< »uId become one phenomena. While they’d hate to admit it, however,
bizarre chronicle though, wouldn’t it.’ their sect is collapsing as well. The elders have abso-
Finally, you might also consider blending this story lutely no control over its rampant lower ranks. Not only
with one of the other scenarios presented in this book. are Sabbat vampires more inclined to diablerie than
For instance, have a look at Chapter Five, and perhaps their Camarilla counterparts are, but also their lack of
even change the focus of this story to fit that scenario respect for humanity causes their minions to wreak
better instead. That way, if the players insist on remain- more havoc and destruction than is frankly convenient
ing autonomous, you can show their characters the for the Sabbat.
righteous fury of the Ancients. For the time being at least, it would seem that
On the streets of New York, and presumably every- Pieterzoon’s convention is the one faction with the
where else in the world, vampires go mad with the fear most sway over its subjects, accepting only those dis-
of losing their powers. Discarding mortal victims, they playing a true commitment to learning the truth and
prey on each other, hoping that vitae will allow them to saving the world. Obviously, it’s no easy task dividing
regain their power even if mortal blood does not. those who are only in it to save their skin from those
Ch a pt e r Fo u r : Nig h t sh a d e
with true commitment, but most seem to work together Pieterzoon sends out groups of Kindred as envoys to
with only minor outright conflict. vampires of other cities to invite more to join them, or
Ambassadors for the Giovanni (represented by to forge relationships with independent communities.
Ambrogino Giovanni and retinue), the Setites (repre- Some groups check out leads or seek information re-
sented by Hesha Ruhadze and some of his associates) garding Gehenna, and (most importantly) whether or
and the Assamites (represented by Fatima al-Faqadi) not the Antediluvians are rising. If they are rising, there
join the Convention of Fire as diplomats, having ex- must he some way of stopping them. These groups all
tended wishes to maintain a friendly relationship with report back to London, where a veritable center of
the new sub-sect, upon Pieterzoon’s invitation. Know- intelligence has been established, allowing the most
ing full well that none of these clans can be fully trusted, scholarly of rhe Nephtali to process the information and
Pieterzoon asks the coterie to pay particular attention to work out as many answers as possible. The coterie likely
these diplomats. (Obviously, groups following different constitutes one of these groups, unless the characters
courses might find themselves at this meeting as ambas- take a more administrative role in organizing the groups
sadors anyway. After all, they might have participated in rhe field.
in the stand against the Antediluvian in New York.) Pieterzoon sends a message or calls a meeting with
It is strongly suggested that if you wish to play out the characters, telling them that he has received word
the Convention of Fire, the players’ characters should that a group called the Get of Caine has resurfaced, and
have an active role in planning and administrating it. that he needs someone reliable to check it out. The Get
After all, this is their party as much as it is Pieterzoon’s. of Caine was last heard from in 1993, when it rose to
Play the part as Pieterzoon and any additional council- follow the word of the False Caine, a Ravnos named
ors, and allow the players to organize the Convention, Ankla Hotep, who for a while had everyone wondering
propose rules and regulations, and set motives and whether or not he was, in fact, Caine. (This story is
agendas. Bear in mind that the faction will be mainly chronicled in Berlin by Night.) As far as Pieterzoon is
occupied in breaking the Sabbat and older Camarilla aware, Ankla Hotep is still around, and though he
spheres of influence, as well as seeking out answers turned out not to be Caine, he is considered to have sj
about and ways to avert Gehenna, which will be rhe substantial insighton the current situation. The coterie
coterie’s chief concern. (Pieterzoon delegates this very needs to seek him out and interview him, to find out
important task to the players’ character'.) what he might know. The cult was last heard of in Berlin
A council of 12 vampires administers the faction, and is now known as the Cult of Caine.
and Pieterzoon will be its leader. Pieterzoon is a very just Sc f n f Th r f f :
and righteous Cainite, and it is generally agreed upon Fir f o n t h e St r f f t s o f Bf r l in
that he will make a fit leader. Rest assured that he makes Perhaps surprisingly, it is not difficult to get from
executive decisions only whenever rhe Council is un- London to Germany not even in these troubled times
able to reach an agreement, so the Council remains the (but the other way around is another story). As long as
main body of management. the coterie seemingly passes for mortals, the characters
Unlike the Sabbat and Camarilla of the past, the should be relatively safe. Storytellers are free to hassle
faction is not secret. In fact, it is largely left open for them with encounters on the way, but this is frankly not
public scrutiny, the same way mortal organizations are. necessary. Again, let the players themselves decide how
Also allow the players to take an active part in they want to travel.
naming the new faction. Pieterzoon’s suggestion is the Whatever the characters expected from Berlin, it is
Nephtali, having Biblical significance. It literally means anything but as calm as London.
“the highest point,” or “no further,” used in prohibiting The streets are empty and littered, and countless
an advance or encroachment, and referring to how fires abound in the wake of the persecution of vampires.
Gehenna shall be stopped and allowed no further. (For People are few and far between, most staying inside out
ease of reference, the new faction will be referred to as of fear of what’s out there. The characters should be
the Nephtali throughout the rest of this chapter.) shocked by what they see. No one has spoken about this,
Sc f n f Tw c k Of f t o Se f t h f Fa t h e r so how could they know that things were this bad?
Depending on how long it takes the characters and There are speakers mounted in squares and on
Pieterzoon to arrange and hold the Convention of Fire corner of streets, repeating public announcements tell-
(it could take nights, weeks or even months), the ing people to remain calm and stay inside until the
Nephtali immediately sets to work as soon as it is ready. government has resolved everything.
Geh en n a
Sc f n f Fo u r :Tiif Un d f r g r o u n d Co m m u n f few ancillae and elders left try their best to protect their
The characters do not have to scour the entire broods, doing what they can for the injured and weak-
Berlin metropolis before locating the local Kindred. In ened. With the scarcity of blood, they can unfortunately
fact, they were spotted the minute they entered the city not offer the characters any nourishment, and they also
by a Nosferatu named Stefan, whose mission it is to keep encourage the coterie to keep their stay short. They are
an eye on any new arrivals, determine whether or not very interested in establishing communication with
they are hostile, and if not, bring them to the relative London and the Nephtali, and hopefully managing
safety of the local vampiric commune. cooperation with the German government through the
Unless the characters act like buffoons or reckless Nephtali spheres of influence. Failure to make use of
maniacs, Stefan will approach them and invite them to their ties with the government after the Week of
the commune. If asked what it is, he only tells them to Revelation has left them crippled and unable to defend
wait and see. If asked about Ankla Hotep, he says they themselves.
need to speak to the leader of the commune. The coterie soon gets to meet the Maestro, who
The characters find that the entirety of the Berlin willingly answers any questions they might have regard-
Cainite population has relocated to a near camp-like ing the Cult of Caine, as long as they are willing to help
location below the suburb Schonefeld. The place is the him with his problems.
would-be site for an airport, but the Berlin Kindred, led Zroenik can tell the characters the following:
by a Toreador called Hans Zroenik (als< > known as the • The Cult of Caine, formerly known as the Get of
Maestro), have turned it into their sanctuary. These Caine, rose up around the False Caine during the
Kindred are as scared as the mortals above, and distrust- supposed Second Coming of 1993, which turned the
ful of strangers, after packs of diablerists have rampaged Kindred community of Berlin and most of Europe into
through the streets of Berlin and several other large a veritable powder keg.
cities in Germany, attacking any Kindred they encoun- • The cult left Berlin shortly after the Unmasking,
tered. Surviving in a margin of potential frenzy and fear after trying to recruit as many as possible after the Week
(, of persecution, most of the remaining vampires of the of Nightmares during 1999. <3
city are thin-bloods seeking safety in numbers. Those
Ch a h ir Fo u r : Nk h is h a w
• The last the Maestro has heard, Ankla Hotep is directions to the Hotel Ibis. (Note that the charac-
in Jonkoping, Sweden, under the invitation of the ters obviously need not actually be in Sweden to call
prince there — a Malkavian known as Roos. the number, though they must be present to speak
Scf n f Fiv f : Sc a n d in a v ia n Go i h i < with Ankla Hotep.)
Scandinavia proves to be quite the opposite of Here Roos and his entourage — and also Ankla
what the coterie experienced in Berlin. Vampires Hotep, rhe False Caine — meet them. The Jonkoping
remain fairly private, but open enough so that the cell of the Cult of Caine is not a permanent institu-
people don’t have to feel so threatened. They have tion. Its sanctuary in the Swedish rural paradise is
apparently declared that it is not in their interest to only temporary, with multiple enthralled mortals as
kill, maim or terrorize people, and they want only to blood dolls. The reason for this is that the cult is
co-exist in peace with humanity. After all, they have expanding on a large scale, and its members have
done so for more than a thousand years. With the uncovered many clues in the last decade. Outside
exception of the Sabbat cities, vampires even con- Gothenburg rumors claim that a veritable vampire
tribute to society, helping out where they can and Holy Grail supposedly lies hidden. This “grail’s” true
allowing the government insight into their affairs powers and contents are unknown. The cult suspects
and agendas. It has been difficult for mortals to that one of the Antediluvians, possibly [Gangrel],
understand the concept of Sabbat and Camarilla, Absimiliard or [Ventrue) knew its secrets, and hid it
especially given the presence of several areas of during the era of the Second City. These three
Sabbat dominance. The Camarilla was quick to seize Antediluvians all walked the North, and the cult
many of these cities and towns with minimum con- hopes to recover evidence of its location by tracking
flict, however, driving most of the Sabbat out and the Ancients.
recruiting the rest. The fact that Ankla Hotep obviously sits on a
Most Scandinavians are aware of what is tran- wealth of information is clear. Yet though he does
spiring throughout the world, but few truly care. not speak in riddles perse, it is certainly close enough.
Some protests occur, of course, and much public He uses analogies and metaphors, mixed with straight- kJ
debate rages, but little is actually done. (Concerned forward statements. He is clearly insane, but if there
groups confront local politicians, who make plenty of is something any Cainite knows, it’s the fact that
promises, resulting in the creation of several new insight sometimes emerges from seeming madness.
laws. The most considerable of these is rhe Kindred Ankla Hotep has the following information and
Harmony Law, which dutifully states that no mortal cryptic remarks, which can be derived through con-
or vampire are under any circumstance.' permitted to versation:
harm each other, in accord with the regular legisla- • He confirms that the Antediluvians are rising.
ture. In addition, the Kindred Harmonv Law states Many of them lurk in the shadows, awake and active,
that vampires are prohibited from drawing blood putting their pieces in place for their terrible Jyhad,
from unwilling mortals. The governments of both arranging for the fulfillment of Gehenna. He can feel
Norway and Sweden have encouraged their citizens it, he says, and though his word is not proof of
to donate more blood, so that vampires can sustain anything, he also claims to have consulted several
themselves through special accounts at blood banks. other very reliable mystical sources that all support
People mainly go about their business, obviously his conclusion. When asked what these sources are,
more frightened than usual, but refusing to let any of he refuses to answer.
this fear change their lives. As long as they’re not • A Lost City is resurfacing in rhe sands. He says
forced under someone else’s control, they're content. this with such confidence that the characters should
almost be prepared to take him on his word. What-
Sc f n f Sf v f n : An Au d ie n c e w it h Ca in f
ever answers they seek regarding Gehenna, they
The characters arrive to find themselves in the
should probably find them there.
heart of Sweden, and it feels strange to be there. They
• A Dragon has arisen southeast from here. He
still feel the emptiness inside as their blood continues
can speak no more regarding that topic, though.
to weaken, and it seems almost desperate to be look-
ing for answers here, in the Swedish countryside. • The natural disasters occurring all have a
Zroenik has given the coterie means of contacting meaning.
the Swedish vampires — a phone number. Dialing it • There is one more light to burn, before the
reaches an unnamed individual, who gives them Darkness comes. It must not flicker and die.
Geh en n a
J “T t if Cu r r e n t Af f a ir ”
In the television studio of The Current Affair, “Right. That the existence of your... breed," he
host John Fordham sits opposite two men and a bobs his head, as if expecting approval, “is literal
woman. To the far end, a third man is seated. proof of the existence of God, and the truth of the
Fordham addresses rhe viewer. “For this Genesis as explained in rhe Bible—’’
live debate we’ll be joined by historian Kent “If I may interject, John,” interrupts
Niederman, sociologist Richard Rollingsworth, Niederman, “1 will just point out that although
and critically acclaimed religious theorist Mary- these people assume their descent from Cain,
Ann Margareths, to discuss how the world has this doesn’t necessarily mean that it is correct.
been affected by learning that a secret society Most Christians believe that they descend from
of vampires, or ‘Kindred,’ claiming to descend Adam, but we know that this probably carries
from the Cain of the Bible, have dwelled among no more that symbolic meaning—”
us for our entire history." He nods to each of the He is interrupted, in turn, by Margareths.
guests he just introduced. “Gentlemen, madam," “Don’t be absurd, Niederman. These creatures
he says, and then turns to face a different cam- are clearly supernatural, as one would suffi-
era. “But now, let’s welcome our special guest, ciently categorize God, thus lending truth to
Jan Pieterzoon, leader of the vampire organiza- rhe Genesis cycle.”
tion known as the Nephtali, which is based Pieterzoon frowns. “Excuse me?"
here in London." Pieterzoon shifts in his seat as “But—” Fordham attempts, but is not ac-
he is presented, and becomes the focus. knowledgedi
"I suppose the topic on everyone's mind this week "What 1 would like to know is how you
is this ‘Gehenna’ that we have been hearing about. vampires are going to deal with the worldwide
According to some, this is an End of the World event chaos that you are responsible for,"
U that your... people have been awaiting for centuries, Rollingsworth shoots in.
some might even say millennia,” begins Fordham. “1 don't see—” is the only reply Pieterzoon
Pieterzoon nods. “That is correct.” can manage, before Niederman and Margareths
Fordham continues. “Many claim that the engage each other in semantics regarding vam-
existence of your race... is it appropriate to call pires, speaking of them as if Pieterzoon isn’t
you a different race, or do you consider your- even there.
selves human?" The rest of the debate isn't exactly produc-
"We arc indeed a different breed from mor- tive from this point. 4 j.
tals,” Pieterzoon declares, detached and factual.
• There is a temple where Cainite devoured heavy persuasion to get them to go along with it. If you
Cainite. Now an Ancient is trapped inside. It holds fail to make the prospect at all compelling to them, then
the key to godhood. Those who have truly escaped drop it. Instead, have [Tzimisce] begin a Reign of Flesh,
the grip of Death know of a way inside. perhaps inspired by Chapter Five: The Crucible of God,
and combine these two stories. At any rate, [Tzimisce]
Ac t Th r e e : will then be present at the finale of this scenario, and it
Re t u r n o f t h f Dr a g o n will meet judgment through Saulot.
This act sees the characters beside the Tremere clan En t e r Et r iu s
founder and hischilde Etrius, pitted against theTzimisce After spending a few nights in London doing what-
Antediluvian in a dread battle, to bring an end to the ever they wish, the characters are summoned to their
terror of [Tzimisce]. It is not separated into scenes, in London headquarters. They are met by Calebros, who
order to allow the Storyteller to structure it as she sees fit. explains that a person they would wish to see has
The characters might not want to face theTzimisce recently arrived.
Antediluvian again, especially since it is now even The person is none other than Etrius, the childe of
more powerful than it was the last time they encoun- Tremere, and one-time member of the Tremere Coun-
tered it. You might even be required to work some really cil of Seven. Etrius bears grave news indeed. Some time
Ge h e n n a
incredibly potent comparatively, because of the multi- whom many demons wish to see sent hack to 1dell.
tude of powers it can draw upon, and its Vicissitude is Alternatively, a sufficiently powerful mage could do it,
not weakened. A reason for this might be how it is or, far less likely, even a powerful hunter (though some-
actually part of Tremere, on some myst ic genetic level, one like this is probably better used as a fount of
where he is forever intrinsically linked to it. information than as a frontal assailant). Another course,
I As he was the only one able to escape I he carnage especially appropriate if the characters are veterans of
at Vienna, Etrius is terrified. While pleading for the Transylvania Chronicles, is to locate the master mason
characters’ help, he resorts to any means necessary in who bound Kupala in the first place. But, assuming that
persuading them. He’ll do anything. He'll teach them that mason survived the events of the Transylvania
Thaumaturgy, he’ll give them money, whatever they Chronicles, how eager will he be to free the demon.'
want. Hopefully, the characters had already decided to A very powerful Tremere could probably do it. But
do this anyway, and so agree. Further can ding, however, who? Etrius lacks the proper knowledge, and his master,
might be necessary and the Storyteller should take into Tremere, has disappeared. His fellow Goratrix could
account the characters’ Natures when adapting Etrius' probably have done it, but he defected years ago, and no
new tactics to enlist their aid. one has heard from him since. Cross-referencing with
any ex-Sabbat in the Nephtali will reveal that Goratrix
Et r iu s a n d Tr .(?m e r £
and his entire bloodline vanished some years ago. That
; Etrius explains that Transylvania is home to a
leaves very few options in that respect. Or does it?
demon called Kupala, a demon so powerful that it is
Tremere, inhabiting the body of Goratrix, also feels
actually one with the Carpathian land itself. From what
the pull. His body still holds the blood of Tzimisce, used
Etrius has managed to figure out, though, it is held
to artificially make himself into a vampire with his
captive in the earth, after having been I ><>und by a ritual
disciples. He knows that Etrius has run away, and he also
so powerful that few have seen its like
knows that Etrius is the only one who can help him be
Kupala is a deadly enemy of [Tzimisce], who once
elevated to rhe Third Generation again. So he is actu-
stole its powers thousands of years ago. I.irius reasons
ally actively seeking out his disciple. Knowing Etrius,
that the only way to stop the Dragon is io free Kupala,
Tremere knows that the only place he’ll feel safety is
so that it will rob the revivified Antediluvian of its
among the newly formed Nephtali, the only Camarilla
abilities, leaving it powerless.
faction with relative stability at this point.
But how do you release such a demon?
At some point or other, the characters encounter
Not only Nephtali characters go after [Tzimisce]. Tremere. Again, if the characters played through the
No, in their holy quest to resurrect Set, the elimination Transylvania Chronicles, they might even have met
of threats is a viral task for rhe Setites. Hesha might him before in the body he currently wears, which is that
request that the characters travel to Transylvania to of Goratrix. Unless the characters have seen this incar-
find out what the ruckus is all about, and they might nation of the great Usurper as Goratrix, they should he
even strike deals with the Tremere in the exact same unable to discern Tremere’s true identity, regardless of
fashion as the Nephtali. whether Etrius is actually aware of it or not. After all, it
Ambrogino’s plans are vast anil well conceived. He has been nearly a thousand years...
personally takes the characters to Transylvania. He Thankfully, Goratrix is all they need, and he sup-
needs something the Antediluvian has — something posedly possesses the knowledge necessary to free the
that will be of the utmost importance in rhe culmina- demon Kupala. He seems willing and eager to aid them.
tion of his quest: the ability to craft flesh. Perhaps even too eager, though the Storyteller should
Vykos will send his Sabbat to TransyIvania but will not need to exaggerate. Whatever Etrius knows, he
not go himself, afraid of the consequences should keeps his mouth shut after the arrival of Goratrix.
[Tzimisce] ger hold of him. He definitely wants to see its The Carpathians lie in ruin. Floods, firestorms and
Final Death, not only for the best of the Sabbat or other natural disasters have befallen the land, and
himself, but actually for the best of all. virtually everything between Krakow and Bucharest is
The characters could seek several courses if you being consumed by the elements. The Ancient has
don’t want t o use the Tremere option (or if the charac- walked these lands, and the mayhem that follows in the
ters simply don’t want to take it). wake of an Antediluvian is testament to its path.
Characters could consult another demon, if they can Having not devoured all of his childer, |Tzimisce|
find one. For Storytellers who are familiar with Demon: has left some Fiends to enslave entire villages of mortals,
The Fallen, Kupala might translate as an Earthbound
Ge h e n n a
I characters. And his blood-splattered face splits into a Vykos in the past. He does not want this experience to
fl grin. influence the decisions of the Council, however.
“You wretched fools! 1 only used you to get me this The characters might have met Vykos (several
I far. Now my true powers are restored, and you shall be times even) should they have weathered any among rhe
| the first of my victims! 1 only brought you along as a bit many published chronicles featuring that character in
I of repast!” He laughs maniacally. “No one can stop me the past. They might even have a reasonably good
now, not even...” He freezes. Horror washes over his relationship with the enigmatic Fiend. If their last
face. He slowly looks down at himself, on his hands, on encounter resulted in animosity, the Storyteller should
his body. advise them that even enemies might have to bed
His powers fail. together in these times, and to leave their antagonism
If the characters realize this, they get io take advan- behind. Surely, someone as cultivated as Vykos, despite
tage of it for all it’s worth. Let them finish off the a cruel history, should be capable of this much civility,
Usurper! The bastard deserves it! But they need to be at least.
quick about it, so he doesn’t get another chance to strike After the recent events of the tumults within the
back. (For a Giovanni coterie, Ambrogino Giovanni Sabbat, Caine’s Angel, Sasha Vykos, retreated to
will attempt to diablerize Tzimisce himself. Failing that Montreal. Waking up one night and finding its most
— if, for instance, Tremere is with the coterie — recently adopted guise fallen and its original male form
Ambrogino will help himself to some Usurper blood reassumed, once-handsome Byzantine Cainite Myca
instead.) Vykos took this to be a sign and elected to remain in that
Two Antediluvians and a demon died this night. shape.
The characters have born witness to one of the most Now that Gehenna has come, Vykos has had some-
epic battles since the time of the Second City. what of an epiphany. He does not wish to serve the
Tzimisce Antediluvian, which was one of the reasons
Mir r o r , Mir r o r he relocated. Having encountered Lambach Ruthven,
v The characters should be both awestruck and terri-
fied as they return to London.
Vykos has confirmed his suspicions that the Ancient
had awoken, and with the Sabbat steadily destroying
After this event, give them some downtime. You itself, he needs to seek other allies.
can either let them have some easy assignments at the The Nephtali seems like a useful ally.
Nephtali headquarters, or do something else they really
The characters are sent to Montreal, where they are
want to do. They just destroyed an Antediluvian. They
to meet and escort Myca Vykos and his small retinue
deserve it.
back to London. The name “Sasha Vykos” is legend,
AmongTremere’s belongings — which the Story- even among the Camarilla, but few are familiar with
teller may determine, taking into account what she this Myca.
deems useful to the characters’ in their upcoming
Myca currently resides at the Queen Elizabeth
endeavors — is a crystal mirror, carefully wrapped in
Hotel, where he meets the coterie. Myca is a charming,
thick, velvet cloth to prevent it from shattering. When
friendly and inquisitive man, not unlike Rosenkrantz.
viewed from the proper angle, it reveals a tormented
He seems genuinely interested in learning about the
face, locked in an everlasting scream. This isGoratrix,
characters and getting to know them (especially how
whom Tremere has expelled from his body as the
they are faring in these horrible times). He is particu-
Usurper stole it. larly interested in hearing about any of their endeavors.
Es c o r t in g t h f An g f l As the characters and Myca prepare to leave the
Immediately upon their return to London, they are hotel, a group of assassins dressed in black, Middle
asked to travel to Montreal to meet with and escort a Eastern-style cloaking appear and attack them. The
Cainite named Myca Vykos back to the Nephtali head- characters turn back the attackers, but they do not
quarters in London. Having recently defected from the manage to capture any. Those who fall seem to have
Sabbat, Vykos is said to have had great influence, and been fitted with some suicide ritual that immediately
most likely also much knowledge. As the Sabbat has turns them to dust to avoid identification. Those not
always been bent on destroying the Antediluvians, slain or fallen escape. The characters are free to pursue,
many among the Council see Vykos as a great asset. Jan but the highly skilled attackers disappear. Myca claims
remains quiet, as he has had encounters with Sasha not to know what they wanted, and he points out that
Ch a h ir Fo u r : Nig h t sh a d e
they could just as easily have been enemies of the “The third day of rioting in major European cities
Nephtali as himself. continues amid escalating fears of the End of the World.
Other Options In London, six people were trampled to death outside
Obviously, Storytellers have some alternatives as to the Nephtali Headquarters earlier today, when the
how this particular encounter plays out. Knowing Vykos, government militia dispersed rampant crowds attempt-
and that he has a lot of valuable information, the Setites ing to force their way into the building.
of the Fire Court might send the characters to Montreal “Meanwhile, in South America, the fighting con-
to shake down that former ally for some of that intelli- tinues to escalate—”
gence. Vykos is in the company of a small pack of young Footage showing paramilitary troops fighting riot-
Sabbat, which the coterie must fight to get to Vykos. ers in city streets cuts in. Civilians are caught in the
Note also that Vykos is tremendously powerful, even in crossfire, and buildings are ablaze. Some of the guerrillas
the weakened state all Cainites suffer from. are obviously vampires.
The Sabbat version of this encounter is that the “—and with the Colombian government having
characters and Vykos are introduced to the Nephtali at been toppled, several cities are now claimed to be under
this point. Vykos has agreed to meet and discuss with the independent rule of the vampires of the Sabbat. In
the new Camarilla faction, and he brings the characters a press conference today, the US President declared
with him. From here oil out, if the characters agree to that as long as the riots in Los Angeles and Chicago
join the Nephtali, follow the default plot line instead. continue, the United States will not be taking any
Giovanni troupes may skip this scene, but Story- further action abroad. He called upon Great Britain and
tellers should feel free to include events simi lar to those the European Union to intervene, as the state in Europe
of Setites. continues to be relatively stable.”
New Allies or Old Enemies?
At any point after recruiting Vykos, the characters
Ac t Fo u r : As h f s t o As h e s - ..
may use him as a resource. He is highly educated, and he The following act sees the characters uncover a
holds many secrets, most of which he is careful to mysterious temple built by vampires and make their way <3
divulge or not, based upon his relationship with the into it. The temple is Kaymakli, the tomb of thousands
characters. Vykos can elaborate on several of the points of Kindred. The characters should definitely feel that
that Ankla Hotep presented to the characters. Of the they are getting things done and unearthing answers
specific pieces of knowledge that the characters learned, that could potentially save everything.
he has this information to share: Ka YMAKI IANDTHFFf ASTOf FOLLY
• Of the Lost City he knows little, but he guesses The Antediluvian of a now-dead bloodline once
that it might be a reference to Enoch, spoken of in held dominion over two great cities named Derinkuyu
Cainite myth as the First City. To his knowledge, and Kaymakli. For whatever reason, the Ancient known
though, a now-destroyed sect known as the as Cappadocius, believed by many to be Ashur, sum-
Tal’mahe’Rah claimed to be in possession of its spiritual moned to him all his childer in the world, an astonishing
remains in the Landsof the Dead. That story might have 12,000 in number. He asked his descendents to divide
been a lie, but it is all he knows. their numbers into two groups, depending on their
• He believes that the temple Ankla Hotep spoke answers to his questions. Cappadocius asked his childer
of might be Kaymakli, a subterranean city where an who among them had helped build or plan a temple;
ancient vampire imprisoned hundreds of its descen- who could read or write; who followed the Via Caeli or
dents and cursed it so that any Cainite who entered it Road of Heaven; who searched for the answers of the
would become trapped inside, unable to reemerge. Great Riddle of Death. All who responded were brought
Vykos can certainly see the importance of this place: outside the city, while those who did not were led into
Kaymakli must have housed amazing lore and insight, its catacombs. The vast majority was then sealed inside,
and whatever the Ancient who employed it as an a great millstone rolled before the only entrance, and
eternal tomb must have known, it is sure to be found Cappadocius wept bitter tears of crimson as he wrought
there. upon the arch, “Let no childe of Caine ever leave
through this passage; let no son of Seth enter.”
In Ot h e r Nf w s To d a y . ..
Within, thousands of vampires fell prey to their
Jennifer McBride brings the latest bad news from
own ranks, during what would be spoken of as the Feast
around the world.
of Folly, as the thirst for blood eventually overcame the
docile and placid members of the Clan of Death, and Cappadocius’ favorite childe. Most Lazarenes did not
plausibly those who survived slipping into torpor. heed their Ancient’s call, as Lazarus himself had fore-
Centuries later, the line of Cappadocius all but seen the Feast of Folly and feared that his involvement
disappeared, leaving behind only the Venetian blood- with the Followers of Set would lead to their immediate
line known as the Giovanni. banishment. Some of his less fortunate followers, how-
Conceivably, the secrets of Cappadocius still exist ever, delved deeper into the Dark Continent than
within the stone walls of the temple, which was why the Egypt, heeded their master’s call and traveled to
leader of the Giovanni—Cappadocius'childe Augustus Kaymakli, only to find themselves among those sen-
— ventured inside in 2001, fully aware of the curse. tenced to descend into its catacombs.
Now the temple not only holds the mysteries of the The followers of Lazarus first attempted to escape
Clan of Death, but the most clandestine secrets of the the ensuing carnage and retreated downward as far as
Giovanni are sealed inside as well. And as the solution they could go. Confident that their knowledge of the
to Cappadocius’ mystical apotheosis, a ritual said to be mysteries of death would eventually help them escape
able to fulfill his aspiration to godhood, remains there and that the entrapment was only a test to allow those
with Augustus. truly worthy ones to escape, the Lazarenes patiently
researched and studied the secrets of the afterlife. Even-
Th f Sh a d o w Ex o d u s o f t h f L a z a r f n f s tually one of them seemingly found the solution.
The characters will probably be wary of entering an By developing their powers over death beyond that
inescapable deathtrap, and seek ways to assure their which any other of their clan had achieved in the past,
escape before they venture into it. There are ways to go the Lazarenes managed to pierce rhe Shroud separating
inside Kaymakli and emerge safely, but logically speak- the lands of the dead and the lands of the living. The *
ing, thousands of vampires trapped inside would sooner accomplishment proved to be less beneficial than they |
or later find a way to escape. first assumed, however. The Lazarenes found them- I
Indeed, some did. selves trapped again, but this time outside the temple, 1
Among those who were sentenced r < • incarceration indeed outside the entirety of rhe world. Confined to J
within Kaymakli were a group following Lazarus, once
Ch a pt er Fo u r : Nig h t sh a d e
the non-corporeal Underworld, the Lazarenes under- abhorred, however, but instead hailed as heroes. After
took an exodus to find a way to escape. all, they are not only responsible for finally (orsoSabbat
They emerged hundreds of years later, finding the vampires believe) destroying the dreaded Tzimisce
world changed beyond their wildest imaginations and Antediluvian, but also allowing the Sabbat to rule
their clan perished. They learned of the treachery of the openly, enslaving humanity as they have always as- I
Giovanni and the repression of the Camarilla. Forever pired. Additionally, it might be known that the
altered by their time in the Shadowlands, the Lazarenes charactershavetieswiththeNephtali,whoopenlyseek '
approached the Sabbat, and requested membership, to destroy the Antediluvians, which leads the Sabbat to
bringing with them their twisted necromancies, them- see them as fellow revolutionaries, and perhaps even
selves influenced by the deceased Giovanni vampires allies.
they captured and tortured for answers. The characters should have no difficulty locating
Having not only escaped Kaymakli, the Harbingers the Harbingers of Skulls, especially not since many
of Skulls have also eluded the calamitous fate inherited Sabbat are more than happy to assist them in their
by their clan, a fact that has certainly not escaped their search. Be sure to describe how perverted and even truly
minds. Having cheated Final Death, many of these malevolent these vampires are with regard to the des-
vampires are utterly embittered by their shadow exodus, perate local mortals. Show how they have absolutely no
and the horrors of Kaymakli will continue to haunt respect for humanity and see themselves as the next step
them all until each and every one of them finds Final of evolution.
Death. The particular Lazarenes whom the coterie plans to
meet are led by one of the survivors of Kaymakli and the
shadow exodus, called Phagian. His retinue includes
Possessing the same potent blood that allowed
two other Lazarenes, Zygodat and Alcoan. All three are
Cappadocius to sire so many progeny, the ranks of the
otherworldly and alien. Their skin is stretched and
Harbingers of Skulls have nonetheless kept their num-
pallid, and they resemble walking, talking corpses.
bers few during the few years of their membership with
e> the Sabbat. Vykos is aware of some tie between the Phagian is dressed in flowing, thick robes, gray in 0
Harbingers ofSkulls and the Giovanni, hut even though color and lined with black. At first he is less than
he doesn’t necessarily draw the conclusion that they interested in meeting with the coterie, despite his
have the same origin, he still feels that they may have relationship with Vykos, but if anyone mentions
something to contribute. He has associate' within the Kaymakli, he is suddenly interested — disturbed, per-
Sabbat that could set up a meeting between the charac- haps, but still interested. He will only inform them of its
ters and some of the Lazarenes. Giving him a few nights location, and under no circumstances escort the char-
allows Vykos to unearth a pack of Harbingers in the city acters to or into Kaymakli, and he becomes uneasy
Barranquilla in Colombia, but the characters would when reliving the horrors of the Feast of Folly in his
have to travel there to locate them. mind. After some hefty negotiation with the characters
(again, another who wants them to share their findings
Cr im s o n Rf g im f with him), however, he will agree to teach them a ritual
South America has always been a preferable terri- to allow them to become incorporeal for a period,
tory for the Sabbat, whose sanguinary indt11gences blend allowing them to walk through the Lands of the Dead
perfectly with those of mortals. and penetrate walls and barriers in the material world.
The city of Barranquilla, Colombia, has been com- If the characters petition the Lazarene enough, and
pletely overtaken by vampires, who rule openly through offer ample compensation, the Storyteller may allow
mayhem and violence. Even though their powers have that Phagian will agree to teach them a level or two of
diminished, they assert so much influence over the Necromancy. This will require those of the characters it
military and drug cartels that they have encountered concerns to stay and study awhile, dwelling among the
little difficulty in maintaining, and actually greatly horrors of Barranquilla. This will nor necessarily affect
improving, their dominance after the Week of Revela- the course of the story, though, as it envelops and
tion. The government of Colombia has toppled, and advances with the characters, not through outside means.
absolute chaos and havoc reign. El Diablo has come to
town in the form of Sabbat vampires, and it doesn’t look In to t h e La b y r in t h
like he’s going anywhere any time soon. The underground city of Kaymakli, located about
15 miles south of Neveshir in Turkey, was cut into the
As always, there is a chance that the characters will
very rock of the Cappadocian Mountains themselves,
be recognized from TV. They are neither hunted nor
stretching out in labyrinthine halls and corridors, level mortals. It’s a bit of a stretch, but it just might be that
upon level, down into the darkness. In nights past, these extra edge if everything else fails and the characters
catacombs harbored persecuted Christians, before be- are left literally doomed inside.
ing forever stained with the blood of Cainites. The cool,
Df a d Mf n Wa l k in g
dry climate of the subterranean cit\ was ideal for
Characters have more than one way to escape the
Cappadocius’ brood’s studies of death, and the walls of
charnel tunnels of Kaymakli. One is the Level Five
stone offered indispensable protection from both ag-
Auspex power of Psychic Projection. While detached
gressors and the dreaded sun.
from the body, the body can be transported out, for
Although Kaymakli is supposedly open to the pub- example by ghouls. Why no one was ever able to escape
lic, the open part is only a cut-off part of the vast the tomb-city, even though many were skilled in Auspex,
underground city. The characters must locate the origi- is simply because there were no ghouls present. Al-
nal main entrance, hidden in a secluded ' alley on the though many called out for their servants through the
side of the mountain. Though doing so isn’t exactly easy powers of the blood, no ghoul entering the city escaped,
(after all, mortal archaeologists with far better knowl- as they fell prey to frenzying vampires. In later times,
edge of this sort of thing than the characters have never none dared enter.
found it), Phagian’sdirections are very detailed. To find
Threading the Path of Orpheus
the entrance a character must accumulate seven suc-
To allow the characters passage to the
cesses on an extended Perception + h . ligation roll
Shadowlands, Phagian must create a ritual that the
(difficulty 7). Here an overgrown alcove. half-buried by
characters perform. Only a handful of Harbingers of
both time and the wear and tear of nature, reveals a
Skulls are able to create this ritual, which is strenuous
massive hallway covered by a millstone contraption,
and time-consuming — taking eight hours to per-
exactly where Phagian explained to them that it would
form and requiring the blood of both the Necromancer
be. The characters can easily conclude ihat others have
and the subjects of the effect. The coterie has to be
been here, as the earth around the millstone has been
present during the entire ordeal, and each partici-
1/ disturbed, and the overgrowth has been part ly cut away.
pant must expend two blood points.
Someone has hastily attempted toconcca I the entrance
after leaving it. Could this mean that someone has been Phagian reads from his mystical tomes, in tongues
into Kaymakli and found a way out .’ long forgotten, mixes the blood with ashes from a pouch
he holds, then he boils it. He pours it onto a piece of
Above the portal rhe inscription described earlier
parchment, where it melds with the paper, tinting it a
spells doom, and even if none of the characters speak
light orange but remaining otherwise inconspicuous.
the language (Greek), they all know what it says.
He then pours an indiscernible liquid into an inkwell
By forcing the grinding millstone aside, they are
and writes upon the parchment in Latin letters. The
allowed to enter before the mechanical device auto-
words bear no meaning to the characters, but he assures
matically closes. The seal locking them inside is not
them that speaking the words has great significance
physical, but rather mystical. Even though the mill-
even though the characters are unaware what they are
stone could have been forced to stay frpen, any mortal
actually saying.
would be prevented for entering and any a umpire would
The ritual can be used only once, after which the
be prevented from leaving, by an mA isible force field,
scroll instantaneously turns to dust. The characters
dealing grievous bums (that inflict aggravated damage)
cannot duplicate the ritual either, unless a character
to any vampire attempting to exit.
possesses at least eight levels of master)', divided among
Should the coterie be traveling with mortal re-
Necromancy, Thaumaturgy and another similar Disci-
tainers, only ghouls are able to enter (Incidentally,
pline (Thanatosis is suitable), with no less than two
those ghouls are also able to exit, but the characters
levels in each. Assuming that a character has such
should not necessarily be aware of this fact. Besides,
powerful Discipline ratings, he could potentially work
Avhere is the fun in sending their minions into one of
this rite himself without Phagian’s ritual.
the most dreaded citadels of tombs, when they can go
System: When performing the ritual, the characters
in themselves?)
must sit surrounded by grave dust (which should be no
Dhampir, children of thin-blooded vampires, can
real difficulty within Kaymakli...) from dusk until mid-
also enter and exit Kaymakli on their own free will,
night. At this point, the souls of the characters can free
as they are not fully childer of Caine, nor Sons of
themselves from their bodies, but as the characters need
Seth. Additionally, the Storyteller could simply de-
their corporeal forms inside, they must symbolically “kill”
cide that “No Sons of Seth” does not include female
Ch a it er Fo u r : Nig h t sh a d e
themselves, by piercing their hearts with a specifically to empty buildings and dead ends, without any particular ■
prepared dagger (which Phagian gives them). Doing so pattern or sense. And all around them lie the gaping- II
inflicts two health levels of lethal damage. Their bodies mouthed, petrified corpses of vampires, locked in everlasting 11
then fade from this world, emerging in rhe next. The dread, scattered about everywhere, from doorways to roof- I I
ritual works only for a short period of time, and will expel tops to secluded crypts. Their fate can be ascertained by I I
the characters from the Shadowlands withintme minute. wounds on their bodies, from anything from fangs to I
The players must all roll their characters’ Intelligence swords to sharp rocks. Presumably, many tried to kill each ’
+ Occult (difficulty 6), to free theirsouls. Onlv • >nesuccess other, to perhaps have the tiniest chance of preserving
is necessary, though more than four successes can result in their unlives. Equally as disturbing as the suspended vam-
their souls leaving the body behind, entering the pires is the amount of ash, piled up or spread about. The
Shadowlands without it. The character is free to return to footprints on the rough flcxirs even lead to a well filled
his body at any time, but the ritual will have failed for him. nearly to the brim with nothing but ash.
Interestingly, though, his body is left behind, die corpse At least one vampire in these depths is bound to be
can be transported out, for instance by ghouls, to allow the torpid, rather than having met Final Death. Even
character to reenter his body outside the wards. though some dormant vampires could potentially
After freeing their souls from this world, a Stamina awaken, especially should whiffs of fresh blood disturb
+ Occult roll (difficulty 8) must be performed in order them, these frenzying madmen should be few and far
to bring along their bodies. When this is done, they between. The abundant dust of dead vampires, always
enter the Shadowlands. clear evidence that a wretched soul met its fate here,
Although Phagian fails to inform the characters of should be enough to terrify the coterie.
this, extending the ritual to include someone who is not Evidence also shows that some have tried to physically f
partaking in the ritual can go very wrong. The Storyteller claw their way out, strongly indicated on the walls, and /
is free to decide any particulars, but bringing Okulos with they have used whatever came to hand, not j ust their nails,
them (for instance) should result in dire consequences. to try to save themselves. Kaymakli was a death nap, and it
still is. This should be made agonizingly clear to the J
De s c e n t
characters, as they make their way below.
Within Kaymakli the characters are overwhelmed
by the impression of death. The halls of the underground Of artifacts they come across, most are useless and
citadel are dense and dry, with dust and ashes covering banal, though they should be able to find some scrolls
the uneven limestone floors and walls like a city drowned and tomes. None of these seem to have any true worth
in volcanic cinders. The sensation is certainly claustro- or importance. Whoever walked here before them must
have taken anything significant.
phobic; it simply does not feel right being here. Above
their heads cold stone replaces the star-lit sky, its weight The descent into Kaymakli is long and wearisome. It
supported by giant stone columns that stand in the takes several nights, and the characters must rest during
massive caverns and passages leading away imong crypts, the day as usual. Allow the players some flexibility during
open spaces and clusters of stone buildings and towers. their long journey. Make sure it isn’t boring, but encour-
Their feet clatter on rhe dry limestone paths, inter- age debates and discussions along rhe way to keep things
rupted only by damp patches overgrown by various fungi. interesting. Inform them that any extra characters with
them fear speaking above a whisper, though, as no one
One of the first things that the characters will
knows what these dark catacombs might contain.
notice is the footprints in the dust, and more than a few.
Some seem old, though some are fairly new, and they Au g u s t u s
trace into the darkness and back to the portal. Far below, in a secluded crypt, the characters come
These are the trails of Okulos, the companion of across freshly killed ghouls and even remains of vampires.
Beckett, who located the Shroud of Kaymakli (whom A light bums further within, and investigating reveals a
the characters might be familiar with, if they have figure huddled over some manuscripts, scribbling furiously
played “House of Lies,” one of the scenarios in Nights in his notebooks. The figure is that of a corpulent Kindred,
of Prophecy), and of the pretender Antediluvian seemingly desperate in his search for something. This is
Augustus Giovanni and his retinue. Augustus Giovanni, the founder of Clan Giovanni.
Finding their way through the streets of rhe subterra- Augustus is weak. He feels the weakening of the Blood
nean city, filled with only the silence of the grave, is as strongly as the other Antediluvians do, but he is a
difficult. The footprints lead from one tiny crypt, through pretender Ancient, not possessing the frill aspect ofpower as
narrow alley ways barely broad enough to squeeze through, do die others. He is technically ofthe Third Generation, but
he never absorbed the soul of Cappadocius, and since that The characters now have not only Augustus’ notes,
ominous night of the diablerie he has been searching for his hut also the knowledge of Okulos. He begs them to help
sire, to finish what he started. Learning that Cappadocius him and bring him out from here. That would be the
has perished, his only chance at godhead is reconstructing noble thing to do, at least, but there is the concern of
the Apotheosis ritual, and doing what Cappadocius was Phagian’s ritual. Whatever the characters decide, it
planning: replacing God on His throne in Heaven. His actually does work extending it to Okulos (but at a
grandchilde Ambrogino has been searching for this ritual for cost). If they manage to bring him back to London, they
400 years, and Augustus has just recently realized that his will have gained a valuable ally.
underling’s task is truly essential for his aspirations. Having
Th e Un d e r w o r l d
planned on letting Ambrogino do the dirty work, the
The Shadowlands of Kaymakli are a true terror to
coming ofGehenna has made him painstak ingly aware that
behold. Although most ofthe vampires within the tomb’s
his grandchilde was moving too slow. Therefore, he has
halls died at the fangs of one of their fellows, some left the
decided to take the matter into his own hands.
coil of unlife through ordinary means and could poten-
He has spend three years in these catacombs, and he
tially have become wraiths.
soon found his small group offollowers to be insufficient to
The area is a cold and unpleasant wasteland of thick,
quench his thirst for blood. He would so< >n have slipped
gray mist and foul odors. Mocking reflections of objects
into torpor, had not the coterie’s arrival befallen him.
and characteristics of the material world bear witness to
Here’s your chance to let your players’ characters a scourge having ravaged the Underworld. Malicious and
duke it out with the most hated of all the Antediluvians
monstrous spirits of the dead abound around Kaymakli,
— the disgusting, incestuous, bloated and selfish bas-
ready to assail careless and rowdy characters.
tard Augustus. He’s Cappadocius’ biggest mistake and
nothing more than a plague on the world since his In v o l v in c ; t h e Ot h e r s
inclusion in the ranks of the Damned. Setite and Giovanni characters also plunge into the
As with the fight against Tremere, let the players madness ofKaymakli. Ambrogino has enough knowledgeof
win, but not without a price. Augustus might not have Necromancy to bypass Cappadocius’ curse the same way
enough blood to make full use of his Disciplines or Nephtali characters learn. Meeting Augustus will transpire
abilities, and unlike the other Antediluvians he has no similarly to the default plot line. Tire Giovanni progenitor
Level Ten Discipline to draw upon (he can perform wants to kill Ambrogino and the coterie, and they have to
only up to Level Five of his clan Discipline, Necro- destroy him in self-defense. Ambrogino will be noticeably
mancy, as with allotherCainites), but he is tremendously hostile if he is unable to diablerize his grandsire.
strong and fast. This fight is going to be hard, and the Setites do not consider themselves to be Children of
characters will emerge seriously injured, though victo- Caine or Sons of Seth, so they might not care about the
rious. Remind them, though, that performing the ritual curse either way. No matter what they actually believe,
to get them out of here requires them to pierce their they still do descend from Caine, and of course the curse
hearts, so they better have enough blood left to heal still works on them. Here the Storyteller should he open
those wounds after the fight. for some really interesting and creative ways to get out.
Augustus leaves behind most ofthe pieces necessary to Hesha knows enough to maybe have brought the charac-
create the Apotheosis ritual, though the characters will ters to see the Harbingers of Skulls anyway, but this
have to bring it back to London to have it deciphered. obviously has to be decided before entering Kaymakli.
He also leaves behind a crippled Cainite, lying Russian officials say that they have taken
beaten and bound, having been Augustus’ last source of actions to prevent the “disease of vampirism”
blood. He is very weak, hut he introduces himself as from spreading further. Says spokesperson
Okulos, a Nosferatu archaeologist. He has been here Ivana Vaclava of the Russian Disease Preven-
nearly four years, having been trapped inside after re- tion Committee, “We have constructed special
trieving a lost fragment ofThe Book ofNoel, and delivering internment facilities for the afflicted, and
it to his colleague Beckett, the infamous Gangrel archae- elaborate experiments to fully understand this
ologist. Beckett has promised to find a way to get Okulos disease are already underway.”
out, but he never returned, and Okulos has been trapped Meanwhile, Russia remains one of the few
here all that time. When Augustus appeared, Okulos was countries in the world where the current
taken prisoner and has been the victim ot Augustus’ vile situation does not pose a critical threat to the
temper and rage all that time. nation’s stability. A representative of
Ch a pt er Fo u r .- Nig h t sh a m
tion site. Most of them are Setites, but there are others Whom do the characters trust enough to work
here as well, including Ambrogino and his Giovanni, with? Perhaps they rely on a third faction, for instance
and others, both prominent and unknown vampires. Venrrue archaeologists, as their collaborators.
Among the Setites, they notice Hesha Ruhadze. Also decide how their collaboration with a
Hesha is not hostile to the characters, and he might be third party should unfold. Will they be betrayed?
the most valuable ally here (unless the Storyteller Will the ally attempt treachery? This is all up to
deems otherwise). you. Note that the Setites will take control of the
The entire area has been divided into zones where citadel after the characters have left, no matter
each group has set up camp, fervently arguing over the what happens.
rights to the excavation site. This is another junction in which all the
The Setites hold that the site is theirs because various courses cross each other. The biggest de-
these lands are their domains, bin the Giovanni viation is the Setite story line, which might
claim the sites because they’have driven a’way actually end here. Whatever the Storyteller has
several guardian creatures that protected it. let her characters do, this is the place in which the
Obviously, all that is found of the Second City are Setites will resurrect their dead god.
the very degraded remnants of some colufnns, bearing Th e Rit u a l
inscriptions in Enochian that declare this to be the site As the moon peaks above them and midnight draws
of the citadel. But that is all there ig, since the ritual close, the ritual can be performed. Note that it is written
that the characters have in their possession is the only in Enochian, and the characters need to have someone
thing that can reveal it. with them who is familiar with this language.
To use the ritual in relative peaq , the char- As a character or characters recite the paragraphs,
acters must make allies and find a w; to get rid soon the very simple ritual is complete. As the charac-
of unwanted meddlers when they eventually tually res- ters and others wait eagerly for something to occur,
urrect the citadel. Encourage the players to be however, nothing happens. Nothing. This anticlimax
(J creative here. is sure to disappoint the characters, and let it. Let them
. . ..
Note that the forms or names ofAugustus G iovann i Th f Tr u t h Ab o u t t j if Via i
and Tretnere are obviously not represented. Both be- This vial is actually part of the prophecy regard-
came vampires during the last millennium, while this ing Saulot the messiah. To accept the sins of his
temple dates back to when the vampires of the Second fathers and brothers, Saulot must drink of this vial,
Generation were destroyed. which contains the Blood of Caine. When doing so,
One of the unnamed figures jealously guards a Saulot receives the Mark that God set upon Caine.
secret. In a hollow in its left hand, as if it were clutching None shall harm him, lest they suffer sevenfold, and
it, is a small, many-faceted piece of porphyry on which . only he who bears the Mark can beg for redemption
is written a cuneiform inscription. The writing is un- for his kind.
readable to the characters, but it contains a prophetic To anyone who wants to survive Gehenna, this
passage dealing with the End Times. The characters vial seems (wrongfully) to be his or her ticket out of
should await their return to their reliable scholars in it. With the Mark they can endure the end, and go
London to decipher it; sharing it with any of the other on. Anyone with a sense of prophecy and a bit of
parties could prove fatal. Then again, perhaps the conscience would obviously haveSaulot repent and
characters have a strong relationship with one of the save the world, though at this point, the characters
present factions. have no idea what this is.
Throughout the structure, various busts and stone To Ambrogino, it’s vital that Saulot drinks of
portraits are displayed. Unfortunately. they have all the vial. Only this way can the Giovanni fulfill the
been rendered indiscernible, and the characters cannot Apotheosis. This will be revealed later.
get a good fix on what they see.
Should any of them, such as Vykos, find out
Note also that the Auspex Discipline power The what it is and drink of it, they immediately explode
Spirit’s Touch does not seem to work within the Second in a thousand shards, burning with the wrath of
City for some reason. Most likely, it has been too long Heaven. The same would happen to any character
since anyone has walked these halls. who drinks of it. In fact, it is not meant for Cainites,
Whatever the characters do now, they have recov- but can only be consumed by mortals.
ered crucial evidence. First of all, there may be more
than 13 Antediluvians. They have literal proof that
most of the Noddist myths seems to be true, as they are aspect of this person is the fact that she is a child. Should
physically standing in the Second City. They even have the characters be familiar with her, this is the child
a secret message that has survived the passage of time to Methuselah Neferu.
find its way into their possession. Setite characters are probably part of this operation
Th f Ca in it f Via l (unless the Storyteller wishes otherwise), but other
characters will doubtlessly be captured, interrogated
The characters might wish to examine the large
and most likely used as sacrifice. If they wish to remain
statue in the first room. If so, they find a small, blue vial
out of sight or run off, let them.
hidden the same way that the piece of porphyry in the
other room was. However headstrong your players are, The Fire Court, seen as antiquated and archaic by
stress that their characters do not wish to drink of this other Setites, has prepared for the resurrection of their
tiny bottle, which for sake of argument carries three god without the cooperation of the other Setite courts.
concentrated blood points worth of a deep crimson Alone, they will serve their god. All others will perish
liquid. It seems like a bad idea to even open it. They in the flames.
should get an urge to keep it though, and to bring it back The Setites seem occupied with the ground floor
for analysis. alone, so if the characters remain unseen, they can
actually watch from a balcony upstairs, looking down
Opt io n a l Sc f n f : S^RpCNT’s As c f n s io n
on the galleries. Quickly, the Setites move everything
As the characters prepare to leave, they suddenly into position in one of the large chambers. The floors
find the temple being invaded by a h< >st of Setites. The are swept clean in fluid motions by a dozen Setites, and
Serpents are all heavily armed, and they quickly take a mystical seal is revealed below the dust. (It was *
control of the citadel. The characters can perhaps impossible to notice before.) Moving with a carefully I
recognize some from Montreal, but when considering rehearsed competence, Neferu loudly proclaims one I
their current garb in comparison to some of the others strange word after another. A section on the floor as I
present here, they seem to be fairly lowly. Their leader wide but not as long as the enormous hall yields, 2
is the most beautifully clothed, but the most noticeable splitting in the middle. Deep, distant sounds rolling I
Ch ar ir Fo ur : Nig ht shade 1
through unknown, subterranean corridors testify that He is extremely ugly, his gray flesh a clue that the
the impressive mechanism is larger than imaginable. sliver was actually ancient flesh, preserved in the petri-
The two sections separate, and the giant slabs rise to fied wood reliquary. In fact, it was the preserved finger
become one with each wall. A set of broad stairs also of Set, hidden and kept safe for millennia should all else
rises into position, before the room is left quiet. Sand fail in his resurrection. He is completely hairless, and his
and dust trickle from the walls and from various cracks. pupils are slits like those of a snake. His ears are merely
The entire entourage moves again, going into thor- holes on the sides of his head, and his face is elongated,
oughly practiced positions, some remaining to stand nearly that of a hybrid between man and serpent. His
guard upstairs while others fall out to stand guard at lips part, and a long, forked tongue — disgusting and
other appropriate places. The characters can easily bright crimson and the most flesh-like part of him yet—
overcome a few such guards. If they disgi i ise themselves, lashes out.
enough Setites of various creeds are present that they He carefully examines those surrounding him, and
might not be noticed, especially considering the heavy they drop to the floor and grovel before his feet, moan-
ceremonial attire worn, with masks of the face of ing and praising in turn.
Apophis. He moves over to Neferu, the only one standing,
Below, an underground cavern stretches out. In the and says something. His deep, multi-layered voice,
exact center of the room the sand gives way to reveal trailsail the way from the grave, sending chills down the
rock surface, and here something best described as a spines of even the undead. He turns to the page next to
reliquary of petrified wood, about three feet long and six her, grabs him and rams his fingers into the boy’s skull.
inches thick, extends from the floor Blood and gore oozes across his fingers. The boy’s eyes
A page appears, handing a huge, thick book to turn white, and the man opens the boy’s mouth with his
Neferu, his head bowed. Another page sets out a small other hand to rip out the boy’s tongue. He eats the
podium upon which the girl then rests rhe book, before tongue, then opens and shuts his mouth for a while, and
she opens it. if the characters can see his huge, gaping mouth, the
It appears that during this whole glorious entrance, tongue is being fused with the one he already has.
every single attendant has had one specific task. Over Then he speaks again. This time what he says is
20 Setites are chanting rituals, as they doubtlessly were twice as horrifying, not least because of what he says, but
all the way from wherever they came. The chanting as much the fact that the characters can actually under-
picks up in intensity and volume, and Neferu com- stand it. His true voice, in that infernal language, comes
mences, loudly pronouncing the ancient syllables written first, then on top of that the voice of a young boy, in a
in the text. language the characters understand (preferably Arabic
The ritual is long. Sacrifices are brought out, in the or Egyptian, but it could even be English with a stretch
form of men, women, children and Cainites alike. All of the imagination).
are killed in unique fashions, their corpses left sprawling “What are you?” is the first the dead god demands.
around the reliquary. Depending on how close the “Oh most revered and glorious Typhon, we are your
characters are, they could possibly see narrow ducts grandchi Ider,” is Neferu’s reply. “We have brought you
carved in the floor, carrying the blood of the sacrifices back from the Underworld so that you can rule the
toward the reliquary, which apparently absorbs it. world, just as you requested.”
Then, slowly, the reliquary cracks. Little by little, “You? You are my progeny?” the booming voice
the stone surface sloughs off to reveal a thin sliver of... fresh from the grave asks.
bright mist? Whatever the mist is, it expands slowly, “Yes, magnificent one."
hissing out of the stone, coiling like a whirl of cloud, “You are not worthy of me. You do not deserve my
growing, rising, until it takes the shape of a man. It blood. 1 reclaim it.”
seems to assume a surface as well — a grayish, stone-like
And with that, he bends down and swallows Neferu
membrane, cracking loudly as it solidifies and hardens,
whole. She doesn’t even have time to scream. He turns
encasing the mist. his head and cracks his neck, part of the crust encasing
Neferu reaches a critical point in her ritual, for his incorporeal form peeling off, and then he moves on
as she pronounces a passage with added stress, a to the next victim. Everyone panics. He motions with
bright light erupts from the mouth ind eyes of the his hands, and the ceiling through which one entered
man, just for a second or so, and then, for the first closes again, trapping everyone inside with him.
time, the thing moves.
Geh en n a
Co n c e r n in g Sf iiip Ciia u a i i i r s L a s t Co n f e s s io n s ,
This is the message intricately carved into the
that you have included them in il process of six-sided porphyry stone.
resurrecting Set. If so, they have undci ■. >1 ie care- Tlll-L AMFNIATIONOF [ ? | UN TO CAINE
ful preparation and rehearsal for the I n i reel ion, And Caine walked with [?], and said unto him,
though they were likely guardspo-m I luring rhe
“]?], my most prized grandcqilde. The answers
you seek bear little importance, lest (they all should
If the characters are present in the cavern, explore] them.
there is obviously a great chance that Typhon
For when the time comes, all will be judged, and
eats them as well.
in |?] you will find not your answers, only my
So there you have it, the Followers of Set judgment.
fucked up. They brought back their dead, insane
For your and [yc>ur brethren’s] sins can be es-
god, who is no more than another mad, godlike
caped only by one.
Antediluvian. Typhon will reign for thousands
And you can only hope for (salvation of all?],
of years in chaos and destruction and dispose of
and it shall be found in the most gentle of your
anyone who is a threat to him (or even followers
unworthy of him, which is pretty much every
Setite in the world). And he shall be brought forth held up high by
those few who would stand against |the end]
Yet, this isn’t necessarily the end.
He bears a new form, marked by the signs of the
Fie does not devour all his chikier. Some he
vilest and most unholy of acts, a [mockery] to the
needs to carry out his foul deeds.
faceof rhe One Above
Upon your decision, Setite characters are
And you will see no judgment, only he, for he
not devoured, but rather exalted to the service of
has accepted my judgment on behalf of you all.
V Typhon. If you wish, you can proceed with
Gehenna, with the characters serving their god, But that night will [neveri] come, |...] I lay
now back among the undead, and helping him broken in the Earth, and the ]...] my soul.”
prepare for his reign.
On the other hand, it is part of the perverse from the Vatican as well as other major religious factions,
justice of the situation to have some Setite char- the collapsed governments in rhe Middle East have no
acters accountable for the actions of i he god they way of containing the mobs. Reports claim that over two
chose to resurrect. Note that you needn’t let the thousand humans and vampires having been killed in
probability of the dice determine whet her or not Jerusalem alone over the past weeks." Footage featuring
the characters die. This could be the very end, if the logo of the Al-J azeera N etwork is cut in, with subtitles
you wish, let ting the characters die screaming, in to a Farsi-speaking vigilante being interviewed. In the
the awareness that they and their clan got every- background, angry mobs vandalize and set fire to houses,
thing wrong, or you could simply let them go on dragging people out in the streets. “These demons drink
as Set’s servants. human blood! By the grace of Allah, what more proof do
you need to seek their destruction? They cannot be
allowed to continue.”
Characters not belonging to the Setite story line
Back tojennifer, who shuffles her papers. It’s appar-
should run the hell away. They have another Antedilu-
ent that she hasn’t slept much (her makeup
vian problem, but this one has just gorged itselfon hundreds
notwithstanding), and she looks really worried.
of its followers, and is not weakened like |Tzimisce],
Tremere and Augustus were. “A Japanese news service reported yesterday that
sea or air vessels coming within a given proximity of
Mo r e Ba d Ne w s Hawaii suffered heavy assault by what are allegedly
Jennifer McBride prevails in her pursuit to bring us US military forces. The heavy protection of the is- 5
the latest. lands has given credence to the rumors of the islands |
“The mob-like coalitions of Christians, Jews and Mus- of Hawaii supposedly having become some sort of safe
lims in Jerusalem have continued their hunt of vampires, haven, housing an unknown number of celebrities,
claiming that the mere existence of vampires is a slight to businessmen and politicians from around t he world,
the will ofGod. Spurred by further controversial statements including, some say, high-ranking vampires...”
I these vampires could prove not only hazardous man, six years of age. The records explain that
I but a major undertaking, these Wu Zao as they although the child displayed every sign of being
I call themselves, do possess means to help the in good physical shape, it was apparently coma-
I characters track down Saulot’s location. Thus the tose from birth, being vegetative for all intents
I characters could also get a small idea of what the and purposes.
I situation is like in the Middle Kingdom. Religious characters might see this whole place
Ri b ir i ii and its experiments as blasphemous, perhaps even
Australia proves a strange mix ol some of the postulating (correctly, unbeknownst to them) that
places the characters have visited on their jour- the child’s vegetative state was rhe result of the
neys. Some groups, most often Christian, have lack of a soul.
sprung up spreading the word of God and preach- Characters might try to find out where the chi Id has
ingdestruction of the vile devils that walk as men. gone. Defying all logic, rhe child was not brought away
Some seem fairly relaxed, knowing that since by the scientists as they fled the facility after the Week
vampires have apparently existed for millennia, of Revelations, fearing the wrath of God for what they
they aren’t much of a threat. had done. Rather, they just left it behind. At some
Traveling to the research center should be point, however, long after it had been abandoned, the
straightforward, and as the characters approach, child stirred. The abomination awoke to find itself
they notice that it has been abandoned, appar- without memory or understanding of its situation. It got
ently for months. out of its bed, opened the door and simply walked out.
The building is a large glass and steel affair, The child possesses the soul of the Antediluvian
with vast windows separating the arid outdoor Saulot, who unknowingly possessed this form after he
climate from the sterile inside. The logo with the became incorporeal when the Dragon assumed his
name of the center is featured several places, borrowed body. His awakened self rendered uncon-
including the roof, proclaiming this to be Virolax scious from the blow, his powerful soul still needed a
Genetics Research Facility (government spon- physical form, so it subconsciously hurled itself through
sored). the vast space of the astral plane to the only suitable
body in the world it could inhabit without struggle, a
The characters should manage to get inside
soulless clone.
either through Intelligence + Security rolls (dif-
ficulty 7), or maybe more unconventional Now Saulot has reawakened, but without the memo-
methods. Once that matter is dealt with, they find ries of his life, in the body of a six-year-old boy.
themselves in a highly modern building with many Without any clues, and maybe not even draw-
state-of-the-art features and long, barren corri- ing the parallel from the porphyry they found in
dors, betrayed only by the occasional calming the Second City, the characters are left in the
potted fern or water cooler. dark. Let them search around a bit more, though
The search should not take very long. After a they won’t necessarily find anything else of inter-
while, the characters find a confined, restricted est. If any of the characters possess any divinatory
area. Strangely, they don’t need to break in — it abilities (such as Auspex), they can learn that
is open. someone met the child outside the building and
brought it with him. In the event that they do not,
The sight greeting them is not pleasant. In several
let them find some clues to where the child has
tanks, the dead bodies of several glassy-eyed mortals are
gone. The child has been taken by a group of thin-
imprisoned, with rubes extruding from their torso, body
bloods, who believe it to be a messiah.
cavities and head. Other such grotesque indications
suggest that this is a cloning facility. Locating this cult is not too hard. The Cainite
community of Sydney revolves around the degen-
A separated room seems to have been housing a
erate court of “Caitiff’ Prince Sarrasine. Sarrasine
living patient, perhaps a child, but nothing seems to
is actually a Follower of Set agent within the
imply the accommodations of a healthy child. The room
Camarilla. Sarrasine’s ploy worked brilliantly as
is as sterile and barren as the rest of the complex, with
long as the Camarilla was stable. Now it is not.
nothing more noteworthy than medical apparatuses
The rumors of a thin-blooded prince have led to a
and logs.
mass invasion of the city’s streets by high-genera-
Examining these logs reveals that a child has,
tion Cainitcs, seeing the Caitiff city as a free
indeed, been kept here: a successfully cloned hu-
•?- J
haven. Sarrasine is obviously not very happy with And then, no matter what the characters
this, but he has no choice but to go along with it. say or do, his forehead splits, just a little, just
The Setite prince is unaware of Saulot’s appear- enough for a third eye to be revealed, develop-
ance, or even of his own god’s return, though he has ing from nothing right in front of their eyes.
heard the rumors of a messiah at least once a week The characters should manage to figure out
since the Unmasking, and his dreams have become that this child is Saulot. Unless Goratrix’s ritual
even stranger and more disturbing every day. failed and they found a random Salubri (which
All Sarrasine knows is that some priest far above his is unlikely), everything points to this child
head within the Followers of Set has instructed him to being the Antediluvian.
keep his eyes open for the True Messiah. Sarrasine has As indicated in the porphyry, he bears the
no idea what this is supposed to mean, but it’s appar- mark of the vilest and most unholy of acts, a
ently important to something pertaining to the mockery in the face of God. He is a clone.
resurrection of Set, so it must be acknowledged.
Re t u r n t o Ch a o s
The characters eventually locate the child-Saulot
Leave it to the players to find out how to get the
in an old warehouse, where the thin-bloods have set
child out of the country without a birth certificate
up a temporary shrine to him. The child does not
or even a passport, but they need to get Saulot back
understand what is going on and is uneasy among
to London. He is sincerely ignorant of his true
these strange and seemingly insane creatures. The
nature, and he does not seem to understand even if
coterie might actually have to engage the thin-bloods
the characters try to explain it to him.
in combat to get hold of Saulot, bur they should
Sarrasine discovers too late that the “True
manage. Alternatively, they can probably find some
Messiah” has actually appeared. Fearing the
way of scaring the thin-bloods away, as they are
punishments from having failed his superiors,
anxious and easily frightened.
he sends his own agents after the coterie, not
When the characters finally get to Saulot,
wishing to report to his contact in London.
he asks them, “Who are you? What is this place?
What do all these people want?”
At this point of the story, things are past Of the theories concerning the vial, none has
escalating further. Mortal governments have col- met significant agreement among the scientists.
lapsed by the number, either through unknown After all, vials of 7,000-year-old blood are not
forces (Methuselah vampires, or even the exactly commonplace, and the vial undoubtedly
Antediluvians?), or on their own accord, eating has a mystical significance. It just isn’t particu-
themselves up from the inside through revoltsand larly apparent at this point.
unrest. The world is in terrible crisis, and even r.(
hitherto relatively stable countries suffer major
After the characters have returned to Lon-
emergencies as the authorities lose control on a
don, the Storyteller might wish to have a period of
widespread scale.
downtime between the characters trying to find
The characters return to London with the out what their next move should be and getting
child, to find the former Heart of th- Empire and there. This could be a good place to include a few
their Nephtali in as much turmoil and trouble as combat scenes, having the characters attacked hy
is the case in the rest of the world. Many of the rampant mobs, rogue Kindred or true enemies.
members of the Council have taken to bitter The latter includes the henchmen of Sarrasine,
argument over what are the goals of the faction,
out to reclaim the child that the coterie snapped
some favoring a petty coup over the r* “ ofe the
rest from right under its nose. Sarrasine does not know
Camarilla, some the accumulation f knowledge,
why th i Fire Court wants the child, nor do the
and others taking action to prevent Gehenna. court’s henchmen, so beaten foes of this faction
4 Additionally, independent groups and clans cannotdivulge „ any, information.
have entered the city, which hdds to the chaosj ; Sbou]d Giovan , or Sabbat vampires attack
Gehenna hysteria has reached even the most jaded, thc characters, however, they might be able to
as frequent rumors Ancients come i
' ~~ of rising A,K shed some on certain things, especially after
from all oyer the world. .Most of the Nephtali s somc rigorous persuasion. The same is true with
archeological groups have disappeared, their fates Setites directly involved with the Fire Court, <5
unknown, and the organization is frequently un- g.iarrasinejs goons and the Fire Court Setites might
der attacki for being responsible for the entire - peven
, confront each other without even knowing
catastrophe, by anyone from KindredI groups to thaf they-re on
the same'side. The potential for
morta goveinments Sarrasine and his goons to screw up and unknow-
ACT Se v e n : JUDGMENT ingly sabl’tage the Fire Court’s operations is also
,i great.
How this act plays out depend- on how the .
rest of the story has proceeded. This is the very Pa n d e m o n iu m
end, and some of your characters might even be As the characters rest that day, after having spent
dead by this^point. Hopefully, some are not, for the entire night discussing what to do with their allies
the most critical portion of the story is yet to and contacts at the Nephtali headquarters, they stir
come — judgment. from their slumber and awaken. Not drowsy or weak,
The researchers who still labor at the Nephtali nor feeling the usual pull to sleep, they emerge to find
headquarters have been going t lirough all the the world cold and... dark. They look up to where the
material and objects that the c haracters have sun is supposed to be and see a dark object blocking it,
gathered. They have discovered that the vial had like an eclipse. Everyone would know if there were to be
been one of the many artifacts [Ventrue] allegedly an eclipse now, however. This is unnatural. In truth, it
gathered for unknown reasons back in the time of feels unnatural as well. The glow of the sun is barely
the Second City. The vial contains some sort of visible around the edges of the black object.
Kindred blood sample, but when extracted and Each and every Lasombra vampire in the world
tested, it aggressively absorbed vitae in proximity feels something tugging at her soul, a chill down
to it. One of the careless researchers had at- her spine — a very bad feeling indeed.
tempted to draw a swig, hoping it would grant him Th e Ve il o f Da r k n f s s
power over the Withering, but immediately met Over the next few days mortal and Kindred
Final Death, leaving behind only a pulp of ashes
scientists alike try to make sense of this strange
and blood. No one else dared touch the solution,
phenomena, with no luck. If anything, the ab-
so they scooped the pile up and threw it out.
Ch a pt er Fo u r : Nig h t sh a d e
sence of the sun makes everything rake a turn for Everyone feels it, mortal and Cainite alike.
the worse. Mortals, animals and plants suffer with- There is something terrible within the darkness
out light, and monsters, vampires and others, that veils rhe world. In every corner, in every
make good use of this rare opportunity. deep wood, in every cave and under every bed,
Vampires do not suffer from being awake something lurks... some malignant presence.
during the day; they still spend one blood point In the skies, one star takes the attention away
every 24 hours, but the sun is not present to from all the others: a bright, red one, nearly as big
force them into their diurnal suspended state. as the moon. In truth, it is just as unnerving as the
Horror ensues on the streets around the world, as unnatural eclipse.
more and more vampires abuse the advantages
Ef f e c t s o f t h e Vf ie o f Da r k n e s s
they have over mortals. Governments continue
After the eclipse, many vampires experience
to erode, cities devolve into chaos, and infra-
strange, unnatural things while employing their
structures crumble and die.
Disciplines. Consult the following table for sug-
Ei i i -c is o f t h f Vf il o f Da r k n f s s
Discipline Power Effect
• Heightened Senses The character hears more than what she normally would. A cacophony of strange
voices whisper to her, exhorting her t<> do things, or maybe even taunting her. A Courage roll (difficulty 7)
allows the character to continue using i his power for the remainder of the scene.
• • Aura Perception When using t his power, the character sees unnerving shadows flutter and move about.
They have no real form, and it is impossible to gain an exact view of them, but they arc certainly not supposed
to be there. A Courage roll (difficulty 7) should be required to using this power for rhe remainder of the scene.
• • • • Psychic Projection While on the astral plane, the character catches glimpses of the same shadow
creatures as with Aura Perception. She < an also hear what they say, but they can also see and hear her. They
are very intrigued by the incorporeal vampire. The Storyteller should determine the consequences, but a
Courage roll (difficulty 8) is required to continue the psychic projection for the remainder of the scene.
• Cloak of Shadows The shadows seem to speak to the user of this power, taunting or enticing him. A
Courage roll (difficulty 8) is required to continue using the power for the remainder of the scene, lest the
character panic. On occasion, rhe character even thinks she sees things while employing this power.
•• Unseen Presence Shadows seem to gravitate toward the character, sometimes becoming more of a
nuisance than an aid, as it might be easier to spot the character. As with Shadow Play, the shadows whisper to
her. A Courage roll (difficulty 8) is required to continue using the power for the remainder of the scene.
• Shadow Play The shadows manipulated with this power seem togain a life of their own, qancing and playing,
often with the caster. This is very unnerving. Storytellers may warrant a Courage check (difficulty 7) for Kindred
characters in some cases, and the difficulty for mortals rises to 9.
• • Shroud of Night Anyone within the Shroud of Night must make a Courage roll al difficulty 8 (9 for
mortals) or panic and flee, on account of the cacophony of dreadful voices whispering within it.
• • • Arms of the Abyss The Arms of rhe Abyss gain a life of their own, doing rhe caster’s bidding only half the
time. Roll a die every time this power is used (even when it is active). On a roll of 6-10, the arms do nor respond
to the vampire’s commands. They might even try to hurt her.
• • • • Black Metamorphosis The player must succeed at a Willpower roll (difficulty 8), lest the shadows
take control of the character. The Storyteller determines the consequences.
• • • • • Tenebrous FormSame effects as Black Metamorphosis.
In addition, the Storyteller might wish for other Disciplines to be affected as well. For instance, Earth-
Melded vampires could hear voices speaking to them, and certain necromantic or thaumaturgical rituals could
invoke this same effect .
I gested effects. Bear in mind that the powers of in the Ancients place. For them the difficulty of resist-
I other supernatural creatures are probably sirni- ing is much less, but increases at the same rate. Within
I larly affected. one week, a precious few are able to resist. Note that
Assamites are drawn to Alamut instead, wherein ur-
I Ex o d u s Shulgi gathers his resources for war against the
Another strange thing occurs, mere days after
I the disappearance of the sun. A strange urge rises
in many vampires, a strange pull toward an un- Generation Difficulty (blood-
known location. The urge increases with time, lines with active
and it becomes more and more difficult to resist it. Antediluvians/
This is the final stage of the End Times. Now the bloodlines with
Ancients have gathered at the time of Gehenna perished
and are calling their childer to them. Antediluvians)
Join Us... 4-6 7/4
Not all vampires feel the pull, however. Some of the 8-13 6/3
Antediluvians have already been destroyed, yet many 14+ 5/2
of their childer still feel the urge. Although rhe effects
of the blood bond have weakened, this drawing toward
Gehenna still resonates, as it is meant to. Eor Assamites, Gf h f n n a t h f L a s i Cit y
Gangrel, Lasombra, Malkavians, Nosferatu, Toreador “Gehenna” is synonymous with “Place of Tor-
and Setites, rhe pull is the strongest. A Willpower roll ment.” Strictly geographically speaking, it is the Valley
is required every day after the pull starts, increasing in of Hinnom, southwest of Jerusalem, where Solomon,
difficulty by one every day, to a maximum of 9. Diffi- King of Israel, built a high place of worship, for rhe gods
culty is determined by generation. Others feel it less, Chemosh and Moloch. The valley came to be regarded
because their progenitors have been destroyed, but the as a place of abomination because some of the Israelites
elders of these bloodlines beckon their childer to them sacrificed their children to Moloch there. In a later
W U!
what can only be assumed to be a truly horrid bring it along, Saulot simply found it and took it
sight. Malkav is present through a dozen small when no one was looking. Either way, the vial is
girls, all with their eyes glowing, all with identical now here.
appearance. [Toreador] is the apex of beauty, as it Set snatches it from him. “It is powerful. 1 can
stands amidst the others, so beautiful even that it feel it." He says, mostly to himself.
is impossible to tell its gender, let alone give a "Don’t drink it. You’ll burn up," says Saulot.
description of it. “Will I now?” Set replies, and smiles.
The procession moves extremely slowly. It “What are you doing, brother?” the girls that
takes nights to complete, and the characters have are Malkav say. “This is highly irregular.”
no sustenance on their way there One by one,
“Yes, exactly what is it you are doing?” asks
each transgressor is brought before the
Antediluvians and slain for his or her “crimes.”
“Humor me,” Set replies. “So we can’t drink
Then the players’ characters are brought before the
it, can we? Let’s see what happens if you drink it.”
assembly. Set opens his mouth to speak, hut pauses.
He takes rhe child by the jaw, snaps the cap off
Ennoia, the Gangrel Antediluvian, growls.
the vial, and forces the liquid down the child’s
“Could it be...” Typhon finally begins. "Our
throat. Saulot screams and tries to squirm lose,
prodigal brother?”
but Set is too powerful for him. Ennoia growls,
They speak of Saulot, whom the characters and both Lasombra and the collective Malkav
have with them. protest. But Set, bent on destroying all of the
“Bring him here,” the shadow being com- other Antediluvians, will not let even a child
mands, the voice trailing as if coming from the stand in his way.
other side of the grave. If the characters protest, Soon Saulot has been forced to swallow it all.
they are punished, but they are not slain yet. Set lifts the child and looks at the characters.
“So, you have returned." Absimiliard growls
cJ from within his cloaks. “Do you claim a place
“You have failed,” he says, as Saulot writhes in
pain. Set starts laughing, but is cut short by a
among us?” brilliant white light erupting from Saulot’s fore-
Saulot just stands there, like the six-year-old head. His third eye is opening, and it is shining.
boy that he has become, eyes wide open, both in “Have they?” he asks, and Set drops Saulot,
terror and in confusion. He does not utter a word. falling to the ground in horror. He attempts to
“Brother isn’t home,” the dozen girls that are crawl back on his feet, but he backs away as Saulot
Malkav utter all at once. “He has gone to a dark approaches him. Ennoia growls and is about to
place and hasn’t come out yet.” leap at him, but the ground breaks before her, and
“Is that so?” says Set, intrigued. He turns to between the Antediluvians and Saulot a giant
the characters. “So these are my brother’s keep- black throne rises from the ground.
ers, are they?” He orders them brought before "No!" [Lasombra] screams. “A thousand years!”
him. “You hunt our kind, yet you protect this one. “Father’s home,” the dozen small girls who are
Why?” Malkav say in unison.
Despite the withering, the characters have no “No," says the little boy that is Saulot. “Father’s dead.”
chance to resist answering Typhon's questions
Then the girls scream, and it’s a scream so
truthfully. Let your players formulate the answer,
agonizing that everyone close to the scene bleeds
and modify the rest of the scene based on those
thick, black blood from his ears. They do not stop
until Set has come to his feet and slain all I 2 girls
“So you believe he will save you all, do you? with huge powerful blows. As the last one dies,
That he will redeem you somehow? Yet you do not another vampire steps forth from the thousands
know how. You have only this six-year-old child.” surrounding the scene, his eyes glowing like the
He spits as he says this. girls’. “That was not necessary, brother," the man
He then notices something in Saulot’s hand. says. Set just spits. Then he moves toward Saulot.
"What is that?” he says, and Saidot shows it. It is Set raises a hand to strike Saulot to the ground,
the Cainite vial. Now, if any one of the characters when suddenly, a powerful beam of light from
had it on him, this is the time to feel his pocket above illuminates the entire area. All of the
and notice that it’s gone. If no one thought to
Af t e r ma t h
If the characters escape with their unlives
intact, they are free to do whatever they wish.
The world lies in ruins, hut humanity has a strange
way of prevailing. Maybe it can manage, some-
how. Vampires have it worse. The Curse of Caine
is still weakening, and at an alarming rate. Older
vampires are dying, and it seems as though most
may have as little as weeks left before they weaken
so much that their bodies can no longer sustain
themselves. As the curse of vampirism leaves their
bodies, as the blood does not sustain them as it
once did but only fills up the body while the vitae
disappears, many vampires die in the process.
Ge h e n n a
Centuries-dead bodies crumble to dust, and de- Yet, the world has been saved. Humanity will
cades-old bodies simply wane and die. Potentially, survive. Although all vampires will die, the char-
very high generation vampires might survive the acters have succeeded in saving the Earth from
transformation back into humans, bur only if their destruction.
undead blood is extremely weak to begin with.
(Assume that 15th-generation, and some 14th-
generation, Kindred can potentially revert to
Epil o g u e
mortal. Dhampirs do not suffer a chance of dying.
They turn mortal naturally.) The players’ charac-
(Opt io n a l )
ters should have a chance to revert to their mortal One day the remaining members of the coterie
lives as well, based on their behavior throughout hears of a high-generation Kindred whose body was
Gehenna. God punishes those who have not wracked by fierce convulsions. His flesh doubled and
atoned for their sins with Final Death. As Story- tripled over itself, spawning new bone and inhuman
teller, it is up to you to determine who among the appendages. In one of these horrifying fits, he went mad
coterie earns the passage back to mortal life and and killed everyone in the vicinity. The more the
who becomes an ashen stain on the ground. characters hear, the more it sounds like the Tzimisce
Discipline powers fail, magic dies and the Antediluvian. But how can that be? They’ve already
Curse of Caine will become all but a memory. killed it twice! Unless it is able to reincarnate into
anything with Tzimisce blood in it...
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch and is withered; and
men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.
V —-John 15:6 kJ
The chain of events that culminates in Gehenna gaged it in battle. Kindred dubbed this event the Week of
began millennia ago, when the Antediluvians realized Nightmares. Tire battle echoed through the worlds of
that they could achievesome greater state than undeath... dreams, spirits and the dead, hinting at the divine power
something very much like godhood. The Tzimisce clan’s the First Ravnos had almost achieved. The Ravnos Ante-
mystic Path of Metamorphosis hints ar this possibility. diluvian lost its battle and its unlife. Its demise also
Most, if not all, of the surviving Antediluvians set out to destroyed most of its descendants. Only a few Kindred,
transcend the limitations set by the Curse ofCaine. They however, even came close to guessing the true meaning
knew the process would take centuries. In this time, they behind the Week of Nightmares.
would need to hide from each other, lest their jealous As a strange and terrible Red Star bums brighter in
siblings and ambitious childer slay them before they the heavens, the other Antediluvians slowly rouse from
completed their transformation. Some Antediluvians their long chrysalis-trances, ready to rule the world as its
merely sought remote havens underground or in the new gods. And then... the Curse of Caine fails. The
ocean deeps. Others faked their own murders as part of Ancients leam that they have not yet completely tran-
their metamorphosis. Saulot offered himself toTremere’s scended their origin. The deadly weakness strips away
fangs to hide within the Arch-Usurper's body and soul. their nascent divinity. They rise as the world’s most
A Kindred lost to the passage of time likewise sacrificed powerful monsters, but not as gods. To claim the gtxlhood
his vitae to his childe Augustus Giovanni, while the that eludes them, they need to seize the fraying shreds of
Lasombra Antediluvian arranged its corporeal destruc- Caine’s Curse by devouring their rivals, their childer and
tion in the Anarch Revolt so it could rake a new form in oceans of mortal blood.
the light less Abyss. Each deceit worked flawlessly... or if Humanity and its supernatural “allies” — the Lu-
any Ancient truly met its end in this period, no other pines, mages and other creatures who see the human race
Kindred knew of it. as kin (or at least something other than prey, slaves or
The Ravnos founder became the first Antediluvian to vermin)—might have slain the weakened Antediluvians
show its dreadful new power. Yet before it could complete and aborted their Empire of Blood. Indeed, ordinary
its metamorphosis, three ancient Cathayan vampires en- humanity could have done the job itself. Unfortunately,
Ch a pt er Fiv e : Th e Cr u c ibl e o f Go d
rhe decline of the Curse has ironically brought war be- Se iz in g t h f Oppo r t u n it y
tween Kindred and kine too soon. The nuxlem Kindred The tale of Gehenna can begin at any time. The
win thanks to their grip on mortal institutions, a Pyrrhic decline of the Curse might be well underway and already
victory that leaves civilization in tatters. plunging the Kindred into chaos, or you might want to
Every Cainite has faced the choice between human- make the decline begin with (and indeed help cause) the
ity and power. Now they face that choice in its starkest Masquerade's end.
form. As individuals and as a race, the Kindred must As Storyteller, watch for a moment when the charac-
decide whether to let the Curse end, with unknown ters perform some act that is completely impossible for
consequences for themselves, or to cling to the power of mortals. Typical examples include:
the Curse through ever more desperate devices. The last • Someone shoots a character in the gut or the chest;
judgment on rhe Children of Caine has begun. God casts blood and tissue sprays. A mortal could not possibly
them into the crucible — and the world buri is with them. survive, but the character not only keeps standing, he
keeps fighting.
pRELUDF • A thaumaturge employs his power with some
obviously magical, highly visible effect, such as Lure of
The End of the World begins not with the rampage Flames or Movement of the Mind. Disciplines such as
of bloody gods but with a video camera. Maintaining Obtenehration or Protean can also produce visibly super-
the Masquerade has become ever more difficult in the natural feats.
last few decades, as modern communi. at ions spread
• Characters feed in an open place.
news so quickly. Once, it didn’t matter if .1 few people
Then ask yourself ifsomeone could watch the charac-
learned that vampires really existed. The Kindred could
ters without them knowing it. Presumably, the characters
silence or discredit them before they convinced anyone
exercise reasonable care not to perform blatant ly super-
else. But now...! If a TV crew should happen to see
natural acts in front of mortals, but could someone be
Cainites feed or use their powers, people around the
hiding nearby? Is anyone looking down from a window
world can watch mere minutes later. Caine forbid that
several stories up? Is the lighting good enough to see the
a Kindred should fall into rhe clutches >l 1 doctor or
characters clearly?
scientist who publishes his research results on the
Internet. When such a situation arises, someone does see the
characters, and she has a digital video camera with a
The leaders of every sect and clan became skilled at
telephoto lens. A lot of people now carry these things I
hiding Cainite depredations from the mortals. Many
everywhere they go, so this is hardly implausible. The |
Kindred sought wealth and influence in the mortal world
mortal, a nosy, opportunistic woman, records the charac- I
specifically to help them avert threats to the Masquerade.
ters without their knowing it.
When the Masquerade falls despite their best efforts, they
turn that influence to more sinister ends... and steponthe Tj if Mf d ia
fatal path to total destruction. The woman with the camera shows her footage to rhe
managers of a local TV station. They suspect fraud, but
Ma s q u e r a d es En d they have experts look for evidence of camera tricks while
Some players might feel that their characters never a reporter tries to find the identities of the characters. Did
get a chance to play an important role in (.’ainite affairs. any character have a driver’s license, a criminal record or
Their elders are so much more powerful, ami rhe Masquer- any incident in his past that left his picture in government
ade imposes such a burden of secrecy and prudence. As a files? If so, the reporter finds the character’s identity. If the
Storyteller, this is your chance to give such players what character keeps a legally recorded residence, the reporter
they want. They become the most important Kindred in finds that too. If the character is legally dead, the reporter
the world: the vampires responsible for destroying the finds that datum even more interesting.
Masquerade. A week later, the news casters convince themselves
Please note that this episode involves grossly unfair that the woman did not perpetrate a hoax and that
treatment of the players’ characters. The characters be- something very odd happened in their city. They know
come Destiny’s bitches. At every stage, examine the the identities and investigated the paper trails of at least
characters’ actions for ways that things might go wrong some of the characters. The film goes on the six o’clock
and make matters worse — and have that happen. In news, and the station contacts the characters it traced,
particular, remember that you, as Storyteller, can make asking them to tell their story. The station doesn’t care if
Cainite powers fail at any time. the characters committed assault or even homicide in the
filmed scene — violence just pumps up ratings. The violent acts in the footage. Scientists want to study their
station even offers to keep the characters’ identities secret unexplained powers. The characters might need to evade
in return for the scoop... and threatens to reveal their everyone from the FBI to the Center for Disease Control.
identities if they don’t play ball. If any government agency succeeds in catching the char-
acters, the jig is up and the Masquerade falls for good.
Th e Co v e r -u p
Whether the characters consider themselves part of The mass media want statements. Everyone who
the Camarilla, the Sabbat, the anarchs or the independent believes in vampires gets his time on TV to promote his
clans, every ranking Cainite who knows their identity views. Most of these people are just crackpots, but a few
soon demands that the characters cover up the Masquer- genuine vampire-hunters get on the air too. They tell the
ade breach. Quite a few Cainites offer to help, in return for public what they know.
boons to collect later. A month later, people around the world are searching
The characters can make any plan they want. The for vampires. Clever fellows watch crowds through infra-
characters might come up with a counter-hoax — some red filters, looking for people who lack body heat. They
scheme to make the station think the video footage find some.
captured a faked event. The reporters prove damnably Fu l l Dis c l o s u r e
clever at spotting any flaw in rhe characters' deceptions Inevitably, some Kindred squeals. If the players’ char-
though. Nothing can make the station drop its demand for acters escape the hunt, some other Cainite decides he
an interview. Even if the coterie persuades the reporters wants to be famous on television by telling everything. Of
that rhe footage is a hoax, the station w ants to know the course, leading Cainite media watchdogs try to suppress
reason for such a bizarre enactment. A' other Kindred the story, but the frenzy has already spread beyond con-
warn the characters, it isn’t enough to discredit or destroy tainment. If the blabbermouth Kindred can’t get on
the footage. Tire situation has become r<x> infamous for network television, he tells all on a webzine or some other
the characters to simply murder the reporters; that would unconventional medium. Cainite elders respond with a
attract even more interest. No, the characters must quell flood of phony “revelations” too, in hopes that they can
V the interest of the lead reporter so that he himself stops the drown the tmth in a sea of hoaxes, but the media prove
investigation. that when they care to, they really can sift truth from lies.
Characters have a number of ways to do so using their Before long, rhe entire world knows about the Camarilla,
I influence in the mortal world. For instance, they can try the Sabbat, clans, the Giovanni financial empire...
I to bribe or blackmail the reporter’s news director to quash
I the story. Planting drugs in the reporter's home or framing Ou t of t he Cl o s e t
him for some other crime can discredit the reporter and In the developed world, mortal responses to Cainites
keep him busy with the law. If a plan has the possibility of fall into a few major categories:
backfiring and throwing gasoline on the blaze, however, it • “Wow, cool!” This is the least common response,
does. usually from young people who don’t really think through
As characters grow more desperate, they probably the implications of bloodsucking predators with mind-
turn to their Cainite powers. For instance, Presence can control powers. They see the power but not the horror.
make the reporter divert the media attention from his new • “Help these unfortunate victims of this social
best friends. A blood bond could produce a similar effect disease.” This response comes mostly from well-meaning
—or it would, if the Withering did not strip that property people who also fail to grasp the danger that vampires pose.
from the Blood. The weakening Curse scotches any plan Kindred with centuries of experience at manipulating
that depends on Discipline powers. Any attempt to use public opinion encourage this view as much as they can.
Disciplines fails, and now the reporter knows the charac- • “Destroy the monsters!” The other extreme chiefly
ter tried to do something to him! He runs. If the characters comes from people who hold traditional religious beliefs
kill him, they become (obviously) prime suspects in his —a significant fraction of the population worldwide (and
death or disappearance. If they don’t, he goes public with not limited to Judaism, Christianity or Islam, either). This
everything he’s learned. Their attempt at a cover-up fraction grows larger when the Society of Leopold goes
completely backfires. It’s too late even to try disappearing: public with its stories of undead predation.
That just attracts more attention. • “I’m scared. Protect me.” The most common re-
In t Pu b l i c Ey e
he sponse comes from the ordinary people who aren’t quite
Within another week, the characters become inter- ready to believe in curses from God but who recognize the
nationally notorious. The cops want to arrest them for any danger that vampires pose. At the very least, these people
Geh en n a
-•< ■ v ■ V
Ch a pt er Fiv e : Th e Cr u q bl e o f Go d
comes from local militias that are poorly armed but As die war continues, Kindred elders adopt more
numerous, fervent and able to act during the day. desperate and destructive tactics. Their terrorist attacks kill
At least at first, governments in the deve loped world try hundreds of mortals, then thousands, as they try to cripple
to capture and intern Kindred instead of destroying them and cow the nations that hunt them. From toxic chemical
outright. The people in charge worry about a public back- spills to arson to massive bombings conducted by mesmer-
lash if some trigger-happy soldiers slaughter a group of ized dupes, they try every vile assault they can imagine. Each
innocent goths (or actors in Shakespearean costume, or a new atrocity stiffens government and public resolve to
gentleman who dresses a bit old-fashioned...). The habits destroy the Kindred menace... but the vast wealth and
of civil liberty also take time to break. As rhe Kindred fight erratic powers of the elders slowly tear civilization apart.
back, however, soldiers receive looser rules of engagement The elders’ goal drifts from frightening humanity into
until they become outright death squads ordered to destroy leaving them alone, to imposing a new Dark Age.
any Kindred on sight. Mortals caught helping Kindred face Although Kindred of every clan distinguish them-
a variety of criminal charges, from conspiracy to treason. selves in the war effort, the Ventrue emerge as the leaders
Governments confiscate the assets of any Kindred they overall. Their potent combination of Dominate and Pres-
find, in hopes of rooting out the elders’ financial influence. ence makes them the supreme molders of minds, while
Tut- El d e r s ’Ca m pa ig n their long pursuit of wealth and political influence lets
them begin the war with much greater resources than most
When the war begins, many Kindred try to hide.
elders have. Their strong “old boy network” of prestation
Some younger Cainites find it difficult to do so because
also lets the Ventrue coordinate their efforts better than
they fear leaving the cities. Never mind Lupine country
any other clan does. The Toreador second them with their
(though the werewolves still inspire terror out of pro-
own extensive influence within mortal society.
portion to the real odds of an encounter); now the
Kindred need to worry about mortals with shotguns The Followers of Set emerge as more surprising part-
who know how to spot a vampire... and that slain ners. Setites lack the raw clout of the Ventrue and their
Kindred don’t leave a corpse. Some older Kindred, Camarilla allies, but they take other Cainites by surprise
meanwhile, do not want to abandon the wealth and with the sheer diversity of their mortal connections:
influence they took so long to accumulate. Neverthe- Mortals in every level of society owe them favors or fear
less, each high-profile capture or destruction of an elder what they might reveal. The Setitesdestroy mortal leaders
or a coterie inspires more Kindred to leave t he cities. through blackmail, subversion and manufactured scan-
dals no less thoroughly than the Black Hand does with
The lucky elders find bolt holes hidden from mortal
bomb, gun and fang. The Followers of Set also pledge their
eyes where they can still maintain some influence by
eerie magic and far-flung network of blood cults to the
long-distance. For instance, a millionaire financier who
Cainite cause. Hidden temples of Set — more numerous
successfully hid his Kindred nature might retreat to a
than other Cainites suspected — become resistance cen-
yacht in international waters, from which he manages
ters and feeding stations for Kindred on the run. Between
his financial empire by satellite phone while feeding on
them, the Ventrue, Toreador and Setites lead the crum-
the crew. Quite a few elders buy refuge in rhe Nosferatu
bling remains of a Camarilla whose claim to rule all
Kingdoms. Some of them regret it — briefly — when
Kindred no longer receives any serious challenge.
their supposed protectors turn on them and diablerize
them. The Tremere play less of a role than other Kindred
expect. Other Camarilla leaders learn not to rely on
The elders do more than hide, though. Some of them
help from the Warlocks. Tremere magic weakens along
strike back. Mortal power depends on organization and
with every other aspect of the Curse of Caine, so Vienna
money. Market panics and other financial manipulations
directs the clan to focus on finding the cause and cure
are the least of their attacks. Kindred mesmerize mortals
of the weakness, as well as protecting chantries from
into sabotaging power stations, water mains ami other
mortals. The clan’s elders do not seem to care how t he
utilities. Some daring Kindred attack political leaders
New Inquisit ion affects other Kindred. A new problem,
directly, either to assassinate them or to tamper with
however, soon overshadows the research effort. Week
their minds. Other Cainites sabotage vital industries and
by week, Tremere of every age and generation abandon
bomb government buildings, either directly or by proxy.
their chantries and vanish without a trace. The clan’s
The Black Hand (which largely escaped the Sabbat’s
vaunted hierarchy steadily unravels. Every divination
disintegration, thanks to its internal military discipline)
ritual gives the same result: The Tremere are doomed.
finds ready employers among Kindred elders. Frightened
Kindred take courage from the slogan, “The Black Hand The Giovanni also surprise other Cainites with their
chokes all who oppose it!” lack of influence. The Necromancers possess wealth to
I challenge the Ventrue and sorcerous powers and organi- salt mines and subterranean parking garages into prison
I zation to rival the Tremere. After a freak storm in the camps. They need solid stone or concrete to prevent
I Adriatic collapses and inundates the Giovanni’s corpo- Kindred from Earth Melding, and they set up airlocks with
I rate headquarters in Venice, however, more than half the cameras and morion detectors to forestall Obfuscate or
I clan simply disappears. The corporation’s value also plum- Form of Mist. Any guards who enter the prison com-
| mets after the world learns about the Giovanni’s family pounds wear headphones so they cannot hear commands
’ secrets, leaving the remaining Necromancers far less from Kindred using Dominate, and they always work
wealthy than they were just a few months before. (As a armed and in pairs. Can imprisoned characters find a way
Storyteller, you can reflect this by deducting two dots of to escape? If they joined the war effort, can they plan and
Resources from any Giovanni whose wealth depends on conduct an assault to free the imprisoned Kindred?
her position in the family business empire.) • If any character had mortal companions or rela-
The Lasombra possess the will to match the Ventme. tives, the authorities certainly detain them forquestioning.
The fratricidal diablerie of the Sabbat, however, devas- The government might accuse loved ones ofcollaborating
tates the clan. The Lasombra who survive into the New with notorious Kindred. Due process and civil rights
Inquisition accept Ventrue leadership with ill grace. become early casualties of the war, so characters’ loved
ones might face prison or even execution because of past
Wa r St o r i e s associations. What does a character do when he learns
In the New Inquisition, characters face an important
that the police arrested his sister and sent her to a prison
choice. Do they join the struggle to subjugate humanity or
known for brutal, torturous interrogation? What if the
try toescape it? Attempts to make peace or j. >in the mortal
police have leaked the news as bait for a trap? What if
side are futile and perhaps suicidal: Mortal authorities
doing so was the character’s sister’s idea?
want all Kindred imprisoned or destroyed. They do not
• On the other hand, the elders who lead the resis-
negotiate anymore, though some leaders might want a
tance do not entirely trust any Kindred who remains too
Cainite chained, fed and then drained of vitae and de-
fond of any mortals. A Cainite leader might order a
stroyed, so the mortal can enjoy a ghoul's jlower for several
u months.
character to Embrace any remaining associates or family
to bring them into the struggle, or he might try to blood
• No coterie can escape the mortals’ hunt forever.
bond them to use as mortal pawns. The war against
Stxiner or later, every character finds herscl f I acing a squad
humanity does not end the Camarilla’s demands for
I of SWAT officers, National Guardsmei i or professional
absolute loyalty and obedience. Indeed, the elders use the
I soldiers anned with assault rifles, incendiary bullets, con-
New Inquisition to reinforce and justify their demands.
| cussion grenades, Rotschreck-inducing fl ish grenades and
Characters who defy an elder’s dictates become dissidents,
similarly formidable weapons. The soldiers might carry
subject to hunting and diablerie from their own side.
I net guns and demand a Cainite’s surrender early in the
war, but they abandon any pretense ofcapture within a few Es c a pe St o r ie s
months. The soldiers have air support from helicopters A coterie might decide to flee the New Inquisition
and ground support from armed Humvees or other ve- and the Camarilla’s counterattack. Where can they run?
hicles. The soldiers’ attack gives the Storyteller a chance How can they hide?
to shift the chronicle’s mood to hard-driving action and • Getting out of a city is not too hard at first. The
give the characters a taste of raw terror as they learn what characters can easily acquire vehicles for themselves and
it’s like to lie hunted by a powerful, remorseless foe. any loved ones they take with them. As the war tears
• If the characters join the elder-’ struggle, they society apart, however, gasoline becomes increasingly
become resistance fighters (viewed one way) or terrorists scare. Oil companies go bankrupt, and terrorists wreck
(viewed another). They must decide how far they will go refineries and pipelines. People who do obtain gasoline
to attack a society that wants them destroyed. Will they tend to hoard it for their own use or to force prices even
murder a city’s mayor? Bomb a building? Blow up a tank of higher. Before long, though, getting enough gasoline for a
deadly toxic waste in a residential neighbtirhood ? Eventu- long journey requires either crime or a lot of money and
ally, their leaders demand all these things and worse. How good connections. The characters are not the only Kin-
much Humanity will the characters sacrifice for the cause ? dred (orkine) tryingto leave theircity, either, so they have
• The mortal authorities set up their own internment competition for precious fuel. Elder Kindred might try to
centers for captured Kindred. Ordinary prisons do not stop the coterie if they learn the characters’ plan, since
suffice, not for creatures who can make themselves un- they see any hint of defiance or desertion as a threat to
seen, bend bars, control minds or turn into fog. Early in the their diablerie herd.
war, governments turn large underground spaces such as
Ch a r ie r Fiv e : Th e Cr ik ib l e o f Go o
• Kindred do not travel easily, either. As Storyteller, Small towns offer a degree of safety from Lupines and
do not hand-wave the characters’ ability to sleep safely bandits, while other vampires are not likely to appear. As
during the day or avoid notice by mortals. If the characters the only Cainites in a small mortal community, however,
do not at least try to forestall problems such as curious the characters tend to stand out. The bits of news that
mortals poking around their vehicles, feel free to make trickle in from the big cities render townsfolk even less
them pay for it. For instance, have them wake up in body likely to tolerate nocturnal strangers than before the
bags in a small town’s jail where the sheriff didn’t burn Masquerade’s end.
them in the sunlight only because he thought the govern- On the other hand, small-town people can also
ment might offer a reward for their capture. The coterie surprise visitors with their generosity. In recent decades,
has the task of breaking out of jail while deputies stand many small towns welcomed and assimilated large num-
watch with flare pistols and jerry cans of gasoline, rubbing bers of immigrants from southeast Asia, the Middle East,
alcohol or whatever inflammable liquid they can scrounge. Africa and other remote parts of the world. Vampires who
The characters might also find they are not the only work hard to fit in and help the community might find
predators on rhe roads or the only travelers on guard people who forgive their need todrink blood, as long as the
against attack. The coterie can encounter biker bandits or blood isn’t theirs. The coterie can seem like more desirable
hot-rod highwaymen. If the characters try I < • prey on other neighbors if its members defend the town against bandits
travelers, they might encounter a car or RV of mortals or other vampires. A coterie in a small town faces many
armed with rifles and shotguns. unusual social challenges, but not insurmountable ones.
• Where does the coterie go, anyway’ Every option En d o f t h f Sb t it e s
presents challenges.
The war of Kindred and kine lasts as long as the
The characters could try to reach one of the cities held Storyteller and players find it interesting. No one ever
by thin-blooded Kindred, but that could be;i long journey knows whether the mortals could exterminate the Kin-
toward an uncertain reception. The thin-blooded vam- dred before the undead wreck civilization. Greater powers
pires might not trust a coterie that says it just came from decide the issue.
Camarilla territory (or anywhere else, for that matter). <5
As the war grinds on, the Setite Hierophants — the
The Camarilla has sent infiltrators before.
Methuselahs who oversee the central temples to Set —
The Third World offers freedom from state persecu- send word through the clan’s network of cults and shrines.
tion, if the characters can arrange transportation such a The time has come to raise Set from the dead and make
long way. Many Third World residents never stopped him a god on Earth again. The Hierophants select a
believing in night-monsters, however. Given any hint propitious night. On that night, Followers of Set from
that vampires dwell among them, villagers (< >r urban slum- around the world will gather at the ancestral temple at
dwellers recently come from the villages) quickly organize Ombos, in Egypt. They will open a gateway to Duat, rhe
witch-hunting groups. The witch-hunters incidentally Egyptian realm of the dead, so that Set can incarnate
condemn and kill several innocent mortals for every himself and live again. The Hierophants ask that every
vampire they find. (They accuse the mortals of being Setite who cannot reach Ombos offer sacrifices at their
witches who collaborate with vampires.) The characters own shrines, as a way to help the god return.
might also encounter packs of vampires who roam through Setite characters can try to reach Ombos for the ri tual.
the vast shantytowns that surround many Third-World
On this most glorious occasion, the high priests of Set
cities. These brutal packs no longer bother to hide their
welcome vampires of any clan who wish to join them in
depredations: They kill and feed openly then move on
the resurrection of their god. Characters who manage
before their prey can organize a response. The pack
their own cults and temples receive the usual request to
vampires view new arrivals as opportunities for diablerie, join the worldwide celebration. Serpents who neglect the
not to mention competition. Any vampires who dwell in
religious side of their clan receive pleas to attend a
the urban core act just like the Camarilla elders the
ceremony just this once.
characters left behind.
As the night of the ritual sweeps around the world,
The characters can also try to set up an enclave far
temple after temple resounds with the litanies of Set. His
from any city. If the characters can feed on animals and
childer praise him in the name of numerous gods of
recruit a few mortals to handle daytime chores, they could
darkness, chaos, destruction and war, including Rudra-
avoid many problems. They just have to worry about
Shiva, Typhon Trismegistos, Jormungandr the Midgard
Leech-hating Lupines and bandits — mortal, Cainite or
Serpent, Nergal, Dis, El Cristo Negro and dozens of other
other — who prey upon isolated settlements.
names. Mortal and Kindred blood flows to honor the Dark
Ge h e n n a
God. In hundreds of temples, undead priests proclaim night of ritual. Instead of rising from the dead, however,
their lord’s destiny in the words of an ancient myth: “He Set imposed a powerful compulsion to join him in Duat.
shall thunder in the skies and make men afraid!" Storytellers can handle this compulsion as an awakened
And... Antediluvian’s initial attempt to subsume the minds of its
It doesn’t work. descendants (as per “Consumed by the Antediluvians”).
Instead of becoming an empty vessel possessed by an
Not quite, anyway.
Antediluvian’s will, however, subsumed characters suffer
Every Setite who offers sacrifice to Set on that night
the compulsion to commit suicide.
feels a powerful sense of the Dark God's presence. They
Storytellers who trust their players to roleplay a
must call him through. They must join their primal sire.
suicide attempt can secretly inform a Setite character’s
Then See is gone. Hedidn’tcome. HecouUn’tcome. Every
player of this new compulsion and ask him to play out the
celebrant knows that the Dark God is k>st to them, lost in
sequence ofgathering any mortal cultists and planning the
the world of the dead.
mass self-sacrifice. It’s up to the other players’ characters to
Few Followers of Set return from Ombos. Fewer
spot the suicidal drive of their coterie-mate and decide
Setites meet them on their return. In the week after the
what to do about it. If you don’t think your players can
ritual, most Followers ofSet gather then mortal cultists for
handle such a situation in a game, declare the Setite now
a mass suicide. The mortals drink poisoned vitae or other
a Storyteller character. His depression is so obvious and
deadly sacraments. Some undead priests di>use the temples
all-consuming that he does not even pretend to care about
with precious gasoline and bum themselve.- and the entire
the other characters.
congregation, or they destroy themselvi ; md their shrines
(This is, of course, grossly unfair to Setite characters.
with homemade explosives. Hundreds of Setites and
Don’t worry, though—they’ll have a lot ofcompany soon.
thousands of mortal devoteesdie in just a few nights. Their
The End of the World brings plenty of “unfairness” for
god could not come to them, so they go to him.
The ritual did contact Set. The dead Antediluvian
The other characters can try to restrain the Setite or
did connect to every clan member who participated in the
V snap him out of Set’s compulsion. Each week after the
£ *
Ch a pt er Fiv e : Th e Cr u c ibl e o e Co o
A coterie that includes a Setite member might Intelligence + Academics roll (difficulty 9), a character
want to go to Ombos for the resurrection ceremony. can recognize that some of these artifacts come from no
Civilization’s decay and the hazards of war make the known human culture.
journey long and difficult, so the 1 lierophants give At the climax of the long ritual, priests slit the
Setites a few months’ warning to prepare and travel. throats of the Ki mired sacrifices ami slaves crush them
Ombos, now called Komm Ombo, is a small town in the presses. The vitae runs down gutters to the pylon
in southern Egypt. The underground temple is about a gate, where it trickles down to fill the carved inscrip-
mile out of town. The Hierophants used their great- tions. The blood-filled hieroglyphics glow a sullen red in
power and the temple’s wealth to turn all of Komm rhe flickering torchlight of the chamber, while a dark fog
Ombo into a prison camp run by ghoul trusties, so gathers in the gate's opening. All the torches go out as
visiting Setites can feed freely. the fog splits and rolls aside like a doorway. Between the
On the night of the ritual, Followers of Set can join bloody glow of the pylons, characters can see a starlit
their clanmates on the main floor of the temple cham- deserr of black sand and rocks stretching into rhe
ber. Visitors from other clans watch from balconies distance. A serpentine form of deeper darkness, an
screened with sturdy ironwork. Warrior Setites stand actual negative light, uncoils from the shadows and
watch to make sure that no one tries to disrupt the ri tua I. hurls itself against the gateway, trying to break through.
A huge pylon gate carved with hieroglyphic in- The shadow presses against the gate between worlds
scriptions forms the centerpiece of rhe ritual. Scaffolds three times before rhe fog rolls back. As the fog vanishes
above and to either side of the gate hold 12 Kindred to reveal the ordinary stone of the temple walls, the
bound into presses, one from each of t he < >t 1 ter clans. As 1 lierophants wail in despair.
rhe assembled Serpents chant litanies to the Dark God, The night ends in confusion. Characters have an
priests and slaves troop in bearing dozens of strange hour to collect Setite fellows and get away from the
objects: rods, talismans, bones, a wooden cup, blades, temple before sunrise. The next night, the Hierophants kJ
jewels, a clay figurine of an obese woman and other gather the remaining Setites in the temple and destroy
objects gathered from many cultures and ages. With a them all with powerful magic that collapses the entire
successful Intelligence + Enigmas roll (difficulty 6) or temple. The Reign of Set ends before it can begin.
ritual, the Setite’s player attempts another W i llp<>wer roll, the mad, fratricidal diablerie prompted by the waning
at the same difficulty as the roll to resist absorption by the Curse all pull the Antediluvians closer to awakening.
Antediluvian. Success means the character snaps out of The self-destruction of more than a thousand Follow-
his suicidal obsession. Other characters can also try to ers of Set in a single week provides the final trigger to
break the compulsion through a blood bond or Vaulderie, Gehenna. The Antediluvians rouse themselves from tor-
or through use of Dominate or Presence (also described por. They call upon their eldest chi Ider, monsters scarcely
under “Consumed by rhe Antediluvians”). less old and powerful than themselves, eternally bound to
them by blood. As the moon reflects the blood-hued light
Ge h e n n a of rhe Red Star — which is now visible to mortal eyes —
more than a hundred of these Ancients come forth from
Cainite Final Deaths resonate along the chains of long-hidden tombs to feed, destroy and rule.
blood that link sire to childe, all the way back to their
Antediluvian forebear and, toadegree, all Antediluvians. THF CONQUFST OF HUMANITY
A fierce war bet ween the Ravnos of India and the myste- The Ancients begin by devouring many of their
rious Cathayan vampires woke the Ravnos Antediluvian descendants, along with any other Kindred they can find.
and precipitated the Week of Nightmares. The subse- The Antediluvians are more than 10 millennia old; the
quent mass destruction of the Ravnos troubled the torpor childer who serve as their viceroys (such as the Assamite
of the other Antediluvians. The wars between the ur-Shulgi) are at least five millennia old. Only the blood
Camarilla and Sabbat; the purges against thin-blooded of fellow vampires can sustain them, and only the vitae of
vampires and Caitiff; the wave of diablerie that followed Methuselahs can fully slake an Antediluvian’s thirst.
the end of the Tremere curse on the Assamite clan; and
The weakening Curse affects the Ancients and ren-
ders their power less than what it might have been. When
I the Ravnos Antediluvian awoke, it survived a nuclear
I attack and three days and nights of constant battle with
I ancient Cathayans; the sun’s light destroyed it, not super-
I natural power or the arsenals of men. The returning
I Ancients cannot muster that degree of power. They
I remain some of rhe mightiest creatures ever to walk the
‘ World of Darkness, however, and Kindred and kine fall
before them.
If not for the elder Kindred’s war to cripple the
governments that hunt them, humanity might have won
the fight. Reduced in power as they are, the Ancients
cannot survive massed machinegun fire or thermite bombs
fired from two miles away. The tattered mortal govern-
ments, however, can no longer muster such technologically
advanced firepower. Instead, crumbling nations send tank
brigades and massed infantry against the Ancients. The
soldiers destroy a few Methuselahs at first, but the An-
cients leant from their mistakes.
The Ancients’ Disciplines give them victory despite
becoming less reliable. Mortal soldiers cannot resist Disci-
plines that affect the mind. A tank crew cannot shoot at
a Methuselah their minds refuse to acknowledge because
of Obfuscate. Whole brigades flee an Ancient employing
advanced Presence... or, even worse for humanity, they
pledge fealty to their new god and master. Some mortal
leaders succumb to powerful Dominate effects. Ancients
with powerful Auspex foresee their enemies’ plans. The
Ancients with powerful Animalism turn every night-
dwelling creature into a spy and saboteur. Elder fl
thaumaturges and necromancers likewise bypass
i 1 Ji!
humanity’s technological power. Spirits assassinate offic-
111 ft 7
ers and leaders. Lightning, rains of fire and stranger forces
destroy command posts. Curses spawned < ifblackest magic
spread havoc in a thousand ways. Within two months, the
Ancients defeat every nation in the Western world and
complete the descent into a Dark Age.
Sn a ps h o t s o f De s t r u c t io n
Mexico City: The city’s Sabbat leaders knew that a
Methuselah slept in the ruined city ofCuicuilco, buried by
lava flows from a nearby volcano. Secretly mining through I
all that rock never seemed urgent, though, compared to
the sect’s internal and external conflicts. When the
Antediluvians rise, however, the Sleeper of Cuicuilco
rises with them, flowing out of its stony prison using an
enhanced form of Earth Meld. This ancient monster — 7 - P
perhaps a Gangrel, perhaps something else — quickly
slaughters the remaining Sabbat elders and claims Mexico
City for itself. Within a week, every Cainite in Mexico
City either submits to the Sleeper, flees or is destroyed as
the Sleeper kills dozens of their number every night.
Within two weeks, the Sleeper’s powerful Presence en-
thralls tens of thousands of the city’s mortal residents. diluvian can know everything the character knows and I
They complete the excavation and repairofpre-Columbian see what the character sees. The character does whatever I
pyramid-temples, then round up tens of thousands of the Antediluvian commands and knows her master’s I
other capitolistas. The temples once more run red with the desires without being told. The Antediluvian does not
hlood of sacrifice, night and day, never stopping. Mexico monitor every possessed descendant at every moment I
City is no more. Aztec Tenochtitlan has returned. (with one important exception), but Storytellers may I
Vienna: An area of the city center about a mile wide presume that a clan founder becomes aware of everything '
disappears... completely. The Danube pours into a hemi- that happens to an enslaved Kindred within 24 hours.
spherical pit half a mile deep. The Tremere Council of An Antediluvian can attempt toenslave any vampire
Seven is never heard from again. of its lineage. It may also try to subjugate any vampire who
Ryazan, Russia: A Methuselah that enthralled a diablerized one of its descendants, but at a smaller chance
division of the Russian Army approaches this old city, of success. Most Antediluvians announce their presence
clearly planning to conquer it. The Russian government to the world by subsuming as much of t heir clan as possible.
knows not to send soldiers against the Methuselah, as If a character can resist that initial assault on his will, he
soldiers just end up joining its forces. As the Methuselah’s need not fear further attempts at enslavement (with two
army enters the city’s suburbs, distant army units launch exceptions, described ahead). The clan founders use their
short-range nuclear missiles. The Methuselah meets Final descendants in their war against humanity. After victory,
Death; so do more than 5,000 Russian soldiers and tens of they send their enslaved childer to collect holdouts and
thousands of civilians. Yet Ryazan does not fall. hunt Kindred of other clans — as long as no other
The Antediluvian who commands rhe Methuselah Antediluvian attacks and forces them to concentrate on
strikes back in kind. Its mortal servants carry it to one of defending themselves.
Russia’s nuclear bases. The base’s commander pledges In it ia l As s a u l t
fealty at once. An hour later, nuclear fireballs consume When a character’s clan founder attempts to devour
Moscow, St. Petersburg and the next five largest Russian her mind, her player rolls the character’s Willpower. For
cities. The last trace of national government collapses. an Antediluvian’s descendant, the difficulty equals 12 -
Oyo, Nigeria: Short-wave radio broadcasts tell of either the character’s Humanity rating or half her Path of
hordes of spiders appearing throughout the city's Enlightenment rating. This difficulty cannot exceed 9,
shantytown suburbs. Their webs cover everything. The however. Simple success means that the character fights
people retreat from the biting, inexhaustible plague of off the mental assault. The character can expend Will- I
spiders toward the city center. Then the broadcasts stop. power for this roll, if the player thinks to do so. (Most
Trabzon, Turkey: Halfthe mortal population of this Kindred do not, but the players’ characters are automati- I
Black Sea port dies in one night, screaming from the fiery cally considered somewhat special.)
pain that runs through their veins. A few brave doctors Kindred who diablerized a vampire of the Ancient’s
who do not flee with the rest of the people find that every clan also suffer this attack, but the difficulty modifier to
corpse has lost about a tenth of its blood... without any resist the takeover for these characters is two lower than it
breach of the skin. would be for a Kindred of that clan.
Co n s u m e d b y t h e Dir e c t As s a u l t
An t e d il u v l a n s An Antediluvian can try again to devour the mind of
any Kindred whom it meets face to face. This, too, is
For many Cainites, the rise of the Antediluvians
limited todescendants and diablerists ofdescendants. The
brings an immediate doom. The forebears of the clans try
difficulties are the same as for the initial assault.
to take over the minds of all their descendants. Cainite
legend was partly correct about the Antediluviansdevour- Ris k s f o r Po w e r
ing all their childer, but the most ancient consume souls Even weakened by the Withering, the Antediluvians
and wills, not merely blood. wield fearsome power. As the Ancients strive for mastery
Nothing visibly happens when an Antediluvian tries and transcendence, their descendants can call on that
to possess a descendant, but the character feels the over- power... but doing so gives the Antediluvian another
whelming will of the Ancient beating against his mind. A chance to consume its descendant’s mind.
character who cannot resist becomes an extension of the At will, a Cainite with a surviving Antediluvian can
Antediluvian’s will. He retains his mind and memories, raise any in-clan Discipline rating by one dot for a scene.
but his will belongs to another. From then on, the Ante- The character can exceed generational limits this way. At
Geh en n a
rhe end of the scene, the player rolls the character’s because the Antediluvian usually can’t spare the atten-
Willpower, as described previously. Success means that tion to control the character completely.
the character resists her forebear’s will. failure means the
Antediluvian devours the character. Sir < red or fail, the
If the Storyteller feels generous, Kindred can become
Antediluvian becomes aware of rhe character’s general
immune to possession through a blood bond to an Ante-
location. The Ancient might then send minions to hunt
diluvian or Methuselah of a different clan. Their new
the presumptuous character.
master cannot devour their will.
pi AYING A poSSFSSt n CllARAl I I R A forced Vaulderie with vampires of other clans also
Possession by an Antediluvian docs not remove a gives a Cainite a chance to break free of an Antediluvian.
character from rhe story. When a clan founder absorbs the Once again, the player rolls the character’s Willpower,
mind and will of a player’s character, the Ancient imme- with rhe difficulty as described before. Using Dominate or
diately knowseverythingthecharacter knows—including Presence on the enslaved vampire reduces the difficulty to
current activities and the abilities of other Kindred in the break free by one. Appeals to a character’s True Love,
coterie. The Antediluvian might decide that t he charac- Sense of Duty or other psychological Merits may also grant
ter is most useful where he is. The character becomes a a -1 difficulty modifier.
“sleeper agent” or “mole” within rhe coterie. If none of the characters know how to perform a
As Storyteller, take the player aside and explain Vaulderie, they can still recover a character’s mind, will
that her character now serves the clan founder. Some of and soul by forcing a blood bond on the character and then
the time, she actually plays an Antediluvian doing a applying the Dominate power of Conditioning. This
perfect imitation of the character. (The Ancients can process takes many nights, however, and a coterie might
do things like this, thanks to Intelligence, Wits and not have that much time.
Manipulation scores in the 8-to-10 range.) She must Possessed characters can certai nly try to 1 iberate other
watch for opportunit ies to discover any secrets the other possessed characters. Liberating a character strips a weapon
characters are hiding... such as if any of them are secret from a rival Antediluvian’s arsenal. It’s unlikely but con-
pawns of a different Antediluvian. At some point, the ceivable that a coterie could begin with every character
Antediluvian may activate the “mole" to sabotage the possessed and end with every character freed.
coterie’s plans. Remember, however, that blood bonds and Vinculi
Possessed characters raise their Clan Discipline rat- no longer last very long. To be safe, characters need to re-
ings by one dot, without regard to generational limits. bond themselves every month.
Their Attributes and Abilities remain rhe same, though,
Co o l An t f d il u v ia n Po w e r s
Su r v iv in g Cl a n Fo h n i >i i<s Some of the Antediluvians are no longer truly vam-
The Storyteller should keep a In i i liich clans pires. They abandoned undead flesh for other forms. All
have surviving founders. Cross dan i the list as the Antediluvians possess powers that one cannot ad-
their Antediluvians meet Final De it i otherwise equately represent through mere Attributesand Disciplines.
lose contact with the world in your slot \ I he follow- Cainite legend holds that vampires of the Third Genera-
ing list omits a few clans because 11 a h Hinders are tion wield “true mastery over life and death, and may be
already destroyed in this version of (leiicnna. Other destroyed only if they so choose or if one of equal power
Antediluvians might have already met I mal Death bests them” (as described in Vampire: The Masquerade,
as well, but Storytellers must decide this for them- p. 56). In this case, legend spoke true. The Withering
selves. strips away some of the Ancients’ invulnerability, but they
Assam ire still possess transcendent power.
Brujah The Antediluvians certainly possessed greater mas-
tery of their clan Disciplines than any lesser vampires. In
this version of Gehenna, the Ancients recover that puis-
Lasombra sance if they can diablerize Cainites who approach them
Malkavian in age or generation. We might as well call this supreme
Nosferatu mastery the “Level Ten” power for each Discipline: No
Toreador other Kindred can wield such ultimate power (except
Tremere maybe an elder in Golconda, if such creatures exist).
Tzimisce Fortunately, one set of rules covers all Level Ten powers.
Geh en n a
Ch a pt e r Fiv e : Th e Cr u c ibl e Of Go d
rolls; even a single success delays the frenzy for a turn.
SupFR-GFNius St r a t e g y ?
(Storytellers should review the rules for resisting frenzy on
Many Antediluvians and Methuselahs possess
p. 228 of Vampire: The Masquerade.) The difficulty
superhuman intellects, represented by Mental and
depends on the Cainite’s generation:
Social Attributes in the 8-to-10 range. What sort of
12th-1 5th Generation Difficulty 7
brilliant strategies and deceptions do such titanic
minds use to hunt each other? 8th-11 th Generation Difficulty 8
Perhaps surprisingly, their tactics look very much 4th-7th Generation Difficulty 9
like those of mere mortals. Time account s for much The Cainite must attempt to resist this unnatural
of this: The Withering forces the Ancients to act hunger frenzy when she wakes up each night, or on
quickly. A brilliant scheme to trap a rival Ancient meeting another Kindred of her clan (even if she does not
takes time to implement: time to subvert minions, recognize the other vampire as a clanmate, for bkxx.1 calls
plant disinformation, maneuver pawns into position to blood). The fratricidal frenzy continues for three nights
and the like. The Ancients did this for 10 millennia. after the Antediluvian’s destruction. I
The W ithering renders most of these plans no longer Of course, other Kindred can restrain a frenzying
feasible, because the Antediluvians’ prime lieuten- Cainite and protect her from raging clanmates. Kindred
ants no longer wield the power that the plans assumed. who remain part of a coterie, pack or other group stand a
So they have to use rhe materials available. much better chance of surviving their Antediluvian’s
Superhuman intellects also tend to cancel out. demise.
Storytellers can presume that every Ancient runs i
through several cycles of “I know that you know that he
knows” with each of their rivals. Each Antediluvian Many Tzimisce believe that Cainites can transform
anticipates the cunning plans of the others, and knows themselves into something that surpasses undeath. Most
that the others anticipate its own schemes. The same supporters of this notion of Metamorphosis regard Vicis-
goes for their ability to influence rivals through their situde as the key to this transcendence.
o superhuman Social Attributes. No amount ot intellect Gehenna began just as the Tzimisce Antediluvian
orcharisma,however,canstopacarbomboi an artillery entered the last stage of its metamorphosis. The Tzimisce
shell. As a result, brute force actually works pretty well founder faked its own diablerie in the Anarch Revolt as a
between perfect strategists and manipulators. way to hide while it prepared for transformation. Centu- .
The superhuman intellects of the Ancients en- ties later, the Ancient directed its revenant slaves to move I
able them to understand modem technology in a its torpid body to a secret crypt below Manhattan. The
matter of weeks, and even the Ancients who lack revenants fed their master the vitae of captured vampires. I
Dominate or Presence can recruit blindly lo\ al helpers No one thought to investigate the disappearances, be-
through their enormous Social Attribute- and Abili- cause the Camarilla and Sabbat had fought for years to
ties. Therefore, if an Antediluvian can muster the drive each other from the great city.
resources, it can send a jet-load of heavily armed In time, the Antediluvian changed. Its body slowly I
mortal paratroopers to capture a rival by day. Speed dissolved into a puddle of quivering, vitae-soaked slime.
and force, however, do not require vast intelligence to Then fine fuzz covered the slime. Tiny wriggling things
work. Neither do distractions, like having an agent set moved through the Ancient’s swelling mass. Nodules rose
fires to draw away the target’s lesser minions
The upshot? Antediluviansand Methuselahs can B i g St o RIF5 a n d L it t l e St o r ie s
launch clever plans against each other. You do not The main sequence for this version of Gehenna
need to present superhumanly clever plans, though (a focuseson “bigstories” about rampaging Antediluvians
difficult task for merely human Storytellers like you and their battles. The characters, however, might
and 1). Indeed, there’s no reason why very simple plans prefer not to involve themselves in such grandiose
could riot succeed, if they are backed by en< High force. events, and instead ignore the proffered story hooks.
That’s okay. Gehenna also offers various smaller-scale
story opportunities. We suggest some possibilities in
ing hunger and desire to reconnect — by devouring the main text. Other story ideas, unconnected to the
other vampires of his clan. main story arc, occur in boxes like this one. You can
Each character of that clan must try to resist an also take story suggestions from other Gehennas and
immediate frenzy. As with any frenzy, resisting requires adapt them to this louder, more destructive version.
accumulating five successes on Self-Control or Instinct
Ge h e n n a
I and sprouted rosettes of tentacles. Roots and leaves grew De s t r u c t io n o f Ma n h a t t a n
I and dissolved. Month by month, the First Tzimisce ex- The week after the mass suicide of the Setites, the
I plored the form of every sort of living thing, starting with Tzimisce Antediluvian reclaims its miles-long body be-
I the simplest and evolving forms of great er complexity. It neath Manhattan. Tendrils of undead flesh dig into the
I spread from a sarcophagus to fill a room, then some masonry walls erected by the Nosferatu and tear them
I tunnels, ever larger. It began to feed itself, seizing unwary apart, as tree roots crack stone. Geysers of undead flesh
' rodents in sea-anemone tendrils and toothless lamprey roar through the tunnels and erupt the length and breadth
jaws. It fed on the revenants who still came to tend it, too, of Manhattan Island. A thousand tentacles tipped with
until they thought to sacrifice bag ladies;ind panhandlers. fanged maws snatch at mortals and Kindred and drink
These were easier prey than Kindred. Still the Ancient them dry in seconds. Creatures of nightmare — ever-
grew more vast, threading itself through the deepest shifting compounds ofsnake and insect, octopus, bat, wolf
warrens of the Nosferatu, and it consumed all who tried to and man — bud from the masses of flesh and return
fight it. It became vine and tree, beast and bird, ever- bloated with Kindred vitae. Roots and tendrils twine up
changing, spawning creatures from itself and consuming skyscrapers and pull them apart, then wriggle through the
them again. It became something other than Cainite. It wreckage to suck the blood of the dying. Many mortals arc
devoured its slaves, blood, bone and all, and it created simply absorbed outright, dissolving into the roiling flesh.
them again. Its flesh warmed. It made its own vitae, there Almost everyone in Manhattan dies in a single night.
in the dark. It drew life from the Earth itself, without need The President of the United States orders a nuclear
for blood or any other creature. strike. Whatever destroyed Manhattan must not be al-
Metamorphosis! lowed to spread. Before the missiles arrive, however, dawn
As it mastered its own infinitude, the Antediluvian breaks over New York City. The ropes of gray, shifting
sent its mind along the ties of blood n > its descendants. It flesh that squirm over the island catch fire. Ten thousand
drew Lambach Ruthven into the tunnels. It wanted to jaws stretch impossibly wide as they scream. In less than a
begin the Great Rejoining with its fav< n ite grandchilde, minute, nothing moves in Manhattan but the coils of
but Lambach fled. No one believed Lambach's warnings smoke and ash in the wind.
about what the First Tzimisce had become The Antedi- Yet the Antediluvian is not destroyed. It has already
luvian called other Cainites of its clan. T hey came, drawn left its husk to exist as a spirit, taking other bodies as
to New York by a desire they could nei her describe nor needed.
| explain. They descended into the tunnels, they and their Th e Co n t a g io n
packs, and joined in their founder’s metam< >tfhosis. None The Tzimisce Antediluvian’s attempt at transcen-
' of them ret urned.
dence came a little too early, or a little too late. If it had
The Ancient spread its mind mid will fin then Itfedon begun a few years sooner, it might have merged itself with
all life on Earth. Now it reversed the flow, infusing itself the entire biosphere, creating a single super-organism
into other organisms. Once again, it start ed with small and linked by Vicissitude. 11 it had begun a few years later,
simple creatures: mildew on a wall, algae in a pond. At last, Gehenna would have seen it still Cainite enough to
it felt confident enough to shed its many-formed body in possess most of its childer. The Tzimisce founder can try to
the tunnels. possess any Cainite descended from it, and some other
Its old body did not die—it was too strong for that— Cainites who forged blooa-ties to its clan, but not all
but the Antediluvian’s body no longer drew life from the Tzimisce at once.
Earth. It became an undead thing once more, feeding on It can try to possess any Tremere Cainite. The mortal
the blood of whatever it could catch. Still it spread, magi who founded Clan Tremere achieved their own
however, in an endless, purposeless profusion of forms. metamorphosis using Tzimisce vitae. Clan Tremere re-
The Nosferatu strove to wall it off in the deeps, but it tains that blood connection to the clan’s founder. The
always found some new tunnel or crevice. Fire purged it Ancient usurped Tremere bodies as well as Tzimisce, for
from one place; it grew again somewhere e Ise. The Tzimisce the sake of the Thaumaturgy in their minds and blood. It
founder ignored its discarded chrysalis as it spread through took the Tremere whose disappearance so weakened the
trees, bugs and worms. clan’s Pyramid of Power; it used them and it discarded
ThefalteringCurseofCaineslowedtheFirstTzimisce’s them.
growth. Its own power ebbed, it could no longer flicker Any Cainite possessed by the Tzimisce Antediluvian
from organism to organism. It needed to feed on the blood gains one dot of Vicissitude for the duration. (A character
of Kindred and kine — vast quantities of blood. The who lacked Vicissitude gains one dot; a Cainite who
Ancient went back to Manhattan, but not for long.
the Ancient’s triumph. When the First Tzimisce becomes
a god, Lambach shall become its first and Iasi worshipper,
before he too is consumed.
Storytellerscan introduce Lambach at any time. He
survives a long time, even though he is too timid to •’J
attempt diablerie for the sake of power. Although his
power wanes with rhe Curse, he remains a 5t 1 i-generation
Methuselah. Lambach weakened is more powerful than
many elders at full strength — as a number of would-be
diablerists have already discovered, to their very brief
regret. The Methuselah himself does not fully appreciate
his own power.
The Antediluvian also protects Lambach. Anyone
who attacks him attracts the First Tzimisce’s attention.
A This master of Animalism can command any nearby Antediluvian could penetrate the shroud of Obfuscate
fl animal to defend Lambach if the Methuselah needs the with which the Father of Monsters hid himself.
' I assistance. At the End of rhe World, Absimiliard abandons his
Characters might underestimate the Tzimisce who campaign of piecemeal murder. The Withering fills him
I jumps at every noise and screams when a hug lands on him. with terror. Like the other Antediluvians who st ill take
I Lambach, however, is one of the few C ’ unites who does corporeal form, he seeks to claim Caine’s power by con-
not want the coterie’s vitae or to exploit them for some suming his siblings and their most potent childer.
scheme of his own. He can explain that his grandsire is The Father of Monsters gave his chikier a mastery of
spreading Vicissitude to every creature on Earth with the beasts equal to their mastery of concealment. Nosferatu
final goal of absorbing all life into itself. Lambach knows vitae also carries a special power to make ghoul animals
what destroyed New York, though not why. He does not grow to great size and strength. The Nosferatu mix their
know that the Antediluvian now possesses >>t her Cainites. vitae into filth-laden water to create spawning pools.
Lambach does not believe that anyone can do any- These pools nourish rats the size of hounds and other
thing to stop his grandsire. In his despair, he accepts his monstrous guardians of the Nosferatu Kingdoms.
destiny as his grandsire’s witness, and he 11< >pes only to slay Long ago, Absimiliard created spawning pools deep
himselfbefore his grandsire finally devours him. Lambach within the Earth. His vitae transformed animals into
carries a bottle of gasoline and a lightei ai all times. If the monsters that he trained and cast into ageless sleep. In
characters show him some kindness and give him a vessel, between these rare bursts of activity, Absimiliard slept in
however, he offers them a boon in return whatever he the cold, eternal night at the bottom of the ocean. Now,
can do short of giving his unlife for th* in. He is still a at the End of the World, the Father of Monsters rouses his
nobleman and a Tzimisce, with a Tzimisce’s regard for sleeping army. He means to conquer his rivals by raw force.
L hospitality. The fact that the characters can still treat a On every cont inent, the earth shakes and splits as the
guest with honor moves him more deeply t han he cart say. beasts of Absimiliard rip free from theirsecret nests. Some
of them follow the scent of Nosferatu vitae, stalking the
u Tiif Rf ig n o f No s f f r a 1 U few who resist consumption by their forebear. Others
The legends of the Nosferatu clan ascribe several converge on cities held by Antediluvians or their
names and titles to their founder, slid i a Absimiliard and Methuselah servants. One great beast rises from the sea
the Father of Monsters. The legends agree that their with Absimiliard himself riding in its belly like Jonah in
| ancestor seeks to destroy his descendants. Some tales say the whale. The First Nosferatu expects to dine on his
I that Absimiliard believes that Caine will f<irgive him and brothers and sisters. Indeed, when he regains his full
' restore his human features if he destr> »ys his clan. Other might, the Father of Monsters can feed on vitae through
Nosferatu suggest that their founder cannot stand to see his servant beasts. At first, however, he still needs to
his own ugliness echoed in his childer. diablerize victims in person.
To this end, the Father of Monsters spawned a cadre The coterie can encounter the Reign of Nosferatu in
of horrors called the Nictuku to work his will. Some tales two ways. If the characters threw in their lot with some
say that Absimiliard Embraced half-human, half-demonic other Antediluvian, Absimiliard and his monsters attack
creatures that walked rhe Earth in ancient limes, adding the city where they dwell. If rhe characters fled the cities
the power of his Blood to their own strengt h. Other stories in hopes of establishing a survival enclave, the Ancient
claim that the Nictuku are beasts transformed by the can pass by on his way to acity and, he hopes, a meal ofrival
Fat her ofMonsters. Still other legends say that theNictuku Ancient.
are beyond any category known to Kindred or kine. In
recent years, the Nictuku became more than legend. The Opt io n On f : Un d e r Sipg e
clan collected reports of elders strangely murdered or who Use this story if the characters serve an Antediluvian
disappeared without a trace, or ofentire Nosferatu warrens or Methuselah. They might oversee a feeding-station of
savagely massacred by unknown creatures of prodigious mortal vessels, work to build defenses for their master, or
strength, and they knew their sire still haled them. take on other tasks as described thus far. Absimiliard calls
an army of beasts to invade the city. Although rhe
For millennia, of course, the Nosferatu hunted their
Ancient chiefly wants to capture and diablerize the city’s
sire right back. The clan built its famous information
master, his creatures share a ghoul’s appetite for any sort of
network in part to sift the world for clues to their mad
Kindred vitae.
forebear’s location. Nosferatu sponsored expeditions to
strange, far places and hired potent thaumaturges to Absimiliard’s army consists ofoversized rats and bugs,
divine his lairs, all in vain. No power save perhaps another with a few gigantic, deformed specimens of other animals,
Ch a pt er Fiv e : Th e Cr u c ibl e o f Go d
including a giant saurian atavism that forms his personal The location is an ambush: Four or five giant animal
steed and protector. Treat the giant rats anil hugs as wild ghouls moved into this location and hid themselves the
dogs. These beasts attack in packs. (See Vampire: The previous day. These animals burst out from cover anil
Masquerade, pp. 302-305 for traits and rules for swarm attack any Kindred who followed the bug anil rar packs.
attacks.) Large beasts range in size from a (d\ disdale horse The bugs and rats then circle around in hopes of blocking
to an elephant, with intrinsic Fortitude and Potence; see the Kindred's retreat. These beasts also retreat when faced
sidebar below for generic trait descriptions. with a strong defense, but follow retreating vampires back
The assault begins about midnight as rat packs ami into the city and harass them with more hit-and-run
bug swarms boil out of the city sewers to attack any attacks. Their goal is not to kill vampires right away, but
Kindred abroad on the streets. The rats and hugs give way to keep them from reaching their havens when the sun
before counterattacks. The creatures attack several times, rises. Cainites who cannot stay awake after dawn become
but retreat when pursued. All the packs converge on a easy prey for the beasts.
location in the city’s outskirts. A woodeil ravine works Just before sunrise, Absimiliard himself enters the
well. So does a region with abandoned warehouses or city within the largest monster ofall. He already hasagood
other large, empty buildings. idea of his quarry’s location. The giant reptile topples
II small buildings with sweeps of its mighty tail, burying
/I Kindred who get in its way, or it tries to hire and swallow
'I them for its master’s nourishment. The giant reptile can
I rip and climb up the interior of a skyscraper or tear through
I concrete floors in pursuit of the city's master. About half
I of Absimiliard’sservant beasts also converge on the haven
F of the target Ancient. (The other half slip control for the
moment and are more interested in satisfying their own
ghoulish appetite for vitae.) The sun has risen by the time
the Nosferatu Ancient reaches his quarry, so any defend-
ers must fight with reduced dice pools and the deadly
threat ofsunlight. Absimiliard possesses sufficientstrength
of will to stay awake, and his pets suffer no I imitation at all.
If Absimiliard succeeds in his assault, his blasphemous Hr ’
saurian chews on its prey a hit to soft, c it up before
swallowing. The First Nosferatu diahlei ires his victim in
the beast’s belly. When the Nosferatu fi >i inder devours his
prey’s soul, every animal in the city fren tics and attacks
any mortal or Kindred they can find. The frenzy does not
last long, though — just three turns (or more if the
Storyteller desires).
The next night, the invigorated Antediluvian com-
mands that the city’s Kindred gather and swear fealty to
him as the city’s new master. The other Kindred must
capture any Nosferatu in the city for Absimiliard to
The Nosferatu Antediluvian makes the city his do-
main. He no longer needs to travel to hunt his brothers
I and sisters. Now that Absimiliard has devoured one
I Ancient, he can diablerize by proxy, through any beast
| from his spawning pools. The giant reptile and a force of
a dozen or so lesser monsters remain as Absimiliard’s
personal guard. The rest move on to other cities and the
Father of Monsters’ ultimate prey — another Antedilu-
Opt io n Two: Pa s s i n g Th r o u g h
Use this story if the characters fled cities and set up a
survival enclave in some small town or rural area. In this
story, Absimiliard merely passes through on his way to a
city and his Ancient prey. He views the characters’
enclave as a convenient snack. Before the Withering, he
could not have fed on any vitae less potent than that of a
Methuselah, and indeed, he still gains little nourishment
from blood alone. Diablerie, the drinking of souls, ener-
gizes the vitae he consumes.
Characters can see Absimiliard’s giant amphibious
steed from miles away. He has zero chance of taking the
coterie by surprise. The characters have ar least a few hours
to prepare before the great reptile attacks.
The story is very simple. The characters see a gigantic
reptile tromping toward their haven. It tries to eat them.
Ch a pt er Fiv e : Th e Cr u c ibl e o f Go c
The characters try not to be eaten. The Nosferatu Ancient mission in the Path of Blood, a harsh code of honor and
also mobilizes large numbers of mundane local animals to war against the other clans. Assamite tradition held that
harass the characters—swarms of bats and rats, dog packs Haqim would rise to lead his clan in a great purge. The
and the like. ancient Book of Nod prophesies that at Gehenna, Caine’s
Absimiliard does not risk his pet’s life for rhe sake of wicked childer would he brought to the First Murderer’s
a snack. If the characters manage to deal m< >re than two black throne to face their punishment. The Assamites
health levels of damage to his beast, the Antediluvian believed that they would attend that dread court as
withdraws. The characters affronted his pride, though. recorders and instruments of Caine’s vengeance.
The beast retreats throughout the next day. The next The Assamites also preserved more unity and hierar-
night, however, the Antediluvian returns under cover of chy than most clans. From the dawn of time to the present
Obfuscate. He spends a few hours locating and watching night, the Eldest (the “Old Man”; the Master of Alamut)
the characters as he ponders what sort of cruelty he can spoke to the clan as Haqim’s viceroy, aided by councils of
inflict before he devours them. For instance, he might elders gathered from throughout the world. The deep
murder the mortal that a character most cares about, then hatred that certain Assamite devotional orders inspired
leave the mutilated body in the character’s bed, just for among the Kindred they fought also discouraged infight-
spite. He decides that he shall commit his atrocity within ing among clan members. In recent years, the leading
view of the characters... except they won’t see it because Assamite antitribu even abandoned the Sabbat and re-
of the Obfuscate. The Ancient’s power fails in the midst turned to Alamut’s fold.
of his crime, though, so at least one character sees the On the other hand, the clan recently suffered a new
Antediluvian. schism. When Haqim’s childe ur-Shulgi awoke and seized
Absimiliard has spent most of the last few thousand Alamut, the ancient Methuselah decreed that the Path of
years as a creature of the ocean deeps, and he looks the Blood was the clan’s only law. Assamites who retained
part. The Ancient is a bloated, slick, translucent creature faith in mortal creeds — particularly the Abrahamic
like a humanoid jellyfish. He has the wide mouth, needle- religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam — rebelled
like teeth and huge pop-eyes of a deep-sea fish. The against ur-Shulgi. They fled the clan’s strongholds in the 0
moment he realizes that someone can see him, he moans, Middle East, India and Central Asia for the Western world
hides his face with his hands and runs. He’s very fast and and the protection of the Camarilla and the Sabbat. The
he soon musters enough Obfuscate to conceal himself lords of the Camarilla humbled Alamut once before; the
again. Fie returns to the comforting, black belly of his pet schismatics hoped they could do it again. Some among the
as soon as possible and does not return to trouble the schismatics even dared to question their traditional loy-
coterie again. alty to their founder.
The characters can follow the Antediluvian if they Haqim also did not absorb the minds and wills of his
want. His beast moves quickly, but automobiles are faster. childer as completely as did other Antediluvians when he
Clever characters may rig some sort of trap or weapon that rose. Perhaps his own honor forbids him to devour the
can kill the giant reptile and force Absimiliard to emerge. wills of childer who remained faithful. Perhaps his clan
The Antediluvian is still an Ancient of considerable had changed too much. In the last millennium, the clan
power, but without diablerie to sustain him, his strength is suffered two separate curses that wrought fundamental
finite and the characters might be able to slay him. Once changes in the Blood.
he diablerizes a Methuselah, though, his traits become All Assamitesstill feel their forebear’s will beat against
irrelevant: He easily counters any attack from the charac- their own when Haqim rises to call the Last Jyhad.
ters. Assamites and diabierists of Assamites receive the normal
chance to resist enslavement by Haqim. Unlike other
T h f Rf ig n of Ha q im clans, however, submission to Haqim merely imposes a
The Assamite clan calls its Antediluvian Haqim; powerful feeling of loyalty and affection, like that of a
indeed, many Assamites prefer to call their clan the willing blood bond. Haqim’sslaves retain their minds and
“Children of Haqim.” When Haqim awoke, he had some individual wills, while the Antediluvian cannot know
advantages and disadvantages compared to the other their thoughts and experiences.
Antediluvians. The First Assamite commands his loyal childer to
On one hand, most Assamites revered their clan’s hunt the remaining traitors to the clan and the infidel of
founder as a holy prophet or even a god. Clan legend says the other clans. Assamite coteries, called falaqi, strike
that “Khayyin” (Caine) appointed Haqim to judge and against elders throughout the world. As the mortal world
punish the other Kindred. Assamite jurists formalized this
I crumbles, Alamut retains the command and control of a Su b m i s s i o n t o Ha q i m
I modem military machine. The falaqi diablerize their The coterie might face a falaqi of loyal Children of
I victims or ship them back to Alamut for the Antedilu- Haqim. Following the directive from Alamut, these
I vian and his lieutenants to devour. Alamut reveals that Assamites preach before they kill. By now, the characters
I it has built its own fleet of Lear jets, with fuel caches (and their players) are probably all too accustomed to
I positioned around the world. Battles with other Kindred slavering Kindred trying to drink their blood. These
r destroy the planes one by one, however, and the fuel Assamites, however, present themselves as missionaries
dumps last only a few months. Yet as Haqim restores his with an alternative to the fratricidal chaos. The Kindred
power through diablerie, he becomes able to feed through do not need to ki 11 each other for power. The blood of their
his emissaries. Each diablerie by an Assamite passes some sires damns them, but the blood of Haqim can redeem
of the devoured soul’s potency to Haqim. them. Thefalaqi includes a Cainiteor two from other clans
The Antediluvian did not expect the waning of to provide testimonials: Assamite blood and the word of
Caine’s Curse, but Alamut soon reconciles this event with Haqim have freed them from the weakness and hunger
its ideology. Haqim declares that the disruption of the that afflicts other Kindred. Vampires need only accept
Curse comes from God. The wicked among the Kindred Haqim’s grace, spread the word... and drink three times
suffer weakness or devour each other as unwitting scourges from one of Haqim’s faithful childer.
upon their sinful race. At the end of this tribulation, The falaqi does not give characters much time to
however, God will redeem the faithful and restore their think about its offer. Its members warn that many other
power as His sword of justice in the cleansed world. Kindred need to hear their message and they can’t waste
The manifesto from Alamut does not entirely deny time on indecisive fence-sitters. The characters must
mercy to Kindred of other clans. They may atone for the make their leap of faith note, because God might not give
sins of their bloodline by joining the Children of Haqim them a second chance. The Assamites stay at least three
in rooting out the infidel. All they have to do is profess nights to complete the blood Kinds, then they move on
their contrition... and accept a blood bond to an with any characters they ensnared. If the Assamites can-
CJ Assamite. In the Reign of Haqim, any blood bond to an not persuade anyone to accept Haqim’s grace, they bid the
Assamite becomes a bond to the Antediluvian himself. coterie a sorrowful farewell. They sneak back under cover
The “free” Assamites face danger from every side. of Obfuscate a few nights later to try to capture the
Their erstwhile clanmates now hunt them as infidels. characters for a diablerie feast.
Other Kindred hate and fear known Assamites, since The Cainites in thefalaqi are neonates with an anci Ila
they cannot easily tell a schismatic from a murderous leader. They outnumber the coterie, though not by much.
minion of Alamut. Alamut loyalists are not above The group includes one or two Kindred of other clans, for
pretending to be schismatics in search of sanctuary, as a wider spread of Disciplines, and some of the falaqi
a way to get closer to their victims. Of course, Kindred members have skills at evading mundane security. If the
desperate for a diablerie “fix” do not much care if a falaqi needs to be more powerful to challenge the coterie,
Cainite on the run is Assamite or not. add an Assamite sorcerer with a thaumaturgical path or
Some schismatics refuse to fight. In their case, the two and a few rituals that negate the coterie’s advantages.
Assamites’ millennia of faith and honor lead them to Does Haqim believe that he guides the Kindred to
submit to God, not Haqim. If the waning of Caine’s redemption, or is he just thinning out the competition
Curse is God’s will, they accept it, whether as tribula- before he turns on his own clan I Who knows? The Reign
tion or mercy. Shortly before the Antediluvians rise to of Haqim decimates the Kindred, but mightier powers
found their Empire of Blood, a rumor sweeps through destroy Haqim before he can complete his war. The
the schismatic grapevine: Kindred who accept the wan- characters are far from Alamut when it happens, though,
ing Curse may become mortal again! As always with so they never know who or what slew the First Assamite.
rumors, the details change with each telling. Most Se r v a n t s o f Ha q im
versions of the story agree that regaining mortality The whole coterie might accept the blood bond to
involves fasting and the most earnest repentance and Haqim. They discover that the message of the falaqi is
prayer. not entirely a lie. Assamites still suffer the unpredict-
Whether the characters ally themselves to an An- able fluctuations in the Curse, but falaqi are very good at
cient or seek to avoid Gehenna in a survival enclave, finding Kindred to diablerize. Kindred bound to Haqim
they can encounter Assamites who promise them a final lose their fears, doubts and hungers, because Haqim’s
chance for redemption. Two final chances, in fact. hunger matters more to them than their own. Haqim’s
Jyhad can end the chaos afflicting the Kindred — by ter, or one of the players can take the Assam ite’s role if
slaughtering everyone who does not submit to the one does not already exist. Kindred of other clans
Antediluvian ’s will. cannot pass the bond to Haqim through their blood.)
A coterie that serves Haqim gains the same mission The coterie tries to murder and diablerize Methuselahs
as the Assamites who recruited them. They search for without the usual preaching, though — such ancient
other Cainites, try to bind them to Haqim through creatures are too steeped in sin for redemption. Besides,
Assamite vitae, and kill everyone who turns them they’d see through the characters’ story in a second. The
down. (The coterie does need to include an Assamite coterie regains its freedom a few months later when
member for this, the Storyteller can create this charac- someone or something destroys Haqim.
Ge h e n n a
Su b m is s io n t o Go d who follow a Path of Enlightenment can also make the
The coterie might also meet a group of real Assamite attempt, but the player rolls half the character’s Path
missionaries spreading the word that vampires can be- rating (since Path followers have deliberately rejected
come mortal again. This group travels in a smal I refrigerator their human connections). The attempt costs a point of
truck (the metal box in hack is just 8 feet long) pulled by permanent Willpower that does not add successes to the
oxen. The missionaries believe that they have the most roll. The character also expends at least one blood point
important message in the world—the only way to redeem to suffuse his flesh with blood and force his heart to beat.
the world from the Curse of Caine. They travel together If the character succeeds, he becomes closer to mor-
for protection and merely ask the characters to hear them tality. His Generation rating increases by one per success
out and let them depart unmolested. rolled, to a maximum of 15th generation. Minor physi-
The Assamites tell how vampires can escape the ological processes resume, such as an occasional heartbeat
Curse ofCaine by doing all they can to resist it. They must or growth of hair. The more successes the player rolls, the
avoid feeding,but try toavoid frenzy as well ifthey gorge more aspects of mortality the character gains.
themselves in their madness, they might be too frill of The next time the character’s Cainite powers fail, he
blood to throw off the Curse when they get their chance. can try again and become still more mortal. When the
They must pray for mercy and humble themselves every character accumulates five successes, he truly lives again,
way they can. Whatever they gained through their undead regardless ofhis current generation. Ifhe still has any vitae
powers, they must renounce. They must give all they have in his system, he becomes a ghoul while it lasts.
to poor mortals, especially those who suffered loss because
of Kindred actions. They should bind themselves in Th f Re ig n o f M a l kav
chains so they cannot harm anyone else, then they must Kindred mythology includes no tales about the de-
have themselves scourged. Ghouls must be freed from struction of the Malkavian clan’s founder. A few legends
their enslavement to the Blood. Then, eventually, God say that Malkav sleeps in a ruined city somewhere in the
might take pity on them and restore them to life. Middle East, but no one who followed these legends ever
Tire missionaries have one slight credibility problem: found any trace of the Antediluvian. Then again, how <9
None of them has actually done this. They say they knew could anyone find the resting place of one of the supreme
a fonner Assamite who became mortal, bur that was quite masters of Obfuscate?
some distance away. The characters have n< >thing but the Malkav no longer exists asa corporeal entity. Lunacy’s
Assamites’ word for what happened, though a character Master retained stronger ties to its childer than did most
with Dominate might Mesmerize a missionary against Antediluvians. Many times in Kindred history, Malkavians
lying and so confinn that the Assamites sincerely believe displayed an uncanny coordination between their deeds,
what they say. If the characters want to travel to the town with no apparent way for them to communicate. The
where the former Assamite dwells, they must cross a few occasional spontaneous gatherings of Malkavians lent
hundred miles of territory that becomes increasingly cha- further credence to the notion of a “Malkavian Madness
otic as the world falls apart. When they arrive at the town, Network” that linked the clan. That “network” was noth-
they find that the alleged Assamite has died another ingless than every Malkavian’s blood-tie to theirprogenitor.
vampire killed him. They can prove that their quarry Although Malkav slept the torpor ofcenturies, it watched
existed, but not that he was ever a vampire. the world through the eyes of its unknowing progeny.
Be c o m in g Mo r t a l Some years ago, various upsets among the Kindred
The missionaries are not quite correct about Kindred troubled Malkav’s sleep. The Ancient did not think about
becoming mortal again. They saw what their clanmate what it did, it acted as one may act in dreams, without
did, but they do not know the exact factors involved. conscious volition. Nevertheless, Malkav desired to see
The elaborate rituals of fasting and contrit ion are not through more eyes than usual, so it strengthened its bond
necessary. Becoming mortal is all a matter of Humanity— to its childer. The Ancient indeed placed its entire being
and, perhaps, the grace ofGod. When a character feels his into the Madness Network and left the useless husk of its
Kindred powers ebb in an acute bout of the Withering, he body to crumble away. As its founder spread through the
must yearn for mortality with all his might and try to MadnessNetwork, the clan itself changed. For centuries,
remember what it felt like to live. The player then rolls a Camarilla Malkavians learned Dominate instead of the
dice pool equal to the character’s Humanity (difficulty 9). clan’sancientDisciplineofDementation. Malkav touched
Fourteenth-generation vampires subtract 1 from the diffi- all his childer with Dementation, whether they wanted it
culty and 15th-generation vampiressubtract 2.Characters or not. Ifany Malkavians understood what had happened,
Ch a h e r Fiv e : Th e Cr u o bl e o e Go d
either Malkav stopped them from telling anyone or other rhe mortal’s Willpower (difficulty 7). If the roll fails, the
Kindred ignored the madmen’s babble. mortal goes permanently mad. If the roll succeeds, the
Malkav wakes up with rhe other Antediluvians and mortal becomes immune to Malkav for that scene. Malkav
tries to subsume all its progeny. It feels lonely, trapped can try again if it encounters the mortal in a later scene.
within its own mind, and it reaches our to other minds. A mortal driven insane hy Malkav loses the capacity
Each consciousness touched by Lunacy’s Master, how- to empathize with other people. The person cannot even
ever, dissolves into its own. Every subsumed Malkavian recognize that other beings are people. Malkav’s Chosen
becomes a vehicle for the clan founder's consciousness, become creatures as amoral as any vampire lost to the
withouteven a pretense of maintaining the character’s old Beast, but retaining a human intellect in every other way.
identity. The Ancient becomes one mind, one will, that These “isolates” treat all other people as potentially threat-
happens to occupy more than a thousand I odies at once. ening animals, as competitors for food, or as food
Subsumed Lunatics seldom speak, but they can act to- themselves. They do not shrink from murder and canni-
gether with perfect coordination... at least when Malkav balism. Torture fascinates these human-looking creatures,
wants them to do so. Lunacy’s Master still cannot escape as they ponder the conundrum of an object that mimics
the mirror-maze of its isolation, though, so ii seeks more the appearance of pain.
minds. More descendants. Other Kindred. Mortals. Some Malkav’s mortal victims can work together, though,
soul strong enough to break through Malkav’s solipsistic if the Ancient demands it. Malkav’s bodies often walk
madness and leave it no longer alone. with a retinue of mortals who feed and serve it. When
TllF Qtlf S I FOR COMpLFTION Malkav does not need its minions, t hese mort als howl and
Some Malkavians resist their ancestor’s soul-devour- gibber, leap about, beat themselves or each other with
ing will. The Ancient can sense its rebel pre >geny. If one of sticks, feed, couple and sleep when they tire, like beasts. /
its bodies wanders neara free Malkavian, it sends the body
to confront rhe errant Lunatic and consume it. For a free
Sometimes they spontaneously dance in unison while
chanting nonsense. Anywhere from 10 to 100 such “bac- {
Malkavian, or anyone who ever diablerized a Lunatic, any chantes” t ypically accompany each subsumed Malkavian.
eJ meeting with a subsumed Malkavian is a meeting with Dr .Nf t c h u r c j i
Malkav itself. Any Malkavian can suck anot Iier Malkavian A coterie that strives to ride out Gehenna can
into the collective of the mad. encounter a special Malkavian on the run from his
A subsumed Malkavian can approach;11 ice Malkavian many-bodied ancestor. Dr. Douglas Netchurch, sev-
character whenever the Storyteller thinks it would make enth generation, is one of the world's greatest Cainite
a good story. The Ancient might send one < >f its bodies scientists. He has studied Cainite parabiology for de-
hundreds or thousands of miles to collect a character. cades: notable subjects include ghoul physiology,
Malkav does not seek its childer in an efficient, organized Discipline acquisition, Thin Blood Syndrome and the
manner, though. Lunacy’s Master might miss a character peculiar clairvoyance displayed by some Cainites of the
completely. Fourteenth and Fifteenth Generations. He considers
himself a rational and ethical man with an unfortunate
medical condition. He welcomed the end of the Mas-
Malkav spreads its “gift” of madness to other Cainites
as it tries to contact other minds. Each Malkavian body
querade because he could finally publish his research to
the entire world, instead of merely circulating it to a
retains the use of whatever Disciplines the character knew
select audience of fellow Kindred. The prestigious sci-
before the Antediluvian consumed her. The Ancient
ence journal Nature was peer-reviewing his first paper
freely employs these Disciplines, especially Dementation,
when war broke out between Kindred and kine. (See
to drive other Cainites insane. It cannot possess Kindred
Ghouls: Fatal Addiction and Time of Thin Blood for
who are not descended from it or who never diablerized a
samples of Netchurch’s research, and check the Appen-
Malkavian, but that doesn’t stop Lunacy’s Master from
dix for a profile of the good doctor himself.)
trying. Malkav also retains enough awareness of the world
to diablerize other Kindred when it gets the chance, to Dr. Netchurch lost his laboratory, his test subjects and
counteract the Withering in its bodies. his assistant (and childe) Dr. Reage in the chaos of
Gehenna. He kept his mind and a satchel of research
A Ma d n f s s f o r Mo r t a l s notebooks and data disks. Now he seeks a refuge where he
Malkav draws mortals into its fog of madness. If can try to figure out what happened to rhe Curse of Caine
Malkav focuses its will on a mortal it can sec clearly, that and what, ifanything, can he done about it. He turns to the
character’s player (or the Storyteller) rolls a dice pool of coterie for help.
I The gtxxl dcKtor has many useful skills to offer a
I coterie. Mortals in a survival enclave or small town
I appreciate the presence of a doctor, even if he takes fees in
I bkxxl. He can apply his scientific training ti> a wide variety
I of biological and chemical problems, from distilling fuel
I alcohol to homebrew insecticides. Il the characters allow
r it, Netchurch devises tests to quantify the Withering and
its effects on vampiric physiology. His tests are gruesome
and painful, since they involve acts such as slicing open a
vampire’s flesh and watching it heal under a microscope.
Netchurch is quite willing to experiment on himself if no
one else volunteers. He often pesters the characters to find
him more lab equipment.
After a few weeks ofsuch tests, however, Dr. N etchurch v ii
can announce that the Assamite apostates’ claim about
vampires becoming mortal (sec “The Reign of Haqim”) is
not completely implausible. When Cainite powers seem
weakest, he sees signs of actual metabolic activity in the
tissues of his research subjects. Netchurch speculates that
if this trend continues, Kindred might gain the ability to /7/
eat normal food again and perform other mortal body
functions, though he does not yet know if vampires could
lose their deadly vulnerability to sunlight and their need
to drink blood.
V More ominously, Dr. Netchurch’s inquiring mind
recognizes the early signs of the Tzimisce Antediluvian
invading Earth’s biosphere (see “The Reign of Tzimisce”).
Unfortunately, Netchurch lacks the background to inter-
pret what he finds. He can recognize that some force is
altering fungi, lichens and other simple organisms in
peculiar ways, but he cannot identify the force or tell how
widespread the mutagenic effects will become. MH
Most importantly, Dr. Netchurch can suggest ways to
free other characters who are possessed by an Antedilu- OS?
vian, assuming the characters cannot figure this out ii
themselves. The doctor combines a brilliant scientific
mind with the Dementation Discipline to pull informa-
tion from nowhere. Storytellers can use him to give the
characters hints about what’s going on and what they
might do about it. Netchurch is not infallible, though, and
he carefully limits his advice to describing various possi-
bilities. The characters must decide what to do by
Hosting Dr. Netchurch makes the coterie a target
for Malkav. The Antediluvian catches up to them in
the body of Dr. Reage, accompanied with a force of at
least 60 bacchantes. The Antediluvian and bacchantes
say only one word, “Douglas,” in unison. Malkav isn’t
subtle. Dr. Reage and the force of bacchantes attack in
a human wave in hopes of overwhelming anyone or
anything in their way. The bacchantes use their own
bodies to bridge a trench or force a way over a wall.
Ch a r ier Fiv e : Th e Cr u q bl e of Go d
When characters travel through the ravaged world, leads them to believe that the characters must be
they can encounter a variety of mentally unstable or scouts for the enemy. Some of the soldiers sneak out to
otherwise dangerouspeople trying to ride out the end try to capture the characters for interrogation. Any
of civilization. These people might attack the charac- reference the characters make to any location might
ters out of fear, greed for their possessions, thirst for provoke a nuclear strike. It’s one way they can take out
their vitae or other reasons. On the other hand, the an Antediluvian, if they’re shrewd enough to play on
survivalists might have something the characters want. the soldiers’ madness. It’s also a good way to get their
We present a few sample people and groups that loved ones killed, along with everyone else left in a
Storytellers can flesh out as they choose. They are all city. Being responsible for nuking a city, even by
post-holocaust classics, with a Kindred twist. accident, definitely causes Humanity loss: Ask for Hu-
• Cannibal Corners: A Cainite with a very low manity checks to see ifcharacters lose only one point for
Humanity took over this rural hamlet. He feeds on the this awful development.
inhabitants and returns just enough of his vitae to keep (For a variation, replace the missile silo with a
the 50 or so mortals bkxxl bound as his ghouls. The nuclear submarine lodged about a mile from shore.)
villagers pretend to welcome visitors but drug their • Tribulation: When the Masquerade fell, the
food, tie them up in their sleep and turn them over to zealots in this religious commune felt little surprise.
their master. The Kindred drinks the captives dry, then They knew for years that Satan ruled the world and
gives the carcasses to the mortals. Their state of devils walked in human guise. Their attempt at self-
ghouldom and the Cainite’s influence have itimed the sufficiency left them more qualified than their neighbors
people into willing cannibals. to ride out the end of civilization... and their ex-
When the coterie arrives, the villagers pretend not tremely large cache of weaponry let them dictate terms
to realize they are Kindred and encourage rhe charac- to everyone around them. The commune now forms
ters to stay through the day, so their master can enjoy the nucleus of a small theocratic dictatorship. The
a diablerie feast. Just in case, while some villagers people “protected" by die commune quickly come to
distract the characters, others sabotage their vehicle. If revere the group’s highly charismatic leader and ac-
that doesn’t work, they just pull out guns and other cept his fundamentalist rhetoric.
weapons. The master must have blood and souls! The leader has more going for him that just skill at
• The Missile Men: The soldiers at this nuclear public speaking. He has a neonate Toreador chained
silo waited for orders that never came. They were too and hooded in his cellar. The leader feeds animal bkxxl
well trained to leave their post, and the silo was built to the neonate and draws off vitae to sustain himself as
to survive for months after a nuclear attack. Months a ghoul, giving himself Potence and Presence. He is of
into the End of the World, isolated but unwilling to course bkxxl Knind to the Toreador, bur in his case,
leave, the soldiers are going stir-crazy. Thn nigh months the obsession takes the fonn of possessiveness and
of work, they have found a way to launch their missiles using the Toreador as his sex toy. By now the preacher
without rhe codes they would normally need from the has his flock so bamboozled that even revealing the
government. They know there’s an enemy out there secret of his overwhelming charisma might not turn
and they’re itching to destroy him, bur where? the people against him. The Toreador, meanwhile, is
The soldiers maintain surveillance of the nearby half mad from months of torture and slavery. The only
area. When they see the coterie nearby, their paranoia thing she wants more than Final Death is to take the
preacher with her.
suffers from Methuselah’s Thirst. She needs Kindred enemies of the coterie, everyone benefits. She also
willing to let her feed from them... enough that she need describes the favors she can offer in return, including
not feed from a single Kindred more than twice. The protection from Antediluvian forebears. She still doesn’t
Shaper also needs to diablerize the occasional Kindred to call herself an Antediluvian. “Sarah" just says that her
maintain what power she has, and she encourages her blood differs enough from her sire’s to insulate her, and
minions to capture prey for her. anyone bound to her, from the power of their ancestors.
The Antediluvian plans to eat her way up the food If the characters don’t want to do business with
chain. Diablerizing a Methuselah gives her the power to “Sarah,” she says she’s sorry they feel that way and she
face and destroy another Antediluvian, it she can take hopes she can find other Kindred with more ambition.
her sibling by surprise. Her minions serve as spies. She She departs. If the characters are foolish enough to
wants them to locate a Methuselah and an Antedilu- attack her, she sinks into the ground and vanishes. The
vian, find out how they protect themselves, sabotage next day—yes, day—the Shaper makes a special effort
their defenses and help her sneak up t« > them. of will to stay awake, pulls a bunch of junk around her
in a light-proof cocoon with a smoked-glass visor,
Re c r u it m e n t Dr iv e
breaks into the coterie’s haven and tries to stake them
The Shaper spends a time watching the characters
all for diablerie. See Vampire: The Masquerade p. 204
from the cover of Obfuscate. The characters learn about
for rules about waking when disturbed during the day.
the Shaper when she contacts them. She does so in
private, with no other Cainites around. The Shaper Ea t in g t o t h e Top
does not immediately announce herself as an Antedilu- “Sarah” deals with the characters fairly as long as
vian. She merely introduces herself is an elder who they keep faith with her. She lets the characters select
needs assistants, with certain gifts to offer in return. She lesser Kindred for her to diablerize, and she always
calls herself “Sarah,” a pseudonym she chooses for its performs a service in return. For instance, if the coterie
very ordinariness. The Shaper says that she wants the dwells in a small town, the Shaper can build fortifica-
characters to work for her because they compose one of tions or create a storage tank full of gasoline for their
the last intact coteries in the world. That shows that generator. Although she does not know any technology
they possess an uncommon degree of intelligence and more advanced that a water-wheel, she learns quickly
loyalty to each other, when most other coteries have and can duplicate any substance or mechanical device
fallen apart because of fratricide. “Sarah" hopes that that she has a few hours to study. “Sarah” suggests,
they can extend some of that honesty and integrity to however, that the people would do better to adopt pre-
her. modern technology such as windmills and horse-drawn
As a token of good faith, “Sarah” offers to assist the plows. She, of course, knows all about such things. If the
coterie in some small way before she even says what she characters dwell in a city, she can build secure havens,
wants. The characters can suggest tasks, and the Shaper create trade goods, rescue loved ones from other Kin-
picks one she can perform without much trouble, even dred or perform other tasks the characters might suggest.
in her comparatively weakened state. Anything finan- “Sarah” accepts each challenge with enthusiasm. She
cial or material is easy for her. For instance, if the enjoys stretching her powers and having an audience
characters want money (never mind that it's worthless after millennia of concealment, though she still hides
with civilization’s collapse), the Shaper steps outside, from all Kindred except the characters. In short, she
creates a few gold bars, then steps inside and asks if this seems like an ideal mentor. She fakes her Humanity
will do. She can also build nearly anything in a short very well.
time. Mf t h u s e l a h -Hu n t f r s
Once “Sarah" completes her task to the coterie’s The first great challenge consists of murdering a
satisfaction, she asks for a modest payment in vitae. If Methuselah. The Storyteller should provide two or three
the characters don’t trust her to feed directly, they can possible victims within 100 miles or so, to keep the story
drain some vitae into a container. The Shaper wants focused on the diablerie instead of cross-country travel.
one blood point’s worth from each character. Pick Methuselahs from your extant chronicle, Children
Now that everyone’s... well, not friends, but rea- of the Night or other Vampire supplements. If a
sonably sure that they can do business, “Sarah" bargains Methuselah particularly annoyed the coterie in the past,
in earnest. She wants to diablerize a Methuselah, and to the characters can arrange his destruction. “Sarah” en-
muster enough of her power for that, she needs to courages the coterie to help locate a suitable target and
diablerize another Cainite or two. If her v ictims can be plan the attack. By now the characters have some idea of
I interrogation. The Shaper sleeps while Earth Melded, so Th f Re ig n o f G a n g r f l
I the minions don’t find her. The characters wake up in the
Noddist legend gives the Gangrel founder the name
I Antediluvian’s lair, bound in chains too strong to break.
Ennoia, among others. As with all the Antediluvians,
For this climactic scene, the Storyteller might want almost nothing is really known about the First Gangrel.
I to create a horrifically baroque haven for Absimiliard,
Even Ennoia’s supposed female gender is speculation, for
I such as an art deco subway station festooned with staked
in later millennia the Antediluvians could appear in any
and crucified Kindred hanging from chains, or a church form they chose. Every student of Cainite myth agrees,
now entirely plated with human bones. The Antedilu- however, that the Gangrel owe their unique aptitude for
vian has great power now, and it takes its time torturing the Protean Discipline to their founder, who surely must
the characters in between the questions. Quite possibly have been its greatest master.
the Ancient has Disciplines that could force the char-
For millennia, Ennoia walked alone when she did not
acters to tell everything they know - the torture is just
sleep in the soil. Gangrel tales say that sometimes she
for fun. At last, the Antediluvian forces the coterie to
visited the tale-swaps and moots of her descendants, and
speak of “Sarah," the Shaper.
they knew her not until after her departure. Other tales
Their captor laughs. “That silly girl? I haven’t heard speak of her as a ruthless predator who devoured her
anything about her in 5,000 years. What’ll she do, chikier simply because she hungered and they were con-
throw pots ar me? Threaten to redecorate my haven?” venient. All the tales of Ennoia date from more than 1,000
That’s when the building starts to shake and rattle. years ago. The few Kindred who could honestly claim they
Every mechanical device in the building dismantles itself. met her are almost legend themselves. The Gangrel say,
Rivets pop out of girders, bolts unscrew themselves, furni- however, that Ennoia does not hate her childer the way
ture disjoints and everything slowly pulls itself apart from Absimiliard hates the Nosferatu. Nor does she view them
whatever it’s connected to. The entire building becomes a as minions in some eternal struggle, as tales say about the
loose web of girders, bricks and slabs h< >v ering in midair. Followers ofSetorChiklrenofHaqim. She merely watches
Then with a tremendous boom, the fragments of the the successes and failures of her childer and does not pity.
building burst into the air and rain dowi ii>ver the city. The More than a millennium ago, Ennoia began her
Shaper strides in, a grim look on her fee e. The chains that transformation from Cainite to something more. She
bound the characters pop and wrap an>imd the Antedilu- sank into the earth, deeper than any other Cainite
vian as it tries to flee. It breaks them and battle is joined. could imagine. She spread her substance further, thin-
The battle does not last long. The Shaper rips entire ner, touching the rocks at the roots of mountains and
| buildings out of the ground with waves of her hand and hearing the tolling of earthquakes. She sank deeper still,
launches them like steel and masonry comets at century after century, learning the slow drcams of the
Absimiliard, who responds by calling its monstrous pets drifting continents and feeling the vast tides and cur-
and attacking with its own vast strength The characters rents that propel them. She sank into the realms where
don’t have to fight the Ancient’s minions, who sensibly stone melts and was not burned, for Fortitude was
flee. Instead, they must dodge and run themselves to another gift to her clan. She spread and sank until she
avoid being crushed. Absimiliard, however, placed too reached the very heart of the planet. There she rested,
much of its power into its monsters and n< it enough into gently rocked by the world’s turning, listening to the
itself. Attheend, the Shaper stands alone ina large crater continents slowly move above her.
as she sinks her fangs into the Antediluvian’s neck. Ennoia did not lose all her connection to the
A minute later, the Shaper drops the ancient car- Cainite race, though. The battles of rhe Antediluvians
rion and laughs. “I’ve done it!” she says. “I’ve won the and the ruination of their childer troubled the geologic
Jyhad —■ and found a way out! I don't have to be what dreams of Ennoia.
my sire made me. 1 can be a god — and this city, my She wol{e up hungry.
temple!” The Shaper waves her hand again, and the
rubble of the city rises into the air, and glitters as it Th e De v o u r in g Ea r t h
transforms into spires, walls and domes of crystal. “1 can The Reign of Gangrel spells final doom for the
change you too, my loyal servants!" she calls to the Empire of Blood. Most Kindred, especially the remain-
characters as her own body begins to glitter. “I can ing Methuselahs and Antediluvians, still dwell in the
change you all! No more vampires! No more Curse!” crumbling cities. Ennoia wants their vitae. She sucks
Then the ground beneath the Shaper molds into an whole city blocks into the earth to devour one
enormous, fanged mouth and eats her whole. The Reign Methuselah, and skyscrapers topple from the shaking.
of Ennoia, the First Gangrel, has begun. Each time Ennoia claims another victim, the result is a
Ch a et er Fiv e : Th e Cr u c ibl e o f Go d
powerful but localized earthquake... usually in the Have the player roll the character’s Dexterity + Athlet-
heart of a major metropolitan area. The tire brigades ics (difficulty 7). Failure means Ennoia eats the character
and other emergency services that could save lives no along with her prey. Rolling one success leaves the
longer exist, so fires often sweep through the city’s character buried in rubble as a city block becomes a
remains after Ennoia feeds, destroying more Cainites. crater (which deals four health levels of bashing dam-
She feeds only at night — a habit of her Cainite past. age). Two successes leave the character clutching a
Around the world, city after city collapses into final broken water main or conduit at the edge of the crater,
ruin. Many survivors flee. Some people remain to scav- but he can scramble out on the next turn (with another
enge through the wreckage. A few Kindred remain as Dexterity + Athletics roll at difficulty 6). The character
well, preying upon them, but without an elder to lead needs three successes to escape unscathed — though if
them, their harsh regimes fall apart and the mortals take the character is in an urban core, a falling building
their full revenge on the disorganized Kindred. might bury him and inflict at least 15 dice of bashing
Characters might find themselves in the same vicin- ''damage. It’s bad, but even mere mortals sometimes
ity as an elder when Ennoia feeds. They have a chance ter'' survive buildings that collapse in earthquakes.
escape only because they are not her target. For dramatic Earth Meld becomes virtually unusable after Ennoia
effect, this scene works best if the characters are on the wakes. It’s the Kindred equivalent of a gnat flying down
ground and free to run: The point of the scene is todisplay a yawning man’s throat — it doesn’t have much chance
awful, apocalyptic destruction without killing the play- to fly out again. If a character tries to use Earth Meld, the
ers’ characters by fiat. Give them a chance to escape! player rolls his Willpower (difficulty 8) to reverse it and
Each character receives warning when the ground pull out before the First Gangrel swallows him by reflex.
suddenly shakes. In a few seconds, the ground slumps After that, Ennoia might haunt the character’s dreams.
and subsides. To escape, a character must run uphill as If the Storyteller wishes, the character receives visions
fast as possible, right away. Before the turn is over, the of Ennoia destroying cities as she hunts the other
character climbs almost as much as he runs, and he must Ancients, or watches her long, slow journey from undead
dodge falling chunks of pavement and buildings as well. to spirit of the planet.
Ennoia does not continue her hunt forever... just doesn’t have much choice. He hopes he can find other
until the battles of the Ancients no longer trouble her. assistants if the characters turn him clown, but every night
The characters never really know if or when the Reign of counts. Tremere tells the coterie how the Antediluvians
Gangrel ends. Gangrel characters never suffer the fratri- battle for the power to transcend the Curse of Caine and
cidal madness caused by an Antediluvian forebear’s become gods (if no one has figured it out already), and the
destruction, but the First Gangrel also never devours the ones who succeeded still battle for stakes that corporeal
will of any of her descendants. Gangrel cannot tap their beings can scarcely imagine. Their battles have already
founder’s power to increase their Clan Disc iplines, either. destroyed civilization and slain most ofhumanity. Tremere
Ennoia might have become too alien a creature to cause fears they could destroy the world. It would be a real shame
either effect. if all Kindred and kine died because he had to spend an
extra week finding competent help for his ritual, now
Th f Vf r y Br if f wouldn’t it?
Rf ig n o f Tr f m f r f Tr f m f r f ’s Pi a n
What of Tremere, mortal mage turned third-genera- For the last few decades, the Tremere Council of
tion Cainite ? The Arch-Usurper has made many mistakes Seven worked on one of the most powerful rituals ever
in his life and unlife. He’s about to make another one. imagined — a ritual to affect every person in the world.
Tremere trusted his fellow conspirator Goratrix’s In recent years, the Councilors believe they found a way
plan to become immortal using vampiric vitae, not realiz- to do this. Clan Tremere’s Thaumaturgy emphasizes
ing that they would become undead. Hediablerized Saulot sympathetic magic, in which a thaumaturge affects a
to reach the Third Generation and establish his bastard target by possessing some part of it, something con-
lineage asZa clan. He didn’t realize that he could not nected to it, or a precise and unique representation of it.
consume the soul of a creature that was millennia older, Modern folk no longer have the secret “True Names”
wiser and more powerful than himself, though. Tremere that were common in past ages, but Social Security
and Saulot fought for control of Tremere’s body for numbers, bank account numbers and other personal
o' centuries, and the true Antediluvian won. Saulot now identifiers give the same effect. So does a genealogy of
walks in Tremere’s body, while Tremere commandeered a targeted person. The great problem with casting a spell
thebodyofGoratrix. AsforGoratrix, the- soulofTremere’s to affect all ofhumanity lay in the targeting. How do you
closest co-conspirator now resides in a mirror, screaming obtain something connected to every person in the
as his ghostly fist batters against the other side of the glass. world? And while theTremerefound many True Names
Naturally, Tremere feels some concern about the End for individual mortals and humans in general, they
of the World. As usual, the audacious Archmage has a never found the True Name for the human race as a
plan. Actually, he had four or five plans, bur the Withering whole... until now.
and other unexpected factors rendered his other schemes The Human Genome Project mapped the genetic
unworkable. For instance, the Tremere’s C Council ofSeven code for makinga human being—something that every
had worked out some powerful rituals that it felt sure human has in common. For more than a century,
would destroy any Antediluvian who dared to show its meanwhile, the Mormon Church has collected current
face. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find the Council of and historical records in hopes of preparing a complete
Seven to cast the rituals. By the time Tremere concluded genealogy of the entire human race. By the time Gehenna
that his Councilors no longer existed (the Tzimisce An- begins, the Mormon genealogy project has records for
tediluvian took some and the Assamites destroyed the nearly everyone alive and about half of everyone dead:
rest), Gehenna is well advanced, Kindred and kine are Thanks to rapid population growth, the vast bulk of
both devastated, and the war of the Ancients approaches humanity lived in the 20th century. Tremere research-
its endgame. The Arch-Usurper is left with one desperate ers realized that this “family tree” for the human race
gambit — one puissant spell that can snatch victory from could serve as a True Name.
the jaws of Armageddon itself. He needs assistants to cast Tremere has already acquired a copy of the human
the spell, though. Once again, the characters receive an genome. He believes that by incorporating it and the
offer and a request from an unexpectedly powerful Kin- Mormon genealogy in a ritual, he can enchant every
dred. human being and every formerly human or part-human
Why them—again? At this point, they make up quite creature. Most importantly, he can affect every vampire
possibly the last intact coterie of Kindred who are neither left in the world, right back to the Antediluvians,
enslaved by an Antediluvian nor lost to the Beast through because they used to be human.
repeated diablerie. Tremere frankly tells them that he
Ch a pt er Fiv e : Th e Cr u c ibl e o e Go o
The ritual enables its casters to project a Discipline and social stability. The United States is defunct, but the
effect to everyone in the world. Tremere plans to use this State of Utah still functions. The city even has electricity,
link to project a Dominate command to everyone in the though it’s restricted to government buildings, the great
world. He thinks that a command to stay awake and take tabernacle and vital services such as hospitals.
a walk in daylight should exterminate the remaining The characters can try to ask the city and church
Ancients. The characters, as participants in the ritual, will authorities for help if they want. Tremere dryly warns that
he immune to its effects. Quite possibly, Tremere says, the church elders probably do not look kindly on the
they will be the last Kindred in the world. accursed undead. He’s right: The people of Salt Lake City
The Arch-Usurper docs not consider his plan graven keep refugee Kindred and mortal bandits out of their city
in stone. He listens to any suggestions for other commands through well-organized and well-armed citizen militias.
or other Disciplines to cast upon all Kindred and kine. He The genealogy project has an entire building to itself.
reminds the characters, however, that the chosen effect With Tremere’s help, the characters can easily clear the i
must destroy or incapacitate Kindred without banning too building of mortals long enough to conduct their ritual.
many kine. In fact, he would rather destroy only the The old Warlock points out, however, that he will need to
Ancients, or at least spare any Kindred of his < >wn clan, but expend a huge amount of vitae to perform the spell, and
the ritual does not allow him to set conditions on his
commands. He cannot command just the Ancients, or
just Kindred, or just members of certain clans: "Affect
he’s old enough that mortal blood no longer sustains him.
He needs to feed on the characters, so they need to gather I
vessels of their own. Tremere estimates that 15 mortals
everyone’’ means "affect everyone.” might supply enough blood, or twice that many if the
Characters might also wonder if Tremere can be characters want the vessels to live. He’d prefer that all the
sure of Dominating the Antediluvians. The ancient vessels be human virgins for ceremonial reasons, but since
Warlock thought of that. He can use the Path of Blood time is short, he reluctantly forgoes that particular condi-
to reduce his effective generation when he issues his tion. Tremere insists on only human vessels, though.
command. “It shall be as a command from Caine him- Animals would defile the ritual.
self,” he confidently predicts. He needs the characters to feed to repletion. Then he <5
Tremere acknowledges that his plan isn ’t perfect. He drinks most of their vitae. Then they feed again, and he
does not know if the ritual will work. He says he has used drains them again. Then they feed again, because the ritual
up every other stratagem he planned to defeat the might consume most of their blood as well. Tremere wants
Antediluvians. The ritual is all he has left. the characters to gather and drain vessels as efficiently as
possible so they can get on with the ritual. He can even use
Sa l tLa k e Cit y
Presence to reinforce his arguments, but the old Warlock
Tire human genome recordjspoi^ablc. The Mormon
does not actually force the characters to obey. Tampering
genealogy is not, and the Internet stopped working along
with their minds might spoil them as assistants. If the
with the rest of technological civilization. The characters
characters figure this out, they can force Tremere to
must go to Salt Lake City. Tremere handles rhe transpor-
accede to any moral scruples they hold. If the characters
tation. The Witheringdoesnot stophim from summoning
follow his wishes and kill their vessels, the players must roll
elementals that can carry the entire coterie to Salt Lake
Humanity (difficulty 9).
City in a few hours or nights. Depending on the characters’
current location, they might need to travel in stages so Th e Rit u a l
they do not fly into daylight. The elementals look like The complete ritual requires no special equipment
horses fashioned out of storm clouds with hailstone eyes. except the printout of the human genome and CD-ROMs
They gallop through the sky at hundreds of miles an hour, of the complete genealogical database. Tremere insists
their hooves flickering with bolts of lightning. that they must perform the ritual in the building with the
The characters find Salt Lake City more intact than primary records, to strengthen the sympathetic link from
any other city they’ve seen in months. The city never had the CD-ROMs to the records and from the records to the
a significant Kindred population: It’s too far from other human race. The old Warlock does not regard 15 to 30
major cities for Cainites to reach easily. The Ancients vessels as “special equipment,” merely something the
ignored it for this reason. The Mormon Church also characters need to gather in advance.
enjoins its members to stockpile a year’s supply of food and On the night of the ritual, Tremere excuses him-
other necessities, so the city has suffered less from famine self to acquire a final component. He vanishes in a
and disease. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day cloud of blood-fog and returns an hour later, saying
Saints also provided an alternative source of governance only that he found what he needed. (In fact, he found
Ge h e n n a
and diablerized a Nosferatu hiding out in a nearby As the fingers of vitae write the code of all humanity,
town, to restore his flagging power.) the characters see people in other parts of the world. They
Tremere asks the coterie to secure the genealogical see a child picking berries, a bandit cutting a farmer’s
building and prepare the CD-ROMs. I he building has throat, a woman giving birth, a Kindred kneeling before a
no guards, but no electricity either, as it’s not a vital city sarcophagus, an old man shivering in a hut, a mob of
service. Whether the characters reconnect the building bacchantes, more and more, faster and faster, hundreds of
to the power grid or bring in a gasoline powered genera- people, thousands, until they feel that they look at every
tor, restoring power for the building s computers calls person in the world at once. Each character has lost eight
for an Intelligence + Crafts roll (difficulty 7) or some blood points without even noticing until Tremere says, “It
similar Skill or Knowledge and takes an hour. is done. Hear me, Children of Adam. 1 command—”
When Tremere returns, he pulls a thurible and The Arch-Usurper’s voice chokes off in a gurgle. His
incense from his satchel. The undead wizard chants in body twitches, swells and churns as eyes, mouths, tentacles
Latin while he wafts smoke over the CD-ROMs, the and other organs erupt from his flesh and sink back in
computer, the pages of the human genome printout, again. Amid all the changes, he laughs a deep, ugly laugh.
the room where the characters conduct the ritual, the The characters cannot move: They cannot sense their
characters and all the vessels they gathered. If any of own bodies in their millionfold view of the world.
the characters are Tremere, they recognize the cer- “Be of me,” the Tremere-Thing says. The characters
emony as standard practice to banish any random see the flesh of millions of people ripple and flow. Kindred,
mystic influences that could disrupt the magic. kine and other, their skin splits like to release a larger,
Next, the old Warlock directs the characters to slimy, chitinous creature part ape, part insect, part reptile
feed to repletion on their vessels. As they do so, he uses and all nightmare. Characters may recognize it as the
the Blood of Potency power to decrease his effective Horrid Form of Vicissitude. Some mortals and supernatu-
generation: This is the only way he can perform a ral part-humans resist the worldwide contagion, but they
Level Ten ritual and be sure that his Dominate will are a small minority.
e> affect even Antediluvians. Fortunately, the Wither-
ingdoes not sabotage his effort. When Tremere finishes,
he announces that for the next hour, he is effectively Th f Tr f m f r f -Th in g Vo z h d
a second-generation Cainite. Here are traits for the monster the Tzimisce Ante-
Tremere drinks from each character until the diluvianforms from the possessed body of Trcmere and
Kindred has just one blood point left, then he bids the transformed mortal vessels. Unlike the mortals
them taste his own vitae, linking them as fellow merely transformed by the Ancient, the vozhdremains
participants in the ritual. Then he tells them to a living, deadly monster after the end of Gehenna. Its
drink to satiety again, he feeds from each of them Mental Attributes drop to I, though, and it loses its
again, and then has the characters teed a third time. Alertness and Bcxly Crafts.
They will need all the vitae they can muster for this Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 2, Stamina 6, Cha-
great sending. risma N/A, Manipulation N/A, Appearance 0,
The characters stand in a circle around the dia- Perception 8, Intelligence 10, Wits 8
gram, with Tremere at the center. Each character slits Relevant Abilities: Alertness 8, Body Crafts 10, Brawl
his palms as the old Warlock chants an invocation. 4, Intimidation 6
Then Tremere kneels, slices open his tongue and jabs Relevant Disciplines: Animalism 10, Auspex 10,
his long, sharp thumbnails into his eyes in a spurt of Celerity 2, Fortitude 4, Dominate 4, Potence 6, Vicis-
blood and fluid. “Blood to blood,” he cries. "Let my sight situde 10; immune to Dominate, Presence and
encompass every son of Adam and daughter of Eve. Let Animalism.
every Child of Caine or Abel or Seth hear my voice. 1 Willpower: 10
have your name! I have your lineage! I have your soul!”
Blood Pool: 20
Tremere screams as blood fountains from his Health Levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, -1, -1, -1, -1,
eye-sockets. Tendrils of vitae lash out to each
-1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -5, -5, -5, Incapacitated
character’s bloody palm and skip to the genome
Attack: Strike foreight dice of bashingdamage; Bite
printout. Filaments of blood trace out the letters
for eight dice ot lethal damage; Crush for six dice of
and diagrams. More vitae pours from Tremere’s
bashing damage. Remember to add Potence damage
mouth to vanish into the CD-ROMs.
as well.
Ch a pt t r Fiv e : Th e Cr u c ibl e of Go d
The thing that was once Tremere darts from the ritual Antediluvian and sire of the small Salubri clan that the R
circle, scattering bloodstained pages. The characters’ Tremere nearly exterminated centuries ago. He also claims 11
mystical vision of everyone on Earth ends and they can to be a prophet who foresaw much of what has happened, I'
move again. The Tremere-Thing races for the vessels. If though some events of Gehenna surprised even him. All I
any vessels survived the characters’ feeding, all but two of prophecy now fails, however, and he and the characters I
them have changed into Horrid Forms. The transformed have nothing but faith to guide them.
mortals leap at the Tremere-Thing and merge into one Some of the characters might have heard of Saulot.
gigantic form. The Tremere-Thing becomes a vozhd, one He’s supposed to have met his Final Death and been
of the monstrous ghoul-creatures that powerful Tzimisce diabierized by Tremere. Saulot shrugs and says that’s a
used ofold to rout armies and destroy their enemies. It tries complicated tale. The short version is that he lured
to kill the characters because they are the only people on Tremere to him, in full confidence that he could over-
Earth over whom it has no power. power the Archmage’s will and make him his tool. That
TheTzimisce Antediluvian has made its masterstroke. proved more difficult than Saulot expected. Tremere’s
All is Tzimisce. mind and soul escaped him, though Saulot has posed as
Clan Tremere’s leader for some years.
Th e La s t Ju d g m e n t Most importantly, Saulot wanted to occupy a body
The vozhd that had been Tremere Immediately tries susceptible to absorption by the Tzimisce Antediluvian.
to kill the characters. As participants in the ritual, they More than a thousand years ago, Saulot knew that the First
became immune to the Tzimisce Antediluvian’s powers Tzimisce would end the Great Jyhad as master of the
and are the last tnily free people on Birth. It the Antedi- mortal world. Saulot arranged his own diablerie to place
luvian can kill them, it reigns supreme forever. himself in exactly rhe right position for a counter-stroke to
If the characters can kill the vozhd, good tor them, but free humanity from the Tzimisce’s rule and end the Curse J
it does not rfiake the slightest difference to the Antedilu- of Caine forever. I
vian. It has still absorbed almost everyone else and can If rhe Storyteller wants to explain why the Curse of
absorb or kill the rest at its leisure, using the millions of Caine has faded, Saulot can deliver this information. He
bodies available to it. The characters also need to escape cannot offer any proof, though, and he suggests that the
from Salt Lake City, which is now chiefly populated with reason doesn’t really matter. Only God, however, can I
the First Tzimisce’s transformed slaves. cleanse the Curse from Earth completely.
The final act of Gehenna begins as the. characters
Sa u l o t ’spi a n
fight or flee for their unlives. A short, elderly man dressed
in a plain gray shirt and slacks steps our from around a No physical force can destroy the Tzimisce Antedilu-
comer, a tree or some other cover. The characters’ foes
vian because it no longer inhabits a single body. As long
look off in another direction and bound away in pursuit of as a single living < >r unliving creature remains tainted with
nothing the characters can see. The man asks them to Vicissitude, the Ancient can grow again. The Antedilu-
vian can be attacked only spiritually, from the inside, and
come with him. Questions such as, “Who are you?" meet
even then only by the grace of God.
the response of, “The person who just saved you. Please
come with me.” Then a third eye opens in the man’s The One Above seldom acts directly. For the Infinite
forehead, glowing with golden light. to reach its hand into the world might destroy it. Miracles
work best when guided and channeled through someone
The characters cannot fight the man. If they try, he
within the world. Not many people can muster the faith
simply disappears and returns a few minutes later. He
insists that the characters hear him out. needed for complete surrender to divine will, though, so
miracles remain rare.
Sa u l o t s Ex pl a n a t io n s To stop the Reign of Tzimisce, then, the characters
The man guides the characters to a small church in an must completely abandon themselves to God’s justice.
abandoned village outside Salt Lake City. The church has They cannot ask God for anything for themselves, even to
a sturdy, light-prtxif cellar where they can sleep through survive. Their prayer must be entirely for the world and the
the next day. He promises that the coterie will be safe rest of humanity. They should also try to offer God some
there, so now they have time to talk. He offers to answer way in which their existence has served Him or served
any questions that he can, though he warns that he does humanity. If they can manage that, they can serve as
not know everything. conduits for God’s judgment on the race of Caine. To
The man tells the characters to call him Saulot, the bring judgment upon the nonlocalized Tzimisce Antedi-
name he used most in the last 2,000 years. He is an
Gehenn a
I luvian, however, the characters must become one with it the floor and closes his eyes. After a few moments, he says,
I by letting it eat them. “Now.” His skin sprays in bloody gobbets as he almost
Saulot himself will provide the access to the Antedi- explodes into Horrid Form, only instead of a head, he now
I luvian. Tremere’s body is of Tzimisce lineage. Saulot has a cluster of tentacles ending in fanged mouths.
I merely has tocall on the taint ofVicissitude in its blood to The mouth-tentacles reflexively dive for the vitae.
I invite absorption by the Ancient. As soon as the Antedi- The characters don’t have to do a thing except let it
luvian manifests, the characters must veritably throw happen. Just like their Embrace, they feel their conscious-
themselves into its jaws so that it diablerizes them by ness slip away as their vision fades. This time, however, no
reflex. Saulot believes he can preserve the integrity oftheir transforming vitae slides down their throat to recall them
souls for several seconds at least. Then it's a race between to their flesh.
their faith and the Antediluvian’s will. Saulot cannot Instead, they find themselves sucked out of their
protect their souls forever. (He himself cannot resist the shriveling bodies and into darkness. They can feel the
First Tzimisce for long.) If they fail, the Antediluvian warmth of Saulot’s serenity and resolution around them,
consumes them and owns the world forever—unless God underlain by the fierce rage of the Beast that he — even
chooses to destroy everything. he — still battles. Beyond that, they feel rhe cold, relent-
Indeed, the characters have no way of knowing for less hunger of the Tzimisce Antediluvian as it tries to
sure that God wants to destroy the First Tzimisce. All that consume them.
has come to pass in Gehenna might be God’s will; the This is the moment for the characters to pray. Ask
Tzimisce contagion could be part of His plan for the world. each player to justify his character’s unlife, as Saulot
They have nothing hut faith that by trusting in His suggested. Has she done more good than evil? Did she
judgment they can achieve something good. really strive to be more than a Beast? A Path of Enlighten-
If the characters agree to Saulot’s plan, he suggests ment does not disqualify characters. Even the darkest,
that they spend the rest of the night praying for the human most frightening Paths (except the utter degeneration of
race and reconciling themselves to Final Death. If not, the Path of Evil Revelations) posits some transcendent
Saulot bows his head and says they have made their choice value against surrender to the Beast.
for themselves, and the world. The next night he will Just as in an attempt to regain mortality, the player
surrender himself to the Antediluvian anyway and offer rolls the character’s Humanity, or half her Path of Enlight-
his own prayer for God’s judgment on himself, all Cainites enment rating (difficulty 9 for most Kindred, 8 for
I and the world. 14th-generationcharacters, or 7 for 15th-generation vam-
pires). Reduce the difficulty by one ifthe character gave an
I Th e En d
especially moving farewell scene or justification for her
If the characters refuse to join in Saulot’s plan, he bids
existence. The character still must expend Willpower
them leave the church the next night. Once the First
points, but not blood points. This is also an extended roll.
Tzimisce takes his body, he has no further way to protect
Saulot protects the characters’ souls for three turns. If
them. He will give them an hour to get away. When that
anyone can accumulate five successes in that time, the
hour comes, nothing happens. Saulot has lost. Story over,
coterie wins. Alternatively, the Storyteller can call for the
because nothing the characters do from then on can
dice rolls but actually base the results on the quality of the
possibly matter. The First Tzimisce infuses itself through
characters’ farewell scenes, prayers for judgment and jus-
more and more of the biosphere until every living thing is
tifications for their unlives.
part of itself. Eventually it eats the characters, with Lambach
watching. If the characters succeed, they feel themselves ex-
plode in a blast of terrifying, raw power. They feel love in
If the characters accept the sacrifice that Saulot
that power, but also wrath and satisfaction. That all-
demands, he suggests that they not hunt for any blood that
consuming wave of emotion seems to sweep through the
night or the next night. Slaking their thirst hardly shows
characters for an eternity, burning them like fire, but it
a very sincere desire to renounce the Curse of Caine.
hurts so good.
Roleplay the characters’ final farewells. If the charac-
The characters regain consciousness, unharmed, in
ters don’t take the initiative, Saulot suggests that this is the
the church. Not a trace of Saulot’s body remains. Most
characters’ last chance to confess or forgive offenses against
importantly, they soon notice that their hearts beat. They
each other, say anything left unsaid before and generally
tie up the loose ends of their unlives.
Salt Lake City is a few hours’ walk away. The people
When the characters finish, Saulot asks them to cut
look human again, though everyone has nightmarish
themselves so that their vitae flows. He sits cross-legged on
Al t e r n a t e En d in g : Se c o n d Al t e r n a t e En d in g :
Th e R e s t is Sil e n c e He r e We Go Ag a in
Troupes that enjoy hard-core tragedy might For another possible ending, not all the characters
prefer to give Gehenna an even bleaker ending, emerge from the flesh of the Tzimisce Antediluvian
particularly if the characters merely fight to cleansed of vampirism. They do, however, feel... changed.
save their own skins instead of trying to help The Curse of Caine no longer weakens unpredictably. In
others. The Antediluvians destroy the world in fact, the characters may find that their Disciplines have all
their struggle, and drain all life to fuel their increased and they can expend vitae more rapidly than
quests for godhood. All of humanity dies. All before.
the animals die. All the plants die. Everything They are the last vampires left from the old world —
in the sea dies. Only the characters are left, the and the first vampires of the new. They can sire more
last dwellers on a planet as barren as the moon. vampires, if they choose. Sunlight and fire remain as
They have nothing to feed upon, except each deadly to them as ever, but any weakness peculiar to their
other, and then — a torpor that never ends, or clan no longer afflicts them.
the mercy of the sun. For extra irony, let the Meanwhile, somewhere in the Middle East, a hand
death-struggles of the Antediluvians propel the thrusts out of a shallow grave. A man pulls himself from
characters to the ancient site of Eden, now the earth. He bears a mark of fire on his forehead. He
blasted and dead like the rest of the world. shakes his head in a daze, looks at his hands, feels his teeth,
What do the characters do? When all hope then looks up at the night sky.
has failed, when they have lost everything, when Fie screams, "Why won’t you let me die?" The only
there is nothing left to achieve what then? response is the mocking, uproarious laughter of God as He
What do the characters choose as their final begins the cycle again with a new race of Cainites.
actions before they too meet their end?
Remember the last time you sat down in front of Vampire’s inception, the foreshadowing has been
the big screen, leaned back in gleeful anticipation of there, never-ending reminders to characters and
a couple of hours of entertainment and watched as a players alike that Gehenna is approaching and that
story unfolded that seemed it would live up to all it will be the biggest thing that could possibly be
your expectations? The movie was fun, interesting imagined. Even in games where this apocryphal event
and full of compelling drama, and it felt well worth is not an important topic, it continues to cast a long
the cold, hard cash you shelled out to see it. And shadow over Kindred in general (and many Kindred
then, for some incomprehensible reason, something in particular). The entire Sabbat dreadfully awaits
happened. Something bad. It was as if the filmmak- this time, even as the Camarilla struggles to deny it.
ers had decided that the original and probably Secretive Gehenna cidts pursue their agendas, and
very satisfying — ending was not quite right, so they signs that something ominous is coming can be seen
fired the writer and hired someone else to complete everywhere. Now Gehenna has come and it is time
the story. The result was a disaster. All rhe drama and to fulfill all those expectations. Now is not the time
thematic power of the film was abandoned for some for Storytellers to drop the ball and see this as just
cheap finale that was probably created by a bunch of another story of many. Gehenna is rhe last story, the
corporate yes-men influenced heavily by demograph- culmination of everything that has come before it,
ics studies and the results of focus groups. You sat and and it should feel like that from the moment it begins
watched in incredulous horror as everything you until the credits roll.
liked about the film simply flew out the window and
the entire story collapsed in a meaningless and artis-
Ii’s t he Ch a r a c t e r s
tically hollow manner. It might sound obvious, but Gehenna is all about
This is rhe greatest danger in telling the story of the players’ characters, not all those other guys *
Gehenna, for Gehenna really is the end, and if it running around, drinking blood and populating your I
doesn’t live up to the expectations that have been world. It is very easy, as most Storytellers are quite I
built up over the years, it will nor only be a disaster aware, to run a story in which the characters are led 1
for the Kindred, but for your ent ire chronicle. Since by the plot and not the other way around. The !
Storyteller creates a very dramat ic tale, and in order
A character’s Nature is also worth taking a good complete an important request for their bishop. Per-
long look at before it’s all over. Think about what a haps the Architect suddenly finds the opportunity to
Fanatic, a Pedagogue or a Director really wants out of shatter his foe’s strangling hold over municipal
unlife. What satisfies a Child or a (Mnniver? And healthcare funding and is able to finally know that
what fulfills the deepest desires of a Visionary or a his efforts to help the city’s homeless will become
Martyr? Read the descriptions of each character’s reality. Let each character achieve something he has
Nature again and try to understand that few are any always wanted, even if it is only a small thing, and
more objectively good or bad than any other. Even if the players will feel that they made a difference.
Gehenna means that Caine or God or whoever is
coming to judge each Kindred, don’t start deciding
No less important than a character’s Nature are
which Kindred will be saved and which will not
her particular strengths and weaknesses. These in-
because of their Natures. A Deviant character, for
clude all those Attributes, Abilities, Virtues and
example, might be a very moral individual, but sim-
other traits on the character sheet that are notably
ply see the world in a way that lew others do.
above or below average. Is rhe character exception-
Similarly, a Caregiver might be rude and overhear-
ally perceptive, courageous or charismatic, or does
ing, smothering others in his desperate need to take
she suffer from an unnerving appearance or a lack of
care of those around him. Storytellers ought to figure
any discernable conscience ? Storytellers should con-
out a way to ensure that at least on some level, each
sider ways to make these capacities particularly
character will achieve some level of personal fulfill-
important at this time. Maybe the coterie needs to
ment by the eve of Gehenna. An Autocrat might be
verbally persuade some vampire-hunters to not de-
able to save his coterie from a horrible fate by taking
stroy them, a situation where Charisma,
charge of the situation, even if that upsets the rest of
Manipulation, Wits and even Appearance might
the group. Similarly, a Sabbat Sociopath’s frenzied
spell victory or Final Death. What about Back-
violence could prove a boon at this apocalyptic time,
grounds? Does the character have many close allies
taking out some of the enemy so that rhe group can
who will stand by her side at this trying time, or isshe
Ch a pt er Six : St o r y t el l in g
alone, without even a single retainer to help out? many Kindred feel at least paternal to their ghouls
Again, having a disgustingly large bank account and other retainers. Some mortals are even viewed as
might be a tremendous asset now more than ever, siblings, or even companions (romantic or other-
while not having an easily accessible herd could wise). It is sometimes rhe case that a Kindred’s
prove to be a fatal mistake. Clan weaknesses are also mortal family still lives and a relationship of some
very important and should be not be overlooked. kind survives between the living and the undead,
Will the Ventrue neonate discover a sudden, per- even if it is only one-way. It is almost certainly the
haps fatal, lack of suitable vessels as a residt of one or case that the characters will each have one or more
more catastrophes? Perhaps the Nosferatu is unable of t hese relationships, and they can all play a part in
to mask his appearance well enough to fool the making the characters feel central to the unfolding
pitchfork-toting or gun-wielding mob that is hunt- events of Gehenna.
ing him and the rest of the monsters in it- midst. Storytellers should select what the players be-
Many Kindred also suffer from various derangements lieve to be each character’s most significant
as a result of their long years of damnation, and these relationship and work it into the story. First, think
afflictions too should play a role in how such charac- hard about which relationship to incorporate, as it
ters are dealt with in this last story. A paranoid might not be the most obvious one. The secret
vampire might perceive things to be far more out of feelings a typically monstrous Brujah antitribu might
hand than they actually are (at least for the coterie), harbor for a humble waitress who reminds him of his
but by doing so exacerbate the situation and fulfill mother is probably more important in the long run
his own worst fears. One who suffers from bulimia than his feelings for the pack priest with whom he
might be completely overwhelmed by the need to shares a very strong Vinculum. These feelings have
gorge herself and purge that vitae many times each the capacity to pack a far more powerful punch if you
night, a truly terrible problem come Gehenna. And approach them properly. Find a way to test the
it need not be impressed upon a Storyteller what relationship, to expose it to the risk of destruction
kind of havoc a megalomaniac might create when and to force the character to make some crucial
the Ancients walk the Earth once more. Further, if decisions about what this and possibly other rela-
the characters possess any Merits or Flaws, they can tionships really mean. Now that the end is near, does
also be useful to work into the story but. hey, if the relationship really matter anymore to the char-
you’re not taking advantage of those already... acter, or does it suddenly matter more than it ever
Ch a r a c t e r Rf i a i io n s h ips has? Does the character defy convention and confess
Very few characters exist who do not ha\ e mean- his love for a mortal? Does he admit after decades of
ingful relationships with other Kindred, and many bald-faced deceit, that he has always hated a member
also share close ties to mortals. Only the most ascetic of his coterie and will now abandon him when he
loner could honestly claim otherwise. These rela- might need him most? This shouldn’t he about axing
tionships arc the basis of almost everything a < haracter people the characters care about, though that cer-
does each night, whether that means gaining influ- tainly might happen. (It is the End of the World,
ence over a local business or socially flanking another after all.) Rather, it should be about making the
Kindred. Coteries, covens, packs, gangs, kamuls — characters remember that all those relationships
each is a group of Kindred bound together in some they have with other Kindred and with mortals are
social manner for some important reason. And don’t not just mechanisms to be used to manipulate others.
forget the primogen councils, war parties and numer- Or are they ? How the characters deal with those wit h
ous other institutions that create relationships among whom they have relationships is an essential part of
the Damned. Let’s not forget Elysium and all its not only this last story, but of Vampire overall.
august courtiers, or the countless vampire cults and People matter, whatever the circumstances, and this
secret societies. The power of the Blood creates its point should be driven home now, even if you’ve
own effective relationships, unequal though they never done so in the past.
might be. Sire and childe, regnant and thrall, Vinculi The characters should be at the center of the
— each is a very difficult, if not impossible, bond to story and the players should know this. Don’t try to
break. Although it would be a bit of a stretch to incorporate a character’s every purpose, every
actually use the word friendship, Kindred do also strength and weakness, and every relationship into
forge close alliances with other Kindred, which are the plot in the hopes that this will make it a great
also important to consider. In regard to the kine, drama, though. Not only is that just silly, but it
would be very difficult to do, and it would take away violence, loneliness, desperation and evil to compas-
from everything else taking place on judgment Day. sion, redemption, morality and faith, the game
Remember, Gehenna is about the end of every vam- encompasses nearly every theme possible and ex-
pire, not just the characters. A great deal is bound to plores nearly every facet of mortal existence. A
happen, and these things shouldn’t fall through the Storyteller, however, must narrow down that limit-
cracks just so that the characters are made to feel less list of possibilities and highlight just a few if a
important. The characters are not the story itself. story is to stay focused and convey a coherent and
They are the individuals who experience the story tangible message. Unless this happens, even an ac-
and make it more than a paint-by-the-numbers reci- tion-packed story that provides hours of
tation. They are the Kindred through whose eyes the entertainment will carry no real meaning. Of course,
players will see their world end, and they must sometimes this is okay. Maybe rhe only things the
matter. troupe cares about is guzzling a few gallons of soda,
putting aside their concerns for a number of hours
Focus Fir s t and just pretending to be vampires. No problem
there. Gehenna, however, is not just any other Vam-
No chronicle, no matter how well-planned or pire story. It is rhe last one, the very end. When it is
how dramatic its story line is, is worth anything over, barring something extraordinary, there will be
without the characters. They are the stars of the no more Vampire stories, at least not for the current
show. It is their personal horror that infuses the characters. This rime, if never before, there should be
chronicle with excitement, and it is their actions some meaning to it all. And for that to happen, a
that bring the whole to unlife, as it were. A chronicle central theme or two must be identified and faithfully
that fails to focus on its stars or that limits their used to shape everything that happens. The follow-
ability to explore, grow and develop becomes stale ing are two themes that are not only part and parcel
quickly. Taking this idea one step further, there of many Vampire stories, but they make for an excel-
would not even be a Gehenna to speak of without lent focus for any Gehenna story. These themes can Sj
these characters (odd as that might sound). All the serve to bring real meaning to the end, not only for
plots hatched by the characters’ enemies throughout the characters, but for the players as well.
the chronicle, all the doings of the ancient players in
I the Jyhad, even the microcosmic dramas of the kine Re m pm b f r in g Wh a t
Be in g Fl l im a n Me a n s
I in the characters’ city, exist only to provide a setting
Mow many times do adults seem impatient and
I for stories told about the characters. The characters
completely uncomprehending of youth? They were
themselves should not be cognizant of the fact that
all young once, so how come they no longer seem to
their world effectively revolves around them, of
have any patience? Don’t they remember what it was
course. Even the players should not be able to trust
like when they were young? In short, the answer is no.
this too much, or they will think that their charac-
Sure, the memories of what happened still exist, but
ters are invulnerable. Bur the fact is that as much as
their memories of what it felt like to be young and
Gehenna exists to serve the background metaplot —
what their thoughts and views were at the time are
to bring the greater story of Vampire to a final
much more difficult to summon. And even if they do
conclusion — it exists even more as the means by
recall such things, how likely is it that they are going
which rhe characters are given the chance to fulfill
to be empathetic enough to try to see things through
their own destinies. Gehenna is intrinsically about
the lens of youth? Probably not very. It is just too
them in the sense that they are important to how
difficult to be an adult and truly remember what it
everything turns out, even if the characters only
means to be a kid, to have no familial or financial
seem to be a small part of the whole. The characters
responsibilities, no boss aside from mom and dad, and
must be significant and able to make a difference,
what seems like an eternity of life ahead. Very rare is
even if in only a quiet way. If so, Gehenna can be a
the adult who can still experience the wonder of a big
meaningful end to the chronicle and rhe characters
ocean wave the way a child can, or know again the
it concerns.
same fear that accompanied her very first big date.
Th e Me a n in g of Ge h e n n a All Kindred were once mortal, of course, but all
Vampire is about many things, and Gehenna, that changed, and changed dramatically, upon join-
the end of the grand tale, is no different. From ing the ranks of the undead. The characters seriously
reconsider their former beliefs and assumpt ions, dis-
Ge h e n n a
I characters know that the fat lady is about to sing, but other in need, a fitting requirement given their
I also instill in them a sense of hope. Show them how supposedly Biblical origins. Go ahead and devise
I they can use the time they do have left to accomplish situations tailor-made for this, creating circumstances
I some good. Maybe they can finally get rid of that that will separate the proverbial men from the boys.
I I bastard landlord who’s screwing over the financially Just be careful not to give away the secret, letting one
I fragile inner-city clinic, or perhaps one of the char- character’s sacrifice tip off the rest of the crew as to
acters might just make that long-postponed trip to how they can be saved. If nothing else, redemption
visit his now-elderly, mortal daughter and let her should be the most difficult thing they have ever
know that her father did not walk away from the achieved or tried to achieve. Whatever redemption
family so many years ago because he no longer loved requires, do the math and ensure that it is possible for
4 them. The idea is that even if the characters kncftv the characters to accomplish in the first place. Oth-
that they have no way out, they don't have to fling erwise valid accusations of unfairness will erupt and
themselves into oblivion, surrendering to hopeless- ruin all that has been planned and all that Gehenna
ness. Give them some suggestions of how they can can be.
accept their own demise and still l< ive behind at
least one selfless act of goodness. Let them know that Tiif Tr u t h is Ou i Tj if r f
even if God will not save their souls, their small A third theme is that of revelation and discov-
contrition is a measure of redemption. ery. The world the Kindred prowl is filled with more
mysteries, unanswered questions and enigmatic char-
On the other hand, if the characters do have a
acters than you can shake a stick at, and for many
chance at redeeming themselves at this late hour,
players, this is the most enjoyable aspect of the game.
don’t let it be as obvious, but also don’t deceive
With the arrival of Gehenna, there really won't be a
them. Again, assuring them that they are doomed
second chance to expose any further hidden truths in
<1 and then saying after the fact that they could have
a way in which the characters can satisfactorily
done something to redeem themselves is just plain
participate, so why not give them what they’ve
mean. Let the whole thing be more ambiguous. Let
always wanted and let the cats out of the bag? The-
the characters wonder and rack their minds and souls
1 matically, this can be approached two ways. The first
about this one. It’s fine to give them some advice, but
is to make the revelations not only wow the charac-
any help should be subtle. The Storyteller should try
ters with the enormity of the things they learn, but
using symbolism and advanced storytelling tech-
the former secrets should clarify some things about
niques rather than blatant suggestions. It is of
the existence of vampires that will, at this final
paramount importance that the characters not be
moment, make the characters see everything in a
spoon fed a list of what they need to do to be
new light. For example, the discovery that more than
redeemed. To reduce nothing less than divine re-
13 Antediluvians might exist — but you already
demption to a straightforward to-do list is ridiculous,
knew this, right? — should not only get the charac-
and it dilutes the themes of the entire story. Stay
ters’ minds whirring about what this means about all
clear of this, and instead create opp. >r i unities for the
the legends and myths they have heard, but it should
characters to seize upon. If the char.icters’ redemp-
also get them thinking about how their own belief in
tion means they must have a high Humanity score,
the now-debunked stories shaped their unlives. Who
then make sure they have plenty of chances to do so.
knows, maybe a Caitiff in the group suddenly realizes
Reread the section on Humanity in the Vampire
that she is descended from one of the formerly un-
core book and the Vampire Storytellers Handbook,
known Antediluvians, and this gives her a new sense
and make sure you have a very solid grasp on what
of purpose. Or it could be that the characters dis-
this all-important trait is about first. though.
cover that the Camarilla’s Inner Circle was really
Think about what will really make a difference
nothing more than the tool of an Ancient, or per-
to the characters as they reach one last time to
haps the Inconnu. This realization would not only
become more human. Maybe the ch iracters need to
shock them, but it would cause the characters to
do one very important task, like slay their own sires,
view the sect in a way that will change everything
in order to be redeemed. If so, give them enough
about how they see their place in Kindred society.
signs so that they know this, and be sure that they
The second way to use this idea as a Gehenna
can find and destroy their creators, even if it will be
theme is to let the characters answer for themselves
difficult. It could be that redemption will come only
this question: Is knowing everything always impor-
for those vampires who sacrifice themselves for an-
Ch a pt e r Six: St ORYIUUNC
tant or necessary?Not to suggest that the “ignorance moments during the story — such as how she cared
is bliss” aphorism may be correct, but perhaps some for him when he was sick, the way she talked him out
of the great outstanding questions about the Kindred of marrying his fiancl and what she said about his
are no longer really of any significance. Vampires father’s death — his relationship will he made im-
have spent millennia chasing any clue whatsoever portant, and he will be forced to think about it.
that might tell them more about Caine, their cre- Another example might be if you wish to explore
ator, if for no other purpose than to know whether he the theme of the impossibility of love as one of the
was still around. (And if so where is he, and what is undead. This would be hard to inject into a Gehenna
he thinking?) But what if now, with Gehenna loom- story, especially if the group is wrapped up with less
ing large, it really doesn’t matter? Maybe it’s emotional concerns as their world comes crashing
ultimately irrelevant whether he even existed in the down upon them. Nonetheless, you could use a mix
first place. The same goes for question' about of cut scenes and a memory sequences to make it
Golconda or the intentions of Saulot. Sure, they are work very well. While the characters are about to
fun to discuss ad infinitum and to give unlife some enter the crypt of the Gangrel Methuselah in the
intellectual stimulation, but is it really a necessity hopes of destroying her before she fully wakes, the
that the truth ever be actually known? What differ- scene could suddenly cut to the bedchamber of a
ence does it make? The answer to that belongs to rhe sleeping woman, a woman whom one of the charac-
characters. How important are such answers? To ters has loved from afar, causing him years of
what ends will the characters go, even now. to find heartache. A figure enters her bedchamber, but re-
the truth?Or can they finally let go?Can they finally mains in shadow. Now the action switches back to
stop expending all their energies on such things and the characters as they enter the inner sanctum of the
instead put their last efforts into something more Antediluvian and spy the inhuman monstrosity curled
personal, more immediate and more fulfilling? It like some great beast upon the bone-strewn floor.
might have been invigorating to spend decades hunt- They move closer with extreme caution, and then
ing down fragments of The Book of Nod, but on the freeze when the creature stirs. At this point, the
eve of Gehenna, that might be a meaningless pursuit scene shifts back to rhe bedchamber again. Now, the
when compared to making amends with one’s childe shadowy figure looms near the edge of the bed, gazing
who is still bitter about his unwanted Embrace. How down upon the woman’s languid body. She is warm,
the characters answer such questions will say a lot perfumed, and the feeling of love for her suddenly
about them and let them define for themselves where flares in the character. Then she moves, the silken
they stand in the grand scale of Gehenna. sheets rustling, and her lips part as she slowly awak-
ens. Back in the crypt, the characters prepare to deal
Cin e m a t o g r a ph y with the Methuselah, readying whatever weapons
Making Gehenna work for the characters and and powers they possess as the monster shifts and
players will probably require reaching into your bag stretches. The characters are just about to rush her,
of storytelling tricksand pullingout a few things that when the scene returns one last time to the woman.
you rarely use. Given the scope and ultimate mean- She opens her eyes, a warm smile on her face that fills
ing of Gehenna, it is not the kind of story that can be the lovelorn character with rapture. But then she
told in an ordinary, real-time, chronologit al fashion sees the shadowy figure watching her, its blood-
without sacrificing so much of what it can and should drenched mouth, its corpse-like flesh, its ravenous
be. Think about your chronicle. Trying to really eyes, and she screams in utter terror, her fear like a
highlight certain themes or aspects of the various knife in the heart of the character imagining or
characters might require you to force the characters remembering this scene. His love sees him only as a
into situations that don’t flow naturally, thus rob- monster, not a man. She will never be able to love
bing the characters of the free will that is essential, him, so he will never know love again. At that
especially now. For example, if you want to really moment the Storyteller jerks the action back to the
explore the relationship one of the characters had crypt and the Methuselah awakens, screaming in a
with his mortal mother, it might be very awkward to deafening roar that somehow retains some tiny es-
try to bring mama into the action if the characters sence of the woman she once was so many millennia
are in the middle of Cairo battling a horde of freakish ago, and the character knows horror again. When
Setites. If, however, you show the character flash- the character launches himself at the ancient vam-
backs of his life with his mother at appropriate pire, he seeks to destroy the woman in his mind and
Ge h e n n a
the painful feelings he recalls or imagines as much as important. You must be careful not to rush things, if
he is out to destroy the Methuselah. When he sinks for no other reason than the fact that this is the last
his fangs into the creature, he is doing the same to chance characters have to do their stuff, as it were.
the dream-like woman, and the pain he feels in his There’s no need to hustle them out rhe door and not
I soul is as great as any the monster feels, perhaps even let them have a little fun before they leave. Let
I greater. Gehenna unfold at a pace that allows for reasonable
Memory sequences are part icularly effective in a pauses, giving everyone a chance to catch their
Gehenna story. They allow the characters to experi- breath now and then. Even if Gehenna is going to be
ence again something that focuses their attention on a single crack of thunder and wham, all the Kindred
a person, place, emotion or anything else to which are gone, let the pace increase slowly at first, picking
the Storyteller wishes to give impact. They can also up as things get closer and closer to the end. Just as
be used very neatly to fill in gaps in a character’s life important is making sure that things don’t move at
and unlife that have never before been fully detailed. the same pace throughout. Vary rhe timing of scenes,
For example, maybe a certain Toreador ontitribu has using a speed-up to build suspense and get the adrena-
never seemed to care about his mortal family, espe- line pumping, but then slowing things down a bit
cially his sister. Ever since his Embrace into the afterward. Lidl rhe characters into a false sense of
Sabbat he’s pushed his mortal life and relationships calm now and then, too. Let them think that the
into the trash bin of his mind, convincing himself serious action is still a ways up ahead, and then hit
that they are meaningless now. As a consequence, them with a scene in which things start moving
the player never really put much thought into his ridiculously fast, catching them unaware and forcing
character’s past, perhaps only jotting down a few them to react on the spur of the moment. You
quick notes — where his character grew up, his shouldn’t do so just for the sake of tormenting them,
father’s occupation, when he was Embraced, et cetera. making t hem dance as you unload your six-shooter at
Now might be the perfect time for the Storyteller to their boots. Instead, it should be done so that tension
force that character to recall his mortal past, to is allowed to build but never become unbearable. <3
remember that he has a sister who always looked up Any time the players sense that things are just
to him as her protector from an abusive father and an moving too fast, a tendency arises to have their
uncaring mother. The character is no longer given character step back out of the action. This is not the
the luxury of ignoring this, because rhe Storyteller time to have any characters withdraw from the story,
now shows him some scenes from his difficult life as so adjust the liming so that they are all involved.
a mortal. The night he hid his sister in his tree fort so Just as importantly, keep an eye on the story’s
that their father could not abuse her. The time he level of drama. It is all too easy to go to extremes and
actually stood up to his father and spent five days in either have things get really dull - even when the
the hospital as a result. The morning he found his pace is quick — or have them become purple and
mother dead, hanging from a rope in the bathroom. melodramatic. Yes, this is Gehenna — the Gehenna
And then the night he was taken iway by the vam- — and some seriously high drama is to he expected,
pires, leaving his sister all alone with their father, but don’t let it drown rhe more introspective, emo-
with no one to protect her anymore. This kind of tional and personal moments that can bring a wealt h
technique can bring strong emotional resonance to a of meaning to the story. Sometimes things must calm
Gehenna story and, even as the characters are about down so that characters can deal with personal issues
to meet their end, help complete them, in a sense. It that matter, even if they are not excit ing. Make sure
can be used to answer questions that have never been you create opportunity for this, even if things are
answered but should have been. It can really add generally more pumped up. Like pacing, let the level
depth to characters, so t hat when they are gone, they of drama change quickly sometimes, and far more
were not just vampires, but real people, with lives slowly other times. Let the characters anticipate
and unlives that are much more complex, evocative some high drama, but be blindsided at other times.
and meaningful than they might have ever seemed. Yeah, they’ll see the action coming when rhe Ante-
Aside from advanced editing techniques, an- diluvian appears on the horizon with an army of
other very critical aspect of telling a Gehenna story rabid vampire soldiers, but what about when they are
is the timing. Exactly what kind of pacing and chro- sitting in the quiet lighthouse in the company of one
nology works will depend heavily on just what kind old Nosferatu? How much of a surprise will it he
of Gehenna will take place, but in every case, it’s when the hideous Kindred suddenly pulls out a hook
Ch a pt e r Six : St o r y t el l in g
with a heretical fragment of the Book ot Nod that ate for your chronicle. It should have the same
paints a very different picture of Gehenna, and one general feel, atmosphere and thematic focus as the
that seems to reflect exactly what is going on out- overall chronicle. That is, despite invoking the End
side? Maybe the characters finally get the drop on of the World, it should not be a jarring ending that I
their old archenemy, a very devious elder, only to is out of sync with all the stories that have come
discover that she has really been on their side all before it. If your chronicle has been about the mys-
along, her opposition merely a deception to protect terious Jyhad between two or more Methuselahs that
them from another, more dangerous enemy? The rhe characters increasingly become aware of, then
fight they were expecting, the drama they were Gehenna should not suddenly drop that underlying
expecting, suddenly dissipates. Manipulating a story’s story line and focus exclusively on deeply personal
pacing and drama thus can go a long way toward matters. Make sure that your Jyhad theme is included
making Gehenna the kind of story it should be. in the Gehenna story, even if it is shown to ulti-
Another related and important consideration mately have been a moot battle between Ancients
for you is quite simply how to introduce Gehenna who suddenly find that all their schemes are for
into an ongoing chronicle. Gehenna can certainly naught. If the chronicle is about lost love and the
be run as a one-shot story, or even stretched out as an pangs of sorrow experienced by Kindred as they
entire chronicle, but most Storytellers will probably watch themselves grow further removed from hu-
use it as the ending for their own long-running manity, then the final tale should use that, not just
chronicles. It should not just be slapped onto the end become a big war between the Sabbat and Camarilla
of a chronicle without first taking care to think about and the Antediluvians smashing them all afterward.
a few important things, however. The different Gehenna stories provided in previous
The first of these concerns is simple fit. Make chapters each have a different feel and scope, so if
sure that whatever Gehenna scenario you use — you are going to use one of them, choose the one that
whether it’s one of the ones included in this book, or best completes your chronicle, one with the same
your own original version of Gehenna — is appropri-
Ge h e n n a
I general scale of drama. Y ou don't want the end to feel all makes sense and the events of Gehenna feel that
I flimsy or overpowering. much more strongly a part of the overall chronicle.
Also, look at how all the plot threads of your Foreshadowing can he used for many things, but it
I chronicle might be resolved. Don’t go trying to tie up should be reserved for those things that will be most
I all of them — that’s not only impossible to do well, dramatic. Overusing this crucial storytelling tech-
I but it’s unnecessary — just select enough to provide nique, however, will only blur the focus and detract
some closure for the characters. Let them feel that at from the few things that are trying to be highlighted.
least some of their age-old problems have been fi- Use it sparingly and it will help, not hinder, the story
nally put to rest. Also think about how to use you plan to tell.
symbolism, themes and plot element' from previous
stories in the Gehenna scenario. Did money crop up Th e Su ppo r t in g Ca s t
again and again as a way to illustrate its double-sided Gehenna is not a small thing, and even the most
power in your stories? Then use it again here. Per- personal of endings will have a potentially large cast
haps the vast fortunes of the elders are now revealed of characters playing every conceivable supporting
to mean nothing in the face of Gehenna. Or maybe role. Although this tale focuses on the players’ char-
the money has become such an addiction that one of acters, the rest of the vampire and mortal characters
the Kindred falls because he cannot tear himself cannot be seen only as window dressing and spear-
away from his greed. Do you play a certain piece of carriers. How they react to Gehenna and the
music just prior to an important loss for the charac- characters at this time is very important, and you
ters? Use it now, and make sure it is played at the very should give serious thought as to what these charac-
end. This kind of attention to central subjects and ters will be doing come Judgment Day. For most
props will allow Gehenna to feel like the real, inten- vampires, Gehenna is the end of something, but of
tional end to the chronicle, instead of just a exactly what, almost none can agree. It is a time that
convenient (if dramatic) way to bring about a finale. many see as allegorical only; they don’t really think
Finally, use foreshadowing. If possible, before it will happen. They see so-called signs of its coming
running Gehenna, take certain elements from its as little more than events that were most likely to
plot and introduce them into a few stories ahead of occur anyway, given the less-than-perfect nature of
time, giving characters a small chance to sense some- the Caine’s children. When it does come, if they
thing approaching. What’s more, the characters will recognize it, most of these Kindred will likely be
really enjoy it when they finally do experience the more than a little disturbed — many completely
events foreshadowed, and it will go that much fur- stunned. Others are more prepared for the eventual-
ther in making Gehenna feel like it was the way the ity, however, even if only on a superstitious level.
chronicle was always supposed to end. If the charac- Some, like the Black Hand and certain Gehenna
ters will be present at the destruction of the Assamite cults, actually look forward to it and have made very
Antediluvian come Gehenna, then go ahead and let serious plans for exactly what they will do when the
them catch a few glimpses of Middle Eastern art, night finally arrives. But how do you handle all this?
language and atmosphere well in advance. Maybe Don’t worry about the stars of the drama, the charac-
they happen to witness a hit-and-run accident, and ters. They will pretty much do what they want. But
learn that the man killed was named Haqim. Maybe how do you figure out what each of the other Kindred
they are the ones driving the car, a great way to in the chronicle will do when Gehenna begins? The
foreshadow their own possible role in destroying the following are just a few ideas that might help you
Antediluvian. figure this out.
Music can also be very effective for this purpose. Let's take a look at the city’s other Kindred, first.
What if, beginning a few stories beh i c Gehenna, the Unless the entire local Kindred population consists
characters hear an eerie, melancholy Arabic song — solely of the characters, others in town will have
on a cabbie’s radio, in an ethnic restaurant, from the their parts to play. Depending on how Gehenna
window of an immigrant’s apartmeniThe song keeps happens, they could be doing anything from sitting
cropping up, even though no Middle Eastern charac- on the rooftop waiting for Caine to come and drink
ter figures into the story so far. By i he time they are their soul to trying their damnedest to seize total
face-to-face with Gehenna, the son ; will crop up control of the city and shatter the Masquerade by
again, this time a much longer piece, essentially an demonstrating their Disciplines on the nightly news.
introduction as Haqim steps onto the stage. Now it All this is well and good, but it’s how their action or
Ge h e n n a
I how loyal its members claim to be, a clan is nothing most, if not all other Kindred, finally fall. Because of
I more than an extended family. Although the family this, the eldest Children of Caine are not about to
I can lay claim to its share of geniuses, artists, leaders, pull any punches. Now is the time when they pull out
I visionaries, diplomats, wits and otherwise estimable all stops and unleash their most awesome and de-
I individuals, these are rhe minority when compared structive powers on the world.
I to the murderers, thieves, sadists, deviants, traitors, Because of who these Ancients are, you might
F brutes, idiots, psychotics and straight-out losers who not have a list of traits for all of these guys. So how
share the same blood, at least if viewed from a do you determine how each will react and what each
mortal's perspective. The characters will probably will aim to do? Ultimately, this is going to have to be
fall into the former group, but they are the excep- a judgment call, one made by considering what each
tion. As such, when the going gets tough, any of these Ancients represents in both a literary and
meaningful semblance of loyalty, devotion, support, dramatic sense. Take Augustus Giovanni, for in-
protection and even care that might once have stance. Assuming you intend to use him in your
existed could disappearovernight. This doesn’t mean version of Gehenna, what will he do? Well, given his
that some members of the clan might not pretend own rise to power, it is pretty clear he’s a power-
that such is not the case, especially those who wish hungry bastard who will pretty much do anything to
to demand assistance and service from their weaker get what he wants. He’s also the nearly undisputed
blood-siblings, but in reality, it really won’t mean master of necromantic arts, probably as comfortable
anything anymore. Only those clans or bloodlines as any vampire in the world of the dead as he is in the
that have some powerful, mystical or philosophical world of the living. And he’s essentially indepen-
bond with one another can be safely assumed to dent. He doesn’t like to work with others, unless it’s
remain relatively united during Gehenna. The by strangling them. Therefore, when Gehenna comes
Malkavians might hear the words of Malkav himself, rolling along, Augustus is likely going to look for any
an event that could possibly cause (hem to act to- possible way he can use it to gain even more power,
gether toward some goal, or the Setites might believe or all of it. (This is probably going to be how many of
that Set has returned and called them to arms. the truly ancient vampires react at first, by the way.)
Without this kind of motivation, or without real He’ll probably look for a way to use the absolutely
compassion on the part of a vampire for others of her most powerful aspect of his necromantic arts to give
| kind, Kindred might ignore such distinctions and him the edge too, betting that there’s not another
| look more toward their sect and coterie for their vampire in existence who can beat him in that arena.
I needs than to their extended consanguineous family. And finally, he’ll do it his way and without help.
Then there are the ancient vampires, the really Exactly what this means can vary greatly, but it’s
old elders, Methuselahs and yes, the Antediluvians. his modus operandi, so he’ll stick with it. Of course,
Sects are meaningless to creatures whose sole con- he’s almost certainly doomed, but he doesn’t know
cern is likely to be their own personal fate, other that, and even if he does, he’s not going to let himself
vampires be damned. How much does Absimiliard believe it. Methuselahs will probably watch their
really care about the Camarilla? Evi n the concept of backs while taking the field, fearful of their sires'
clan has importance only if the Ancient has a unique hungry returns, and will be more likely to seek allies
way to take advantage of its descendants or has good of convenience until it becomes, well, no longer
reason to fear them more than other Kindred. The convenient. It should never be forgotten that such
truth is that no Ancient has absolute control over its monsters have been around for so long that few to
progeny, so this too becomes relatively moot. What none even think the same as younger Kindred. These
is important to these blood-gods is simple self-pres- eldritch predators have stalked the world's shadows
ervation — assuming they care about raking any since time immemorial, and t hey are not going to be
action come the end of the road, since many are so looking at Gehenna in shades of gray. For them, it's
steeped in ennui they might welcome final judg- all about winning or losing the final move in the
ment. Certainly, some of these vampires possess Jyhad. The really see no in-between.
Disciplines and resources that can trump just about The role of the kine should not be overlooked,
any other Kindred on a normal playing field, hut let’s either. In fact, it’s imperative that they be taken into
not forget that Gehenna is not a normal playing consideration. If Gehenna is something obvious, or
field. It is the ultimate one. It is where rhe last battles if it results in violent upheaval among rhe Kindred,
are fought and the vaunted Ancients, along with then mortals are going to realize that vampires are in
Ch a it o Six : St o r y t u u n c
their midst and act accordingly. Naturally, this is and this is known, mortals will be driven to even
going to mean that the world will no longer be the greater extremes. Unprecedented rioting, crime
place it was, for mortals or vampires alike. Think waves, suicides, religious hysteria, military action
about the Inquisition for suggestions as to how mor- and anything else conceivable might be going on in
tals react to the fact that a host of bestial predators addition to events caused by or directed at the
have been feeding off them like parasites for ages. Kindred. Spontaneous acts of selflessness and hero-
Now think about all the technological advances that ism should also occur in the midst of the darkness,
have come along since the Middle Ages and how however. Despite all our sins and despicable tenden-
they might make a mortal war against vampires a cies, people are startlingly capable of astonishing
much deadlier conflict than the last such conflict. acts of mercy, kindness and sacrifice. Don't leave
Advances in intelligence gathering and analysis, this out, or it will skew things too much. Even if the
forensic science, military strategy and weaponry, world does end because of the rampant sins of vam-
information sharing and statistical and behavioral pires and mankind, remind players at least that there
analysis will give the kine advantages rhe\ did not was some virtue. And if redemption is possible, if the
have during the Inquisition. Only those Kindred End of the World can actually be averted in your
knowledgeable about such things or fortunate enough Gehenna story, then focus on this point and let that
to have influence with kine who are, will he able to virtue have a chance to change the fate of the world.
escape the hunters for long. If the news of vampires
goes public, hysteria and chaos might ensue, with the Po s t -Gf h f n n a Ch r o n ic l e s
modern equivalent of pitchfork-wielding mobs be- Gehenna does not have to mean the absolute
coming a nightly mainstay. If, on the other hand, the end for every chronicle or for every character. While
news remains restricted to covert intelligence and it can be argued that having even one vampire
military organizations, then the war will be fought survive the onslaught to continue its predatory exist-
more carefully and quietly, but no less dramatically. ence defeats the purpose and poetic justice of
Should Gehenna mean the literal End of the World Gehenna, many troupes will want to explore what
I f I
* r
k Y.. i I
Ge h e n n a
I might happen afterward, assuming a habitable Earth She sneaks into another city, and maybe no one
I remains when everything is over, of course. No knows she has done so. Then, in classic vampire
I matter what kind of aftermath you choose, things are style, she extends her tentacles into every part of the
I going to be very different from anything that came city to gain influence and use that to her advantage.
I before. If vampires do survive — whether only a Maybe she is actually told to do this in order to
I couple or an entire society of the undead — it’s still ultimately compromise the security that keeps the
going to be a dramatic change from unlife before vampires trapped in the other city, one fateful night
Gehenna. For one thing, there will be very few succeeding in tearing down the walls and once more
vampires, no matter how you slice it. As long as the releasing vampires into the world at large.
mortal population wasn’t reduced to a similar degree, It might also be fun to have the vampires stay
this will mean that each Kindred (or whatever they together (at least at first) just for safety in numbers,
want to call themselves now) will potentially have a but the mortals aren’t aware of their existence. They
massive herd to feed from. That alone is a tremen- work more quietly behind the scenes, and they slowly
dous advantage. It also means that each can gain more and more power in a large city of growing
potentially carve out a very large domain of his own importance. The characters would get a chance to
without having to feud with other vampires. This become deeply involved in politics and intrigue,
also means that vampire society, as it once existed, is always wary of the technology that could be used to
gone. What rules of social conduct, political associa- detect and destroy all their plans. Eventually, childer
tion and exposure to humanity will the survivors would come into being and likely spread outward,
now create? Really, anything is plausible. It’s highly establishing other domains, but the Third City would
unlikely any surviving vampires will be so foolish as be the seat of power, at least for a while. The vam-
to try to rule openly over the mortals, as they are pires there, the characters included, of course, would
probably way too outnumbered now and don’t have have to form a new society, taking into consider-
the kind of influence they once had as a member of ation generation and other serious issues. This would
a coterie, a domain and a sect. If the survivors are provide a great deal of challenge, and maybe some- <3
familiar with one another, in all likelihood they will where along the way, a new mythos for the vampires
immediately assess the relative power of the others, would arise — one that told the tale of the beginning
thinking typical vampire thoughts such as, “What of vampires in the Third City.
generation is the Lick in the next city? Will he try to Not every future chronicle needs to resurrect the
diablerize me, or can 1 get him first?" and “How can old world of the vampires like some horrid phoenix,
1 blood bond him?” Given enough time and the however. It might be the case that few vampires
likely lack of lessons learned, things will eventually survived, or that they are not quite the same any-
repeat themselves. Although outwardly everything more, and the old cycle truly is broken. The new
might appear different, vampires are vampires, and chronicle can take off in a very different direction,
unless they have changed significantly after Gehenna, perhaps one in which the tables are turned. For
vampires will remain true to their nature on account example, maybe the characters decide that they will
of their needs, urges and the knowledge they possess. commit themselves to hunting down any remaining
Another possible future is that the surviving vampires, either because they feel remorse and wish
Kindred all congregate in one place, maybe a city to redeem themselves in God’s eyes, or just because
they dub New Enoch or the Third City. It might be they can and they see it as the right thing to do. They
that mortals know who and what they are and have could become a team of very special hunters, and the
driven them into this place in an effort to at least chronicle could become a series of encounters where
contain them, if not actually exterminate them all. they track down and destroy the world’s other sur-
Maybe a tense peace arises, one that lets the vam- viving vampires. This doesn’t have to be so
pires have their city as long as they stay put. This video-game-esque, either. Maybe the characters dis-
could be a great place to start a whole new kind of cover that some of the other survivors also feel
chronicle. The vampires probably create rules against terrible and wish they were no longer vampires, a
new progeny at first, just like Caine did, in order to way to introduce pathos and a deeper meaning into
not create too much competition. But in time, some the stories. Or maybe they find out to their shock and
cheat, and before long, childer are champing at the horror that two of the Antediluvians survived
bit and ignoring their elders. Then someone gets out, Gehenna and they are still carrying on their personal
a vampire escapes the city and real trouble ensues. Jyhads to the very end. The characters might even
Ch a pt er Six : St o r y t il l in g
discover that they have so far been unwitting pawns An epilogue has the benefit of being able to
of one of these Ancients, sent to ruin the schemes of maintain the same general sense of drama and impor-
its rival. Done right, this type of situation can rein- tance, carrying rhe themes of the chronicle to a final,
troduce the sense of horror that the charac t ers thought post-climactic conclusion. It can let the players see
had ended with Gehenna. what happens to the world and their characters when
A third possibility for following up Gehenna’s all is said and done, without forcing them to try to
holocaust is for the characters to have become mor- reinvent themselves, something that usually fails.
tals as a result of the events of Gehenna. For such a How many Hollywood sequels are really good? How
chronicle to have any dramatic appeal, the charac- many movies still rock when turned into television
ters need to be just as important and face enemies series? Not many. The same goes for a chronicle. If it
and other challenges just as exciting as they did as really was everything you wanted it to be, if it really
vampires. Maybe the characters retain one of their wowed the players and kept them coming back for
Disciplines, but instead of being fueled by vitae it is more, and if your Gehenna really hit the nail on the
now simply powered by their own mortal blood, head and brought the wnole shebang to a cataclys-
something they can no longer replenish so easily. Or mic and extremely satisfying conclusion, then it’s
maybe they are simply able to use the extraordinary probably best to stop there, sit back and relish rhe
knowledge they already possess to seek out and de- afterglow. An epilogue can be very short or it might
stroy other monsters that might remain on Earth, actually stretch out a few sessions, whatever it takes
such as werewolves or demons. Various Storyteller to wrap things up nicely so that the players feel that
games provide an endless list of possible antagonists what just ended was the best ending possible. It’s
for these characters. The key, again, is just making possible that an epilogue might go on longer than
sure that the drama is commensurate with the kind of expected, even turn into a new chronicle uninten-
drama the players became accustomed to when play- tionally. This kind of natural continuation is most
ing the old chronicle. Perhaps the characters decide likely going to be far better than anything purpose-
to right the wrongs of their own pasts, helping those fully planned ahead of time, if it occurs.
they harmed when they were vampires and putting Another style that troupes might want to try
an end to the most morally bankrupt of their former after Gehenna is that of the rerun. Kun rhe Gehenna
mortal allies, retainers and contacts. For < xample, if story again, but this time give the players entirely
the characters’ actions as Kindred had resulted in the new characters, maybe Kindred from another.sect, or
closure of a factory that once employed nearly 10 maybe elders, or something like that. The idea is to
percent of the city’s residents, they might n>'w try to allow them to experience Gehenna from a new point
help reopen the factory or otherwise help rhe city’s of view, one from which the whole thing might
unemployed. If the characters had done things that appear quite different on many levels. Maybe their
benefited the criminal underworld ma die they old characters were Camarilla ancillae who were
had made a Mafia capo into a ghoul in order to gain terrified and prayed to God at the very end for
influence over that organization — they might dedi- forgiveness for all their sins. Now give them Black
cate themselves to now taking down the local Mafia Hand characters and let them face and even exult in
as a kind of penance for their many past crimes. Gehenna, fighting to the very last as holy warriors of
World of Darkness: Mafia provides a wealth of ideas Caine, ready to meet Final Death and be granted the
of how to run this kind of chronicle. promise of their progenitor. Not only can the players
It might actually be more appropriate not to try actually do something different in terms of action,
to create a whole new chronicle, but to simply run a but they will discover that Gehenna brings out very
story or two as more of an epilogue to Gehenna. different things in different Kindred. This kind of
Doing so has the advantage of avoiding rhe risk of alternative view need not be saved for after the
diminishing the old chronicle and the characters, whole thing is over, either. You could use it during
while still offering the players some kind of coda to your first Gehenna chronicle, cutting back and forth
the drama of Gehenna. Any new chronicle will have between one set of characters and another. Instead of
so many expectations to live up to that it might be the characters being different Kindred, it might be
best to avoid the risk. What if the characters don’t even more fun to have them be entirely different
find the same kind of challenges anymore.' What if types of monsters, but using that same cut-scene
the premise is silly? What if the plot just meanders method. Each of the other World of Darkness game
ami has no real meaning? lines also has its own version of the end, so the
players might get to see it unfold as Lupines at the maybe never will. There’s certainly nothing wrong
same time they experience it as Kindred. The differ- with that. Many more stories wait to he told, many
ent perspectives they would have would be radical, more themes are left to explore, and many more
giving them an entirely new appreciation of some of characters can be conjured up. Gehenna is the end of
the other creatures that haunt their world. The only someth ing, there’s no doubt about that, but it doesn’t
word of caution here is to be very careful in figuring have to be the end of your game, and it certainly
Ch a pt er Six : St o r y t el l in g
Ch a r a c t er s
Geh en n a
fl brace not only caused most of his past memories to fade, Humanity: 9
11 but also caused his faith to increase even more. He soon True Faith: 9
'I came to believe that he and his kind were the biblical Willpower: 10
I fallen angels, damned for past defiance of God and now
I set upon earth to seek redemption. He saw that part of At ia ,Go d s Mf s s f n g e r
I his task was also to be God’s warrior and evangelist, so Background: Born to a Kindred father and a
he spent most of his unlife seeking to unite those mortal mother, Alia’s life has never been normal.
Gargoyles with suitable free will under his banner. He From the moment she reached womanhood, she
hates the Tremere for their enslavement of the Gar- realized she had been chosen for something spe-
goyles, and he believes that the Nosferaru are actually cial, for that is when she first heard God’s voice
the spawn of demons who must be destroyed whenever and learned of her divine mission. She traveled
possible. with three Caitiff who served as her protectors
and sycophants until she found Ferox and deliv-
Image: Ferox is a white Gargoyle with large
ered God’s Word. Since then, she has traveled
wings and pink, albino eyes that glow with the
with the Gargoyle wherever he goes, for God told
light of his faith. He keeps his eyes hidden behind
her to do so. She has never been sure of where this
sunglasses. He has spiraling horns top of his
would all lead, and she has always worried what
head, a small mouth and a heavy chin. He usually
her fate would be, but she has never deviated from
wears a choir robe trimmed in purple, a crucifix
her mission and has no intention from doing so.
necklace and/or a cross earring.
To be honest, if she were not a messenger for God,
Roleplaying Hints: You are God’s chosen ser-
she has no clue what she would do with herself.
vant and are constantly saddened by the corruption
Image: Alia is a fairly pale, slender girl who
of the world. You are patient, and you won’t hurt
appears slightly younger than her age on account
neonates too much unless they seem bent on
of her waif-like features. Her blond hair falls
destroying you. Keep adjusting your sunglasses.
straight to the middle of her back and her light
For more detailed information about Ferox,
brown eyes seem almost golden when the light
see Kindred Most Wanted.
hits them just right. She has a warm smile, but
Clan: Gargoyle most of the time her features are set in a more
? Sire: Rocia serious and determined expression, for she has
I Nature: Judge much to think about and do. She has no tattoos or
II! I Demeanor: Caregiver piercings, and she dresses in jeans and a simple
I Generation: 8th top, along with whatever the weather dictates.
1 Apparent Age: Indeterminate
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulatioi 1, Appearance
Appen d ix : Ch a r a c t er s
Despite her slight appearance, something about in the Tremere sending John to a French chantry
her commands attention and is a little intimidat- where he spent most of the next two centuries.
ing to some who meet her. His scientific mind was applied to every field of
Roleplaying Hints: You don’t know why God study during this time, though alchemy and the
chose you to be His messenger, but He did and newly conceived evolutionary theory came to
that’s the way it is, like it or not. You are not dominate his attentions. He believed that vam- I
perfect, and you know it, but you will do your best pires were merely a fumbling step along the
to serve God and convey His Word whenever He evolutionary ladder of humanity, and he dedi-
speaks. You never give much thought to right and cated himself to seeking the means to move on to
wrong, but neither are you sure that your deci- the next or final step. As such, he saw the tradi-
sions are always correct. All you do know is that tional magical practices of other Tremere as
you consider yourself to be a good person, despite misplaced and made public his views on the absur-
the circumstances of your birth. You try to help dity of Kindred mythology and the story of Caine.
others but are sometimes scared of what that This attitude served only to further alienate him
entails. You stay with Ferox because you know you from his clan. They called him Le Physicker in
must, but you are sometimes uncomfortable around derision, and when the opportunity finally came
him — not because of his strange appearance, but to rid themselves of him, his chantry superiors
because you believe that sometimes he seems too sent him away to Washington, DC under the
self-righteous. Is that the kind of servant God pretense that he could prove helpful during that
really wants? city’s troubles with the Sabbat.
For complete rules on dhampirs see Time of Le Physicker did not simply disappear, how-
Thin Blood. ever. Fate works in unexpected ways, and it led
Clan: Dhampir him to a place where one of the Kindred on the
Sire: None Red List, Petaniqua, was vanquished by his hand.
e Nature: Conformist
Now a Red Alastor, John found himself caught in J
a fast-moving current of politics and intrigue,
Demeanor: Martyr
things he had no experience with. He did his best
Generation: None to survive, but he ultimately found himself with
Apparent Age: 18 far more enemies than allies, and he tried as hard
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2 as he could to extract himself from the Machia-
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 1, Appearance vellian games so that he could return to his
3 personal goal of transcendence. It was at this time
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 4. Courage
Talents: Alertness 3, Empathy 3, Intimidation 1,
Intuition 4
Skills: Meditation 2, Stealth 2
Knowledges: Enigmas 3, Theology 2
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 1, Obeah 1
Backgrounds: Allies 1
Humanity: 9
True Faith: 10
Willpower: 6
Jo h n T r f n t , T r f m f r f Do o m s a y f r
Background: Also known as Hector Trelane
and Le Physicker, John is the spawn of a sire who
defied his superiors by Embracing a childe, for
which his sire was summarily destroyed in Vienna.
The sins of the father fell upon the son, resulting
Ge h e n n a
that he was captured by a nest of demon-worship- humanity, the possibility of transcendence and
ping Kindred and that the blinders that he had the dream of achieving ultimate human perfec-
worn all his unlife were torn from his eyes. He was tion. You laughed at your fellow Kindred and
shown things that broke his will and changed the their absurd mythologies and superstitious silli-
way he thought about everythin in an instant. ness. Now you know better. Your eyes have been
He finally escaped from his captors and did not opened to rhe crawling, mindless darkness that
return to the Camarilla. He felt that involvement shall eventually consume the earth without a
with the sect only exposed him to i he horrors he thought. There is no hope in the long run; all are
witnessed, so he became autarkis, I inding haven doomed, and no one knows it yet but you. The
where he could and using his talent for research only thing left for you to do is see to your own
and experimentation to discover best how to pre- safety, watch your back and get ready for the end.
pare for the day when the terrible things he had Who knows, maybe there’s a small chance that
seen would take place. In his absence, rumor you can hold out long enough against the demon
reached the Inner Circle that he had committed hordes if you know enough magic and have enough
diablerie on one of rhe Anathema, so he was guns? Probably not, but it certainly won’t hurt to
declared Anathema himself and placed him on try, right? And while you’re at it, maybe you can
the third spot on the Red List. Since then he has learn a few more things along the way.
been stalked by the alastors, eager to claim the Clan: Fremere
Trophy for destroying the traitor who once counted Sire: Muresh Kelbandu
himself among their number.
Generation: 9th
John Trent still suffers from bonifying night-
Nature: Scientist
mares on account of his experiences. All too often
Demeanor: Survivalist
he awakens still believing that his b eams are real,
his paranoia at a dangerous peak At such times, Embrace: 1838
he is prone to maim himself, carving a host of Apparent Age: 30
hermetic, African and other occult glyphs on his Physical: Strength I, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
head and arms in the deluded hope that it might Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, Appearance
offer him some protection from the forces he 4
believes are out to get him. In addition, he con- Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 2
tinues to find the blood of unhealthy or unclean Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy
people to be entirely unpalatable. His finickiness 3, Intrigue 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 3
has always made feeding a difficult prospect. Now Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette I, Firearms 3, Melee 2,
it might become even more of a nightmare for him Ride 2
than his dreadful dreams.
Knowledges: Academics 3, Alchemy 3, Enigmas
Image: John appears to be a slender, grim, 2, Linguistics 3, Medicine 3, Occult 3, Research 5
unsettling man of pale complexion in his 30s
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Necromancy 2,
whose recent experiences have lent a feral cast to
Thaumaturgy 5
his features. He prefers to shave his head most
Thaumaturgical Paths: Alchemy 3, Spirit Ma-
nights, and if he is suffering from the worst of his
nipulation 2, Weather Control 2
nightmares, it is likely that he has made himself
grotesque by carving strange symbols into his Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Herd 2, Sta-
flesh. He usually wears paramilitary gear and black tus 5 (Alastor)
leather, and he keeps various guns and knives Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 5, Courage
close at hand, the better to prole t him from his 3
many enemies, real and imagined. Overall, he Morality: Humanity 3
presents quite an intimidating and sometimes even Willpower: 7
terrifying figure. When he must present himself in Ry d e r , Re f o r m e d Di a b l f r i s t "
an important Kindred court, he dresses in archaic,
Background: Ryder was born in the early I
19th-century Virginian clothes and does not shave
years of the 20th century to a rural farmer and his I
his head, keeping his long, dark hair in a ponytail.
God-fearing wife. His life was spent helping out I
Roleplaying Hints: You were once a naive
his parents, but he became increasingly restless I
fool who believed in such things as the triumph of
Appendix : Char ac t er s
the broad prairies, the mountain ranges and the
coastline of the country’s vast western lands. He
ran into Belinda one more time, in the Pacific
Northwest, and she explained a bit more to him
about his heritage, before disappearing again.
Ryder eventually headed east and started famil-
iarizing himself with the new terrain. For a time
he was involved in some of the Camarilla-Sabbat
troubles around Boston, but in time he moved
south, hoping to avoid politics as much as pos-
sible. Ironically, it was in Washington, DC that
he became ensnared in all manner of intrigues —
one too many, in fact. His increasing contempt
for other Kindred led him to hook up with various
anarchs, from whom he learned the fine art of
diablerie. He became a hunted man, but instead of
running from the law, he lashed out instead. It
was during one such bold move that he walked
straight into a trap; he was seriously injured and
slipped into torpor in rural Maryland.
and felt that he could not stay much longer. When he finally awakened a few years later,
When the Great Depression hit his family hard, he met John Trent — or Hector Trelane, as he
he realized there was nothing more he could offer called himself at the time — who had only just
and figured he was just another mouth for his come to town. The two found that despite their
o parents to have to feed, so he set out on his own.
He wandered rhe nation west of the Mississippi,
differences, they worked well as a team, so they
stuck together for a time. When the Sabbat at-
taking odd jobs and supporting his vagrant lifestyle tacked the city and overran the Camarilla, the
as best he could, with little concern for rhe future. pair was separated. John Trent was recalled to
One evening he found himself camping above Vienna after destroying one of the Anathema,
the Grand Canyon, gazing out on the surreal leaving Ryder on his own once more. By this time,
wonder, when a woman suddenly appeared a short he had lowered his generation a number of times
distance behind him. She was about his own age, and was barely more than a rampaging beast him-
with long red hair and a look about her that said
that she was her own person and would never be It was then that he had the fortune to meet
tamed by any man. She had an animal look to her some Kindred who were capable of making him
and she moved with a cat’s grace, but instead of really examine what he had become. The Chil-
being scared, Ryder asked her to join him for the dren of Osiris taught him just enough to get him
evening. Her name was Belinda and 'he took a to choose a new path, one where he would try to
shine to her fellow traveler, sharing stones about fight the Beast inside, rather than let it control
the places she had been and the things she had him. His struggle was a difficult one, most of it
seen until the sky had begun to grow light. Ryder without any support, but eventually he saw some
expected that she would share his sleeping bag success. When his clan pulled out of rhe Camarilla,
when she moved close to him and kissed his neck, he sought out Xaviar and learned things that
but instead she sank her fangs into his throat and convinced him that something big was going to
drank her fill. When she was done and the young happen soon, giving him little time to prepare. He
man lay unmoving upon the red sanguine soil, she dedicated himself to further nourishing his grow-
unsheathed a Bowie knife and let him taste her ing humanity, and when he heard that his former
own blood. When Ryder awoke as one of the companion had been declared Anathema, he
undead, Belinda was already gone, vanished in quickly set put to find him, sure that John Trent
the pre-dawn gloom. was innocent of the crimes that earned him his
For a number of years he learned to survive as spot on the Red List. Unfortunately, when he
best he could, continuing to roam up and down found John, he discovered that the Tremere had
Ge h e n n a
taken his own U-turn and was now a paranoid and what you had once been, a feral diablerist moving
hopeless wreck, and possibly guilty of the crimes like an animal among your own kind, and you
he was accused of. Still, Ryder could not abandon have finally begun to know the pangs of guilt and
him, especially if he was being hunted, so he has regret. You have come to terms with your condi-
stayed by John’s side since that time in the hope tion and understand that the only curse you bear
that maybe it will be him who saves his friend this is the one you are willing to accept, and you won't
time. accept it any longer. Most other Kindred are still
Since Ryder was a child, he : ared bodies of foolish savages, however, and should they cross
water and so never learned to swim The Embrace your path or dare to try to drag you into their
only increased this phobia to the p int where he damnable schemes, then they had best be pre-
will now do whatever he can to avoid having to pared to pay the price.
cross anything larger than a rivulet of water in the Clan: Gangrel
gutter, which he will still try to circumvent if Sire: Belinda
possible. He wears a ring that he won at a carnival Nature: Loner
shortly after leaving his parents’ home, which he Demeanor: Penitent
has come to believe might be responsible for his
Generation: 7th
ability to easily shrug off the effects of magic used
Embrace: 1935
against him. Whether this is the < ase, or whether
his resistance to magic was something imbued Apparent Age: Hard to tell... late 20s?
when he became a vampire, is left up to the Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
Storyteller to decide. In either ase, all uses of Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance
‘ magicon him suffer a +2 difficult' Finally, Ryder 1
possesses an uncanny sense of l inger, a kind of Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
sixth sense that has grown sharper with time. As Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage
a result, his player gains a +3 when rolling for 5
initiative in combat and may make a Perception + Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 3, Intimida-
Alertness roll (difficulty 6) to detect approaching tion 4
danger a few turns before a threat rears its ugly Skills: Animal Ken 1, Drive 3, Firearms 2, Melee
head. 2, Repair 3, Stealth 2, Survival 2
Image: The Beast has been Ryder’s compan- Knowledges: Investigation I, Linguistics 1, Oc-
ion far longer than anyone else, and it has not cult 2, Politics 2
been kind to him. He bears rhe marks everywhere
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Celerity 2, Fortitude
one looks, from his paw-like hands and feet, to the
2, Potence 3, Protean 5
cat-like snout that has slowly replaced his former
Backgrounds: Allies 1
nose. His lips are permanently curled back, and he
constantly emirs a low growl that unnerves any- Humanity: 5
one too close to him. His eyes are feral and gleam Willpower: 7
oddly in the light, while his ears have sunken into Dr . Do u g l a s Nf t c j iu r c ii
his skull. His flesh is far more hirsute than normal Background: Some might find it odd that the
and he walks with a predatory gait that is truly foremost expert in the field of Kindred pathology,
disturbing to see. He dresses in relaxed and casual hematology and neobiology is a Malkavian. Those
clothing that helps in some small w <y to offset his regrettably unlearned soids have obviously never
strange features, though none would mistake him met Dr. Netchurch. Although the madness of his
for a normal person, even in a darkerte'd room. clan certainly grips his mind, the good doctor’s
Roleplaying Hints: You have spent most of scientific genius is unmistakable.
your life, and unlife, alone, even when surrounded Douglas Netchurch was born before the turn
by others, and that’s the way you like it most of of the century, to an affluent New England family
the time. You aren’t responsible for anyone else with a long history in the medical profession.
and don’t want to be. In all your time, only a few Although his older brother was something of a
individuals have ever come close to really know- disappointment to the family, Douglas turned out
ing you, and Hector Trelane (a.k.a. John Trent) is to be everything they could have asked for, easily
one of them. Yet you recognize the monstrosity of flying through school with top marks. Several
Appendix : Ch ar ac hr s
jects of interest. He is primarily assisted by his I
childe, Dr. Nancy Reage, a brilliant psychologist
whose fixation with her sire and former domitor I
survived — and was even strengthened — by her I
Embrace. Netchurch is apparently quire unaware I
of her amorous obsession. Then again, perhaps he ]
knows and has simply classified it as an under- '
standable and non-problematic behavioral
pattern. Whatever the case, her bedside manner
is certainly more... generous than his own — yet
another asset that makes her invaluable.
Image: Dr. Netchurch is an impeccably
groomed man with short-cut ash-blond hair and
round glasses (which, given his superior Auspex,
are certainly an affectation or obsessive habit).
He moves briskly and efficiently and speaks in a
level, measured tone at all times. Deliberate at-
tempts to rattle him are met with subtle, icy
condescension. Within the confines of his labora-
tory (where he feels most at home) he dresses like
universities offered him quite generous scholar- the scientist he is. When forced by circumstance
ships, but ultimately he chose no single one. to leave, he wears a suit that's perfectly immacu-
Instead, he chose to spread his higher education late, if slightly out of fashion.
our over a number of schools, including study Roleplaying Hints: You are consumed with a drive
abroad. to understand the Kindred condition in all its permuta-
When the First World War erupted, Dr. tions. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that you’ll achieve
Netchurch chose to leave his Boston pract ice and this goal any time soon, but you do have all the rime in
return to Europe, assisting the local hospitals in the world. You are decidedly contemptuous of the more
the treatment of fallen soldiers as best he could. “occult" beliefs of your fellow Kindred, and you patently
He came to know the diseases and infer lions of don’t believe in Gehenna. Even your connection to the
the filthy trenches firsthand — as well as the Network is vestigial. Yet although you consider
horrors of chemical warfare — and he never so Thaumaturgy, Noddism and t he like superst itious bunk,
much as flinched. you have enough tact not to mention your feelings in
It was there that he was drawn into the orbit front of others. Be reserved, speak only when you have
of Trimeggian, a powerful Malkavian and fellow something that needs saying, and keep clear of politics
scholar of the medical arts. Trimeggian w ho had as much as you can. Ultimately, only the pursuit of
been drawn to the Great War out of curiosity, was scientific understanding of the preternatural matters,
quite impressed by the resolve and insight of the and everything else is a distraction.
American doctor. It seemed only natural that Sire: Trimeggian
such a prodigy of modern medicine would prove Nature: Visionary
most useful in applying the cutting edge of medi- Demeanor: Director
cal science to analyze rhe human and Kindred Generation: 7th
condition alike. And he was not disappointed.
Embrace: 1915
His childe rose to the occasion with all the dedi-
Apparent Age: 30s
cation and rationality one would expect from a
Netchurch. Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
In the Final Nights, Dr. Netchurch operates a Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
covert (but quite professional, mind) facility in Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 3
the Raleigh-Durham Research Triangle area, Talents: Alertness 5, Dodge 2, Empathy 2, Expression
where he turns “research grants” of blood, money 2, Intimidation 4 (bloodless stare), Leadership 2, Sub-
and volunteers into highly credible findings about terfuge 3
vitae, ghouling, revenants and many other sub-
I Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Firearms 1, Security
I 2, Stealth 2
I Knowledges: Academics 4, Com; liter 1, Investi-
I gation 4, Law 2, Linguistics 4 (Latin, Greek,
I Spanish, French, German, Italian), Medicine 5
I (Kindred/ghoul pathology), Science 5 (Vitae he-
? matology)
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity ’ Dementation
1, Dominate 4, Fortitude 1, Obfii'i ite 3, Potence
1, Presence 1, Protean 1, Vicissitude 1
1 zi
[Note: Netchurch’s studies have exposed him to a
great many bloodlines, ami he has learned the
basics of several “semi-intuitive" Disciplines in
the course of his experiments. Storytellers might
want to grant him a dot in any other semi-physical
Discipline that he is currently studying. Netchurch
classifies Thaumaturgy and similarly “occult” Dis-
ciplines as “mystical” in nature, though, and has
neither inclination nor talent to unravel such.]
Backgrounds: Allies 1 (Dr. R> i ;e), Contacts 3,
Generation 6, Herd 3 (order! ii'/test subjects), After his Embrace, Hesha acclimated quite
Mentor 4, Resources 3, Retainer 2, Status 2 well to the “Cainite” condition. His newfound
toughness was a great boon during the long nights
Virtues: Compassion 2, Self-Control 5, Courage
he spent uncovering the hidden lore of Kindred
and other chthonic creatures. Mentored at first by <5
Morality: Humanity 6
his sire, Hesha felt the calling of his clan’s legacy.
Derangements: Obsessive/Compulsive Abu Ruhadzc knew he had chosen wisely, and he
Willpower: 9 instructed his childe in the ways of the Path of
Hf s h a Ru h a d z f Typhon. His progeny proved once again to be a
Background: The night had much in store for fervent pupil. To this night, Hesha’s clanmates
Ruhadze, who would change his name t<> Hesha after his consider him a near paragon of the Theophidians,
Embrace in the midnight shadows of a Nubian gold revered for his devotion to the god of the Under-
mine. Bk . world and his spiritual wisdom.
The harsh Nubian climate and Ruhadze’s pov- Hesha’s undead travels took him everywhere,
erty tempered him at a very young age. To avoid and he met a great many prominent Kindred. He
conflict, he anil his family adopted whatever reli- has crossed paths with the Kindred archaeologist
gion had grown to prominence at any given rime: Beckett no few times, and the two consider them-
Islam, Christianity and even Animism at certain selves cordial rivals. Additionally, his zeal to
points. By the time he had reached a relatively uncover the next secret or hidden revelation earns
advanced age for Nubians — his 30s — Hesha had him great status among members of his clan. He’s
fallen in with a cult that had gained no small bit glad to dive into forgotten tombs as long as he
of notoriety. This was a blood cult, a herd of believes they offer something of worth.
mortals tricked into believing in he divinity of In the modern nights, Hesha continues his
their Kindred patron. The cult's Setite leader tireless quest for knowledge. He has established
Embraced Hesha, seeing in the man a cleverness numerous havens and at least one secondary iden-
and intellect that he thought would serve him tity to help him in the trade of cryptic lore. Those
well in his quest to reincarnate his dead god. who know him also know that he’s willing to share
Indeed, Hesha’s sire grew so proud of his progeny almost any secret he unearths — for the right
in the modern nights that he renamed himself price. Sometimes, Hesha warns, the price of knowl-
Abu Ruhadze in the Islamic tradition: “the father edge is the knowing. The World of Darkness
of Ruhadze.” contains entities and forces far more malign than
mere vampires — dread creatures more powerful
Appen d ix : Ch a mo t r s
than the human mind can comprehend. The Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance
Antediluvians think to assume such power, but 2
the Eldest Ones were ancient when the Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5
Antediluvians were new. Very few vampires of Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge
other clans know Hesha’s labors to protect the 4, Empathy 3, Grace 3, Intimidation 3, Intuition i
Earth from the Eldest Powers. No one destroys the 3, Leadership 4, Streetwise 4, Style 3, Subterfuge j
world until the Setites are ready for their own
ascension to godhood.
5 I
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts (appraisal) 4, Demo-
Image: A dapper Serpent, Hesha now shows litions 3, Drive I, Etiquette 4, Firearms 2, Melee
no trace of his village past. In fact, he shows 1, Performance 4, Ride 1, Security 3, Sleight of %
nothing that he does not want the other person to Hand 2, Stealth 4, Survival 2
see. Hesha combines the bearing of a runway
Knowledges: Academics (humanities) 5, Com- I
model with the flawless calm under fire of a com-
purer 1, Enigmas 4, Finance 4, Investigation
bat veteran. His dark amber gaze is almost enough
(archaeology) 4, Law 1, Linguistics (numerous
to entrance an onlooker without even calling
tongues and written languages, both living and
upon his Disciplines. Hesha carries himself with
dead) 5, Medicine 2, Occult 4, Politics 4, Science
grace and dignity, equally at home at an embassy
1, Setite Lore 4
ball or the catacombs of a ruined temple. He
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Auspex 1, Fortitude 1,
customarily wears perfectly tailored gray business
Obfuscate 3, Potence 1, Presence 3, Serpentis 5
suits, as well as a monocle despite the fact that he
has perfect vision. Hesha’s shaved scalp bears a Backgrounds: Alternate Identity 1, Fame 1, Herd
tattoo of twining serpents, but in public he hides special (Hesha owns a blood bank), Influence 3,
this mark through Obfuscate. Resources 5, Retainers 5, Setite Status 3
Roleplaying Hints: No problem is so great Virtues: Conviction 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
that it cannot be overcome by reason. You remain Morality: Path of Typhon 8
cool and sensible even under the direst of circum- Willpower: 6
stances, whether you’re facing down rampaging Merits and Flaws: Natural Linguist
Sabbat, jumping a chasm or opening rhe tombs of
Ja n Pif t e r z o o n , Cu l l d f o f t j if Ca m a r il l a f
the forgotten kings. Most people and Kindred are
Background: To Jan Pieterzoon, Gehenna and
but tools to you, and they serve best when willing,
the Book of Nod are superstitious drivel belonging |
so you indebt them to you whenever you can.
in the Dark Ages. Jan understands that Kindred
Even those who aren’t your tools have something
are paranoid and petty — his grandsire was killed
to offer. Acquaintances, old allies and new faces
over a vendetta. Talk of Gehenna and ravenous
alike all have as-yet-unrealized potential.
Antediluvians only feeds this paranoia and results
Most of the time you affect a courtly, formal
in factionalism, fear and paralysis. The Final
charm that makes people think they kn> v. you far
Nights are here because foolish elders project
better than they do. Now and then you astound
their fears and read too much into coincidences
people with your encyclopedic knowledge of his-
and random chance. Jan is not blind, however. He
tory, archeology, mythology and art, but vou don’t
knows that something is happening, but it is no
deliberately show off — not unless you see a good
more apocalyptic than simple change in Kindred
reason for it. You never tell the whole truth, but
social conventions. It happened before in the
considering what you know, that is probably a
legends of the Kindred, as it did in Constantinople
and during the Anarch Revolt. Instead of hiding
Clan: Followers of Set
Sire: Abu Ruhadze
Nature: Visionary
____ ......J
from “Gehenna,” Jan believes that the Camarilla
should embrace change, evolve and adapt to the
new millennium.
t If it does not, Jan fears that the
Demeanor: Conniver Camarilla will crumble and face a self-fulfilling
Generation: 8th Gehenna.
Embrace: Unknown; assumed late 17th century Jan has acquired no small amount of media
Apparent Age: mid- to late-30s influence to further his goal of eradicating Kin-
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5 dred superstition. The Ventrue is on a
Ge h e n n a
Roleplaying Hints: Your stake in the game is
a great one, and you know full well that you are
probably in over your head. Still, calm must pre-
vail. If you let others know that you doubt the
extent of your capabilities, they will bring you
down like sharks drawn by the scent of blood.
Your sire, Hardestadt, left you a tremendous legacy
to satisfy, and you don’t fear failure for its own
sake as you do his disappoint inent should you he
unable to succeed at the tasks for which he chose
Clan: Ventrue
Sire: Hardestadt the Younger
Nature: Idealist
Demeanor: Director
Generation: 7th
Embrace: 1723
Apparent Age: late 20s
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 6
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance
book-burning crusade. He want - h<- Inner Circle
to punish all references to the L n/< of Nod since
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
such references only feed the- apocalyptic feat-
gripping Kindred society and make it harder for Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Dodge
the Camarilla to remain dominant He has gath- 2, Empathy 4, Expression 3, Grace 4, Intimida-
ered Cainite scholars and s< lentists to find tion 4, Leadership 4, Streetwise I, Style 4,
“scientific” explanations for vampires — hoping Subterfuge 6
that a secular explanation will quell fears of1 Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 4, .Firearms
---------------- ...................... Melee 4,
I Gehenna. Performance 4, Stealth 2, Survival 3
Despite being immersed in Byzantine Kindred Knowledges: Academics 4, Computer 2, Finance
treachery since the very night of his Embrace, Jan 5, Investigation 3, Law 4, Linguistics 4, Politics 4,
Pieterzoon remains committed to the noblesse oblige Science 2
that characterizes the most august ol Ventrue. He Disciplines: Auspex 1, Dominate 4, Fortitude 5,
truly believes that Ventrue dignitas includes guid- Obfuscate 2, Obtenebration I, Pqtence 3, Pres-
ing other wayward Kindred. He subscribes to the ence 5
crumbling ethic of leadership over greed, counsel Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Herd 2, Influence 3,
over dominance. Nevertheless, Pieterzoon isn’t Mentor 5, Resources 5, Retainers 2, Status 4
naive. He understands that most Kindred are too Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage
shortsighted to know what’s best for them. To this 3
end, he’s willing to indulge in the race of Caine’s Morality: Humanity 6
petty deceptions and grand jyhads is long as they Willpower: 7
accomplish the necessary end -the preservation
of the Kindred and their secret ways. Ca l f b r o s ,t j ie Fr s i w j i ii f pr in c f
Image: With his spiky blond hair and deep Background: Despite being the most influen-
blue eyes, Jan Pieterzoon is an archetype of Scan- tial Nosferatu in New York for the past 50 years
dinavian stock. He often colors his hair when since his sire disappeared, Calebros is remarkably
traveling, as many Kindred find his look a little anonymous beyond his clan, and that’s t he way he *
less than traditional and a bit shocking. Jan is a prefers it. He maintains order in his warren be- |
complete clotheshorse, wardrobing himself in tai- neath Manhattan while also coordinating plans I
lored suits of the finest subtle fabrics and and information for his brethren across the Ameri- I
accessories of high quality. cas and parts of Europe. As the reluctant, ?
temporary (and now former) Prince of New York, I
Appen d ix : Ch a r a c t er s
believable enough to give the siege effort a sense
of credibility (and give the Sabbat a figure to hate
while the true architects of the retaking planned
behind the scenes).
Calebros knew all along that his tenure would
be a short one, hut his abandonment of the prince’s
duties has caused a division among the city’s
Nosferatu. Several members of the clan under-
stand Calebros’ stance and empathize with his
decision to leave the princedom. A more radical
half, however, resents the Camarilla for its ac-
tion, claiming that Calebros was used (or allowed
himself to be used) as a patsy. This more radical
element wishes to place another Nosferatu in a
position to claim the domain, citing the artifi-
cially short tenure as a mandate for one of their
own to prove himself or herself worthy of the
Calebros is tired of the whole affair, of course.
He still plays the game as much as is expected of
Calebros hasn’t slept well since putting those him — speaking with various Kindred who might
duties behind him. find themselves among the primogen once a vi-
Calebros remembers little of his mortal life. able prince does emerge — but he longs for the
As a child, he was snatched away by the Nosferatu nights when he can put the whole political circus
e- and held in prolonged captivity before his Em- behind him and return to his warren beneath the
brace. To his thinking, he has always been streets. The matter of the princedom, at least as
Nosferatu, and the indistinct nature of hi- days as far as rhe Nosferatu are concerned, should be
a kine precludes notions of existential angst. He secondary at best in Calebros’ opinion. Over the
exists as the quintessential Kindred, and his ef- course of his stay in New York, he has uncovered
forts have been rewarded by his steadily im teasing traces of what he believes to be a Nictuku, one of
status among his clanmates and Damned peers. the legendary vehicles of the Nosferatu
In being Prince Pro Tempore of New York Antediluvian’s vengeance upon his loathsome is-
City, Calebros did what he felt like he had to do sue. As long as something threatens the entirety
— he acted as a wartime figurehead for a siege of his clan, he has grave concerns with those who
effort that needed one. He harbors no illusions would push their own survival aside for temporal
about this. He knows that he held the tn le only to power games.
give the Camarilla effort a common cause to rally That said, Calebros still carries a great deal of
behind and to give the Sabbat an endin', upon influence among the Kindred of New York City.
whom to focus. Some would consider this mete- He is seen by many as a champion of the Camarilla
oric “rise to power” unheard-of in Kind reJ*c ire les. cause, even by those who have their own griev-
Calebros and his fellow Nosferatu, howe\er, un- ances with the sect. Most of New York’s
derstand it for what it was. The Nosferatu knowledgeable undead believe that no prince
consulted with archons and justicars, met with could have claimed the domain without Calebros’
coteries of future sect heroes, schemed with the approval. While Calebros remains characteristi-
Tremere and Venture and acted as a liaison to the cally quiet on the issue, it is potentially true.
Followers of Set and Giovanni who also call New Image: Calebros seldom mixes with kine or
York their home. Kindred beyond his warren, so there is little need
It was with great relief, then, that Calebros for him to assume a visage other than that of his
abdicated as prince of the domain. He never really curse: pasty, bald head; wide, deep-set eyes accus-
wanted the position. He found himself thrust into tomed to near or total darkness; mouth full of
it by Camarilla powers who wanted a prince weak jagged fangs that rub his gums raw and bloody;
enough to acquiesce to their tactical needs but hunched back; permanently taloned fingers that,
Gehenn a
nonetheless, do not interfere with his work at his |Note: Calebros’ Mentor Background reflects
Smith-Corona typewriter. Calebros twisted spine several Kindred of varying authority among the
and arthritic joints cause him, an inordinate upper echelons of the Camarilla. Yes, they used
amount of pain nightly, whether he is active or at him, but he’s aware of it, and a mutual respect has
his desk. He is capable, however, of speed and grown between Calebros and his mentors, both
I decisive violence if pressed. sides accepting that the other had the where-
Roleplaying Hints: Some of your clanmates withal to do what needed to be done at the rime to
call you a packrat, but you know that each of the oust the Sabbat.|
countless reports, photographs and newspaper clip- Sa s c i i a V y k o s , Ca in f ’s An g e l
pings crammed into your grotto ott ice is a piece of
Background: Androgynous Sascha Vykos —
the large puzzle — and solving that puzzle could
Noddist scholar, Tzimisce scientist and Cainite
mean the survival of your clan. Other Kindred
monster — has long been a staunch supporter of
take you for granted, and that’s just as well, be-
Sabbat freedom. It is Hell’s chief torturer and a
cause ever more terrible things are taking place in
musician with a scalpel. Sascha understands the
the world. Safeguarding your brethren against
nuances of every physical sensation and the nerves
them is your eternal work. It teels as though
best suited to receive its ministrations. It is also a
you’ve merely exchanged one unavoidable re-
creature of learning, with a collection of books
sponsibility for another, and it would be an
and artifacts to humble the halls of all academia.
unparalleled relief to have your unlife to yourself
Sascha’s enemies, including the Gangrel Beckett,
believe it holds cult status within the Sabbat,
Clan: Nosferatu wherein sect members emulate its actions. In truth,
Sire: Augustin however, Sascha is a monster beyond its own
Nature: Martyr (sometimes Penitent) years. Few could ever understand the grand
Demeanor: Director schemes of rhe Sabbat’s ronin priscus.
Generation: 9th Sascha Vykos, named Myca Vykos in the years <5
Embrace: 1780 before its self-inflicted castration, lived an envi-
Apparent Age: indetenninat able existence in the glorious Byzantine Empire.
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 Born to royalty in the Carpathians before the turn
of the first millennium, Myca seemed destined for
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appear-
greatness from a young age. As a child, his fits and
ance 0
visions brought him to the attention of House
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 4 Tremere within the Order of Hermes. He learned
Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 4, Intimidation 3,
Leadership 3, Streetwise 5, Subterfuge 4
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Crafts 1, Drive 2, Melee
1, Performance 2, Security 2, Stealth 4, Survival
Knowledges: Academics 4. Camarilla Lore 2,
Computer 1, Finance 3, Investigation 5, Linguis-
tics (Greek, Latin, Russian, Spanish) 3, Occult 3,
Politics 4, Sabbat Lore 1, Science 2, Sewer Lore 3
Disciplines: Animalism3, Ati'pex 1, Celerity
1, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 5, Potence 3, Protean 2
Backgrounds: Clan Prestige 2, Contacts 5,
Herd 3, Influence 3, Mentor 5, Resources 4, Sta-
tus 4
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-CControl 3, Cour-
age 2
Morality: Humanity 5
Willpower: 7
Appen d ix : Ch a r a c t er s
the basics of spellcraft and proved such an adept regional cardinals seems more akin to making
student that he inspired jealousy in the magus strong “suggestions” than polite recommendations.
Goratrix. Goratrix’s later attempt to bet ray Myca As scholar, it maintains ancient libraries and
to Tzimisce Cainites backfired, and the young boy repositories across the Balkan states. In this role,
found himself among the Fiends. Sascha is an ally to the old-guard Sabbat who
Eventually, Myca came to hate his clan and appreciate the strength of knowledge. As warrior,
fled to Constantinople with the aid of his sire, however, Sascha is also a frightening tool of ret-
Symeon, a Tzimisce renegade. The great books of ribution. With mastery over Vicissitude and
Alexandria became Myca’s silent teachers while Thaumaturgy, it can best most adversaries. Gen-
the political juggernauts within the Byzantine erally, though, it prefers to capture foes rather
courts taught him the subtleties of influence. Like than kill them. Many of Sascha’s prisoners have
the other Cainites of the city, however, Myca endured sessions of alternating torture and ec-
became enamored with the Toreador Michael and static pleasure that last for decades. Its victims are
the Methuselah’s delusions of divinity. Alas, nei- often unsure whether they are undergoing torture
ther Constantinople nor Michael lasted. When or rape.
the Fourth Crusade destroyed the city, both Myca In this violent facet, Sascha appeals to the
and his sire fled to the Balkan strongholds of their younger Sabbat. Collectively, in turn, the Sabbat
Tzimisce brethren. Although they left Michael’s is a weapon for Sascha, a living battlement against
legacy behind, his reach would greatly affect Myca the rapacious Antediluvians— the adversaries in
even after the Methuselah’s Final Death Sascha’s morality play. Every death it inflicts
During Myca’s years in Constantinople, strengthens the Sabbat’s position; every splatter
Michael encouraged Myca’s thirst for knowledge. of blood is part of God’s portrait; every agonizing
It was his intent to make the young Tzimisce a cry is a nail in Heaven’s unliving city. That is why
walking record of Constantinople, Michael's vi- it knows how each nerve screams, how much
sion of Fleaven on Earth. Unbeknownst to Myca, blood flows from specific wounds and how much
the Toreador Methuselah instilled him with this fat it can rob from a mortal body before death.
vision and with a need io preserve Image: Sascha is an alien beauty. Its limbs are
Constantinople’s legacy. Myca became Michael’s long, slender and graceful, but it moves with
architect, building a new kingdom without the power. Its face is like a work by Michelangelo,
mistakes of rhe past. Myca carried out Michael’s perfect and flawless in form. Not even the master
dreams by crafting a living empire of fle sh rather artist could capture Sascha’s cruel countenance,
than stone. His city was to be a community of however. The network of scars, tattoos and
Cainites founded on pillars of blood and bone. His piercings that cover its androgynous form only
participation in the Sabbat’s formation was the add to Sascha’s enigmatic beauty. What appear to
first step toward that goal. be thin, black tattoos on its body are skin clefts
During the antitribu uprising, better known as that open like a babe’s toothless mouth. Sascha’s
the Anarch Revolt, the anarchs attacked the el- skill with Vicissitude allows it to speak through
ders’ strongholds to destroy everything associated these mouths as well, creating a chorus of its voice
with their former masters. Myca, on ihe other to unnerve even the most strong-willed oppo-
hand, played rhe monster while torturing Symeon nent. Sascha displays these marks like trophies,
— repeatedly absorbing and regurgitating Ins sire sometimes stroking them with tenderness. Sascha’s
before the final act of diablerie. Yet he also took most compelling feature, however, is its eyes. It
the role of scholar when he saved books at risk to watches everything around it the way a coroner
his own existence. During the uprising, Myca examines a cadaver. It never blinks or looks away;
aided his allies, Lugoj and Vclya, and provided it simply stares.
pivotal aid to the nascent Sabbat movement as Roleplaying Hints: You look at people the
priscus. same way mortals study a goldfish: with detached
Over the centuries, Sascha — for that is what interest. You’ve already decided how to kill them;
Myca renamed itself shortly after leading an as- it isn’t a matter of whether someone should live or
sault on the village of Thorns — has served its die, but when you plan to dispose of them. It all
sect as scholar and warrior. In both roles, it acts as depends on how long they prove useful to you.
wandering priscus, though its manner of advising Your mindset is no psychotic fantasy, however,
but a pure, analytical observation. You are a sci- Skills: Animal Ken 2, Archery 2, Body Crafts 6,
entist at heart: practical, thorough and detached. Etiquette 3, Herbalism 3, Melee (knife) 4, Perfor-
Clan: Tzimisce mance 2, Ride 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3
Sire: Symeon Knowledges: Academics 4, Area Knowledge (Eu-
Nature: Monster rope) 6, Camarilla Lore 4, Finance 2, Hearth
Demeanor: Visionary Wisdom 2, History 6, Investigation 3, Law 1,
Generation: 6th Linguistics (a litany of contemporary, ancient,
Asian and Romance languages) 6, Medicine 5,
Embrace: 1002
Occuft 5, Politics 4, Research 5, Sabbat Lore 6
Apparent Age: IndistinguishabL
Disciplines: Animalism 4, Auspex 4, Celerity 2,
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 Dominate 5, Fortitude 3, Presence 4, Thaumaturgy
Social: Charisma 6, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5, Vicissitude 7
7 Thaumaturgical Paths: Path of Blood 5, Lure of
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 5, Wits 4
1 alents: Alertness 4, Athletics 5, brawl Dodge Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 3, Herd 5, Re-
5, Empathy 1, Interrogation 7, Intimidation 5, sources 5, Retainers 6, Rituals 5, Sabbat Status 5
Intrigue 4, Leadership 3, Style 6, Subterfuge 4 Virtues: Conviction 5, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Morality: Path of Death and the Soul 9
Willpower: 8
(: Ch a r a c t er s
I hf Fir s t
As the end of the world approaches, the Likewise, don’t feel compelled to use
founder of the feast deserves special mention. Caine. Not every mystery has a solution, and
Were it not for Caine, vampires would (likely) even at the End of Days, the answer to the
not exist in the world, and he could make an question “Why?” may be solely God’s pur-
appearance to watch all that he has wrought view.
bear judgment in the eyes of God or simply In most of the Gehenna scenarios, Caine
wither and burn. should appear subtly, if you choose to involve
Before we discuss Caine, however, a word him at all. Fie shouldn’t leap from a shadow,
of warning: Do not use Caine lightly. Casually landing in front of the characters to slay what-
“tossing in” an appearance by the First Vam- ever foes they face or to personally lay the
pire will not serve your chronicle, especially characters themselves to waste. Vampire is a
in the end when every individual act the char- game of subtleties, and players might not even
acters perform has so much importance. Think know their characters have met the First Vam-
of certain movies or television shows in which pire. Indeed, “Caine” might be little more
all the drama quickly falls by the way side as a than ashes that blow on the wind or a single,
heavy-handed deus ex machina appears on sun-bleached skull found near a hidden temple
screen and renders everything else moot. in the desert.
Caine doesn’t have to be “god in the ma- Hereafter we present a few possibilities
chine,” but he can be, especially if you use for incorporating Caine into your Time of
him awkwardly or as a method of overpower- Judgment Gehenna chronicle. You’ll note he’s
ing the characters’ efforts. conspicuously absent from the scenarios as
■ written. That s our not-so-subtle way of say- In this situation, the characters likely
fl ing, "You don’t have to do this.” If you choose never meet Caine. Alternatively, they might
’I to involve Caine at the end of the world, come in contact with him or his agents hut
I however, bear a few considerations in mind. never know that they have had a brush with
I Ca in e is Di a d the First Vampire. Handle this delicately, as
it can lead players to a sense of futility, hut a
I God’s made no guarantee that we mere
clever Storyteller can use the suggestion of
mortals — or even the Kindred — can hold
powerlessness to drive characters to grand
i Him to. If Caine has met Fi n il Death, that gesturesand achievements defying that impo-
certainly imparts a sense of finality on the tence that may prove their salvation.
whole matter. This is especially appropriate
for chronicles given to nihilism, hut also to Ca in i is Pr f s f n i
chronicles in which some or all of the players’ This needn't mean that Caine joins the cote-
characters manage to achieve redemption rie, merely that his activity is a known quantity or
themselves. The latter implies that just as quality. Caine may well make his appearance in
Caine was ultimately too flawed t claim God's the characters' domain, or he may rise as a threat
forgiveness, characters without his debilitat- (or ally) on the horizon. Whatever the case, the
ing pride or evil (however you decide to world will never be the same, as the individual
position the First Vampire) could ultimately responsible for the blight of vampires has arrived
claim the treasure he was denied. to either atone for his original sin, or to
This option also presents i host of pos- j /•-WU drag the world screaming to Hell with
i sibilities, as Caine could hav. met Final ft PlfQGL ^ini-
Death at any point in history I > ween his U Again, tread carefully. Caine should not
initial curse and the moment he enters II be the hammer by which I he Storyteller forgo
the story. Indeed, the actions of the char- fl his players' characters' actions. Avoid using
T'/’* ''Bl 1 tlK’t It l« ■! K-J.fotts ,. X Ml. >.
acters might be what brought the First
Vampire to that point. Given that X*- i because >tne -o rviiu>\ c- pinvei 11 ■ -i11 : i
Vampire makes much of the notion , if \ playersand instead places it inrhehatid'
of the sins of the father being visited , y | of a plot device. Optimally, Caine's
upon his childer, this could make for IW appearance should foretell something
a very satisfying or heartbreaking de- grave or joyous, reveal an otherwise
nouement. I inaccessible clue, or help players to
rfrffvtii 'i'11, ,• decide which path they will take.
Ca in e is Ac t iv e b u t Un k n o w n II. • ’
Having Caine force the charac-
Storytellers who have used f \ ters to take a certain path, or
The Red Sign will be able to , \ lining him up as an unbeat-
make much of this possibil- , able physical obstacle,
ity, as it suggests that the S /
simply removes drama
true events of the world, •A . from the situation.
in Lovecraftian style, are Vfl * , 1 l"
S'Ca i .Nt is
cold and emotionless and
don’t care a whit for the efforts of
II’ ' a My t h
rhe individual. In the context oi Vam- Then again, what guarantee
iHiii > to we have that Caine was real at
pire, Caine could prove to be the
most masterful virtuoso of the jyhad, all, or even the First Vampire?
conniving his wayward childer into His origins tie him to the Bible,
destroying themselves with very little belief in which is a supreme
direct influence of his own. Consider exercise of faith. If that faith
that the war between the turns out to be incorrect in
Antediluvians might occur at the the face of other fact....
provocation of this most ancient Il lib Vampire has presented a
Kindred, and the Jyhad takes on a llU variety of other options for the
sinister cast of predestination. -j ,< I ’ origins of the Kindred. Lilith
Af pendix : Char ac t er s
dinight serve as a better focal point, especial!’, if you can Don't feel limited by what's in print, however.
emphasize her role as the "mother of monsters" from the Gehenna is your own, and the events you under-
Book of Nod. Kindred of the East and its Y.una Kings take to bring about the vampires' end are likewise
might he the "real" foundation of vampirism, with the yours to command. Divorce yourself from the
Cainite condition and a failed or stunted offshoot of the White Wolf canon if you wish —- make vampires
Second Breath. If you wish to use other games' t he result of a virus, an Area 5 1 conspiracy or the
cosmologies, Werewolf suggests that vampires are crea- vagaries of an ancient or even unknowni pan-
lures spawned by a cosmic force of entropy and theon. ’While Vampire assumes that the
destruction, a theme that might suit your chronicle. Judeo-Christiian myth of Caine is the foundation
Mage has a few esoteric twists ofits own that might add for vampirism, you don't have to use those as-
a degree of cerebral
•bral horror to the events of Gehenna. sumptions if you don't want.
• •
• < * ■ - • “
4 Ac t On e o f t he Time o f Ju d g me n t Tr il o g y
<4*. •
r •
r * •Jf
** *
A nov el by Ari Marmell j
. VI *
Jl 9
• <•
• •-
* ►•
S 4
r -
•f ISBN 1-58816-855-0; WWl 1910; 352 pages; $7.99
These truly are the Final Nights and, at long last, judgment is
at hand. For the vampire Beckett, a researcher among the
undead, it means one last shot at understanding the mysteries
of the get of Caine—and at outrunning his own sins.
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Gehenna includes;
• Four scenarios, each of which ends the world in a different way
• The collected story elements from throughout the Vampire
line, providing hooks to use them as catalysts for Gehenna
• Opportunities for any Kindred, from thin-blooded neonates
to ancient elders, to take part in the events of Gehenna
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ISBN 1-58846-246-3
WW2999 $29.99 US
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