ST 09
ST 09
ST 09
Practical No : 09
1.Test the option available in Notepad.Prepare the Test plan for the
The purpose of this document is to create a test plan for testing various options
available in the Notepad application. Notepad is a simple text editor in Windows, and
this test plan covers testing different functionalities and features within the
Test Items:
Testing various options and features available in Notepad.
Features to be Tested:
1. File Options:
- New
- Open
- Save
- Save As
- Print
- Exit
2. Edit Options:
- Undo
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Delete
- Select All
- Find
- Replace
3. Format Options:
- Word Wrap
Software Testing(22518)
- Font
4. View Options:
- Status Bar
5. Help Options:
- About Notepad
Testing will involve verifying the functionality and usability of the Notepad options:
- Functional testing to ensure that each option performs the expected action.
- Usability testing to verify ease of use and user interface design.
- Positive and negative test cases for input validation and error handling.
Test Deliverables:
Test plan, test cases, test reports, defect reports.
Test Tasks:
1. Developing test plan and test cases.
2. Executing test cases.
3. Documenting and tracking defects.
4. Preparing test reports.
Environmental Needs:
- Notepad application on a Windows operating system.
The testing phase will be completed by [Insert Deadline].
Approvals: Team
QA Manager
Project Manager
Customer Representative (if applicable)
Software Testing(22518)
2. Prepare test plan with test cases for the “Page Setup”
The purpose of this document is to create a test plan for the "Page Setup" option in a
software application. The "Page Setup" option typically allows users to configure the
layout, margins, and other printing settings before printing a document.
Test Items:
Testing the "Page Setup" functionality within the application.
Features to be Tested:
1. Page Layout:
3. Page Borders:
Adding and configuring page borders (if applicable)
4. Printing Options:
Number of copies
Color/Black and White
Duplex Printing (if applicable)
Software Testing(22518)
Testing will involve verifying the functionality and usability of the "Page Setup"
Functional testing to ensure that each option performs the expected action.
Usability testing to verify ease of use and user interface design.
Positive and negative test cases for input validation and error handling.
Item Pass/Fail Criteria:
All high-priority test cases must pass, and the overall test coverage should meet or
exceed 95% of the requirements coverage. The test report will be compiled,
reviewed, and approved by the QA lead and project stakeholders.
Test Deliverables:
Test plan, test cases, test reports, defect reports.
Test Tasks:
Environmental Needs:
The testing phase will be completed by 22/09/2023
Approvals: Team
QA Manager
Project Manager
Customer Representative (if applicable)
TC_ Test Case Prere Steps Input Data Expected Actual Status
id Objective quisit Result Result
TC_ Change None 1. Open Select "A4" Page size is Page size is Pass
02 Page Size to "Page for page set to A4. set to A4.
A4 Setup" size.
TC_ Adjust None 1. Open Set the top Top margin Top margin Pass
03 Margins "Page margin to 1 is set to 1 is set to 1
(Top: 1 inch) Setup" inch. inch. inch.
TC_ Add Header None 1. Open Add a title in Header Header Pass
04 (Title) "Page the header contains the contains the
Setup" section. specified specified
dialog. title. title.
3. Test the option “Word Wrap” of Format menu and prepare the Test plan for the
The purpose of this document is to create a test plan for the "Word Wrap" option in a
software application. The "Word Wrap" option typically allows users to control how
text is displayed, whether it wraps automatically to fit within the window or if
horizontal scrolling is required.
Test Items: Testing the "Word Wrap" functionality within the application.
Features to be Tested:
1. Word Wrap Option:
• Enable Word Wrap
• Disable Word Wrap
Testing will involve verifying the functionality and usability of the "Word Wrap" option:
• Functional testing to ensure that enabling/disabling word wrap works as
• Usability testing to verify ease of use and user interface design.
• Positive and negative test cases for switching between word wrap states.
All high-priority test cases must pass, and the overall test coverage should meet or
exceed 95% of the requirements coverage. The test report will be compiled,
reviewed, and approved by the QA lead and project stakeholders.
Test Deliverables: Test plan, test cases, test reports, defect reports.
Test Tasks:
1. Developing test plan and test cases.
2. Executing test cases.
3. Documenting and tracking defects.
4. Preparing test reports.
Environmental Needs:
• The software application that includes the "Word Wrap" option.
The testing phase will be completed by 22/09/2023
Software Testing(22518)