Search Continues For 25th CAB Crew Members: Mustangs' Challenge Platoon Leaders, Sergeants
Search Continues For 25th CAB Crew Members: Mustangs' Challenge Platoon Leaders, Sergeants
Search Continues For 25th CAB Crew Members: Mustangs' Challenge Platoon Leaders, Sergeants
“It has to be the “The beach.” “The calmness “Beautiful “It’s a beautiful
beaches.” of everything.” weather and state.”
Staff Sgt.
James Maples Sgt. Reginald
Pvt. Nehemiah Pfc. Joseph Cpl. Derrick Electronic warfare Wilson
Dunham Floersch Loera NCOIC Fire control
Combat medic Combat medic Combat medic Headquarters and repairer
Co. C, Co. C, Co. C, Headquarters Co., Co. B,
325th Bde. Spt. Bn. 325th Bde. Spt. Bn. 325th Bde. Spt. Bn. 325th Bde. Spt. Bn. 325th Bde. Spt. Bn.
SHARP summit
summit ‘rises
‘rises to
to the
the challenge’
Staff Sgt. JuStin SilverS and of Korea, also believed the peer interac-
Staff ruSSell
Sgt. JuStindodSon
SilverS and of Korea,
tion also believed the peer interac-
was useful.
U.S. Army Pacific-Public
ruSSell dodSon Affairs tion wassummit
“The useful. is beneficial because it
U.S. Army —
HONOLULU Pacific-Public Affairs held
U.S. Army-Pacific brings “Thethe summit
whole is beneficial
Pacific regionbecause
a weeklong — U.S.
Sexual Army-Pacific held
Harassment/Assault bringssuch
We’re the whole Pacific
a vast unit; it’sregion
to meet
a weeklongand
Response Sexual Harassment/Assault
Prevention, or SHARP, We’re
in person,such a vast
” said unit; it’s easier to meet
training and Prevention,
summit at the Ford Island or SHARP,
Con- in person,
Skilinski ” said
you can make phone
ference summit at the
Aug. 7-11.Ford Island Con- calls Skilinski
and send said you but
emails, canhaving
make aphone week
ference Center, Aug.
The training summit7-11. theme, “Rising calls
to and send
interact emails,
with peers inbutpersonhavingwasaeasier
to the training ”summitbroughttheme,more than “Rising
90 to share
to interact with peers in person was easier
to the Challenge,
personnel ” brought
from across more than
the Pacific region 90 to share information.
For Skilinski, one of the most useful
together to from
educate,across theand
train Pacific region
strengthen parts Forof Skilinski,
the summit one was oftraining
the most useful
in Strate-
together to educate,
partnerships in USARPAC;train and thestrengthen
Depart- parts
gic of the summit
Management was training
Systems, in Strate-
a performance
ment of Defense; in USARPAC;
Headquarters, the Depart-
Depart- gic Management
management toolSystems,
Army orga-
ment of
ment oftheDefense; Headquarters,
Army SHARP; and fellowDepart-
ser- management tool available to Army orga-
ment of the Army SHARP; and fellow ser-
vices. nizations.
“In Korea, none of us really knew about
Nancy Rice, the organizer for the event SMS, “Inbut
nownone we knowof ushowreally knew
easy of aabout
the organizer
program formanager,
the event itSMS, but Skilinski.
is,” said now we know how easy
“Our office can of goaright
and the
summit’s SHARP
theme program manager,
was two-fold. it is,”the
into said Skilinski.
system and“Ourpull upoffice
thecan SHARP go right
said the theme
“The summit’s themetowas
‘Rising thetwo-fold.
Challenge’ into the
ports. Wesystem
don’t andhavepull up the SHARP
to contact the units, re-
is an“The theme ‘Rising
‘inspirational call to
to the Challenge’
action’ to our ports.
so theyWe can don’t have to contact
concentrate on thethe units,
is an ‘inspirational
USARPAC SHARP personnelcall to action’ to our
to motivate so they
and we can cantakeconcentrate
care of theon the victims,
paperwork. ”
them as theySHARPcontinuepersonnel
to meet to motivate
the ever Photo by Russell Dodson, U.S. Army-Pacific Public Affairs and Atwe thecan takeof
close caretheofsummit,
the paperwork.Sgt. Maj. ”
them as they
changing and continue
challenging to meet the ever
demands of nancy rice (front, center), uSarPaCPhoto
SHarP program
by Russell manager
Dodson, and director
U.S. Army-Pacific of the
Public Affairs At theMiller,
Caprecia close SHARP
of the summit,
coordinator Sgt.from
nancy to the(front,
rice Challenge Summit,
center), welcomes
uSarPaC SHarPSHarP Soldiers
program to theand
manager summit, aug.
director of 7,
our program, and challenging
” said Rice. “It alsodemands
summa- of the ford
Caprecia Miller,Department
Headquarters, SHARP coordinator of the Army, from
rising toisland Conference
the Challenge Center.
Summit, The weeklong
welcomes SHarPsummit
Soldiersprovided education
to the summit, and
aug. 7, at
our program,
rizes the USARPAC” said Rice.SHARP “It also summa-
mission and training
the fordand allowed
island SHarPCenter.
Conference professionals to sharesummit
The weeklong ideas and best practices
provided educationwith
andeach Headquarters,
thanked Department
the USARPAC team of forthetheArmy,
the the USARPAC
dedication SHARP mission per-
our SHARP and other.
training and allowed SHarP professionals to share ideas and best practices with each thanked
they had put the into
USARPACorganizingteamthe for event.
the work
the selfless
sonnel continue dedication
to display our SHARP
each per-
and every other. they “We hadwant put to
into organizing
thank USARPAC the event.
for invit-
day. ” continue to display each and every have and ways to solve them.” the conference was valuable, noting its ing“We us towant to thanksummit
this training USARPAC event,for”invit-
day. ” importance of the summit was
The have andalso
Clark ways to solve them.
highlighted the ”Army’s No. 1 the conference
face-to-face was valuable,
interaction helpednoting its
Soldiers ing us to
Miller. “I’vethisbeen
to a summit event,” said
lot of speaking en-
The importance
underscored by the of the summit
multitude was
of gener- Clark
focus alsohis
during highlighted
statement. the Army’s No. 1 face-to-face
share ideas. interaction helped Soldiers Miller. “I’vesummits
gagements, been to aand lot training
of speaking en-
als who spokebyduring the multitude
the summit, of gener-
with focus during
“What youhis
do statement.
as SHARP personnel, es- share
been great to be with a lot of dif- gagements,
This, by far, hassummits
been the andbest training
summit. events.
als who
Brig. Gen.spoke
Ronald during
Clark,the summit, chief
USARPAC with “Whatasyou
pecially do asassault
sexual SHARPresponse
personnel, es-
coor- “It’s SHARP
ferent been great to be with atolotbounce
professionals of dif- This, by far,
Miller hasthanked
also been the best summit.
SHARP personnel ”
of Gen.
staff, Ronaldthe
providing Clark,
remarks. chief pecially as
dinators sexualand
(SARC) assault
victim response coor-
advocates, is ferentoffSHARP
ideas professionals
each other, ” said “We
got for Miller
all their also
work and SHARP personnel
dedication to
of staff,
“You providing
are going the opening
to have remarks.
two opportuni- dinators
really about(SARC) and victim
readiness, advocates,
” said Clark. “Read- is ideas offin
together each
smallother,” said
groups Smith.
and talked“We got
about for allmission.
their their hard work and dedication to
ties“You are going
this week to gainto have
opportuni- ” reallyisabout
iness readiness,
our No. ” said
1 priority. ” Clark. “Read- together
what do we in small
do ongroups and talked
a day-to-day basisabout
and their“We mission.
want to thank you so much from
ties this
said Clark.week to gain We
“Educate. expertneed knowledge,
you to be” iness is ourthe
1 priority.Soldiers
” partici- what do
shared we do
ideas on a each
among day-to-day
other”basis and the“We bottomwantoftoour thank
heart you fromso much
HQDAfrom for
said Clark.
active, agile“Educate.
and adaptive We needas you you to be
receive During
pated the training,
in focus Soldiers special-
groups, received partici- shared
Whileideas among
Smith eachthe
enjoyed other. ”
face-to-face thethat
all bottom
you do of on
oura heart from to
daily basis HQDA supportfor
active, agile and
information fromadaptive
your SHARP as you profes-
receive pated
ized in focus
training andgroups,
shared received special-
lessons learned. While Smith
interaction, enjoyed
she was the face-to-face
not alone. Staff Sgt. all that
the SHARP you program,
do on a daily support basisthe to victims,
sionals. We are from also your
going SHARP
to doprofes-
some ized training
Sgt. andTiffany
1st Class sharedSmith,
lessons learned.
lead SARC interaction,
Marc Skilinski,she was not
SHARP alone. Staff Sgt.
noncommissioned the SHARP
support your program,
commanders support and thetake
sionals. and
training We arelookalso going we
at issues to know
do some we withSgt.
Tiffany Smith, lead
(Honshu), SARC
believed Marc Skilinski,
officer in chargeSHARP noncommissioned
with 8th Army, based out support your
program forward.commanders
” and take our
training and look at issues we know we with U.S. Army Japan (Honshu), believed officer in charge with 8th Army, based out program forward.”
congestion and night-time the path and park advising erty Ordinance will be per- Lauhala Road north of
Traffic & congestion and
construction night-time
noise in the
For JBPHH updates and the public
the path andof park advising
the closures. erty Ordinance
formed will be per-
by the Department Lauhala Street
Sergeant Road for north of
Outages& construction
Pearl noise in the
Harbor area. For JBPHHvisit
information, updates and
JBPHH the publicwill
Bicyclists of the closures.
be detoured formed
of by theMaintenance
Facility Department Sergeant Street
installation. The for
Outages Pearl Harbor area.
Commuters to Joint information,
Facebook, visit JBPHH
www.facebook. Bicyclists
onto will be detoured
Kamehameha High- of Facility
during Maintenance
the closures. installation.
be restrictedThe roadlane
to one will
BaseCommuters to Joint
Pearl Harbor-Hickam Facebook, www.facebook.
com/JBPHH and Twitter, ontofor
way Kamehameha High-
the closed section during
When the
bike path and be restricted
access from Sept. to one
Base Pearl
using Harbor-Hickam
Halawa, Borchers com/JBPHH and Twitter,
@JointBasePHH. way
of thefor thepath.
bike closed section When
park the bike path
are reopened and
on Fri- access
Phase from Sept.
I will 5-19. the
using Makalapa
and Halawa, BorchersGates @JointBasePHH. of the
Thebike path. come af-
closures park Sept.
day, are reopened on will
1, the city Fri- eastPhase
side Iofwillthe
occupy the
advisories from army and Hawaii
department of transportation
should Makalapa
plan accordinglyGates Bike Path — In ‘Aiea, the ter The closures
Mayor Kirk come af-
Caldwell day, Sept.to1, monitor
continue the city will
the east side
from Sept. of5-12.
the Phase
Lauhala II
(Hdot) from army
and traffic,
Provides Hawaii should
as laneplanclosures
accordingly in Bike
Pearl Path Bike
Harbor — In Path
the ter Mayor
signed Kirk
a grant Caldwell
of easement continue
area to monitor
for Stored the
Property fromoccupy
will Sept. 5-12.
the westPhase
construction andof transportation
outage information.
(Hdot) sources. Provides traffic, as lanedirections
both closures of in Pearl
be Harbor
closed Bike Path will
for maintenance signed a grant
agreement of easement
between the area for Stored
Ordinance Property
violations and will
of theoccupy the west
road from Sept. side
construction and outage information.
Kamehameha directionsHighway of be closed Thursday,
through for maintenance
Aug. agreement
City between
and County the
of Ho- Ordinancetoviolations
continue and
enforce park of the road from Sept. 13-
18 / Friday Kamehameha
could delay traffic Highway
trying to through
31, between Thursday,
Lehua AvenueAug. City and
nolulu andCounty
the U.S.ofNavy
Ho- continue hours
closure to enforce
from park10 19.During both phases,
rail 18 / Friday
Construction could
turn delay
into traffic
those trying to
gates. 31, between
and HekahaLehua Avenue
Street. In nolulu
on July and the allows
20 that U.S. Navy
the closurea.m.
p.m.-5 hours from 10 During
traffic on theboth
end of
— rail Construction
Construction work turn
If into
you those
questions and Hekaha
addition, Street.Neal
nearby In on July 20 that
Department of allows the
Transpor- p.m.-5 a.m. traffic on the
Sergeant north
Street end of
— Construction
between work
Aloha Stadium or Ifcomments,
you have questions
call the addition,
S. Blaisdellnearby
Park Nealwill Department
tation ServicesoftoTranspor-
manage September Sergeant
to exit ontoStreet
Lauhala needing
and Aloha
the H-1 Stadium
Interchange or comments,
Honolulu call the
Authority for S. Blaisdell
be closed duringPark willthe atation
large Services
section oftothe
Pearl September to exit onto
access Lauhala
Lauhala frommustthe
and the
for the H-1 Interchange
Honolulu Rail Honolulu Transportation
Rapid Authority for be closed
same time during
period the for a large section
Harbor of the Pearl
Bike Path. 5 / Tuesday access end
south Lauhalaof from the
for the Project
Transit HonolulubeganRail Rapid 24-hour
(HART) Transportation
project same time painting
landscaping, period and for Harbor Bike Path.
In addition to mainte- 5 / Tuesday
lauhala road — south end
Street. Workof will Sergeantbe
Transit and
Tuesday Project began
is expected (HART) at
hotline 24-hour
566-2299 project
or landscaping,
repairs to parkpainting
amenities.and nanceIn addition to mainte-
work, enforcement Thislauhala
Wheeler road
road —
will Street. Workbetween
performed will be 7
to and is expected
create additional traffic hotline
visit at 566-2299
the website at www. or repairs
Signsto park
are nowamenities.
posted on nance
of work, Stored
the city’s enforcement
Prop- This Wheeler
have road
lane closures will
on performed
a.m.-3:30 p.m.between 7
to create additional traffic visit the website at www. Signs are now posted on of the city’s Stored Prop- have lane closures on a.m.-3:30 p.m.
HONIARA, Guadalcanal —
Bayonets, hand grenades,
ammunition and other
detritus of war are on
display by a Solomon
Islander found on the hill
known as the Gifu, here,
Aug. 6.
Showcasing with ALA Hawaii
Retired Sen. Daniel Akaka, left, unties the maile rope to signify the start of the 2017 ALA Hawaii Show, Tuesday, at Pacific Beach Hotel.
It takes Two (For Couples) — Hot Summer Casino Night — For 10 Steps to a Federal Job — SB ACS, 26 / Saturday
Enhance your relationship by learning single Soldiers at SB Tropics Recreation from 1-4 p.m., hosts this walk-through of Family and MWR Ultimate Chal-
skills to improve communication at Center from 7-11 p.m. Activities include the steps to create an effective targeted lenge — Clue-based competition starts
SB ACS from 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Learn poker, black jack, roulette, bingo, chess, federal resume and successfully manage at SB Tropics Recreation Center at 9 a.m.;
about expectations, problem solving Ace of Spades and board games. Event the application process. To sign up, call cost is $25 for participants 10 and up. En-
techniques, forgiveness and the is free; food and beverages available for 655-4227. ter as a team (of two) or individually with
importance of fun and friendship. Call purchase. Call 655-5698. prizes awarded. Event T-shirt included.
655-4227. 23 / Wednesday Register online or call 656-0113.
20 / Sunday Soul Food Day — Enjoy barbecue
19 / Saturday BOSS Event — Army Museum and ribs, fried chicken and catfish, plus other Soldier Rap Battle — Rap Battle
New Parents/Daddy Boot Camp — Beach Day from noon-4 p.m. Call 352- soulful favorites at FS Hale Ikena from 11 features a 45 second open category at SB
Class for first-time/expecting parents at 223-6370. a.m.-1 p.m. Call 438-1974. Tropics Recreation Center from 7-9 p.m.
SB ACS from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Parents Preregistration is required by Aug. 25; see
can ask questions and learn practical 21 / Monday 24 / Thursday the front desk for registration informa-
skills for taking care of the new baby. Call Employment Orientation — New to Informal FRG Funds Custodian tion. Must provide music. Food and
655-4227. the island and looking for employment? Training — Held at Nehelani Conference beverages available for purchase. Call
This class at the SB ACS from 10-11:30 & Banquet Center from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 655-5698.
Junior Bowling Club — Sign-ups, a.m. will orientate you to employment p.m. for FRG leaders, funds custodians
Aug. 19-20, for youth bowlers 5-19. Call opportunities on Oahu. Learn about and command representatives to gain a 28 / Monday
623-3009. Spousal Preference and the Priority clear understanding of the various funds Family and MWR Hiring Fair — AMR
Club will bowl for 30 weeks starting Placement Program for Spouses (PPP-S) available and the types of purchases Community Center (114 Kauhini Road)
Sept. 9 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Weekly cost for seeking federal employment. that can be made with each fund. hosts from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. for all positions.
children 5-11 is $6; for teens 12-19, $8. Also offered is information on civilian It also clearly defines the roles and Tentative job offers on site. For list of cur-
Price includes weekly lineage, trophies sector opportunities, contractors, responsibilities of the funds custodian rent vacancies and documents needed,
and a pool party at the end of the season. resume writing classes, career fairs and and alternate. Call 655-4227. visit
opportunities to further your career and
Swimming Lessons — Registration education. Call 655-4227 to register. Youth Mental Health First Aid — Million Dollar Soldier Refresher
held at SB Richardson Pool, Aug. 19-20, Two-day class runs from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at — This training provides Soldiers with
from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Classes run weekdays, Million Dollar Soldier Refresher AMR/Red Hill Community Center, 1545 valuable financial tools at SB ACS from
Aug. 21-Sept. 11 (no classes on Tuesday). — This training provides Soldiers with Tampa Dr. Introduces participants to the 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Topics
Class times range from 3-5 p.m. for $60 valuable financial tools at SB ACS from unique risk factors and warning signs of include saving, credit, investing and big
for 30-minute lessons for Parent & Tot, 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Topics mental health problems in adolescents. purchases. Call 655-4227.
Level 1, Level 2; $70 for 45-minute lesson include saving, credit, investing and big Workshop also teaches individuals how
for Level 3, Level 4. purchases. Call 655-4227 to register. to help an adolescent in crisis or expe- PPP-S Federal Applications for
Children must be registered with riencing a mental health challenge. Call Military Spouses — Priority Placement
Child & Youth Services. Call 655-9698. 22 / Tuesday 655-4227. Program S for Military Spouses seeking
Anger & Conflict Solutions — civil service DOD careers. Learn all you
Family Nite — Create your own Prevention program is designed for Family Support Night — Join other need to know about PPP-S. Learn the do’s
bowling pin character at SB Arts & Crafts individuals to learn the basics of anger surviving families from 5-8 p.m. at the SB and the don’ts for applying and includes
Center from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Participants awareness from noon-1 p.m. at SB ACS. SOS Center. Dinner will be served. Activi- step-by-step instructions on preparing
may make any character. The instructor- The class will help participants identify ties are available for all ages. Families are your package at SB ACS from 10-11 a.m.
led course will be the minion character their own personal anger cues and ways welcome to bring and share their favorite Call 655-4227.
from “Despicable Me.” Cost is $10 per to de-escalate conflict situations. dish. Call 655-4227.
pin. Preregistration required. Call 655- Stress Solutions — Held from noon-1
4202. Toon Time Matinee — Join SB ACS 25 / Friday p.m.; learn the causes of stress and how it
from 10 a.m.-noon for a free movie, BOSS Volunteer Opportunity — affects our lives. Practice techniques such
BOSS Event — Shark Cove from 8 fun and social interaction. Event is for Take part in the Amazing Hawaii Comic as positive self-talk and how to not take
a.m.-2 p.m. for BOSS members. Call 352- caregivers and their children 0-3. Call Convention, Aug. 25-27. Volunteers can
223-6370. 655-4227. register at Call See MWR BRIEFS B-6
More info at at Kapiolani Bandstand & Park. Base Hawaii opens the instal-
Visit lation for a 500-meter swim, an
19 / Saturday 11-mile bike and a 5-kilometer
SB Kolekole Walking-Hiking 26 / Saturday run, beginning at 6:30 a.m. at
Trail — The trail is Keiki Tradewind Triathlon Hangar 101. Open to military
closed for hiking — Marine Corps Base Hawaii and civilians. Visit MCCSHa
Send announcements this weekend due opens the installation for 7-10
a week prior to publication to to live-fire training. year old and 11-14 year old Online registration closes swim-bike-run events, begin- Aug. 22.
Family Fishing — ning at 6:30 a.m., at Hangar
18 / Friday Ho‘omaluhia Botanical Garden 101. Visit September
Lost Bicycle — Have you in Kaneohe hosts this free TradewindTri.
lost a bicycle? Go to the Pro- catch and release family event, Online registration closes 1 / Friday
vost Marshal Office, Bldg. 3010, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturdays and Aug. 22. Oahu Holistic Expo — Read-
Lyman Road, SB. Provide a Sundays. Bring walking shoes, ers, healers and exhibitors
good description of the bike insect repellent, rain gear and Greek Festival — Greek spe- gather Friday and Saturday at
– like make, model, color, any fishing bait (fresh white bread). cialties like spanakopita (Spin- the Neal Blaisdell Exhibition
identifying marks – or give A limited number of ach Pie), gyro sandwiches, Center; tickets are $10. Girls Trip
a receipt showing the serial bamboo poles are avail- moussaka, Greek chicken, (R)
number of the bike. Plenty able to borrow on a first- souvlaki (shish-ka-bob), 2 / Saturday
of bikes have been found. come, first-served basis. loukaniko (Greek sau- Battleship Missouri — Friday, Aug. 18, 7 p.m.
Call Lenwood Redd, the There is a 20-minute hike sage), a variety of Greek Memorial commemoration
evidence/found property custo- to the fishing area. For details/ salads, as well as imported of the ending of World War II is Dunkirk
dian, at 655-9497. reservations, call 233-7323. Greek beer, spirits and Greed open to the public and begins (PG-13)
wines, noon-9 p.m., at McCoy at 9 a.m. with guests seated by
Made in Hawai‘i Festival Ice Cream Party — Sundaes Pavilion, 1201 Ala Moana. 8:45 a.m. on the ship’s fantail. Saturday, Aug. 19, 4 p.m.
— Weekend showcase, Friday on Saturday, 4:30-6 p.m., McCoy Learn to dance Greek and Complimentary round-trip
through Sunday, includes nearly Pavilion at Ala Moana Beach then join the fun with live music shuttle service for the ceremony Spider Man:
400 exhibitors of food prod- Park, offers all-you-can-eat on the main courtyard stage. will be offered from the Pearl Homecoming
ucts, books, gifts, apparel and sundaes for $15 and $6 for keiki Visit Harbor Visitor Center beginning (PG-13)
jewelry, arts and crafts, produce under 12. Benefits the Sounds at 8 a.m.
and live music at Blaisdell Ex- of Aloha Chorus. Visit SoundsOf 24 / Thursday The Battleship Missouri Saturday, Aug. 19, 7 p.m.
hibition Center, 777 Ward Ave., FS Thrift Shop — Clothes, Memorial is open daily from 8
Honolulu. kitchenware and more offered a.m. to 4 p.m. General admis-
Visit madeinhawaiifestival. 20 / Sunday Tuesdays and Thursdays, sion, which includes choice of
com. Hawaiian Slack Key 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Bldg. 342, an optional tour, is $27 per adult
Guitar Festival — Fes- Pierce Street, on FS. Visit and $13 per child (4-12). Mili-
Sunset Bazaar — Every tival will feature up to tary, kama‘aina (local resident)
Friday, 4-9 p.m., Kakaako Park, 16 performing artists and school group pricing is
Honolulu, and enjoy end-of- in the slack key guitar genre, 27 / Sunday available.
week pau hana with live music, including award-winning artists Tradewind Triathlon Call 1-877-644-4896 or visit
food, shopping and beverages. and newcomers, noon-6 p.m., Kaneohe Bay — Marine Corps
Calendar abbreviations ASYMCA: Armed Services YMCA and Recreation SKIES: Schools of Knowledge,
8th TSC: 8th Theater Sustainment BCT: Brigade Combat Team FRG: Family Readiness Group Inspiration, Exploration and Skills
Command CDC: Child Development Center FS: Fort Shafter TAMC: Tripler Army Medical
War for the
25th ID: 25th Infantry Division CYSS: Child, Youth and School HMR: Helemano Military Center Planet of the Apes
ACS: Army Community Service Services Reservation USAG-HI: U.S. Army Garrison- (PG-13)
AFAP: Army Family Action Plan EFMP: Exceptional Family Member IPC: Island Palm Communities Hawaii
AFTB: Army Family Team Building Program PFC: Physical Fitness Center USARPAC: U.S. Army-Pacific Sunday, Aug. 20, 4 p.m.
AMR: Aliamanu Military Reserva- FCC: Family Child Care SAC: School Age Center WAAF: Wheeler Army Airfield
tion FMWR: Family and Morale, Welfare SB: Schofield Barracks Closed Monday through
more online
For more information on Gastros-
chisis, visit www.hopkinsmedicine.
Photo by Liana Kim, 311th Signal Command org/healthlibrary/conditions/adult/
(Theater) Public Affairs
Sgt. 1st Class Sylvia moreno sets up
Photo by Capt. Emily Klinkenborg, 311th Signal Command (Theater) Public Affairs
refreshments for participants after the Participants wear lime green attire and ribbons to support Gastroschisis Awareness chisis/.
Gastroschisis Awareness Day walk/run. Day during the walk/run held the day before the proclamation at Tripler.
Gospel Worship
ALA: Supports
Retired Sen.
Daniel Akaka,
•Sunday, noon at MPC
center, unties •Sunday, 12:30 p.m. at AMR
the maile rope
local products to signify the
start of the
2017 ALA
•Friday, 12:30 p.m. at AMR
(Call 477-7647)
Tuesday, at Jewish Shabbat (Sabbath)
ago, when he first met with commissary the Pacific
Beach Hotel. •Friday, 7:30 p.m. at PH
officials, they only accepted about three (Call 473-3971)
of his company’s products. At left, in red,
is U.S. Sen.
“I thought they didn’t like my prod- Mazie Hirono. Protestant Worship
ucts,” he admitted. “But I just kept trying. •Sunday Services
The second year they took five products, -9 a.m. at MPC (Contemporary)
the third year nine or 10. As they got to -9 a.m. at FD
know who I was and learned that I was we always do this one,” he added. “The serve the men and women who do.” -9 a.m. at TAMC
committed to the commissaries, they only reason we do this show is to show Today, his is one of the Hawaii -10 a.m. at HMR (Contemporary)
grew more committed to my products our appreciation for the men and wom- businesses that bring in more than $1 -10:30 a.m. at AMR
and company. en who fight for our country. We may not million in sales through the commissary (Contemporary)
“We don’t usually do food shows, but be able to serve this country, but we can system. -11 a.m. at WAAF (Contemporary)