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You said:

how to make this graph in tableau

ChatGPT said:


To create a graph similar to the one you uploaded in Tableau (a running total profit timeline for
different regions), follow these steps:

Steps to Create a Running Total Profit by Region in Tableau:

1. Connect your data: Ensure your dataset is connected in Tableau. The data should
include fields like Order Date, Profit, and Region.
2. Create a new worksheet:
o Click the New Worksheet button.
3. Drag fields to the view:
o Drag Order Date to the Columns shelf.
o Change the Order Date field to Month by right-clicking on it in the Columns
shelf and selecting Exact Date and then Month (continuous green pill).
4. Add Profit to the view:
o Drag Profit to the Rows shelf.
o Right-click the Profit field in the Rows shelf and select Quick Table Calculation
> Running Total.
5. Add Region to the view:
o Drag the Region field to Color in the Marks card.
6. Customize the view:
o In the Marks card, choose Line to display the trend as a line graph.
7. Adjust labels:
o Drag Profit to the Label in the Marks card to show the final running total for
each region on the graph.
8. Formatting:
o Right-click the Y-axis (Running Sum of Profit) and choose Edit Axis to set a
better range if necessary.
o Add a title by double-clicking the chart title to match your graph's purpose (e.g.,
"Running total profit timeline for regions").
9. Final adjustments:
o You can also adjust colors, labels, and font sizes under Format to match the look
and feel of the uploaded graph.

Once you follow these steps, you'll have a running total profit timeline graph, similar to the one
you provided!


You said:
how to make this graph in tableau.
ChatGPT said:


To create a pie chart similar to the one you uploaded in Tableau (showing profit by segment with
percentages), follow these steps:

Steps to Create a Pie Chart in Tableau:

1. Connect your data: Ensure your dataset is connected in Tableau. The data should
include fields like Segment and Profit.
2. Create a new worksheet:
o Click the New Worksheet button.
3. Drag fields to the view:
o Drag the Segment field to the Columns shelf.
o Drag the Profit field to the Rows shelf.
4. Convert to Pie Chart:
o Click on the Show Me panel (located on the right of the Tableau window).
o In the Show Me options, click the Pie Chart option (it's a circle icon). This will
convert your bar chart into a pie chart.
5. Add fields to the pie chart:
o Drag Segment to the Color section on the Marks card to differentiate each
segment by color.
o Drag Profit to Label to show the profit amounts for each segment on the chart.
6. Add Percentages to Labels:
o Drag Profit again onto the Label on the Marks card.
o Click on the drop-down next to Profit in the Label section and select Quick
Table Calculation > Percent of Total.
o Click on Label in the Marks card and adjust the Font and Format to show both
the profit amount and percentage (you can customize the font, color, and text
7. Resize the Pie Chart:
o Click on Size in the Marks card and adjust the size to make the pie chart larger or
smaller, depending on your needs.
8. Formatting and Final Adjustments:
o Adjust the font size and color for the percentage labels to match the uploaded
o You can also add formatting to make the values red and the segment names black,
as seen in the chart.

Once you follow these steps, you'll have a pie chart with profits by segment and the
corresponding percentages, similar to the one you uploaded.


You said:
how to make this graph in tableau.
ChatGPT said:


To create an area chart similar to the one you uploaded in Tableau (showing sales versus year,
broken down by quarters), follow these steps:

Steps to Create an Area Chart in Tableau:

1. Connect your data: Make sure your dataset is connected in Tableau. The data should
include fields such as Order Date, Sales, and possibly Quarter.
2. Create a new worksheet:
o Click the New Worksheet button.
3. Drag fields to the view:
o Drag Order Date to the Columns shelf.
o Right-click on the Order Date in the Columns shelf and choose Exact Date >
Quarter to break the data by quarter. You can also select Quarter under Date
o Drag Sales to the Rows shelf.
4. Convert to Area Chart:
o In the Marks card, change the chart type from Automatic to Area.
5. Color by Year:
o Drag Order Date to Color in the Marks card and make sure it's set to Year to
color-code the areas by year.
6. Add Sales Labels:
o Drag Sales to the Label in the Marks card.
o Click on Label in the Marks card and adjust the formatting to display the sales
values as shown on the graph (e.g., $74K, $180K, etc.).
7. Stack the Areas:
o If the areas are not stacked, go to Analysis in the top menu and make sure Stack
Marks is checked.
8. Formatting and Final Adjustments:
o Right-click the Y-axis (Sales) and format it to display in thousands (K) by
choosing Format > Axis and setting the units appropriately.
o Adjust the colors of the areas to match the color scheme in your chart by clicking
on Color in the Marks card.
o You can also add borders to the areas by selecting Border in the Marks card.
9. Adjust labels and add annotations:
o If you want the sales numbers to appear only at the top of each section (like in the
uploaded chart), you can manually add annotations by right-clicking on a point
and selecting Annotate > Mark.
10. Refine title and layout:

 Edit the chart title to match your chart’s purpose (e.g., "Area Chart of Sales Vs Year").
 You can also format the gridlines and labels to match the clean, minimalistic style of the
uploaded image.

Once you complete these steps, you will have an area chart showing sales over time broken
down by quarters and colored by year, similar to the one you uploaded.

Creating Region & Segment vs Ship Mode &

Quantity Chart in Tableau
Data Structure Requirements
First, ensure your data has these columns:

 Region (Central, East, South, West)

 Segment (Consumer, Corporate, Home Office)
 Ship Mode (First Class, Same Day, Second Class, Standard Class)
 Quantity (numeric field)

Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Initial Setup
o Drag "Region" to Rows
o Drag "Segment" to Rows (place it to the right of Region)
o This creates the basic row structure
2. Create the Columns
o Drag "Ship Mode" to Columns
o Drag "Quantity" to Columns (place it next to Ship Mode)
o Convert Quantity to measure by selecting "Sum" or "Count"
3. Create the Bar Chart
o Change the mark type to "Bar"
o Make sure the bars are horizontal by clicking "Swap Rows and Columns" if
4. Format the Visualization
o Click on "Color" in the Marks card
o Set color by Region (each region gets its own color)
o Choose a color palette similar to the example:
 Central: Blue
 East: Orange
 South: Red
 West: Teal
5. Adjust the Axis
o Right-click on the Quantity axis
o Select "Edit Axis"
o Set the range to match your data
o Add gridlines at 1K, 2K, 3K intervals
o Format numbers to show "K" suffix
6. Format Grid Lines and Labels
o Add light gray gridlines
o Align text labels to the left
o Add adequate spacing between categories
7. Add Title and Formatting
o Add the title "Region & segment vs ship mode & quantity"
o Ensure consistent font sizing
o Add white background
o Remove unnecessary borders

Optional Enhancements
1. Tooltips
o Customize tooltips to show:
 Region
 Segment
 Ship Mode
 Exact Quantity
2. Interactivity
o Add filters for:
 Region
 Segment
 Ship Mode
o Enable highlighting on select
3. Layout
o Adjust the size of bars for better visibility
o Add padding between categories
o Align labels consistently
Last Graph:

Creating a Sales and Profit vs Category/Sub-

category Chart in Tableau
Data Requirements

Ensure your data has these columns:

 Category (Furniture, Office Supplies, Technology)

 Sub-Category (Chairs, Tables, Phones, etc.)
 Sales (numeric)
 Profit (numeric)

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Basic Structure Setup

o Drag "Category" to Columns
o Drag "Sub-Category" to Columns (place it to the right of Category)
o This will create hierarchical column headers
2. Create the Sales Bars
o Drag "Sales" to Rows
o Change the mark type to "Bar"
o Format the numbers to show with "$" and "K" suffix
o Color the bars orange (#FFB366 or similar)
3. Add the Profit Line
o Right-click on "Profit" and drag it to Rows
o Should appear below the Sales axis
o Click on the Profit axis and select "Dual Axis"
o This will overlay Profit on the same pane as Sales
4. Format the Dual Axes
o Right-click on each axis and select "Synchronize Axis"
o Set the range to include negative values (around -200K to 400K)
o Add gridlines at 200K intervals
o Format both axes to show "$" and "K" suffix
5. Format the Marks
o For Sales (first marks card):
 Set type to Bar
 Set color to orange
o For Profit (second marks card):
 Set type to Bar
 Set color to green
 Make bars thinner than Sales bars
6. Add Labels
o Click on Labels in the Marks card for Sales
o Show value labels above bars
o Format labels to show "$" and "K"
o Repeat for Profit bars if desired
7. Formatting
o Title: "Sales and Profit Vs Category/Sub-category"
o Add subtle gridlines
o Add white background
o Align text labels
o Add borders if desired
8. Legend
o Add a color legend showing:
 Orange for Sales
 Green for Profit
o Position legend at top of visualization

Additional Customization

1. Sorting
o Sort Sub-categories by Sales value (descending)
o This will arrange bars from highest to lowest within each category
2. Tooltips
o Customize tooltips to show:
 Category
 Sub-category
 Sales value
 Profit value
 Profit ratio (calculated field)
3. Interactivity
o Add filters for Categories
o Enable highlighting on hover
o Add quick filters if needed
4. Formatting Refinements
o Adjust bar width for optimal visibility
o Fine-tune colors to match your preferred scheme
o Add subtle spacing between categories
o Ensure consistent font usage

To create a graph similar to the one you shared in Tableau, where you compare Sales and Profit
across Category and Sub-Category, follow these steps:

Steps to Create a "Sales and Profit vs. Category/Sub-Category" Bar Chart:

1. Connect to Your Data Source:

o Open Tableau and connect to the data source that contains your Sales, Profit,
Category, and Sub-Category fields.
2. Move Fields to Columns and Rows:
o Drag the Category field to Columns.
o Drag the Sub-Category field to Columns to the right of the Category.
o Drag the Sales field to Rows.
o Drag the Profit field to Rows as well, below the Sales field. This will create two
separate axes for Sales and Profit.
3. Dual-Axis Chart:
o Click on the second axis (Profit), right-click, and select Dual Axis. This will
overlay the two graphs on the same view.
4. Synchronize the Axes:
o Right-click on the Profit axis and select Synchronize Axis. This ensures that both
axes are on the same scale.
5. Change the Graph Type:
o Click on the Sales graph in the Marks card and select Bar as the graph type.
o Do the same for the Profit graph, but change its type to Area (or keep it as Bar
if you want the same styling).
6. Color the Sales and Profit Differently:
o On the Marks card, for Sales, drag the Sales field to Color to give it a distinct
color (like orange).
o For Profit, drag the Profit field to Color (like green).
7. Add Labels:
o For Sales, drag the Sales field to the Label shelf to show sales values on the
o For Profit, do the same by dragging the Profit field to the Label shelf.
8. Adjust the View:
o Adjust the axis to start from 0 or any other value that makes the comparison more
visually clear.
o You can add formatting for the axis by right-clicking on it and adjusting the labels
to display values in thousands (K).
9. Fine-Tune Formatting:
o You can adjust the gridlines, labels, and other chart elements from the Format
pane to make the chart visually similar to the one you uploaded.
10. Additional Customizations:
o If needed, adjust the color, label positions, or formatting to match the specific
style you're aiming for.

This should give you a dual-axis bar chart that shows Sales in one bar and Profit as an overlaid
or stacked area or bar.


To create a dashboard similar to the one you've uploaded in Tableau, you'll need to break it down
into multiple individual charts and then combine them into a single dashboard. Below is a step-
by-step guide to creating each chart and assembling the dashboard:

1. Profit by Segment (Pie Chart):

 Step 1: Drag Segment to Rows.

 Step 2: Drag Profit to Columns.
 Step 3: Change the Marks type to Pie from the dropdown.
 Step 4: Drag Profit again to Label to show profit values and percentage.
 Step 5: Customize the pie chart colors by dragging Segment to Color.
 Step 6: Resize the pie chart from the Size option on the Marks card.

2. Running Total Profit Timeline for Regions (Line Chart):

 Step 1: Drag Order Date to Columns (set it to a continuous Month).

 Step 2: Drag Profit to Rows.
 Step 3: Drag Region to Color to differentiate lines by region.
 Step 4: Right-click Profit in Rows and select Quick Table Calculation → Running
 Step 5: Customize the line colors and thickness in the Marks card.

3. Area Chart of Sales vs Year:

 Step 1: Drag Order Date to Columns (set it to a discrete Year or Quarter depending on
 Step 2: Drag Sales to Rows.
 Step 3: Change the Marks type to Area.
 Step 4: Drag Sales to Label to show sales values.
 Step 5: Adjust the colors using Color on the Marks card.
4. Region & Segment vs Ship Mode & Quantity (Heat Map or Bar Chart):

 Step 1: Drag Region and Segment to Rows.

 Step 2: Drag Ship Mode to Columns.
 Step 3: Drag Quantity to Size (for a heat map) or Columns (for a bar chart).
 Step 4: For better visualization, drag Quantity to Color as well.
 Step 5: Adjust the chart type to either Bar or Square under the Marks card.

5. Sales and Profit vs Category/Sub-Category (Dual-Axis Bar Chart):

Follow the same steps as the previous explanation:

 Step 1: Drag Category and Sub-Category to Columns.

 Step 2: Drag Sales and Profit to Rows.
 Step 3: Create a Dual Axis by right-clicking the axis and selecting Dual Axis and then
 Step 4: Format the bars and area colors similarly to match your style.

6. Filters (State):

 Step 1: Drag State to the Filters pane.

 Step 2: Right-click on State in the Filters pane and select Show Filter. This will give
you the filter on the right-hand side.
 Step 3: Customize the filter to show as a Single Select Dropdown or Multiple Selection
List depending on your preference.

7. Creating the Dashboard:

 Step 1: After creating all the individual charts, go to the Dashboard tab.
 Step 2: Click New Dashboard and then drag and drop each individual worksheet into the
 Step 3: Arrange the charts by resizing and placing them in the desired layout. Tableau’s
Tiled and Floating options help you place items exactly where you want them.
 Step 4: Add titles, captions, or any additional text boxes by dragging them from the
Dashboard sidebar.
 Step 5: Use Filters and Interactivity features (if you want) to filter data across all sheets
using the State filter.

8. Final Adjustments:

 You can customize the look of the dashboard by adding borders, adjusting font styles,
changing colors, or resizing the components to better fit the screen space.
 Make sure to test interactions between filters and charts to ensure that the filters apply
correctly across the dashboard.
This process will help you create a dashboard similar to the one you uploaded, giving you
insights on Sales, Profit, Segment, Ship Mode, and other dimensions.


To create an area chart similar to the one you shared in Tableau, follow these steps:


1. Connect your data source:

o Open Tableau and load your dataset. Ensure your dataset includes columns for:
 Order Date (date field),
 Sales (numerical field),
 Optionally, Quarter or some other time period if available.
2. Prepare your data (if necessary):
o Ensure that the Order Date is recognized as a Date field in Tableau.
o You can create a calculated field to extract the quarters if it’s not already
 Right-click on your date field and select “Create” → “Calculated Field.”
 Use the formula:

Copy code
DATENAME('quarter', [Order Date])

3. Create the area chart:

o Drag the Order Date to the Columns shelf.
o Right-click on Order Date in the Columns shelf, select Exact Date, and then
choose Quarter if you want a quarterly breakdown.
o Drag the Sales measure to the Rows shelf.
4. Change the chart type to Area:
o On the Marks card, change the mark type from Automatic (which might default
to a line chart) to Area.
5. Add color by year:
o Drag Order Date again to the Color shelf (on the Marks card) and ensure it is
broken down by year to display different colors for each year.
6. Add labels:
o On the Marks card, click on the Label option.
o Check the box for “Show mark labels” to display the sales figures on the chart.
o Adjust the formatting of the labels to show the currency (e.g., in K format) by
editing the number format of the Sales field.
7. Format the chart:
Adjust the axis ranges and formatting to match your needs (e.g., ensure the Y-axis
shows values up to the maximum sales value).
o To make the chart visually similar, go to Format and adjust grid lines, axis labels,
and fonts to suit your preferences.
8. Customize tooltips (optional):
o If you want to further customize what shows up in the tooltips when hovering
over an area, click on the Tooltip button on the Marks card and customize the

After these steps, you should have an area chart that looks similar to the one in your image, with
different colors for each year and corresponding sales values per quarter.


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