Edited Palit Sir Slides
Edited Palit Sir Slides
Edited Palit Sir Slides
Transportation Engineering-II
(CE-441), Credit: 3
2 Syllabus
• Highway materials and their properties (sub grade, sub base & base courses).
• Production, properties & uses of Bituminous materials.
• Bituminous mix design methods.
• Design of flexible pavement.
• Design of rigid pavement.
• Construction equipments.
• Soil aggregates & low cost roads.
• Construction of flexible pavements.
• Construction of rigid pavements.
• Soil stabilization.
• Maintenance of highway.
• Highway intersection design.
Text Books: Highway Engineering—S.K. Khanna & Justo
Principles of Pavement design- Yoder & Witchzak
Ref. Books: Highway Engineering—Wright & Paquttee
Highway Engineering—L.R. Kadyali
Planning, Management & Construction equipment- Purifoy
3 Objectives:
• The primary objective of this course is to introduce students
to different highway materials used in road construction and
their properties with the emphasis on safe and efficient
operation of highways.
• To learn about the production procedure and different
method of mix design related to highway materials.
• To introduce with the design and construction of flexible
pavement and rigid pavement.
• To learn about soil aggregates, soil stabilization, different
construction equipments and low cost roads.
• To introduce students with the maintenance of highway and
various highway intersection design.
4 Outcomes:
• Transportation is a core discipline within CE; students will
obtain a basic understanding about different highway
materials used in road construction and their properties.
• Students will be able to utilize the obtained knowledge
about the different highway materials while doing a practical
work in a highway.
• Students will be able to do the lab experiments on highway
materials more easily with all their gathered knowledge
about bituminous material, soil stabilization, soil aggregates
• Students will be able to maintain the highway and
performance of the used material and will also be able to
design highway with highway intersection design.
5 Lecture Plan
Name of the Topic Sub-topic Period Remarks
Production, Types of bituminous materials and their 1
They help to transmit the applied wheel loads in such a way that the layers
They act as covers protecting the underlying pavement and sub grade from
• Control pumping.
• Drainage purposes.
• Expedition of construction.
i) Earth road
ii) Gravel
iv) WBM
v) Bituminous road
Sub-grade: Soil
Surface course: Bituminous or asphaltic coat, hot mix or cold mix asphaltic mixer.
Cement concrete.
• Stability
• Incompressibility
• Permanency of strength
• Minimum changes in volume and stability under adverse
• Good drainage
• Ease of compaction
20 Laboratory Tests:
• Index properties: GSD, Atterberg limits, Plasticity index,
MDD, FD, FMC etc.
• Soil classification: MIT, Unified, AASHTO
• Soil strength: Shear tests, Bearing tests, Penetration tests
Shear test:
• Direct shear test
• Triaxial compression test
• Unconfined compression test
• Vane shear test
Bearing test: Plate bearing test
Penetration test: CBR test
Direct shear test:
Shear resistance (Sr) = C + σ tanФ
• Where C = Cohesion/unit area
• σ = Normal stress
• Ф = Angle of internal friction
50 60 100 0
Properties of Cement:
• a)Hydration- Consistency test
• b) Setting- Initial setting & Final setting
• c) Fineness- Blane air permeability test
• d) Soundness- Autoclabe test or Lee Chatellier
• e) Strength- Tensile & Compressive test
Fig: Tar
Now a day’s road tar is not used in road construction because
Special Applications:
Blend of 80% bitumen and 20% tar sometimes used for
creating skid resistance on the road surface.
Petroleum Native
Become brittle.
CH3(CH2)6COO- + Na+
Mechanism of Breaking:
At the beginning, it looks generally dark brown liquid, slowly it
turns into black. Then it starts breaking
Breaking depends on-
Evaporation of water faster, breaking also faster.
Factors- air temp. asphalt temp. wind condition, relative humidity.
Type of agg.- either positively charged aggregate or negatively
charged aggregate.
Porosity of the underlying layer.
Mechanical disturbance.
About 1/5 of water evaporates ( color changing brownish to black)
compaction can be started, breaking of emulsion accelerated.
Cationic- CRS, CMS, CSS
Anionic- RS, MS, SS
Construction Equipment
Site clearance equipment
Excavation & Filling equipment
Compaction equipment
Mixer equipment
Testing equipment- a) Lab testing b) Field testing
Manual appliances-spade, Pick, & hand shovel
Mechanical equipment- dozer scraper and
Bituminous mixer
Concrete mixer
Soil-aggregate mixture
50 Site Clearance with Scraper Dozer
51 Uproot of Trees
53 Tree Cutting & Site Clearance Equipment
Excavation Equipment
Pneumatic tired rollers- 50T, non-plastic silts & fine sands. 7-24”
Construction procedure:
Material: The soil survey is carried out and suitable
borrow pits are located within economical haulage
Location: The centre line and road edges are marked on
the ground along the alignment by driving wooden pegs.
Preparation of sub-grade: Site clearance manually or
• Cutting ,filling(to bring the road to a desired grade)
• Compaction (field density & m.c check)
• Shaping of sub-grade(such as: camber, grade etc.)
Pavement construction: The borrowed soil is dumped
on the prepared sub-grade and pulverized. The field
moisture content is checked and additional water is
added if necessary, to bring it up to OMC. The soil is
mixed, spread and rolled in layers such that the
compacted thickness of each layer doesn’t exceed
10cm. The type of roller for compaction is decided
based on soil type, desired amount of compaction and
availability of equipment.
Opening to traffic: The compacted earth road is
allowed to dry out for a few days before opening to
Construction of gravel roads: Gravel roads are considered
superior to earth roads as they can carry heavier traffic.
• The camber may be between 1 in 25 and 1 in 30.
Material: Hard variety of crushed stone or gravel of specified
gradation is used. There are no specifications for the materials.
Rounded stones and river gravel are not preferable as there is poor
Construction procedure:
Material: Gravel to be used for the construction is stacked along the
side of the proposed road.
Location: The centre line and road edges are marked on the ground
along the alignment by driving wooden pegs.
Preparation of sub-grade: Site clearance manually or mechanically
• Cutting ,filling(to bring the road to a desired grade)
• Compaction (field density & m.c check)
• Shaping of sub-grade(such as: camber, grade etc.)
Pavement construction: Crushed gravel aggregates are placed
carefully in the trench so as to avoid segregation. Aggregates are
spread with greater thickness at centre and less towards the
edges so as to obtain the desired camber. The layer is rolled
using smooth wheeled rollers.
Opening to traffic: A few days after the final rolling and drying
out, the road is opened to traffic.
Sub-grade preparation:
•Site clearance: manually or mechanically
•Cutting, filling(to bring the road to a desired grade)
•Compaction (field density & m.c check)
•Shaping of sub-grade (such as camber, grade etc.)
Sub-base preparation (Soil-aggregate, lime-soil, cement treated
soil, industrial waste) :
• Desired proportions of materials are mixed on the prepared sub-
• Field, m.c is checked, if less than OMC
• Requisite amount of water is to be added & mixed again.
• Then the mix is to be spread & rolled in layer by layer
Base course construction:
• WBM (is widely used as base course for road construction)
• bitumen treated aggregate
• soil-cement
• lean cement concrete (1:6:12)
• roller compacted concrete.
i) Surface treatment
a) Interface Treatments
• The surface of the existing pavement layer is to be cleaned to remove
dust & dirt & a thin layer of bituminous binder is to be sprayed before
the construction of any type of bituminous layer over this surface.
This treatment with bituminous material is called interface treatment.
Objectives: To provide the necessary bond between the old and the new
1. Prime coat: is the 1st application of a low viscosity liquid bituminous
material over an existing porous or absorbent pavement surface like
the WBM base course.
• Low viscosity liquid material- MC or SC cutback.
Objectives: i) to plug in the capillary voids of the porous surface.
ii) To bond the loose material particles on the existing surface.
• The primer is sprayed uniformly using a mechanical sprayer at a rate
of 7.3 to 14.6kg per 10m2 area.
• The primed surface is allowed to cure for 24hrs, no traffic is allowed.
2. Tack coat: is the application of bituminous material over an
existing pavement surface which is relatively impervious like an
existing bituminous surface as a cement concrete or a pervious like
the WBM which has already been treated by a prime coat.
• Higher viscosity like hot bitumen @ 4.9kg-9.8kg / 10m2
b) i. Surface dressing
• Bituminous surface dressing is provided over coat. The single coat
surface dressing consists of a single application of bituminous
binder material followed by spreading of aggregate cover and
• When surface dressing is similarly done in two layers, it is called
two coat surface dressing.
• Where better adhesion are required, aggregate pre-coated with
bituminous binder are used in
• Of conventional surface dressing is known as bituminous surface
dressing with pre-coated aggregate.
Main Functions:
•To serve as a thin wearing course of pavement and to protect the
base course.
•To water proof the pavement surface and to prevent infiltration of
surface water.
•To provide dust-free pavement surface in dry weather and
mud-free pavement in wet weather.
ii) Seal coat:
• Top single coat surface dressing over certain bituminous
pavement which are not impervious. Such as, open graded
bituminous construction like - i) premixed carpet ii) grouted
• Seal coat is also provided over an existing bituminous
pavement which is worn out.
Main functions:
• To seal the surface against the ingress of water.
• To develop skid resistance texture.
• To enliven an existing dry or weathered bituminous surface.
Grouted or penetration type construction
Penetration macadam: is used as a base or binder course.
• The course aggregates are first spread and compacted well in dry
state and after that hot bituminous binder of relatively high
viscosity is sprayed in fairly large quantity at the top.
• The bitumen penetrates into the voids from the surface of the
compacted aggregates, thus filling a part of the voids and binding
some stone aggregates together.
• It is called “Full Grout” when bitumen penetrated to the full depth
of compacted aggregates and “Semi Grout” when it penetrates up to
about half the depth.
Premix construction:
a) Road mix surface
• Premix carpet: Consists of coarse aggregates of 12.5 and 10 mm
sizes, premixed with bitumen or tar binder are compacted to a
thickness of 20mm to serve as a surface course of the pavement.
The PC consists of all aggregates passing 20mm and retained on
6.3mm sieve.
• Rolled asphalt: is a dense sand-bitumen premix of compacted
thickness 25mm, used as a wearing course. It is consists of well
graded coarse to fine sand and a suitable penetration grade
bitumen to form a dense and impervious layer.
• Mastic asphalt: is a mixture of bitumen, fine aggregate and filler
in suitable proportions which yields a void less and impermeable
b) High type bituminous pavement (Hot mix)
• Bituminous bound macadam: is a premixed construction method
consisting of one or more courses of compacted crushed aggregates
premixed with bituminous binder, laid immediately after mixing.
The BM is laid in compacted thickness of 75mm or 50mm and is
essentially a base course or binder course.
Quality control-
• All time supervision during construction
• Test before construction- Laboratory test
• Test during construction- Laboratory and field test
• Test after construction- Laboratory and field test
Construction steps
Preparation of the existing base course layer
• The existing surface is prepared by removing the pot holes
or ruts if any.
• The irregularities are filled in with premix chippings at least
a week before laying surface course.
• If the existing pavement is extremely wavy, a bituminous
leveling course of adequate thickness is provided to lay a
bituminous concrete surface course on a binder course
instead of directly laying it on a WBM.
Application of tack coat
• It is desirable to lay AC layer cover over a bituminous base
or binder course.
• A tack coat of bitumen is applied at 6 to 7.5 kg per 10 m2
area, this quantity may be increased to 7.5 to 10 kg for non-
bituminous base.
Preparation and placing of premix
• The premix is prepared in a hot mix plant of a
required capacity with the desired quality control.
• The bitumen may be heated up to 150-10C and the
aggregate temperature should not differ by over 140C
from the binder temperature.
• The hot mixed material is collected from the mixer
by the transporters, carried to the location and is
spread by a mechanical paver.
• The camber and the thickness of the layer are
accurately verified.
• The control of the temperatures during the mixing
and the compaction are of great significance in the
strength of the resulting pavement structure.
• A mix after placed on the base course is thoroughly
compacted by rolling at a speed not more than 5 km
per hour.
• The initial or breakdown rolling is done by 8 to 12
tones roller and the intermediate rolling is done with
a fixed wheel pneumatic roller of 15 to 30 tones
having a tire pressure of 7 kg per cm2.
• The wheels of the roller are kept damp with water.
The number of passes required depends on the
thickness of the layer.
• In warm weather, rolling on the next day helps to
increase the density if the initial rolling was not
• The final rolling or finishing is done by 8 to 12 tone
tandem roller.
Quality control of bituminous concrete construction
• The routine checks are carried out at site to ensure the
quality of the resulting pavement mixture and the pavement
• Periodical checks are made for a) aggregate grading b)
grade of bitumen c) temperatures of aggregate d)
temperatures of paving mix during mixing and compaction.
• At least one samples for every 100 tones of the mixed
discharged by the hot mix plant is collected and tested for
above requirements.
• Marshall tests are also conducted. For every 100 m2 of
compacted surface, one test of the field density is conducted
to check whether it is at least 95% of the density obtained in
the laboratory.
• The variation in thickness allowed is 6mm per 4.5m length
of construction.
Finished surface
• The AC surface should be checked by a 3m straight edge.
• The longitudinal undulations should not exceed 8mm and
the number of undulations higher than 6mm should not
exceed 10 in a length of 300m.
• The cross profile should not have undulations exceeding
Construction of cement concrete pavement
Materials specification
• Cement
Ordinary Portland cement is generally used.
In case of urgency rapid hardening cement may also be used to
reduce curing time.
• Coarse aggregate
Maximum size of aggregate ≤ ¼ of the slab thickness.
The gradation of coarse aggregate may range from 50 to 4.75 or 40
to 4.75 mm, the aggregate is collected in two size ranges, one below
and the other above 20mm size.
The aggregate should be from harmful materials like iron, pyrites,
coal, mica, clay, alkali, organic impurities etc.
The desirable limits of important properties are:
Aggregate crushing value 30 % max
Arrangement of joints
The joints in transverse direction are
placed as follows:
a) Staggered arrangement
b) Uniform arrangement
c) Skew arrangement
Joint filler & sealer: Joints can allow the infiltration of water
& ingress of stone grits.
Affects:- a) The infiltration of water damages the soil sub grade
& give rise to the phenomenon known as mud pumping.
b) The ingress of stone grit joint width gets reduced & faults like
spalling of joint edges take place.
c) In extreme cases, the blowup takes place.
So, joint spaces are filled by compressible filler materials &
the top of the joints are sealed using a sealer.
Filler material property
Joint Filler Materials: a) Soft wood without knot b) Fiber board
c) Cork or cork board with bitumen
A. Maintenance Management
To increase the productivity of labor & equipment used in
maintenance operations, highway agencies are increasingly
applying modern management method in maintenance function.
4. Scheduling
In order to provide a reasonable balance of workload
throughout the year, a seasonal schedule of maintenance
operations should be developed to facilitate the schedule of
appropriate work activities during specific periods of the year.
Typically each road maintenance division has equipment
scheduling boards that indicate reservations for and locations
of available equipment at all times.
5. Performance evaluation
The work performance of maintenance crews, as reported on
the crew schedule cards, should be periodically summarized
and reviewed by management personnel.
Such summaries typically include, for each maintenance
activity: 1) the number of crew schedule cards used to date,
2) the number of person-days or person-hours reported, and 3)
the work units accomplished.
6. Fiscal control
Most highway agencies also have fiscal control procedures to
ensure that budgetary limitations are observed.
Maintenance manager should carefully monitor the status of
expenditures and costs and their relationship to the
performance budget.
B. Maintenance operation
a) Roadway surfaces
b) Shoulder & approaches
c) Roadsides
d) Bridges, tunnels and drainage structures
e) Traffic control & safety devices
f) Control of snow & ice
i. Patching
Failures of soil-aggregate roads are principally due to
improper drainage, poorly mixed materials, or an
inadequate foundation.
Excessive moisture in the sub-grade may be eliminated
by lateral or side drains.
When road failure is due to a poor mixture or gradation
of materials, it is usually necessary to remove the
unsuitable material and replace it with suitable materials
of the proper gradation.
138 Patching
ii. Blading
It is a general operation carried out on all soil and
stabilized surfaces.
Its purpose is to fill in the ruts and smooth out any
irregularities in the surface.
Blading is done by a motor grader.
Blading should be done as soon as practicable after a
rain, when the surface materials are moist.
140 Blading
Design elements
7m (2 lanes) 7.0
Capacity: QP=
Qp= practical capacity of the weaving section in PCU
w= width of the weaving section in m
e= average entry width of the rotary in m= (e1+e2)/2
l= length of the weaving section
P = proportion of weaving traffic i.e. ratio of sum of crossing
streams to the total traffic on the weaving section
= (b+c)/(a+b+c+d)
a= 408
b= 450+402
c= 643+493
d= 350
a= 408
b= 450+402
c= 643+493
d= 350
Here, e=(10+10)/2
And w=[(e1 +e2 )/2]+3.5
Mini Roundabouts
Basic principles of design:
•Provision of small diameter island of a diameter of about
1/3rd that of a hypothetical circle inscribed within the outer
carriageway boundaries, but normally not less than 8m. For
new layouts, space for a larger diameter (15-25m) may be
reserved if such a provision becomes necessary in future.
•An increase in the diameter of lanes at the give-way lane.
•A minimum stopping distance of 25m between the give-way
line and the point of conflict with a vehicle from the
left.(shown as dimension X in fig)
•A width between traffic islands and the roundabout (shown
as dimension Y in fig) which is not less than the total lane
width at the entry preceding it, i.e. dimension(shown as Z in
Y >= Z