Succession Notes
Succession Notes
Succession Notes
● Transfer of Movables
At common law, the law of the place where the property is situated (lex situs) governs
this [Glencore International AG v Metro Trading Int.]. In Ghana however, this area
remains res nova, meaning it has never before been decided by a court.
The case of Glencore v Metro Trading involved complex contractual arrangements and
disputes over the passing of title to oil held in storage in Fujairah. One of the issues
that were raised in the case was, what the applicable law in determining who held title
to oil stored in Fujairah was. The court held that the law of Fujairah governed the
transfer of title to movable property.
Dicey & Morris, The Conflict of Laws, (13th ed.) at p. 963 provided that The validity of a
transfer of a tangible movable and its effect on the proprietary rights of the parties
thereto and of those claiming under them in respect thereof are governed by the law of
the country where the movable is at the time of the transfer (lex situs).
● Transfer Of Immovables
Where immovables are concerned, the applicable law is the law of the place where the
property is situated (lex situs). This was evinced in the case of Davies v Randall.
● Administration Of Estates
I. Jurisdiction
III. According to the Succession to Movables on Death of Westlake, Private International Law
45, In England and in those countries and colonies of which the law is derived from that of England,
the personal "property of a deceased person can only be possessed under a grant from public
authority, usually judicial . Such grant is, in England, in one of three forms : (1) Probate of a will,
granted to the persons, one or more, appointed in such will as executors; (2) Administration with the
will annexed,where no executor is appointed by the will; (3) Administration, where the deceased left
no will. The executors or administrators have to realize the personal property of the deceased,
pay his debts, and distribute the surplus among those who may be entitled under the will, or by law in
case of intestacy. These duties are classed together under the name of administration which term has
therefore two meanings : it is used in opposition to probate, co express a certain description of public
grant, and it is used to, express that course of dealing with the, property granted which is expected
from the grantee, whatever was the kind of grant.
● Succession
I. Ghana adheres to the principle of scission as opposed to unitary succession. The scission
principles apply to successions, whereby succession rules differ depending on the type of
assets in inheritance. Here, the succession of an estate is subject to the law of the place where
it is situated whilst movable properties are subject to the law of domicile of the deceased.
II. Immovables: The important general conflict rule that the creation, acquisition, transfer
and extinction of interests in a thing are governed by the law of the situs of the thing,
applies in the case of immovables (land), to the succession to the beneficial interest in
things comprised in a deceased’s estate.
III. Movables: Here, succession to the estate of the deceased is governed by the domicile of
the deceased. This is made evident in the legal maxim “mobilia sequuntur personam”
which means “property follows the person”.