Aeat 04 2015 014 Rev3
Aeat 04 2015 014 Rev3
Aeat 04 2015 014 Rev3
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Meinhard Schwaiger on 11 January 2018.
Air passenger numbers are increasing rapidly, challenging future urgent environmental targets and overloading
conventional aircraft runway and traffic control capacity. Aircraft designers are therefore seeking ways to achieve vertical
launch, low emissions and high efficiency. Modest improvements in efficiency in helicopter and fixed wing aircraft have
been achieved at great cost, indicating that it is time to consider alternative and potentially disruptive forms of aircraft
The dream of human flight has a several thousand year old history. When looking back to the ancient Greek mythology
Daedalus (∆αίδαλος) was the very first inventor, designer and producer of a vertical take-off flying apparatus as well as the
first successful human test pilot, but remember the tragedy when his son Icaros (Ικαρος) flew too close to the sun. IAT21
Over the last 100 years novel ideas have been born for vertical take-off and landing aircraft in America, Russia and
Europe and some of them led to the cyclogyro aircraft. There have been early rotating wings or cyclogyro used for aircraft
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propulsion e. g. by G. McMullen “Aeronautic Apparatus” in 1905, E. P. Sverchkov as the “wheel ornithopter” or
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“Samoliot” in 1909, J. Ashworth as “Aeroplane” 1917, S. P. Nemeth as “Machine for navigating the air” in 1920, E.
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Garcia as “Aeroplane” 1924, J. B. Immers as “Aeroplane” 1924, A. G. Bergman as “Vertical rising airplane” 1925, J. E.
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Caldwell has described a concept for a Cyclogyro VTOL in 1923 and built a prototype in around 1937, A. B. Gardner
filed a patent for a “Construction for Aircraft” in 1929, H. P. Massey filed a patent for an “Aircraft” in 1930, A.
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Rohrbach filed a patent for an “Aircraft” in 1933, K. F. J. Kirsten filed patents for a “Propeller for Aircraft” and an
“Aircraft” in 1934, G. W. Walton filed a patent for “Improvements in Aircraft of the Cyclogyro Type” in 1936, H. M.
Heuver filed a patent for a “Cycloidal Rotor for Aircraft” in 1945.
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Fundamental scientific work on cyclogyro rotors at low rotation speeds was done by K. F. J. Kirsten in 1928, Sachse in
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1929, Strandgren in 1933, Wheatly in 1933 and 1935. Several cyclogyro airplanes have been built but no single one
was successfully tested at that time e. g. the Caldwell’s Gray Goose, Kirsten’s Cycloplane or Schröder’s S1 Cyclogyro see
fig. 1.
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Figure 1 a) J. E. Caldwell’s “Gray Goose” in 1923, b) K. F. J. Kirsten’s wingless “Cycloplane” in 1930, c) Schroeder “S1
Cyclogyro” in 1930
The historic failure of cyclogyro prototypes can be attributed to one or more of 3 main weaknesses: unsuitable materials,
experiments at Bosch aerospace Inc. in around 1998. Boschma’s cycloidal rotor design from 1998 (see fig. 2. b) seemed
to be similar to the one as shown in the “Voith-Schneider Flieger” concept published in 1935 (see fig. 2.a)
Figure 2 a) Voith-Schneider-Flieger 1935, b) J. H. Boschma’s Three-axis Cycloidal Propeller arrangement 1998
In December 2001 Micheal L. McNabb graduated as Master of Science at Mississippi State University for his
“Development of a cycloidal propulsion computer model and comparison with experiment” and compared his experimental
and simulation results with experimental results from J. B. Wheatly. At the same time some fruitful scientific work and
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development started independently in Universities and industrial companies in USA (e. g. University of Maryland ; ; ),
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South Korea (Seoul National University ; see also fig. 3.a), Singapore (National University of Singapore , see also fig.
In particular the multidisciplinary European “CROP”-project was one of the most successful projects in the last 10 years to
bring the cycloidal-propulsion technology closer for human flight. The work completed by POLIMI University in Milan ,
confirmed the conclusions of IAT21 in Austria, that cyclogyro rotors increase in efficiency with forward flight. The reason
for this appear to lie in the ‘Virtual Chamber’ effect generated within the rotor space. Further research is planned to fully
model the internal air flow for speeds greater than 35m/s, beyond those currently tested in conventional wind tunnels - (in
Figure 3 a) Quadrotor Cyclocopter SNU 2013 b) Singapore’s 3rd generation of cyclogyro 2007
IAT21 believe that the very first successful maiden flight of an untethered 100% cyclogyro driven aircraft was on 13 June
2006 when IAT21 tested its first four rotor cyclogyro model-aircraft (rotor diameter 230 mm, span-length 230 mm, weight
around 16 kg; as shown in fig. 4.) as a follow on of the successful wind tunnel test (February 2006) and aerodynamic
studies on a 1.2 m cyclogyro rotor built in 2005. The next and larger version of a cyclocopter (rotor diameter 600 mm,
span-length 600 mm, piston engine powered, weight around 175 kg; see fig. 5.) was built in 2012 and lifted from the
ground in mid-2012. This was filmed by two international TV channels in 2013 (Servus TV and The Discovery Channel).
Figure 4 IAT21’s four rotor cyclogyro a) electric powered model-airplane ready to take off (13 June 2006); piston engine
powered 175 kg D-Dalus cyclogyro aircraft (2012-2013) a) ready for filming b) indoor flight
The D-Dalus concept is based on a four cyclogyro rotor propulsion system integrated into an aerodynamic winged body
Exceptional agility (the ability to flip, rotate, reverse and glue down with reverse thrust on inclined, slippery or
moving surfaces).
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High efficiency in forward flight (as confirmed by the EU Project CROP Consortium
Ability to swarm – through the ability to form tight patterns, without the obstruction of broad
wings or moving external rotors. And with the ability to react fast with agility to reconfigure
Maritime operations, even from small ships, for high speed search and rescue at long
Figure 5 IAT21’s D-Dalus the four rotor cyclogyro aircraft with aerodynamic wing-body
Intensive research and development on three different sized cyclogyro rotor assemblies as well as on two different sized
L3 – Rotor diameter 1.20m: Thrust 2,000 N @ 1,000 rpm @ 70 kW power. Results: simulation and measurement
deviated by less than 5% (see fig. 7.a); has the potential for future manned cyclogyro aircraft
L1 – Rotor diameter 0.23m: electric powered model D-Dalus maiden flight June 2006 Results: bearing failed,
additional basic research into ultra-low friction bearings was completed and patented over the following 18
L2 – Rotor diameter 0.60m: piston engine model D-Dalus maiden flight in mid-2012 (see vertical thrust fig. 7.b).
Results: successful proof of aerodynamics, flight control systems and stabilization, engine control, carbon part
L1 – version-2014: double thrust achieved for the same size and power consumption compared to the 2006-
Figure 6 IAT21’s thrust measurement results a) L3 single rotor diameter 1.2 m / span length 1.2;
b) L2 four rotor diameter 0.6 m span length 0.6 m; c) L1-2014 thrust measurement results
The lessons learned in 2006 led to the development of a nearly friction free swivel bearing (f r ic t i o n is m ore t h an
te n t im es l o wer in c om par is o n to a s t a n dar d ne e d le b e ar in g) and the subsequent design, production and test
of the L2 sized D-Dalus (see fig. 5) a 175 kg piston engine powered four rotor cyclogyro aircraft fully electronically
stabilized. As an outcome of the test results 32 enhancements were identified and formed the basis for the redesign of the
The research team progressed from concept definition and simulation (2004-2006), through experimental validation
and concept demonstration (2006), component optimisation (2006-2012), full system demonstration (2012-2014) and
examination of ability to scale (both larger and smaller) 2015 onwards. This paper provides details of the results of each of
these stages.
In comparison to the 2006 design, in 2014 the thrust is nearly doubled for the same size and power consumption:
The quarter sized L1-2014 rotor from IAT21 creates nearly double the thrust of the SNU 2013 Cyclocopter rotor
(fig. 7). The increase in rotor performance is a result of optimizing the aerodynamic and lightweight carbon fibre
parts. To discover the best combination in stiffness and strength at low weight is an optimization process starting at
the design stage and supported by a specialised Finite Element Method – this is a software tool applicable for
Based on the 3D-CAD-model dynamic forces can be calculated which are caused by rotor blade centrifugal and
swivelling acceleration when in full rotation speed and cyclic angle of attack movements out of a 3D-dynamic model
Load estimation is based on fundamental Newton’s laws with local dynamic movements of the rotor
blade in a pitching range of Өmax (e. g. +34°) and Өmin (e. g. -39°):
e a 2 d 2 L2
arcsin cos arccos ;
2 a 2 ad
a e 2 R 2 2eR sin
(3) f [t ]
(4) i 0 1 0 i 1
Figure 9 a) and b) Forces, kinematics and movements of the cyclogyro rotor blade in motion
The graphical display (figure 10) illustrates the data captured from a rotor dynamic simulation test:
centrifugal acceleration, swiveling acceleration as well as resulting forces and moments (fig. 10).
Figure 10 a) Screen shot - dynamic simulation tool; b) 3D-dynamic simulation result graphic display
Based on the results of the dynamic simulation, it was then possible to progress to additional FEM simulation of the
stresses, bending and torsional tension and deformation of the most critical parts such as rotor blade, connecting rod
Figure 11 FEM analysis on carbon fibre structure - simulation of stress distribution and rotor blade deformation
For risk reduction design, variants have been tested at rotation speeds >25 % above nominal rotation speeds to ensure
they can survive at high rotation speeds in the fully equipped cyclocopter. Bending and torsional deformation of the rotor
blades could be measured by using a stroboscope with optical marks on components running at full rotation speeds and
Airflow into the rotor and through the L1-sized rotor could be thoroughly watched in full speed at 4,000 rpm with a
Figure 12 High speed video showing the airflow a) ingested into the rotor and b) expelled from the
hollow rotor discs and the center point is aligned to the offset mechanism of the pitch control.
Figure 13 Rotor assembly and offset mechanism for the pitch control and cyclic Angle of Attack
Central to all discussions about cyclogyros (cycloidal rotors, cyclocopters) is the question of efficiency in comparison to
alternative propulsion systems and aircraft systems. Future environmental emissions targets and air passenger growth
Can launch vertically with high efficiency (like a helicopter but not possible for conventional fixed wing aircraft)
Can fly efficiently at high speed and for long duration (like fixed wing aircraft but not possible for helicopters)
A full cyclogyro powered aircraft can reduce the open gap in between today's rotorcraft and fixed wing aircraft concepts by
combining the advantages of both and overcoming each of their challenges, and providing the additional advantages of:
Ability to swarm
Forward flight
The complete D-Dalus L1 cyclogyro aircraft was tested in the Technical University Munich Wind Tunnel A in May 2014.
Figure 14 a) and b) D-Dalus L1 equipped with sensors and fixed on a vertical mounting beam ready for wind-tunnel
The influence of the rotation speed on the thrust vector has never been previously measured or published. The cyclogyro
rotor was operated in the rotation speed range from 1300 to 4000 rpm. For a fixed position of the maximum angle of
attack at Ψ = 90° (similar to fig. 9 a.) the thrust vector created by the air flow does not remain constant in the same
direction vertical downwards. The thrust vector angle varies with rotation speed. In the speed range from 1300 to 4000
rpm the thrust vector angle could be measured between 35° and 37° (as shown in fig. 15).
Lift and Drag of the D-Dalus wing-body created in forward flight
In forward flight D-Dalus produces lift in the vertical direction to the forward flight direction and drag in a parallel direction
to the flight direction. Inside the wing body are the four pairwise counter-rotating cyclogyro rotors. A complex airflow is
created in forward flight by the rotors and the wing body as shown in fig. 16.
Figure 16 The complex airflow created by the counter rotating cyclogyro rotors and the wing body in forward flight
Vertical lift and horizontal drag at flight speeds up to 30 [m/s] is shown in fig. 17.
D-Dalus create lift in forward flight (thanks to its wing body design) a helicopter cannot do.
Figure 17 a) Vertical lift and horizontal drag of D-Dalus L1 in forward flight at different angle of attack (AoA); b) rotor thrust
influenced in forward flight (additional airflow feed into the rotor)
Lift and Drag created by the cyclogyro rotor in forward flight as well as the influence of an additional airflow into the
cyclogyro-rotor (such as created at forward flight speed) at the rotor thrust.
As shown in f ig. 1 7 b and fig. 18 a) the actual thrust increases app. 3.5 times at flight speeds up to 30 [m/s]
compared to the static thrust at flight speed 0 [m/s] while propeller and fan propeller propulsion systems decrease
in thrust significantly.
Depending on which propulsion system is chosen, the influence of flight speed on propulsive thrust differs, as does the
variability of the pitch propeller (as shown in fig. 18 b). Alternative thrusters analyzed:
Figure 18 Cyclogyro rotor thrust and propulsion efficiency influenced by flight speed in comparison to alternative thrusters
The cyclogyro propulsion system can be compared to a wide range of aircraft concepts from VTOL to VSTOL and
standard fixed wing aircraft. Please take into account cyclogyros create a thrust vector which can be steered in any 360°
direction means:
Figure 19 a) Alternative VTOL, VSTOL and standard aircraft (rotorcraft and fixed wing aircraft); b) Alternative thrusters –
Figure 20 D-Dalus in comparison to alternative VTOL / VSTOL aircraft (based on 33) a) Ratio of propulsion power [kW] to
aircraft weight [kN] - b) Cyclogyro in comparison to alternative thrusters Ratio of propulsion thrust [N] to propulsion
power [kW]
As researched in CFD-simulations and in repeated wind tunnel tests the efficiency of a D-Dalus concept air vehicle as well
as a cyclogyro rotor in forward flight is shown in fig. 17 18 and 20
The research team proved that cyclogyro propulsion can be used for vertical launch and that, in forward flight, it has the
potential to achieve efficiency beyond the range of conventional fixed wing and rotorcraft. This work indicates that
cyclogyro propulsion could have the potential to provide vertical launch, high speed and highly efficient aircraft that have
reduced wing span, no external rotors and exceptional agility. This technology could therefore be feasible for VTOL
aircraft that can safely form densely packed swarms and would solve the challenges facing the air environment of the
Further Work
Additional research is in progress according to an internal milestone planning covering a two year
Virtual Chamber Effect – the microsystems created inside the rotor chamber at differing forward air
speeds appear to be the source of the counterintuitive increase in efficiency as the cyclogyro rotor
increase in forward speed. Further investigation should be undertaken to analyse these internal air
patterns in detail and identify the speed at which the efficiency improvement reaches a peak, for
combination of cyclogyro rotor and conventional wing or rotor, could provide for considerably greater
efficiency than could be achieved with conventional propulsion. This hypothesis should be fully tested
McMullen, G.: Aeronautic Apparatus, Patent No. US792,154, June 13 1905
Shavrov, V. B.: History of aircraft construction in the USSR, Vol.1 p.39, and
Ashworth, J.: Aeroplane, Patent No. US1,284,851 Aug. 18 1917
Nemeth, S. P.: Machine for navigating the air, Patent No. US1,414,577, May 1 1920
Garcia, E.: Aeroplane, Pat. No. US 1,487228, Jan 25 1924
Immers, J. B.: Aeroplane, Pat. No. US1,532,902, Dec 27 1924
Bergman, A. G.: Vertical rising airplane, Pat. No. Us 1,754,977, July 13 1925
N.N: “The fantastically Flighty Gray Goose”,; see also
Sachse, H.: Kirsten-Boeing Propeller, Technical Memorandums, No 351, NACA, Jan 1926
Strandgren, C.: The Theory of the Strandgren Cyclogyro. Technical Memorandung, No. 727, NACA, July 1933
Wheatly, J. B.: Simplified Aerodynamic Analysis of the Cyclogyro Rotating Wing System, Technical Notes No. 467,
Government Technical Liaison Naval Air Warfare Center - Aircraft Division, Final Report, Maryland, October 1-31, 1998
Kammas, A.: varianten_a.htm; source US-
McNabb, M. L.: Development of a cycloidal propulsion computer model and comparison with experiment, Master of
Science in Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi December 2001
Parsons, E.:“Investigation and characterization of a cycloidal rotor for application to a micro-air vehicle”, Faculty of the
Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park, Thesis, Maryland, 2005
Benedict, M.“Fundamental understanding of the cycloidal-rotor concept for micro air vehicle applications”, Faculty of the
Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park, Thesis of Doctor of Philosophy, 2010
Benedict, M.; Ramasamy, M.; Chopra, I.“Improving the Aerodynamic Performance of Micro-Air-Vehicle-Scale Cycloidal
Rotor: An Experimental Approach”, Journal of Aircraft, 47(4), pp. 1117-1125, July–August 2010
Kim, S. J.; Kim, D.; Yun, C. Y.; Yoon, Y.; Park, I.: Design and performance tests of cycloidal propulsion systems,
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, San 56-1 Shilim-dong Kwanakgu, Seoul 151-742,
Tillmann, M.:
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D3.2 – CFD/CSD Analysis Final Report - C.Xisto, L.Gagnon UBI, POLIMI
D4.3 - Experimental Final Report – D. Wills, M. Schwaiger, IAT21
D6.2 – Proof of Concept – C. Xisto, UBI
D7.6 – Evaluation of dissemination results – L. Rodrigues, G. W. Jewell, USFD (University of Sheffield)