Three Dimensional Modelling of Propagation of Hydraulic Fractures in Shale at Different Injection Pressures

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Three dimensional modelling of propagation of hydraulic fractures in shale at

different injection pressures

Article in Sustainable Environment Research · July 2015


25 3,986

3 authors:

Vikram Vishal Nikhil Jain

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay IITB-Monash Research Academy


T.N. Singh
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


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Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(4), 217-225 (2015) 217

Three dimensional modelling of propagation of hydraulic fractures

in shale at different injection pressures

Vikram Vishal,1,* Nikhil Jain2 and Trilok Nath Singh3

Department of Earth Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Uttarakhand 247667, India
Department of Mining Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology BHU
Varanasi 221005, India
Department of Earth Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Mumbai 400076, India

Key Words: 3D modelling, hydraulic fractures, shale, COMSOL Multiphysics


The modeling of conjugate development of fractures and fluid flow remains a significant subject
in a diversity of rock engineering. Continuum numerical methods are paramount in the modeling of
rock engineering practice problems, merely with restrained capacities in modeling the problem of
fracture development coupled by fluid flow. There exists a demand for them to be understood in details.
Driven by this, we demonstrated an approach based on a three-dimensional development of fracture
of an abstract model condensed to two-dimensional analysis comprising rocks with fractures. In the
framework of a continuum method of modeling, the contact between the fracture development and
deformation was paired with fluid flow. A 3-D model was established in this case for a shale reservoir
and fluid was injected at multiple pressures to understand the initiation and propagation of fractures,
as applied to the field of hydraulic fracturing. The stress, strain, displacement in the reservoir were
monitored at multiple injection pressures. Linear relations of injection pressures were observed with
these parameters. A detailed insight with quantification of the values is given into the subject based on
the findings of this study.

INTRODUCTION progressively significant role in the energy industry

over past few years and turning to be an important
With a rapid rise in energy demands and with element in years to come.
continuous development in industry, exploration and Gases in shale are stored as the free gas in both
generation of new sources of energy has gathered fracture and matrix pores and as absorbed gas on the
momentum in the recent years. Traditionally, coal has surface of micro-pores [1,2]. Modeling and simulation
been one of the main resources of energy of the world. of shale gas reservoir presents an unusual problem.
However, oil and gas reservoirs have become very These reservoirs have trenchant properties, such as [3]:
popular over last few decades. More recently, tight  In some of the reservoirs, nearly 50% of the gas
sands and shale gas reservoirs also gained the attention content is absorbed gas from organic materials.
of industry for power generation as they exhibit  The flow is not easy to comprehend due to the
tremendous potential resource for future development, extremely low matrix permeability of nano-
and analysis of these systems is proceeding briskly. Darcy levels.
With a fast pace decline in conventional petroleum  Due to the presence of both natural and induced
reserves, unconventional resources have gained a fractures, complex fracture network distribution

*Corresponding author
218 Vishal et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(4), 217-225 (2015)

system may be formed. The elementary enabling in rocks. Here, a finite element model showing the
technology is reactivation of hydraulic fracturing variation of stress-strain and displacement of the rock
by narrow, calcite-natural fractures. and fractures when subjected to hydraulic fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling at different injection pressures was constructed for
have been main pillar technologies in economical different conditions in reservoirs and with variation
and successful extraction of natural gas from shale in cohesive forces and internal friction angle. The
reservoirs. In petroleum industry, for enhanced recovery fluid-solid coupling was used to show the variation
of gas and oil, hydraulic fracturing has been most in behavior of rock and to study fracture initiation
familiar simulation method. The hydraulic fractures and propagation. A demonstration of Biot equations
developed in rocks through the artificial stimulation for the rock was considered as the base equation for
of underground reservoirs exercise a fundamental construction and evaluation of model followed by
influence on various mechanical and transport attributes pressure equation of the fracture and the discussion
of the rocks, including the elastic modulus, anisotropy, of numerical solution of the combined system of
elastic wave velocities and permeability [4,5]. These equations.
concepts have been utilized during development and
analysis of fluid flow through hydraulic fractures. 1. Problem Description

NUMERICAL MODELING USING FINITE Experimental data of fractured core in a reservoir

ELEMENT METHOD was adopted along with few other parameters value
from an Indian shale reservoir to bring forth the
A finite element advancement method is suggested fractured porous media geometry within the numerical
in this paper for the modeling of hydraulic fracturing simulations using COMSOL Multiphysics [11].
in 3-D. The model is established on Biot poroelasticity We examined the response of few parameter
equations for the contortion of the rock caused by variations in a transverse section of a fractured bore
gradients in fluid pressure. By means of “fracture well, drilled in a layer of rock strata containing shale.
porosity”, with special regridding being absent, in this A study of horizontal fracturing at intermediate depths
case, the fracture is constituted on the same regular of a reservoir is shown in the article assuming the
grid as the rock. In a rock, the volume fraction is minimum vertical stress. The paper also presents the
represented by fracture porosity. With respect to both behavior of stress and strain surrounding the fracture
fluid pressure and displacement, it is possible to build and the bore well. The variations in bore-hole pressure
a uniform element formulation for the rock and the and in displacement are also included in the study.
fracture by means of fracture porosity [6,7]. This
model has a touchstone based on strain of element, 2. Governing Equations and Boundary Conditions
where propagation of fracture occurs, when the strain
computed at the centre of element exceeds a limit. The fluid flow was governed on the basis of
As indicated by Diodato, there exists a modified Darcy’s law in a poroelastic rock model. The
classification into ‘explicit discrete fracture structural deformation was governed by
formulation’, ‘discrete fracture networks’ and ‘two
continuum formulations’ and here we carry on with − ∇σ = F (1)
the micro-scale only [8]. With coupled analytical
∇[− κ / (µ ∇p )] = 0 (2)
mechanistic modeling, Bai et al. took benefit of finite
element simulations for porous media having fractures. where σ denotes the stress tensor, and the directional
Porous media flow physics was employed for both components of the gradient in fluid pressure, p, make
fracture and matrix for these simulations [9]. up a vector forces, F, k stands for permeability and µ is
There are various new implementations in 3D for fluid dynamic viscosity.
model equated to its 2D preprocessor. The failure
measure in 3D is established on strain in the centre ∇[ρu ] = Q (3)
of each element, whereas the 2D model has a failure
criterion grounded on the strain of sides of an element, ∇u = ε − ∇[ D∇u ] = F σ = Dε (4)
bonding to connect the nodes [10]. In the following,
we demonstrate a coupled fracture and flow modeling where, Q is the mass source term.
approach in the fabric of an uninterrupted numerical Darcy's law accepts that the fluctuation of the
method. This is centered on interpreting the basic velocity field when a fluid makes it to the porous
processes of increasing fractures and linked fluid flow medium is stimulated by the fluid pressure gradient.
Vishal et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(4), 217-225 (2015) 219

3. Model Definition
The model geometry is a block with different
In the above mentioned equation, u is the fluid layers of different thickness varying in the vertical
Darcy velocity, k is the medium permeability, µ is the stratification. A cross section of a bore well with few
dynamic viscosity of fluid, ∇D pf is the pressure gra- induced fractures by a cut section of the block is shown
dient, ρ is the fluid density, g is the gravitational in Fig. 1. The dimension of block is 500*400*600
acceleration and ∇D is the unit vector in the direction cu. feet with diameter of cut section of bore hole is
over which the gravity would take effect. Inputs and 2ft. There are multiple fractures originating at around
few variables used in the model are mentioned in 300 ft depth from the top surface of the block. These
Tables 1 and 2. fractures are taken as linear fractures for the sake of
The terms of the fail parameters and ‘fail’ simplicity in calculations. The block model is mainly
expression as mentioned in Table 2 are poro.sp1, poro. constructed on two materials: sandstone in the second
sp2, poro.sp3 which denote principal stresses, p_r is top and bottom layers and shale sandwiched between
pressure in reservoir, pf is the pressure of injected fluid, two sandstone layers, while the top most layer is of
C1 and C2 are the calibration constant of the model and soil with a hole boundary that receives fluid pressure.
phi is the friction angle in degrees [12].
The mathematical form as described of 3D 4. Application of COMSOL Multiphysics
Coulomb failure criterion relates rock failure, three
principal stresses (σ1, σ2 and σ3) and the fluid pressures The model were established based on Biot
are as follows: poroelasticity concepts and open hole multilateral
well models from geo-mechanics and subsurface flow
fail = (σ3 + p) – Q (σ1 + p) + modules of COMSOL Multiphysics 4.2a. We applied
N (1 + (σ2 – σ1 )/(σ3 – σ1 )) (6) the poroelasticity physics along with stationary study to
solve the given equations. We only used poroelasticity
Q = ((1 + sinϕ)/(1- sinϕ)) (7) for porous matrix and controlled flow for fluid
migration in fractures and the well; elsewhere we used
N = ((2 cosϕ)/(1 – sinϕ))So (8) Darcy law (esdl) [14-17]. A controlled flow inside the
fracture was assumed using the following governing
where, S o is the coulomb cohesion and ϕ is the
Coulomb friction angle. ∇k low
On calibration, fail = 0 indicates the onset of rock (∇p ) = 0 (5)
failure; fail < 0 denotes failure; and fail > 0 predicts
stability. There was a major challenge of meshing of small
Since the model here solves for the change in pres- sized micro level elements in the model in 3D and
sure caused by pumping at high pressure as well as the required high level of computing. The rectangular
stresses and strains and displacements that the pressure parallelepiped box model helped developing certain
change triggers, it calculates the expression by using layers, depicting different rocks and fractures in the
the change in pressure than its absolute value [13]. intermediate shale reservoir. The elements of bore hole

Table 1. Input values along with descriptions and units

Input Parameters Description Values Units
p_w Pressure by fluid 2.80 E + 06 [Pa]
So coulomb cohesion force 1.28 E + 07 [Pa]
Phi Friction angle 24 [deg]
C1 Calibration constant 1 14.7 Unit less
C2 Calibration constant 2 40 Unit less
pf Pressure in fracture 5.10 E + 06 [Pa]
p_r Pressure in reservoir 8.60 E + 06 [Pa]

Table 2. Variables present in the model

N 2 * So * cos(phi)/(1 - sin(phi)) Fail parameter 1
Q (1 + sin(phi))/(1 - sin(phi)) Fail parameter 2
Fail (((poro.sp3 + C1 * (p_r - pf)) - Q * (poro.sp1 + C1 * (p_r - pf)) + N * (1 + (poro.sp2 - Fail expression
poro.sp1)/(poro.sp3 - poro.sp1)))/C2) [1/psi]
220 Vishal et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(4), 217-225 (2015)

a b

Fig. 1. (a) Mesh generation in the block having shale layer sandwiched between two sandstone layers and a top soil
covering as seen in 2D, (b) block model showings the red line (marked by arrow) along which the properties
variations are calculated. The line is joining the fracture tips or nearby points.
around the fractures were taken mostly symmetrical in Several studies on modeling of various natural and
size. The shape of fractures are conical, all connected engineering phenomena have gathered momentum in
to the bore well. The cut layered section of the whole recent years [13, 25-27]. In context of unconventional
block model is taken for analysis of stress-strain and reservoirs, validation of natural systems is often done
displacement due to hydraulic pressure build up inside by simultaneous experimental and simulation studies
well and fracture. The meshing has been fine with [28-33].
variation of high quality to light low quality mesh
present at sharp corners to broad faces respectively RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and the statistics of mesh is given in Table 3 [18,19].
In view of the scale and resolution as required for our The model was computed with the given set of
flow model, it is decided that an acceptable standard parameters and reservoir conditions and keeping all
finite element framework provided in COMSOL other parameters same/constant, the fluid injection
Multiphysics is used to perform the implementation pressure for fracture propagation was varied in the
[20]. Numerical modeling is widely used to understand established model. A different trend of displacement
the fluid flow behavior in different unconventional behavior was witnessed, at near fracture tips of
reservoirs [21-24]. certain common set of fractures subjected to different
The study of few fractures from the developed fluid pressure at different instances. Other physical-
model is discussed in this paper. The basic required mechanical properties (Table 4) of the reservoir rock
data and parameters were provided to the model as (shale) like Young’s modulus, cohesion, etc. along with
inputs; shown in Table 1 and boundary conditions were principal stresses, principal strains, elastic strain energy
evaluated based on those parameters and variables varied due to change in injection pressure, starting at 10
assigned during modeling. MPa and increased by 2 MPa in the established model
The fail expression showed the conditions of in subsequent runs. A line joining the fracture tips of
fracture generation and propagation depending upon three fractures of comparable geometry, lying on one
fracture pressure [pf], target reservoir pressure [p_r], side of well was taken into consideration for plotting
fluid pressure [p_w], coulomb cohesion force [So] and the results of changes in hydro-mechanical behavior of
internal friction angle [phi] as major affecting values. the rock as shown in Fig. 1b.

Table 3. Mesh statistics of the model Table 4. Physical-mechanical properties of material given
Property Value as input to the model
Minimum element quality 4.109e-6 Property Name Value Unit
Average element quality 0.6758 Young’s modulus E 30e9 Pa
Tetrahedral elements 65934 Poisson’s ratio Nu 0.15 1
Triangular elements 9588 Bulk modulus K 8.9e9 Pa
Edge elements 1281 Shear modulus G 1.38e10 Pa
Vertex elements 83 Dilation angle psid 0.1744 rad
Vishal et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(4), 217-225 (2015) 221

The sudden dip or rise in the graphs is an tips. It is evident that passage of fluids induces a rise in
indication that the evaluation line is at or very near to the stresses in the rock. The stress was measured in the
fracture tip. The x-axis in the Figs. 2-5 is the evaluation direction perpendicular to the orientation of the fracture
line with y-axis being a variable property, here, length to understand the role of fluid in expansion of
principal strain, stress, injection fluid pressure and the fractures.
total displacement. The horizontal and vertical axes Stress increased up to 9.8 and 11.2 MPa in the
denote the length or distance for evaluating the size and fractures in the second principal direction (Fig. 3).
location of any point on the model (like normal axes) Corresponding to the stress, deformation of rocks took
and on the right side of right axes a legend or colors place and peak values of strain were attained. Stress
are there with a different scale for evaluating say, total and strain in both principal directions other than that
surface displacement. acting parallel to fracture length are comparatively
The negative principal stresses (Fig. 3) indicates less. However, high pressures influence the rock on all
the compression by rock and the sudden positive values sides which indicates possible expansion other than
indicate the interaction of negative and positive value propagation along the fracture length. The case of
of rock and fluid pressure respectively, where fluid maximum injection pressure was studied thoroughly
pressure is very high. Thus expansion and propagation for understanding a critical scenario of propagation of
of fractures can be a possibility as shown by the fractures at high injection pressure of 20 MPa (Fig. 4).
principal strain and stress graphs in Figs. 2 and 3. While breakdown pressure is immediately transferred
Figures 2 and 3 represent the variation in strain and at the fracture tips, pressure also builds up in the rock
stresses respectively along the line joining the fracture strata in between the fractures. These high pressures
cause deformation in rock and fractures are initiated
and propagated.
The displacement curve (in Fig. 5) shows peaks
at the nearby fracture points through which the line
passes, that decline gradually and rise again before it
reaches another fracture point. This denotes the maxima
of displacements occurring in fracture at its tip during
propagation of cracks at breakdown pressure equal to
injection pressure. Red color in the legend also shows
the variation of displacement in the model subjected
to very high pressure. The average total volume
displacement is 0.50292 mm at {x, y: 3, -0.097} on
the selected plane (front face of fractures). While the
total displacement of the fracture tips was estimated
Fig. 2. Second principal strain experienced by rock at left at approximately 1.162 to 1.186 mm, it is a reflection
side fracture tips joined by a hypothetical line as of deformation of rock matrix as a consequence of
shown in Fig. 1.
fracture propagation.
A detail analysis in the propagation of fractures

Fig. 3. Second principal stress experienced by rock at left

side fracture tips joined by a hypothetical line as Fig. 4. Injection fluid pressure of 20MPa as breakdown
shown in Fig. 1 (Negative sign indicating reverse pressure as experienced at left side fracture tips
direction). joined by a hypothetical line as shown in Fig. 1.
222 Vishal et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(4), 217-225 (2015)

Fig. 5. Total displacement at left side fracture tips joined

by a hypothetical line as shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 7. Total volume displacement (in mm) in the model at
was done. The advantage of constructing 3-D 20 MPa injection pressure in the mid reservoir.
numerical models lies in the fact that the changes in
the rock dimensions can be clearly visualized and sharp near the fracture tips while it becomes gentle
quantified in all three principal directions. Red arrows away from the tips. It may be noted that there is
marked in Fig. 6 are representative displacement negligible deformation at 100 m away from the fracture
vectors and it is clearly visible that deformation takes tip. This is particularly important to understand that the
place in rock strata parallel to the fracture arc as well rock strata are overall stable. Further, these contours
as in the perpendicular direction with both vertical are vital to define the precise location of the fracture
and horizontal components. It may be emphasized to prevent any sort of propagation of fractures in the
that the zone near fracture tips experience maximum adjoining rock strata. A clear indication of the same
displacement as indicated in red in Fig. 7. The is that, had the rock been fractured very close to the
implication of such zones is that the rock is weakened overlying strata, the deformation contour lines would
and underwent deformation. Any further rise in have interfered leading to propagation of fracture in the
injection pressure could lead to a fast propagating overlying strata. From the displacement graph (Fig. 5)
facture. and contour diagram (Fig. 8), it stands that at the tip of
The movement of rocks at the breakdown fracture high pressure exists which allow it to further
pressure is not linear and straight in direction of fluid propagate in order to release the in-situ stresses.
flow but so in transverse direction also aiding the The legend in the contour diagram indicates the
fracture expansion with propagation (Fig. 8). A clearer magnitude of displacement at every point lying on a
demarcation of the displacement zone was identified
using contour lines. The gradient of displacement is

Fig. 8. Total surface displacement as illustrated by contour

lines, each indicating a certain displacement value
in mm, at 20 MPa injection pressure in middle
Fig. 6. Displacement field in the model. reservoir.
Vishal et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(4), 217-225 (2015) 223

given color line. The shale reservoir block is subjected

to very high pressure: 10 to 20 MPa as compared to
nearby layers which are subjected to pressure of around
2.8 MPa. The values of displacement pore pressure and
Darcy flow velocity were computed at each injection
pressure. All these parameters showed a direct linear
relationship with injection pressure (Figs. 9-11). The
value of total displacement increased from 0.452 mm
at 10 MPa injection pressure to 1.188 mm at 20 MPa
pressure. Rise of approximately 9.4 MPa occurred
as the injection pressure was increased from 10 to 20
MPa. Further the Darcian flow velocity increased by
nearly 136% as the injection pressure was increased
from its initial value to final value. Although high
injection pressure was applied, fluid flow in rocks Fig. 11. Variation of Darcy’s flow velocity with injection
was at a relatively low velocity as compared to the pressure.
reservoirs due to extremely low permeability of the

The current modeling approach mentioned in

the paper anticipates the conversion from stochastic
micro level crack generation to visible or macro level
localized fracturing unitedly with the development
of fluid flow in low-permeability rocks during
process of hydro-mechanical contact. The model was
established on the Biot equations for coupled fluid
flow and deformations in the rock, and a finite element
expression for the fluid pressure in the fracture. The
porosity-permeability formulation allowed for a unified
representation of both the fracture and rock on the same
regular finite element grid.
Fracture extension forced by hydraulic pressure
was probed from the view point of coupled fracture-
flow interactions. It was assumed that a fracture event
happens instantaneously and that the fluid volume in
Fig. 9. Variation of maximum displacement at different
the fracture remains the same after an event of bond
injection pressure.
breaking. The pressure drop in the fracture that follows
the breaking of a bond was computed with a procedure.
The behavior of rock is unique during different stages
of fracturing and fracture propagation and initiation.
The fracture initiates at breakdown high pressure and
then with pore pressure the fracture propagates. With
time if fracture gets closed then with re-fracturing
pressure, it re-opens.
The trends shown with variation of principal
stresses and strains at tips of fracture with different
injection pressure indicates the rock behavior and its
tensile and fracturing property at different pressures
under in-situ condition. The modeling results indicate
that the chosen model is adequately efficient of
reproducing the development of hydraulic fracturing
and fluid flow in a physically naturalistic mode. This
Fig. 10. Variation of maximum pore pressure with formulation is able enough of symbolizing the two
injection pressure. critical pressures: Fracture initiation and breakdown
224 Vishal et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(4), 217-225 (2015)

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