2019 Mmunizationpaperwork-20190107
2019 Mmunizationpaperwork-20190107
2019 Mmunizationpaperwork-20190107
March 1, 2019
If you have a history of a positive TST or a positive IGRA blood test, you must provide
documentation of 9 months of isoniazid (INH) or 4 months of Rifampin preventative treatment and a
negative Chest X‐ray (taken within one year of matriculation to Drexel University College of
In addition to the matriculation requirements, the College of Medicine also requires annual
tuberculosis surveillance testing with a single TST or IGRA for actively enrolled students. If annual
testing reveals a newly positive result, students must get a Chest X-ray and be evaluated by their
health care provider. Documentation of Chest X-ray results, and either treatment for active disease
or preventative therapy with INH or Rifampin, must be provided.
Hepatitis B**
All medical students are required to be vaccinated with the complete 3-dose Hepatitis B vaccine
series. Documentation of administration of the complete vaccine series must be submitted prior to
matriculation. In addition, students must complete and submit post-vaccination quantitative
serologic testing, documenting protective Hepatitis Surface Antibody (anti-HBs) titers. If a student’s
post-vaccination quantitative anti-HBs titer is inadequate, the student must receive one additional dose of
2900 W. Queen Lane, Room 201, Philadelphia, PA 19129 | Tel: 215.991.8560 | Fax: 215.843.7738 drexelmed.edu | immsurv@drexel.edu
Office of Documentation Surveillance
Hepatitis B vaccine, followed by quantitative anti-HBs serologic testing 1-2 months following receipt of the
additional dose. Students whose titer remains inadequate following the single additional vaccine dose must receive
two (2) additional vaccine doses (6 doses total) followed by repeat quantitative anti-HBs serologic testing 1-2
months after the last dose. If the anti-HBs titer remains negative after completion of two 3-dose vaccine series, a
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) titer is needed. If HBsAg is positive, student must be evaluated by a
physician; documentation must be provided only stating that the student has been seen and evaluated (no other
details are needed).
All students are required to provide written documentation of vaccination with two doses of the
Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) vaccine; documentation must include specific dates of vaccine
administration. Students without documentation of two MMR vaccine doses, must submit
documentation of serologic testing indicating adequate protective antibody titers for Measles,
Mumps and Rubella. Students without required documentation of vaccination or inadequate or negative
antibody titers must receive appropriate vaccinations (and submit documentation) prior to
Students must provide documentation of immunity to varicella by 1) submitting documentation of
receipt of two doses of the varicella vaccine (documentation must include dates that each vaccine
dose was administered) or 2) submitting documentation of quantitative serologic testing indicating
adequate antibody titers in blood. If a student has a history of varicella disease but serology demonstrates
inadequate or negative antibody titers, the student must receive two doses of vaccine and provide
documentation of vaccination prior to matriculation.
Physical Examination
You must have a physical examination within 12 months of matriculation to medical school.
Your health care provider must utilize the Pre‐Matriculation Medical Evaluation Form to document
his/her findings. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Documentation Surveillance
at (215) 991‐8560 or immsurv@drexel.edu.
REMINDER: All documentation is due no later than July 1, 2019. All students matriculating to
Drexel University College of Medicine must submit all health‐related requirements/forms by close of
business on Monday, July 1st. Additional required documentation is only to be attached as requested.
FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Students who do not submit all required documents
will not be able to begin classes.
Kelsey Crowley
** A letter has been provided on the next page for your provider to help ensure the corrects tests are ordered to comply with
2900 W. Queen Lane, Room 201, Philadelphia, PA 19129 | Tel: 215.991.8560 | Fax: 215.843.7738 drexelmed.edu | immsurv@drexel.edu
Office of Documentation Surveillance
Dear Physician-
Your patient has been offered acceptance to Drexel University College of Medicine. As part of the
admission they must have very specific documentation of Immunization and Disease Surveillance. The
student has a complete list of necessary documentation for matriculation. I would like to highlight the
following areas which have caused confusion in the past.
Hepatitis B
There must be documentation of a complete 3-dose Hepatitis B vaccine series.
If the quantitative Hepatitis B surface Antibody Titer is inadequate the student must receive
one additional dose of the vaccine followed by a repeat Quantitative Hepatitis B Surface Antibody
Titer 1-2 months after vaccination. IF the student’s titer remains inadequate they must complete the
entire Hepatitis B vaccination series.
Tuberculosis Screening
A Two-Step Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) or Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) blood test is
required, regardless of prior BCG vaccine status.
The Two-Step Tuberculin Skin Test consists of a First PPD being placed and interpreted as negative-
followed by a second PPD placement and interpretation at least one week after the initial PPD
placement, but no more than 12 months apart.
The Second Tuberculin Skin Test MUST be initiated after May 1, 2019 to meet the requirement of the
College of Medicine.
If the student has tested positive in the past via TST or IGRA documentation must be provided for 9
months of isoniazid OR 4 months of Rifampin preventative treatment AND a negative Chest X-Ray.
The Chest X-ray must be completed within 1 year of matriculation (after August 15, 2018).
Dana C. Farabaugh, MD
Associate Dean of Clinical Education
Associate Professor, Obstetrics &Gynecology
College of Medicine
Drexel University
2900 Queen Lane, Room 114K
Philadelphia, PA 19129
Tel: 215-991-8360 | Fax: 215-843-7738
2900 W. Queen Lane, Room 201, Philadelphia, PA 19129 | Tel: 215.991.8560 | Fax: 215.843.7738 drexelmed.edu | immsurv@drexel.edu
Office of Documentation Surveillance
Family History:
Has anyone in your immediate family had any of the following: Please circle yes or no.
Personal History:
Have you ever been hospitalized? Yes No
Have you ever had surgery? Yes No
Are you presently under a doctor’s care? Yes No
Please give dates and any details for questions answered yes
Please list any medications you are currently taking and for what conditions
I hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, my answers to the above questions are correct.
2900 W. Queen Lane, Room 201, Philadelphia, PA 19129 | Tel: 215.991.8560 | Fax: 215.843.7738 drexelmed.edu | immsurv@drexel.edu
Office of Documentation Surveillance
1. Skin
2. Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat
3. Mouth, Teeth, Gums
4. Neck and Thyroid
5. Lungs/Chest
6. Breasts
7. Heart (supine and standing)
8. Abdomen
9. Genitalia
10. Back/Spine
11. Extremities/Musculoskeletal/Femoral Pulses
12. Neurologic
13. Emotional/Psychological
14. Other findings
This student is able to meet the physical and emotional demands of medical school:
Yes No
If no, please explain: _________________________________________________________________________
I have examined this student and attest the above information is accurate and complete to the best
of my knowledge.
Health Care Provider Signature:
Date: / /
Printed Name:
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2900 W. Queen Lane, Room 201, Philadelphia, PA 19129 | Tel: 215.991.8560 | Fax: 215.843.7738 drexelmed.edu | immsurv@drexel.edu
Office of Documentation Surveillance
Disease Immunization and Surveillance Records: Must be completed and signed by licensed
healthcare provider.
Primary State:
Alternate Zip Code:
Tetanus‐diphtheria‐pertussis – One dose of adult Tdap. If last Tdap is more than ten years old, Td booster
should be given.
Tdap Vaccine / /
Td Vaccine (if more than 10 years since Tdap) / /
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) – Two doses of the MMR vaccine or serologic proof of immunity for
Measles, Mumps and Rubella. Copy of lab report must be attached.
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2900 W. Queen Lane, Room 201, Philadelphia, PA 19129 | Tel: 215.991.8560 | Fax: 215.843.7738 drexelmed.edu | immsurv@drexel.edu
Office of Documentation Surveillance
Hepatitis B – Three doses of vaccine followed by a QUANTITATIVE Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (anti-HBs)
titer. If Quantitative anti-HBs titer is inadequate, must receive one additional dose of Hepatitis B vaccine, followed
by Quantitative anti-HBs serologic testing 1-2 months following receipt of the additional dose. If Quantitative anti-HBs
titer remains inadequate, must receive two (2) additional vaccine doses (6 doses total) followed by repeat Quantitative
anti-HBs serologic testing 1-2 months after the last dose. If anti-HBs titer remains negative after the second series
(6 vaccine doses), a Hepatitis B Surface Antigen titer is needed.
Hepatitis B vaccine dose #1 / /
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B vaccine dose #2 / /
Hepatitis B vaccine dose #3 / /
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Non‐Responder (if
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen / / Copy Attached
antibody titers
Date of physician
inadequate after 6
If Hepatitis B Surface Antigen positive, evaluation:
doses of vaccine)
physician evaluation required. / /
*See attached letter from Dr. Dana Farabaugh regarding specific requirements.
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2900 W. Queen Lane, Room 201, Philadelphia, PA 19129 | Tel: 215.991.8560 | Fax: 215.843.7738 drexelmed.edu | immsurv@drexel.edu
Office of Documentation Surveillance
Tuberculosis Screening – A Two‐Step Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) or Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) blood test is
required for all incoming medical students. This is required regardless of prior BCG status.
If you have a history of a positive PPD or a positive IGRA blood test, you must provide documentation of 9 months of
isoniazid (INH) or 4 months of Rifampin preventative treatment and a negative Chest X‐ray (taken within one year of
i l i ) Tuberculosis Screening History
Section A Date Placed Date Read Reading Interpretation
TST #1 / / Negative
Please complete one TB section only*
Negative / / Within 12 months of
Tuberculin matriculation
Skin Tests or Positive
IGRA Blood TST #2 / / Negative
Test* / / Within 3 months of ____mm Equivocal
(Section A or B or C)
Date of Diagnosis / /
History of Active
/ / / /
*See attached letter from Dr. Dana Farabaugh regarding specific requirements. Page 4 of 5
2900 W. Queen Lane, Room 201, Philadelphia, PA 19129 | Tel: 215.991.8560 | Fax: 215.843.7738 drexelmed.edu | immsurv@drexel.edu
Office of Documentation Surveillance
Varicella – Two doses of the Varicella vaccine or serologic proof of immunity for Varicella. Copy of lab report
must be attached.
/ /
Varicella Dose #1
Option 1
/ /
Varicella Dose #2
I attest that the above disease immunization and surveillance records are accurate.
Revised 20190107
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2900 W. Queen Lane, Room 201, Philadelphia, PA 19129 | Tel: 215.991.8560 | Fax: 215.843.7738 drexelmed.edu | immsurv@drexel.edu
Office of Documentation Surveillance
Health and immunization and other documentation records are maintained for current
medical students as part of the academic record necessary for rotation placement. Documents
are destroyed following graduation or when a student is no longer enrolled. We recommend
that you maintain a copy of your health/immunization record with both your personal
physician and with your own personal records.
We strongly recommend that you retain a copy of all documents for your personal records prior to
forwarding a copy to the medical school. Records should be forwarded to the address below.
All documents must clearly identify the student’s full name and AMCAS ID #.
Revised 20190107
2900 W. Queen Lane, Room 201, Philadelphia, PA 19129 | Tel: 215.991.8560 | Fax: 215.843.7738 drexelmed.edu | immsurv@drexelmed.edu