Chapter 13 - NMR Spectros
Chapter 13 - NMR Spectros
Chapter 13 - NMR Spectros
1. Molecular spectroscopy
2. Degree (sites) of unsaturation / Index of hydrogen deficiency
3. Proton NMR
4. 13C NMR
Spectroscopy and Electromagnetic Radiation:
diff molecular structures absorb/emit
1. Molecular Spectroscopy:
diff types o f radiation
Molecular spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between the substances and electromagnetic radiations.
There are number of spectroscopic techniques which measure energy of radiations absorbed or emitted by a particular
substance and then the pattern of energy absorption or emission is corelated with the molecular structure.
a. Characteristics
All electromagnetic radations have a dual character to behave as wave and particle. The energy associated with these
radiations (photons) can be related to their frequency/wavelength/wave no.
E = hv = hK = h c
I = hot
C= v X %, = T
wave because wavelength
number u s e f u l c a n
g e t s o l a r that i t s hard t o r e a d
nuclear spin = N MR
U V- v i s = conjugation
mass spec= structure
Degree warsaturation = cumulatie total o f r i n g s / t bends
The total no of cyclic rings and bonds in a compound is called its degree of unsaturation. One bond or one cyclic ring is one
degree of unsaturation.
y t x t z -Y. a t = I t t I
In case the compound contains halogens(X), oxygen(O) and nitrogen(N) in the molecular formula CnHmXpNqOr
( = 213)t 2 =
bond or two rings.
The possible structure formulas:
o r
NMR spectroscopic technique is used to determine the molecular structure by detecting the local magnetic field around the
atomic nuclei.
Like electrons, the nucleus of atom can be described as nuclear spin quantum states (due to charged protons in the nucleus).
Nuclei with an odd mass number have spin states that can be studied with this technique - 1H, 13C, 31P. (All nuclei with an odd
mass number (1H, 13C) have spin angular momentum because they have an unpaired proton.) (charged)
Two common types of NMR spectroscopy are used to characterize organic structure.
1H NMR is used to determine the type and number of H atoms in a molecule.
13C NMR is used to determine the types of carbon atoms in a molecule.
1. Number of Signals: Nuclei of a given type will resonate at different frequency depending on their chemical and electronic
environment. Each chemically equivalent proton (proton in the same molecular environment) resonates at the same
frequency and gives a single signal.
x " × Y,
Protons within a molecule can be magnetically equivalent if they experience identical influence when placed in an external
magnetic field. The absorption frequency for magnetically equivalent protons is same.
For example:
Try: How many 1H NMR signals are expected in the following compounds?
Chemical shift scale: Chemical shift, reported in ppm, is a measure of position of signal that is produced for the protons
relative to the reference signal. Tetramethyl silane (TMS) is used as reference standard and assigned chemical shift 0 ppm.
The electrons surrounding a nucleus affect the effective magnetic field sensed by the nucleus.
Different types of protons (i.e., protons in different molecular environment) are shielded to different extent
(greater the e density around the nuclei larger the magnetic field of surrounding e around the nuclei, more the proton is
shielded from applied magnetic field). electrons shield protons from appliedmagnetic fields
Protons in electron rich environment are more shielded and are therefore more upfield, i.e., farther on the right.
Protons in electron poor environment sense more effective magnetic field due to less shielding and are more downfield (at
higher ppm).
b) Presence of electronegative atom, electron withdrawing groups (inductive effect) deshielding of protons higher the value
and its influence diminishes with distance.
More the number of electrons withdrawing attached to the carbon the proton signal shift farther downfield.
c) Ring current effect (magnetic anisotropy): is the magnetic field created by electrons or rings. electrons are held
less strongly so they are able to move in response to magnetic field. The induced local magnetic field of bonds either
add to or subtract from the applied field depending on geometry of the induced electron density circulation relation to the
electrons in alkenes, aromatic systems and other compounds tend to deshield the nuclei of adjacent protons through
ring currents, i.e., protons feel larger effective magnetic field. For example, the aryl hydrogen of benzene is de-shielded by
ring currents = 6.5 8 ppm.
C-C< C E C L C E C
In a magnetic field, the but, in this case, the
induced magnetic field opposes the applied magnetic field. Thus, protons feel a weaker
magnetic field. Thus, a lower frequency is needed for resonance. The nucleus is
shielded, and absorption is up-field, approximately at 2.5 ppm.
lower shift
Characteristic chemical shift
§ t m ¥ p m
Integration/Intensity of signals
Integration is the total area under the signal (signal intensity). The area under each signal is proportional to the number of
equivalent protons that give rise to that signal. The spectrometer calculates integrated relative area of each signal.
The numbers do not correspond to the exact or absolute number of protons.
Splitting of Signals:
Proton resonance are influenced through interaction of bonds by local fields generated by the protons attached to adjacent
carbons. The spin of one nucleus polarizes the spins of intervening electrons thus the energy levels of neighboring magnetic
nuclei are polarized by these electrons. This effect is called spin-spin splitting.
Splitting of signals also called J coupling provide information on connectivity of chemical is responsible for complex
splitting of resonance lines in the NMR spectrum.
Peaks are often split into multiple peaks due to magnetic interactions between nonequivalent protons on carbons that is
separated by three bonds (also called vicinal coupling) or two bonds (also called geminal coupling) sometimes four
bonds coupling.
The J coupling is represented as nJAB where n refers to the number of intervening bonds, and A and B identify the two
coupled spins.
4T coupling → alkynes,aromatic
Chapter 13: Proton and Carbon NMR Spectroscopy (KSethi) Page 12
¥410 adjacent non-equiv H t magnetically affect eachother
equivalent At split the signal dependingo n whether
add o r subtract from the applied field
neighboring Itt t o
3T Hb H Ha
, Ha
In the given compound 1,1,2-tricholoro ethane, Hb peak splits into two peaks. The neighboring proton (Ha) spin adds to the
field felt by Hb and neighboring proton (Ha) spin weakens the field felt by Hb. When they are parallel, Ha feels a stronger field
(applied field + Hb) and when they are anti-parallel, Ha feels a weaker field. This results in two close signals. Thus, Hb appears
as ardoublet.
- i t
Coupling constant (J): The distance between two adjacent peaks of a split signal is called coupling constant J.
The magnitude of J is a measure of how strongly the nucleus spins of the coupled protons influence each other. Therefore, it is
dependent on number and types of bonds that connect the coupled protons and their geometric relationship.
The coupling constants (expressed in Hz) give useful information about the structure of compound. In molecules where there is
restricted rotation about the bond (double bonds or rings), It provide information about stereochemistry for instance cis or trans
in alkenes.
standard closer farther close
In aromatic compounds, spin coupling occurs between protons attached to benzene ring (3 bond coupling) but not with protons
on groups attached to ring. becauseo f delocalizede - density
H, HisHaandHc,soginenJab=5bcn=4
Br-E,-'II-414 P-His Hb,s o n a r I n t l =3
e triplet
" t
When coupling constants are not same
splitting pattern is represented as
Multiplicities are generally reported starting with the largest coupling constant.
i ÷ ¥ ÷ ,
Chapter 13: Proton and Carbon NMR Spectroscopy (KSethi) Page 17
Rapid exchange Protons:
Protons on O and N can exchange due to intermolecular H bonding. Rapid intermolecular exchange of the OH protons of
alcohols often prevent their coupling with hydrogen on adjacent carbon, these protons are often decoupled.
1H NMR of O-H or N-H generally appears as broad singlet.
Long range coupling:
This occurs when the protons are separated by more than 3 bonds and one of the bonds is double or triple bond. Four bond
coupling is observed in pi systems like terminal alkynes, allylic systems and in aromatic compounds. A small splitting is
sometimes observed due to 4 bond coupling.
Itf 'to
we expect the splitting of signals as shown.
It' - p l a n e '
i t Tatted then Hectriplet
2+190%+901+1 symmetry
In case of 4-bond coupling is observed then the signal further get split by hydrogens at meta position.
NMR of 4-methyl-2-nitrophenol shows Ha (d), Hb(d,d), Hc (d)
3¥ 3J
O o a
The number of signals in a 13C NMR spectrum tells different kinds of carbons in the compound.
Frequency to cause spin flip is about 1/4th what it is to spin-flip proton.
13C coupling has much larger J values (~ 100Hz) in comparison
to 1H J values
13C NMR absorption range from 0.0 to 250 ppm (0.0 is
defined as signal of TMS)
Wide range i.e., each carbon gives a signal well separated from
Broad band decoupled proton 13C NMR is recorded under
conditions of proton decoupling. A
frequency radiation, therefore 13C-H coupling not observed.
Thus, a single line signal is observed for each of the chemically
different carbons.
This gives idea about the different types of carbons in the compound.
The chemical shift gives some idea about the functional groups.
* 13C chemical shifts:
Jab=2HzHJbe=7Hz befirst
Hb b i . n = 3 H = 4 → quartet,
Example: 13C and 1H NMR
c a c
b b
a b c
a b
- -
c e d a
Chapter 13: Proton and Carbon NMR Spectroscopy (KSethi) Page 23
234 5
4 53 I
'I:L It: z
tiff} c. 3×4
p l o tH,
w w w. E t E E E E r r
N M R shifts:
u pfield = lower DE-lower ppm = lowershift = right
downfield= higherO E = higher
ppm= highershift = l e f t
At w i t h m a n y elections shielding i t are affected less by applied
magnetic fields
shielded Ht
have lounge 0 E and therefore only need
therefore, a
therefore, shielded H
freq = l o w e r shift a n d
= lower vice ve r s a
(coupled) H t given J i s t h e s a m e f o r a l l
i t t not the s a m e , do n t 1 f o r the larger J then in decreasing
order (Pgh)
R-CHs 0. 9 - 1 . 2 PPM R- c - 1 + 2 . 2 - 2 .a
RIA 9 - 10
RIO-H 10-13
F i g u r e 13.3
> zoo →
R-I-H, p-E-R
R-E-O, R-E-O-H,R-E-OR, R-E-CI,R-i-NH,
170490 →
110-130→ Nitrite
l o o t be → H r , alkenes
6 5 - 9 5 → alkynes
70-85-730alcohol R,
bo-80 → 20alcohol
to alcohol R-UtzOH
40-70 →
5 5 - 8 0→ C H - X ( B r, Cl)
30-Go → 30 a l k y l R,C H
25-45→ 20 a l k y l R-CHER
15-30-710 alkyl R-CH,
Figure 13.23