ConsolidatedMarksheet R200803022327
ConsolidatedMarksheet R200803022327
ConsolidatedMarksheet R200803022327
: 00200803022327
Employability Engineering Formative
Trade Theory Calculation and Trade Practical Total
Skills Drawing Assessment
Max Marks Max Marks Max Marks Max Marks Max Marks Max Marks Max Marks
S. No. Year
Marks Secured Marks Secured Marks Secured Marks Secured Marks Secured Marks Secured Marks Secured
1 Year-1 100 44 50 22 50 22 50 22 250 197 200 178 700 485
2 Year-2** 100 36 50 24 - - - - 250 212 200 168 600 440
Total 200 80 100 46 50 22 50 22 500 409 400 346 1300 925
** Vide order no-MSDE(DGT)-19/03/(02)/2022-CD dated 5th April 2022,Trade Theory (Professional Knowledge) includes Engineering Drawing and
Workshop Calculation & Science for Engineering Trades; and Workshop Calculation & Science for Draughtsman Group of Trades.
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