Third Eye For Blind Using Ultrasonic Sensor Research

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Third Eye for blind using ultrasonic sensor

Mr. Venkat Ghodake, Miss. Pragati Jain, Miss. Tanishqa Bhalekar, Mr. Yash Dhamdhere

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering,

AISSMS Institute of Information Technology, Pune 411001,India

Abstract: to detect bumps or changes in ground level.

However, canes are not very good at telling you
As a state-of-the-art assistive technology solution, about the surroundings, such as whether there are
any overhead barriers or approaching cars. This
the effort provides smart gloves to help blind
makes maneuvering across complex spaces like
individuals navigate their surroundings. The Internet
crowded sidewalks or busy roads difficult.
of Things (IoT) is used by the gloves to give
However, guiding dogs are incredibly intelligent
environmental awareness and emergency assistance. animals that may provide invaluable assistance in
There are almost 37 million blind people in the overcoming difficult circumstances. They can help
world, with over 15 million of them coming from with tasks like crossing roadways, and they can even
India. Braille is a language used by blind or visually recognize dangers and point users in the right
impaired people for reading, writing, and direction. However, because training and caring for
correspondence. When they are exploring new a guide dog requires a lot of time and energy, not
places, they frequently need outside help. For people everyone has the time or resources to do so.
who are blind, the ideal exam is to thoroughly Moreover, not all environments—like crowded
investigate the places with minimal help beforehand. public transportation or busy offices—may be
These individuals must be permitted to live safe, suitable for guiding dogs.
fulfilling lives in a free society. In this study, an Ultimately, a person's independence and privacy
ESP32-based smart glove for the visually impaired may be compromised if they depend on sighted
has been developed, as innovation is expanding friends or family for support. Although sighted
quickly. Because the recommended smart glove can partners might be a great resource, they might not
always be ready or able to assist. This might be
detect obstacles, it gives blind individuals more
particularly difficult for jobs that need help
confidence when they walk in public. It has an
frequently, like finding regular
ultrasonic sensor that can identify objects moving in
This approach has the potential to benefit a wide
front of blind people and obstacles. Additionally, it range of domains, including
contains output devices that let people detect an Independent living: Our project could empower
object's mobility through sound, like a buzzer, visually impaired people to navigate their
vibrating motor, and LED indication. The surroundings more freely and safely in their daily
recommended smart glove is only appropriate for lives. Mobility and transportation: Our project could
blind people because it depends on them to improve navigation in public spaces, using public
recognise the movement of an object by listening for transport, and exploring new environments.
the buzzer's continuous beep and vibration. Accessibility: The gloves could improve
accessibility in buildings, public areas, and on
Keywords: sidewalks by providing obstacle detection and
Visually impaired assistance, Smart gloves, Internet wayfinding assistance.
of Things (IoT), Obstacle detection, Ultrasonic Enhanced Versatility with Audio Playback: The
sensor, Vibration feedback, Navigation aid, ESP32. smart gloves incorporate an audio storing and
playback module, offering significant versatility in
information access. This module allows pre-
recorded messages to be played back on demand
using a designated switch.
Individuals who are visually impaired employ a This research suggests smart gloves made especially
range of techniques to navigate their environment, for people with vision impairments as an innovative
each having unique benefits and drawbacks. People way to overcome this problem. These gloves use the
with vision impairments use several methods to Internet of Things (IoT) to provide emergency aid
navigate their surroundings; each method has and environmental awareness. This ground-breaking
advantages and disadvantages of its own. For method could completely change how blind
instance, canes provide a person with a single point individuals engage with their environment,
of contact with their surroundings and allow them promoting increased security, independence, and
overall well-being.
Literature Review:
5. "Development of a Smart Glove for the Blind
This section includes a review of previous studies People Using Raspberry Pi" [Development of a
that have been done already. Based on the Smart Glove for the Blind People Using Raspberry
requirements of our project. We studied the Pi paper]
following recently published research papers. While not directly available through a free source,
1. "IoT Based Assistive Glove for Visually Impaired this paper's title suggests it explores a smart glove
People" by IRJET [IRJET paper] concept built using Raspberry Pi. You might be able
This paper introduces an IoT-based glove designed to find it through your institution's library or search
to empower visually impaired individuals with for similar papers that utilize Raspberry Pi for
improved navigation capabilities. It explores inspiration on the electronic components needed for
components like ultrasonic sensors for obstacle your project. Specifically, papers exploring
detection, vibration motors for haptic feedback, and Raspberry Pi for wearables or embedded systems
a GPS module, likely intended for similar navigation could provide valuable insights.
purposes you envision. The paper delves into the
integration of these components with an IoT
platform, enabling features like remote tracking and Aim and Objectives:
emergency assistance, potentially providing
caregivers or loved ones with peace of mind. Aim: To develop a Third Eye and to create an
ultrasonic vibrator glove to enhance sensory
2. "Smart Gloves for Visually Challenged" by perception for the blind.
International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology [Smart Gloves for Visually Challenged Objectives:
paper] 1. Design and Prototype Creation: To develop a
This paper focuses on "Smart Gloves for Blind" functional prototype of an ultrasonic vibrator glove
which utilizes ultrasonic waves to notify users about that integrates with a blind individual's sensory
obstacles. It explores core components relevant to experience.
your project, including Arduino boards, GPS 2. Ultrasonic Sensing Technology: Research and
modules, and investigates the feasibility of keeping implement advanced ultrasonic sensing technology
the technology affordable. This focus on to accurately detect obstacles and objects in the
affordability is crucial for ensuring the accessibility user's surroundings.
of assistive technologies for a wider range of users 3. Vibration Patterns: To design a variety of
. vibration patterns that correspond to different
3. "Third Eye For Blind Ultrasonic Vibrator Glove distances, sizes, and types of objects, enhancing the
with Bluetooth and GPS Tracking" [Third Eye For user's ability to perceive their environment.
Blind paper] 4. User Interface and Control: To create an
This paper showcases a project titled "Third Eye for intuitive user interface that allows the blind user to
Blind" which incorporates an ultrasonic vibration easily control and customize the glove's settings,
glove with Bluetooth and GPS tracking. While the such as vibration intensity and sensitivity.
focus is on vibration feedback, the use of GPS aligns 5. Real-time Feedback: To implement real-time
with your project's goals. You might find inspiration feedback mechanisms to provide immediate and
for integrating GPS functionalities, particularly for accurate information about the user's surroundings,
features like location announcement or waypoint enabling quicker decision-making and navigation.

4. "iTouch – Blind Assistance Smart Glove" [iTouch Hardware Specifications:

paper] (mentioned in the second reference - IRJET
This paper explores a concept called "iTouch" - a 1. Microcontroller Unit (MCU) - ESP32
blind assistance smart glove with a wider range of Specifications: Dual-core CPU, up to 240 MHz,
functionalities. While not a full research paper, it with WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities.
provides an interesting perspective on potential Purpose : Acts as the central processing unit
features that could be future expansions for your managing inputs and outputs, wireless
project. The paper proposes functionalities like communications for GPS data and possibly
object and people detection, which could connecting to a mobile app for additional
significantly enhance a user's awareness of their functionalities.
surroundings. Additionally, it explores 2. GPS Module
environmental recognition using camera modules, Model: Neo-6M GPS Module
potentially enabling features like currency Specifications : 2.5m accuracy, 5Hz update rates.
identification or sign reading. Purpose: Provides real-time location tracking to
guide the user through pre-determined or dynamic data, and controls the output devices (e.g., speaker,
routes. vibrator motor).
3. Ultrasonic Sensors Ultrasonic Sensor: This sensor emits high-
Model: HC-SR04 or similar. frequency sound waves and listens for their echoes.
Specifications: Range of 2cm to 400cm, with an By measuring the time it takes for the sound waves
accuracy of approximately 3mm. to travel to and from an object, the sensor can
Purpose: Detects obstacles within a certain range by determine the distance to the object.
sending and receiving ultrasonic waves, which help Relay: A relay is an electrical switch that is
in calculating the distance to obstacles. controlled by an electrical signal. In this system, the
4. Audio Output Module ESP32 likely controls the relay, which in turn
Specifications : Integrated with the MCU or controls the speaker or buzzer.
standalone modules like the DFPlayer Mini. Speaker/Buzzer: This device produces sound. The
Purpose : To provide audio feedback and type of sound produced (beeping, continuous tone,
instructions to the user, including navigation etc.) is likely controlled by the ESP32 program.
directions and obstacle warnings. Vibrator Motor: This motor creates a vibration that
5. Vibration Motors can be felt by the user.
Specifications: Small DC motors or coin vibration
Purpose : To provide tactile feedback for obstacle Flowchart:
detection, enhancing the user's awareness of
immediate environmental changes.
6. Power Supply
Specifications : Rechargeable battery pack, typically
Lithium-Polymer or Lithium-Ion, around 1000 mAh
or higher.
Purpose : Powers the device ensuring mobility and
portability without frequent recharges.
7. Connectivity and Control Interfaces
Specifications: Buttons or tactile switches for user
Purpose : Allow users to start navigation, toggle
between modes, and replay audio instructions. Explaination:
8. Housing and Mounting
Specifications: Lightweight, ergonomic design
possibly using materials like ABS plastic or silicone. • Initialization: Upon turning on, the ESP32
Purpose: To encase all electronic components in a initializes and verifies that all of the
wearable format, such as a glove, belt, or harness, attached devices, including the GPS, are
making it easy and comfortable for the user to wear. receiving a signal.
• User Input: Using a linked app or the
Block Diagram : device's pre-programmed buttons, the user
enters the desired destination.
• Route Processing: Using GPS data, the
system determines the optimum path while
accounting for distance and information
about known obstacles. The path is updated
in real time, continuously.
• Navigation and Obstacle Alerts: The
GPS speaks voice directions and updates
the user's position as they are moving.
Ultrasonic sensors actively search for
surrounding obstructions at the same time.
The technology warns the user when an
Working : impediment is identified by vibrating or
providing audio signals that point in the
Power Supply: This block provides power to the direction of the obstruction.
entire system. • User Interaction: Throughout the trip, the
ESP32: This is the microcontroller unit (MCU) that
user can communicate with the system to
controls the entire system. It reads data from the
ultrasonic sensor, makes decisions based on that make adjustments, ask for a recalculation
of the route, or repeat directions. Voice digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW);
commands or simple switches are used to delayMicroseconds(2);
control this. digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, HIGH);
• Constant Feedback: The system keeps delayMicroseconds(10);
digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW);
track of the user's location as well as any
modifications to the path or surrounding
Serial.print("Distance: ");
area. In order to keep the user informed Serial.print(distance);
about their surroundings and progress, this Serial.println(" cm");
input is essential.
• Navigation's end: The system gives a last if (distance >= 2 && distance <= 40) {
update and either shuts down or goes back
to an idle state after arriving at the } else {
destination or if the user decides to stop. digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BUZZ_PIN, LOW);
Software Design:
if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN) == HIGH) {
while (Serial2.available() > 0) {
if (gps.encode( {
"Smart Blind Stick"
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
if (millis() > 5000 && gps.charsProcessed()
#include <WiFi.h>
< 10) {
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp32.h>
Serial.println(F("No GPS detected: check
#include <TinyGPSPlus.h>
while (true);
char auth[] = BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN;
char ssid[] = "realme"; // Type your WiFi
char pass[] = "12345678"; // Type your WiFi
#define TRIG_PIN 12
void displayInfo() {
#define ECHO_PIN 13
Serial.print(F("Location: "));
#define BUZZ_PIN 18
#define RELAY_PIN 5
char locationStr[20];
#define SWITCH_PIN 19
if (gps.location.isValid()) {
TinyGPSPlus gps;
sprintf(locationStr, "%.6f,%.6f",, gps.location.lng());
void setup() {
} else {
sprintf(locationStr, "NO_GPS");
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, locationStr);
//Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, "19.89225,
Serial.print("Lat: ");
Serial.print(, 6);
Serial.print(F(", Lng: "));
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);
Serial.print(gps.location.lng(), 6);
void loop() {;

The efficacy of our solution was evaluated in-depth

through comprehensive user testing and compared
with other assistive technologies now accessible for
those with visual impairments. The comprehensive
evaluation produced the following results:

- Better Navigation: Our technology fared better in

navigation than traditional mobility aids, providing
users with rapid and accurate directions.
- Better Obstacle Detection: The ultrasonic sensors
enhanced user safety in challenging situations and
enabled proactive navigation adjustments by
effectively detecting obstacles in the user's route.
- High User Satisfaction: According to user
comments, the system's overall performance,
usability, and functionality are highly valued,
indicating that it has the potential to significantly
enhance the navigating experience for blind or
visually impaired individuals.
- Our system's unique advantages over other
assistive technologies were made clear by
comparison, including its extensive navigation
functions, real-time obstacle recognition
capabilities, and adaptable user interface. These
results highlight how our technology can
significantly improve the lives of visually impaired
people by enabling them to navigate their
environment with dignity, freedom, and confidence.
This improves their quality of life and increases their
inclusion in society. Conclusion:

To sum up, our research study has

Model Images: demonstrated a cutting-edge Internet of Things (IoT)
smart glove system intended to provide blind people
more autonomy and improved safety when
navigating. To do this, the system makes use of a
number of interconnected technologies. As the user's
eyes, ultrasonic sensors efficiently identify
impediments and gauge their distance from them.
Vibration motors positioned strategically provide
the user real-time awareness of their surroundings
by relaying this crucial information. Moreover, GPS
integration guarantees continuous tracking of the
user's location, providing an essential safety net in
case of emergency. When combined with the
educational audio messages played through the
glove, the system's capacity to send location data
gives the user the opportunity to make
knowledgeable navigational decisions.
An additional degree of protection is added
with the integration of the Blynk app. The
technology promotes peace of mind for the user and
their support system by enabling distant carers or
loved ones to keep an eye on the person's
whereabouts. With its all-encompassing approach to
obstacle identification, safety protocols, and
information dissemination, the suggested smart
glove system is an invaluable assistive technology
that encourages independent life among the visually mapping applications could leverage their existing
impaired. knowledge to navigate more effectively.
Throughout the project, we achieved several • Communication:
key milestones: Enable emergency contact features through
We successfully integrated a suite of sensors, cellular or Bluetooth connections. This would allow
including ultrasonic sensors for obstacle detection, users to call for help or send SOS messages in case
and potentially others like GPS for location tracking. of emergencies.
This involved careful selection, calibration, and
testing of the sensors to ensure they functioned
reliably and delivered accurate data.

Future Scope: References:

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Allow users to record their own voice
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personalization can improve user comfort and
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navigation options. Users familiar with specific

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