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REsolutions 6th African Congress (Fragment)

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Culture emanates from the people because they are creative

and the a gents of ch ang e in soci e tyo Culture enables

man to bring order into his~life and transform the worldo It

therefore embra c es a ll that is social, political, economic and

Culture is essentially dyn amic, that is to say, it is both

rooted in the people and geared towards the future o \fo must

return to our sources,our values; not because we should be

engulfed in them, but to make a critical assessment in order

factors that are foreign, misleading and alienating, introduced

by colonialism and select those factors which are sound, bring

date a n d make them

.them up to universalo ~
The man of P an African culture must identify with this

people and assume his responsibilities fullyo Through his

involvement, h e should make possible th e radical transformation
of minds in order tu fight unde:r-development more eff e ctively o

and should remain with ito

We should at a ll costs ensure that its not eocploited by
a minority class or casteo In view of our historical situation,
Pan African culture should be-Ge~pon for the liberation and
~--------- ---------=~------- -
establishment of socialized societieso In order to be truly

popular, ~t should, as far as possible, be expressed in the

languages of our peopleso

Our cultur a l policy should be our objective and

constructive assessment of the cultural policy of neo-coJ.onialis m

which is no lon g e r viol ence but has a ss umed a refined, insidious an d

therefore very dan gerous formo To be of mutual service to Pan

African peoples, I an African Culture should be in th e service of

Africa and inspir e d by ito To b e eff e ctiv e , tt should avoid all

racial religious and ethnic consider a tions - an d tak e into a ccount

.~ historical situ a tion of all P an .Rfric a n peoples O To achi e v e

these objectiv e s we must:

- 2 -
In our schools, attach great importance to scientific
and technical subjectso At all levels of education,
pupils and students should be involved in productive
activitieso The school must be an instrument in the service
of the people o

In our educational programmes, make sure, first and foremost,

that the child knows his lo~ality, his nation, Africa and
finally the world; we must also rehabilitate our values and
heroes who were treated with contempt by colonialismo
In our v a rious countries, oppose neo-colonialist and
imperialist literature which pours contempt on the people
and thc::ir valueso

(Ji;? Make African langua g es written languar;es and medi41. :for

.,ti' expressing sci entific thought o

Democratise education by making it free and accessible

to all children up to the highest level of their abilityo

To organise adult education eve ~·ywhere to arouse political

awareness a s ainst all fciros of donination and increase
our productivityo
To ensure the emancipation of the Pan African woman by
giving her all her political ond legal rights and by
At'allowing her to participate in the production processo

8. Each Pan African lJtate should review its present

educational system in order to remove any neo-colo i:ialist
influence and speed up the t r aining of cadres. \Je should
make every effort to reduce foreign technical assistance
by training our own nationalso
9. To facilitate comr:nmication between our cadres and the
Pan African masses , we should use our national languages
as media of instruction in our universitieso

10. We should avoid rejecting our own techniques and traditional

means of communication which should rather be reviewed
and modernizedo

11. We should attach great inportance to traditional

medicine and modernize ito

We should translate into our languages, literary,

philosophical and scientific works capable of
accelerating our development.

The Sixth Pan African__.C.ong~ess suggests that 25 May

should be celebrated in future as the Pan 1frican Day.
On that day, the peoples and Pan African Btates throughout
the world should rally together and vigorously reaffirm
their solidarityo

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