Copy 13.fiscal Policy
Copy 13.fiscal Policy
Copy 13.fiscal Policy
Fiscal Policy
Involves adjustments in the government’s taxation levels
It can be used simultaneously with monetary policy to achieve macro – economic objectives
such as:
a) Full employment.
b) High levels of economic growth.
c) Low levels of inflation and price stability.
d) Balance of payment equilibrium.
e) Exchange rate stability.
Discretionary Fiscal Policy
Deliberate changes to the levels of taxation and government expenditure in order to influence
aggregate demand.
Expansionary Fiscal Policy
It involves increasing aggregate demand.
In order to avoid the crowding out effect the government has to reduce excessive government
expenditure or find alternative sources of income to finance the deficit.
The impact of expansionary fiscal policy will depend on many factors:
a) What Else is Happening in the Economy?
The U.S. tried to cut taxis in 2008? In theory this should boost spending however the economy
was experiencing falling house prices, lower confidence and a shortage of credit.
b) Crowding Out
Does crowding out occur?
Fiscal policy that involves higher spending and more government borrowing will lead to the
crowding out effect.
The private sector has less to spend and invest therefore aggregate demand does not increase.
c) Time
A key issue of expansionary fiscal policy is the state of the economy.
If expansionary fiscal policy is pursued when the economy is close to the full capacity then
increased government borrowing is likely to cause the crowding out effect and high levels of
In a deep recession expansionary fiscal policy will not cause crowding out of inflation.
d) Supply Side Effect
Lower income tax may increase the incentive to work.
Higher government spending on education and training could increase long term labour
productivity but also government spending could be inefficient and wasteful – it depends on
what the government spends on.
Contractionary or Tight Fiscal Policy
Involves reducing aggregate demand, that is, reduce government expenditure or increase taxes.
Time Lags
Fiscal policy can take too long to filter into the economy and it may be too late.
Spending plans are only set once a year, there is also delay in implementing changes to
spending patterns this is called fiscal drag.
Budget Deficit
Higher budget deficit require higher taxes in the future and may cause crowding out effect.
Other components of AD e.g. if the consumer confidence is very low reducing taxes may not
lead to an increase in consumer spending.
It Depends on the Size of the Multiplier.
Crowding Out Effect
A tax is a compulsory contribution imposed by a public authority on an individual, co –
operation or institution without any service rendered or given to the tax payer in return.
Direct tax
It is paid directly to the government by the person on whom it is imposed.
They are collected directly from the person making the payment and the burden cannot be
shifted e.g. income tax (PAYE) proportional.
Advantages Disadvantages
Equitable – the burden cannot be shifted – Inconvenient – they reduce the payer’s
equity can be obtained through progression disposable income.
Low income earners are exempted They are Evadable – it is easy for business
Economical – the cost of collection is low. to invade direct taxes by giving incorrect
They are mostly collected at the sources. information
Certain – payers know how much is due Affect the willingness ability to work and
from them and the authorities know the save if they are high.
amount of revenue they can expect. If they are too heavy they discourage
They also minimize corruption. savings and investments.
Elastic – the state can use the direct taxes
if they suddenly need emergency funds.
Productive – as a community grows the
return from direct taxes automatically
Anti – Inflationary – they can be used to
control inflation.
Indirect Tax
They are imposed on goods and services and are meant to be shifted to the consumer, they
include value added tax (VAT), excise duties.
Advantages Disadvantages
Changes in indirect tax can cause changes in Makes distribution of income more unequal
the pattern of demand by varying relative because indirect taxes are more regressive
prices thereby affecting demand e.g. an than direct taxes.
increase in the duty on petrol. Higher indirect taxes can cause cost push
They are an instrument in correcting inflation if it leads to a rise in inflation
externalities – indirect tax can be used as a expectation.
means of making the polluter pay thereby If indirect taxes are too high it creates an
internalizing external costs incentive to avoid taxes through boot legging.
Costs of production and consumption. Revenue from indirect tax can be uncertain
Indirect taxes are not likely to distort the especially when inflation is low or when there
choices the people have to make between is a recession causing a fall in consumer
work and leisure and therefor have less spending.
effect on work incentives. There is a potential loss of welfare from duties
Can be changed more easily than direct taxes. e.g. Loss of producer and consumer surplus.
This gives policy makers more flexibility Higher indirect taxes affect the household with
unlike direct taxes that can only be changed lower income.
once a year. Many people are unaware of how much they are
They are less easy to avoid. paying in direct tax.
They provide an incentive to save thus help
to provide finance for capital investment.
The use of indirect taxes leaves people free
to make a choice whereas direct taxes leave
people with less income in their pockets.
0.2 regresive
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
A budget deficit refers to a situation where government expenditure is greater than revenue.
A budget deficit is among the major problems that are faced by many developing countries.
Reasons for Budget Deficit
Low Levels of Tax
In less economically developed countries many people are employed in the informal sector and
hence they invade tax.
So Does a Budget Deficit Matter?
Yes a budget deficit matters but there is no simple answer.
It is reasonable to suggest that over the course of the business cycle government should seek to get as
close as possible to balancing the structural deficit.
However, they may be a good reason to run the deficit e.g. if the government wishes to fund public
investment which offers a decent rate of return.
Also in a recession a budget deficit can play an important role in managing AD.
In a recession the traditional fears of a budget deficit i.e. inflation, interest rate, crowding out often just
don’t occur.
Government spending financed by borrowing from the private sector can return to the economy to full
employment quicker.
Most supply side policies aim to enable the free market to function more efficiently by reducing
government interference
This involves the selling of state owned assets to the private sector.
It is argued that the private sector is more efficient in running business because they have a profit motive
to reduce costs and develop better services
This involves reducing barriers to entry to make the market more competitive
Competition tends to lead to lower prices and better quality of goods
Reducing Income Tax
It is argued that lower income tax increase the initiative to work harder leading to more output
Increased Education and Training
Better training can lead to improved labour productivity and increase AS
Often there is under provision of education in the market economy, leading to market failure
Therefore the government may need to subsidies suitable education and training schemes
However government intervention will cost money, requiring higher taxes, it will take time to have an
effect and government my subsidise the wrong type of training
Reducing the Power of Trade Unions
This will reduce the amount of time spent on strikes and increase the efficiency of firm
Reducing State Welfare Benefits
This may encourage the unemployed to take up jobs
Providing Better Information about Jobs
This may reduce frictional unemployment
Deregulate Financial Markets
This will allow more competition and lower borrowing costs for firms and consumers
Lower Tariff Barriers
This will increase trade
Improving Transport and Infrastructure
Due to market failure this is likely to need government intervention to improve transport and reduce
This will help firms to reduce costs
Deregulate the Labour market
To increase competitiveness government can make it easy to hire and fire workers
Removing unnecessary red Tape and Bureaucracy which add to a Firms Costs