A1 MPM4005 Assessment Briefing v2.0 - 26 May

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Unit MPM4005 Minor Corporate Study – Initiation of a Project

Assessment Type Portfolio

Assessment 1
Assessment Group- Applied Project Report Portfolio

Alignment with Unit Learning Outcomes Graduate Attributes Assessed

ULO b) Synthesize information from GA2: Collaboration
Unit and Course project stakeholders to determine success GA3: Research
criteria, determine product release criteria, GA4: Critical thinking & problem solving
and identify and control project risk
ULO c) Create Project Charter approved
by the project sponsor, stating the
business case, indicating a funding
amount, identification of key roles, and
containing a clearly defined scope
ULO d) Create a Project Management
Plan, including a work breakdown
structure, project schedule, a risk
assessment and management plan,
project roles and responsibilities, a project
cost plan, a Quality Assurance (QA) plan,
and a communication plan

Due Date/Time Session 1 to Session 6

Submission via Moodle Turnitin 5:00pm (AEST)
Session Assessment Task
Session 1 15% Business case (15%):
Develop Suitable Business case.
Session 2 15% Project charter (15%):
Develop Appropriate Project charter.
Session 3 20% Stakeholder Register (15%):
Develop Appropriate stakeholder register.
Balanced Score Card (5%):
Develop Appropriate balance scorecard.

Session 4 10% Develop Scope Statement (including Work

Breakdown Structure) (10%)
Session 5 10% Develop project schedule (including
Network diagrams).
Session 6 30% Develop Resource plan and cost plan (10%),
Quality Assurance (QA) plan including at
least 5 total metrics (qualitative and/or
quantitative) (10%)
Communication plan including
communication matrix showing at least 5
rows (10%).

Assessment This assessment determines your skills and competencies in developing and
communicating a project effectively. You are required to work in a group. Your group must
Description select a potential project for a business case. You will examine and report on project
initiation processes applying the PMBOK framework/methodology. The group needs to
select a large project from a chosen industry or sector (e.g., IT, construction, banking,
government). The Chunnel Tunnel, Melbourne’s Metro Tunnel, Bhuj Khalifa, Queensland
Health Payroll are examples of infrastructure and construction projects for information

You can also select another project based on your group’s area of expertise or interest.
Check with your lecturer/tutor on the project suitability.

The Australian Government's Department Infrastructure and Transport. National Infrastructure

Construction Schedule (NICS): https://www.nics.gov.au/Project
 Transport for UNSW: https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects
 City of Sydney, Changing urban precincts:

Report Content and Structure

The report section can follow a sequential numbering system to reflect an integrated

Part 1 Business Case

The first part of the report must contain the following project documents. Some documents
could include completed templates.
1. Draft business case (including project background and rationale)
2. Draft project charter
3. Draft stakeholder register
4. Design of Balanced Scorecard
Part 2 Project Planning
Assume that part one of your report and accompanying documents shown above are now
approved by the project sponsor and proceed to the project planning phase by compiling a
formal project report (including explicit assumptions) to enable successful completion of the

Include the following project planning documents.

1. Scope statement including Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of the case project
featuring 4-6 levels and 20-30 boxes.
2. Project schedule showing the Gantt chart (Activity List featuring 30-50 activities)
including durations, sequencing, Network Diagram (Showing the critical path) and
identify at least six milestones for this project.
3. Resources plan-table showing roles and responsibilities for at least 5 human
4. Project cost plan showing at least 15 items with the total estimated budget.
5. Quality Assurance (QA) plan including at least 5 total metrics (qualitative and/or
6. Communication plan including communication matrix showing at least 5 rows.

For successful completion of this assessment, students are required to study the provided
learning resources (lecture slides, tutorials, and reading materials) and engage in the unit’s
activities. Students are also expected to discuss their work with tutor / lecturer and to seek
support. The MS-Word files need to be submitted through Moodle. Note draft submissions
are not accepted.

The word count is 4000 words plus or minus 10%. The wordcount does not include the
executive summary, table of contents, list of references or appendices. However, please
note that appendices are supplementary information only and not factored into marking.

Research expectation:
 The submission needs to be supported with information by credible sources.
 Credible sources should be varied and include, but not limited to, the Textbook,
Government reports, Industry reports, Newspaper articles, Books, and Journal
 Use the EBSCO Databases accessed through the Library and Learning Support
page on Moodle to find journal articles, case studies and more to help you prepare
your assessment. Speak with the library assistants or email
(academicsuccess@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you require further assistance.

Detailed Use Harvard referencing style.
 All students must submit the peer evaluation via relevant Moodle link before the
Submission assessment due date.
 One member of the group must submit the assessment through the Assessment 2
Requirements Turnitin link on the Moodle page for this unit
 Groups will be formed from Week two’s class and onward.
 All groups will fill out the Group Charter and submit it to the lecturer.
 Ideally, 3-5 students per group.
 In the case where one team member ceases contact and/or contribution to the
group work, the group must notify and consult with the Lecturer as soon as
 All students will submit a Peer Evaluation for their group members at the end of the
 The Peer Evaluation Form can be accessed in the Assessment 2 folder on this
Moodle page for this unit.

Misconduct The assessment will be submitted through Turnitin via your unit page on Moodle.
 Turnitin is plagiarism software, which will identify if you have copied information
and included it in your assessment.
 Copying information from others (i.e. websites, partner company information, or
other students etc.) without the acknowledging the author is classified as
 Engaging someone else to write any part of your assessment for you outside of the
group work arrangement is classified as misconduct.
 To avoid being charged with Misconduct, students need to submit their own work
and apply Harvard Style Referencing (ask your lecturer or the learning support
coordinator (academicsuccess@aih.nsw.edu.au) if you do not know what this
means, or you need assistance applying it).
 The AIH misconduct policy and procedure can be read on the AIH website
 Use the AIH referencing guide accessible via Library and Learning Support Page
on Moodle.

Late Submission Any assessment submitted past the specific due date and time will be classified as
 Any Late submission will be subject to a reduction of the mark allocated for the
assessment item by 5% per day (or part thereof) of the total marks available for the
assessment item. A ‘day’ for this purpose is defined as any day of the week
including weekends. Assignments submitted later than two working days after the
due date will not be accepted, unless special consideration is approved as per the
formal process.

Special Students whose ability to submit or attend an assessment item is affected by
sickness, misadventure or other circumstances beyond their control, may be
consideration eligible for special consideration. No consideration is given when the condition or
event is unrelated to the student's performance in a component of the assessment,
or when it is considered not to be serious.
 Students applying for special consideration must submit the form within 3 days of
the due date of the assessment item or exam.
 The form can be obtained from the AIH website (https://aih.nsw.edu.au/current-
students/student-forms/) or on-campus at Reception.

 The request form must be submitted to Student Services. Supporting evidence
should be attached. For further information please refer to the Student Assessment
Policy and associated Procedure available on
 (https://aih.nsw.edu.au/about-us/policies-procedures/).

Unit MPM4005 Minor Corporate Study – Initiation of a Project

Assessment 1 – Applied Project Report Portfolio - Marking Rubric

Rubrics Criteria Marking Criteria

HD (85-100%) D (75-84%) C (65-74%) P (50-64%) F (0-49%)
ULO b) Business Excellent Very good Good business Satisfactory No suitable
Synthesize case (15%): business case business case case chosen. business case business case
Suitable chosen. chosen. Business case chosen. chosen.
information from Business case Business case Business case was partially Business case Business case
project chosen was clearly was clearly identified, was not clearly was poorly
stakeholders to identified, identified, analysed, and identified, identified,
determine analysed, and analysed, and supported. analysed, and analysed, and
success criteria, supported supported. supported. supported. .
Project Has Generally, Often Has Has not
charter (15%): demonstrated a demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrated demonstrated
product release Appropriate clear clear a clear basic a clear
criteria, and Project charter comprehension comprehension comprehensio comprehensio comprehensio
identify and developed of a project of a project n of a project n of a project n of a project
control project charter charter charter charter charter
Stakeholder Has Has Has Has Has not
Register demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
ULO c) Create (15%): an excellent very good good basic a clear
Project Charter Appropriate comprehension comprehension comprehensio comprehensio comprehensio
approved by the stakeholder of how to of how to n of how to n of how to n of how to
register develop a develop a develop a develop a develop a
project sponsor, provided stakeholder stakeholder stakeholder stakeholder stakeholder
stating the
register. register. Very register. Good register. Partial register
business case, Excellent good information information
indicating a information information provided. provided.
funding amount, provided. provided.
identification of Balanced Has Has Has Has Has not
Score Card demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
key roles, and
(5%): an excellent very good good basic a clear
containing a Appropriate comprehension comprehension comprehensio comprehensio comprehensio
clearly defined balance of how to of how to n of how to n of how to n of how to
scope scorecard develop a develop a develop a develop a develop a
developed balance score balance score balance score balance score balance score
ULO d) Create a
card. Excellent card. Very good card. Good card. Partial card
information information information information
Management provided. provided. provided. provided.
Plan, including a Develop and Displays Exhibits Exhibits Basic Inadequate
work breakdown use exceptional accurate and breadth and knowledge understanding
structure, project breakdown understanding detailed depth of only of of developing
structure of concepts breadth and understanding developing and using
schedule, a risk (10%) and their depth of of developing and using breakdown
assessment and practical understanding and using breakdown structure;
management application of of developing breakdown structure; cannot discuss
developing and and using structure limited concepts in
plan, project
using breakdown depth of own words
roles and breakdown structure basic
responsibilities, structure concepts
a project cost Develop Displays Exhibits Exhibits Basic Inadequate
plan, a Quality project exceptional accurate and breadth and knowledge understanding
Assurance (QA) schedule understanding detailed depth of only of of developing
plan, and a including of concepts breadth and understanding developing and using
network and their depth of of developing and using project
communication diagrams practical understanding and using project schedule
(10%) application of of developing project schedule including
developing and and using schedule including network
using project including network diagrams;
project schedule network diagrams; cannot discuss
schedule including diagrams limited concepts in
including network depth of own words
network diagrams basic
diagrams concepts

Resource Displays Exhibits Exhibits Basic Inadequate

table (10%) exceptional accurate and breadth and knowledge understanding
understanding detailed depth of only of of developing
of concepts breadth and understanding developing and using
and their depth of of developing and using Resource
practical understanding and using Resource table;
application of of developing Resource table; cannot discuss
developing and and using table limited concepts in
using Resource table depth of own words
Resource table basic

Quality Displays Exhibits Exhibits Basic Inadequate

Assurance exceptional accurate and breadth and knowledge understanding
plan (QA) plan understanding detailed depth of only of of developing
including at of concepts breadth and understanding developing and using
100 marks least 5 total and their depth of of developing and using Quality
metrics practical understanding and using Quality Assurance
converted to (qualitative application of of developing Quality Assurance (QA) plan;
40% and/or developing and and using Assurance (QA) plan; cannot discuss
quantitative) using Quality (QA) plan limited concepts in
(10%) Quality Assurance (QA) depth of own words
Assurance (QA) plan basic
plan concepts

Communicati Displays Exhibits Exhibits Basic Inadequate

on plan exceptional accurate and breadth and knowledge understanding
including understanding detailed depth of only of of developing
communicati of concepts breadth and understanding developing and using
on matrix and their depth of of developing and using Communicatio
showing at practical understanding and using Communicatio n plan;
least 5 rows application of of developing Communicatio n plan; cannot discuss
(10%) developing and and using n plan limited concepts in
using Communication depth of own words
Communication plan basic
plan concepts

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