Assignment Week 11 24

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NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Digital Image Processing

Assignment- Week 11
Number of questions: 10 Total mark: 10 X 1 = 10


If Red, Green, and Blue have values 0, 150 and 150 respectively then its corresponding values in
HSI are

a. H = π , S = 0 and I = 100

b. H = 0 , S = 1 and I = 100

c. H = π , S = 1 and I = 100

d. H = π , S = 0.5 and I = 100

Correct Answer: c.

Detailed Solution:

Using the transformation formula of RGB to HSI model.

θ if B ≤ G  ( R − G ) + ( R − B) 
H = , where θ = cos −1  ,
 360 − θ if B > G  2 ( R − G ) 2 + ( R − B)(G − B) 
 

 (0 − 150) + (0 − 150) 
θ = cos −1   = π; H = π
 2 (0 − 150) 2 + (0 − 150)(150 − 150) 
 

S = 1− [min( R, G, B)] = 1 − 0 = 1
R+G+ B 300
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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

R + G + B 0 + 150 + 150
I= = = 100
3 3
Hence option c is correct.


Where do we find the spectrum colors in chromaticity diagram?

a. Inside

b. Outside

c. On boundaries

d. All of the above

Correct Answer: c.

Detailed Solution:

Following chromaticity diagram, spectrum colors are present at boundaries because these are pure
Hence option c is correct.
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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur



Match the range of parameters of HSI model?

I. Hue (i) 0 - 2π
II. Saturation (ii) 0 – 255
III. Intensity (iii) 0 – 1

a) I.- (ii), II- (i), III.- (iii)

b) I.- (i), II- (iii), III.- (ii)

c) I.- (iii), II- (i), III.- (ii)

d) None of these

Correct Answer: b.

Detailed Solution:

Hue is angle measured from the red color axis in anticlockwise direction, in the color hexagon and
it lies in the range 0 to 2π. Intensity ranges from 0 to 255 and saturation can be 0 to 1 or 1 to 255
depending on the normalization.

Hence option b is correct.

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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur



Which of the following color models is suitable from perception point of view?

a) RGB


c) HSI

d) All of the above mentioned.

Correct Answer: c.

Detailed Solution:

HSI is suitable color space from perception point of view.

Hence option c is correct.


Range of saturation in HSI model is _________________

a. 0 – 255
b. 0 – 2π
c. 0–π
d. 0-1

Correct Answer: d.

Detailed Solution:
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Using the RGB to HSI color conversion relation, for saturation we have

S = 1− [min( R, G, B)],
R+G+ B
It is maximum when at least one R, G and B is zero, then S=1.

It is minimum when R, G and B, all are equal to 255, then S=0.

Hence option d is correct.



If Red, Green, and Blue have values 100, 50 and 100 respectively then its corresponding
normalized values in CMY are

a. C = 0.4, M = 0.5 and Y = 0.5

b. C = 0.6, M = 0.8 and Y = 0.6

c. C = 0.5, M = 0.5 and Y = 0.4

d. C = 0.4, M = 0.5 and Y = 0.4.

Correct Answer: b

Detailed Solution:

Normalized R = 0.4, G = 0.2 and B = 0.4.

C  1  R 
 M=  1 − G 
     
 Y  1  B  𝐶𝐶 1 0.4
, �𝑀𝑀� = �1� − �0.2�,
𝑌𝑌 1 0.4
C = 0.6, M = 0.8 and Y= 0.6
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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Hence option b is correct.



Which of the following expression is correct for conversion of RGB values to saturation of HSI

a) S = 1 − [max(R, G, B)]
R+G+ B
b) S = 1 + [min( R, G, B)]
R+G+ B
c) S = 1 − [min( R, G, B)]
R+G + B
d) None of these

Correct Answer: c.

Detailed Solution:

Using the RGB to HSI color conversion relation, for saturation we have

S = 1− [min( R, G, B)]
R+G + B

Hence option c is correct.

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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


In the RGB space given below, which of following point indicates white color?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

Correct Answer: D

Detailed Explanation: White point is point D of the plane (1, 1, 1).



If Red, Green, and Blue have values 150, 100 and 50 respectively then its corresponding values
in HSI are

a. H = 30o , S = 0.5 and I = 100

b. H = 0 , S = 1 and I = 85

c. H = 60o , S = 0.5 and I = 150

d. H = 0 , S = 0.5 and I = 100

Correct Answer: a

Detailed Solution:
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Using the transformation formula of RGB to HSI model.

θ if B ≤ G  ( R − G ) + ( R − B) 
H = , where θ = cos −1  ,
 360 − θ if B > G  2 ( R − G ) 2 + ( R − B)(G − B) 
 
𝑆𝑆 = 1 − [𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚( 𝑅𝑅, 𝐺𝐺, 𝐵𝐵)]
𝑅𝑅 + 𝐺𝐺 + 𝐵𝐵

𝑅𝑅 + 𝐺𝐺 + 𝐵𝐵
𝐼𝐼 =
Hence option a is correct.



What are pigment primary colours?

a. Red, Green and Blue

b. Magenta, Cyan and Yellow
c. None of the above
d. Both (a) and (b)

Correct Answer: b.

Detailed Solution:

Magenta, Cyan and Yellow are pigment primary colours.

Hence option b is correct.



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