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Disperse System

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Disperse System

A disperse system is defined as a heterogeneous,

two phase system in which the internal (dispersed,
discontinuous) phase is distributed or dispersed
within the continuous (external) phase or vehicle.

The dispersed material may range in size from

particles of atomic and molecular dimensions to
particles whose size is measured in millimeters.
Disperse System
The boundary between two phases is generally
described as an interface.
• When one of the phases is a gas or a vapour,
the term surface is frequently applied.
• In pharmacy, interfacial phenomena play an
important role in the processing of a wide variety
of formulations.
• The subsequent behaviour of these
formulations in vivo is often governed by an
interfacial process.

Emulsion may be defined as a biphasic system

consisting of two immiscible liquids usually
water and oil, one of which is finely subdivided
and uniformly dispersed as droplets throughout
the other. Since such a system is
thermodynamically unstable, a suitable
emulsifying agent is required to stabilize the
It has two phases
oil phase
water phase
In other way
External phase
Internal phase

The phase which makes globules or droplets is known as

internal phase or disperse phase and other is external
or continuous phase.

Oil can be present as internal and external phase and water

also as internal or external phase.

Emulsion is normally opaque.

Particle sizes of emulsion are from 0.1 to 100 m.
It can be used orally, topically and parentally
Dispersed or internal phase-droplets of liquid

Continuous or external phase-surrounding zone of liquid

Emulsifier or emulsifying agents- third component promoting


Creaming-separation into two layers of emulsion- the original

state is recovered on shaking

Coalescence- the actual fusion of two or more liquid droplets to

form a larger droplet
Cracking – separation (after significant coalescence) back into
separate layers of oil and water – the original emulsion is not
recovered on shaking
Inversion- change in emulsion type from 0/w to w/o or vice versa
Types of emulsions:
1. Oil in water emulsions
2. water in oil emulsions
3. Multiple emulsions
4. Microemulsions

Oil in water emulsions

The pharmaceutical emulsion systems in which oil is the
dispersed phase and water is the continuous phase
are termed as oil in water (o/w) emulsion.
• Such emulsions are usually preferred for oral use.
• Emulsion for intravenous administration should be of
the o/w type.
• They are also useful for preparations for external use
such as creams, lotions and liniments because they
provide a totally no greasy feeling to the product and can
easily be washed off from the skin.
Water in oil emulsions:

Water in oil (w/o) emulsions are those in which oil forms

the continuous or external phase while water is the
dispersed phase.
• Such emulsions are mostly used externally as creams
and lotions.
• They have an occlusive effect on the skin and are
useful for the preparation of moisturizing creams.
• They are also useful as cleansing creams.
• Certain medicaments such as antiseptics are more
effective when used in the form of w/o emulsions.
• These emulsions are however not always acceptable
cosmetically because of their greasy feeling.

Multiple emulsions
In addition to the two types of emulsions, there are certain
complexes, multiple emulsions in which oil in water or
water in oil emulsions are dispersed in another liquid
medium. A w/o/w emulsion is prepared by first forming
water in oil system and then dispersing this primary
emulsion in a second aqueous phase.
• Multiple emulsions are potential candidates for
sustained release dosage forms.

Microemulsions are emulsions that contain globules

having diameters of less than 0.1 mm.
Droplets of such dimensions can not refract light and as a
result are invisible to the naked eye.
Microemulsions therefore appear as clear transparent
solutions and are more acceptable physically in
comparison to conventional emulsions.
• They have been employed for preparation of both
external as well as internal formulations where they
have exhibited better bioavailability than conventional
According to the consistency
• Liquid emulsion: lotion, liniments
• Semisolids emulsion: creams, ointments

According to the HLB values:

• Hydrophilic: these emulsions are oil in water types
and the required HLB value of oil phase is 8-18.
• Lipophilic: these emulsions are water in oil types
and the required HLB value of oil phase is 0-8.

According to the routes of administration:

• Emulsions for internal use:
1. Orally administered emulsions (range of
particle size is 1-100mm)
2. Intravenous injection emulsion (range of particle size is
• Emulsions for external use

Determination of emulsion types:

A number of tests have been designed to determine the

type of emulsion.
However the result from one test should not be taken to be
conclusive and the identity of an emulsion type should
always be confirmed by at least two test procedures.
Dilution test:
The type of emulsion may be determined by diluting an
emulsion with oil or water.
An emulsion of oil in water type can easily be diluted by
water whereas water in oil type can be diluted by oily
Addition of wrong liquid will cause cracking of the

Conductivity test:
This test is based on the principle that an emulsion with an
aqueous continuous phase will conduct an electrical
current whereas one with an oily continuous phase will
In this test, a pair of electrodes connected to a lamp and
an electrical source is generally dipped in to an emulsion.
If the emulsion is o/w type, the lamp glows.
Conductivity tests may give false results with non ionic oil
in water emulsions.

Dye solubility test:

When a water soluble dye such as amaranth is mixed with
an emulsion and examined under a microscope, the
continuous phase will appear coloured if the emulsion is
o/w type while the globules will appear coloured in case
of w/o type.
Similarly, the continuous phase of a w/o emulsion and the
globules of a o/w would appear coloured by an oil soluble
dye such as sudan III.
Cobalt chloride test:
If a filter paper soaked in a cobalt chloride solution and
allowed to dry turns from blue to pink on exposure to an
emulsion, it indicates that the emulsion is of the o/w type.
This test however may not work if the emulsion is unstable
or breaks in the presence of electrolytes.

Fluorescence test:
If a drop of an emulsion is exposed to ultraviolet radiation
and observed under microscope water in oil emulsion
should show continuous florescence while oil in water
emulsion would show only spotty fluorescence.
Direction of creaming test:
The direction of creaming in an emulsion can help in the
identification of the emulsion type if the densities of the
aqueous and oil phases are known.
Water in oil emulsions would normally cream downwards
as oil is generally less dense than water. On the other
hand o/w emulsions would normally cream upwards.
Theories of Emulsion:

There are two theories for the preparation and stabilization

of an emulsion

• By using surface active agent

• by using viscosity
1. By using surface active agents

The first approach to attain emulsification is to reduce the

internal phase into globules.

When this is done the surface area as well as surface free

energy is greatly increased.

The increase in surface energy that results from dividing a

liquid into small globules and its dispersion into other
liquids can be expressed by the following equation-

ΔF = γ. ΔA

ΔF = increase of surface free energy

γ = interfacial tension
ΔA = surface area

To attain thermodynamically stable emulsion the small

globules coalescence to reduce surface area as well as
surface free energy.

But coalescence indicates the instability of emulsion. By

using emulsifying agent we may overcome this problem.
The emulsifying agents stabilize the emulsion by the
following three mechanisms:

1. reduction of interfacial tension (thermodynamically


2. formation of rigid interfacial film (mechanical barrier

to coalescence)

3. formation of an electrical double layer

(electrical barrier to approach the particle)
1. Reduction of interfacial tension

Emulsifying agent reduces the interfacial tension and

surface free energy.

Emulsifying agent must have a polar (hydrophilic) and a

non-polar (hydrophobic) part.

According to like dissolve like principle the hydrophilic part

of the emulsifying agent dissolves in water and
hydrophobic part in oil.

Thus reduce the interfacial tension between oil and water.

2. Formation of a rigid interfacial film:

To stabilize the emulsion, the most important function of

emulsifying agent is to produce a mechanical barrier
which opposes the coalescence of dispersed

Emulsifying agents produce three types of film of barrier.

1. Monomolecular barrier
2. Multi molecular barrier
3. Solid particle barrier
a. Monomolecular barrier
All synthetic emulsifiers produce monomolecular layer and
lower the surface tension in proportion to their
tendency to be adsorbed at oil /water interface.
e.g. potassium laurate, poly oxyethylene monostearate

b. Multi molecular layer

Natural emulsifying agents produce multi molecular layer
and stabilize emulsion by only producing strong
mechanical barrier.
Their ability to reduce interfacial tension is negligible.
e.g. acacia, gelatin, tragacanth
c. Solid particle

Solid particle used as emulsifying agent are wetted to some

degree by both oil and water phases.

They produce a particulate film around the dispersed

droplets to prevent coalescence.

Those particles that are wetted preferentially by water form

o/w emulsion and those are wetted by oil form w/o

• fig 7-22 : Sprowls’ American Pharmacy (seventh edition)-

page 214.
3. Formation of an electrical double layer:

When one liquid is dispersed through another, the

dispersed particles are found to possess an
electrical particles help to stabilize the system.

The charge on the dispersed particles may originate in one

of the three ways:

• Ionization of molecules at the surface of the particles

• Adsorption of ions by the particles from the surrounding
• Frictional contact of the particles with the surrounding
In case of o/w emulsion, the presence of charges on the
surface of dispersed oil globules will create electrical
double layer around each globules.

Overlapping of those double layers gives to a repulsion,

which opposes the Van Der Waals forces of attraction
between approaching globules.

The high potential energy barrier will not make contact of

colliding globules but it ensures far apart of globules and
thus the emulsion will be stable.

Figure: Adsorption of surface active ion on to an oil globule

in o/w emulsion
2. By increasing viscosity:

For the preparation of an ideal and stable emulsion,

viscosity of the preparation is increased.

The reason for increasing or augmenting viscosity are

mentioned below-

i. The smaller particles (in colloidal range) that follow

the Brownian movement have a tendency to run into
each other and coalescence which do not protect
properly by using emulsifying agent.
So the particle size should be greater than colloidal range and
viscosity of the external phase must be increased with
decreased the mobility of the particles which leads to more
stable emulsion.

ii. According to the stokes law

D2 (d1-d2)g 2r2 (d1-d2)g

V=------------------------ V=------------------
18 9

V= rate of creaming g= gravitational constant
r= particle radius = viscosity of the external phase
D =particle diameter d2=density of the external phase
d1=density of the internal phase
From the equation it is clear that if the diameter of the
particle is increased the rate of creaming will be

So viscosity of the external phase has to increase to

prevent creaming.
The density of internal and external phase affected the
creaming. In case of o/w emulsion, if the density of
the oil is less than that of water, oil particle will go

In case of w/o emulsion, if the density of water is more

than that of oil, the water particle will settle down. If
the viscosity of the external phase is increased the
rate of creaming will be decreased.
Viscosity imparting agent:
Glycerine acacia gum
Sucrose syrup tragacanth
Sorbitol Na carboxy methyl cellulose
Liquid glucose agar

Emulsifying agents:

Emulsifying agents are used both to promote

emulsification at the time of manufacturing and to
control stability during a shelf life that can vary from days
for extemporaneously prepared emulsions, to months or
years for commercial preparation.
There are three major groups of emulsifier

1. surface active agents

2. finely divided solids-e.g. Mg(OH)2 and Al(OH)3,


3. hydrophilic colloids-macromolecular and polymeric

materials of both natural and synthetic origin-e.g.
methyl cellulose, acacia, gelatin, poloxamer, carbopol.
Emulsifiers stabilize emulsions by the formation of

• An interfacial barrier at the oil/water interface

(e.g. by the formation of an interfacial film) and /or

• A rheological barrier in the external phase (e.g. by

thickening the external phase)
Interfacial considerations

Most theories of emulsion stability and type are related to the

nature and charge of an interfacial film formed by
adsorption of emulsifier at the oil-water interface.
The interfacial film stabilizes the emulsion in one or more of a
number of ways:-

I. By decreasing the interfacial tension.

The effect is important during the emulsification process, where

it facilitates the break-up of droplets and reduces the
tendency to recombine.

It is not a major factor in maintaining the long term stability of

II. By forming an electrostatic or steric repulsive barrier to
counteract the attractive van der waals forces and
inhibit the close approach of droplets.

III. By forming a mechanical barrier to prevent the

coalescence of droplets in close proximity.

A strong, close packed elastic film coating the droplets is

necessary for this purpose.
There is no coherent theory of emulsion formation o/w or
w/o. However, there are a number of ‘rules of thumb’.

Phase volume:
As a rule of thumb, the type of emulsion formed generally
depends on the relative volumes of the two phases
with the liquid present in the greater amount forming
the continuous phase.

With phase volumes close to 50% or in the presence of

emulsifier, other factors such as order and rate of
addition of each liquid and type of emulsifier is also
1. Bancroft’s rule:
With the inclusion of surfactant or other class of emulsifier,
the type of emulsion that forms in no longer simply a
function of phase volume and order of mixing, but also
depends on the relative solubilities of the emulsifier in
the oil and water phases.

In general the phase in which the emulsifying agent is more

soluble ( or in the case of solids, more easily wetted by)
will form the continuous phase.

Thus hydrophilic surfactants and polymers promote o/w

emulsions and lipophilic emulsifiers (low HLB)
promote w/o systems.
Orientated Wedge Theory:
This theory assumes that the geometry of the surfactant
influences the type of emulsion formed.

It assumes that the curvature of the interface is

determined by the relative volume of the polar and
non-polar groups of the emulsifiers.

i.e. mono-valant soaps tend to form o/w emulsions

because the hydrophilic group is bulkier.

Divalant soaps, where the hydrocarbon chain is bulkier than

the polar groups give w/o emulsions.
The theory provides a visual concept of orientation of the
emulsifying agent at the o/w interface.

However as the radius of curvature of as emulsion droplet

is many hundreds of times, greater than the size of the
emulsifying agent it is difficult to accept that the shape of
the emulsifier molecules could influence emulsion
droplets in this manner.
HLB system:

HLB means hydrophilic-lipophilic balance.

HLB may be defined as a numerical value which is specific

for particular emulsifying agent expressing the strength of
hydrophilic and lipophilic part of the molecule
(emulsifying agent), required to produce the most
physically stable emulsion from a particular oil and water
HLB system or hydrophilic-lipophilic balance system is
defined as the scale of some numerical values ranging
from 1 to 50 (generally 1-20) to express the polarity of the
surface active agent; the higher the number, the more
polar or hydrophilic the substance.
HLB means hydrophilic balance.

One of the desirable properties of an emulsifying agent is

that it undergoes strong adsorption at the interface
between the oil and water phases.

This requires a proper balance between the hydrophilic and

the lipophilic tendencies of the emulsifying agent.

If an emulsifying agent is predominantly hydrophilic it

favours the formation of a o/w emulsion.
For the preparation of a w/o emulsion, the emulsifying
agent should have an HLB of about 0 to 8,

On the other hand for the preparation of an o/w emulsion,

emulsifying agent should have an HLB of about 9 to 18.

Na-stearate has the characteristics of a good o/w
emulsifying agent, since it posses a hydrophilic (COO-)
group that predominates over the lipophilic hydrocarbon
C17H35------COO- Na+
Lipophilic Hydrophilic
HLB range and their application

HLB ranges Application

3-8 emulsifying agent(w/o)
7-9 wetting agent
8-18 emulsifying agent (o/w)
13-15 detergent
15-18 solubilizing agent
Chemical name Trade name HLB
Sorbitan monooleate Span 80 4.3
Sorbitan monostearate Span 60 4.7
Sorbitan monoplamitate Span 40 6.7
Sorbitan monolaurate Span 20 8.6
Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate Tween8015
Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan monostearate Tween60 11.6
Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan monoplamitate Tween 40
Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan monolaurate Tween 20 16.7
Selection of emulsifying agents:
An ideal emulsifying agent should posses the following

• It should be completely non-irritant and non toxic in

the concentration used.
• It should be physically as well as chemically
compatible with other ingredients of the emulsion.
• It should not impart any taste, colour or odour to
the product.
• It should have a proper balance between its
hydrophilic and lipophilic properties and should be
capable of reducing the interfacial tension between
two phases of emulsion.
• It should be capable of forming a stable, coherent film
around the globules of the dispersed phase so as to
prevent their coalescence.
• It should be capable of producing and maintaining the
desired viscosity of the product since this contributes
to the stability of the emulsion.
Required HLB values of some oils and waxes

Oil/fat HLB value for

w/o o/w
Emulsion Emulsion
Bees wax 4 12
Cetyl alcohol - 15
Castor oil - 14
Liquid paraffin 4 12
Soft Paraffin 4 12
Hard paraffin 4 10
Stearic acid - 16
Wool fat 8 10
Manufacturing of emulsion

The following things should be added for the formulation of

an emulsion
• Oil phase
• Water phase
• Preservatives
• Emulsifying agent
• Flavouring agent
• Colouring agent
• Antioxidants
Order of mixing:

The orders of mixing of an emulsion are of two types:-

1. Addition of internal phase to external phase
2. Addition of external phase to the internal phase

1. Addition of internal phase to external phase:

Prior to mixing, all water soluble ingredients are dissolved

in the aqueous phase and all oil soluble components
are dissolved in oil.
In case of o/w emulsion, the emulsifier should be
predominantly water soluble and so should be
dissolved in this phase.
If a blend of hydrophilic and lipophilic emulsifiers is used,
these are dissolved in water and oil phase respectively.
For O/W emulsion:

Water is taken in a mortar, oil is added to it with continuous

stirring to get final product.

For O/W emulsion:

Oil is taken in a mortar and water is added to it with

continuous stirring.

If fats, waxes or surfactants that are solid or semisolid at

room temperature used in the formulation will be
necessary to warm the phases before mixing.

Invariably the aqueous phase is raised to a temperature

that is 20C to 50C above that of oil phase, irrespective
whether it is the internal or external phase.
2. Addition of external phase to internal phase:
In this case, oil soluble ingredients are dissolved in oil and
water soluble ingredients are dissolved in water first.

For O/W emulsion: For the preparation of o/w emulsion, the

following steps are followed-

1. Oil soluble ingredients are added to the oil phase.

2. Whole of the oil is emulsified with emulsifying agent.
3. A portion of the aqueous phase is added to the whole of
the oil phase containing the emulsifying agent.
This leads to the formation of w/o emulsion primarily
because at this stage the oil phase present in excess than
the aqueous phase.
4. The next step involves the addition of a sufficient
quantity of water with adequate agitation which invert the
w/o emulsion to o/w emulsion.
5. Then the remaining water is added with continuous
stirring to bring the product upto the final volume.
6. Finally the remaining water containing the flavouring
agents, preservatives and water soluble drugs may then be
For w/o emulsion:
Reverse process as that of o/w emulsion.
Methods of preparation:
• Wet gum method
• Dry gum method
Wet gum method:

This technique is suitable for preparing emulsion with

mucilage or dissolved gum as the emulsifying agent.

Here emulsifying agent is available as liquid form or it must

be dissolved before use.

The process of wet gum method can be described by the

following way:-
If acacia is used as emulsifying agent and oil is fixed oil.
The ratio of oil, water and emulsifying agent is 4: 2: 1 for
preparing a primary emulsion.

• Clean the mortar and pestle.

• Dry the mortar and pestle by drier.
• One part of acacia is taken in the mortar and 2parts of
water is added step by step and is triturated
continuously to form mucilage
• Then 4 parts of oil is added drop by drop with
continuous trituration so that each portion of oil is
uniformly distributed and emulsified in the mucilage
before the next quantity is added.
• The primary emulsion once formed is triturated for at
least 5 minutes to ensure complete dispersion of the oil.
• The primary emulsion is then diluted with required
amount of water to bring the product to the final

Dry gum method:

This method is especially suitable for preparing emulsion

from dry gum emulsifying agents.

When acacia is taken as emulsifying agent and oil is fixed oil.

The ratio of oil, water and emulsifying agent is 4: 2: 1.
• Acacia is taken in a mortar and 4 parts of oil is added
step by step with continuous trituration.

• 2 parts of water is then added and trituration is

carried out. A primary emulsion is formed.

• The primary emulsion is triturated thoroughly for at

least 5 minutes. At this stage the oil is present in large
excess and so the emulsion is of w/o type.

• The sufficient amount of water is added which invert

the w/o emulsion to o/w emulsion.

• Then remaining water is added with continuous

stirring to bring the product up to the final volume.
Factors affecting the stability of an emulsion

Particle size: Increased particle size of the internal phase

causes the decreased stability of an emulsion. Smaller
size of the particles of internal phase is always preferable.
Particle-particle interaction: Deflocculated particles are
always preferable because the less the particle-particle
interaction the more the stability of an emulsion.
Particle density: The less the particle density the more the
stability of an emulsion.
Bulk phase/external phase density: the more the bulk phase
density the more the stability of an emulsion.
Bulk phase viscosity: Generally the more the viscosity of
bulk phases the more the stability of emulsion.
Pharmaceutical Application of emulsions:

1. O/W emulsions are convenient preparation for the oral

administration of unpalatable oils or oils solutions of
drugs with unpleasant taste.
For example the characteristic unpleasant taste of cod
liver oil can be removed by incorporating it into the
internal phase of an O/W emulsion.
2. O/W emulsions are also used as a dosage form for the
intravenous administration of oils and fats to patients
who can not ingest food by other means.
3. Emulsions of both types are extensively used in
pharmaceutical preparation for external use and
cosmetic preparation.
4. Emulsions are also used in the development of foam
In the formulation of aerosols the propellant is emulsified
with water or some other solvent system that contains
the active ingredient.
5. W/O emulsion are widely utilized for the treatment of dry
and skin and emollient application.
6. Rediopaque emulsions are used as diagnostic agents in
X-ray examination.
7. W/O emulsions are used to disperse water soluble
antigenic materials in mineral oil for intramuscular
droplet injection.
8. Emulsification of perfluorinated hydrocarbons is required
as O2 carriers in blood replacement.
9. Normally unabsorbed macromolecules such as heparin
and penicillin are readily absorbed when they are
incorporated into emulsion.
10. Vitamin A is taken up rapidly by the tissue when inject in
the form of an emulsion.
Instability of an emulsion:

Various deviations from ideal behavior of an acceptable

emulsion is known as its instability. The signs of
instability are

1. Flocculation or coagulation
2. Creaming
3. Coalescence
4. Breaking or cracking
5. Phase inversion
6. Deterioration by micro-organism
7. Miscellaneous physical and chemical changes.

Flocculation is the joining together of globules to form

large clumps or floccules within the emulsion. In
flocculation the interfacial film and the individual
droplets remain intact the globules do not coalesce
and may be redispersed by shaking.

Flocculation depends on the electrical potential on the
surface of the droplets. There is a high repulsive force
among the dispersed globules. If the repulsive force is
decreased the globules tend to aggregate.
The lowering of repulsive force may be caused
• when the used emulsifying agent is insufficient
• when the volume of the internal phase is high

The presence of high charged density on the dispersed
droplets will ensure the presence of a high energy barrier
and these reduce the incidence of flocculation.

Creaming is the rising or settling of dispersed globules to
form a concentrated layer at the surface or at the bottom
of the emulsion.

Creaming is influenced by gravity on the globules. So it

depends on the sedimentation or creaming rate. This
rate depends
• diameter of the dispersed globules
• Viscosity of the dispersion medium
• Density difference between two phases

Creaming of emulsion can be explained by stokes law

D2 (d1-d2)g

V= rate of creaming
r= particle radius in cm
D =particle diameter in cm
d1=density of the internal phase
d2=density of the external phase
g= gravitational constant
= viscosity of the external phase

From the equation we can say

Increase diameter of globules increases the velocity and
vice versa
Increase viscosity of the dispersion medium decreases the
velocity and vice versa.
1. If d1>d2- downward creaming
2. d1<d2- upward creaming
3. d1=d2- No creaming


• Reduction of the globules size by using an efficient

• Increasing the viscosity of the continuous phase by using
viscosity imparting agent.
• By reducing the density difference between two phases.
• By controlling the dispersed phase concentration.
• By storing in a cool place or low temperature.

Coalescence is the fusing of the globules into larger drop
drops. In coalescence the globules lose their individuality.
During fusion the interfacial film is destroyed. So
coalescence is irreversible. Globules can not be
redistributed by shaking.
i. Opposite types of emulsifying agent:
Addition of an emulsifying agent of opposite type tends to
decrease the power of emulsification which cause

Example: Soaps of monovalent metals (Sodium lauryl

sulphate) produce o/w emulsion while soaps of divalent
metals (Calcium lauryl sulphate) produce w/o emulsion.
Addition of monovalent soap to a divalent soap
emulsion or a divalent soap to a monovalent soap
emulsion leads to instability or cracking.

ii. Addition of common solvent:

Addition of a solvent in which both disperse and continuous
phase are soluble forms a single phase system.
iii. Temperature:

An increase in temperature may coagulate certain types of

macromolecular emulsifier which are protein in nature
cause instability of an emulsion.
An increase in temperature will increase the number of
collision between globules that are effective in
overcoming the barrier to coalescence and instability
of an emulsion.

iv. Freezing:

If an emulsion is kept below 40C the aqueous phase will

turn into ice. These ice crystals will press on oil phase.
As a result cracking will occur.
v. Incorporation of excess disperse phase: Emulsion with a
disperse phase concentration in excess of 74% has a
marked tendency to crack.
vi. Addition of insufficient amount of emulsifying agent.

• By incorporating more emulsifying agent.
• By controlling the temperature at which emulsion is kept.
• By controlling disperse phase concentration.
• By adding correct emulsifying agent.
Phase inversion:

An emulsion is said to invert when it changes from an o/w

to a w/o emulsion and vice versa. Inversion is mainly
brought about by chemical degradation. But there is
some effect of physical factor

• By changing the phase volume ratio.

• By cooling the emulsion specially those which are
prepared by heating and mixing of two phases.
Deterioration by micro-organism:

Mold, yeast and bacteria may

• Bring about the decomposition of the emulsifier.
• Contaminate the aqueous phase.
• Destroy oil soluble vitamins.


Add chemical agent that will act specially as preservative.

Combination of para-hydroxy benzoates 0.1% to 2% of
methyl ester and 0.02% to 0.05% of propyl ester are
frequently used for this purpose
Preservative should be adequately soluble in both phases.
If not more than one type of preservatives should be used
one for oil phase and other for aqueous phase.

The emulsifying agent and other ingredients of the

formulation should not form complex with the


Care must be taken to protect emulsion against

deterioration caused by light, temperature and freezing
and thawing.
Difference between emulsion and

Emulsion Suspension
1. Emulsion is a mixture of 1. Suspension is coarse
two immiscible liquids, one dispersion containing finely
being dispersed throughout divided insoluble materials
the other as small globules. suspended in a liquid
2. Both the dispersed and 2. Dispersion phase is
dispersion phase are liquid. liquid and dispersed phase
is solid.
3. The final preparation 3. The final preparation is
may be semisolid or liquid. generally semisolid.
4. Emulsions contain smaller 4. Suspensions contain
particle. larger particle.

5. Emulsions are more stable 5. Suspensions are less

than suspension. stable than emulsion.

6. Emulsions settle less 6. Suspensions settle more

rapidly under the influence rapidly under the influence
of gravity. of gravity.
7. Emulsifying agent is used 7. Wetting, flocculating and
to stabilize an emulsion. viscosity imparting agents
are used to stabilize a
8. Bioavailability is more 8. Bioavailability is less than
than suspension. emulsion.

9. On the basis of internal 9. Suspensions have no such

and external phase, classification. They can be
emulsions are of two types. i. classified as flocculated and
W/O ii. O/W deflocculated suspension.

10. Emulsion have instability 10. Suspensions have

like cracking, creaming and instability like cake
coagulation etc. formation.

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