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Aits-24 Jee Main 18.07.2021

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JEE (Main)-2021
TEST DATE: 18-07-2021
Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 300

General Instructions:

 The test consists of total 90 questions.

 Each subject (PCM) has 30 questions.

 This question paper contains Three Parts.

 Part-A is Physics, Part-B is Chemistry and Part-C is Mathematics.

 Each part has only two sections: Section-A and Section-B.

 Section – A : Attempt all questions.

 Section – B : Do any five questions out of 10 Questions.

Section-A (01 – 20, 31 – 50, 61 – 80) contains 60 multiple choice questions which have only one
correct answer. Each question carries +4 marks for correct answer and –1 mark for wrong

Section-B (21 – 30, 51 – 60, 81 – 90) contains 30 Numerical answer type questions with answer
XXXXX.XX and each question carries +4 marks for correct answer. There is no negative marking.

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Physics PART – A

(One Options Correct Type)
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

1. A slightly divergent beam of non-relativistic charged particles

accelerated by a potential difference V passes through a point A at
the axis of a long straight solenoid. The beam is brought to focus at V
a distance l from A at two successive values of magnetic induction
B1 and B2. Find the specific charge q/m of particles.

2 2 V
(A) 2
2 B 2  B1 
4 2 V
(B) 2
2 B 2  B1 
8 2 V
(C) 2
2 B 2  B1 
8 2 V
(D) 2
2 B 2  B1 

2. In a thick glass slab of thickness  and A

refractive index n1, a cuboidal cavity of
thickness m is carved as shown in the n1 (1)
figure and is filled with a liquid of refractive

index n2 (n1> n2). The ratio of , so that
shift produced by this slab is zero when an n2 (2) m 
observer A observes an object B with the
paraxial rays is
n1  n2
n2  1
n1  n2
(B) air B
n2 n1  1
n1  n2
n1  1
n1  n2
n1 n2  1

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3 AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021

3. Three identical rods are rigidly joined and hinged at point A as A

shown in the figure. The angle  made by the rod AB with the
vertical is 
 1 
(A) tan1   D
 3 90°
(B) tan 1  
4 90°
(C) tan1 1
1 
(D) tan  
 

4. A uniform rope of linear mass density  and length  is coiled on a
smooth horizontal surface. One end is pulled up with a constant velocity
v. Then the average power delivered by the external agent in pulling the
entire rope just off the horizontal surface is
1 2 g
(A)  v 2 
2 2
(B) gv
(C) v 3 
1 3
(D) vg  v

5. A capillary tube with inner cross-section in the form of a square of side ‘a’ is dipped vertically in a
liquid of density  and surface tension  which wet the surface of capillary tube with angle of
contact . The approximate height to which liquid will be raised in the tube is (Neglect the effect of
surface Tension at the corners of capillary tube)
2 cos 
4 cos 
8 cos 
(D) None of these

6. A water clock [clepsydra] used in ancient Greece is designed as a

vessel with a small orifice O of area a. The water level falls at a
constant rate v 1 in the vessel. The time is determined according to the
level of water in the vessel. What should be equation corresponding to
the shape of the vessel for the time scale to be uniform?
2 v12
(A) y = Kx4 where K 
3 2 v12
(B) y = Kx where K 

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2 v12
(C) y = Kx4 where K 
2 v12
(D) y = Kx4 where K 

7. A pipe of length 1, closed at one end is kept in a chamber of gas of density 1. A second pipe
open at both ends is placed in a second chamber of gas of density 2. The compressibility of both
the gases are equal. Calculate the length of the second pipe if frequency of first overtone in both
the cases are equal.
4 
(A) 1 2
3 1
4 
(B) 1 1
3 2
(C) 1
(D) 1

8. A composite glass slab is manufactured so that its (x)

refractive index varies along its thickness according to
 x 
the relation   x   1  where t is the thickness of
 t 
the slab.
O x
The optical path length introduced by the slab when it is
placed in the path of light passing normally through it, is
given by
(A) (1 + )t
 
(B) 1  2  t
 
1 
(D) ln 1    

9. Two sources S1 and S2 emitting coherent light

waves of wavelength  in the same phase are 2
situated as shown. The distance OP, so that the
light intensity detected at P is equal to that at O is O
(A) D 2 S1 S2
(B) D/2
(C) D 3 Screen
(D) D/ 3

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5 AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021

10. The voltage of AC source is E = 220 sin (t + /6) and the AC in the circuit is I = 10 sin (t  /6).
The average power dissipated is
(A) 150 W
(B) 550 W
(C) 250 W
(D) 50 W

11. Two capacitors, shown in the circuit, are i(t)

initially uncharged and the cell is ideal. The
switch S is closed at t = 0. Which of the C 2C
following functions represents the current i(t),
through the cell as a function of time? E R
 t/ 
(A) i  t   i0  i1e ;   3C 
t /   t/ 2 
(B) i  t   i0  i1e  i2 e ;   RC
(C) i  t   i1  i1e t/  ;   3C 
(D) i  t   i0  i1e  t /  ;   3RC
Where i0, i1 and i2 are constants.

12. A hollow smooth uniform sphere A of mass m A B

rolls without sliding on a smooth horizontal
surface. It collides head on elastically with
another stationary smooth solid sphere B of the v0
same mass m and same radius. The ratio of

kinetic energy of B to that of A after the collision is
(A) 1:1
(B) 2:3
(C) 3:2
(D) None of these

10 Power (in watts)

13. A particle A of mass Kg is moving in the positive 4
direction of x-axis. Its initial position is x = 0 and initial
velocity is 1 m/s. The velocity of the particle at x = 10 m is: 2
(use the graph given).
(A) 4 m/s
(B) 2 m/s
(C) 3 2 m/s 10 x (in m)
(D) m/s

14. A bead of mass m is sliding down the fixed inclined rod m

without friction. It is connected to a point P on the
horizontal surface with a light spring of spring constant k.
The bead is initially released from rest and the spring is h k
non deformed and vertical. The bead just stops at the
bottom of the inclined rod. Find the angle which the

inclined rod makes with the horizontal.
 2mg  P
(A) cot 1 1  
 kh 

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 2mg 
(B) tan 1 1  
 kh 
 mg 
(C) cot 1 1  
 kh 
 mg 
(D) tan 1 1  
 kh 

15. A very long solenoid perpendicular to the page

generates a downward magnetic field whose
magnitude increases with the time. A conducting wire
loop around the solenoid contains two identical bulbs B
A and B which are glowing. Two points diametrically A
opposite on the wire loop are shorted with another 
wire lying to the right of bulb B in the plane of the page
as shown in the figure. After the shorting wire is
(A) Bulb A goes out and bulb B dims.
(B) Bulb A goes out and bulb B gets brighter.
(C) Bulb B goes out and bulb A dims.
(D) Bulb B goes out and bulb A gets brighter

16. A ray of light traveling along positive Z-axis is reflected twice:

(i) for the first time, by a mirror whose normal is along  ˆi  kˆ  
 
(ii) for the second time, by a mirror whose normal is along ˆi  kˆ  ˆj , where the symbols have
their usual meanings. The final ray is along
(A) ˆj  kˆ
(B) kˆ  ˆi
(C) 2ˆj  2kˆ  ˆi
(D) ˆj  kˆ  2iˆ

17. A positive charged particle of mass m and ×××× ××××

charge q is projected with a velocity v as ×××× ××××
shown in the figure. If radius of curvature of ×××× ××××
charged particle in magnetic field is R(2d < R B
×××× ××××
< 3d), then time elapsed by charged particle ×××× ××××
in magnetic field regions is ×××× ××××
m ×××× ××××
(A) ×××× ××××
2qB 90°
×××× ××××
m  2d 
(B) sin1   d d d
qB R 
m d
(D) sin1  
qB R 

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7 AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021

18. r and r denote the angles inside an equilateral prism, as

usual, in degrees. Consider that during some time interval
from t = 0 to t = t, r varies with time as r = 10 + t , during
this time r will vary as (assume that r and r are in degree) r r
(A) 50 – t
(B) 50 + t2
(C) 60 – t2
(D) 60 + t2

19. A block of mass m is suspended by means of an ideal spring

of force constant K from ceiling of a car which is moving along

a circular path of radius r with acceleration ‘a’. The time
period of oscillation of the block when it is displaced along the
spring, will be
mg  ma m
(A) 2
(B) 2
K g2  a2

(C) 2

(D) 2
K  g2  a 2

20. Five identical bricks each of length L are piled with one
on the top of the other on a table as shown in the
figure. The maximum distance S the top brick can
overhang the table with the system still balanced is
(A) L
(B) L
3 S

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AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021 8

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each
question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to the second
decimal place; e.g. XXXXX.XX).

21. The binding energy of deuteron  H is 1.15 MeV per nucleon and an alpha particle 
2 He  has
a binding energy of 7.1 MeV per nucleon. Then in the reaction.
2 2 4
1 H 1 H 2He Q
What is the energy released Q (in MeV)?

22. The temperature of a mono-atomic gas in a uniform container of

length L varies linearly from T0 to TL as shown in the figure. If the A B
molecular weight of the gas is M0, then the time taken by a wave
 2L  kM T0 TL
pulse in traveling from end A to end B is   . Find L
 T  T  R
 L 0 

the value of k.

23. In a series LCR circuit, the difference of the frequencies at which current amplitude falls to
times the current amplitude at resonance is . Find the value of k.

24. The relation between internal energy U, pressure P and volume V of an ideal gas in an adiabatic
process is U = 2 + 3PV. If  CP  C V   kR . Find the value of k.

25. A monoatomic ideal gas is taken through a process whose equation is given by:
P = KV–1/2
Where P is the pressure and V is the volume of the gas. The molar heat capacity of the gas in the
above process is (CV + R). Find the value of .

26. A spaceship is sent to investigate a planet of v0

mass M and radius R. While hanging motionless
in space at a distance 5R from the centre of the 
planet, the spaceship fires an instrument m
M, R
package with speed v 0 as shown in the figures.
The package has mass m, which is much 5R
smaller than the mass of the spaceship. The
angle  for which the package just grazes the
1 kGM 
surface of the planet is sin1  1  2  . Find
 5 5v 0R 
the value of k.

27. In a resonance tube with tuning fork of frequency 512Hz, first resonance occurs at a length of
30.3 cm and second resonance occurs at a length of 63.7cm. The maximum possible error in the
measurement of the speed of the sound is (in cm/s)

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9 AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021

28. A uniform rope of length 12m and mass 6kg hangs from a rigid support. A block of mass 2kg is
attached to the free end of the rope. A transverse pulse of wavelength 0.06m is produced at the
lower end of the rope. What is the wavelength (in m) of the pulse when it reaches the top of the

29. One end of a uniform rod of length 4.5m is placed in boiling water while its other end is placed in
melting ice. A point P on the rod is maintained at a constant temperature of 800 °C. The mass of
the steam produced per second is equal to the mass of ice melted per second. If latent heat of
steam is seven times the latent heat of ice, the distance (in m) of the point P from the steam
chamber must be equal to

30. A beam of light of wavelength 600nm from a distant source falls normally on a single slit 1mm
wide and a resulting diffraction pattern is observed on a screen 2m away. The distance between
the first dark fringes on the either side of the central bright fringe is (in mm)

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AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021 10

Chemistry PART – B

(One Options Correct Type)
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

31. Which solution will possess the highest freezing point?

(A) 0.1% NaCl solution
(B) 0.1% sucrose solution
(C) 0.1% Al2  SO4 3 solution
(D) 0.1% K 4 Fe  CN 6  solution

32. Salicyclic acid when heated with Zn dust gives

(A) Benzene
(B) Phenol
(C) Salicylaldehyde
(D) Benzoic acid

33. The major product of the following reaction is


2 6
1. B H 1 eq.
2. DIBAL H/ 78o C
3. H3 O





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11 AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021



34. The major product of the following reaction is

1. Na /liq. NH3
H3CO CH2 CH2 C C CH3 
2. H O 

3. Br2 /h  mono bro min ation


35. Which of the following reagents may be used to distinguish between   naphthol and adipic
(A) Aqueous NaOH
(B) Tollen’s reagent
(C) Molish reagent
(D) Neutral FeCl3

36. A solution containing 0.5 g of CrCl3 .6H2O was passed through a cation exchange resin and acid
coming out of the cation exchange resin required 30.02 ml of 0.125 M NaOH. The correct formula
of the complex [Molecular weight of the complex = 226.6 g mol -1].
(A)  Cr  H2 O  6  Cl3
(B)  Cr  H2 O 5 Cl Cl2 .H2 O
(C)  Cr  H2 O  4 Cl2  Cl.2H2 O
(D)  Cr  H2 O 3 Cl3  .3H2 O

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37. Which of the following is not actinoid?

(A) Curium
(B) Californium
(C) Uranium
(D) Terbium

38. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding conformers?

(A) Conformers generally have negligibly small difference in their potential energy
(B) Conformers of ethane can be separated at room temperature
(C) Gauche conformers of ethylene glycol is more stable than its anti-conformer
(D) Anti-conformer of butane is more stable than its Gauche conformer

39. If the ionization potential of Mg 9.48 eV, the ionization of calcium will be
(A) 18.96 eV
(B) 9.90 eV
(C) 6.42 eV
(D) same as that of Mg

40. Which of the following reactions will not give aniline as major product?
(A) NO 2
Sn HCl
 

(B) NO 2
 

Br2  KOH
 

(D) NC

H /H2O
 

41. Large difference in boiling points is observed in

(A) O and S
(B) S to Se
(C) Se to Te
(D) Te to Po

42. Which of the following species is not aromatic?

(A) Benzene
(B) Cyclooctatetraenyl dianion
(C) Tropylium ion
(D) Cyclopentadienyl cation

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13 AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021

43. Which of the following reactions does not take place?

I BF3  F   BF4
II BF63 
BF3  3F 
III  AlF63 
AlF3  3F 
IV  SiF4  2F  SiF62 
(A) Only (I)
(B) Only (II) and (IV)
(C) Only (II)
(D) Only (I) and (II)

44. Among the following which does not have planar structure?
(A) N  SiH3 3
(B) N  CH3 3
(C) CO32 
(D) NO23 

45. When H2S gas passed through the HCl containing aqueous solution of
CuCl2 ,HgCl2 ,BiCl3 and CoCl2 . It does not precipitate out
(A) CuS
(B) HgS
(C) Bi2 S3
(D) CoS

46. Which of the following statements is correct regarding defect in crystals?

(A) Schottky defect in crystals is observed when unequal number of cations and anions are
missing from the lattice.
(B) Frankel defect in crystals is observed when equal number of cations and anions are
missing from the lattice.
(C) Schottky defect is also called dislocation defect.
(D) Frankel defect in crystals is observed when a cation leaves its normal site and occupies
an interstitial site.

47. To 25 ml H2O2 solution, excess of acidified solution of KI was added. The iodine liberated
required 20 ml of 0.3 M Na 2S2O3 solution. The volume strength of H2O2 solution is
(A) 3.244 V
(B) 1.344 V
(C) 5.4 V
(D) 4.08 V

48. Threshold frequency of a metal is 5  1014 s1 upon which 1 1015 s 1 frequency light is focused.
The maximum kinetic energy of emitted electron is [Given h  6.6  10 34 J  s ]
(A) 3.3  10 19 J
(B) 3.3  10 21 J
(C) 6.6  10 21 J
(D) 6.6  10 20 J

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AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021 14

49. Which of the following is a reducing sugar?

(A) Starch
(B) Sucrose
(C) Cellulose
(D) Lactose

50. Non-stick cookwares generally have a coating of a polymer, whose monomer is

(A) CH2  CH  CN
(B) CH2  CH  Cl
(C) CH2  CH  CH3
(D) CF2  CF2

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each
question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to the second
decimal place; e.g. XXXXX.XX).

51. A current of 96.5 A is passed for 18 minutes between copper electrodes in 500 ml aqueous
solution of CuSO 4 having 1 moles of CuSO 4 . The molarity of solution after electrolysis would be

52. The enthalpy of hydrogenation of cyclohexene is 119.5 kJ mol1. If resonance energy of benzene
is 150.4 kJ mol1, its enthalpy of hydrogenation would be

53. The value of n would be if the rate of reactions whose rate constants, activation energies
and Arrhenius constants are k1 and k 2 , Ea1 and Ea2 , A1 and A 2 respectively at 300 K, are equal
at 300 K. Given that activation energy Ea2 is 2RT more than activation energy Ea1 .

54. The equilibrium constant K c for the following is

A  g  2B  g   2C  g
If 4 moles of each A and B were present in 10 litre and at equilibrium form 2 moles of C.

55. The value of would be [MB and MA are molar masses of gas B and gas A respectively] if 2g of
gas ‘B’ is added to a container having 1 g of gas A at 4 bar pressure at T K so that total pressure
becomes 6 bar at same temperature T K. Assume gases behave an ideal gas.

56. Number of bromine atoms in one molecule of the product P is

1. conc. HNO3 /conc. H2 SO4

  1 eq 1. Ac 2O
2. Sn/HCl
 A 
2. Br2 /CH3 COOH
 'P' Major 
3. H /H2 O

57. The percentage of oxygen in compound ‘P’ formed in the following sequence of reaction is
1. Cr2 O3 / Al2 O3 773 K, 10  20 atm
CH3  CH2 5 CH3  2. Br2 / h
 P Major 
3. Mg/ ether
4. H2O

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15 AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021

58. Total number of stereoisomers of the following compound are


59. The bond order in O 2 is

60. Number of moles of oxygen produced by hydrolysis of 1 mole of XeF4 is

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Mathematics PART – C

(One Options Correct Type)
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

61. The relation R defined in N as aRb  b is divisible by a is

(A) reflexive but not symmetric
(B) symmetric but not transitive
(C) symmetric and transitive
(D) none of these

62. If 1, , 2 are three cube roots of unity, then (a  b  c2 )3 + (a  b2  c)3 is equal to, if
abc  0
(A) 27abc
(B) 0
(C) 3 abc
(D) none of these

63. Given that the equation z2  (p  iq)z  r  is  0, where p,q,r,s are real and non-zero has a real
root, then
(A) pqr  r 2  p2 s
(B) prs  q2  r 2p
(C) qrs  p2  s2 q
(D) pqs  s2  q2r

1 2
64. The maximum sum of the series 20  19  18  ......... is
3 3
(A) 310
(B) 300
(C) 320
(D) none of these

65. If the roots of x 2  x  a  0 exceed a, then

(A) 2a3
(B) a3
(C) 3  a  3
(D) a  2

66. In a certain test there are n questions. In the test 2ni students gave wrong answers to at least i
questions, where i  1, 2, ......n . If the total number of wrong answers given is 2047, then n is
equal to
(A) 10
(B) 11
(C) 12
(D) 13

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17 AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021

67. In the expansion of (1  x  x3  x 4 )10 , the coefficient of x 4 is

(A) C4
(B) C4
(C) 210
(D) 310

xa b c
68. One of the roots of the given equation b xc a  0 is
c a x b
(A) (a  b)
(B) (b  c)
(C) a
(D) (a  b  c)

x sin  y sin  x
69. If tan   and tan   , then is equal to
1  x cos  1  y cos  y
sin 
sin 
sin 
sin 
sin 
1  cos 
sin 
1  cos 

cos(A  B)  sin(A  B) cos2B

70. If sin A cos A sinB  0 , then B is equal to
 cos A sin A cosB

(A) (2n  1)
(B) n

(C) (2n  1)
(D) 2n

71. If a  b  c  0 , a, b, c are distinct non-zero real number and p  0, the lines ax  (b  c)y  p,
bx  (c  a)y  p and cx  (a  b)y  p
(A) do not intersect
(B) intersect
(C) are concurrent
(D) none of these

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
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72. Tangents are drawn from the point (4, 3) to the circle x 2  y2  9 . The area of the triangle formed
by them and the line joining their points of contact is

73. The centre of an ellipse is C and PN is any ordinate and A, A’ are the end points of major axis,
then the value of is
AN . A 'N
(C) a2  b2
(D) 1

74. The vector equation of the plane through the point (2, 1, –1) and passing through the line of
intersection of the plane r.(i  3j  k)  0 and r.( j  2k)  0 is
(A) r.(i  9j  11k)  0
(B) r.(i  9j  11k)  6
(C) r.(i  3j  13k)  0
(D) none of these

75. The moment about the point M( 2, 4,  6) of the force represented in magnitude and position by
AB where the points A and B have the co-ordinates (1, 2,  3) and (3,  4, 2) respectively, is
(A) 8i – 9j – 14k
(B) 2i – 6j + 5k
(C) – 3i + 2j – 3k
(D) – 5i + 8j – 8k

76. Solution of (xy cos xy  sin xy)dx  x2 cos xy dy  0 is

(A) x sin(xy)  k
(B) xy sin(xy)  k
(C) sin(xy)  k
(D) x 2 y sin(xy)  k

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
website: www.fiitjee.com
19 AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021

77. The solution of ye x/ y dx  (xe  x/y  y 3 )dy  0 is

(A)  e  x/y  k
(B)  e  x/y  k
(C)  ex/ y  k
(D)  ex/ y  k

78. For a biased die, the probabilities for different faces to turn up are
Face : 1 2 3 4 5 6
Probability : 0.2 0.22 0.11 0.25 0.05 0.17

The die is tossed and you are told that either face 4 or face 5 has turned up. The probability that it
is face 4 is
(D) none of these

79. The negation of the compound proposition p  (~ p  q) is

(A) (p  ~ q)  ~ p
(B) (p  ~ q)  ~ p
(C) (p  ~ q)  ~ p
(D) none of these

x2 y2
80. A tangent to a hyperbola  1 intercepts a length of unity from each of the co-ordinate axes,

a2 b2
then the point (a, b) lies on the rectangular hyperbola
(A) x2  y2  2
(B) x2  y2  1
(C) x 2  y 2  1
(D) none of these

(Numerical Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each
question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to the second
decimal place; e.g. XXXXX.XX).

81. The number of solutions of the equation sin1 x  2 tan1 x is

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
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AITS-FT-XV-PCM-JEE(Main)/2021 20

82. If (a  3b)(3a  b)  4h2 , and the angle between the lines represented by ax2  2hxy  by2  0 is
, then k is equal to

cos2 x  sin4 x  
83. If f(x)  for x  R , then f '   is equal to
sin2 x  cos 4 x 3

x(1  a cos x)  b sin x

84. If lim  1 , then the value of |a – b| is equal to
x 0 x3

 sin x  6cos x
85. If function f(x)  is monotonically increasing, then minimum value of   is equal
2 sin x  3cos x
to (where [.] denotes greatest integer function)

86. If P  (0,1,0),Q  (0,0,1) , then projection of PQ on the plane x  y  z  3 is equal to

dx  x 
87. If  sin x  cos x  2
cot     c , then the value of    is equal to
 8

 x dx 
88. If 0 2
(1  x)(1  x )

, then k is equal to

89. Area bounded by y  x sin x and x-axis between x  0 and x  2, is equal to

90. A coin is tossed three times in succession. If E is the event that there are at least two heads and
F is the event in which first throw is a head, then 12P   is equal to

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website: www.fiitjee.com

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