Pertandingan Inspirasi Ikon Kerjaya
Pertandingan Inspirasi Ikon Kerjaya
Pertandingan Inspirasi Ikon Kerjaya
Greetings to the honourable judges and all competitors. It’s an honour to be in the company
of such skilled individuals. To my fellow participants, I wish you all the best and look forward to our
shared experience today. My name is Mithra Pratap and I’m here to talk about my ambition.
Have you ever imagined a world where robots can help us with everything? That’s what I
dream of doing! Yes, you got me right! I want to be a robotic engineer, which means I would create
robots that can do many cool things. Let me tell you more about my dream and why it’s so exciting!
And as far as I know, it suits my personality as well. But before that, let me show off my beautiful
costume. it’s a robot costume with a Body Armor, arms and legs, and also details and accents.
As a year three student passionate about robotics, finding my ambition and direction in this
exciting field has been a journey of self-discovery. One of the most helpful tools in this process has
been Holland's RIASEC model, a personality assessment that identifies six different career interest
types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. Through this model, I
have gained valuable insights into my own interests and how they align with a career in robotics.
Holland’s RIASEC model divides career interests into six types. Realistic , Investigative,
Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. The results from the personality test highlighted three
key types for me: Investigative (I), Realistic (R), and Artistic (A).
Firstly, Investigative: I have always loved figuring out how things work. From tinkering with
gadgets to diving into complex theories in my homework, this type perfectly describes my analytical
approach to problem-solving. Secondly, Realistic (R): My Realistic traits are evident in my hands-on
experiences. I enjoy working directly with tools and machines. And finally Artistic (A): My ability to
approach problems with a creative mindset helps me develop unique and effective robotic systems.
This blend of creativity with technical skills allows me to contribute to the field in meaningful ways.
Robotic engineering has a vast field of responsibilities. For instance, design and
development, programming and control, testing and evaluation, research and innovation and also
maintenance and support. Overall, a robotic engineer’s role encompasses a blend of creative design,
technical expertise, and practical problem-solving to advance robotic technologies and applications.
Despite the personality test, an inspiration on the world-known legend, Rodney Brooks is
also why I chose robotic engineer. He is a pioneering roboticist and co-founder of iRobot and Rethink
Robotics. Brooks is also known for his work in autonomous robots and artificial intelligence,
particularly the development of the Roomba vacuum cleaner and the Baxter and industrial robots.
Didn’t I tell you that being a robotic engineer is about making something cool...? Following his path
can lead to a fulfilling career characterized by impactful work and the opportunity to drive future
advancements in the field.