Pdae Reviewer Midterm
Pdae Reviewer Midterm
Pdae Reviewer Midterm
Mentoring ● mentors can serve as models for the
-is a relationship which gives people the behavior of others by not being over-
opportunity to share their professional skills opinionated.
and experiences and to grow and 3.Learn new perspectives
developing the process. ● Enhances your skills in leadership,
counseling, listening,and modeling.
WORKING WITH A MENTOR ● Learn new perspectives and
-is usually an experienced individual who approaches.
shares knowledge, experience, and advice 4. Gain personal satisfaction
with a less experienced person, or“mentee”. ● Mentors will be happier if their
-They support and encourage their mentees mentee will succeed in their life
by offering suggestions and knowledge, 5. Advance your career
both general and specific. ● The mentors will benefit also to the
mentee, mentors can develop
Definition: leadership skills and gain personal
MENTOR sense of satisfaction from knowing
-A wise and trusted counselor or teacher. that they’ve helped someone.
-The main person you rely on to give you
advice and guidance, especially in your
career. Benefits to the Mentee:
MENTEE: 1. Gain valuable advice.
-A person who is advised and helped by a ● Mentors will guide mentees to reach
more experienced person over a period of their goals.
time, especially within a formal mentoring ● Gain practical advice,
programme in a company, university, etc. encouragement, and support.
-The aim is to build up the mentee’s 2.Learn new perspectives
confidence. ● Mentees have an opportunity to gain
-The mentee may wish to discuss her practical knowledge and insight from
career plans with the mentor. a mentor who has achieved a level
of expertise they aspire to attain.
Benefits to the Mentor: 3. Develop your knowledge and skills.
1.Build your leadership skills ● Mentors will guide mentees to
● Being encouraged and empowered identify the skills and advertise
in personal development 4. Improve your communication skills
● .This can help you to identify and 5. Building your network
correct gaps in generic skills and ● The mentor can offer an
knowledge. opportunity to expand of
2.Improve your communication skills. existing network of personal
● Good mentors often learn from their and professional contacts.
mentees. 6.Advance your career
● A mentor will help mentees to stay 1.Job Orientation
focused and on track in their career ● Someone who helps you settle in to
through advice, skills development, your new job company.
networking, and so on. ● Mentors raise your confidence and
problem-solving abilities.
Types of Mentoring 2.Career Transition
1. One-on-One Mentoring ● Someone with whom you review
● This is the traditional model of your career goals and plans.
mentoring, where one mentor and 3.Skills
one mentee agree to enter a ● Someone who will help you develop
mentoring relationship to help the specific skills. A mentor may share
mentee develop, improve, and information about this or her own
achieve. career path, as well as provide
2.Peer Mentoring guidance, motivation, emotional
● Peer mentoring involves colleagues support, and role modeling.
of a similar age and experience level 4.Professional/Personal Development
mentoring each other. Someone who will help you grow.
● peer mentoring is about creating a a.Increased self-awareness and self esteem
formal support system. b.Improved personal and professional
3.Group Mentoring relationship
● This style of mentoring involves one c.Increased mental fitness
mentor working with several d.Great resilience
mentees in a group. e.More knowledge and learned skills.
4. Reverse Mentoring 5.Confidant
● Reverse Mentoring is a ● Someone who is there for you
management practice in which a ● A mentor may help you with
senior employee seeks to gain exploring careers, setting goals,
business insights from a less developing contacts and identifying
experienced, often younger resources.
employee . 6.Technical Advisor
5.Team Mentoring ● Someone with whom you can
● “Team mentoring offers a discuss technical questions
methodology for ● Advisors play the role of
facilitating the learning of an intact team” offering advice
6. Virtual mentoring 7.Correspondents
● refers to a process of mentoring ● Someone to whom you
where mentors and mentees explain your ideas
communicate through internet-based
tools such as emails, chats, and Qualities of a Good Mentor:
social media networks. 1.Mentors should be enthusiastic about the
● This type of mentoring usually role.
occurs because of the distance 2.Mentors value learning
between two parties. 3.They treat others respectfully
What can I use a Mentor for? 4.They are experts in their field
5.Mentors encourage you to step out of your Problem Solving and Decision Making
comfort zone Problem solving - is a process of taking
6.They are active listeners and mentors corrective action to meet adjectives.
know how to provide feedback Decision Making -the process of selecting
a course of action that will solve a problem.
Characteristics of a Great Mentor:
1.Respected within or external to the What is Creative Problem Solving
organization ● It is the mental process of searching
2.High level of relevant experience for an original and previously
3.Ability to get on with people unknown solution to a problem.
4.Excellent communication skills Requires more than just knowledge
5.Humility/Desire to continue to learn and thinking.