Pdae Reviewer Midterm

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Mentoring ● mentors can serve as models for the
-is a relationship which gives people the behavior of others by not being over-
opportunity to share their professional skills opinionated.
and experiences and to grow and 3.Learn new perspectives
developing the process. ● Enhances your skills in leadership,
counseling, listening,and modeling.
WORKING WITH A MENTOR ● Learn new perspectives and
-is usually an experienced individual who approaches.
shares knowledge, experience, and advice 4. Gain personal satisfaction
with a less experienced person, or“mentee”. ● Mentors will be happier if their
-They support and encourage their mentees mentee will succeed in their life
by offering suggestions and knowledge, 5. Advance your career
both general and specific. ● The mentors will benefit also to the
mentee, mentors can develop
Definition: leadership skills and gain personal
MENTOR sense of satisfaction from knowing
-A wise and trusted counselor or teacher. that they’ve helped someone.
-The main person you rely on to give you
advice and guidance, especially in your
career. Benefits to the Mentee:
MENTEE: 1. Gain valuable advice.
-A person who is advised and helped by a ● Mentors will guide mentees to reach
more experienced person over a period of their goals.
time, especially within a formal mentoring ● Gain practical advice,
programme in a company, university, etc. encouragement, and support.
-The aim is to build up the mentee’s 2.Learn new perspectives
confidence. ● Mentees have an opportunity to gain
-The mentee may wish to discuss her practical knowledge and insight from
career plans with the mentor. a mentor who has achieved a level
of expertise they aspire to attain.
Benefits to the Mentor: 3. Develop your knowledge and skills.
1.Build your leadership skills ● Mentors will guide mentees to
● Being encouraged and empowered identify the skills and advertise
in personal development 4. Improve your communication skills
● .This can help you to identify and 5. Building your network
correct gaps in generic skills and ● The mentor can offer an
knowledge. opportunity to expand of
2.Improve your communication skills. existing network of personal
● Good mentors often learn from their and professional contacts.
mentees. 6.Advance your career
● A mentor will help mentees to stay 1.Job Orientation
focused and on track in their career ● Someone who helps you settle in to
through advice, skills development, your new job company.
networking, and so on. ● Mentors raise your confidence and
problem-solving abilities.
Types of Mentoring 2.Career Transition
1. One-on-One Mentoring ● Someone with whom you review
● This is the traditional model of your career goals and plans.
mentoring, where one mentor and 3.Skills
one mentee agree to enter a ● Someone who will help you develop
mentoring relationship to help the specific skills. A mentor may share
mentee develop, improve, and information about this or her own
achieve. career path, as well as provide
2.Peer Mentoring guidance, motivation, emotional
● Peer mentoring involves colleagues support, and role modeling.
of a similar age and experience level 4.Professional/Personal Development
mentoring each other. Someone who will help you grow.
● peer mentoring is about creating a a.Increased self-awareness and self esteem
formal support system. b.Improved personal and professional
3.Group Mentoring relationship
● This style of mentoring involves one c.Increased mental fitness
mentor working with several d.Great resilience
mentees in a group. e.More knowledge and learned skills.
4. Reverse Mentoring 5.Confidant
● Reverse Mentoring is a ● Someone who is there for you
management practice in which a ● A mentor may help you with
senior employee seeks to gain exploring careers, setting goals,
business insights from a less developing contacts and identifying
experienced, often younger resources.
employee . 6.Technical Advisor
5.Team Mentoring ● Someone with whom you can
● “Team mentoring offers a discuss technical questions
methodology for ● Advisors play the role of
facilitating the learning of an intact team” offering advice
6. Virtual mentoring 7.Correspondents
● refers to a process of mentoring ● Someone to whom you
where mentors and mentees explain your ideas
communicate through internet-based
tools such as emails, chats, and Qualities of a Good Mentor:
social media networks. 1.Mentors should be enthusiastic about the
● This type of mentoring usually role.
occurs because of the distance 2.Mentors value learning
between two parties. 3.They treat others respectfully
What can I use a Mentor for? 4.They are experts in their field
5.Mentors encourage you to step out of your Problem Solving and Decision Making
comfort zone Problem solving - is a process of taking
6.They are active listeners and mentors corrective action to meet adjectives.
know how to provide feedback Decision Making -the process of selecting
a course of action that will solve a problem.
Characteristics of a Great Mentor:
1.Respected within or external to the What is Creative Problem Solving
organization ● It is the mental process of searching
2.High level of relevant experience for an original and previously
3.Ability to get on with people unknown solution to a problem.
4.Excellent communication skills Requires more than just knowledge
5.Humility/Desire to continue to learn and thinking.

About the Creative Problem Solving

Qualities of a Good Mentee 1.Alex Osborn, founder of the Creative
1.Personal Commitment -Mentee should be Education Foundation, first developed
considerate to schedule meetings ahead of creative problem solving in the 1940s and
time, value the mentor’s time. together with Sid Parnes, he developed
2.Flexibility -Mentee should recognize the Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving
need to accommodate changes as Process.
situations arise yet focused on the overall 1.Creative Problem Solving has been
goal. heavily researched and used in both
3.Initiative -Mentee should have the ability business and education settings CPS asks
to act or take charge to do something you to separate your “divergent” and
without being prompted to do so. “convergent thinking” as a way to do this.
4.Openness -Mentee should be willing to
accept feedback, discuss areas for Divergent and Convergent Thinking
improvement, and ask for help, as well as Divergent -is the process of generating lots
share one’s needs and views with the of potential solutions and possibilities,
mentor. otherwise known as brainstorming.
5.Open-mindedness -Mentee should be Convergent Thinking - involves valuating
willing to consider different ideas or those options and choosing the most
opinions, to try new things, and to accept promising one.
different points of view.
Six Steps of Creative Problem Solving
1.Objective (Mess) finding -Identify a
WEEK 8: Creative Problem Solving 2.Fact Finding -List all the key facts
associated with your situation
What is a Problem? 3.Problem Finding. -What is the real
● It is something that has to be solved problem?
or an unpleasant or undesirable 4.Idea Finding. -Brainstorm ideas
condition that needs to be corrected. 5.Solution Finding -How will you your
ideas which is best? evaluate
6.Acceptance Finding. -Find ways to put best option or solution that they will
your action. ideas into choose.
6. Team Attitudes
Obstacles You Might Encounter Solving ● Lack of trust and doubts, lack of
a Problem accountability,
1.Misleading information dysfunction and fear of change.
● Misleading information is incorrect ● In order to have a positive team
information or attitude, you must have positive
fake news given to an eye witness following personal attitudes among team
an event. members. Encourage teamwork and
● When you start solving a problem set the environment for a positive
you should scrutinize or validate the team attitude. Negative attitudes
information on the fact that whether undermine a team climate.
your information you're receiving is 7.Failure to know to communicate what
trustworthy and accountable or not. is possible. Rush to judgment.
2. Mindset ● Managers spend their time and
● The second obstacles that might be money during decision making on
encountered in solving a problem is the the wrong things.
people mindset where people tend to find
the worst in everything, or reduce their Decision Making Styles:
expectations by considering the worst 1.Reflexive Style
possible scenarios. ● Make quick decisions without taking
3.Failure to recognize the problem the time to get all information that
● It means that in order to identify a maybe needed and without
problem, the employee or individual considering all the alternatives.
must know where it is meant to be 2.Reflective Style
and make sure you have a clear ● Takes plenty of time to make
understanding of where it currently is decisions, gathering considerable
in relation to the perceived problem. information and analyzing several
4.Conceiving the problem alternatives.
too narrowly 3.Consistent Style
● Conceiving the problem too ● Tends to make decisions without
narrowly means employees are not sure either rushing or wasting time.
what is happening.
5.Failure to consider the feasibility of the Generating Creative Alternatives:
solution 1.Brainstorming
● Employees and managers are ● According to Alex F. Osborn,
undecided in their decision. In order "brainstorming is very common
to finalize an effective decision group method for finding ideas which
making, the individual can ask is based on spontaneity and
somebody who is trusted, who can unfiltered creativity "
give some support and advice to ● Training the human brain to trigger
their print of interest, so that in that a“storm of ideas” and to
way they can decide what will be the subsequently put those ideas on
paper is the fundamental concept of ● Leadership is all about empowering
brainstorming and it is the process of people,inspiring people,leading to
suggesting many possible change and shared vision.
alternatives and choosing the best
2.Synectic ● Individuals are given empowerment
● According to Gordon and Prince to create their own dwellings.
(2003), “Synectic ● When employee are empowered to
means joining together of seemingly make decisions they are contributing
unrelated to the strategy and business
elements” objectives of the organization
● it addresses all stages of the INSPIRE PEOPLE
creative problem-solving process, ● This is the art of motivating a group
and emphasizes differentiation of people to act towards achieving a
between idea generation and idea common goal.
evaluation. LEAD CHANGE
3.Nominal Grouping ● accepting and embracing change
● Nominal Grouping is the process of allows you to adapt to change and
generating and evaluating alternatives become more flexible.
using a structured voting method that SHAREDVISION
includes listing, recording, clarification, ● leaders provide a unity of
ranking discussion, and voting to select an purpose,while also establishing the
alternative. direction of the organization.
4.Consensus Marketing
● The process of developing group FIVE LEADERSHIP SKILLS FOUND IN
agreement on a solution to a MANAGERS:
problem. •Communication
5.Delphi Technique •Honesty and integrity
● The process of using a series of •People management
confidential questionnaires to refine •Awareness
a solution. •Innovation


LEADERSHIP ● is a trusted leader who steers his or
● Is the ability to positively influence her people toward uncomplicated
people and systems under one’s solutions,workable outcomes,and
authority so as to have a meaningful powerful results.Navigators are
impact and achieve important leaders who also trust people.
•COMMUNICATOR execution.
● Leader communication is about •REVIEW- tracking progress through
inspiring and encouraging an customer satisfaction and internal
individual or a group by systematic measure of quality,monitoring progress in
and meaningful sharing of info.By attaining improvement objectives,
using excellent communication skills. and celebrating successes.
● continuously develops personal LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE:
knowledge,skills,and abilities RATIONAL LEGAL LEADERSHIP
through Formal study, experience, ● This is established by
reflection,and reaction. policies,rules,and laws as an
•MENTORS example of government officials
● When mentors share their expertise who legislate,execute and enforce
with others,it can elevate their regulations.
credibility with the organization.It TRADITIONAL LEADERSHIP
demonstrates confidence in their ● involves the passing of position and
abilities,indicates strong leadership power from the generation to the
Bec. of their investment in the next.
success of other employees. CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP
● the ability to inspire others and
7 LEADERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS: usually is tied to that person’s
1.Accountability personal characteristics.
4.Integrity 1.DIRECTING
5.Creativity ● It is a process in which the
6.Perseverance managers instruct, guide and
7.Well being oversee the performance of the
workers to achieve predetermined
•LEADERSHIP – art of motivating a group ● leaders set the overall approach and
of people to act towards direction but work with subordinates
achieving a common goal. and allow them to manage the
•PLANNING –understanding basic details.
customer needs and business 3.SUPPORTING
capabilities developing long-term goal and ● leaders allocate tasks and set
near term priorities, direction,but the subordinates have
formulating human resources,goals,and full control over the performance of
policies understanding the work.
employees’ perceptions about quality and 4.DELEGATING
work. ● subordinates can do their work with
•IMPLEMENTATION- process of putting a little supervision or support.Once the
decision or plan into effect work is delegated,leaders take a
hands-off approach except when CORE SKILLS AND CHARACTERISTICS
asked to provide assistance by the TO EFFECTIVELY MANAGE
1.Emotional Intelligence
TIPS FOR BECOMING AN INFLUENCING ● Emotional intelligence has been
LEADER: defined, by Peter Salovey and
1.Provide opportunities for wins JohnMayer (1990), as "the ability to
2.Believe in your people monitor one's own and other
3.Serve others before yourself people's emotions, to discriminate
4.Connect with people between different emotions and label
5.Lead with authority but allow autonomy them appropriately, and to use
6.Give trust so you can earn trust emotional information to guide
7.Invest in the success of others thinking and behavior
8.Always show kindness and attention to 2.Patience
others ● Giving yourself (and others) a little
9.Stay humble time during the process can greatly
10.Balance autonomy and authority enhance the possibility of a
11.Influence with good character successful resolution.Understand all
12.Demonstrate openness the issues.
13.Develop a good relationship with your 3.Impartiality
employees ● Means equal treatment of all rivals
14.Build commitment between yourself and ordisputants; fairness. Impartiality Is
your team member characterized by the fact that the
15.Set a good example. mediator has no power to settle the
dispute or to make a decision with
respect to the parties.
WEEK 10:CONFLICT 4. Active listening
MANAGEMENT SKILLS ● Active listening techniques can help
you truly understand what people
CONFLICT are saying in conversations or any
● A serious disagreement or meetings
argument, typically a protracted one. 5. Positivity
● A right, battle, or struggle, especially ● Being positive with your conflict
a prolonged struggle, strife, management actions is a great way
controversy; quarrel; conflicts to keep the conversation moving
between parties. forward.
6. Open Communication
CONFLICT MANAGEMENT SKILLS ● Open communication allows the
● It is the process of limiting the employees to be more engaged and
negative aspects of conflict while understand that what they do
enhancing the positive aspects of matters in the success of the
conflict. business and effective
communication will lead everyone to
be on the same page; moving in the
same direction toward the same other people's
goal. comments,actions,attitudes,opinions
or choices affect how you feel about
WHAT ARE CONFLICT RESOLUTION yourself or your life, even if they are
SKILLS? a direct and personal attack.
•Conflict resolution is the process in which 6.Don't Talk Behind People's Backs
two or more ● AccordingtoRichardCarlson(2017)hi
parties work towards a solution to a problem ghlights in his Positive Living
or dispute. Relationship at Work,"When You talk
•The issue negatively affects one party or behind someone's back, it says
multiplean has escalated to the point where farless about the person you are
it needs to be addressed. discussing than it does about our
•Participants are required to work together own character,about your need to be
to produce a common agreement that critical and you need to talk behind
resolves the issue. other people's backs."
7.Pay Close Attention To Nonverbal
1.Don't Jump The Defense. 1.Pay close attention to what the person
● Conflict resolution it is important to says.
know the other's point of view in 2.Maintain Comfortable Eye contact.
order to hear both sides if two 3.Maintain An Open Body position. Don't
parties are involved in arguments. Cross Your Arms over your body as this
2.Don't point fingers. may appear defensive.
● "If you feel the need to make 4.It’s best to sit alongside and angled
someone, feel less assured of toward persons rather than directly opposite
themselves or have to call another himorher.
person out, you may gain a false 8.Prioritize Resolving The conflict over
sense of superiority being right.
3.MAINTAIN A CALM TONE. ● According To Jeanne Segal, Ph.D.
● Maintaining a calm tone shows Lawrence Robinson, and Melinda
willingness to compromise or Smith, M.A.(2021),"We need to
collaborate. make conflict resolution priority"
● Don't Talk Behind People's rather than the winning or "being
backs. right" and always maintain rather the
● Don't personally take anything strengthening relationship, then
4.SHOW WILLINGNESS TO "winning" the argument. Be
COMPROMISE OR COLLABORATE respectful of the other person and
● Collaboration and compromise can their viewpoint
be used to resolve conflicts by 9.Use Humor When Appropriate
working toward mutual ● Humor builds learning relationships
understanding and brainstorming. through the joyful confluence of
5.Don't Take Anything Personally. head and the heart.
● "Don't Take Things
Personally"means you should not let
10.Focus on the conflict at hand and not
past ones.
● Jeanne Segal, Ph. D., Lawrence
Robinsonb,and Melinda Smith, M.A.
(2021),mentioned in their study
"Always Focus On The Present. If
You're Holding Onto grudge based
on past conflicts,your ability to see
the reality of the current situation will
be impaired.
11.Know When To Apologize AndForgive
● Forgiveness is the best form of
love.It takes a strong person to say
sorry and even a stronger person to
a.Foster Effective Communication.
b.Develop Trust With Your Colleagues.
c.Show Appreciation And Respect For
d.Speak well of your team members.
e.Take Responsibility.

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