Milk Animal

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Milk is the lacteal secretion of the moimary glands of animals.

Highly variableconstituent of milk is: Fat &Lipids
Least variable constituent of milk: Lactose
3 Lactose is highly unstable part of milk because milk is fermented by the bacteria present in the milk.
(As a result lactic acid is formed which increases
the milk acidity.)
* Factor responsible for Sweetness of!
Indian cow breed Sahiwal ranks Tthe sweetness of milk as it has the highest lactose content
* Fat is the most important tof milk by commercial point of view.
* Cooling temperature transportation: 4°C (Can be stored for 10-12 hours)
3 Milk obtaining ttime Cow &Buffalo): 72 hours after calving or until the milk becomes colostrum
Poor source of: Vitamin Cand Iron
* Major source of: Vitamin A, Calcium and Riboflavin (vit. B2)
* pH of milk: 6.5 -6.7 at 25°C
* Acidity: 0.12 - 0.16%
* Specific gravity: 1.030 (1.028-1.032)
Freezing Point : -0.55°C
Boiling Point : 100.17°C
Refractive index of milk: 13440 to 1.3480 at 20°C
* Average Viscosity of Milk: 1.2 - 2.0 centipoise
3 Whole milk posses highest viscosity (2.0 centipoise) while "Whey" posses lowest viscocity (1.2
* Skim milk posses medium viscosity (1.5 centipoise).
Lactometer is generally used to detect specific gravity of milk.
detected by lactometer. (Asked in AFO-2022)

CLR (Corrected Lactometer readi

* Specific gravity = 1000

* India ranks first in milk production, accounting for 20 per cent of world production.
3 About 85% of the total farmers are small and marginal, they together own about 47% of farm land
whereas own about 75% of milch animals.
Rennet is used to separate milk into solid curds (for cheese making) and liquid whey.
* Curd is a semi solid product, obtained from pasteurized or boiled milk by souring, using harmless
lactic acid or other bacterial cultures.
Best temperature of milk for inoculation of starter to prepare curd is: 21-22°C - 14 to 16 hours (For
mesophilic bacteria),41-43*C - 3 to 4 hours (For thermophilic organisms)
Skim milk with atotal solidscontent of 10-11% isdesirable for the propagation of starters.
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Fat is present as "Emulsion" in milk.
& Protein is present as "Colloidal" in milk.
Fat is present as micro globules in milk which is known as Trigliceried.
of milk is due to presence of Casein protein while yellowing of cow milk is due to
pH of silage: 3.5 - 4.2
pH of colostrum: 5.7-6.4
3 pH of Blood and Milk
* pH of casein: 4.6
Milk vein of filled with blood.
* Milk is producedin Alveoli cells and stored in Lumen.
Father of milk revolution (white revolution): Verghese kurien
Headquarter of AMUL 0s situated at: Anand (Gujarat)
Operation flood was started in 1970 to enhance milk production in India.
First round of Operation Flood: 1970-1980
Second Round of Operation Flood: 1981-1985
3 Third round of operation flood: 1985-1996
3 NDRI 0s situated at: Karnal, Haryana
* NDDB is situated at: Anand, Gujarat
3 First chairman of NDDB: Dr. Verghese kurien
In India, 31% milk oftotal milk production is used as domestic consumption,while 19% used for
market sell and 50% used for Ghee, Curd, Khoa, Butter, Cheese making.
3 Highest milk producing state in India: Uttarpradesh
Anemia diseases in animals: Due todeficiency of copper and cobalt
Highest average milk fat is foundin Sheep
n d h a s>
2 2 6 &(7.38%)
4 > Goat (4.25%) >Cow
(4.14%). (Most confusing - Highest Average Fat is owhile Highest fat is found in
Highest fat in cow is found in Jersey breed )while Highest fat in buffalo is found in
Bhadawaribreed (13%).
1gm. Fat produces 9.3 calories energy.
Fat soluble vitamins are: Vit. A, D, E&K
Water soluble vitamins: Vit. B, C
* Milk protein: Casein (80%), Albumin (0.4-0.7%), &Globumin (0.05-0.11%).
* Kjeldahl Method is used to detect milk protein.
* Nitrogen in Milk: 0.5%
Casein protein doesn't coagulate while heating but other proteins are coagulated like- Lacto-Albumin
Average Lactose content in Milk: 4.5 - 4.8%.
Minerals are present in jthe
tra of solution
n t r ainyMilk.
* Average mineral content in milk: 0.76% LcO
Iron is not present in the Milkthat'swhy known as Incomplete food.
Curdling without pronounced acid is known as sweet curdling. It is done by Bacillus
mycoides &Bacillus cereus.
Colostrum has laxative effect thelps to expel meconium from foetal digestive tract.
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* Recknagel phenomenon: Recknagel observed that the density or specific gravity of milk as soon as
milking is lower than the same milk held fo longperiods of time, especially of milk under cold
storage. Such phenomenon is known as Recknagel phenomenon.
3 Bacterial fermentation of carbohydrate: Streptococcus lactis
* Bacterial fermentation of proteín: Bacillus subtilis
* Bacterial formation Pseudomonas fragi
Conversion of milkbito curd: Lactobacillus thermophillus
Whole Milk:

Milk as such, derived from the animals without altering the composition is termed as whole milk.
In most of thestates cow milk is supposed to contain fat not less than 3.5% and S.N.F. not less than
8.5%, whereas buffalo milk should contain fat not less than 6% and SNF not less than 9%.

Following equipment are used for chilling of milk:

* Surface cooler: (Direct expansion type, ice bank and brine)- for handling up to 5,000 litre of milk.
" Plate cooler: This is suitable for handling more than 30,000 litre of milk.

Following criteria are used for Grading of milk at chilling centre:

Smell/Falvour : 45
MBR test : 35
Sediment: 10
Cleanliness of Container/Closure : 5
3 Temperature: 5C

Quality assessment of Raw Millk:

1. C.0.B. Test (Clot-on-Boiling Test): DDATq
* COB test indicates the suitability of milk for pasteurization and other heat treatment processes.
5-15 ml of milk in a test tube is held over a flame and allowed to boil. The formation of flakes or
clots indicates that the milk has high developed acidity and is unsuitable for pasteurization or high
heat treatments.

2. Alcohol Test: To detect milk acidity

3. Fat Test: Generally done by butyrometer, works based on centrifugal force
The normal methods commercially followed are
A. Gerber's method
B. Babcok's method

4. Hansa Test: To detect cow milk with buffalo milk.

5. lodine Test: To detect starch content in milk.
6. Nitrate Test: To detect ran water content in milk.
7. Mested solution test: To detect mastitis disease. Whatsapp: +91-9694095242 Page I4

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8. Alkaline phosphate test: Alkaline Phosphatase is an enzyme which is naturally present in milk, but
is destroyed at a temperature just near to the pasteurization temperature. Alkaline Phosphatase test is
used to indicate whether milk has been adequately pasteurised or whether it has been contaminated
with raw milk after pasteurisation. Tbis test is based on the principle that the alkaline phosphatase
enzyme in raw milk liberates phetiol from a disodium para-nitro phenyl phosphate and forms a
yellow coloured complexatalkaline pH. The intensity of yellow colour produced is proportional to
the activity of the enzyÁ. (AFO Mains 2022)
9. MBRT: MethyleneBrue Dye Reduction Test, commonly known as MBRT test is used as a quick method
to assess the microbiological quality of raw and pasteurized milk. This test is based on the fact
that the blue colour of the dye solution added to the milk get decolourized when the oxygen present in
the milk get exhausted due to microbial activity. The sooner the decolourization, more inferior is the
bacteriological quality of milk assumed to be. This test is widely used at the dairy reception dock,
processing units and milk chilling centres where it is followed as acceptance/rejection criteria for the
raw and processed milk

Grading of milk based on MBRT as per BIS standard:

MBR Time (hr) Quality of raw milk
5 and above Very good
3 and 4 Good
1and 2 Fair

1/2 and below Poor

10.Resazurin Reduction Test (RRT): eduction test is another method of dye reduction
test and the principle of this test is nearly similar to methylene blue reduction test. In MBRT the
time for reduction of the dye is measured, while in RRT, at a fixed period time, specific shade of
colour and its intensity is measured. There are twO variations in RRT of testing milk. One is 10 min
RRT test that can be used as a rapid platform test for quick assessment of milk at the raw milk
reception dock. The other one is a one hour RRT performed in the lab.

Processing of Milk:
Homogenization can be defined as the process
small enough to prevent the formation of a layer.

the object of minimizing possible health hazards arising from
pathogenic microorganismsássociated with milk by heat treatment, which is consistent with minimal
chemical, physical and senisory changes in the product. Whatsapp: +91-9694095242 Page | 5
* 99% microorganisms are killed in this process. (Asked in AFO-2022)
* Milk is cooled at 10°C just after pasteurization

Different categories of heat treatmen

Treatments Process Temperature (°C) Time (seconds)

Pasteurization Low temperature 63 1800

longtime (LTLT)
HTST (milk) 72 15-20

HTST (Cream) >80 15

Sterilization 2260

Thermization 57-68 15

115-121 20-30 minutes

Ultra-pasteurization 115-130 2-4

UHT (Ultra high 148 1-6


Flash pasteurization 111-115°C 30 minutes

Value Added Products of Milk:

Non-Fermented Products

Skim Milk:
* Fat is removed by centrifugation in skimmed
* Fat content is reduced to 0.5-2%.

Evaporated Milk:
3 This is the milk from which about 50-60% of the water has been evaporated.
* Raw milk is clarified and concentrated in a vacuum at a temperature of 74-77°C.

Sweetened condensed milk:

* Multiplication of micro-organisms in the product is prevented by the preservation action of sugar.
The product is made from pasteurized milk that is concentrated and sweetened with sucrose. Page | 6
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Sugar concentrate is 65%.

Milk Powder:
* Non fat dry milkgpowder
lhaw is usually
a02264 Trom fresh pasteurized milk.
Maximum moisture content in powder: 3%
Standardized milk:
In standardized fat content is maintained at 4.5% and S.N.F at 8.5 percent.
* It is prepared froma mixture of buffalo milk and skim milk.
Class of Milk Minimum Milk Fat % Minimum SNF %

1. Mixed Milk 4.5 8.5

2. Standardized Milk 4.5 8.5

3. Toned Milk 3.0 8.5

4. Double Toned Milk 1.5 9.0

5. Skimmed Milk 0.5 8.7

6. Full Cream Milk 6.0 9.0

7. Recombined Milk 3.0 8.5

8. Buffalo Milk 9%

9. Cow Milk 8.5-9%

10. Goat &Sheep Milk 3.5% 8.5-9.0%

Filled Milk:

* Filled milk is the homogenized product prepared from refined vegetable oil and non-fat milk solids
and water.
Its fat content should not be less than 3 percent and S.N.F. 8.5 percent.

Other Non-Fermented Products:

* Flavoured milk jotrandhawa


3 Yoghurt-ice cream milk shake
lce cream Whatsapp: +91-9694095242 Page |7

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Indian Milk Products:

Indian name of Corresponding Principle of manufacture Method of utilization

product western product

Desiccated whole milk products
Partial dehydration in open
Kheer (Basundi) Imilk pan with sugar and Direct consumption
sometimes rice etc.

Rabri Clotted cream

Partial dehydration in open
pan with sugar Direct consumption

As a base for making

Khoa Open pan heat desiccation locally popular

Kulfi Indigenous ice Concentrated milk sugared

Direct consumption
cream and frozen

Coagulated milk products

Dahi Curd Fermentation

Srikhand Fermentation and straining, Direct consumption

Curd (sweetened) and kneading with sugar

Paneer Soft cheese Rennet coagulation basketing

and salting

Chhana Lactic coagulated Acid and draining Same as for khoa

green curd

Products of the clarified butter industry

Makkhan Butter NChurning of fermented whole Clarification into ghee


Clarification of butter or For table use or

Ghee Butteroil
cream clarified into ghee

Lassi or chhach Buttermilk By-product during churning As a beverage

of fermented whole milk

Heat denatured solids-not-fat

Ghee residue Maurta
of butter or cream
At present wasted

Separated milk Separated milk Cream separation

Casein making and also
for poor quality dahi
Note: Curd, Butter milk, Yoghurt, ietc. can also be classified into cultured milk products. Whatsapp: +91-9694095242 Page | 8

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1. Butter:
The fat content of butter is generally about 80%.
Butter is made from sweet or sour cream.

2. Cheese: (AFO-2023)
* Cheese is made of casein.

3 Cheese is prepared by adding rennet in milk.

* Moisture is removed by pressing and cutting.
3 66 gm rennet is required to coagulate 1000 liter milk.
3 It is hard as compared to chhana.

3. Ghee: Ghee is a clarified butter fat prepared from cow or 2 2g6m

o a a n d h a w a 0@
3 Milk fat: 99 to 99.5%
* Moisture: Not more than 0.5%

Free fat: 0.5%

* Present in liquid &semi liquid form
Temperature to obtain Ghee from Butter : 110-120°C
Temperature to obtain Ghee from Cream: 110°C

Other Milk Products:

3 Rabri

* Khoa: Prepared by dehydrated milk. Generally Known as "Mawa."

* Kalakand jotrandha
0 w

Gulab jamun
3 Sandesh
jotrandhawat Dr
IARI TOPPERS : TranstorioiDreamsinto Reality..

Flow diagram of manufacture from whole milk

Kheer, Kuli
-SkimMilk serment) ’ Non-fat-dahi
+ (Separate)
LiCoagulate) ’ Non-fat-panir
Whole LCream ’ Butter ’ Ghee

rMakkhan ’ Ghee
’ (Ferment) Dahi
l’ Chakka/Srikhand
(Coagulate) ’ ChhanaPanir


o t r a n d h a0

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Food Standards


Minimum SNF
Class of Milk Designation Locality Milk Fat (Important for
Agri Aspirants)

Assam, Bihar,
Delhi, Gujarat,
Raw, Pateurized, Haryana,
Buffalo Milk Boiled, Falvoured, Jharkhand, 6.0
Sterilized Maharashtra,
Meghalaya, 9.0
Punjab, Sikkim,

Raw, Pateurized,
Buffalo Milk
Remaining States
Boiled, Falvoured, & UTS

Raw, Pateurized,
Cow Milk Boiled, Falvoured, Chandigarh, 4.0
Sterilized Haryana, Punjab

Raw, Pateurized, cono

Cow Milk Boiled, Falvoured, Mizoram, Assam (Asked in AFO
Sterilized 2020-21)
Raw, Pateurized, Remaining States
Cow Milk Boiled, Falvoured, 3.5

Raw, Pateurized, Chhatisgarh,
Goat or Sheep
Falvoured, Haryana, Kerala, 3.5
Milk Sterilized MP,MH, Punjab,

Raw, Pateurized,
Goat or Sheep Falvoured, Ramaining States 3.0
Milk &UTS
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Raw, Pateurized,
Mixed Milk Boiled, Falvoured, All India 4.5 8.5

Standardized Pateurized,
Falvoured, AllIndia 4.5 8.5

All India 3.0 8.5

Toned Milk Falvoured and All India 3.0 8.5

Double Toned Pasteurized,

Falvoured and All India 1.5 9.0
Milk Sterilized

Raw, Boiled,
Skimmed Milk All India Not more than 0.5 8.7
Flavoured and

Full Cream Pasteurized and
All India 9.0
Milk Sterilized


Low fat cream: Containing milk less than 25.0 percent by weight
* Medium fat cream: Containing milk fat not less than 40.0 percent by weight
* High fat cream: Containing milk fat not less than 60.0 percent by weight.
Malai means the product rich in butter fat prepared by boiling and cooling cow or buffalo milk
or acombination thereof. It shall contain not less than 25.0 per cent milk fat.
Dahior Curd:
3 Dahishall have the same minimum percentage
r a n s h a w a 0@
of milk fat and milk solids-not-fat as the milk

from which it is prepared.

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Chhana or paneer:
3 Chhana or paneer means the product obtained from the cow or buffalo milk or a combination
thereof by precipitation with sour milk, lactic acid or citric acid. It shall not contain more than
70.0 per cent moisture and the milk fat content shall not be less than 50.0 per cent of the dry

when t is sold as low fat
* Moisture: Not more th¡n.709%
Milk Fat: Not 15% of dry matter

Butter, &hee fats:

Butter means the fatty product derived exclusively from milk of Cowand/or Buffalo or its
products principally in the form of an emulsion of the type water-in-oil.

Product Moisture Milk Fat SNF Common salt

Not more than Not more than Not more than Not more than
Table butter
16% 80% 1.5% 3%

Desi Cooking Not less than 76%


* Ghee means the pure clarified fat derived solely from milk or curd or from desi (cooking)
butter or from cream to which no colouring matter or has been added.
3 Maximum moisture allowed: 0.5%R e a n d h a w a 0 2 2 6

Tor ers IMilk Products

Yoghurt means a coagulated product obtained from pasteurised or boiled milk or concentrated
milk, pasteurised skimmed milk and /or pasteurised cream or a mixture of two or more of
these products by lactic acid fermentation through the action of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and
Steptococcus thermophilus.
Milk Fat SNF Milk Protein

Not less than 3% Not less than 8.5% Not less than 3.2%
6 0@

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Moisture: Not n t o a w a 0 2 2 6 @ g m a i l .

Other Products

14.0 per cent
* Total ash: Not'ore than 2.0 per cent
3 Gluten (on dry weight basis): Not less than 6.0 per cent

Fortified atta:
Fortified atta means the product obtained by adding one or more of the following materials to atta,
* Calcium carbonate (prepared chalk, popularly known as Creta preparata).
3 Riboflavin
3 Niacin

SEMOLINA (Suji or Rawa):

* Semolina (suji or rawa) means the product prepared from clean wheat free from rodent
hair and excreta by process of grinding and bolting. Ogal.con

3 Besan means the product obtained by IBengal gram (Cicer arietinum)
and shall not contain any added tter or any other foreign ingredient.


jotrandhawa02 oppers

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