Pastor Doug Batchelor WHY TO GO TO GO
Pastor Doug Batchelor WHY TO GO TO GO
Pastor Doug Batchelor WHY TO GO TO GO
Perhaps we should also ask this question in another way: Why would a
person say he or she loves God but doesn’t wish to fellowship with His
people? One of the reasons God wants us in church is because it has
people with similar beliefs. It helps bolster our faith and makes us
accountable to one another. Even in churches where there are some
difficult people, it is the best environment to increase our capacity to
learn to love one another.
In John 13:35 Jesus says, “By this shall all men know that ye are my
disciples, if ye have love one to another.” He knew that the love and
unity of the church could be a powerful part of our witness to the world
in the last days. Conversely, the devil surely realizes that the world
would disbelieve by our division. He has been working toward that goal
since the beginning.
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Sabbath Observance
Jul 09, 1990
In this age of materialism, the Sabbath points men and women to the
spiritual and to the personal. The consequences for forgetting the Sabbath
day to keep it holy are serious. It will lead to the distortion and eventual
destruction of a person's relationship with God.
When the Sabbath is kept, it is a witness to the rest that comes from
trusting God alone as our sustainer, as the basis of our salvation, and as the
ground of our hope in the future. As such, the Sabbath is a delight because
we have entered God's rest and have accepted the invitation to fellowship
with Him.
1) Nature and Purpose of the Sabbath. The origin of the Sabbath lies in
Creation when God rested from His work on the seventh day (Gen 1-3). The
Sabbath has significance as a perpetual sign of the everlasting covenant
between God and His people in order that they might know who it is that
created them (Ex 31-17) and sanctifies them (Ex 31:13; Ezek 20:12), and
that they might recognize Him as the Lord their God (Ezek 20:20).
5) Principles Guiding Sabbath Observance. Although the Bible does not deal
directly with many of the specific questions we may have regarding Sabbath
observance in our day, it does provide us with general principles that are
applicable today. (See Ex 16:29; 20:8-11; 34:21; Isa 58:13; Neh 13:15-22.)
"The law forbids secular labor on the rest day of the Lord; the toil that gains
a livelihood must cease; no labor for worldly pleasure or profit is lawful
upon that day; but as God ceased His labor of creating, and rested upon the
Sabbath and blessed it, so man is to leave the occupations of his daily life,
and devote those sacred hours to healthful rest, to worship, and to holy
deeds."--The Desire of Ages, p 207
This concept, however, is not supportive of total inactivity. Both the Old and
New Testaments invite us to care for the needs and alleviate the sufferings
of others, for the Sabbath is a good day for all, particularly the lowly and
the oppressed (Ex 23:12; Matt 12:10-13; Mark 2:27; Luke 13:11-17; John
Yet even good works on the Sabbath must not obscure the chief Biblical
characteristic of Sabbath observance, namely, rest (Gen 2:1-3). This
includes both physical (Ex 23:12) and spiritual rest in God (Matt 11:28). The
latter leads the Sabbath observer to seek the presence of, and communion
with God in worship (Isa 48:13), both in quiet meditation (Matt 12:1-8) and
in public worship (Jer 23:32, 2 Kings 4:23; 11:4-12; 1 Chron 23:30 ff; Isa
56:1-8). Its object is to recognize God as Creator and Redeemer (Gen 2:1-3;
Dent 5:12-15), and it is to be shared by the individual family and the larger
community (Isa 56:1-8).
6) Sabbath and the Authority of God's Word. Ellen White points out that the
Sabbath commandment is unique, for it contains the seal of God's law. It
alone "brings to view both the name and title of the Lawgiver. It declares
Him to be the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and thus shows His
claim to reverence and worship above all others. Aside from this precept,
there is nothing in the Decalogue to show by whose authority the law is
given."--The Great Controversy, p 452.
The Sabbath as a sign of the Creator points to His ownership and authority.
Meaningful Sabbath observance, therefore, indicates the acceptance of God
as Creator and Owner and acknowledges His authority over all creation,
including oneself. Sabbath observance is based on the authority of God's
Word. There is no other logical reason for it.
Human beings have the freedom to enter into a relationship with the
Creator of the universe as with a personal friend.
3) Two Sacred Institutions--The Home and the Sabbath. "In the beginning"
God placed a man and a woman in the Garden of Eden as their home. Also,
"in the beginning" God gave to human beings the Sabbath. These two
institutions, the home and the Sabbath, belong together. Both are gifts from
God. Therefore both are sacred, the latter strengthening and enriching in
its unique manner the bond of the former.
While traveling, Adventist tourists should make every effort to observe the
Sabbath with their fellow believers in any given area. Respecting the
sacredness of the seventh day, it is recommended that Adventists avoid
using the day for a holiday set aside for sightseeing and secular activity.
In establishing specific guidelines and policies for the corporate Church and
Church institutions, the Church is setting an example of Sabbath keeping
for the membership at large. It is the responsibility of the members to apply
true Sabbath keeping principles in their own lives. The Church can assist by
providing Sabbath keeping principles as found in the Bible and the Spirit of
Prophecy, but it cannot be conscience for the members.
1) Churches--Role of Church and Family in Sabbath Afternoon Activities.
The pastor and the local church leaders are entrusted with the
responsibility of providing carefully planned Sabbath activities for children,
youth, adults, and the elderly, and for families and singles, emphasizing the
importance of making the Sabbath a day of joy, worship, and rest. Church
activities should complement rather than replace family and home
The Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy are explicit about our duties as
Christians to our fellowman, even on the Sabbath day. In the modern
context, many employed in occupations involved with the saving of life and
property are called upon to deal with emergencies. Arranging for regular
weekend work requiring the use of the Sabbath hours for gainful emergency
employment or accepting work only on weekends in emergency occupations
to augment the family budget is out of harmony with Sabbath keeping
principles given by Christ. Responding to emergency situations where life
and safety are at stake is quite different from earning one's livelihood by
routinely engaging in such occupations on the Sabbath which are often
accompanied by commercial, secular, or routine activities. (See Christ's
comments on rescuing oxen or sheep from ditches and helping people in
need. Matt 12:11; Luke 13:16.) Absenting one's self from God's house and
being denied fellowship with the believers on the Sabbath can have a
chilling effect on one's spiritual life.
Church members should offer spiritual, moral, and, if needed temporal help
to other members experiencing Sabbath problems. Such support will serve
to strengthen the commitment to the Lord not only of the individual member
facing Sabbath problems but also of the Church as a whole.
b. All efforts should be made by the organization to as certain that only the
essential aspects of the new job will be performed on the Sabbath.
Administrators should also explain to the new employee the religious
purposes and basic objectives of the employing organization.
c. A rotation schedule will be adopted in order that the member who can
conscientiously accept such work on the Sabbath may frequently be able to
enter into a fuller celebration of the Sabbath day.
4. Working on holidays.
Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life.
Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are
invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us
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