2023 Jce Eng I
2023 Jce Eng I
2023 Jce Eng I
(50 marks)
Tuesday, 23 March 2023 Subject Number: J052/1
Time allowed: 1 hr 30mins
(11:00 a.m. – 12:30 pm)
1. This paper contains 8 printed Question Tick Do not
pages. Please check. Number questions write in
2. Answer All questions in all the answered these
sections. columns
3. In Section A, encircle the letter
representing the right answer to 21
each question. In section B and
C, write your answers in the
spaces provided.
4. When time is called to stop
writing, hand in your filled in 24
question paper to your
invigilator. 25
5. Write your Examination
Number at the top of each 26
answer sheet
6. In the table provided on this 27
page, tick against the question
number you have answered.
EXAMINATION NO.____________________
EXAMINATION NO.____________________
Questions 11 to 14 B. expectedly
C. suddenly
Choose the letter (A, B, C or D) that
D. jokingly
best gives the meaning of the
underlined expression in each of the
16.His co-worker told him not to
following sentences.
sign the cheque
11.He usually drives at a snail’s A. superior
pace. B. colleague
A. very fast C. boss
B. very slowly D. company
C. carefully 17.Mwikho was exhausted after a
D. carelessly long ride
12.Our constitution is in black A. desperate
and white. B. delighted
A. clear C. tired
B. unclear D. bored
C. old
Questions 18 to 20
D. written
13.It is not good for us to put all choose the word (A, B, C or D) that
eggs in one basket. has the opposite meaning to the
A. to stop liking eggs underlined words.
B. utilizing opportunities
18.He rarely visits his home
C. to give up
D. rely on one opportunity
A. annually
14.The prefects were given a
B. seldom
cold shoulder by the students.
C. often
A. ignored
D. sometimes
B. praised
C. abused
19.His stories were boring.
D. reprimanded
A. interesting
Questions 15 to 17 B. lovely
C. long
Choose a word or phrase (A, B, C or
D. short
D) which means the same or
20. She killed her child
almost the same as the underlined
word in the following sentences.
A. sadly
15. His son mysteriously B. worriedly
disappeared. C. reluctantly
A. strangely D. accidentally
EXAMINATION NO.____________________
(2 marks)
23.The students began their studies. The lights went off.
(Rewrite using: AS soon as......)
24.King Charles promised to make the country stable. King Charles
promised to make the country prosperous.
(Rewrite using both ..... and.....)
25.He can read. He can write.
(Rewrite using: As well as.........)
(2 marks)
EXAMINATION NO.____________________
Answer one question only from this section on the lined answer sheets.
Write between 150 and 200 words.
26. Imagine that you are failing to go to school because you have been
involved in a bicycle accident and the bicycle is completely damaged.
Write a letter to your aunt informing her about the accident and that you
need money to buy a new bicycle.
27. Imagine that most young people in your area are involved in drug and
substance abuse. Write a composition on the effects of drug and
substance abuse
In your composition include the following points:
c. Three things that the community should do to stop drug and substance
(20 marks)
EXAMINATION NO.____________________
EXAMINATION NO.____________________
EXAMINATION NO.____________________