Assignment 4.4 NSTP

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1. We discussed the 5 Building Blocks of being Pagkamaka-Diyos.

In your opinion, what is

an essential building block? Justify your answer. (10 pts)
- In my opinion, the most important building block of being pagkamaka-Diyos is “Work”.
The people who truly want to pursue the God that they are worshipping shall take an
initiative to do so. Live by the word of the book and take to heart the principles and
values that book serves. Be kind, be compassionate, be helpful, love your neighbor as
you love yourself. Engage yourself with acts of praising and praying and reading.

2. Share some experiences about the roots of the Filipino Character in your home (at least
three roots) (10 pts)
- I am a child of a Filipino household, and I experience “Family and home environment” in
a Filipino household. I was raised to be a respectful child, my parents fill my needs
financially, our extended family live in the same street so my cousins were my first
friends and I learned there how to makipagkapwa-tao. I also experienced the “Economic
environment” because most of the time in my childhood we would always be low on
budget, my father would go home late from work so that he could sustain food for our
family. Those times were not the hardest for us but it was a challenge. Also, the
“Educational system”. As a student who studied in the Philippines, I confirm that our
education system is quite not as good as it should be. Especially now, budgets for
education are being cut off and students getting low marks globally, we were in the last
ten of the lowest IQ if I’m correct. Students don’t take their education seriously and that’s
a major issue. When I was in Junior high school, I was like that too,I just thought that I
didn't need those information and now I can’t remember anything I learned there.

3. If you are given a chance to design a project for your community about the awareness of
Makakalikasan during a pandemic, What will it be? Explain your answer in 3 paragraphs.
(10 pts)
- I would implement forestation. I just call it that, it will be about planting various plants,
trees, flowers, vegetables in our community. A project where everyone, old or young, can
participate. It will be a fun activity for the people to participate in and it will enlighten them
about the importance of plants, it will encourage them to plant, and most importantly, it
will help our environment.

The streets will be full of trees, the outside will be more breezy and cold, we have more
shade to hide from the sun, it will be less hot and more fresh air. More people will go out and
enjoy the view of our beautiful and healthy street. If the environment is healthy, the people will
also be healthy.
It is the project’s main objective to make its people healthier, the project will them a
hobby and daily exercise. It is a simple and easy task, even so, it will make their body active
and productive. And with its result, the people will sow fresh air and the feeling of happiness and
pride for making their community breath-taking and also breath-giving, if you get the joke hehe.
A healthy environment have healthy and happy citizens.

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