2373196-The Rivers Curse - Adventure

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Unravel the Curses of the River in this Riveting Adventure
Supplement for the World’s Greatest Roleplaying Game

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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
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All other orginal material in this work is copyright 2023 by Thomas Lorenti and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeons Masters Guild.

Created with Homebrewery

PDF Version
v1.2 28/05/2023: third release
Table Of Contents
Act One: Overview 4 Influence and Powers 33

Phase One: Investigation 4 Appendices 34

Phase Two: Plots and Schemes 4

A. Gazetteer of Riverkeep 35
Phase Three: Final Confrontation 4
Sunrise Quarter 35
Running this Adventure 5 Daydream Plaza 35
Adventure Background 6 Gloaming Gate
The Bay
Key Plot Points 7
Adventure Hooks 7 B. Maps 36
Missing Children 7 RiverkeepMap 36
Goblin tribe 7 Blood Tooth Camp 37
Hero rescue 7 Warehouse 37
City under pressure 7 ShapelessWay 38
Orcas Help 7 SirAllardsManor 38
Adventure Play-by-Play 8 RiverkeepSewer 39
InterlaceLab 39
Key Characters 9
Barracks 40
The Good 9
The Citadel 40
The Bad 9
The Ugly 9
C. Factions 41

Act Two: Riverside Chronicles 10 Shadow Hands 41

The Orcas 41
Chapter One: The Blood Tooth The Tapestry 41
Clan 10 The Arkers 41
Chapter Two: The Games of The Blind Faith 41
Riverkeep 13 The Fell Strokes 41
The Shrivelled Shrimp 14

Chapter Three: Investigation 16 E. The Emerald Exchange Magic

Mysterious Disappearance from the Enchanted Items 42
Emporium 16
The Mimic of Shapeless Way
Hidden Cargoes
F. New Rules 43

The Barracks 23 Save Ends Effects 43

Sir Allard’s Manor 24 Dazed 43
Action-Oriented Creatures 43
Chapter Four: The Interlace 26 Villain Actions 43
Secret Passages and Aberrant Horrors 26
Unique Creatures 43
The Interlace Laboratory 28
Minions 44
Chapter Five: Lord Zalkor 30
The Feast 30 G. Hand-Outs 46
The Citadel 31

Chapter Six: The Tapestry’s Final Open Game License version 1.0a 47

Hour 33
The Adventure

Act One: Overview

L Phase Two: Plots and
ord Zalkor, an imposter posing as the late
Baron Dupont, has taken control of

Riverkeep. In the shadows, he conducts
horrific experiments, threatening to transform
the city’s people into monstrous Navigating the treacherous political landscape of
abominations. Combining the blood of stolen, sorcerous Riverkeep, the party uncovers that Lord Zalkor has
children with aberration sap from a goblin tribe he replaced Baron Dupont and is behind the dark
controls, and with the assistance of Sir Allard (Kraal), to experiments beneath the city. They must forge alliances
create a monstrous substance known as “Interlace”, he or risk betrayal as they fight to expose Zalkor’s plan.
stores this as vapour inside glass marbles. When
shattered, the vapour inside transforms the nearest
humanoid into a Bruteborn. The tyrants visiting the city Phase Three: Final
have taken an interest in this substance and plan to
exchange gifts with Lord Zalkor in return for it. The
party must stop this operation before it is too late and In a tense showdown at Baron Dupont’s stronghold, the
countless lives are lost. party must confront Lord Zalkor and his minions. The

Phase One:
outcome of the battle will depend on the alliances
they’ve made and the choices they’ve taken throughout
the adventure.

The party is hired to investigate strange disappearances
and public executions in Riverkeep. Their investigation
leads them to a corrupt tavern, a manipulated goblin
tribe, and hints of a darker force known as the

Running this Adventure
The River’s Curse is designed for a party of 4-6 6th-level adventurers. The adventure begins on the outskirts of
Riverkeep and leads the characters on a journey through the web of intrigue and danger lurking in the city. The main
villain, Baron Dupont, is revealed to be the malevolent Lord Zalkor, and the party must uncover his dark plans and put
a stop to them.
The adventure features a mix of exploration and diplomacy, with a few tough fights against powerful solo creatures.
Lord Zalkor himself is a formidable opponent, and the party should be well-prepared before facing him. Characters
with resistance or immunity to psychic damage will have an advantage against the Mindweavers.
It is important to note that the marbles containing the Interlace can be incredibly dangerous and may lead to instant
death for unprepared adventurers. Characters with the Lay on Hands ability or access to healing spells will be able to
counteract the effects of the Interlace. However, if the party does not have a healer, the DM should introduce a potion
that can stand in.
Overall, The River’s Curse offers a thrilling adventure full of mystery, danger, and intrigue. The DM should be
prepared to adapt to the player’s actions and choices, as the story may take unexpected turns. With careful planning
and a bit of luck, the party can emerge victorious and save the city from the grip of Lord Zalkor’s evil plans.

Adventure Background
Riverkeep is a city divided, both physically and socially, by the river that runs through its heart. On the affluent western
bank lie the citadel, artisan quarter, and church, as well as the bustling city square where festivals and grand
celebrations are held. The eastern bank, by contrast, is home to the merchants, docks, and laborers who keep the city’s
economy moving. Goods flow from the docks to the merchant quarter, eventually finding their way to the artisan
quarter across the river.
For years, the Shadow Hands, a powerful criminal syndicate, ruled Riverkeep’s underworld with an iron grip. But
recently, a new force has risen in the city’s shadows. Lord Zalkor, posing as Baron Dupont, and his right-hand man,
Kraal—disguised as Sir Allard—have infiltrated Riverkeep using false identities. Under the guise of Dupont, Zalkor has
begun betraying the Shadow Hands, breaking long-standing deals and ruthlessly executing their most untouchable
Zalkor’s ambitions go beyond the city’s underworld. He and Kraal have infected Queen Margrot of the Blood Tooth
Clan, a powerful goblin tribe, with a deadly aberration known as the Mindkiller. Under their control, the Blood Tooth
Clan has been forced to feed bodies to an aberrant stump, which produces toxic sap. This sap is sent to the Pick and
Pickle, a mysterious tavern hidden in Riverkeep’s East side.
The Pick and Pickle is more than it appears. It is a mimic, an extension of a false hydra, luring in victims—
particularly children with sorcerous bloodlines—who are then erased from the memories of those who knew them.
Kraal is the one who lures these children to the tavern, and once they are captured, they, along with the toxic sap, are
transported through the city’s sewer system to a hidden laboratory beneath a colossal statue in the middle of the bay.
In this hidden laboratory, Zalkor and Kraal create “Interlace,” a volatile vapor trapped in glass marbles. When
shattered, these marbles transform the nearest humanoid into a hulking aberration that kills indiscriminately. Zalkor
plans to sell these deadly marbles to the highest bidders and has invited tyrants, autocrats, and despots to a feast
where the transactions will take place.
The feast coincides with a public execution—the Hanging of local heroes and rebels who dared to oppose Baron
Dupont. These prisoners, held in the city’s jail on the west side of the river, include the captain of a notorious pirate
fleet moored just outside the city. His crew is ready to aid anyone who can successfully rescue their leader, adding
another layer of potential allies—or enemies—to the mix.

Key Plot Points
Monster creation - The party uncovers that Lord
Missing Children
As the party approaches Riverkeep, they hear rumors of
Zalkor is creating monstrous abominations to sell to children mysteriously vanishing. Upon arriving in the
other states and lords. They must investigate his city, they learn that Baron Dupont (Lord Zalkor) is
operations, expose the extent of his influence, and behind these kidnappings, using the children’s blood for
shut them down before the city is overrun with these a dark ritual to create Interlace. The party must navigate
horrors. through dangerous territory, uncover Zalkor’s
Missing Children - Children with unique hereditary connection to a local goblin tribe, and rescue the
traits are vanishing across Riverkeep. These children children before it’s too late.
are being drained of their blood—the first key
ingredient in Zalkor’s monstrous creations. The Goblin tribe
party must track down the missing children and While traveling towards Riverkeep, the party
rescue any survivors. encounters desperate refugees fleeing a recent attack.
Aberration Sap: A local goblin tribe has fallen under They reveal that their town was raided by a well-
Lord Zalkor’s control and is producing aberration organized goblin tribe. If the party investigates further,
sap, the second key ingredient in his experiments. they will discover the tribe’s connection to Lord Zalkor
The party must infiltrate the tribe, discover the and their forced role in producing aberration sap for his
extent of the operation, and stop the production of monstrous creations. However, the deeper the party
this toxic substance. delves, the more they realize that the goblins
Interlace Production: Beneath Riverkeep, Sir Allard themselves are victims of Zalkor’s tyranny.
(Kraal), Zalkor’s right-hand man, is using the stolen
blood and sap to create “Interlace” vapors, which are Hero rescue
stored in glass marbles. These marbles are the final
catalyst in transforming people into abominations. The party receives a distress message from a respected
The party must uncover the operation and destroy hero imprisoned in Riverkeep, scheduled for execution
the production line. in a week. This hero holds critical knowledge of
Dignitaries’ Arrival: Foreign dignitaries are arriving Zalkor’s plot, and rescuing them is essential for
soon to witness the public execution of local heroes uncovering the full extent of his plans. However, the
and rebels. They are also here to negotiate the rescue mission is fraught with danger, as the hero has
purchase of Interlace marbles to create their own been deeply scarred by their imprisonment and may
monsters. The party must prevent this exchange need the party’s help to regain their strength and
from happening and stop Zalkor’s influence from resolve.
spreading beyond Riverkeep.
Hanging of Local Heroes/Rebels: In five days, a
City under pressure
public execution is scheduled for local heroes and Civil unrest grows in Riverkeep as the Baron tightens
rebels who opposed the Baron. They are being held his grip on the city. The party hears of the citizens’ dire
in the city jail on the west side of Riverkeep. The situation and must find a way to rally the people and
party must rescue them before the execution takes build a resistance. As they work to gain support and
place and secure powerful allies for the coming undermine the Baron’s rule, they will uncover his plans
conflict. to unleash Interlace on the city, threatening to turn the
The Orcas: The party may choose to ally with the populace into monstrous abominations unless they act
pirate crew known as the Orcas, who have a vested quickly.

Orcas Help
interest in freeing their captain from the city jail. In
exchange, the Orcas are willing to assist the party
with distractions, sabotage, or even outright attacks The party learns that the captain of the pirate crew
against Zalkor’s forces, offering valuable support for known as the Orcas is being held captive in Riverkeep.
the rescue or other objectives within the city. Allying with the Orcas could provide valuable support,

Adventure Hooks
as they are eager to rescue their leader. In return for the
party’s help, the Orcas offer their assistance in any of
the party’s objectives within the city, whether through
To fully explore the depths of this adventure, the party is
plundering, creating distractions, or launching direct
encouraged to pursue multiple storylines
assaults. As the party works with the Orcas, they will
simultaneously. By tackling different challenges, they
uncover the Baron’s role in the crew’s downfall and
can uncover Lord Zalkor’s plot from various angles and
must confront him together to settle old scores.
gain a more comprehensive understanding of the
danger facing Riverkeep. Keep your eyes and ears open,
and be ready to confront multiple threats at once.

Adventure Play-by-
The adventure begins as the party makes their way
toward Riverkeep, where the Blood Tooth Clan has
been terrorizing nearby towns and abducting people to
harvest sap from an aberrant tree stump. The party
soon learns that an external force has taken control of
Queen Margrot, the clan’s leader. This influence comes
from Lord Zalkor, who has also established a giant
Mimic Tavern called the Pick and Pickle, where the sap
is being delivered.
The party’s primary objective is to prevent the
hanging of local rebels and heroes in Riverkeep. Along
the way, they will encounter various clues and leads to
investigate, such as the Baron’s erratic behavior, broken
deals, and the disappearance of local children—
including the apprentice of a local magic shop mage—
and the mysterious destinations of the sap barrels.
During their investigation, the party discovers that the
Pick and Pickle is not just an ordinary tavern but a
dangerous aberrant creature. They also learn that the
Baron plans to demolish the King’s statue during a
special festival. Unbeknownst to the party, the festival is
a cover for a test of Interlace—a potent mist that
transforms anyone exposed to it into a monstrous
Time is running out. With only five days before the
public hanging, the party must act swiftly. They uncover
a secret chamber beneath the monolithic statue in the
bay, where Kraal and his followers are manufacturing
Interlace. This vapor, stored in glass marbles, releases a
corrupting mist that turns humanoids into brutish
monsters when shattered.
Investigating Sir Allard’s manor reveals critical
information and burned notes pointing toward his
involvement. The manor also provides access to the
sewers and the underwater laboratory where the
Interlace is produced.
At a grand feast, the party learns about the sinister
trade deals between Lord Zalkor and his malevolent
associates. The party faces critical decisions: explore
the citadel to uncover more about the Mindweavers,
attempt an assassination of Lord Zalkor, or bide their The Statue of Riverkeep
time until the next day to rescue the imprisoned rebels. The monolithic statue standing proudly in the middle of
Riverkeep’s Bay depicts an ancient king, crafted long ago
from rough-hewn stone. Towering over the waters, the
statue’s weathered features evoke both authority and power,
as if the king were still guarding his kingdom. His
outstretched arms seem to welcome traders and travelers to
Riverkeep, while simultaneously warning would-be invaders
of the city’s strength and resolve. Waves crash against the
statue’s base, but it remains steadfast—a symbol of
Riverkeep’s enduring legacy and the history that has shaped

Key Characters extermination or subjugation. His desire for control
stems from a belief that only he and his kind are worthy
of power.
The Good In addition to his natural psychic abilities, Lord
Zalkor wields a Psi-Rifle—a deceptively simple ornate
Captain Senth Clay - The towering Goliath leader of
rod with a metallic orb at its tip. This weapon is capable
the Arkers, Riverkeep’s city watch. His imposing
of firing devastating blasts of psychic energy, reducing
presence commands respect and ensures law and
even the most stalwart opponents to trembling wrecks.
Zalkor’s expertise with the Psi-Rifle, combined with his
Lieutenant Marley Cromdor - A tough half-orc and
powerful intellect and psionic mastery, makes him an
Senth’s second-in-command. Fiercely dedicated to
enemy to be feared.
protecting Riverkeep’s citizens.
The captives; Jagal, Thorgin, Alec, Elen’gis, Gul’Rax, Baron Dupont
Lyen’ala - key figures held in the city jail, with ties to
Baron Dupont, known throughout the region for his
the resistance.
immense wealth and extravagant parties, is a man of
The Bad influence and charm. With his thick red beard, piercing
blue eyes, and a commanding presence, Dupont’s public
Lord Zalkor – A Mindweaver disguised as Baron image is that of a benevolent and charismatic noble.
Dupont, manipulating Riverkeep to fulfill his dark However, rumors of his dark dealings circulate through
plans. His mastery of psychic abilities makes him a the city, casting a shadow over his lavish lifestyle.
deadly and cunning adversary. Behind the scenes, Baron Dupont is a shrewd
Kraal – Zalkor’s ruthless right-hand man, posing as businessman, accumulating his fortune through arms
Sir Allard. Kraal oversees the creation of Interlace dealing, smuggling, and extortion. His network of spies
and furthers Zalkor’s agenda with calculated and informants keeps him well-informed, and his
precision. connections to criminal organizations ensure that his
grip on power remains unchallenged. Yet, despite his
The Ugly wealth and influence, there is something unsettling
about him, and many who know his true nature dare not
Bann – The brutal leader of the Shadow Hands cross him.
thieves’ guild, operating from the Night Port. Bann’s
ambition drives him to challenge Zalkor’s growing Bann & the Shadow Hands
control. The Shadow Hands, under Bann’s leadership, have a
Dagliesh – A nimble halfling thief and expert in dangerous mission for the party. They seek to
breaking and entering, Bann’s go-to for high-risk investigate Baron Dupont and gather evidence of his
jobs. recent changes in behavior. The guild suspects that
Trista – A red-skinned tiefling with high-society something darker is at play and wants the party to
connections. She acts as a middleman for the either eliminate the Baron or restore him to his former
Shadow Hands and their wealthy clients, using her self, whichever seems more feasible.
charm to secure deals. Trista, the Shadow Hands’ high-society contact, will
Captain Greenbeard – The notorious pirate captain accompany the party to infiltrate the Baron’s
of the Orcas, a druidic crew. Currently imprisoned by stronghold. However, her true objective is to steal the
the Arkers, his crew remains fiercely loyal. powerful artifact that is being used in the creation of

Lord Zalkor – Mindweaver Brainwave

Interlace. The party must decide whether to trust her or
keep a watchful eye as they delve deeper into the
Conductor mystery of Riverkeep.
Lord Zalkor is not merely a master manipulator—his
physical form reflects his alien heritage. His head is
adorned with long, sinewy tentacles, resembling those
of a squid but far more terrifying. These tentacles can
move independently, grasping objects or even
constricting foes. Zalkor’s otherworldly appearance, a
product of his Cerebraxi ancestry, strikes fear into the
hearts of those who witness it.
Despite his fearsome visage, Lord Zalkor is a master
of deception, often hiding his true intentions behind a
mask of politeness and charm. Beneath this facade lies
a deep hatred for humanity and other “barking ones,”
whom he views as inferior and deserving of

Act Two: Riverside Chronicles
n this act, players will dive deep into the world of
Riverkeep and interact with its inhabitants. This phase
focuses on exploration and investigation, where players will uncover the town’s dark secrets and follow up on
various leads. Their actions will shape the outcome of Riverkeep’s fate.

Lord Zalkor’s Scrying DM TWIST

At key moments, Lord Zalkor may attempt to scry on the Tirri is not what she seems. She is under the control of Lord
party through the plinth in his tower. If the party kills Queen Zalkor and has lured the party into an ambush. The Blood
Margrot, Zalkor will be alerted and immediately attempt to Tooth Clan has prepared an overwhelming attack with goblin
observe the situation. Each member must make a DC 18 fighters numbering three times the size of the party, ready to
Wisdom saving throw to avoid being seen and heard by him. strike once Tirri leads them back to the camp. This twist
Zalkor’s scrying may also occur if the party eliminates reinforces the danger of the region and Zalkor’s far-reaching
Kraal, defeats the first Bruteborn at the Flinging, triggers an influence, leaving the party questioning who they can truly
alarm at the warehouse during the child rescue, or enters the trust.
Pick and Pickle Tavern. These events heighten the mystery
surrounding Zalkor, as the party may be unaware of who is
watching them or what his ultimate goals might be.

Chapter One: The Blood

Tooth Clan
The Blood Tooth Clan is a brutal group of goblins
residing on the outskirts of Riverkeep, infamous for
their savage raids and kidnappings. Under the
leadership of Queen Margrot and the influence of Lord
Zalkor’s Mindkiller, the clan has grown more organized
and deadly. At the heart of their camp lies a twisted
aberrant tree stump, fed with the blood of captives to
produce a viscous sap. This sap is packed into beer
barrels and delivered to the Pick & Pickle Tavern in
Riverkeep as part of a larger, sinister plan.

As the party journeys toward Riverkeep, they encounter
a young dwarven girl who suddenly dashes into the
road, pursued by goblin arrows. One arrow strikes her
leg, and she collapses. Introducing herself as Tirri, she
tearfully explains that she escaped from the Blood
Tooth Clan, who have been raiding villages and
capturing innocent people. Tirri pleads with the party to
help rescue her parents, who are still held captive in the
clan’s camp.
The pursuing goblins should provide a manageable
challenge for the party. After the battle, Tirri offers to
guide them to the Blood Tooth Clan’s camp.


Blood Tooth Clan Camp
General Features: Blood Tooth Goblins
Campsite. The Blood Tooth Clan’s camp is perched The Blood Tooth Clan is highly dangerous, and the party is
atop a fortified hill, surrounded by a ten-foot-high log venturing into the goblins’ territory. Under Queen Margrot’s
wall. The hill has been dug out to create difficult terrain, strict orders, the goblins act with cunning and determination
to defend their camp. If any PCs fall unconscious during
making any attempt to climb up to the wall slow and
combat, the goblins will attempt to drag them to the aberrant
treacherous. A circling path leads to the main gate, tree stump for sacrifice unless the party surrenders.
where three goblin minions stand guard, ready to let in
returning raiders. At any time, at least a dozen goblins
can be seen within the camp, tending to various tasks Clan Encounters
such as cooking, guarding, or keeping watch over To make the Blood Tooth Clan encounters more manageable,
prisoners. the DM can adjust the difficulty by substituting different
Blood Tooth Clan Goblins. The goblins live in monsters or splitting the battle into two separate encounters.
constant fear of failure under Queen Margrot’s harsh
First Encounter: The party faces Spinecleaver, four Wargs,
rule. Anyone who disappoints her is fed to the aberrant
and a third of the goblin forces (about ten goblin minions)
tree stump at the center of the camp. Typically, there during a raiding mission.
are around 20-30 goblin minions present unless a Second Encounter: The party confronts Queen Margrot, the
raiding party is away. goblin snipers in the trees, the aberrant tree stump, and the
Approaching the Camp. The area around the camp remaining goblin forces (about 10-20 goblin minions)
has been cleared of trees, providing a clear line of sight within the camp.
to spot approaching threats. Three goblin snipers
The use of minions, a mechanic from fourth edition D&D,
occupy the dead trees within the camp, granting them is recommended. This allows the DM to present the players
an elevated position with an advantage on perception with a horde of goblins while keeping the combat
checks. Their job is to keep watch and alert the clan to manageable. Details on the Overkill rules for Minions can be
any signs of danger. found in the appendices.
Raiding Party. Every day at dusk, a raiding party led
by the Goblin Captain Spinecleaver leaves the camp.
The group consists of four Wargs and ten goblin
minions, who set out to raid nearby towns and
settlements. They typically return with up to a dozen


1. Main Gate 7. Cart & Barrels
The camp’s only entrance and exit, guarded by three Two barrels sit near a cart—one halfway full, the other
goblin minions. These guards are responsible for empty—awaiting transport to Riverkeep. Faded
allowing entry to returning raiders and ensuring no insignias of the Pick and Pickle Tavern mark the
unauthorized entry or escape. The gate is heavily barrels, showing their destination. The goblins use the
monitored to prevent intrusions. cart to haul the filled barrels of sap.

2. Fire Pits 8. Sentry Trees

The central area of the camp, where goblin raiders, Three dead trees serve as sentry towers for goblin
including the Spinecleaver, often lounge when not on snipers. At least one sniper occupies each tree, gaining
raids. The fire pits are used to cook whatever food the advantage on perception checks from their elevated
clan manages to scavenge or hunt. position. These sentries watch for threats and alert the

3. Warg Pits
clan if danger approaches.

A fortified enclosure containing the clan’s four Wargs.

9. Queen Margrot’s Tent
This area keeps the Wargs from attacking goblins or Queen Margrot resides in a well-guarded tent, where
prisoners and is reinforced to prevent their escape. she manages the Blood Tooth Clan’s operations. Inside,

4. Sleeping Tents
a ledger tracks the sap deliveries, and hidden notes
from Lord Zalkor are stashed beneath her bed. She is
These tents house 3-4 goblin minions each. During the always surrounded by her loyal minions.
day, they are typically empty as the goblins are busy
with their tasks around the camp.
10. Spinecleaver’s Tent
5. Aberrant Stump
Spinecleaver, the captain of the goblin raiders, has his
own tent, adorned with trophies from successful raids.
At the center of the camp lies the 6-foot-wide aberrant Despite his fearsome reputation, he enjoys the comforts
tree stump, exuding purplish ooze with a sickly-sweet of a large bed and a chest stocked with snacks and
odor. The stump is fed a prisoner every few hours. If wine, symbolizing his high status within the clan.
there are no prisoners, a goblin is sacrificed instead.
The goblins harvest the sap from this stump and
package it in barrels ready for transport to the Pick and

6. Prison Cells
Crude wooden cells hold a minimum of six commoners,
prisoners from the clan’s raids. If the number drops
below six, the goblins immediately seek out more
captives. The cells can be broken open with force or
picked by a skilled thief. These prisoners are kept solely
for feeding the Aberrant Stump, per Queen Margrot’s


Chapter Two: The Games of Riverkeep
When the party enters Riverkeep, they find the city bustling with markets and festivities as the Baron’s weekly festival
is underway. The main attraction is a trebuchet launching a boulder at the magically protected Statue of Riverkeep to
test its resilience.

The Statue of Riverkeep Seated in the stands with Kraal (posing as Sir Allard) is
The statue at the center of Riverkeep plays a crucial role in Lord Zalkor, disguised as the Baron. During the setup
the party’s exploration of the city and interaction with its for the event, the Baron has a hushed conversation with
inhabitants. It depicts a mythic hero of legend, preferably one Trista, indicating that he no longer sees the thieves’
the players are invested in. The statue’s attempted guild as useful and hinting at a secret project he’s
destruction during the festival showcases the Baron’s power working on—testing the Interlace and creating
and allows the party to witness the transformation of a monsters.
humanoid into a Bruteborn. As the event unfolds, the Baron signals for the
Key Takeaways. As both a literal and narrative landmark, trebuchet to launch. A large boulder is flung at the
the statue guides the party toward the hidden artifact within
statue, but it bounces off an invisible magical barrier
the secret laboratory. This artifact serves as a motive for the
Shadow Hands to steal, as well as a reason for one of the (emanating from the artifact hidden in the secret
visiting dignitaries to be in the city. laboratory below).
During this spectacle, a man is transformed into a
Bruteborn, triggering chaos and panic as the monstrous
creature attacks citizens. The party must decide
whether to intervene and stop the monster or watch as
it wreaks havoc on the crowd and the Arkers.
After the battle, Trista approaches the party,
impressed by their abilities. She invites them to the
Shriveled Shrimp, believing they could be useful to the
Shadow Hands.


The Shrivelled Shrimp
The Shrivelled Shrimp is a dimly lit, cramped tavern
As you step inside, the heavy scent of ale, sweat, and rotting
with a low ceiling and a pervasive air of seediness. The
walls are damp, covered in grime, peeling paint, and fish hits your nose. The dimly lit tavern echoes with rowdy
hastily patched cracks. The smell of stale ale, sweat, laughter and bawdy songs. Towards the back, an orc and a
and tobacco lingers thickly in the air. Despite its halfling sit at a small table. The orc’s eyes scan you up and
unwelcoming appearance, the tavern is always crowded down as you approach, while the halfling fiddles with
with patrons—rough-looking sailors and even well- lockpicks and keeps a watchful eye on the crowd.
dressed nobles trying to keep a low profile—huddled Trista, already familiar to you from your earlier encounter,
together and speaking in hushed tones. stands nearby. She gives the orc a nod before turning back to
The bar is tended by a gruff man who serves drinks in
you with a knowing smile.
battered mugs. There are no windows, adding to the
“Glad you made it,” she says. “Let me introduce you to
claustrophobic atmosphere. Flickering candles provide
the only source of light, and the tension in the room someone important.”
suggests that a fight could break out at any moment. The orc rises slightly from his seat, offering a toothy grin
In the back room of the tavern, the Shadow Hands that’s more intimidating than friendly. “Name’s Bann,” he
conduct their business. This cramped space contains a says, his voice a low rumble. “I run things around here.
low table and a few chairs, with weapons and tools of Trista speaks highly of you, so I’m curious—what do you
thievery decorating the walls. Those who enter know have to offer the Shadow Hands?”
they are stepping into dangerous territory. Here, deals
He studies you intently, weighing what he can gain from
are made, secrets are exchanged, and only Riverkeep’s
most unsavory characters feel at home. this meeting. “And what can we do for you?” he adds, as if
already calculating the potential outcomes.


Bann’s Thoughts
The Baron
Bann is concerned about the Baron’s recent strange
behavior, including breaking agreements and detaining
or executing prominent Shadow Hands members. He
suspects something has altered the Baron’s demeanor
and asks the party to investigate. Bann sees this as an
opportunity to either exploit the Baron’s vulnerability or
return him to his previous cooperative stance with the
Shadow Hands.

The Monster
Bann is aware of the Bruteborn creature but lacks
detailed information. He suspects Sir Allard is involved,
as Allard has been acting strangely and has been
spotted near the docks. Bann is worried about the threat
the creature poses but also sees potential in controlling
it as a weapon if the opportunity arises.

The Statue
Bann knows the statue in the center of Riverkeep is an
important symbol. The Baron despises it, and Bann
believes destroying the trebuchet or other means of
attacking the statue could weaken the Baron’s hold on
the city.

The Hangings
The Cells
Bann views the public hangings as a brutal display of
power but also sees opportunities. He may offer the Bann is aware of the Baron’s infamous prison cells,
Shadow Hands’ help in rescuing prisoners to gain favor known for their impregnability and the suffering they
with potential allies or as a show of good faith. Bann inflict on prisoners. He is willing to offer Shadow
knows the Hanging of the Tapestry members is Hands’ assistance in freeing captives if it helps
scheduled in five days at noon on the Hanging Bridge, a undermine the Baron. Bann suggests waiting for an
spectacle for the whole city and visiting dignitaries. opportune moment, such as during a hanging or
prisoner transport, to stage a rescue.
Sir Allard
The Orcas
Bann has never trusted Sir Allard, finding him corrupt
and arrogant. Allard only deals with Trista, frustrating Bann sees the Orcas as both a potential threat and an
the Shadow Hands. Bann suspects Allard is connected opportunity. He believes freeing the Orcas’ captain from
to the Baron’s erratic behavior and urges the party to the cells could open the door to a beneficial alliance,
investigate. He mentions that Allard recently dismissed strengthening the Shadow Hands’ position in the city.
most of his staff, keeping only a small retinue of guards
and a single servant at his manor on the far side of the Shapeless Way and the Pick & Pickle Tavern
city. Bann is unfamiliar with the Pick & Pickle Tavern or
Shapeless Way and doesn’t consider them significant
The Delegates locations. (These are actually properties of the Voidmaw
Bann has reliable sources and knows exactly which Mimic.)
delegates are visiting Riverkeep and when. He keeps a
close eye on their activities and may seek to make deals Sewer System
or alliances with them if it benefits the Shadow Hands. Bann is aware of the sewer system on Riverkeep’s
western side, the only functioning one in the city. The
system outflows into the sea at the southern point of the
city. However, Bann warns that crossing the bay and
exploring near the cliffs could attract unwanted
attention from the Arkers.


Chapter Three: Investigation
Mysterious Disappearance from the Enchanted Emporium
In the merchant quarter of Riverkeep, the party learns
Emerald & Ava
that the Enchanted Emporium’s newest apprentice,
As you step inside The Emerald Exchange, the dim light of
Ava, has mysteriously disappeared. Emerald, the shop’s
owner, fears that Ava has been kidnapped while on a flickering candles casts shadows across the shelves filled
mission to procure a magic item. The party’s with magical items. The air is thick with the scent of incense
investigation leads them to the docks quarter, where and a hint of something floral. Behind the counter stands
they discover Shapeless Way, a dangerous area Emerald, with striking green eyes and long raven-black curls.
notorious for criminal activity. Navigating this perilous Off to the side, Ava fidgets nervously, occasionally causing
district, the party must find Ava and uncover a sinister small magical mishaps.
plot involving her magical blood being used for
“Greetings, travelers. Welcome to the Emerald Exchange. I
am Emerald, the owner of this establishment. How may I
The Emerald Exchange assist you?”
The Emerald Exchange is a two-story building in
Riverkeep’s merchant quarter. Its mysterious exterior,
with drawn curtains and a shadowy atmosphere, hints Ava’s Disappearance
at the secrets within. Inside, flickering candlelight and Emerald frequently sends Ava to retrieve magical items,
presenting a convenient opportunity for Ava to go missing.
the rich scent of incense fill the air. Shelves and The DM can ensure that a magic item the party desperately
displays line the walls, showcasing potions, scrolls, wants is not in stock, giving Ava a reason to venture out and
enchanted trinkets, and other magical artifacts. be kidnapped.
Emerald, the striking owner, has raven-black curly hair Alternatively, Ava could vanish while procuring an item for
and piercing emerald-green eyes. Her apprentice, Ava, is another NPC. This raises questions such as, “Who sent Ava
often a bundle of nerves, prone to magical accidents due on this errand? Could it have been Sir Allard, luring her into a
to her lack of control. trap?”


Emerald’s Thoughts
Bann and the Shadow Hands Ava
Emerald has a longstanding relationship with the Ava is Emerald’s apprentice, a young woman who
Shadow Hands and Bann, which has helped her amass struggles with controlling her magic. Found abandoned
an impressive collection of magical items. Although she as a child due to her uncontrollable abilities, Emerald
recognizes their flaws, she finds them to be reliable took her in and has been teaching her ever since.
business partners. Despite her frequent magical accidents, Ava is
determined and works hard to learn from her mentor.
The Baron
Emerald views the Baron as just another wealthy noble, The Interlace
detached from the concerns of the common people.
Emerald would be both confused and shocked if shown
While she maintains professional interactions with him, an Interlace marble. She has never seen anything like it
her loyalty lies with the east side of the river, where she before. Upon closer inspection, she deduces that it
feels more connected to the community and her roots. involves a hybrid spell combining transmutation and
conjuration, a concept previously unheard of. She
The Monsters believes the glass marble is used to trap the mist, and
The recent appearance of the monsters has deeply with enough time to study it, she may be able to uncover
unsettled Emerald. Despite her research, she remains more about its nature and purpose.
at a loss to explain how such powerful conjuration
magic could create these creatures. She is willing to
assist the party in uncovering the truth, as she believes
it requires immense magical power and knowledge to
achieve such a feat.

The Statue
Though saddened by the destruction of the statue,
Emerald is pragmatic. She suspects that the statue is
protected by a powerful spell, but she knows better than
to involve herself in something she cannot change. As a
businesswoman, she prioritizes adapting to the ever-
changing world around her.


The Mimic of Shapeless Way
At the end of Shapeless Way lies a tavern called The The Voidmaw
Pick and Pickle, owned by Rose and Castigan Felder.
Shapeless Way is a mysterious and dangerous street,
The tavern has an eerie stillness, with only two men
overlooked by most due to its unassuming appearance.
playing dice inside, while goblins of the Blood Tooth
The street’s shops and taverns serve as a facade for the
Clan upstairs prepare to transport a shipment of
Voidmaw, a powerful creature with mind control
aberrant sap to the warehouse. The tavern owner, under
abilities that rules over the inhabitants. The Voidmaw’s
the influence of the Mimic, cleans the tables in a robotic
tendrils extend beneath the cobblestones, connecting to
manner. The party may be asked to help with a
the shops and controlling the shopkeepers and Mimic
supposed rat problem in the cellar, which is actually a
trap set by the Mimic to ensnare unwary visitors.
The Voidmaw’s most potent ability is memory
Shapeless Way is home to a variety of strange shops,
devouring—when it consumes its prey, it erases their
each with unique owners and wares. Little Ladies and
existence from everyone else’s memory. This allows the
Gents, run by the elderly Corva Heartlace, offers
Voidmaw to continue operating undetected. Enslaved by
handmade clothing for children. Spice of Life, owned by
Lord Zalkor, the Voidmaw serves as a lure for
the eccentric human Seppha, sells exotic spices and
eliminating unwanted individuals. Zalkor uses The Pick
herbs. Woodson & Wood, operated by the gnome Tizzy,
and Pickle Tavern as a hideout for his goblin carters,
features a large, crudely built statue of the Baron.
who bring in shipments of Aberrant sap. The goblins
However, something is off about these establishments—
wait there until Kraal summons them to transport the
the mannequins, dolls, spice bags, and woodworking
sap to the warehouse for Zalkor’s secret laboratory
tools are all Mimics in disguise, hiding in plain sight.
beneath the bay.
Shapeless Way is a perilous street where
appearances are deceiving, and the Voidmaw’s
influence is ever-present.


1. Little Ladies & Gents
Little Ladies and Gents is a quaint shop nestled
between larger establishments on Shapeless Way. Spice of Life
Corva Heartlace, an elderly woman, offers to make
Spice of Life is a small, dimly lit shop filled with the pungent
tailor-made outfits for the party at discounted prices.
aroma of various spices. Shelves that once held jars of exotic
However, her latest work is clearly not up to her usual
standard. Unbeknownst to the party, the mannequins seasonings are now mostly bare, with only a few dusty jars
and dolls are actually Mimics, waiting to attack. When remaining. The shopkeeper, Seppha, appears haggard, his
Corva has some clothes ready, 2d6 Mimic minions will eyes distant as if lost in a fog of confusion. He welcomes the
reveal themselves and attack if they sense an advantage. party warmly, but his words are muddled and unfocused.
The few remaining jars of spices sit on a counter, covered in
Little Ladies & Gents dust, and Seppha seems indifferent to their presence.
Little Ladies and Gents is a quaint shop, nestled between
two larger buildings on Shapeless Way. A wooden sign
creaks in the wind, and the display window features eerily 3. Woodson & Wood
realistic dolls in handmade outfits. The shop appears Woodson & Wood is a toy and woodworking shop run by
untouched by time, with cobwebs in the corners and a thick the gnome Tizzy, who once crafted beautiful wooden
figurines. Now, Tizzy seems distracted, focused on
layer of dust on the shelves. Behind the counter sits Corva
carving a life-sized wooden statue of the Baron. As the
Heartlace, knitting away at a new outfit. Her gaze seems
party enters, Tizzy greets them in Gnomish before
distant, as if lost in thought or a daydream. The silence is switching to Common, appearing confused. Upon closer
broken only by the clicking of knitting needles and the inspection, the statue reveals itself as a Mimic, with 3d4
occasional creak of the wooden floorboards. Mimic minions disguised as toys and tools scattered
around the shop, ready to attack.

2. Spice of Life Woodson & Wood

Spice of Life is a disorganized and unkempt shop owned Woodson & Wood is a cosy shop filled with various wooden
by Seppha, who now appears haggard and distracted. toys and figurines crafted by the gnome carpenter Tizzy. The
The shelves, once filled with exotic spices, are mostly
air is thick with the scent of freshly cut wood. In the corner,
empty. Seppha greets the party warmly but speaks in a
muddled way, his attention wandering. If the party Tizzy works on a life-sized wooden statue of the Baron.
touches or examines the remaining spices, 3d6 Mimic Despite his best efforts, it’s clear the statue isn’t turning out
minions will attack, revealing themselves as the true as he hoped, and an eerie atmosphere pervades the shop.
source of the shop’s eerie atmosphere.


4. The Pick & Pickle Tavern
The Pick and Pickle Tavern, owned by the mind- b. Kitchen
controlled Rose and Castigan Felder, exudes a sinister
The kitchen is dim and foreboding, shrouded in a haze
atmosphere that unnerves anyone who enters. Castigan
of steam and the scent of decayed food. Rose Felder,
lures unsuspecting adventurers with claims of a rat
under the Voidmaw’s influence, toils here. The kitchen
problem in the kitchen, leading them into a trap where
implements—pots, pans, knives—are malevolent mimic
kitchen appliances—pots, pans, and knives—are actually
minions lying in wait to ensnare unsuspecting victims.
mimic minions. The tavern’s cellar hides a secret tunnel
system connecting to a nearby warehouse where Kraal
stores barrels of aberrant sap and kidnapped children.
c. Innkeeper’s Room
Two men in the corner play dice with unnerving lifelike A sparsely furnished chamber tucked away in a
movements, their repetitive actions adding to the eerie forgotten corner of the tavern. Once a place of solace,
ambiance of the tavern. Rose offers rooms for the night the innkeeper’s room is now barren and devoid of
but strictly forbids entry to a far room where goblins of warmth, exuding an air of desolation and secrecy.
the Blood Tooth Clan prepare to transport sap through Shadows dance on the walls, hinting at hidden whispers
the tunnel system. If the party becomes too curious or and clandestine dealings.
aggressive, the Voidmaw will unleash 4d4 mimic
minions hidden throughout the tavern. Though the The Pick & Pickle Tavern
human inhabitants are simple commoners, their The air around the Pick and Pickle Tavern is heavy with
enslavement by the Voidmaw makes them a serious foreboding. The creaking sign above the door is the only
movement, as if the building itself is holding its breath. The
a. Bar windows are dark and unwelcoming, and the thick wooden
The dimly lit bar, with its foreboding ambiance, evokes door seems designed to keep people out.
unease in those who enter. Castigan Felder, under the Inside, the dimly lit room is nearly empty, save for two
Voidmaw’s control, entices adventurers to assist him in men in the corner playing a slow, repetitive game of dice.
the kitchen, claiming there is a menacing rat infestation. The silence is deafening, broken only by the occasional
creaking of floorboards. The air smells of stale ale and mold,
The dim room resonates with an eerie atmosphere, adding to the decay and neglect that permeates the tavern.
flickering candlelight casting haunting shadows on the worn The bartender, a middle-aged man with a vacant
wooden bar and stained walls. expression, wipes down the bar with mechanical precision.
Every shadow seems to hide something sinister, and the
hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. It feels like
every movement is being watched.


d. Goblin Room f. Cellar
At the end of a dimly lit hallway, goblin whispers fill the Descending into the cellar, a chilling draft wafts up from
air—a chilling symphony of anticipation. Inside, three the dimly lit space. Rows of aging wine barrels line the
restless goblins anxiously await Kraal’s arrival. Their walls, but some are actually mimic minions lying in
jittery movements and relentless gnawing on wooden wait. Amidst the eerie stillness, a single barrel stands
objects have left the room in disarray. The chaotic askew, revealing a hidden tunnel leading deeper into
atmosphere hints at their malevolent presence, ready to the sewers and to the mysterious warehouses beyond.
unleash havoc at any moment.
Ava and the Goblins
e. Common Rooms If the party hopes to uncover the secrets of the Pick and
Once vibrant chambers meant for weary travelers, these Pickle Tavern, they must tread carefully. The shopkeepers,
tavern owners, and dice players are all under the Voidmaw’s
rooms now lie eerily quiet. The beds, draped in tattered
control, offering little help. However, clues from the goblins
sheets, conceal sinister secrets—one harbors a mimic upstairs and track marks leading to the cellar’s secret tunnel
minion lying in wait. A dresser stands as a deceptive may guide the party toward the nearby warehouse where
facade, hiding another mimic minion. In another room, Kraal hoards inventory—all while avoiding the watchful eye
a seemingly harmless bear rug sprawls across the floor, of the Voidmaw.
but it, too, is a mimic minion ready to strike.

5. Empty Shops
Along Shapeless Way, a row of vacant shops stands in
silence. Their dusty windows and faded signs are all
that remain of abandoned ventures, lost to the passage
of time.


Hidden Cargoes
The warehouse in the dockyard serves as a hub for
goods arriving and departing. Among the cargo stored Warehouse - Night
here are barrels of aberrant sap needed for the As the sun sets and darkness envelops the warehouse, the
Interlace. The warehouse foreman is a shady figure who hustle and bustle of the day fade into an eerie silence. Only
turns a blind eye to Kraal’s activities. More alarming is the occasional creaking of wooden crates and the distant
the discovery that some of the missing children, sound of water lapping against the dockyard break the
including the apprentice from the Enchanted
stillness. Lanterns hanging from the high ceilings cast
Emporium, are being held captive here. Kraal plans to
flickering shadows, creating an ominous atmosphere. A few
move the sap and the children to his secret laboratory
under the cover of darkness. guards patrol the aisles, their footsteps echoing through the
During the day, the warehouse bustles with activity as vast space. The stacks of crates, once filled with activity, now
dock workers load and unload crates, while merchants loom tall and imposing in the dim light, taking on a life of
collect their goods. But at night, the warehouse their own in the shadows.
becomes eerily quiet, with only a few guards watching
over the stacks of crates.
As the party navigates the warehouse, they must
avoid detection by the guards and make their way DM Notes
through the maze of crates to find the missing children As the Dungeon Master, you can choose to have Kraal appear
and thwart Kraal’s sinister plans. at the warehouse or the Pick and Pickle Tavern while the
players are present, possibly disguised as an old man or Sir
Allard. Kraal is cunning and avoids direct confrontation,
Kraal’s Sinister Plans knowing he is outnumbered. Instead, he may lure the party
Kraal’s plans are meticulous and well-executed. He intends to his secret laboratory, where he holds the advantage, or
to visit the Pick & Pickle Tavern, where his goblin associates retreat if necessary to continue his work. Keep in mind that
are waiting to transport the barrels of aberrant sap stored in Kraal is willing to appear weak or manipulate situations to
the cellar to his warehouse under the cover of darkness. With achieve his goals.
bribed guards and control over the warehouse foreman,
Kraal ensures that his illegal activities go unnoticed. Once
the sap and the children are secure, Kraal plans to transport
them through the sewer entrance to the western side of
town, using a mist to conceal his movements.

Warehouse - Day
The warehouse in the dockyard is a bustling hub of activity
during the day. Ships arrive and depart, unloading and
loading goods, with men shouting orders and hoisting
ropes, moving with the efficiency of worker bees. The sound
of barrels and crates being stacked and shifted fills the air,
while merchants rush to collect their wares. The foreman, a
large man with a booming voice, barks orders at his workers
and inspects goods to ensure they meet expectations.
Despite the chaos, there is an underlying sense of order and
purpose, with everyone working together toward a common

1. Cargo Hold: The spacious area where incoming and

outgoing shipments of goods are stored before being
transported elsewhere.
2. Foreman’s Office: The workplace of the warehouse
manager, who oversees daily operations and
manages the warehouse staff.
3. Hidden Cell: A secret compartment, invisible from
the outside, where Ava is being held captive by the
warehouse foreman.


The Barracks
The Barracks is the nerve center of the town guard and Captain Greenbeard
the prison, divided into several sections, each serving a Captain Greenbeard, leader of the Orcas, is a grizzled orc with
unique purpose. At all hours, the barracks buzz with a thick, matted beard and scarred skin from years of battle.
activity as guards move with urgency and purpose, His tattered clothing reflects his rough exterior, but he carries
ensuring the safety and order of Riverkeep. himself with pride and confidence, commanding respect
despite his captivity.
1. Entrance and Clerical Area: The main entrance is If the party frees him from his cell, he will be grateful and
staffed by clerks responsible for paperwork and eager to escape. He will likely transform into an aquatic
record-keeping. They greet visitors and direct them animal and dive into the water to swim back to his ships.
to the appropriate areas. Before leaving, Greenbeard may offer the party a token of
2. Captain and Lieutenant’s Offices: These offices gratitude or share useful information for their quest.
As he transforms, Captain Greenbeard might say, “Thank
belong to the captain of the guard and the lieutenant.
you for freeing me. I owe you a debt that I will repay one day.
They coordinate the guard’s activities and handle Farewell, my friends. May the tides be ever in your favor.”
administrative matters here.
3. Mess Hall and Sleeping Quarters: Guards gather in
the mess hall to eat, drink, and socialize. The
sleeping quarters at the front of the building provide
rest for off-duty guards.
4. Generic Cells: This area contains standard cells for
most prisoners. Captain Greenbeard is being held in
a cell by himself.
5. High-Security Cells: Reserved for dangerous or high-
profile prisoners, this area requires extra security
measures. Access is restricted by locked doors, with
one leading from area 4. The Tapestry members are
being held here.

The Tapestry
As you enter the high-security cells, the darkness is palpable.
The only light comes from a small window at the far end,
facing the hanging bridge—a grim reminder of the
prisoners’ inevitable fate.
The prisoners are bound tightly with heavy irons, their
hands and feet secured to the walls. As you approach, one of
them stirs and speaks in a weak voice, “Who… who’s there?”

DM Twist
Consider adding a twist regarding Jagal, the leader of the
resistance. Perhaps he was never in the high-security cells at
all and was secretly moved to a hidden location for
safekeeping. This twist adds an additional layer of intrigue,
challenging the players to uncover the truth and find Jagal
before it’s too late.


Sir Allard’s Manor
Sir Allard’s Manor is a grand estate surrounded by
The Manor Estate
sprawling grounds, complete with a small fountain and
The manor estate is an impressive sight, with a sprawling
hedges hiding statues within. The manor itself
measures 140 by 100 feet, and the entire estate spans ground surrounded by a small fountain and hedges that hide
600 by 500 feet. Depending on the time of day, Sir statues. Despite its grandeur, the gardens show signs of
Allard may be found in his office, the Interlace neglect, with overgrown plants and lack of maintenance.
laboratory, or with the Baron. Guards patrol the exterior, alert and vigilant for any potential
The manor’s entrance leads to a large main room for threats. The manor house itself is an imposing structure,
parties and gatherings, with a dining room and kitchen with multiple floors and an air of exclusivity that suggests
adjacent to it. A study lies to the north, while a lounge
only the wealthy and influential are welcome inside.
with a piano and chess set is to the northeast, and a
library to the southeast completes the first floor.
On the second floor, three large rooms accompany a
smaller servant’s room. Sir Allard’s personal office is Notes in the Manor
Interlace promising. Only proximate divine magic at the
located to the south, and the trophy room with an
source can reverse the process.
intimate meeting area is to the southwest. Voidmaw hungry. Explosion occurred. Investigate. B.T.C.
In the basement, wine and beer casks line the walls, no longer needed.
and dried goods are stored safely. A hidden entrance Need more cargo from Warehouse #17. The foreman is a
behind the wine casks leads to the sewer system and drunk and can be leveraged.
the Interlace Laboratory. Earth-folk are en route with a harvest from the Greedy
Worm to power the Scrying Plinth. They seek access to the
DM Note Interlace and the use of the Scrying Plinth in exchange for
Keep the “Notes in the Manor” section vague regarding any their harvest.
mentions of incoming delegates, as Lord Zalkor would not Forest’s emissaries are arriving.
want sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. Silver Lord demands attention, his gaze fixed on the
Bronze Duke will bend to our will.
Blind Faith will be pleased with the sacrifice we offer when
the weaving is undone.


First Floor Second Floor
1. Foyer 4. Library
The grand entrance is adorned with intricate carvings, The shelves are lined with books and curiosities, but the
but cobwebs cling to the corners, and a layer of dust leather-bound tomes are coated in a thick layer of dust.
covers the floor, indicating scarce foot traffic. The smell of old paper suggests the library hasn’t been
Large decorative stairs from the foyer lead up to the used in quite some time.
trophy room above. Spiraling stairs lead down to the lounge below.

2. Dining Room 5. Trophy Room

Once a grand space for hosting guests, the dining room Filled with strange and exotic artifacts, the trophy room
is now filled with dust and cobwebs. The table is has not been tended to in some time. The air is thick
covered in dirty dishes, and chairs are haphazardly with dust, and exhibits are covered in grime. The
pushed against the walls. The atmosphere is eerie, as if intimate meeting area is similarly neglected, with an
the room has been untouched for a long time. empty fireplace and tattered curtains.
Stairs lead down to the foyer from the trophy room.
2a. Kitchen and Larder
The kitchen is in disarray, with moldy food and dirty 6. Servant’s Quarters
dishes piled high. The smell of rotting food is The cramped, sparsely furnished servant’s quarters
overwhelming, and the floors are sticky with spilled have a lumpy bed, a small wardrobe, and a nightstand
liquids. Shelves are mostly empty, with only a few cans with a chipped ceramic lamp. Cobwebs and dust cover
and containers left behind. the furniture, and the air is stale with a faint smell of
Personal servant stairs lead directly from the kitchen dampness.
to their quarters, with separate stairs leading down to
the cellar. 7. Sir Allard’s Suite
Sir Allard’s bedroom is spacious yet neglected, with an
3. Lounge unmade bed and scattered belongings. Despite signs of
The lounge is a lifeless room with shabby furniture and recent use, dust covers the elegant furnishings. His
faded upholstery. Dusty windowsills and cobwebs personal office is similarly cluttered, with papers and
suggest it has been abandoned for a long time. books piled high. The fireplace is coated in soot from a
Private stairs in the lounge lead to the library above, recent fire that hasn’t been cleaned out.
and a secret set of stairs behind a liquor cabinet leads Sir Allard has recently attempted to burn a note
down to the cellar. directly from Lord Zalkor in his private fireplace.

8. Cellar
The cellar emanates a damp, musty odor. Wooden
stairs creak with each step, and dim lighting from
flickering torches casts eerie shadows. The wine and
beer casks lining the walls are dusty, with scuff marks
and dents suggesting frequent movement.
One barrel in the corner has significantly more
disturbed dust around it, indicating recent tampering.
Footprints surround it, and the stench of fermented sap
wafts through the air.
The cellar has three exits. The main entrance leads
outside the kitchen on the first floor. The second is
concealed behind a liquor cabinet in the lounge. The
third exit leads deeper into the city’s sewer system,
granting Kraal access to his Interlace Laboratory.


Chapter Four: The Interlace
Secret Passages and Aberrant Secret Doors: Kraal and Lord Zalkor use two secret
doors to enter the sewer system easily. To spot the
Horrors secret doors, players must pass an active DC 15
Perception check. To figure out how to open them,
On the south side of the mainland, a single reinforced
they must succeed on a DC 15 Investigation check.
gate guards the entrance to the sewer system, which
These doors are located in the corridor connecting
connects various locations, including Sir Allard’s
areas 3 and 4, and in the northernmost maintenance
Manor, the citadel basement, and the secret laboratory
room (area 8), providing access to area 5.
hidden beneath the statue in the city center. However,
Labyrinth and Random Encounters: The
the sewer system is far from safe, as it is infested with
labyrinthine sewer system may lead players astray,
aberrant horrors—failed experiments from attempts to
requiring them to succeed on three DC 15 Survival
create Bruteborns. The walls and floors bear scratches
checks to navigate successfully. If they find Kraal’s
and bent metal from their attacks. Kraal, the enigmatic
markers, they gain advantage on these checks. Each
alchemist, may have left markings to guide his way
failure results in a random encounter or one chosen
through the tunnels while transporting barrels of sap
by the DM.
and kidnapped children to his secret laboratory beneath
the statue. Random Encounters
Areas Roll Encounter
1 1x Allip, 2x Will-o’-Wisp
Sewers: The slippery, grimy walls and floors of the 2 1x Corpse Flower
sewers beneath Riverkeep are poorly lit, making it 3 1x Roper
difficult to see. Sporadic light from grates above may 4 4x Phase Spiders
illuminate larger areas, but players must be careful 5 2x Ghasts, 4x Ghouls
not to slip into the murky waterways below. The 6 1x Failed Bruteborn
polluted waters carry disease; anyone who drinks or
Hidden Markings: Kraal has left non-magical
falls into them must succeed on a DC 13
markers along the route from the sea entrance to his
Constitution saving throw to avoid contracting a
secret laboratory entrance and the secret entrance to
rotting illness.
the citadel’s cellar. Players who succeed on a DC 15
Perception check can notice these markers. To
understand what each marker means, they must
pass a DC 20 Investigation check or follow where the
markers lead.


1. Failed Bruteborn Experimentation 7. Path Further into West Riverkeep
Lairs A winding path leading toward the citadel itself.
Old, decrepit chambers filled with remnants of failed
Bruteborn experiments—broken bones and rotting flesh.
8. Sewer Maintenance Rooms
A few failed Bruteborns still lurk here, attacking These small rooms are filled with tools and supplies for
anything that comes near. sewer system repairs.

2. Dugout Entrance to Secret

A tunnel dug from an existing path leads down under
the bay to Kraal’s secret laboratory, directly beneath the
statue in the middle of the bay.

3. Path to Sea Exit

A long, winding path that leads to the entrance to the
sewer system from the sea.

4. Secret Entrance to Sir Allard’s

A secret entrance used by Lord Zalkor and Kraal to
access Sir Allard’s Manor.

5. Secret Entrance to Riverkeep Cellar

A hidden entrance to the Riverkeep Cellar, used by
Kraal and Lord Zalkor.

6. Path into North West Riverkeep

A twisting path leading further into North West
Riverkeep, filled with dangers and hidden surprises.


The Interlace Laboratory The Interlace
When a glass marble containing Interlace is shattered, the
Deep beneath the bay lies the Interlace Laboratory,
where Kraal and his assistants work tirelessly to vapor inside quickly seeks out the nearest humanoid,
produce the horrifying elixir that is central to Zalkor’s entering their body. The transformation process is
plans. The central orb room, directly beneath the statue, excruciatingly painful, and DMs should be careful in
is where the toxic liquid is created by infusing distilled describing it. To avoid misunderstandings or player
sap with the magical blood of kidnapped children. The resentment, use this encounter first on a meaningless NPC
resulting liquid is evaporated and captured in glass during a festival or event, ensuring players understand the
marbles, producing the coveted Interlace. risks involved. Only then should it be used on a PC who has
Meanwhile, the missing children, including Ava from
been warned.
the Enchanted Emporium, are in grave danger, as their
blood is being leeched for its magical essence. In Effects: A humanoid affected by the Interlace must
another room, barrels from the Pick and Pickle Tavern succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or fall
line the walls, filled with sap being distilled using unconscious. The affected creature must then make death
alchemical equipment. saving throws. Three successes allow them to awaken with
exhaustion equal to the number of failed saves. Three
DM Note failures result in permanent transformation into a Bruteborn.
As the party approaches the entrance to the laboratory,
This effect can be negated by a paladin’s Lay on Hands ability
convey a sense of danger and urgency. This may be the first
time the players are directly threatened by the Interlace. The or a touch healing spell of 3rd level or higher, combined with a
elixir can turn people into monsters, and failing to resist it DC 15 Medicine check during the death saves.
can have terrible consequences. The party must proceed with
caution and be prepared to face this threat. !


Laboratory Areas
1. Entrance
A murky, still fountain sits at the center of the entrance
room, with a broken statue overgrown with algae lying
at the bottom.

2. Children’s Cells
The cells are sparse and waterlogged, holding three
children who await their captors’ next move.

3. Barrel Storage
This half-flooded room reeks of sourness and is filled
with large barrels stamped with the Pick & Pickle

4. Mess Hall
This area is used by Kraal’s assistants during their

5. Assistants’ Quarters
A simple room furnished with three beds and a few
meager personal items belonging to Kraal’s assistants.

6. Interlace Laboratory
This enormous 45-foot radius room sits directly
beneath the colossal statue of the king in the bay.
At the center of the room, atop an altar, a silver orb
swirls in mid-air, pulsing with a low glow. The lab is
filled with intricate and specialized equipment. One area
is dedicated to boiling aberrant sap into a concentrated
liquid. Another area has children tied down with leeches
extracting their blood. These ingredients are combined
in glass vials and dripped over the silver orb, which
vaporizes the mixture and siphons it into glass marbles.
Kraal collects the marbles and places them into richly
decorated, cushioned chests.


Chapter Five: Lord Zalkor
The Blind Faith (Friday Evening)
The Feast High Bishop Christoff - Continuously praises the
Delegates Arriving Baron.
The Inquisitor - A quiet man with a poor disposition
To heighten tension and create a sense of importance, and bad temper.
the guests arriving at Riverkeep should be illustrious Servants & Guards - 15 servants for the bishop, 10
and prominent figures—renowned generals, esteemed priests, and 20 guards. They are here to witness the
dignitaries, notorious bandit leaders, or feared bounty hanging, assist with the flinging, and observe the
hunters. You can use the following list of names as a progress in bringing down the statue.
starting point, or modify them as needed:

General Eramus Stone The Banquet

Ambassador Lirien Thorne
Captain Malachai Blackwood As the evening progresses, the feast reaches its peak.
Lady Sariel Darkwood Dwarves, men, and elves mingle under one roof,
Bandit King Razeen Bloodfang exchanging gifts that are more like transactions—all
Baroness Esmeralda Von Krieg centered around the Interlace.
Bounty Hunter Cain Riddick The dwarves present a large container of bronze
dragon blood, believed to have mystical properties. The
Timing the arrival of each guest is crucial. As more elves offer water from their caldera, said to bring life to
arrive, security will tighten, increasing the number of any garden or allow any tree to flourish. The Blind Faith
guards and making it progressively more difficult for the bring gifts for the church, offering to assist in the
party to infiltrate the citadel. Delaying too long could destruction of the statue.
jeopardize their chances, as security becomes more Lord Zalkor, posing as Baron Dupont, stands to
robust with each passing hour. deliver a speech of thanks, promising that the gifts will
As each group arrives, they are greeted by a not disappoint. In return, he presents each group with a
delegation from Riverkeep, led by the Baron himself, small box, supposedly containing a special surprise.
who warmly welcomes the visitors. The reception takes Unbeknownst to the guests, the boxes from Lord
place in front of the citadel, showcasing the Baron’s Zalkor contain marbles of Interlace, the source of his
gracious hospitality. power. While the festivities distract everyone, the
Shadow Hands plan to steal the magical artifact in the
Elven Delegates (Thursday Morning) Interlace Laboratory, and Lythandir quietly excuses
Lord Lythandir - He aims to steal the silver orb for himself, suspecting that something is amiss.
his own use. As the night wears on, tensions rise. Will the party
Duke Alfric of Faerie - A tall elf who acts as the uncover the truth behind the gifts? Can they stop the
queen’s envoy. Shadow Hands and Lythandir from stealing the
Servants & Guards - 10 servants and 20 elf guards, artifact? Only time will tell.
all riding horses.

Dwarvish Slavers (Friday Morning)

Holger the Tall - Envoy of Thane Dagon of Kalas
Granitine and leader of the Fell Strokes slave
drivers. He acts macho, boasting about the dwarves’
prosperity under Dagon.
Lady Torga Brawnanvil - Suspicious of outsiders, she
acts coy and inviting. She seeks knowledge and
owns slave camps to the north.
Servants & Guards - 4 servants and 15 dwarf guards
bring a gift—a vial of dragon blood from Fafnir the
Greedy, which the Baron requested for his scrying


The Citadel
General Features: 3. Kitchen, Storage Room, and Cellar
Guard Patrols: Patrols cover 300 meters every 5 30ft x 40ft. The kitchen is a busy area, filled with pots,
minutes, with an increasing number of patrols as pans, dried meats, and herbs hanging from the ceiling.
more delegates arrive. Patrols occur along the edge A large central bench is used for food preparation, with
of the wall and in the courtyard. stone and wood-fired cooking spots lining the walls.
Entrances: There are five entrances: the kitchen There are doors leading outside for deliveries, directly
entrance, the main entrance, the barracks entrance, to the banquet hall, to the storage room, and down to
and the rooftop entrance, which requires scaling and the cellar. The cellar houses dry food, meats, casks of
is in clear view of the guards. Additionally, there is a wine and ale, and is home to local rats.
secret entrance within the cellar that leads to the
sewer system. Secret Sewer Entrance (DC 15 Perception Check): A
Feast Times: In preparation for the upcoming feast, hidden entrance to the sewer system is located in the
the kitchen staff at the citadel is hard at work. cellar.
Cargoes of food and drink constantly come and go Secret Staircase Leading Up (DC 18 Perception
from the kitchen as supplies are transported for the Check): A hidden staircase winds up from a small
grand event. The party may see this as an cave system, around the audience chamber, and into
opportunity to sneak in and catch a glimpse of the the Tower and Scrying Plinth.
4. Servants’ Quarters, Mess, and
First Floor Kitchen
1. Audience Chamber 30ft x 80ft. This area spans the lower end of the citadel
and includes sleeping quarters, a mess hall, and a
30ft radius, 30ft high (+30ft high with the illusion). The
kitchen for the servants.
audience chamber is a stunning cylindrical space with
breathtaking stained glass windows that bathe the area
in vibrant colors. The focal point is a simple chair where
5. Guest Rooms 1-5
the Baron conducts meetings. A pair of grand double Each about 30ft x 30ft. Luxurious rooms with double
doors, currently closed, leads to the adjacent banquet beds and large wardrobes. Each room is occupied by a
hall. The ceiling creates the illusion that the room different delegate during their stay in Riverkeep.
extends to a full 60 feet in height, though it only reaches
Room 1 – Duke Alfric of Faerie
30 feet. A secret room lies above the audience chamber,
Room 2 – Lord Lythandir Silverleaf
accessible only by a hidden entrance.
Room 3 – Holger the Tall
2. Banquet Hall Room 4 – Lady Torga Brawnanvil
100ft x 60ft. The long banquet hall is filled with rows of Note: The Blind Faith delegates will stay with the
tables, fireplaces on each side for cold days and nights, church during their time in Riverkeep.
a head table at the far end, and a large open area in the
middle for dancing. A double door leads to the audience 6. Barracks and Mess
chamber, another double door leads east to the A simple military barracks for the citadel’s guards.
bedrooms, and two single doors lead west to the
servants’ quarters and kitchen.


Second Floor 10. Baron’s Quarters and Balcony
30ft x 30ft. A lush, ornate room filled with riches and
7. Antechamber comfort. The room features a plush bed, a lush carpet, a
30ft x 30ft. The antechamber serves as a small waiting well-fed fireplace, and aromatic scents, all contributing
room for the Baron. Two guards are posted here at all to an air of luxury and wealth. The space includes a
times. large double bed, a sitting area near the fire, and an
enormous wardrobe for both the Baron and Baroness.
8. Library, Study, Meeting Room Windows with heavy curtains overlook the citadel
grounds, and a door leads out to the balcony.
60ft x 30ft. The room carries a rich wood smell, mixed
The balcony is a small, covered landing with simple
with dark alcohol and fragrant pipe weed. High-backed
yet expensive chairs and tables where the Baron can
chairs surround small piles of books, and famous battle
relax. The view stretches beyond the wall to the greater
depictions adorn each wall. At the far end of the room,
city, with a clear sightline to the great statue of Alaric in
behind a tapestry of a gold and silver dragon in flight, is
the bay. A jewelry box contains gold and silver rings,
a secret door leading to the top of the audience
necklaces, and bracelets, each encrusted with gems of
chamber, the tower, and the scrying plinth.
various cuts, colors, clarity, and carat.
DC 20 Perception Check to discover the secret door.
The Baron’s Whereabouts
The Baron typically spends his days in the citadel’s tower,
9. Tower & Scrying Plinth studying celestial charts, taking notes, and using the scrying
30ft radius. This circular and spacious chamber has an plinth. He holds weekly audiences in the tower and meets
open roof that offers a view of the starry night sky. The privately with Sir Allard in his quarters. The Baron personally
welcomes each delegate upon their arrival in Riverkeep and
walls are adorned with intricate celestial charts, chalk
attends all major events, including the Flinging, Feast, and
markings, and parchment, revealing the deep Hanging. However, he rarely visits the secret lab or the east
knowledge of the room’s occupants. In the center of the side of the citadel unless absolutely necessary, delegating
room is a small plinth, atop which sits an ornate bowl. most of the work to Sir Allard.
The edge of the room is lined with a narrow spiral
staircase that descends beyond the floor.
The ornate bowl is used for scrying and contains a
black liquid enhanced with dragon blood from a captive
adult bronze dragon—a gift brought by the dwarves.
Lord Zalkor, a deadly Cerebrax, will be waiting here for
the party, having used the scrying plinth to monitor their


Chapter Six: The The Hanging

Tapestry’s Final Hour

On the day of the hanging, citizens, dwarf lords, and elf
The atmosphere is tense as the Baron steps forward to
address the crowd gathered for the hanging. The sun
reaches its zenith, casting a harsh light on the raised
nobles gather to witness the execution of the Tapestry.
platform where the members of the Tapestry stand, bound
The people of the city, convinced that the Tapestry were
and awaiting their fate.
responsible for recent attacks, show no sympathy. As
the execution begins, chaos erupts when a massive “My dear citizens,” the Baron begins, his voice echoing
creature attacks guards and civilians, allowing some over the gathered masses. “Today, justice will be served. The
members of the Tapestry to briefly escape. However, Tapestry have had countless opportunities to turn from their
they are quickly subdued by the guards. Eventually, the crimes, but they persist in threatening the safety of our city.
situation is brought under control, but the citizens’ We have no choice but to act.”
sympathy turns to anger and resentment, enabling Lord As the clock strikes noon, the Baron signals the
Zalkor to successfully discredit the Tapestry and further
executioner. The nooses tighten around the necks of the first
consolidate his hold over the city.
group of Tapestry members. With a pull of the lever, they
drop, and their lives are extinguished. The crowd gasps—
Events Transpired
The events described in the The Hanging are examples of some turn away, while others watch with grim satisfaction.
what could happen if the players fail to act and align with But not everyone is convinced. Murmurs ripple through
Lord Zalkor’s wishes. It is up to the DM to decide how the the crowd, and a few voices rise in protest.
story unfolds based on the actions and decisions of the “Is this really justice?” one citizen heckles.
“We should be better than this,” another calls out.
The Baron looks out over the crowd, his eyes narrowing as
Influence and Powers uncertainty begins to spread. But before the doubt can take
root, a monstrous roar shatters the uneasy quiet. Chaos
Throughout the story, the players have interacted with
various factions such as the Shadow Hands, the Orcas, erupts as a massive creature, unleashed by Lord Zalkor,
the Tapestry, and even faced dark forces like the crashes onto the scene, attacking guards and civilians alike.
Mimics. As the story reaches its final chapter, the The crowd panics, fleeing in all directions as the beast
players’ actions and decisions will significantly impact rampages through the square.
the outcome. The Baron draws his sword, shouting, “Protect the people!
For example: Drive it back!”
In the midst of the chaos, some of the remaining Tapestry
If the players successfully killed the Baron, the
Shadow Hands may feel obligated to help rescue the members, still bound and awaiting execution, manage to
Tapestry members. break free from their restraints. They make a desperate bid
If they freed the Orcas Captain, they can expect for freedom, but the guards quickly overpower them,
assistance from the pirate crew. dragging them back into custody. The creature is eventually
If the players rescued the kidnapped children, subdued, but the damage is done.
Emerald might rally support from the local The mood of the crowd has shifted. The uncertainty, the
community, providing valuable allies or even magical
protests—they are gone, replaced by fear and anger. The
resources to aid the players.
Tapestry are no longer seen as possible victims of injustice,
Conversely, if the players failed to stop the Mimics of
Shapeless Way, they might find themselves but as the source of chaos. The Baron seizes the moment,
outnumbered and betrayed, as the Voidmaw’s his voice ringing out with authority.
influence extends further, controlling more of “Citizens of Riverkeep, do you see now the danger these
Riverkeep’s citizens and complicating any rescue traitors pose? We must stand united, for they would see our
attempt. city fall into chaos. The Tapestry are no more, but we must
The choices and alliances made earlier in the story remain vigilant. Let today serve as a reminder that we will
now come into play, and their actions can either aid or not fall to disorder or treachery. Riverkeep will remain
hinder their chances of success in this final chapter. strong.”
The crowd, now convinced of the Baron’s words,
disperses, leaving behind a city still reeling from the attack.
Lord Zalkor’s grip tightens even further, his plan moving
closer to completion.


A. Gazetteer of Riverkeep 35 The Fell Strokes 41

Sunrise Quarter
Daydream Plaza
E. The Emerald Exchange Magic
Gloaming Gate 35 Items 42
The Bay 35
F. New Rules 43
B. Maps 36
Save Ends Effects 43
RiverkeepMap 36 Dazed 43
Blood Tooth Camp 37 Action-Oriented Creatures 43
Warehouse 37 Villain Actions 43
ShapelessWay 38 Unique Creatures 43
SirAllardsManor 38 Minions 44
RiverkeepSewer 39 No Hit Dice 44
InterlaceLab 39 No Damage Rolls 44
Barracks 40 Shared Turns 44
The Citadel 40 Minion Trait 44
Overkill Attacks 44
C. Factions 41 Overkill Range 44
Shadow Hands 41 Group Attacks 45
The Orcas 41 Optional Rule: Group Saves 45
The Tapestry 41
The Arkers 41 G. Hand-Outs 46
The Blind Faith 41
Open Game License version 1.0a 47

A. Gazetteer of Riverkeep
Sunrise Quarter Gloaming Gate
The Gloaming Gate district in the South East is a
The Sunrise Quarter is the vibrant Artisan Quarter of
dangerous, seedy area dominated by the docks and
Riverkeep, bustling with craftspeople and artisans
home to shady establishments. The tight alleyways are
showcasing their skills in various shops and storefronts.
filled with taverns, brothels, and beggars, and it’s a
This area is also home to notable landmarks that attract
place where one must be constantly on guard. Among
both locals and visitors. At its heart lies a beautiful
the twisted streets lies the mysterious Shapeless Way, a
fountain, surrounded by benches and trees, offering a
location so elusive that even seasoned travelers struggle
peaceful retreat from the busy streets. Nearby stands
to find it. This place is home to the Voidmaw Mimic, a
the Church of Pelor, a towering structure with stunning
monstrous street-sized creature that controls the area,
stained-glass windows and intricate stonework,
including its buildings, cobblestones, and even some of
dominating the quarter’s skyline and drawing many to
its residents. Those who enter Shapeless Way are often
its serene grounds.
lost to the world, their existence erased from memory.
1. Fountain & Church of Pelor Other establishments in the Gloaming Gate include
2. Sir Allard’s Estate & Manor the infamous Shriveled Shrimp Tavern, a hideout for
3. Barracks on the Waterfront the Shadow Hands, the city’s thieves guild. Madame
4. The Thirsty Pig - Brewer Chloe’s brothel, Tally Hoes, caters to a more private
5. Carpenter, Cartographer, Jeweler Shops clientele, while the rowdy Fish Markets serve as the
6. Hammer and Tongs - Smithy hangout for The Orcas, a notorious pirate crew. The
warehouses in the dock quarter hide darker secrets,

Daydream Plaza
with shipments coming and going under the cover of
Located in the Merchant Quarter on the East North 11. Shapeless Way
side, Daydream Plaza is a vital link between the docks
and the Artisan Quarter. The area buzzes with activity, Pick & Pickle Tavern - Rose and Castigan Felder
from merchants haggling over exotic goods to travelers Little Ladies and Gents - Corva Heartlace
visiting the Emerald Exchange, a magic shop run by the Spice of Life - Seppha
shrewd human woman, Emerald. The Stable, managed Woodson & Wood - Tizzy
by the friendly couple Gerald and Abby Saddlester,
provides safe lodgings for horses, while the lively 12. Warehouses
Markets offer spices, fruits, and leather goods. The 13. Shriveled Shrimp Tavern - Anders & Runa Hayward
Jadeford Guild House, prominent for its jade trade, is (Shadow Hands Hideout)
run by Thomara Jadeford, a dwarf woman who oversees 14. Tally Hoes - Brothel - Madame Chloe
the bustling business with efficiency. 15. Fish Markets - Hangout of The Orcas

7. The Emerald Exchange - Magic Shop

8. Stable - Gerald and Abby Saddlester
The Bay
9. Markets - Spices, Fruit, Leather The Bay district is home to the imposing Hanging
10. The Jadeford - Guild House - Specializing in jade, Bridge, a massive structure that spans the river dividing
run by Thomara Jadeford Riverkeep into two districts. The Arkers charge a toll of
one gold coin per day to cross, except on festival days
when the crossing is free.
Standing watch over the bay is the King’s Reach, a
stone statue of King Alaric the Benevolent. Though the
statue is magically protected from destruction, the
relentless waves have eroded its features over time.
Facing the open ocean with arms wide, the statue’s
broken hand is the only sign of damage, a testament to
the Baron’s futile attempts to tear it down.

16. The Hanging Bridge

17. King’s Reach - Stone Statue of King Alaric the

B. Maps

C. Factions
Shadow Hands The Arkers
The Arkers are the city guard of Riverkeep, led by the
The Shadow Hands are Riverkeep’s infamous thieves’
towering Captain Senth Clay and his fierce half-orc
guild, operating from the Shrivelled Shrimp Tavern in
lieutenant, Marley Cromdor. Responsible for
the Gloaming Gate. Led by Bann, the guild deals in
maintaining order across the city, they collect tolls at
secrets, smuggling, and stolen goods, weaving their
the Hanging Bridge and patrol the affluent Sunrise
influence throughout the city. Bann prefers to manage
District and the bustling Daydream Plaza. However,
operations from the shadows, while Trista, a
they tend to avoid the dangers of Gloaming Gate and the
charismatic charlatan with high-society connections,
Night Port.
helps the guild gain access to influential people.
Day and night, we keep the peace. A river may divide,
Dagliesh, a skilled Shade, is the guild’s go-to for
but we stand strong on either side.
breaking into well-guarded establishments.
In the shadows, we thrive. Darkness is our ally,
whispers in the night, coins in our hand.
The Blind Faith
The Blind Faith is a fanatical religious order brought to
The Orcas Riverkeep by the emperor. Devotees are marked by
their missing eyes, symbolizing blind devotion to their
The Orcas are a crew of pirating druids, led by the
god. The Inquisitor and The High Priest of the Unseen
defiant Captain Greenbeard. They are often found
serve as the emperor’s emissaries, enforcing his harsh
gambling and drinking in the Shrivelled Shrimp while
religious doctrine on the people.
awaiting their leader’s release from the Arkers’ custody.
In darkness, we find the light. In the shadows of faith,
Lord Zalkor seeks to use the Orcas for his own
we find enlightenment.
purposes, but they remain resistant, loyal only to the sea
and their captain.
Gathering storms mean wrecked ships and good
The Fell Strokes
hunting. The winds of change bring new horizons and The Fell Strokes are a mercenary group of dwarven
bountiful prey. slavers led by Holger the Tall and Lady Torga
Brawnanvil. Wealthy from their slave trade and spoils of
The Tapestry war, they are ruthless in their pursuit of power and
riches, leading with unwavering authority.
The Tapestry is a rebel group led by Jagal, known for
Chains for the weak, gold for the strong, power for the
liberating slaves and rescuing prisoners from tyrannical
cunning. Our axes strike true, our pockets grow full.
forces like the Blind Faith. Imprisoned in the Riverkeep
Barracks, they are seen as enemies of the state, but to
their followers, they are champions of freedom.
We are threads in the Tapestry, weaving the fate of
the world with our own hands.

The Orcas Flag ACT 3 | APPENDICES

E. The Emerald Exchange Magic Items
Magic Item Prices
The DM has full control over the inventory at The Emerald Exchange and can customize the list of available magic
items as they see fit. Items can be added, removed, or rotated based on the adventure’s needs. Additionally, the DM
may adjust prices to reflect the rarity or abundance of magic in the current market, making some items more
affordable or more costly depending on supply and demand.
Note: Emerald will require one hour to prepare a spell scroll.
Kassoon and Sane Magic item price is used to dictate prices in these lists.

Potions and Scrolls

Potion & Scroll Price (gp) Description
Potion of Healing 40 2d4 + 2hp
Potion of Greater 300 4d4 + 4hp
Potion of Superior 500 8d4 + 8hp
Potion of Water 100 Breathe underwater for 1 hour.
Potion of Climbing 200 Gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, you have advantage
on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to climb.
Potion of Heroism 200 For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10 temporary hit points that last for 1 hour. For the same
duration, you are under the effect of the bless spell (no concentration required).
Potion of Growth / 200 You gain the “enlarge” or “reduce” effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration
Dimunition required).
Potion of Resistance 200 You gain resistance to one type of damage for 1 hour.
0 Level Scroll 10 Wizard Cantrips
1st Level Scroll 50 1st level wizard spells
2nd Level Scroll 300 2nd level wizard spells
3rd Level Scroll 800 3rd level wizard spells

The Thieves Guild was used to create the Magic Item list

Magic Items
Magic Item Price (gp) Description
All or Nothing 50 On a roll you would normally use a d20, flip a coin instead. Heads is a critical success (Natural 20), tails is
Coin a critical fail (Natural 1). Can be used once per short rest.
Dust of De- 25 Can make things invisible, but wears off if the object moves, is moved, or even wiggles a bit. Best used on
Appearance inanimate objects or people who can hold really, really, still.
Paired Scrolls 100 As long as the scrolls are on the same plane, whatever is written on one scroll, appears on the other. Each
scrolls can “transmit” up to two sentences before becoming inactive for 24 hours. After 24 hours, anything
written on the scrolls fade.
Mighty Acorn 10 When thrown on a patch of earth, at least 5 feet wide, it immediately grows into a 20’ oak.
Silver 25 A 12 inch piece of silver fabric. When a command word is spoken, the fabric immediately flattens and
Handkerchief becomes as hard as steel. A second command word reverts the handkerchief back to the fabric form.
Ring of Tracking 50 A simple ring, when attuned to a user, the user knows the location of the ring at all times. Often used by
merchants and collectors to citadel track of their goods.
Shepherd’s 50 While wielding the staff, the holder can dominate beast once per day with a DC 13 wisdom save. Only
Staff works on farm animals.
Dagger of 50 A finely made halfling dagger. This dagger can be used to whittle a 6” piece of wood into a small object
Whittling once per day, without any DC check. The dagger can carve small toys, figures and other items made of
wood (worth 1d10 gp).
Bottomless 50 A masterwork stone mug, of the highest quality. Despite being normal sized, the mug can hold 10 gallons
Mug or 40 liters of liquid.
Everburning 250 This item appears to be identical to a regular torch. However, when you speak a command word it lights up
Torch with a green flame and continues burning until you speak another command word. The torch provides
bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. If you make a melee attack with a
ACT 3 | APPENDICES burning torch and hit, it deals 1 fire damage.
F. New Rules
Save Ends Effects Villain Actions
Every action-oriented creature has three villain actions
Some creatures have a trait or action that, on a failed
saving throw, imposes a debilitating effect for an they can use after an enemy creature’s turn. Villain
extended duration. But sometimes a lucky foe can retry actions are similar to legendary actions with the
their saving throw and potentially end the effect early— following exceptions:
in such situations, the stat block specifies “save ends at
start of turn” or “save ends at end of turn.” When you A creature can only use one villain action per round
see this phrase, it means any creature affected by a save (as such, villain actions tend to be more powerful
ends effect like this can repeat the saving throw on each than legendary actions).
of their turns, ending the effect on themself early on a Each villain action can only be used once during a
success. They can only make that saving throw either at combat encounter.
the start or end of their turn, as specified in the stat Each set of villain actions has a recommended round
block. order. These abilities give the battle a logical flow
and a cinematic arc.

A dazed creature can only do one of the following things
The first villain action is an opener, which shows the
characters they’re not battling a typical creature.
Openers generally deal some damage, summon a lackey
on their turn: move, use an action, or use a bonus or three, buff the boss, debuff the characters, or move
action. If a creature becomes dazed during their turn, the creature into an advantageous position. They’re just
their turn ends. a taste of what’s to come.

The second villain action provides crowd control. It
typically fires after the heroes have had a chance to

respond once or twice, get into position, and surround
the villain. This second action helps the villain regain
the upper hand. Like an opener, this action comes in
The solo and leader creatures presented in this book many flavors, but it’s even more powerful than an
are designed to be bosses: enemies that can take on an opener.
entire party by themselves or with a handful of The third and final villain action is an ultimate move
underlings. Rather than simply increasing CR (an or “ult”—a showstopper the villain can use to deal a
approach that often leads to underwhelming devastating blow to the characters before the end of the
encounters), this book introduces action-oriented battle. While every creature has a recommended order
creatures. of actions, you can take villain actions in any order if it
A powerful villain needs plenty of opportunities to act makes your fight more dramatic. You could push back a
and move when it’s not their turn. Thus, each action- villain action if a creature is stunned or might stay alive
oriented creature has at least one special bonus action for more than three rounds, or you could perform the
and reaction, as well as a special section with villain recommended third action in round two after several
actions that let them dominate the battlefield. surprise critical hits!
These actions make the boss creatures dynamic and
formidable. Whether fought as an exciting solo Unique Creatures
challenge or alongside a few easy-to-run underlings,
action-oriented creatures challenge the characters with The action-oriented creatures in this book are unique.
dramatic and powerful actions in combat. They typically have a specific name and backstory,
though you can ignore these if you wish to use the
creature’s stat block in another way in your campaign.

Minions are weak foes that allow GMs to create
Overkill Attacks
Powerful weapon attacks can kill more than one minion
dramatic combat encounters with hordes of enemies in a single maneuver called an overkill attack.
without overwhelming the characters. In fact, an As already discussed, a weapon attack requires only 1
encounter with minions makes characters feel heroic, point of damage to reduce a minion to 0 hit points,
since they can take on a myriad of foes and live to tell regardless of their hit point maximum. However, when
the tale. a weapon attack’s damage does exceed the target
However, minions still make threatening foes. Killing minion’s hit point maximum, the attack becomes an
a minion still requires penetrating their defenses, and overkill attack and the damage dealt beyond the
characters can’t just shrug off damage from minion minion’s hit point maximum becomes overkill damage.
attacks. Overkill damage can be applied to a second minion
So how do minions make running a horde of enemies that has the same stat block as the target and is in
quick and easy for the GM? overkill range (see below). Damage against the second
minion is counted as if you made a weapon attack
Minions are simple to run. Their stat blocks are against them; since it only takes 1 point of weapon
small and uncomplicated. damage to reduce a minion to 0 hit points, any amount
Minions act quickly. They don’t multiattack, roll for of overkill damage immediately knocks them out. But
damage, or take bonus actions or reactions, so their wait, it gets better—if the initial attack’s overkill damage
turns aren’t long. exceeds the second minion’s hit point maximum, the
Minions die fast. A character can kill several minions leftover overkill damage can roll over to a third minion,
with a single weapon attack! and so on! In other words, for each time the overkill
Minions have strength in numbers. Their attacks can damage exceeds the new target’s hit point maximum,
be grouped together to make them deadlier and the attacker can choose an additional minion to reduce
faster to use at the table. to 0 hit points.
For example, when a weapon attack deals 18 damage
No Hit Dice to a minion with a hit point maximum of 5, the overkill
damage is 13. If there are three additional minions of
Minions have hit points but no Hit Dice, simplifying
the same stat block in overkill range, they can all three
their design. Minions can’t spend Hit Dice to heal
be immediately reduced to 0 hit points, since the
during a short rest because they have none.
overkill damage exceeded the target’s hit point
No Damage Rolls maximum more than twice over.
Overkill attacks can’t be made as part of an
Minions don’t roll for damage because their attacks deal opportunity attack.
a static amount of damage. They also can’t score critical
hits. Overkill Range
Shared Turns Minions must be within a certain range to qualify for an
overkill attack, determined by whether the attack is a
Typically, all minions of the same stat block act on the melee or ranged attack.
same turn. Since they share a turn, the minions can Melee Overkill Attacks. When a creature hits a
each move into position then each use an action if they minion with a melee weapon attack, other minions
wish, instead of each moving and taking an action within reach of the attack are in overkill range and can
individually. be chosen as additional targets for an overkill attack.

Minion Trait
The overkill attack can’t target minions outside the
weapon attack’s reach.
Every minion has the Minion trait, which affects the Ranged Overkill Attacks. When a creature hits a
creature in the following ways: minion with a ranged weapon attack, other minions in a
line originating from the creature in the direction of the
If the minion takes any damage from an attack or as target, to a distance equal to the weapon’s short range,
the result of a failed saving throw, their hit points are are in overkill range and can be chosen as additional
reduced to 0. targets for an overkill attack. The overkill attack can’t
If the minion takes damage from another effect, they target minions outside the line or beyond the weapon’s
die if the damage equals or exceeds their hit point short range.
maximum, otherwise they take no damage.

Group Attacks Optional Rule: Group Saves
Each minion has a group attack action that speeds up Though minions often make saving throws individually,
play. In a group attack, two to five minions of the same there are times when rolling individual saves for each
stat block that share a turn can all use their action to minion could slow down the action, like when a cleric
take the same action and attack one target, provided the surrounded by eighteen specter minions uses Turn
target is within the attack’s reach or range for each Undead. When many minions with the same stat block
minion. need to make a saving throw against the same effect at
the same time, you can make one saving throw for a
Make a single attack roll for the group attack. It group of up to five minions at a time. All minions in a
counts as one attack. group use the result of the saving throw. For instance, if
A group attack roll gains a +1 bonus to the attack roll thirty-four goblin minions need to make a saving throw
for every minion in the attack. (For example, if four against a hypnotic pattern spell, the minions would
goblin minions make a group attack together, the make a total of seven saving throws against the spell: six
attack roll gains a +4 bonus.) for thirty minions divided into six groups of five, and one
If the group attack hits, multiply the damage by the more save for the remaining group of four minions.
number of minions that made the group attack. (For
example, if four goblin minions hit with a group
attack that deals 1 damage, their group attack deals
4 damage.)

The GM decides how many minions participate in a

group attack. For instance, if five minions surround a
target, the GM may decide to have all five attack at once
to speed up combat, or may break up the attacks among
smaller groups in order to increase the odds that some
minions hit while others miss. A single minion can even
use their group attack action on their own—they make
the attack as a normal creature would, and simply don’t
benefit from any group bonuses.

Advantage and Disadvantage

A group attack is only made with advantage or
disadvantage if all the minions making the group attack
have advantage or disadvantage on the attack roll.
Otherwise, the attack is made without advantage or

Target Response Effects

If a group attack triggers a reaction or similar effect that
would normally affect a single attacker, such as the fire
shield or hellish rebuke spell, the target of the group
attack picks one minion that was part of the attack to be
affected by the effect.

Group Opportunity Attacks

If a creature provokes an opportunity attack from more
than one minion of the same stat block at a time and
those minions have a melee group attack action, the
minions can each use their reaction to make a group
attack as an opportunity attack.

G. Hand-Outs
You have two options for delivering this information to the players:
1. Full Letter: Provide the players with the entire letter at once, found in Sir Allard’s Manor or on his person during a
confrontation in the Interlace Laboratory. This option gives the players all the necessary details upfront.
2. Torn Fragments: Alternatively, you can divide the letter into smaller fragments, singeing the edges to show it has
been partially destroyed. These pieces can be found scattered in the manor’s fireplace, requiring the players to
piece it together themselves. This option adds a puzzle element to the discovery.

Tip: Keep a complete spare copy of the letter on hand to give the players once they have successfully reconstructed
the fragments.

Open Game License version 1.0a
Notice of Open Game Content: This product contains Open Game Content, as 2.The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains
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Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the
licensee in terms of this agreement. System Reference Document Copyright 2000–2003, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy
Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff,
Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson.

All other content © 2023 Kin’s Quill Publishing

Authors: Thomas Lorenti

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