Hi Tech Series Roof System Seaming Guide

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Hi-Tech™ Series

Standing Seam Roof System

Seaming Guide

18933 Aldine Westfield—Houston, Texas 77073

Toll Free: 888-467-4443—Phone: 281-443-9065—Fax: 281-443-9064
Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide


1.1 General....................................................... 3 6.1 Seaming Machine & Nomenclature.......... 14
1.2 Roof Performance....................................... 3 6.2 Machine Orientation to Seam................... 14
1.3 Clean the Seams........................................ 3 6.3 Machine Position on Roof Panel............... 15
1.4 When to Seam............................................ 3 6.4 Running the Machine................................ 16
1.5 Temporary Seaming.................................... 4 6.5 Stopping the Machine............................... 16
6.6 Un-locking the Machine............................ 16
6.7 Checking the Finished Seam.................... 16
2.1 Specialized Seaming Tools......................... 5
2.2 Seaming Tool Source.................................. 5 7.0. MOTOR SEAMING MACHINE MAINTENANCE
2.3 Seaming Kit................................................ 5 7.1 General..................................................... 17
2.4 Receiving and Shipping.............................. 6 7.2 Seaming Rolls........................................... 17
2.5 Handling and Storage................................. 6 7.3 Cooling Vents............................................ 17
2.6 Electrical Requirements.............................. 6 7.4 Grease Zerks............................................ 17
2.7 Electrical Service and Cords....................... 6


3.1 General....................................................... 7
3.2 RollLok™ Seam......................................... 7
3.3 TripleLok™ Seam...................................... 7
3.4 QuadLok™ Seam...................................... 7


4.1 Sidelap Fit-up.............................................. 8
4.2 Seam Damage............................................ 8


5.1 Tool Orientation to Seam............................ 9
5.2 Forming the Seam.................................... 10
5.3 Tool Position at End of Roof Panel........... 11
5.4 Tool Position at Roof Panel Endlap.......... 11
5.5 Tool Position at Panel Clips...................... 12
5.6 Checking the Finished Seam.................... 12
5.7 QuadLok Manual Hand Crimper............... 13
5.8 Hand Forming the QuadLok Seam........... 13
5.9 Checking the Finished Seam.................... 13

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
1.1 General

The seaming guide is provided by Rigid Global Buildings, Rigid Global Buildings does not guarantee and is not liable
LLC to you the customers and erectors as the recommended for the quality of erection. Rigid Global Buildings is not
procedures for the correct seaming of the Rigid Global responsible for building defects that may be attributed to
Buildings’ Hi-Tech Standing Seam Roof System. improper erection or the negligence of other parties.

This guide is intended to be used with the Rigid Global The following seamer equipment depicted in this manual
Buildings’ Hi-Tech Standing Seam Roof System Installation is for seamers manufactured, provided and serviced by an
Guide and the project’s erection drawings. approved supplier and are the only seamers approved to
be used on Rigid Global Buildings’ Hi-Tech standing seam
The erection drawings govern the specific seam projects.
requirements. In case of conflict between this installation
guide and the erection drawings, the erection drawings will Clarification concerning the Rigid Global Buildings roof
have precedence. installation and seaming should be directed to the Rigid
Global Buildings Customer Service Manager. Contact the
The customer is responsible for proper seaming of the Rigid Global Buildings Office:
roof in accordance with the erection drawings and this
seaming guide, and in accordance with good engineering Rigid Global Buildings
and construction practices. 18933 Aldine Westfield
Houston, Texas 77073
The customer must take the responsibility for selecting
a competent erector, insist that the work be performed Phone: (281) 443-9065
by qualified and experienced standing seam metal roof Toll Free: (888) GO-RIGID
installers, insist that the erector take time to study and Fax: (281) 443-9064
understand this guide, then assure that the erector correctly
follows the guide’s instructions.

1.2 Roof Performance

The roof panels must be correctly seamed before the roof improperly seamed roof is subject to wind load failure and/
system can provide its designed wind load and weather or weather resistance failure.
resistance capability. This means that an un-seamed or

1.3 Clean the Seams

The roof panel seams must be thoroughly cleaned of of grease or other contaminants which can cause seaming
abrasive dirt or dust that can cause scuffing or scratching of machine slippage and marking of the seam surface.
the seam surface. The roof panel seams must be cleaned

1.4 When to Seam

Whenever possible, the installed roof panels should be rain/snow conditions are imminent, the installed roof panels
seamed at the finish of each days work. If high wind or must be seamed before such conditions occur.

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
1.0 INTRODUCTION (Cont’d.)
1.5 Temporary Seaming
On roofs requiring TripleLok and QuadLok seams, it may Since temporary seaming is a practical approach, it would
not always be practical or feasible to motor seam the roof be advisable to buy several hand seamers to keep for use
panels until after the roof installation is completed. Motor on a job by job basis. There will be a hand seamer sent with
seamed roof panels are difficult to reposition or replace and each motorized seamer order, how ever its arrival to the
seaming machines may not always be available during the jobsite is usually too late in the sheeting process to insure
entire roof installation period. against any sudden weather changes or safety issues...

In such cases, it may be desirable to temporarily RollLok Important: Any temporary RollLok seaming must be ap-
seam the roof panels at the panel ends, clips and end laps proved by the project’s designer.
with the manual seaming tool, then later complete the seam-
ing with the motor seaming machine.

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
2.1 Specialized Seaming Tools
The seaming of the Rigid Global Buildings roof panels re- Caution: The use of other or unapproved seaming equip-
quire special seaming tools which are available only through ment may result in faulty and/or damaged seams and will
the Rigid Global Buildings or the approved seamer supplier. invalidate the roof system’s material and performance
2.2 Seaming Tool Source
The seaming tools are provided by Rigid Global Buildings Contact the approved seamer company’s Customer Service
in accordance to the terms and conditions of the Rigid Department to arrange the scheduling, delivery and return
Global Buildings’ Hi-Tech Roof System seamer rental or of the seaming tools.
purchase contract.

2.3 Seaming Kit

The seaming equipment will normally be provided as a e. Seaming Guide.
seaming kit. The seaming kit will consist of the following: f.TripleLok Manual Crimping Tool
a. Seaming Kit Chest (contains and protects the seam- g.QuadLok Crimping Tool (when required)
ing tools during shipment and storage).
b. Motor Seaming Machine (provided only for
TripleLok or QuadLok seaming)
c. Return shipping documents
d. Repair parts, hex and end wrenches

(b) Motor Seaming (c) Return Documents

(a) Seaming Kit Machine

Kit Man

(d) Repair / Tool Kit

(e) Seamer Manual (f) TripleLok Hand Crimping Tool (g) QuadLok Hand Crimping Tool

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
2.4 Receiving and Shipping
Upon receipt of the seaming kit, and before signing the Upon completion of the roof seaming, promptly return the
shipping receipt, verify that the seaming kit is received in seaming kit to Seamer Supplier in accordance with the
good condition without damage or loss of contents. instructions on the return shipping documents. The return
shipping documents are provided in the seaming kit. All
If there is damage or loss of contents, immediately file materials must be returned (even worn rollers) intact and
the claim with the shipper and notify Seamer Supplier for failure to do so will result in a charge for missing items.
replacement instructions.

2.5 Handling and Storage

Provide safe and secure handling of the seaming tools At the days end or when the seaming tools are not in use,
when in use. they must be stored in the seaming kit chest and the chest
secured in a safe and dry area. The seaming tools must be
The machine may be too heavy to safely carry up a ladder. cleaned and dried before storing.
Always hoist the machine onto the roof with proper lifting
equipment or with a proper sized rope/tether tied or hooked
securely to the machine’s lifting eye.

2.6 Electrical Requirements

The seaming machine motor requires a minimum electrical
power supply of 20 amp @ 120 Volt @ 60 hz AC.

2.7 Electrical Service, Cords and Safety

The electrical service and the electrical cords to the seam- Check that the electrical cord is of sufficient length to extend
ing machine must be of sufficient capacity to provide the the full length of the area to be seamed without stress on the
full 20 amp @ 120 Volts at the seaming machine. If other cord or its connections. Check that the path for the cord is
tools or equipment are being used on the same service, the clear and that the cord is clear of snagging on panel edges
service and cord capacity must be increased accordingly. or entanglement into the seaming machine rolls.

Check that the power cords are fitted with the correct plug Caution: Low voltage due to insufficient service ca-
for safe and secure electrical connection to the seaming pacity, insufficient cord size or excessive cord length
machine. Check that the power cords are properly grounded will cause overheating and burnout of the seaming
and that the service has a ground fault circuit breaker. machine’s motor.


Distance (Ft) 0 - 50 50 - 100 100 - 200 200 - 300
Wire Gauge 12 10 8 6

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
3.1 General
The Rigid Global Buildings’ Hi-Tech Standing Seam Roof Different seam types may be required on specific areas of
System has three seam type options. The project’s design the same roof. In all cases, refer to the erection drawings
and roof performance requirement’s govern which seam to determine the required seam type and location.
type is required.

3.2 RollLok™ Seam

The RollLok Seam requires seaming the roof panels with The motor seaming machine is not required for RollLok
the manual crimping tool only at the panel clips, at the eave seaming.
and ridge ends of the roof panel, and at the endlaps.
RollLok Seam RollLok Seam
(seamed) (un-seamed)

Roof Panel Roof Panel


@ Panel Clips & Panel Ends Between Panel Clips & Panel Ends
(No Mechanical Seaming Required)
3.3 TripleLok™ Seam
The TripleLok Seam requires seaming the roof panel with of the roof panel and at the endlaps. Then seaming the full
the TripleLok manual crimping tool at the eave, ridge end length of the roof panels with the motor seaming machine.

TripleLok TripleLok
Seam Seam

Roof Panel Roof Panel


@ Panel Clips Between Panel Clips

3.4 QuadLok™ Seam
The QuadLok Seam can be completed in one pass. The clips can be crimped with the TripleLok crimper ONLY if
starting point must be hand seamed with both the TripleLok conditions warrant. Never use the QuadLok hand crimper
and QuadLok hand crimper. Endlaps, eaves, ridges and anywhere other than the starting end of the panel.

QuadLok QuadLok
Seam Seam

Roof Panel Roof Panel


@ Panel Clips Between Panel Clips

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
4.1 Sidelap Fit-up
Before seaming, inspect the full length of each roof panel Caution: Faulty seaming may occur where the male lip
sidelap. Check that the male and female are fully nested is not enclosed by the female hook and when the male
and the lip at the panel’s male edge is enclosed by the hook and female are not fully nested. Such faulty installa-
of the adjacent panel’s female edge. tion can result in seaming difficulty and objectionable
seam appearance. In severe cases reduction in roof
Any conditions where the male and female are not fully performance specifications..
nested or the male lip is not positioned inside of the female
hook must be corrected before attempting to seam the
roof panels.

Male Lip
Male Lip

Female Hook

Correct false seamed
(not engaged)

Male and Female

are not nested


(not nested)
Out of module

4.2 Seam Damage

Before seaming, check that the male and female edges are
not kinked or otherwise distorted. Any such distortions
must be corrected before attempting to seam the roof

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
5.1 Tool Orientation to Seam
Orient the tool to fit correctly onto the roof panel seam as
shown. The stationary handle must be in the horizontal
position and the operating handle must be rotated up to
the open position.

Operating Handle On
Front Side of Seam
Stationary Handle On
Back Side of Seam
Operating Handle
(@ open position)

Roof Panel

Stationary Handle
(@ horizontal position) OPTIONAL: TripleLok Stand-
up Hand Crimper Tool

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
5.2 Forming the Seam
When the tool is correctly positioned on the panel, push seam. While holding the stationary handle in the horizontal
the stationary blade down solidly against the top of the position, rotate the operating handle down to the horizontal
position. This will form the seam.

Operating Handle



Set tool flush

on top of


Operating Handle




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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
5.3 Tool Position When Hand Crimping at the End of Roof Panel
When hand crimping at the eave or ridge end of the roof For the second step, position the end of the crimping tool
panel, the seaming must be done in two steps. flush with the end of the roof panel and hand crimp that area.

For the first step, position the end of the seaming tool at When building a crimped section for starting the mechanical
6” from the end of the roof panel and hand crimp that area. seamer, the crimped section should be approximately 18”
Seaming Tool

Seaming Tool


Eave or Ridge Eave or Ridge

end of Roof Panel end of Roof Panel


5.4 Tool Position at Roof Panel Endlap

When hand crimping at a roof panel endlap, the seaming For the second step, position the end of the tool 3” uphill
must be done in two steps. from the edge of the endlap and hand crimp that area. This
is to allow the uphill “pig tail” sealant to properly flow and
For the first step, center the tool over the endlap and hand allow the motorized seamer to properly function at the lap.
crimp that area.
Seaming Tool

Seaming Tool


Roof Panel Roof Panel

Endlap Endlap


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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
5.5 Tool Position at Panel Clips
When hand crimping at a panel clip location, center the tool Hand crimp should include all of the clip and extend uphill
over the panel clip and hand crimp that area. (A small tic and downhill of clip by a minimum of 6”.
mark should be made indicating the center of the clip tab
during panel installation to make it easier to locate the clip
for hand crimping.)
Seaming Tool

Panel Clip


5.6 Checking the Finished Seam

Rotate the operating handle to the open position, remove the Caution: If the manual seaming tool does not corrrectly
tool and check that the seam is correctly formed, as shown form the seam, do not continue seaming but contact
on the detail below. the seamer company for instructions.


Roof Panel
.350 max.

Finished TripleLok Seam

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
5.7 QuadLok Manual Hand Crimper
This crimper is only used at the start location on each seam Placing a QuadLok hand crimp in the middle of a seam
for the QuadLok secondary motorized seamer. WILL cause the seamer to derail, destroying the seam
and possibly damage the seamer!

5.8 Hand Forming the QuadLok Seam

To begin, place the flat bar of the QuadLok crimper against Crimp the end of the panel just enough to allow the last form-
the back side of the seam making sure the lip on the crimper ing roll of the mechanical seamer to clamp on to the panel.
extends over the TripleLok seam.

Crimper Lip

QuadLok Crimp the end of the panel only - Approximately 3"

5.9 Check the Finished Seam

Remove the hand seamer and check that the seam is Caution: If the seaming tool does not form a proper
properly made between steps. seam do not continue. Call the searmer supplier for


.750 max.

Finished QuadLok Seam

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
6.1 Seaming Machine & Nomenclature
The following details identify the operational parts of the Caution:
bi-directional (TripleLok) and one pass (QuadLok) motor • When starting and finishing the seaming machine at the
seaming machines. edges of the roof, the operator and machines must be se-
curely positioned and tethered so that he can safely lift the
The cam follower is used only for QuadLok seaming and seaming machine on and off of the seam.
will be found on machines set-up for QuadLok seaming.
• When running the machine in the downslope direction,
The motor seaming machine weighs at least 65 lbs. and the seaming machine will have greater downhill inertia and
can cause severe damage and injury if it falls and should coasting distance.
be tethered at all times.
• When not locked to the seam, the motor seaming machine
can freely roll on its wheels. Always secure the machine to
prevent its rolling or sliding off the roof.

Power Switch Forward/Reverse

Power Switch

Lift Handles Lift Handles

Seam Locking Seam Locking

Handles Handles

Outrigger Wheels Outrigger Wheels


QuadLok Single Directional Machine TripleLok Bi-Directional Machine

6.2 Machine Orientation to Seam

On roofs sheeted from left to right, the seaming machine On roofs sheeted from right to left, the seaming machine will
will run from the ridge to the eave. run from the eave to the ridge for one directional machines.

Forming Rolls Backer Rolls

Correct Machine Orientation

Forming Rolls Backer Rolls

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
6.3 Machine Position on Roof Panel
With the locking handles held up in the open position, set the center (TripleLok) handle when force is applied.
seaming machine onto the starting end of the roof panel’s
seam over the hand crimped portion of the seam. If the locking handle will not readily lock, roll the machine
forward or backward slightly until a position is found where
Roll the seaming machine forward or backward to align the locking handle will readily lock. If the locking handle
the center seaming roll over the TripleLoked portion of the still does not lock, check the hand-seaming to be sure it is
seam as shown in the detail below. in the proper form.

When the machine is in the correct position on the seam, Once the center locking handle is locked, engage all the
pull the locking handle out to the locked position. The locking remaining handles. Check that all the forming rolls are
handle should lock with minimal resistance starting with the properly engaged.


FIRST: Tooling Attached to Center Locking Handle

Lock All Movable Handles and Visually Must Be Fully Engaged Under TripleLok
Inspect Engagement with Panel Seam Hand Crimp.
Before Powering Seamer.

Han Dire
d ction
18" Crimp T of T
Mini riple rave
mum Lok * l

* IF Roof Clip or Portion of a Roof Clip

Falls Within the 18" Crimp, Extend the
Hand Crimp Section Beyond the Clip

TripleLok Seamer - The TripleLok seamer can run one direction for that seam and can
run in the opposite direction for the adjacent seam.


FIRST: Tooling Attached to Red Locking Handle

Lock All Movable Handles and Visually Must Be Fully Engaged Under TripleLok
Inspect Engagement with Panel Seam Hand Crimp.
Before Powering Seamer.

3" M Crimp
inim Q
um uadLok
Han Dire
18" Crimp T ction
of T
Mini riple rave
mum Lok* l

* IF Roof Clip or Portion of a Roof Clip

Falls Within the 18" Crimp, Extend the
Hand Crimp Section Beyond the Clip

QuadLok Seamer - The Quadlok seamer can run in only one direction.
Once one seam is completed, the machine must be returned to the starting
position to start the next adjacent seam.

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
6.4 Running the Machine
Check that the machine’s path is clear of power cords, tools, If the seam has a normal appearance, allow the machine
debris, teather lines, etc. to complete the run.
Continuously watch the machine and finished seam carefully
Jog the machine forward a few feet and check the seam for any indications of machine malfunction or faulty seaming.
for proper forming.
Caution: On roofs with high stand-off clips, walking
Below are some examples of malformed seams. If any or standing on the panel being seamed can deflect
of these are observed, seaming should be immediately the panel and cause the machine to tilt and affect the
stopped. Contact the seamer supplier to determine the seaming operation.
appropriate course of action to remedy the issue.

Out of Bounds Seam Element Lengths Hook Disengagement - Forced Out of Seam

6.5 Stopping the Machine

Stop the machine by turning off the machine’s toggle switch. Note: The QuadLok seam will stop just short of the
installed end dams approximately 12”. The seam should
Always allow sufficient space for the machine to coast after already be TripleLok hand seamed at the ridge prior to
turning the machine off. installation of the end dams. The end dams are designed
for TripleLok seams only. This is does not affect the
Do not run the machine into previously installed end dams performance of the roof system.
or other obstructions.
If the machine finishes at the low eave be sure seam is
complete, this may require finishing with a hand crimper.
6.6 Un-locking the Machine
After the machine is turned off and has fully stopped, unlock If the machine must be stopped and removed before
the locking handle to the open position to disengage the completing the seam, use a felt marker to mark the position
machine from the seam. of the machine’s front wheel on the panel. The machine can
later be repositioned on the mark to complete the seaming.
Using the lift handle, the machine can be lifted from the

6.7 Checking the Finished Seam

At the completion of each seam, check the full length of the pressure marks, and black oxide marking of the seam
seam for any indications of faulty seaming. Refer to sections surface is normal.
5.6 & 5.9 for details of the correctly formed finished seam.
Caution: Black oxide marking is often mistaken to
The seaming operation exerts high pressure bending forces be damage of the seam surface. Objectionable black
on the seam. Under such conditions, minor burnishing, oxide can be removed with mild cleaning solutions or

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Hi-Tech™ Roof System Seaming Guide
7.1 General
The motor seaming machine is a precision fabricated, high Caution: Failure to properly maintain the seaming machine
performance, portable roll forming machine. This relatively as instructed below can result in faulty or damaged seams
lightweight machine does the tough job of forming the extra and costly break-down of the seaming machine.
strong TripleLok and QuadLok seams under often rugged
field conditions.

Although designed for tough industrial use, the seaming

machine requires proper maintenance to assure proper
seaming and efficient, trouble free operation.

7.2 Seaming Rolls

The seaming rolls require the following regular b. Spray the seaming rolls with WD-40 (or equal) to
maintenance: prevent corrosion and minimize Galvalume build-up
on the rolls.
a. Assure that the seaming machine’s seaming rolls
are free of dirt, grease, sealant, etc. c. Assure that the seaming machine’s seaming rolls
are tight on their shafts. Check and tighten the rolls’
retainer screws as necessary.

7.3 Cooling Vents

To prevent motor overheating, the motor has vents and an While the machine is running, never cover the machine or
internal fan to provide a cooling air flow over the internal place it in a position where the cooling air flow to the vents
motor parts. will be restricted.

The cooling vents are located at the front and rear of the
motor. Check frequently to assure that these vents are kept
clean and clear of debris, stringing sealant, etc.

7.4 Grease Zerks

The seaming machine will be provided by the seamer
supplier fully greased and lubricated. Grease zerks are for
seamer supplier use only. Grease should never be added
in the field unless instructed to by the seamer supplier.

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