Enhancements of Thermal Conductivities With Cu, Cuo, and Carbon Nanotube Nano Uids and Application of Mwnt/Water Nano Uid On A Water Chiller System
Enhancements of Thermal Conductivities With Cu, Cuo, and Carbon Nanotube Nano Uids and Application of Mwnt/Water Nano Uid On A Water Chiller System
Enhancements of Thermal Conductivities With Cu, Cuo, and Carbon Nanotube Nano Uids and Application of Mwnt/Water Nano Uid On A Water Chiller System
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3 authors:
Chi-Chuan Wang
National Chiao Tung University
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In this study, enhancements of thermal conductivities of ethylene glycol, water, and synthetic engine oil in the
presence of copper (Cu), copper oxide (CuO), and multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) are investigated using
both physical mixing method (two-step method) and chemical reduction method (one-step method). The
chemical reduction method is, however, used only for nanofluid containing Cu nanoparticle in water. The thermal
conductivities of the nanofluids are measured by a modified transient hot wire method. Experimental results show
that nanofluids with low concentration of Cu, CuO, or carbon nanotube (CNT) have considerably higher thermal
conductivity than identical base liquids. For CuO-ethylene glycol suspensions at 5 vol.%, MWNT-ethylene glycol at 1
vol.%, MWNT-water at 1.5 vol.%, and MWNT-synthetic engine oil at 2 vol.%, thermal conductivity is enhanced by
22.4, 12.4, 17, and 30%, respectively. For Cu-water at 0.1 vol.%, thermal conductivity is increased by 23.8%. The
thermal conductivity improvement for CuO and CNT nanofluids is approximately linear with the volume fraction.
On the other hand, a strong dependence of thermal conductivity on the measured time is observed for Cu-water
nanofluid. The system performance of a 10-RT water chiller (air conditioner) subject to MWNT/water nanofluid is
experimentally investigated. The system is tested at the standard water chiller rating condition in the range of the
flow rate from 60 to 140 L/min. In spite of the static measurement of thermal conductivity of nanofluid shows only
1.3% increase at room temperature relative to the base fluid at volume fraction of 0.001 (0.1 vol.%), it is observed
that a 4.2% increase of cooling capacity and a small decrease of power consumption about 0.8% occur for the
nanofluid system at a flow rate of 100 L/min. This result clearly indicates that the enhancement of cooling capacity
is not just related to thermal conductivity alone. Dynamic effect, such as nanoparticle dispersion may effectively
augment the system performance. It is also found that the dynamic dispersion is comparatively effective at lower
flow rate regime, e.g., transition or laminar flow and becomes less effective at higher flow rate regime. Test results
show that the coefficient of performance of the water chiller is increased by 5.15% relative to that without
© 2011 Liu et al; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Liu et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:297 Page 2 of 13
chemical processing, and transportation. Development of and MWNTs were investigated using the physical mixing
advanced heat transfer fluids is clearly essential to improve method [6,7]. The previous study also reported the
the effective heat transfer behavior of conventional heat chemical reduction method for synthesis of nanofluids
transfer fluids. With a tiny addition of nanoparticle, signifi- containing Cu nanoparticles in water [8].
cant rise of thermal conductivity is achieved without In previous study, CuO nanofluids were prepared by the
suffering considerable pressure drop penalty. physical mixing method (two-step method) [6]. First, CuO
As seen, there had been considerable research and nanoparticles were prepared. Nonmetal CuO nanoparti-
development focusing on nanofluids. Thermal conduc- cles were produced by a physical vapor synthesis method
tivity enhancement for available nanofluids is shown to (Nanophase Technologies Corp., Romeoville, Illinois,
be in the 15 to 40% range, with a few situations report- USA). The CuO powders were then dispersed into the
ing orders of magnitude enhancement [3]. Hwang et al. ethylene glycol base fluid. The average particle size of
[4] measured the pressure drop and convective heat CuO powders was 29 nm as received. MWNTs nanofluids
transfer coefficient of water-based Al 2 O 3 nanofluids were also prepared using the physical mixing method [7].
flowing through a uniformly heated circular tube in the MWNTs were prepared first. MWNTs were produced by
full developed laminar flow regime. The enhancement of catalytic chemical vapor deposition method (Nanotech
convective heat transfer coefficient is 8% which is much Port Co., Shenzhen, China).
higher than that of effective thermal conductivity rise of After being mixed in the ethylene glycol base fluid,
1.44% at the same volume fraction of 0.3 vol.%. How- CuO solid nanoparticles were dispersed by magnetic
ever, these studies are mainly focused either on the force agitation; the suspensions were then homogenized
measurement and calculation of basic physical proper- by intensive ultrasonics. Stable nanofluids were success-
ties like thermal conductivity and viscosity or the overall fully prepared without adding surfactants. MWNTs were
heat transfer and frictional characteristics of nanofluids. then added to ethylene glycol or synthetic engine oil base
In our previous study, different nanofluids including fluids. No surfactant was used in MWNT-ethylene glycol
copper (Cu), copper oxide (CuO), and multi-walled car- suspensions. N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) was, however,
bon nanotube (MWNT) were synthesized for measure- employed as the dispersant in MWNT-synthetic engine
ment of thermal conductivity. In this study, those oil suspensions. NHS was in the solid particle form. NHS
previous results are first systematically evaluated for a was added into carbon nanotubes (CNTs) directly.
better understanding for application of heat transfer On the other hand, the chemical reduction method
medium. (one-step method) was used to synthesize Cu nanoparti-
Until now, there were few studies associated with the cles in the presence of water as solvent under nitrogen
overall system performance or with field test in which atmosphere in previous study [8]. Copper acetate (Cu
some dynamic characteristics of the system may be (CH 3 COO) 2 ) was used as the precursor. Hydrazine
missing. In that regard, in our previous study, the over- (N 2 H 4 ) acted as a reducing agent. No surfactant was
all system performance of a 10-RT water chiller (air employed as the dispersant. The copper acetate was dis-
conditioner) subject to the influence of MWNT/water solved in deionized (D.I.) water. The solution was stirred
nanofluid was tested. In this study, the main purpose is uniformly at a temperature of 55°C under nitrogen.
to elaborate the possible mechanism for the system per- The Cu and CuO nanoparticles were measured with
formance that was not studied, and to address the asso- scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to determine their
ciated applicability for industry water chiller system microstructure. MWNTs were also measured with SEM
along with more measured properties. and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
(HRTEM) to determine their microstructure. On the
Experiments preparation of those nanomaterials for SEM, those
Nanofluids, as a kind of new engineering material con- nanomaterials are coated with gold (Au) and palladium
sisting of nanometer-sized additives and base fluids, (Pd) to increase the electrical conductivity before sent to
have attracted great attention of investigators for their vacuum chamber of SEM. Therefore, the coating layers
superior thermal properties and many potential applica- are Au and Pd.
tions. Many investigations on nanofluids were reported, The most commonly used technique for measuring
especially some interesting phenomena, new experimen- thermal conductivity of nanofluids is the transient hot
tal results and theoretical study on nanofluids [5]. wire technique. This measurement technique has gained
Many studies on the thermal conductivities of nano- popularity because the thermal conductivity of the liquid
fluids had focused on the nanofluids synthesized methods can be measured instantaneously with a good level of
such as physical mixing. In previous study, the enhance- accuracy and repeatability [9].
ments of the thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol and A modified computer-controlled hot wire system
synthetic engine oil in the presence of CuO nanoparticles has been designed for the measurement of thermal
Liu et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:297 Page 3 of 13
Figure 1 The modified computer-controlled hot wire system for measurement of thermal conductivity.
Liu et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:297 Page 4 of 13
T2 T3 Magnetic
Compressor Power Meter flow
meter Water
Pump flow
meter T1 T4
Expension valve
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the experimental test system for the water chiller with a nominal 10-RT capacity using MWNT/water
data acquisition system connected to a personal compu- run, the nanofluid (MWNT/water nanofluid) was used
ter. The data acquisition system included a hybrid mul- for testing. Ranges of the flow rate are from 60 to
tipoint recorder (Yakogawa DR230), a power distributor, 140 L/min at interval of 20 L/min. The inlet tempera-
a NI GPIB interface, and a personal computer. The ture of cooling water was maintained at 14°C (T3) by a
measured cooling capacity and consumed electric power water thermostat. The outlet temperature (T 4 ) of the
could be used to calculate the overall system perfor- plate heat exchanger was also changing under the varia-
mance subject to the addition of nanofluid. The uncer- tions of the flow rate from 80 to 140 L/min at interval
tainty of the measured cooling capacity of the test span of 20 L/min.
ranges from ±0.9 to ±1.1%. The highest uncertainty In order to gain a good control on the stability of flow
occurs at the maximum flow rate of 140 L/min. rate, the inverter-fed pump was used. The electric
The system performance of the air-cooled chiller was power of circulation pump and inverter was supplied
conducted in a well-controlled environment chamber externally by an independent power source and was
capable of maintaining a controlled environment to thus not counted in the consumed electric power of
meet the requirements of ARI 550/590 (standard for experimental water chiller test system. The consumed
water chilling packages using the vapor compression electric power included compressor, fan of condenser,
cycle). The standard outdoor conditions were 35°C (dry and the controller.
bulb) and 24°C (wet bulb), whereas the indoor ambient The experimental result regarding the heat transfer
was fixed at 27°C (dry bulb) and 19°C (wet bulb). The performance of nanofluid for a water chiller thus could
maximum temperature deviation was within 0.05°C and provide an example on the nanofluid behavior in indus-
the airflow uniformity of within the environment cham- try thermal application.
ber was less than 0.05 m/s. Following the standard test
of chiller, the test was first performed with the standard Results and discussion
water chiller rating condition: water inlet temperature at The thermal conductivity of heat transfer fluid is of
7°C (T1), water outlet temperature at 12°C (T2), and at a great consequence in the improvement of energy-
flow rate of 85 L/min. efficient heat transfer. It is clearly needed to develop
Tests were performed for comparisons between water advanced heat transfer fluids for improving the effective
base fluid and MWNT/water nanofluid. In the first run, heat transfer behavior of conventional heat transfer
the water base fluid was used as the heat transfer med- fluids.
ium in the evaporator. The outlet temperature of the Typical SEM micrograph of CuO nanoparticles is
heat exchanger was maintained at 12°C (T2). The inlet shown in Figure 3a. The morphology and particle size
temperature at left-hand side of the plate heat exchan- of CuO powders are clearly seen. The CuO powders
ger (T1 ) shown in Figure 2 was varying in association generally exhibit small particle sizes and a narrow distri-
with the flow rate from 80 to 140 L/min. In the second bution. The agglomerated CuO nanoparticles range
Liu et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:297 Page 5 of 13
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3 Typical SEM micrographs and HRTEM micrograph of CuO, MWNT, and Cu. (a) Typical SEM micrograph of CuO nanoparticles; (b)
typical SEM micrograph of MWNTs; (c) typical HRTEM micrograph of MWNTs; (d) typical SEM micrographs of Cu nanoparticles.
from 30 to 50 nm with spherical shape. A typical SEM nanoparticles suspensions and the kbase is the thermal
micrograph of MWNTs is shown in Figure 3b. The ran- conductivity of the base fluid. The thermal conductivity
domly oriented fiber-like MWNTs are clearly seen. An ratio enhancements of CuO and MWNT nanofluids
individual MWNT is several microns long. Small cataly- increase with the increase of volume fraction of CuO
tic, metallic nanoparticles are observed at the tip of the and MWNT. The thermal conductivity ratio improve-
MWNT with diameters of 20 to 30 nm. Figure 3c shows ment for CuO nanofluid is approximately linear with
a typical HRTEM micrograph of MWNTs. The HRTEM the nanoparticle volume fraction (Figure 4a). For CuO
image clearly shows the characteristic features of nanoparticle at a volume fraction of 5 vol.% dispersed in
MWNTs. The MWNT core is hollow with multiple ethylene glycol, thermal conductivity enhancements up
layers almost parallel to the MWNT axis. Its inner dia- to 22.4% are observed. Thermal conductivity enhanced
meters are about 5 to 10 nm, and outer diameters are by 22% at 4 vol.% has been reported for CuO-ethylene
about 20 to 50 nm, respectively. Typical SEM micro- glycol suspensions [11].
graph of Cu nanoparticles is shown in Figure 3d. Cu The results for MWNT nanofluid with different volume
nanoparticles synthesized by chemical reduction shows fractions also exhibit the same trend (Figure 4b, c). For
the monodispersed distribution of particle sizes. The MWNT-ethylene glycol suspensions at 1 vol.%, thermal
agglomerated particle sizes of the Cu nanoparticles conductivity enhancements of up to 12.4% are observed.
range from 50 to 100 nm with spherical and square On the other hand, for MWNT-synthetic engine oil sus-
shapes. pension, thermal conductivity is enhanced by 30% at a
Figure 4 shows the normalized thermal conductivity of volume fraction of 2 vol.%. For MWNT-ethylene glycol sus-
Cu, CuO, and MWNT nanofluids as a function of the pension, thermal conductivity enhanced by 12.7% at 1 vol.%
volume fraction. The k is the thermal conductivity of has been reported [12]. Moreover, for MWNT-synthetic
Liu et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:297 Page 6 of 13
1.3 1.2
thermal conductivity ratio (k / k base )
1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
volume fracion (vol. %) volume fraction (vol. %)
(a) (b)
1.5 1.25
MWNT/oil Cu/water
thermal conductivity ratio (k / k base )
1 0.95
0 1 2 3 0 10 20 30
volume fraction (vol. %) time (min.)
(c) (d)
Figure 4 The normalized thermal conductivity of Cu, CuO, and MWNT nanofluids as a function of the volume fraction. (a) The
normalized thermal conductivity of CuO-ethylene glycol nanofluids as a function of volume fraction; (b) the normalized thermal conductivity of
MWNT-ethylene glycol nanofluids as a function of volume fraction; (c) the normalized thermal conductivity of MWNT-synthetic engine oil
nanofluids as a function of volume fraction; (d) the normalized thermal conductivity of Cu-water nanofluids as a function of the measured time
at 0.1 vol.%.
poly oil suspensions, the measured enhancement in thermal The value of k/kbase is slightly above unity, indicating
conductivity with 1 vol.% nanotubes in oil is 160% as no appreciable enhancements due to particles agglom-
reported previously [13]. eration. The volume fractions of Cu nanoparticles sus-
Cu-water nanofluids with a low concentration of pended in water are 0.1 vol.% for specimens no. 4 and
nanoparticles have considerably higher thermal con- no. 5 and 0.2 vol.% for specimens no. 9, respectively.
ductivities than the identical water base liquids without Xuan and Li [14] showed that the ratio of the thermal
solid nanoparticles (Figure 4d). A strong dependence conductivity of the Cu-water nanofluid to that of the
of thermal conductivity on the measured time is base liquid varies from 1.24 to 1.78 when the volume
observed. In addition, at a constant volume fraction, k/ fraction of the nanoparticles increases from 2.5 to 7.5
kbase is the largest at the starting point of measurement vo1.%. The corresponding Cu nanoparticles were about
and drops considerably with elapsed time. For Cu 100 nm diameter and were directly mixed with D.I.
nanoparticles at 0.1 vol.%, thermal conductivity is water. The laurate salt at several weight percents was
enhanced by 23.8%. The ratio of k/k base is almost used to enhance stability of the suspension. Further-
unchanged when the elapsed time is above 10 min. more, the tendency of the settlement time dependence
Liu et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:297 Page 7 of 13
of thermal conductivity enhancements is also reported may offset the benefit from enhanced thermal conduc-
in ethylene glycol-based Cu nanofluids [15]. tivity. Optimum conditions between thermal conductiv-
Recently, Jiang and Wang [16] developed a novel one- ity and viscosity of CuO nanofluids need to be taken
step chemical reduction method to fabricate nanofluids into consideration in heat transfer applications.
with very tiny spherical Cu nanoparticles. The particle The measured viscosity of tap water (city water) is 0.8
size varies from 6.4 to 2.9 nm by changing the surfac- cps at 23.5°C and that of MWNT/tap water nanofluid is
tant concentration. The thermal conductivity measure- 1.0 cps at 24.1°C. It is thus expected that the slight
ment shows the existence of a critical particle size increased viscosity of MWNT nanofluid would only cast
below which the nanoparticles cannot significantly minor impact on the pumping power of heat transfer
enhance fluid conductivity due to the particle conductiv- system.
ity reduction and the solid-liquid interfacial thermal Figure 5 shows a plot of normalized thermal conductiv-
resistance increase as the particle size decreases. By con- ity as a function of volume fraction for Cu, CuO, and
sidering these two factors, the critical particle size is MWNT nanofluids. The thermal conductivity enhance-
predicted to be around 10 nm based on theoretical ana- ment is found to be of different order at different volume
lysis. In present study, Cu-water nanofluids are also fraction. From this figure, one also can see that a notable
synthesized using chemical method but without surfac- difference exists for measured thermal conductivity ratios
tant. The agglomerated particle sizes of the Cu nanopar- with the addition of different nanoparticles.
ticles range from 50 to 100 nm with spherical and For practical applications of nanofluids, a constructal
square shapes. approach is proposed by Wang and Fan [18] recently. It
The typical value of thermal conductivity is 0.25 W/m is based on the constructal theory to convert the inverse
K for ethylene glycol, 0.6 W/m K for water, 33 W/m K problem of nanofluid microstructural optimization into a
for CuO, 400 W/m K for Cu, and 2000 W/m K for forward one by first specifying a type of microstructures
MWNT [12]. There are three orders of magnitude dif- and then optimizing system performance with respect to
ference between liquids and solid particles for thermal the available freedom within the specified type of micro-
conductivity. Therefore, fluids containing solid particles structures, and enables us to find the constructal micro-
can be anticipated to show appreciably enhanced ther- structure. That is the best for the optimal system
mal conductivities compared with pure fluids. The ther- performance within the specified type of microstructures.
mal conductivity of MWNT/ethylene glycol nanofluid is In Meibodi et al.’s recent work [19], the effects of dif-
increased by about 12.4% at 1 vol.% as shown in ferent factors on thermal conductivity and stability of
Figure 4b. The high conductivity and high aspect ratio CNT/water nanofluids, including nanoparticle size and
of MWNT make it especially suitable for heat transfer concentration, surfactant type and concentration, pH,
in a nanofluid. Furthermore, MWNT can also act as a temperature, power of ultrasonication and elapsed time
lubricating medium due to its small size. In this study, after ultrasonication, and their interactions have been
the MWNT is thus used as the heat transfer medium investigated experimentally. The most suitable condition
for a 10-RT water chiller. for production and application of CNT/water nanofluid
Heat transfer takes place on the surface of the solid par- has been proposed based on statistical analysis of the
ticles. In this study, SEM shows very narrowly size-distrib- results. It has been shown that more stable nanofluid
uted Cu and CuO nanoparticles and MWNT. Compared may not necessarily have higher value of thermal con-
with conventional particles, nanoparticles accommodate ductivity. Thermal conductivity of nanofluid is time
much larger surface areas per volume. For example, the dependent immediately after ultrasonication and inde-
surface area to volume ratio (A/V) is 1000 times larger for pendent of time at longer time. In our present study,
particles in 10 nm diameter than in 10 μm diameter [11]. stable CNT nanofluid is successfully obtained.
The larger surface area can thus increase heat transfer For the industrial application of nanofluid on cooling, the
capabilities [17]. Fluids with solid particles on a nano scale nanofluid can be used for refrigerant medium of air condi-
show better thermal conductivities than fluids with coarse tioning and refrigeration (AC&R). The nano-refrigerant is
solid particles on a micro scale. This is associated with one kind of nanofluid with host fluid being refrigerant.
large total surface areas of nanoparticles. A nano-refrigerant has higher heat transfer coefficient than
The viscosity is measured with portable viscosimeter. the host refrigerant and it can be used to improve the
The viscosity of CuO nanofluids is also found to performance of refrigeration systems. Jiang et al. [20]
increase with the volume ratio. It is seen that the viscos- recently reported on the experimental results show that the
ity is increased by 10.7% at a volume fraction of 0.01 thermal conductivities of CNT nano-refrigerants are much
(1 vol.%) and up to 83.4% at 5 vol.%. The thermal con- higher than those of CNT-water nanofluids or spherical-
ductivity property is enhanced by the presence of CuO nanoparticle-R113 nano-refrigerants. The thermal conduc-
nanofluids. On the other hand, the increase of viscosity tivities of CNT nano-refrigerants increase significantly with
Liu et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:297 Page 8 of 13
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
volume fraction (vol. %)
Figure 5 The normalized thermal conductivity as a function of volume fraction for the Cu, CuO, and MWNT nanofluids.
the increase of the CNT volume fraction. When the CNT spherical particles. This might be due to the rapid heat
volume fraction is 1.0 vol.%, the measured thermal conduc- transport along relatively larger distances in cylindrical
tivities of four kinds of CNT-R113 nano-refrigerants are particles since cylindrical particles usually have lengths on
increased by 82, 104, 43, and 50%, respectively. The thermal the order of micrometers. However, nanofluids with
conductivity enhancements of CNT-R113 nano-refrigerants cylindrical particles usually have much larger viscosities
are higher than those of CNT-water nanofluids and spheri- than those with spherical nanoparticles [22]. In present
cal nanoparticles-R113 nano-refrigerants with the same study, the volume fraction of MWNT/water used is only
nanoparticle volume fraction. 0.001 (0.1 vol.%) and the relevant increase in thermal con-
For the application of nanofluid on heat transfer device, ductivity is only up to 1.3% at room temperature condi-
the performance of a commercial herringbone-type plate tion. The measured viscosity of tap water is 0.8 cps at
heat exchanger using 4 vol.% CuO nanofluid is experi- 23.5°C and that of MWNT/tap water nanofluid is 1.0 cps
mentally studied by Pantzali et al. [21]. Prior to this heat at 24.1°C. Note that there is no surfactant or dispersant
exchanger, the thermophysical properties of several used for the nanofluids. It is thus expected that the asso-
nanofluids including CuO, Al 2 O 3 , TiO 2 , and CNT in ciated increase in pumping power is small and this
water were systematically measured. The general trends increases the potential usage of MWNT nanofluids in heat
of nanofluids including increase of thermal conductivity, exchanger system.
density, viscosity, and decrease of heat capacity are con- In addition to thermal conductivity, the specific heat
firmed. Besides the physical properties, the flow regime also affects the performance of nanofluid. The specific
(laminar or turbulent) inside the heat exchanger also heat of city water (tap water) is 4.383 J/g K at 20°C (4.373
affects the efficiency of a nanofluid as coolant. The fluid J/g K at 25°C). The specific heat of D.I. water is 4.456 J/g
viscosity seems also to be an important factor. It is con- K at 20°C (4.454 J/g K at 25°C). The specific heat of
cluded that turbulent flow, which is commonly employed MWNT is 0.6 J/g K at 20°C. On the other hand, the spe-
in this industrial heat exchanger, normally requires large cific heat of MWNT/city water nanofluid is 4.398 J/g K
volumetric concentration of nanofluids. Hence the repla- at 20°C (4.389 J/g K at 25°C). Therefore, the specific heat
cement of conventional fluids by nanofluids may cause of MWNT/city water nanofluid at 0.1 vol.% is higher
additional concerns like clogging, sedimentation, and than that of city water. The specific heat is increased to
wearing for fluid machineries. be about 0.4% at 20°C shown in Figure 6. This indicates
Nanofluids with cylindrical CNT generally show greater that the total amount of heat that can be absorbed by
thermal conductivity enhancement than nanofluids with MWNT/city water is increased. However, the specific
Liu et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:297 Page 9 of 13
Cp (J/g/ oC)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Temperature ( oC)
Figure 6 Specific heat vs. temperature subject to the influence of MWNT/water nanofluid at 0.1 vol.%.
heat of MWNT nanofluid at 0.1 vol.% is lower than that enhancement of thermal conductivity is encountered
of D.I. water. It is generally observed that the heat capa- (0.9%) at 10°C.
city is decreased with the addition of nanoparticles. From Cooling capacity vs. flow rate subject to the influence
the measured experimental data for CuO nanofluids, of nanofluids is shown in Figure 7. For the water base
Zhou et al. [23] also reported that the specific heat capa- fluid, the cooling capacity increases with the rise of flow
city of CuO nanofluid decreases gradually with increasing rate from 60 to 120 L/min. The cooling capacity, how-
volume concentration of nanoparticles. ever, does not change as flow rate is further increased
The standard test of chiller is performed with standard to 140 L/min. On the other hand, for MWNT/water
water chiller rating condition: water inlet temperature at nanofluid, the cooling capacity shows a similar trend
7°C (T1), water outlet temperature at 12°C (T2), and at a but reveals an early level-off when the flow rate is
flow rate of 85 L/min. For the temperature dependence increased over 100 L/min. The cooling capacity reaches
of thermal conductivity with temperature, Ding et al. a maximum value at a flow rate of 100 L/min. The
[24] showed that the effective thermal conductivity effective mean flow velocity within the channel of the
increases with increasing temperature in CNT-water plate heat exchanger is about 4.5 m/s and the corre-
suspensions. For a 1 wt% of MWNT/water nanofluid, sponding Re number is approximate 13,500 at a flow
80% enhancement of thermal conductivity is achieved at rate of 100 L/min. The flow is thus in turbulent condi-
30°C while that of down to 10% is observed at 20°C. tion. On the other hand, at a flow rate of 60 L/min, the
Zhang et al. [25] also showed that the thermal conduc- flow velocity is about 2.7 m/s and the corresponding Re
tivity of the Al 2 O 3 /water nanofluid increases with an number is approximately 8,100. The flow is also in tran-
increase of the particle concentration and with the tem- sition to turbulent flow.
perature. Conversely the pure water shows consistent From the comparison of cooling capacity rate between
temperature dependence tendency. In the present study, water base fluid and MWNT/water nanofluid, one can
the linear relationship between thermal conductivity and see that the cooling capacity of MWNT/water nanofluid
temperature is used to estimate the variation of thermal is higher than that of water base fluid over the entire test-
conductivity with temperature. For the present study, ing range. The increased cooling capacity spans 2 to 6%.
this indicates that the increase of thermal conductivity The maximum difference occurs at the smallest flow rate
for the MWNT/water at standard chiller rating condi- at 60 L/min. The results are quite surprising for the fore-
tion is even lower than 1.3% at room temperature. Fol- going measurement of thermal conductivity, for MNWT/
lowing an estimation of the linear relationship, barely water nanofluid shows only marginal increase in thermal
Liu et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:297 Page 10 of 13
31000 water
heat transfer rate (W) MWNT/water
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
flow rate (L/min)
Figure 7 Cooling capacity vs. flow rate subject to the influence of MWNT/water nanofluid at 0.1 vol.%.
conductivity (1.3% at room temperature and 0.9% at 10°C flow, reduced boundary layer, particle rearrangement,
rating condition) of nanofluid relative to that of pure and high aspect ratio of CNT. These observations sug-
water, whereas the maximum capacity difference shown gest that the aspect ratio should be associated with the
in Figure 7 is increased over 6%. Hence, certain dynamic high enhancement of heat transfer performance of
characteristics of nanofluids must be in presence. One of CNT-based nanofluids.
the possible dynamic effects caused by the nanofluids is Apart from the foregoing explanations of the possible
associated with dispersion effect of the nanoparticles as it causes, one should be aware that the measurement of
flows along the heat transfer channel. For a laminar flow, thermal conductivity is performed under static condition,
the presence of nanoparticles may well distort the con- whereas the measurement of cooling capacity is carried
vectional parabolic profile, leading to an effective increase out at dynamic fluid flow condition. Hence, interactions
of heat transfer performance. On the other hand, though of the flow field with nanopowders may be another rea-
the well-dispersed nanoparticles still play an essential son for substantial rise of cooling capacity. A recent
role for heat transfer enhancement for turbulent flow, it numerical investigation concerning with the fluid flow
should be emphasized that the major thermal resistance behaviors of nanofluid via a two-phase approach was
for turbulent flow lies in the laminar sub-layer, which is conducted by Behzadmehr et al. [26], they had clearly
nearby the heat transfer surface. As a consequence, one shown that the presence of nanopowder can absorb the
can see that a much larger performance augmentation is velocity fluctuation energy and reduce the turbulent
seen at a lower flow rate (60 L/min). Conversely, the kinetic energy as well. However, this phenomenon
capacity reaches a plateau at higher flow regime. The test becomes less pronounced when the Reynolds number is
results suggest that the dynamic effect of nanofluids may further increased. This is due to the fact that the corre-
be more effective in the lower flow rate region, e.g., tran- sponding velocity profiles become more uniform as the
sition or laminar flow. Reynolds number is increased. In that sense, one can see
Similar results are also reported by Ding et al. [24] the difference in cooling capacity is reduced between
who studied the heat transfer performance of CNT nanofluid and the base fluid when the flow rate is
nanofluid in a tube with 4.5 mm inner diameter. They increased.
found that the observed enhancement of heat transfer The viscosity of water and MWNT nanofluid decreases
coefficient is much higher than that of the increase in with the increasing of temperature. The measured viscos-
effective thermal conductivity. They postulated several ity of tap water is 0.8 cps at 23.5°C and that of MWNT
possible reasons with the abnormal increase of heat nanofluid is 1.0 cps at 24.1°C. On the other hand, Wensel
transfer coefficient, i.e., shear-induced enhancement in et al. [27] also reported that the nanofluid of CNT with
Liu et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:297 Page 11 of 13
very low loading around 0.01 vol.% is very stable and the is because the rise of cooling capacity inevitably slightly
viscosity remains approximately the same as water. increases the low-side refrigeration pressure, leading to
The associated pressure drop vs. flow rate for the a very minor reduction in system power consumption
nanofluid and base fluid is shown in Figure 8. For both (0.8%). In essence, the system COP is increased by
the water base fluid and the MWNT/water nanofluid, 5.15% at standard rating condition.
the pressure drop increases with the increase of flow Although the enhancement of the thermal conductivity
rate from 60 to 150 L/min. However, negligible differ- is only up to 1.3% at room temperature and that of the
ence in pressure drop amid the MWNT/water nanofluid specific heat is increased to be about 0.4% at 20°C. How-
and the base fluid water is seen. The results are in line ever, the increase of overall cooling capacity is about
with the calculation made by Behzadmehr et al. [26]. 4.2%. Moreover, Ding et al. [24] investigated the heat
Their two-phase modeling shows that adding 1% nano- transfer performance of CNT nanofluids in a tube with
powder results in an increase of the Nusselt number by 4.5 mm inner diameter. The observed enhancement of
more than 15% without appreciable increase of pressure heat transfer coefficient is much higher than the increase
drop. It is attributed to the absorption of turbulence in the effective thermal conductivity. It is likely that the
caused by the nanopowders. Furthermore, Lu et al. [28] improved heat transfer is associated with shear-induced
also reported that a novel and stable CNT/polystyrene enhancement in flow, reduced boundary layer, particle
hybrid miniemulsion is used as a water-based lubricant rearrangement, and high aspect ratio of CNT.
additive. The anti-wear performance and load-carrying A theoretical model for the role of dynamic nanoparti-
capacity of the base stock are significantly raised and cles in nanofluid has been proposed [29]. The funda-
the friction factor is decreased. As a consequence, the mental difference between solid/solid composites and
present nanofluid with MWNT reveals negligible pres- solid/liquid suspensions is identified. This model is very
sure drop penalty pertaining to the system performance helpful for nanofluids in the industrial applications of
of the water chiller. high efficiency heat transfer. Similar to the nanoparti-
Moreover, at the standard rating condition (water inlet cles, the characteristics of interface between CNT solid
temperature at 7°C (T 1 ), water outlet temperature at and base liquid need to be exploited for better under-
12°C (T2), and at a flow rate of 85 L/min), it is found standing of the role of CNT on the nanofluid. There-
that the consumed power of the nanofluid system is fore, fluid dynamic and convection play an important
reduced up to 0.8% and the coefficient of performance role in the enhancement of overall cooling capacity.
(COP) is increased by 5.15%. The increase of COP is Recently, Pantzali et al. [21] conducted the experimen-
mainly related to the increase of cooling capacity. This tal study of a commercial heat exchanger using CuO
40 water
Ӕp ( kPa)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
flow rate (L/min)
Figure 8 Pressure drop vs. flow rate subject to the influence of MWNT/water nanofluid at 0.1 vol.%.
Liu et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:297 Page 12 of 13
nanofluid and found that the use of nanofluid is benefi- At the standard rating condition, the addition of nano-
cial if and only if the increase in its thermal conductivity fluid can increase the COP by 5.15% relative to that
is accompanied by a marginal increase in viscosity when without nanofluid.
the heat exchanger operate under turbulent condition.
On the other hand, the use of nanofluid seems more
advantageous if the heat exchanger operates under lami- CNT: carbon nanotube; COP: coefficient of performance; D.I.: deionized; DSC:
nar condition. The results are actually in line with the differential scanning calorimetry; HRTEM: high-resolution transmission
foregoing discussion about the dynamic effect of nano- electron microscopy; MWNT: multi-walled carbon nanotube; NHS: N-
hydroxysuccinimide; SEM: scanning electron microscopy.
particle dispersion.
In this study, the system COP of a water chiller is Acknowledgements
increased by 5.15% at standard rating condition and Support of this research through a grant from Bureau of Energy, Ministry of
Economic Affair, Taiwan, is highly appreciated. The authors wish to express
thus deserves further intense study for practical applica- their great appreciation to the nanofluid research team.
tion in air conditioning and refrigeration industry.
Author details
Green Energy & Environment Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology
Conclusions Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 2Material & Chemical Research
In our previous study, different nanofluids including Cu, Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
CuO, and MWNT were synthesized for measurement of Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan.
thermal conductivity. In this study, those results are sys-
tematically evaluated for the better application of heat Authors’ contributions
transfer medium. All authors contributed equally.
Until now, there were few studies associated with the Competing interests
overall system performance or with field test in which The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
some dynamic characteristics of the system may be
Received: 20 October 2010 Accepted: 5 April 2011
missing. In that regard, in our previous study, the over- Published: 5 April 2011
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Cite this article as: Liu et al.: Enhancements of thermal conductivities
with Cu, CuO, and carbon nanotube nanofluids and application of
MWNT/water nanofluid on a water chiller system. Nanoscale Research
Letters 2011 6:297.