Tle-Unit 1-CE2
Tle-Unit 1-CE2
Tle-Unit 1-CE2
Key issue: What are the many faces of the witch in the UK and the USA?
Notes: Blasted (l1) = decaying, withering, decomposing; A heath (l2) = type of shrub; uncul vated field;
To flourish (l3) = to develop well, to be successful; To blink (l3) = to open and close eyes; A slew (l9)
(informal) = a lot of (un tas de …); Upcoming (l9) = imminent; Self-professed (l12) = self-proclaimed
(autoproclamé); A curator (l17) = a museum custodian/guardian; Turmoil (l17) = agita on; Undermined
(l19) = feeling less confident; Upside-down (l19) = mixed up, troubled; To indulge (l21) = to abandon
oneself to; prone to (l22) = suscep ble to ; A hoax (l27) = a humorous or malicious decep on, a ruse;
Gruelling (l31) = arduous, exhaus ng; To speak out (l38) = to state one’s opinion publicly; To embrace
(l39) = to accept; to welcome; Conforming (l48) = mainstream; The pushback (l51) =resistance, nega ve
response; Heartening (l52) = encouraging
Ques ons
2) Consider the tle and the picture illustra ng the text. What is the document about?
3) List the films or series about witches men oned in the text.
6) Read lines 40 to the end. Show to what extent witches in these TV shows reflect society’s stereotypes about women.
7) Write a short ar cle for your school newspaper to explain the role TV shows about witches play in today’s society.
A witch film/TV series A wart (une verrue)
A coven = a group of witches (une assemblée de sorcières) A crooked nose (un nez crochu)
A female role model A pointed hat (un chapeau pointu)
An icon/an iconic figure A broomstick (un balai)
A stereotype/a stereotypical vision A fantasy = a dream
A representation A make-believe world = an illusion
An appeal = an attraction, an interest Magical thinking
To stand out = to be remarkable To reclaim one’s rights = to take back one’s rights
To dare to = to be brave enough to To trust oneself = to have confidence on oneself
To ride a broomstick (voler sur un balai) To take a stand = to maintain an opinion against opposition
To be rooted in a culture = to be firmly implanted To right wrongs = to correct an injustice
To respect society’s rules ≠ to break society’s rules To rise up against = to rebel