Lesson 24 Geography Features
Lesson 24 Geography Features
Lesson 24 Geography Features
Ex: 2 P: 29 • Learners match the book
• Present the continents and then places to the continents Self assessment
explain the task. Go through the ANSWERS
10 min list of places and elicit whether Ss Angel Falls is in South
know any of them. Read out the America. Differentiation:
example, and then elicit answers The Grand Canyon is in «Verbal support»
form Ss around the class. North America. method is used to
Play the recording. Ss listen and Malta is in Europe. help Ss use new
check their answers. Lake Geneva is in words in the
The River Nile is in
- attention to the
Ex: 3 P: 29 Niagara Falls is in North
family tree
• Direct Ss’ attention to the America.
- match the places
pictures and ask various Ss around The Gobi Desert is in
to the continents
7 min the class to describe them Asia.
Total: 3 point
Ask them to imagine they are Ayers Rock is in
there and elicit what they might be Australia. Descriptor:
able to see, hear, smell, etc Mount Vesuvius is in - make sentences.
Total: 3 point
• Learners make
Conclusion during the lesson sentences.
some tasks differentiated by ANSWERS
6 min outcomes of the students and by -Make CCQ
Students own answer
their abilities. questions Yes / No