English Year 6

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LESSON PLAN 2023/2024


DAY Monday CLASS Year 6

TIME 8.50-9.50 DATE 26.8.2024
TOPIC Getting Around (Lesson 65)
THEME World of Stories
FOCUS Reading
OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
- Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non- fiction print and digital texts of interest
- Understand the main idea of simple longer texts

1. Follow the instructions for Warm up: Categories in the Teacher’s Book, p.98. Pupils brainstorm films of
different categories (types). Ask pupils what kind of film they like watching.
Lesson delivery
2. Follow the instructions for Activity 1 in the Teacher’s Book, p.98. Pupils look at the pictures and
decide what kind of story it is.
3. Follow the instructions for Activity 2 in the Teacher’s Book, p.98. However, encourage pupils to relax, sit
comfortably and read the story at their own pace.
4. Ask pupils if they enjoyed the story. Encourage them to give reasons for their answers and to explain
what they liked (or didn’t like) in particular.
5. Follow the instructions for Activity 3 in the Teacher’s Book, p.99. Pupils guess the meaning of the
words in the box.
6. Follow the instructions for Activity 4 in the Teacher’s Book, p.99. Pupils identify the main theme of the
story. Extend the discussion of the importance of playing outside as well as inside (CCE: Values).
Follow the instructions for Cooler: Better in real life! in the Teacher’s Book, p.99.

_24_ / 24__ pupils were able to achieve the learning Lesson is postponed due to :

__ / __ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )

__ / __ pupils need extra guidance Course Other :

__ / __ pupils were able to master today’s lesson
LESSON PLAN 2023/2024


DAY Monday CLASS Year 6

TIME 11.50-12.20 DATE 26.8.2024
TOPIC Getting Around (Lesson 67)
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS Listening
OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
- Recognise and reproduce independently a wide range of target language phonemes
- Understand specific information and details of simple longer texts

1. Introduce the topic of transport by following the instructions for Warm-up: Secret words in the Teacher’s
Book, p.102. Leave your drawings on the board.
Lesson delivery
2. Pupils focus on adjectives with suffixes -ful and -less.
3. Ask pupils to give an adjective with -ful or -less for each picture on the board.
4. Elicit some comparatives using the adjectives. If necessary, introduce sentences with (not) as …. as…
5. Follow the instructions for Activity 1 in the Teacher’s Book, p.102. Use the video or read the sentences
yourself. Draw attention to the weak sound in as - /əz/. Explain that this weak sound is the most common
sound in English. Drill the sentences, focussing on this weak sound. It is called a ‘schwa’ sound. Focus
on recently learned language (present perfect and comparatives as…as).
6. Hand out the worksheet. All sentences include at least one weak sound. Pupils listen and mark the
weak sound
7. Follow the instructions for the word card activity in Learning Styles in the Teacher’s Book,
p.102. Have pupils identify who has a card with a weak sound (the pupils who have as).
8.Follow the instructions for Activity 2 in the Teacher’s Book, p.102. Pupils fill in the gap.
9. Have pupils practice reading the text aloud with a partner. The partner listens and raises his/her hand
when he hears a weak sound.
Choose a post-lesson task from Section 3 to review and consolidate key learning, or you could refer to the
Games Bank in the Teacher’s Book pp.14–17.

24__ / 24__ pupils were able to achieve the learning Lesson is postponed due to :

__ / __ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )

__ / __ pupils need extra guidance Course Other :

__ / __ pupils were able to master today’s lesson
LESSON PLAN 2023/2024


DAY Tuesday CLASS Year 6

TIME 7.50-8.50 DATE 27.8.2024
TOPIC Getting Around (Lesson 68)
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS Speaking
OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
- Give detailed information about themselves and others
- Explain and give reasons for simple advice

1. Follow the instructions for Cooler: Getting around in the Teacher’s Book, p.103. Lesson delivery
2. Review the previous lesson with Activity 3 in the Teacher’s Book, p.103. Pupils talk about different
transport. They can use ideas of transport from Step 1 as well as from the Pupil’s Book, p.63.
3. Ask pupils how they get to school. Ask some follow up questions about their journey to school every day
(e.g. how long it takes/costs, what they do on the journey, etc.)
4. Pupils listen to the dialogue which introduces the new language.
5. Pupils practise the new language in a controlled way.
6. Pupils talk about their journeys to school using modified adjectives.
7. Follow the instructions for Warm-up: Shall I take the bus? in the Teacher’s Book,
p.104. During the presentation stage, have pupils conclude by saying whether they think people should
or shouldn’t use the mode of transport, e.g. …so we think people shouldn’t use their cars for short
journeys because it is harmful to the environment. They should walk because it is healthier and not
harmful to the environment.
8. Follow the instructions for Cooler: Team sentences in the Teacher’s Book, p.105 or you could choose an
activity to consolidate learning from the post-lesson tasks in Section 3.

24__ /24 __ pupils were able to achieve the learning Lesson is postponed due to :

__ / __ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )

__ / __ pupils need extra guidance Course Other :

__ / __ pupils were able to master today’s lesson
LESSON PLAN 2023/2024


DAY Wednesday CLASS Year 6

TIME 8.50-9.20 DATE 28.8.2024
TOPIC My Sister’s Eating Porridge (Lesson 69)
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends
FOCUS Language Arts
OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
- Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple stories and
simple poems/ Other imaginative responses as appropriate
- Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non- fiction print and digital texts of interest

1. Pupils Play Charade on action verbs such as eating, drinking, smelling.
Lesson delivery
2. Pupils read the poem aloud.
3. Introduce pupils to the present continuous tense in the poem (eating, going, dripping, crying).
4. Show pupils pictures of the verbs and ask pupils to match.
5. Ask pupils what other verbs they can think of when their younger sibling is eating e.g. licking, sucking,
blowing, throwing, breaking, picking
6. Show pupils an alternate poem. Pupils read and fill in the blanks with suitable verbs. (Refer to
Appendix 1)
7. Pupils recite the poem with actions.
Ask pupils if parents should let babies eat on their own. Pupils discuss and give reasons for their answers.

24__ / 24__ pupils were able to achieve the learning Lesson is postponed due to :

__ / __ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )

__ / __ pupils need extra guidance Course Other :

__ / __ pupils were able to master today’s lesson
LESSON PLAN 2023/2024


DAY Thursday CLASS Year 6

TIME 7.50-8.50 DATE 29.8.2024
TOPIC Getting Around (Lesson 70)
THEME World of Stories
FOCUS Reading
OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
- Understand the main idea of simple longer texts
- Narrate short stories, events and experiences

1. Choose a pre-lesson task from the list in Section 3 to review key vocabulary within the topic of this
Lesson delivery
2. Show the story pages of the Pupil’s Book, pp.60-61. Ask pupils to remember the title of the story and
who the main characters are (without reading the text).
3. Hand out the worksheets. Pupils read the summaries and decide which one is the best summary of
the story.
4. Pupils check their answer with their partner, then re-read the story quickly to check.
5. Follow the instructions for Activity 1 in the Teacher’s Book, p.108, using a worksheet rather than having
pupils look at their Pupil’s Book. This is so that they don’t see the picture story in Activity 2 in the book.
6. Ask pupils if they know any stories about time travel. Tell them they will look at stories about time travel.
7. Hand out the sets of pictures. Pupils look at the pictures and think about the order in which they may
come in a story. There could be many different ways to order the story, and no ‘correct’ answer. Allow
pupils to use their imagination to create a story using the pictures with their partner.
8. Put pairs of pupils into groups of four or six. Have pairs tell their story to their group. Remind them to talk
about the beginning, middle and end, as in Activity 1.
9. Pupils look at the story and think about what happens in picture 5.
Note that this lesson supports pupils in their skills development for the speaking assessment.
Pupils use their notes to tell larger groups or the whole class about picture 5. Ask pupils if they preferred
their own story to the one shown in the book.

24__ / 24__ pupils were able to achieve the learning Lesson is postponed due to :

__ / __ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )

__ / __ pupils need extra guidance Course Other :

__ / __ pupils were able to master today’s lesson
LESSON PLAN 2023/2024


DAY Friday CLASS Year 6

TIME 10.50-11.50 DATE 30.8.2024
TOPIC Getting Around (Lesson 71)
THEME World of Stories
FOCUS Writing
OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
- Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences
- Understand with little or no support longer simple narratives on a range of familiar

1. Gather pupils to the front of the classroom around you, or make sure they are sitting comfortably in
their places. Tell the story you have chosen for this lesson. Make sure to include the beginning, middle
and end. Ask a gist listening question to give pupils a reason to listen.
Lesson delivery
2. Ask pupils if they enjoyed listening to the story and give feedback on the gist question.
3. Tell pupils they will create their own stories in this lesson. Hand out the cut-up sentences from Pupil’s
Book, p.67, one sentence per pupil. Note that these should be the first sentence given, not the questions
and prompts, i.e. Tania sat up in bed. NOT She was excited because (Why?). Ask pupils to look at the
picture and match their sentence to a picture.
4. Have pupils read the questions and prompts for their sentence on Pupil’s Book, p.67. In their
notebooks, they write their sentence and then extend that stage of the story using the prompts given.
They can answer these in any way they wish, even if it doesn’t exactly match the story.
5. Put pupils in groups of six so that the groups are made up of one pupil for each sentence/picture/stage
of the story. Pupils share their ideas to create a story.
6. Within the groups, pupils make pairs. In their notebooks, they work together to write the story. Allow
plenty of time for this, and have pupils work together to co-write the story. Monitor and check pupils are
participating equally.
Have volunteers read their stories to the class. The class should listen and identify any differences between
what they hear and their own story.

24__ / 24__ pupils were able to achieve the learning Lesson is postponed due to :

__ / __ pupils were able to answer the questions correctly Meeting Sick Leave ( MC )

__ / __ pupils need extra guidance Course Other :

__ / __ pupils were able to master today’s lesson

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