Open Record View
Open Record View
Open Record View
Unani Drugs.
……………………………………………………………………………………… …… I/We
the Grant / Renewal of License to manufacture Ayurvedic / Unani Drugs in the premises situated at
2. Name & Qualifications and experience to Technical Staff employees for manufacture and
4. A fee of Rs. …………………. Has been credited Government under Head of Account
……………………………………………………………………………………. …………………….
Application Dated:
1. …………………………………………………………………………………… Proprietor /
Managing Director /Managing Partner hereby declare that the words “Ayurveda / Unani /
With other drugs of any system of medicine and there is no drug in the market with the same
name and also does not bear any resemblance to any other brand name.
3. Certified that I will adide by the D & C Act, 1940 and D&C Rules, 1945 and I will not a violate
the DMR & Objectionable Advertisement Act 1954 and follow G.M.P guidelines.
4. Certified that, the information given in this application is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and I have not furnished any false information with view to obtain Ayurveda / Unani
1. Covering Letter
2. Form 24 – D
3. Challan for Rs. 1,000/-
4. Rs.1200/- for Renewal up to January, 31st
5. From 1st February to March 31st Rs. 1200/- + 600/- = 1800/-
81 - Other Charges
7. Attested copies of documents related to the ownership rent/lease/allotment of the site of building,
along with proof of ownership.
9. Detailed list of manufacturing and Analytical equipment as required for formulations applied.
11. Attested copies of certificates of Academic qualification, experience certificate Bio-dated Me dical
Registration Certificate and declarations of Technical Staff in the prescribed proforma with photo
duty attested.
12. List of Sastric Medicines and Xerox copies of concerned pages of reference book duly signed by
F.T.S with samples.
14. (2) Sales packed draft labels for each drug as per D & C Rules with different names if any.
15. (10) Samples for each drug with sales pack draft labels with different sizes if any.
16. Self addressed envelop with sufficient postal stamps for Registered Post.
17. Clinical trial reports from (3) institutionally qualified Ayurvedic/Unani Parctioners as the may be on
at least 30 patients for each drug used orally as per the proforma guidelines.
18. Drug Information in the Quadruplicate in the following lines for Anubhutha Yogams (Patent Drugs)
duly signed by the Proprietor and F.T.S.