Indigenous World Kap. Medicinal Plants C1-3
Indigenous World Kap. Medicinal Plants C1-3
Indigenous World Kap. Medicinal Plants C1-3
Asian is for Asians – the reason they invade Land and natural resources – which they
Philippines. depend are inextricably linked to their
identities, cultures, livelihood, as well as their
Nihongo – Japanese language. physical spiritual well-being.
Kempetai – police officer who observed the Customary leaders and organization –
Japanese soldier. representation that are distinct or separate
Vocational school – Japanese provide to from those of the mainstream society or
Philippines. culture.
Rape, kidnap, torture, and murder – abuses 4000(more than) of the world’s language –
encountered by Filipinos during the Japanese Indigenous speaks, though some estimates
period. indicate that more than half of the world’s
language are at risk of being extinct by 2100.
Hara-kiri – ritual suicide by disembowelment
with the sword, formerly practiced in japan by 476 million – indigenous people worldwide
samurai as a honorable alternative to disgrace 6% - global population
or execution.
19% - extreme poor
Gay comfort – sex slaved for imperial Japanese
army soldiers during the Japanese occupation of Lands, territories and natural resources –
Philippines in WW II. indigenous people often lack formal recognition
over them, are often last to receive public
Water urn, burning, electric shock, and etc – investments in basic service and infrastructure
punishment for Filipino who violated in their and face multiple barriers to participate fully in
period. the formal economy, enjoy access to justice and
CHAPTER 04 participate in political process and decision
Indigena – indigenous derived from the latin
noun, which was formed by combining Old Latin Inequality and Exclusion – make indigenous
indu(“in” or “within”) with the verb gignere (“to people more vulnerable to the impact of
beget”) climate change and natural hazard
People – a body of persons that are united by a Adapt, mitigate, reduce climate and disaster risk
common culture, tradition, or sense of kinship, – indigenous people ancestral knowledge and
that typically have common language, expertise.
Customary ownership – the land occupied by
indigenous people is under them, yet many
governments recognize only a fraction of this
land as formally or legally belonging to
indigenous people.