Indigenous World Kap. Medicinal Plants C1-3

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INDEGENIOUS WORLD KAP Ethnocentrism – the belief that one’s own

culture/nation is superior to all other.

Xenocentrism – the belief that other culture are
 Philippine indigenous species – different
better than one’s own culture /nation.
communities exist even before.
 Culture – “all the ways of life” in a form
of (art, social institution, belief,
 Cultural relativism – the view that
ethical and social standard reflect the
Type of culture: cultural context from which they are
derived. Principle of regarding the
Material culture – refer to the objects or
beliefs, values, and practices of a
belongings of a group of people.
culture from the view point of that
Non-Material culture – refer to the ideas, culture itself.
attitudes, and beliefs of a society.

Positive Filipino Toxic Filipino culture

Enculturation – lifelong process of learning
one’s native culture.
Pag gamit ng “po” Filipino time
at “opo” – sign of Acculturation – adapting to a new culture when
respect to elders. exposed to it.
Bayanihan (Unity) – Child as a retirement
community spirit benefit CHAPTER 02 – PRE COLONIAL PHILIPPINES
for common good.
Filipino culture is a melting pot, due its colonial
Filipino Hospitality Crab mentality –
master. The Filipino people have distinct Asian
– the warm and someone’s tendency to
welcoming nature pull down people background, with a strong western tradition.
of the Filipino around them who they August 1519 – Ferdinand Magellan is known for
people toward consider are better
being an explorer for Portugal, and later spain,
their guests. than them in any
who discovered the strait of Magellan while
leading the first expedition to successfully
Love for GOD and Seniority – a belief that
family your abilities or circumnavigate the globe. on this day Magellan
accomplishments are and his expedition were the 1st Europeans to
somehow dramatically reach the Philippines.
better than other
March 16, 1521 – Magellan sighted the
mountains of what is now samar.
Pagmamano - Body shaming – to
Filipino gesture criticize someone March 31, 1521 – Easter Sunday, Magellan
often done by based on the shape, ordered a mass to be celebrated, held in
young people to size, or appearance of limasawa, by father Pedro De Valderama.
the elders as a sign their body.
of respect Sulu –

Original settler – negrito group

Concept related to culture:
Social classes in pre-colonial: between people from different ethnic, racial, or
cultural background.
Datu – leader
Mestizo – term used to describe people of
Maginoo – noble class
mixed European and indigenous ancestry,
Timawa – freeman primarily in latin America.

Maharlika – warrior Mixed – mestizo

Alipin – servant Peninsulares – Spaniard born in spain. Full

blooded Spanish living in the Philippines and
2 type of slave: born in spain.
Namamahay – who had their own quarters Insulares – Spaniard born in the Philippines. Full
Sagigilid – who lived in their master house blooded Spanish living in the Philippines and
born in the Philippines as well.
 Social & Economic Region
Illustrado – wealty group of individuals born in
Tattoo – symbolizing the power. the Philippines and were able to study abroad.
Visayas – land of pintados Chinese/Spanish Mestizos – people with mixed
PPP – Apoy, pangangaso, pangungulekta. racial origins and economically sufficient.

Religion – Bathala (supreme being) Indio – native/full blooded Filipino. Indigenous

people in other term.
 Justice System
Sangley – full blooded Chinese living in the
Trial by ordeal – in which the accused was Philippines.
subjected to a test, such as holding a hot piece
of metal, to determine guilt or innocence. Moro – native muslim ethnic group

Moro-moro – type of traditional drama/play,

that depict the conflict between Christian and
Antonio pigafetta – pigafetta’s journal contains muslim.
descriptions of the people, custom, and natural
resources of the Philippine. Cock fighting – traditional sport in which two
roosters are placed in a ring and encourage
Secesos de las islas Filipinas – wrote by Antonio them to fight.
de Morga.
Antillean house – traditional house
Azotea – roofdeck/rooftop area in a building.
Spain – 333 years
Christianity – religion brought by Spaniard.
America – 48 years
Chavacano – Spanish based creole that is widely
Gov. Narsiso Claveria – issued a decree spoken today in Zamboanga City.
compiling a catalogue of family
names(surnamed) for the Filipino to adopt. Public School – American provide to Philippines.

Intermarriage – also known as interacial or American soldier – 1st American teacher

interethnic marriage, a type of marriage
Thomasites – educators came from US. institutions, and beliefs, and often constitute a
politically organized group.
Thomas – named of the ship, they rode.
Indigenous people – distinct social and cultural
University of Santo Thomas – 1st university of
groups that share collective ancestral ties to the
the Philippines.
lands and natural resources where they live,
1942 – Arrived in the Philippines occupy or from which they have been displaced.

Asian is for Asians – the reason they invade Land and natural resources – which they
Philippines. depend are inextricably linked to their
identities, cultures, livelihood, as well as their
Nihongo – Japanese language. physical spiritual well-being.
Kempetai – police officer who observed the Customary leaders and organization –
Japanese soldier. representation that are distinct or separate
Vocational school – Japanese provide to from those of the mainstream society or
Philippines. culture.

Rape, kidnap, torture, and murder – abuses 4000(more than) of the world’s language –
encountered by Filipinos during the Japanese Indigenous speaks, though some estimates
period. indicate that more than half of the world’s
language are at risk of being extinct by 2100.
Hara-kiri – ritual suicide by disembowelment
with the sword, formerly practiced in japan by 476 million – indigenous people worldwide
samurai as a honorable alternative to disgrace 6% - global population
or execution.
19% - extreme poor
Gay comfort – sex slaved for imperial Japanese
army soldiers during the Japanese occupation of Lands, territories and natural resources –
Philippines in WW II. indigenous people often lack formal recognition
over them, are often last to receive public
Water urn, burning, electric shock, and etc – investments in basic service and infrastructure
punishment for Filipino who violated in their and face multiple barriers to participate fully in
period. the formal economy, enjoy access to justice and
CHAPTER 04 participate in political process and decision
Indigena – indigenous derived from the latin
noun, which was formed by combining Old Latin Inequality and Exclusion – make indigenous
indu(“in” or “within”) with the verb gignere (“to people more vulnerable to the impact of
beget”) climate change and natural hazard

Indigenous – relating to the earlies known 80 % - indigenous people occupy or used a

inhabitants of a place and especially of a place quarter of the world, to safeguard the
that was colonized by a non-dominant group. remaining biodiversity.

People – a body of persons that are united by a Adapt, mitigate, reduce climate and disaster risk
common culture, tradition, or sense of kinship, – indigenous people ancestral knowledge and
that typically have common language, expertise.
Customary ownership – the land occupied by
indigenous people is under them, yet many
governments recognize only a fraction of this
land as formally or legally belonging to
indigenous people.

Insecure land tenure – a driver of conflict,

environmental degradation, and weak
economic and social development.

World Bank – works with indigenous people and

governments to ensure that boarder
development programs reflect the voices and
aspirations of indigenous peoples.

International instrument (regional agreement

on access to information, public participation
and justice in environmental matters. 2007
united nation declaration on the rights of
indigenous peoples (UNDRIP). American
declaration on the rights of indigenous people
in 2006. And the indigenous and tribal people
convention from 1991) – indigenous people’s
rights have been increasing recognized through
the adoption.

Global institution mechanism (united nation

permanent forum on indigenous issues
(UNPFII). Expert mechanism on the rights of
indigenous people (EMRIP). And UN special
rapporteur on the rights of indigenous people
(UNSR)) – created to promote indigenous
people’s right.

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