1964 - P1 - SEC4 - CH1 Legal QN Belgium V Spain
1964 - P1 - SEC4 - CH1 Legal QN Belgium V Spain
1964 - P1 - SEC4 - CH1 Legal QN Belgium V Spain
Case Concerning Barcelona Traction, Light and
Power Company, Limited (Belgium v. Spain).
(New Application: 1962). Preliminary Objections,
Judgement of 24 July 1964, I.C.J. Reports 1964,
p. 6. Order of 28 July 1964, I.C.J. Reports 1964,
p. 168.
Cases concerning South West Africa (Ethiopia v.
South Africa; Liberia v. South Africa). Orders of
20 January and 20 October 1964, I.C.J. Reports
1964, pp. 3 and 171.
The International Law Commission held its had provisionally adopted two parts (Parts I
sixteenth session in Geneva, Switzerland, from and II) of a set of draft articles on the law of
11 May to 24 July 1964. It devoted most of treaties consisting, respectively, of 29 articles
its meetings to the consideration of the law of (on the conclusion, entry into force and regis-
treaties and the question of special missions. tration of treaties)1 and 25 articles (on the in-
It also dealt with the question of relations be- validity and termination of treaties).2
tween States and inter-govemmental organiza- At its sixteenth session, in 1964, the Com-
tions, and its future programme of work. mission continued its study on the basis of a
report submitted by its Special Rapporteur, Sir
THE LAW OF TREATIES Humphrey Waldock, dealing with the questions
At its fourteenth session, in 1962, the Com- of application, effects, revision and interpreta-
mission had decided to give priority to the codi- tion of treaties.
fication of the law of treaties, one of the major
topics on the Commission's agenda since 1949. 1
SeeY.U.N., 1962, pp. 480-83.
At its 1962 and 1963 sessions, the Commission 2
See Y.U.N., 1963, pp. 499-501, 503-4.