NCP To The Bone Movie

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SUBJECTIVE DATA Imbalanced Nutrition: SHORT TERM  Emphasize  To help them to  After 3 days of
Less than body  After 3 days of importance of determine their nursing
“She was afraid they requirements in related nursing well - nutritional needs. intervention the
would make her weight to inadequate food intervention the balanced, patient verbalized
gain” as stated by the intake, possibly evidence patient will nutritious and understood
patient stepmother by lanugo, amenorrhea, verbalize the intake. her nutritional
and weight lost understanding of  Supervise the  To ensure needs.
 Absence of nutritional needs patient during compliance with  After 2 weeks of
menstrual period mealtimes the dietary nursing
LONG TERM and for a treatment intervention the
OBJECTIVE DATA  After 2 weeks the specified program. patient goal met
 Thin patient will period after by gaining 2lbs
 Pallor establish a dietary meals (usually within 2 weeks.
 Dry skin pattern with caloric one hour)  The patient keep
 Bruises on spine intake adequate to  Liquid is more  Fluids eliminate on practicing the
 Lanugo regain/maintain acceptable the need to normal eating
 Poor eating appropriate weight than solid choose between habit.
habits  The patient will foods –
 Inadequate food demonstrate something the
intake weight gain toward patient with
 Inappropriate individually anorexia may find
exercise (sit ups) expected range. difficult.

 Expect weight  To see the

gain of about effectiveness of
1 lb (0.5 kg) treatment
per week regimen.

 If edema or  The patient may

bloating fear that she’s
occurs after becoming fat and
the patient stop complying

has returned with the plan of

to normal treatment.
reassure her
that this
is temporary.
SUBJECTIVE DATA >The patient is risk for SHORT TERM  Encourage family  A good  After 2 days
disturbed body image/ to provide strong conversation of nursing
“She was afraid they  After 2 days of support system provides ongoing
chronic low self- intervention
would make her weight nursing intervention support for patient
esteem related to the patient
gain” as stated by the the patient will and family.
morbid fear of obesity, verbalizes verbalized
patient stepmother negative perception of acceptance
acceptance of self in  Positive remarks
body or self, and use situation  Exhibit positive of self in
“I don’t feel unhealthy” by the nurse may
of denial  Patient discusses caring in routine situation.
as verbalized by the encourage the
with family/SO activities
patient patient develop  The patient
about situation, more positive
changes that have family /SO
 Absence of responses to the understood
menstrual occurred changes in her
LONG TERM the patient
period body.
 After 1 week of and changes
nursing intervention that have
 Thin
the patient will  Assist the patient occurred
 Pallor  Opportunities
incorporate changes in incorporating
 Dry skin feedback and
 Bruises on into self- concept actual changes success in social
spine without negating into ADL’s social situations may  The patient
 Lanugo self- esteem life , interpersonal hasten adaptation. recognized
 Poor eating relationships, and
habits occupational
 Inadequate activities.
d body
food intake  Acknowledge and
accept expression image
 Inappropriate
exercise (sit of feelings of  Acceptance of this change into
ups) frustration, feelings as a self-concept
dependency, normal response in accurate
anger, grief and to what has manner
hostility. Note occurred facilitates without
withdrawn resolution. It is not negating
behavior and use helpful or possible

of denial to push patient self-esteem.

before ready to
deal with situation.

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