Early Lung Disease Pred
Early Lung Disease Pred
Early Lung Disease Pred
Abstract- Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence 23,000 times [18]. People with lung disorders have had
that employs a variety of statistical, probabilistic and optimization difficulty breathing. Millions of people in the United States
techniques that allows computers to “learn” from past examples have lung disease. All kinds of lung diseases together are
and to detect hard-to-discern patterns from large, noisy or the same number 3 killer in the United States. Lung diseases
complex data sets. Machine learning offers a principle approach
for developing sophisticated, automatic, and objective algorithms
are many of the disorders of the lungs, such as asthma,
for analysis of high-dimensional and multimodal biomedical data. COPD, influenza, pneumonia and tuberculosis, lung cancer
Machine Learning plays an important role in medical systems. and other respiratory problems. Some lungs can cause
Earlier identification of diseases, we can be helped to detect earlier respiratory distress [1].
and more accurately, which can save many people as well as
reduce the pressure on the system. Lung diseases are the one of A. LUNG DISEASES
the leading cause of death. The early identification and prediction Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, caused in most
of a lung diseases have become a necessity in the research, as it can cases by microorganisms called Mycobacterium
facilitate the subsequent clinical management of patients. Machine tuberculosis. The microorganisms usually enter the body by
Learning based decision support system provide the contribution
to the doctors in their diagnosis decisions. Project considered
inhalation through the lungs [4]. One of the most serious
about the breathing problems of patients as well as Asthma, disease in the world is lung cancer [8].Moreover it can be
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Tuberculosis, totally cure using early detection. Er et al. [4]stated that
Pneumothorax and Lung cancer. Machine Learning and Deep Pneumonia is an inflammation or infection of the lungs
Learning used to process data as well as create models for most commonly caused by a bacteria or virus. Moreover
diagnosing patients. Combining the processing of patient Pneumonia can also be caused by inhaling vomit or other
information with data from chest X-rays, using CNN with the foreign substances. According to Er etal. [4], Asthma is a
well-known pre-trained model, Caps Net network for data this chronic disease characterized by recurrent attacks of
form are the methods used for this project to identify the lung breathlessness and wheezing. During an asthma attack, the
diseases. Initially studied and analyzed the data set, then apply
Machine Learning and Deep Learning to predict that the patient
lining of the bronchial tubes swell, causing the airways to
has a lung disease or not. Project is a binary classification with narrow and reducing the flow of air into and out of the
input is patient's data (age, gender, chest X-ray images & view lungs. COPD is a preventable and treatable disease state
position) and output is found what the diseases is or not. The aim characterised by airflow limitation that is not fully
of the paper is to detect and diagnose the lung diseases as early as reversible [4]. Furthermore airflow limitation is usually
possible which will help the doctor to save the patient’s life. This progressive and is associated with an abnormal
paper describes how lung diseases was predicted and controlled, inflammatory response of the lungs to noxious particles or
using Machine Learning. gases, primarily caused by cigarette smoking.
Key words: Deep Learning, Lung Diseases, Machine Learning
B. Structuring Technologies
This section states the popular data formatting
I. INTRODUCTION technologies available for Lung Diseases, discussing their
The pressure on health is on the increase, and the
environment, climate, man's lifestyle, the public's increasing
(a) Machine Learning
risk, the world is changing every day. In 2015, 56 million
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence
people are dead, of which 68 percent have slowly developed.
that employs a variety of statistical, probabilistic and
On the top 10 list there are two diseases related to the lungs.
optimization techniques that allows computers to “learn”
Lung diseases leading cause of death there for we will focus on
from past examples and to detect hard-to-discern patterns
this article in lung-disease.
from large, noisy or complex data sets [6]. Machine learning
“When you breathe, in your lungs fill oxygen with air and
offers a principled approach for developing sophisticated,
distribute it to blood. Your body cells work and require oxygen
automatic, and objective algorithms for analysis of high-
to grow [2]. During a normal day, human breathe nearly
dimensional and multimodal biomedical data [19].
偪 Classification layers (Last 3 layers) diseases from the patient's chest X-ray data plus some
● The first layer is the Flattened layer from the output additional information.
of the layers VGG16 and 5 features plus 'Age',
'Gender Male', 'Gender Female', 'View position AP', IV. OVERVIEW OF A POSSIBLE SOLUTION
'View position PA'. These additional features will also
This project proposed the diagnosis of lung diseases
affect the sorting, as we have seen above, so they are
from the patient's chest X-ray data plus some additional
added to this layer. Following this layer is the dropout
information. The best solution is to have a complex CNN
with the following data processed:
● The next two layers are Dense after each Dropout
● Research for resolved issues, domain information,
layer, with a gradual decrease in depth.
support data, methods, and solution data for similar
projects. Some potential techniques are listed and
Capsule Network
With the Capsule Network I had a slight change from the
original Hinton architecture so that it could work well with this ● Sample data is downloaded and analyzed,
data set. Here is the architecture taken from the article by preprocessing, metric selection
Hinton, I will clarify the changes right below: ● Testing multiple architectures, optimizing and
testing on a sample dataset.
● Use good architects to test the full dataset, continue
optimizing and statistics.
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