Breast Cacner Detection
Breast Cacner Detection
Breast Cacner Detection
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing. Downloaded on November 10,2020 at 09:48:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing. Downloaded on November 10,2020 at 09:48:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
In this study, we evaluated the performance of several Random Forest could be integrated into
machine learning models for breast cancer detection using a clinical workflows to assist healthcare
comprehensive dataset. The models assessed included professionals in making more accurate
Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support diagnoses. These models can serve as
Vector Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbors, Gaussian Naive decision support tools, potentially improving
Bayes, Gradient Boosting, and XGBoost. Each model was patient outcomes through earlier and more
rigorously tested using cross-validation techniques to ensure accurate detection of breast cancer.
the reliability of the results, and various performance metrics The interpretability of simpler models like
were calculated, including Best CV Score, Accuracy, Logistic Regression and Support Vector
Precision, Recall, F1-Score, and AUC-ROC. Classifier also highlights their potential utility
Key Findings: in clinical settings, where understanding the
1. Model Performance: rationale behind predictions is essential for
XGBoost emerged as the top-performing gaining trust from both clinicians and
model with the highest Best CV Score of patients.
0.97 and an Accuracy of 96%. This indicates 4. Future Work:
its strong capability in distinguishing Future research could explore the integration
between malignant and benign cases of additional features, such as genetic
effectively. information or imaging data, to enhance
Random Forest and Gradient model performance further. Additionally,
Boosting also demonstrated robust implementing techniques like hyperparameter
performance, with Best CV Scores of 0.96 tuning and feature selection could optimize
and 0.95, respectively. These ensemble the models for even better accuracy and
methods leverage multiple decision trees to reliability.
improve predictive accuracy and reduce It would also be beneficial to conduct
overfitting. external validation of the models on
Logistic Regression and Support Vector independent datasets to assess their
Classifier performed well, achieving Best generalizability and robustness in real-world
CV Scores of 0.95 and 0.94, respectively. clinical scenario s.
These models are simpler and provide Repository Overview
interpretable results, making them valuable The accompanying repository contains the following
for clinical settings where understanding the components:
decision-making process is crucial. Data: The dataset used for training and testing the
K-Nearest Neighbors and Gaussian Naive models, including preprocessing scripts to ensure data
Bayes showed comparatively lower quality and integrity.
performance, with Best CV Scores of 0.90 Model Implementations: Code for each machine
and 0.88, respectively. While these models learning model, including training, evaluation, and
can be useful in certain contexts, they may performance metric calculations.
not be the best choice for this specific Results: A detailed summary of the model
application. performances, including visualizations such as ROC
2. Importance of Metrics: curves and confusion matrices to aid in understanding
The evaluation metrics highlighted the model behavior.
models' strengths and weaknesses. For Documentation: Comprehensive documentation
instance, while accuracy is a critical outlining the methodology, model selection rationale,
measure, precision and recall are equally and instructions for replicating the experiments.
important in medical diagnostics, where In summary, this study demonstrates the potential of machine
false negatives can have severe learning models in breast cancer detection, with XGBoost
consequences. The F1-Score provides a showing the most promise. The findings underscore the
balance between precision and recall, importance of model selection and evaluation in developing
making it a valuable metric for assessing effective diagnostic tools that can enhance clinical decision-
model performance in this context. making and improve patient care.
The AUC-ROC scores further illustrated the .
models' ability to discriminate between
classes, with XGBoost achieving an AUC- RefeReNces
ROC of 0.97, indicating excellent [1] Deep Learning Approaches to Detect Breast Cancer: A
performance in distinguishing between Comprehensive Review"
malignant and benign cases. This review analyzes various deep learning techniques applied to breast
cancer detection across multiple imaging modalities.
3. Clinical Implications: Link
The findings suggest that advanced [2] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning in Digital
ensemble methods like XGBoost and Mammography"
This study explores the application of machine learning algorithms to
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing. Downloaded on November 10,2020 at 09:48:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
digital mammography, highlighting improvements in screening detection with a FastAPI-based web application.
accuracy. Link
Link [20] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and
[3] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms" TensorFlow.js"
This paper discusses the implementation of different machine learning This repository provides an example of deploying a breast cancer
algorithms for breast cancer detection, focusing on their performance detection model using TensorFlow.js for in-browser inference.
metrics. Link
Link [21] 2017.
[4] "The BCPM Method: Decoding Breast Cancer with Machine
This research presents a comprehensive machine learning model for
precise breast cancer diagnosis.
[5] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Artificial Intelligence
Techniques: A Review"
This review examines various artificial intelligence techniques applied to
breast cancer detection, including machine learning and deep learning
[6] "Breast Cancer Detection Web Application"
This GitHub repository presents a web application developed for breast
cancer detection using machine learning models.
[7] "Breast_Cancer_Detection_ML-with-Web-End-Deployment"
This project demonstrates the deployment of a machine learning model
for breast cancer detection through a web interface.
[8] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning"
This GitHub repository provides code and documentation for
implementing machine learning models in breast cancer detection.
[9] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and Web
This project integrates machine learning models for breast cancer
detection with a user-friendly web application interface.
[10] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and Flask"
This repository showcases the deployment of a breast cancer detection
model using Flask to create a web application.
[11] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and Django"
This project demonstrates the integration of machine learning models for
breast cancer detection into a Django-based web application.
[12] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and
This repository provides an example of deploying a breast cancer
detection model using Streamlit for the web interface.
[13] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and React"
This project integrates a machine learning model for breast cancer
detection with a React-based front-end application.
[14] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and
This repository demonstrates the deployment of a breast cancer detection
model using Angular for the web interface.
[15] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and Vue.js"
This project showcases the integration of a machine learning model for
breast cancer detection into a Vue.js-based web application.
[16] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and Node.js"
This repository provides an example of deploying a breast cancer
detection model using Node.js for the back-end server.
[17] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and
This project demonstrates the integration of a machine learning model
for breast cancer detection into an Express.js-based web application.
[18] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and Flask-
This repository showcases the deployment of a breast cancer detection
model using Flask-RESTful to create a web API.
[19] "Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and
This project integrates a machine learning model for breast cancer
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing. Downloaded on November 10,2020 at 09:48:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing. Downloaded on November 10,2020 at 09:48:02 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.