Aug 24
Aug 24
Aug 24
Applications for admission to the Masters of Engineering Programmes offered at the Affiliated
Engineering Colleges for the academic year 2024-25 shall be accepted by the respective Engineering
Colleges. Interested candidates are informed to visit the respective College website for details.
1) M.E. Geotechnical Engineering
1 2) M.E. Structural Engineering GOA COLLEGE OF
3) M.E. Industrial Engineering ENGINEERING, FARMAGUDI,
4) M.E. Power & Energy Engineering
5) M.E. Industrial Automation & Robotics
6) M.E. Electronics Communication & Instrumentation
7) M.E. Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial
Intelligence & Machine Learning)
8) M.E. Information Technology & Engineering
2 1) M.E. Computer Aided Structural Engineering DON BOSCO COLLEGE OF
2) M.E. Data Science ENGINEERING,
3 (1) M.E. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science PADRE CONCEICAO, COLLEGE
Students with the Bachelor of Engineering (BE) Degrees (as per Annexure I) are eligible to seek
admission to above mentioned ME programmes, provided they have 50% marks in Bachelor’s
Degree (45% marks in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC-NCL) or equivalent CGPA (as per
AICTE Handbook 2024-27) WITHOUT the Goa University - Qualifying Entrance Test (GU-QET). The
merit list will be based on candidates with GATE score followed by candidates with total marks from
Sem V to VIII or equivalent CGPA. Candidates who have qualified GATE (valid score) shall be given
preference. The merit list for non-GATE candidates shall be prepared based on Sem V to VIII marks
or equivalent CGPA. Seate remaining vacant shall be offered to candidates from other Disciplines.
(i) Candidates shall refer to the respective college website or contact college
administration. Application fees for admission, if any to be paid to the respective college.
(ii) The GU-QET fees for candidates eligible under Sl.No. (B) is as follows, and to be paid to
the respective colleges at the time of submission of applications:
● INR 700 in case Un-reserved/ EWS/OBC * per subject/specialization.
● INR 350 in case of SC/ST of Goa. * per subject/specialization.
● No fees shall be charged from Persons with Disability.
*Candidates applying for admission under these categories shall be required to submit a valid
certificate to that effect issued by the Officer of the rank of the Deputy Collector or any other
authorized Officer as notified by the Government of Goa.
(iii) Candidates shall be permitted to apply for a maximum of TWO programmes for GU- QET.
(iv) The GU-QET shall be for a duration of TWO hours. The question paper shall be of 100
marks. The question paper pattern shall be Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type. There
shall be no NEGATIVE marking. The minimum qualifying marks is 40 marks. The syllabus
for GU-QET is given at Annexure-II.
Name of Programme Intake
1) M.E. in Geotechnical Engineering 18
2) M.E. in Structural Engineering 24
3) M.E. in Industrial Engineering 18
4) M.E. in Power & Energy Engineering 18
M.E. in Electronics Communication & Instrumentation
5) 15
6) M.E. Industrial Automation & Robotics 18
M.E. Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial
7) 18
Intelligence & Machine Learning)
8) M.E.Information Technology & Engineering 18
9) M.E. Data Science 18
10) M.E. Computer Aided Structural Engineering 18
11) M.E. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 18
Reservation of seats for admission to the various Programmes of study shall be on the basis
of the Reservation Policy of the Goa State Government.
(Prof. V. S. Nadkarni)
Copy: to
1. Principal of all Affiliated Colleges
2. Director, DTE
3. AR to VC’s Secretariat
4. AR to Registrar
(A) Candidates with the following Bachelor of Engineering degree are permitted to take admission
without GU-QET for M.E. in Structural Engineering, M.E. in Computer Aided Structural
Engineering and M.E. in Geotechnical Engineering.
1. Building and Construction Technology
2. Civil and Rural Engineering
3. Civil Engineering
4. Civil Engineering with Computer Application
5. Civil Engineering and Planning
6. Structural Engineering
7. Civil Environmental Engineering
8. Civil Engineering (Construction Technology)
9. Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
10. Civil Technology
11. Civil Engineering (Public Health Engineering)
12. Environmental Planning
13. Construction Automation
14. Construction Engineering
15. Construction Engineering and Management
16. Construction Technology
17. Construction Technology and Management
18. Geospatial Technology and Geoinformatics
19. Geo Informatics
20. Environment Engineering
21. Civil and Environmental Engineering
22. Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering)
23. Civil Engineering Environment and Pollution Control
24. Environment Engineering
25. Environmental Engineering
26. Energy and Environmental Management
27. Environmental Science and Engineering
28. Environmental Science and Technology
29. Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering)
30. Civil and Water Management Engineering
(B) Candidates with the following Bachelor of Engineering degree are permitted to take admission
without GU-QET for M.E.Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning); Data Science; Artificial Intelligence and Data Science; M.E in Information
Technology and Engineering.
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science
2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
3. Computer and Communication Engineering
4. Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
5. Computer Engineering
6. Computer Engineering (Software Engineering)
7. Computer Engineering and Application
8. Computer Science and Biosciences
9. Computer Science and Design
10. Computer Networking
11. Computer Science and Engineering
12. Computer Science and Social Sciences
13. Cyber Physical Systems
14. Computer Science
15. Computer Science and Business Systems
16. Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things and Cyber Security Including Block
Chain Technology)
17. Computer Science and Medical Engineering
18. Computer Science and Technology
19. Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
20. Computer Science and Systems Engineering
21. 3-D Animation and Graphics
22. Advanced Computer Application
23. Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things)
24. Computer Science and Engineering and Business Systems
25. Computer Science and Information Technology
26. Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
27. Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security)
28. Computer Science and Engineering (Networks)
29. Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)
30. Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
31. Computer Technology
32. Computing in Computing
33. Computing in Multimedia
34. Computing in Software
35. Electrical and Computer Engineering
36. Electronics and Computer Science
37. Electronics and Computer Engineering
38. Mathematics and Computing
39. Software Engineering
40. Information and Communication Technology
41. Information Engineering
42. Information Science and Engineering
43. Information Science and Technology
44. Information Technology
45. Information Technology and Engineering
(C) Candidates with the following Bachelor of Engineering degree are permitted to take admission
without GU-QET for Power and Energy Engineering
1. Electrical and Electronics (Power System)
2. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
3. Electrical and instrumentation Engineering
4. Electrical and Power Engineering
5. Electrical Engineering
6. Electrical Engineering (Electronics and Power)
7. Electrical instrumentation and Control Engineering
8. Electrical Power Engineering
9. Electrical, Electronics and Power Engineering
10. Electronics Engineering
11. Electronic Instrumentation and Control Engineering
12. Electronic Science and Engineering
13. Electronics and Computer Science
14. Electronics and Control Systems
15. Electronics and Electrical Engineering
16. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
17. Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design and Technology)
18. Electronics Instrument and Control
19. Electronics Instrumentation and Control Engineering
20. Electronics System Engineering
21. Electronics Technology
(D) Candidates with the following Bachelor of Engineering degree are permitted to take admission
without GU-QET to Industrial Automation and Robotics; Electronics
Communication and Instrumentation
1. Electrical and Computer Engineering
2. Electrical and Electronics (Power System)
3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
4. Electrical and instrumentation Engineering
5. Electrical and Power Engineering
6. Electrical Engineering
7. Electrical Engineering (Electronics and Power)
8. Electrical instrumentation and Control Engineering
9. Electrical Power Engineering
10. Electrical, Electronics and Power Engineering
11. Electronic Engineering
12. Electronic Instrumentation and Control Engineering
13. Electronic Science and Engineering
14. Electronics and Biomedical Engineering
15. Electronics and Communication (Communication System Engineering)
16. Electronics and Communication Engineering (Advanced Communication Technology)
17. Electronics and Communication Engineering (VLSI Design & Technology)
18. Electronics and Communication Engineering
19. Electronics and Communication Engineering (Bio-Medical Engineering)
Electronics and Communication Engineering (Microwaves)
(D) Candidates with the following Bachelor of Engineering degree are permitted to take admission
without GU-QET to Industrial Engineering
1. Industrial and Production Engineering
2. Industrial Engineering
3. Industrial Engineering and Management
4. Industrial Production Engineering
5. Logistics & Supply Chain Management
6. Manufacturing Engineering
7. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
8. Manufacturing Process and Automation Engineering
9. Manufacturing Science and Engineering
10. Manufacturing Technology
11. Mechanical and Automation Engineering
12. Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (Additive Manufacturing)
13. Mechanical and Rail Engineering
14. Mechanical and Smart Manufacturing
15. Mechanical Engineering
16. Mechanical Engineering (Automobile)
17. Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing Engineering)
18. Mechanical Engineering (Production)
19. Mechanical Engineering (Welding Technology)
20. Mechanical Engineering Design
21. Production and industrial Engineering
22. Production Engineering
(A) Syllabus for the Goa University- Qualifying Entrance Test GU-QET (Civil Engineering) for the following
ME programmes
Equilibrium of Forces, Analysis of trusses by method of joints and method of sections, Simple lifting
machines – Calculation of mechanical advantage, Velocity ratio and efficiency, determination of
deflection of beam by using Macaulay’s method, Moment Area method and Conjugate beam method,
Shear force & bending moment diagrams for various types of beams and loadings – determination of
point of zero shear, points of contraflexure and maximum bending moment, direct & bending
stresses, stresses in an element, principal stresses and planes; degree of indeterminancy, Analysis of
beams and frames by using Moment Distribution, Slope Deflection methods, Kani’s method and
matrix methods, Various types of loads on structures, Properties of Concrete, mix design, concrete
composition and admixtures; Limit state theory of RC design Design of reinforced Concrete, beams,
columns, slabs, footings, Prestressed Concrete members; Steel Structures, tension , compression and
flexural members , bolted and welded connections, Three phase relationships of soil, Index properties
of soils, shear strength of Soils, permeability and seepage, Flow net, compaction, consolidation,
Boussinesq and westergaard theory of stress distribution in soils, Stress distribution on a horizontal
and vertical plane in soils, pressure bulb, Concept of Effective stress and pore pressure in soils, bearing
capacity definitions, estimation of bearing capacity by Terzaghi’s, Meyerhof’s and IS method,
Estimation of earth pressure, Estimation of settlement of soils; Types of shallow and deep
foundations, proportioning of shallow foundations, estimation of load carrying capacity of single pile
and pile groups, Ground Improvement Techniques for weak soils, stability analysis of finite and
infinite slopes.
(B) Syllabus for the Goa University- Qualifying Entrance Test GU-QET (Computer and Information
Technology) for the following ME programmes
Programming in C: Data Types, variables, constants, operators, expressions, input and output, Decision
making and branching, and Arrays. Digital Electronics: Decimal, binary, octal, hex number systems and
their inter conversions, Binary arithmetic, Introduction to BCD codes, Gray codes, Excess-3 codes &
ASCII codes, Basic Gates-NOT, OR, AND, Universal Logic Gates-NOR, NAND, Combinational Logic
Circuits, Boolean Laws and Theorems, Reducing Boolean Expressions, Converting AOI to NAND/NOR
Logic. Operating Systems: Operating System Structure, Operating System Services, Types of System
calls. Process scheduling, Inter-process communication. Multithreading models, Threading issues. CPU
Scheduling Algorithms: FCFS, SJF, SRTF / SRTN, Priority Scheduling, Round Robin Scheduling. Computer
Networks: The OSI and TCP/IP Reference Models. Theoretical Basis for Data Communication. The
Maximum Data Rate of a Channel. Data Link Layer Design Issues, Framing, Error Control, Flow Control
Error-Correcting Codes, Error –Detecting Codes. Sliding Window protocol.
(C) Syllabus for the Goa University- Qualifying Entrance Test GU-QET (Electrical and Electronics
Engineering) for the following ME program
• Power and Energy Engineering
Electrical &Electronic Circuits: Kirchhoff’s voltage & current laws (KCL, KVL), Node and Mesh analysis;
Network Theorems: Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Superposition and Maximum Power Transfer theorem.
Simple diode circuits: clipping, clamping, rectifiers; Amplifiers: biasing. Electrical Machines: Single
phase transformer: equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, open circuit and short circuit tests, regulation
and efficiency; Three-phase transformers: connections, vector groups, parallel operation; Three-phase
induction machines: principle of operation, types ,performance, torque-speed characteristics, no-load
and blocked-rotor tests, equivalent circuit, starting and speed control; Operating principle of single-
phase induction motors; Synchronous machines: cylindrical and salient pole machines, performance
and characteristics, regulation and parallel operation of generators, starting of synchronous motors;
Types of losses and efficiency calculations of electric machines. Power Systems-Basic concepts of
electrical power generation, ac and dc transmission concepts, Models and performance of transmission
lines and cables. Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis, Principles of over‐current, differential,
directional and distance protection; Circuit breakers, System stability concepts. Control System:
Mathematical modelling and representation of systems, Feedback principle, transfer function, Block
diagrams and Signal flow graphs Power Electronics- Static V-I characteristics and firing/gating circuits
for Thyristor, MOSFET, IGBT, DC to DC conversion: Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost Converters, Single-
phase and three-phase voltage and current source inverters, sinusoidal pulse width modulation.
(D) Syllabus for the Goa University- Qualifying Entrance Test GU-QET (Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering) for the following ME programmes
• Industrial Automation and Robotics
• Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering
Engineering Mathematics:Linear Algebra: Vector space, basis, linear dependence and independence, matrix
algebra, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, rank, solution of linear equations- existence and uniqueness;Signals and
Systems:Continuous-time signals: Fourier series and Fourier transform, sampling theorem and applications.
Discrete-time signals: DTFT, DFT, z-transform, discrete-time processing of continuous-time signals. LTI systems:
definition and properties, causality, stability, impulse response, convolution, poles and zeroes, frequency
response, group delay, phase delay. Digital Circuits:Number representations: binary, integer and floating-point-
numbers. Combinatorial circuits:Boolean algebra, minimization of functions using Boolean identities and
Karnaugh map, logic gates and their static CMOS implementations, arithmetic circuits, code converters,
multiplexers, decoders.Sequential circuits: latches and flip-flops, counters, shift-registers, finite state machines,
propagation delay, setup and hold time, critical path delay. Data converters: sample and hold circuits, ADCs and
DACs. Control Systems:Basic control system components; Feedback principle; Transfer function; Block diagram
representation; Signal flow graph; Transient and steady-state analysis of LTI systems; Frequency response;
Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist stability criteria; Bode and root-locus plots; Lag, lead and lag-lead compensation;
State variable model and solution of state equation of LTI systems.Analog communications: amplitude
modulation and demodulation, angle modulation and demodulation, spectra of AM and FM, super heterodyne
receivers. Digital communications: PCM, DPCM, digital modulation schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK, QAM), bandwidth.
(E) Syllabus for the Goa University- Qualifying Entrance Test GU-QET (Mechanical Engineering) for
the following ME programme
• Industrial Engineering
Introduction to manufacturing processes: Sheet metal forming, Sheet metal cutting, Metal joining
processes. Linear Measurement: Vernier Instruments, Micrometer Instruments and Slip gauges.
Angular Measurement: Sine Bar Probability Preliminary: Introduction to Probability, definition,
Sample Space, Events, Conditional Probability, Theorem on total probability, Random Variable:
Introduction, Discrete and Continuous, Characteristics-Mean and Variance. Probability distributions:
Bernoulli trial, Binomial, Geometric, Exponential and Normal – Probability law, mean and variance.
Concept of Productivity, Production vs Productivity, Productivity Measures, Work Study, Method
Study, Procedure of Method Study, Work Measurement, Work Measurement Techniques (Work
Sampling, Time Study), Wages and Incentives. Plant layout (Process layout and product layout)
Forecasting, Project scheduling (CPM), Inventory, ABC analysis, Basic EOQ model, Assembly line
balancing, Sequencing and scheduling. Management theories, Manager V/S Leader, Organisation,
Organisational structure, Span of control, Authority Responsibility and Delegation, Leadership,
Leadership styles, Motivation, Maslow’s Theory of Motivation, Communication, Communication
process model.