The Battle of Uhud
The Battle of Uhud
The Battle of Uhud
1. The Battle of Badar which preceded the Battle of Uhud had a deep impact
on the minds of the Makkans as they had been defeated by the Muslim in
Badar. This defeat strengthened the resolve of the Makkan to fight against
2. They wanted to seek revenge of the defeat in the battle of Badar.
3. Makkan’s defeat at the hands of the Muslims had damaged their prestige
among the other Arab tribes and they wanted to restore their prestige.
4. Trade routes of the Makkans leading to Iraq and other countries was under
constant threat by the Muslims at Madina and they Makkans wanted to
secure their trade routes.
When the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) learned of the Makkans’ intentions,
he gathered his companions and consulted them on how to confront the enemy.
Then he led the Muslims to the mountain of Uhud outside of Medina, and their
number was approximately one thousand fighters. However, Abdullah ibn Abi
Salul, the leader of the hypocrites, returned with three hundred fighters, reducing
the number of Muslims to seven hundred fighters.
However, others, eager for combat, such as Hazrat Hamza, suggested leaving the
city to face the enemy. The Prophet accepted their advice and they set out to
Uhud, positioned themselves with their backs to Uhud, and directed their faces
toward the city.
Preparations for the Battle of Uhud
The Prophet (peace be upon him) organized the army for battle, positioning fifty
archers on the hill of Ar-Rumah on the western side to protect their rear from the
horses of the enemy. He told them, "Do not leave your positions, whether you see
us victorious or defeated". This meant that they should hold their ground
regardless of the outcome of the battle.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) divided the army into three parts:
On the other side, the Makkans were also preparing for the Battle of Uhad led by
Abu Sufyan, Khalid bib Walid and Ikrima ibn abi Jahl.
The archers disregarded his warning and were eager to descend to gather the
spoils. As a result, only Abdullah ibn Jubayr and a few others remained on the hill.
The Muslims found themselves surrounded from all sides on the battlefield,
causing their ranks to become disordered. The pagans intensified their attacks on
the Muslims, resulting in the martyrdom of seventy companions of the Holy
Prophet including Hazrat Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib and Mus'ab ibn Umair.
However, the Prophet (peace be upon him) remained steadfast on the battlefield.
He was injured during the fighting, and his right cheekbone was injured and his
noble face was stained with his pure blood.
The Defense of the Prophet by the Companions
The companions, may Allah be pleased with them, formed a protective circle
around the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him after the fighting intensified
and the false news of his death spread. Among the companions who defended
him were: Abu Bakar Siddiq, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Abu Dujana, Saad ibn Abi Waqqas
These companions defended the Prophet and shielded him from harm, ensuring
his safety during the critical moments of the battle.