2023 Special Batch Assignment 5 - Physics

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Vidyamandir Classes

Special -26
Physics Class Tutorial Sheet-5

1. A narrow tube completely filled with a liquid is lying on a series of

cylinders as shown in figure. Assuming no sliding between any
surfaces, the value of acceleration of the cylinders for which liquid
will not come out of the tube from anywhere is given by :
gH gH
(A) (B)
2L L
2 gH gH
(C) (D)
L 2L
2. A light cylindrical vessel is kept on a horizontal surface. Its base area is A. A small hole of cross-
sectional area a is made just at its bottom side. The minimum coefficient of friction necessary to
prevent sliding of the vessel due to the impact force of the emerging liquid is :
(A) varying (B) a/ A (C) 2a / A (D) None of these
3. A capillary of the shape as shown is dipped in a liquid. Contact angle between the
liquid and the capillary is 0°. T is surface tension of the liquid, r is radius of the
cross-section of capillary in contact with free surface of liquid g is acceleration
due to gravity and  is density of the liquid. Then height h in equilibrium is :
2T 2T
(A) greater than (B) equal to
rg rg
(C) less than (D) of any value depending upon actual values

4. A piece of ice tied with the help of a thread to bottom of a cylindrical container
having some amount of water. Length of the thread is so adjusted that the ice is not
fully submerged. Tension force in the thread is 1.0 N. How much and in what way
will the water level in the container shift, when all the ice melts? Area of the bottom
of the vessel is 400 cm2, density of water is 1.0 g/cm3 and density of ice is 0.9 g/cm3.
(A) 2.5 103 m upwards (B) 2.5 103 m downwards
(C) 2.8 103 m upwards (D) 2.8 103 m downwards

5. A spherical ball of radius 3 104 m and density 104 kg m–3 falls freely under gravity through a
distance h before entering a tank of water. If after entering the water, the velocity of the ball does not
change, then the value of h is: (Given, water  9.8  106 Nsm 2 and  water  103 kgm 3 )
(A) 1653 m (B) 165 m (C) 1050 m (D) 105 m

VMC | Physics 1 CTS-5

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6. A container of large uniform cross-sectional area holds two immiscible, non-viscous and
incompressible liquids of densities  and 4, each of height . Determine the position where, a
small hole has to be punched, so that the heavier liquid comes out with maximum range initially.
H 5
(A) At a height from the bottom (B) At a height H from the bottom
4 8
5 7
(C) At a height H from the bottom (D) At a height H from the bottom
16 18
7. A suction cup is attached to a smooth metal ceiling. Pressure inside suction
cup is assumed to be nearly zero. The maximum weight that can be
supported by the suction cup is dependent on :
(A) its area of contact with the ceiling (B) the air pressure outside the cup
(C) both (A) and (B) (D) neither (A) or nor (B)

8. A rectangular bar of soap has density 800 kg / m3 and it floats in

water of density 1000 kg / m3 . Oil of density 300 kg / m3 is slowly
added, forming a layer that does not mix with the water. When the
top surface of the oil is at the same level as the top surface of the
soap, what is the ratio of the oil layer thickness to the soap's
thickness, x / L ?
2 2 3 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
10 7 10 8
9. A non-viscous, incompressible costly fluid flows through a
pipe of circular cross-section. The initial diameter of the
pipe is d1, the pipe then shrinks to diameter d 2  d1,
expands to diameter d 3  d1 and then returns to its initial
diameter d1 before exiting to the atmosphere.
A thief wants to drill a small hole so that some fluid leaks out of the pipe before the exit. He will be
successful if he drills the hole at :
(A) point A (B) point B
(C) point C (D) any point along the pipe
10. In the setup shown, two identical vessels A and B filled with water up
to same level are connected by a horizontal tube equipped with a valve
that is closed. There are identical leak proof pistons in contact with the
water in both the vessels. The centres of the pistons are connected with
the help of two taut elastic cords to the ends of a uniform lever arm
supported on a fulcrum C that is fixed somewhere on the right half of
the lever arm. The cords are vertical and there is no friction between
the pistons and the vessels. If the valve is opened, in which direction
will the water flow through the connecting tube ?
(A) From A to B (B) From B to A
(C) Water will not flow (D) Insufficient information

VMC | Physics 2 CTS-5

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11. The figure shows an U-tube manometer connected to an inclined tube

carrying a stationary liquid :
(A) PA  PB  0 gH
(B) hH
0 H
(C) h

(D) h0

12. A semicircular glass tube filled with water containing an air bubble
is sealed at its ends. If the tube is hold with its plane vertical and
made to move in its plane with a constant acceleration, the bubble
stays aside of the highest point as shown in the figure. What can
you conclude about acceleration vector of the tube ?
(A) It points towards the left. (B) It points towards the right.
(C) Its magnitude is g tan . (D) Its magnitude is g cot .

13. A U-tube is filled with a liquid as shown in figure. Then:

(A) Liquid will spill out from left tube if the tube is accelerated
towards right horizontal direction with a  g / 2
(B) Liquid will spill out right tube if tube is rotated about left arm
with angular velocity  
(C) Liquid will not spill out from the tube if it is rotated about axis
BB ' no matter what angular speed is
(D) Liquid will spill out the tube if it is rotated about axis BB ' with
angular velocity  

14. A wooden cube of mass 2048 g is attached to the bottom of a cylindrical

vessel with the help of a spring. The vessel is filled with some amount of
water so that the cube floats half submerged and the spring is relaxed.
Area of the bottom of the cylinder is 600 cm2, density of water is 1000
kg/m3 and acceleration of free fall is 10 m/s2. Now additional water is
slowly poured in the vessel until the cube is fully submerged. In this
process, the water level rises by 20.48 cm. Which of the following
statements are correct ?
(A) Length of a side of the cube is 16 cm.
(B) Amount of additional water is 10.24 L.
(C) Spring force when the cube is fully submerged is 20.48 N
(D) Displacement of the cube when it is fully submerged is 12.48 cm.

VMC | Physics 3 CTS-5

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15. Curved surface of a vessel has shape of a truncated cone having

semi vertex angle 37°. Vessel is full of water (density
  1000 kg / m 3 ) upto a height of 13cm and is placed on a smooth
horizontal plane. Upper surface is opened to atmosphere. A hole of
1.5cm 2 is made on curved wall at a height of 8cm from bottom as
shown in figure. Area of water surface in the vessel is large as
compared to the area of hole. Choose correct statements.
( g  10 m/s 2 )
(A) Initial velocity of efflux is 1 m / sec
(B) Initial horizontal range of water jet from point B is 6.65cm
(C) Initial horizontal force required to keep the vessel in static equilibrium is 0.15 N
(D) Initial horizontal force required to keep the vessel in static equilibrium is 0.12 N

16. A cylindrical block of length 1 m is in two immiscible liquids. Part

1 1
of block inside liquid (1) is m and in liquid (2) is m. Area of
4 4
cross-section of block is A. Densities of liquid (1) & (2) are  & 2
respectively. Choose correct options. (Neglect atmospheric pressure)
(A) Density of block is 3  /4
(B) Force exerted by liquid (1) on block is  Ag/4
(C) Block is depressed so that it is just completely immersed in liquid (1) and released. The initial
acceleration of block is 4g/3
(D) In case (C) force exerted by liquid (2) on block is 3/2  Ag

17. Two capillary tubes of small cross sections are connected as shown in the
figure. The right tube has cross sectional radius R and left one has a
radius of r ( r  R) . The tube of radius R is very long whereas the tube of
radius r is of short length. Water is slowly poured in the right tube.
Contact angle for tube's wall and water is   0 . Let h be the height
difference between water surface in the right and left tube. Surface
tension of water is T and density is  . Choose the CORRECT option(s)
from the following.
(A) Value of ‘h’ if the water surface in the left tube is found to be flat, is
r g
(B) Value of ‘h’ if the water surface in the left tube is found to be flat, is
2T  r  2 R 
(C) Maximum value of ‘h’, for which water does not flow out of the left tube is  
g  rR 
2T  r  R 
(D) Maximum value of ‘h’ for which water does not flow out of the left tube is
g  rR 

VMC | Physics 4 CTS-5

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18. Two identical containers have equal volumes of water and mercury and are connected by a valve.
Density of water is w and density of mercury  Hg . The valve is now opened. Then which of the
following is/are true after the levels in the two containers stabilize ?
 Hg  W
(A) Height of level of mercury in the left container is
2 Hg
( Hg  W ) g
(B) Gauge pressure at the bottom of left container is
( Hg  W )
(C) Height of level of mercury in right container is
2 Hg
( Hg  W ) g
(D) Gauge pressure at the bottom of right container is

19. A stick is tied to the floor of the water tank with a string as shown. The length of stick is 2 m and its
area of cross-section is 103 m 2 . If specific gravity of stick is 0.25 and g  10 m / s 2 , choose correct
(A) tension in the string is 5N
(B) buoyancy force acting on stick is 10 N
(C) length of stick immersed in water is 1m
(D) tension in the string is zero

20. A circular wire, 10 cm in diameter, with a slider wire on it, is in a horizontal

plane. A liquid film is formed, bounded by the wires, on the left side of the
slider, as shown in figure. The surface tension of the liquid is 0.1 Nm–1. An
applied force of 16 mN, perpendicular to the slider, maintains the film in
equilibrium. Ignore the sag in the film. What can be the distance between
point P and the slider?
(A) 8 cm (B) 2 cm
(C) 5 cm (D) Slider cannot be in equilibrium


Paragraph for Questions 21 - 23

A cylinder of radius R is kept embedded along the wall of a
dam as shown in the figure. Density of water is . Length of
cylinder (perpendicular to the plane of paper) is L. Neglect
atmospheric pressure.

21. The vertical force exerted by water on the cylinder is :

R 2 Lg
(A) R 2 Lg (B) (C) zero (D) None of these

22. The horizontal force exerted by water on the cylinder is :

(A) 2R 2gL (B) R 2gL (C) 4R 2gL (D) 1.61 R 2gL

VMC | Physics 5 CTS-5

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23. The net torque exerted by water on the cylinder about its axis is :
2R 2 Lg R 2 Lg R 3Lg
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
3 3 2

Paragraph for Questions 24 -25

An open rectangular tank of dimensions 6m  5m  4m contains water upto a
height of 2m. The vessel is now accelerated horizontally with an acceleration
a as shown. The value of a is gradually increased starting from 0. Take
water  103 kg/m3 , g  10m/s2 , atmospheric pressure  105 N/m 2 .

24. Determine the maximum value of a so that no water comes out from tank :
2g g
(A) g (B) (C) (D) 2g
3 3
25. For the value of a calculated in previous question, what is the pressure at point A? A is near the bottom
of tank at a distance of 1m from left wall.
(A) 1.33 105 N / m2 (B) 1.0 105 N / m 2 (C) 3.33 104 N / m 2 (D) None of these

Paragraph for Questions 26 - 27

Consider an incompressible liquid flowing in a horizontal pipe of uniform circular cross-sectional area
(radius and length of pipe are R and L respectively). At low speeds the flow is laminar and can be
visualized as cylindrical layers of liquid of radii between 0 and R flowing inside the pipe [Figure (a)].
If the liquid is non-viscous, velocities of all layers are equal and the velocity profile is plane [Figure
(b)]. However if the liquid is viscous (coefficient of viscosity is ), different layers have different
velocities. Layer in contact with the wall of pipe has zero velocity while layer at the centre has
maximum velocity. The velocity profile in such case is parabolic [Figure (c)] and is given by
 r2 
V  V0  1  2  ; where r is the radius of layer.
 R 
 

If a pressure difference of P is maintained across the pipe, the volumetric flow rate of liquid in the
  P  R 4
pipe is given by Q  .

26. The maximum liquid velocity V0 is related to P as :

(A) V0 
 P  R 2 (B) V0 
 P  R 2 (C) V0 
 P  R 2 (D) V0 
 P  R 2
8 L 4 L 6 L 2 L

27. Find the total viscous force  FV  exerted by liquid on the wall of pipe.

(A)  
FV   P  R 2 (B) FV   P  2RL 

 R 2 
(C) FV   P  
 2 
(D) 
FV   P  2R 2 
 

VMC | Physics 6 CTS-5

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Paragraph for Questions 28 - 30

A cylindrical vessel of radius R and height H is filled with a liquid upto a height . Now the system
is rotated with angular velocity  about the axis of cylinder.
28. The minimum value of  for which the liquid comes out of the vessel is:
gH 2gH 2 gH gH
(A) (B) (C) (D)
R R R 2R
29. The minimum value of  for which the base of vessel is just exposed is:
gH 2gH 2 gH gH
(A) (B) (C) (D)
R R R 2R
30. The value of  so that half of the area of base of vessel gets exposed is:
gH 2gH 2 gH gH
(A) (B) (C) (D)
R R R 2R


31. A cuboidal container is filled with liquid of density 2 up to height h and with liquid of density 1
also up to height h as shown. It is then placed in a vacuum chamber where Patm  0. Match the force
due to liquid pressure (Column I) with their appropriate values (Column II).
Column I Column II
(A) Force on face ABCD by liquid (P) (1  2 )gh 2
Force by upper liquid on lower 1 gh 2  D
(B) (Q)
liquid 2
(C) Force on face CDEFby liquid (R) 1 gh 2
Force on bottom of container  2 g  2
by liquid
(S)  1 g  h 
 2 

32. A wooden block floats in water in a sealed container. 25% of the block is above water. Now the
container is placed in a lift. In column I the description of the motion of lift is given, while in column
II the effect of motion of lift on the block is mentioned. Match the entries of Column I with the entries
of Column II.
Column I Column II
When the lift is going up or coming Greater than 25% of the block is above
(A) (P)
down with constant velocity water
(B) When the lift is accelerating up (Q) 25% of the block is above water
(C) When the lift is accelerating down (R) Less than 25% of the block is above water
When the lift is stationary and air
(D) pressure above the water in the (S) Buoyant force on the block increases
container is increased.

VMC | Physics 7 CTS-5

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33. A cubical box is completely filled with mass m of a liquid and is given horizontal acceleration a as
shown. Match the force due to fluid pressure on the faces of the cube (Column I) with their appropriate
values (Column II).(Assume zero pressure at the location where pressure is minimum)
Column I Column II
(A)Force on face ABFE (P)
(B) Force on face BFHD (Q)
(C) Force on face ACGE (R) ma 
(D) Force on face CGHD (S)  mg

34. A block of area A and density  is immersed in a liquid of density 3 . Another liquid of density 2 is
filled above 3 . When the block is released then match the values of work done by buoyant forcé on
the block given in Column II during the intervals given in Column I. Assume that the crosssectional
área of the container is very large so that their is no change in liquid levels during the motion of block.
Column I Column II
The top face of block reaches the surface 5
(A) (P) AgH 2
of lower liquid from initial position 2
The block moves from lower liquid into
(B) (Q) AgH 2
the upper Liquid
The top face of block moves from lower
(C) surface of upper liquid to the upper (R) 6AgH 2
surface of same liquid
The block comes out from inside upper 9
(D) (S) AgH 2
liquid to the air 2

35. A rectangular block of density , base area A and height h is kept on a spring. The lower end of spring
is fixed on the bottom of an empty vessel of base area 2A. The block compresses the spring by h/4 at
equilibrium. The vessel is then slowly filled by a liquid of density 2 till the spring becomes relaxed.
The block is then slowly pushed inside the liquid till it is immersed completely. Work done to push the
block completely inside is W1 , work done by gravity on the block is W2 , work done by upthrust is
W3 , and work done by spring is W4 . Match the following based on the above statements.
Column I Column II
| W1 |
5gh A
(A) (P)

| W2 |
gh 2 A
(B) (Q)
| W3 | 3gh 2 A
(C) (R)

| W4 |
gh 2 A
(D) (S)

VMC | Physics 8 CTS-5

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36. A ball is immersed in water kept in container and released. At the same time container is accelerated in
horizontal direction with acceleration 44 m / s 2 . Acceleration of ball w.r.t. container (in m / s 2 ) is
__________. (specific gravity of ball  12 /17, g  10 m / s 2 )

37. In a test experiment on a model aeroplane in a wind tunnel, the flow speeds on the upper and lower
surfaces of the wing are 70 m/s and 63 m/s respectively. Lift force on the wing if its area is 2.5 m2 is
_______. (in kN) (Density of air  1.3 kg / m3 )

38. A bell-mouth entry in front of an air-compressor is to be

calibrated for discharge through it in terms of height h of water
in a single tube manometer as shown. If h  0.15 m and the
density of air is 1.2 kg / m3 , estimate the discharge of air through
the compressor in m3 / s.( g  10 m / s 2 )

39. Determine the torque (in Nm) required to turn a 10 cm long, 5 cm diameter shaft at 500 revolutions per
minute in a 5.1 cm diameter concentric bearing flooded with a lubricating oil of viscosity 100
centipoise. (Take  2  10)

40. A hydrometer has uniform stem graduated downwards from 0, 1, 2......upto 10. When floating in pure
water it reads 0 and in a liquid of relative density 1.5, it reads 10. What is the relative density of a
liquid in which it reads 5.

41. A uniform cylinder made of a material of density   250 kg/m3 is held at rest in
a pool so that its upper circular surface is in level with the water surface. Length
of the cylinder is l = 20 cm and radius is r = 3.0 cm. When released, the cylinder
jumps out of water moving vertically. Find velocity (in m/s) with which the
cylinder leaves the water surface. Density of water is 0  1000 kg/m 3 and
acceleration due to gravity is g  10m/s 2 . Neglect all dissipative effects.

42. A thin walled glass tube has diameter 4 cm and weighs 30 gm. The centre of mass of the tube is at a
distance 10 cm above bottom. Find minimum amount of water (in gm) which must be poured in tube
so that it can vertically float in a water tank.
43. A plastic sphere of radius r floats almost fully submerged in a liquid as shown in the
figure. Density of the liquid is  , acceleration of free fall is g. The force exerted by the
liquid on the lower half of the sphere excluding contribution of the atmospheric pressure
is n r 3g . Find n.

44. Figure shows cylindrical tube which has an orifice of area s through which
the water contained in the tube is pushed out by applying a constant force on
piston in time t. If initial volume of water in tube is V, the work done by the
V 3
force in squeezing all the water out from tube is n , where n is ______ .
s 2t 2

VMC | Physics 9 CTS-5

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45. On a horizontal floor, two identical cylindrical vessels A and B connected

by a thin tube near their bottoms contain some water. When an ice block
of volume 100 cm3 is gently put inside the vessel A, it gets half-
submerged in the water. How much mass (in grams) of water will flow
through the connecting tube during the process of melting of the ice
cube? Density of water is 1000 kg/m3 and density of ice is 900 kg/m3 .


46. A stream of liquid, set at an angle , is directed against a plane surface

(figure). The liquid, after hitting the surface, spreads over it. Find the pressure
on the surface. The density of the liquid is  and its velocity is .

47. One end of a long cylindrical tube is fitted coaxially into a hole
made at the centre of a thin disc of radius r. The structure is held
firmly under another horizontally fixed disc of the same radius. Gap
between the discs is h. Water fed into the tube comes out evenly
everywhere from the opening between the discs and spreads in a
dome-like shape. If water is fed into the tube at a rate  (kg/s), find
the radius of the dome at a depth H below the opening between the
discs. Neglect capillary effects and the distance h between the discs
as compared to the depth H. Acceleration of free fall is g.
48. A closed tube of length l completely filled with water has a small air bubble
trapped in it. When the tube is held at an angle  with the vertical and rotated at a
constant angular velocity  about the vertical axis through its lower end, the
bubble settles at some intermediate position in the tube. What fraction  of
length of the tube is the distance of the bubble from the lower end? Acceleration
due to gravity is g.

49. Figure shows a container in which there is a small orifice of area ‘a’ on
its side wall at a depth H below the top. At t = 0 liquid is filled in it.
Find the time after which the ejecting water jet from orifice will cease to
cross the wall. Take cross-sectional area of tank as A. (Take a << A)

50. Figure shows a tank in which a hole at its bottom is opened or closed by a
level controller which consists of a thin light circular plug A of diameter 10
cm and a cylindrical float B of diameter 20 cm and mass 3 kg. Both A and B
are tied together with a light rigid rod of length 10 cm. As water fills up and
level reaches to h1, plug opens. Find h1. Also find the level of water h2 when
plug closes again.

VMC | Physics 10 CTS-5

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