IT2020 - Software Engineering

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Sri Lanka Institute of Information T chnology

B.S·c. Honours Degree in Information Technology

Specialized in Information Technology

Final Examination
Year 2, Semester 2 (2019)

IT2020 '. Software Engineering

Duration: 3 Hours

October 2019

Instructions to Candidates:

• This paper has five questions.

• Answer all questions in the booklet given.
• The total marks for the paper is ] 00.
• This paper contains 7 pages, including the cover page.
• Electronic devices capable of storing and retrieving text, including
calculators and mobile phones are not allowed.

Question 1 20 Marks

a. Draw a sequence diagram for the following use case scenario "Add Items to Shopping Cart".

(20 marks)

Name: Add Items to Shopping Cart

Actor: Customer
Flow of Events:
I. Customer login to the system by providing username and password.
2. Customer search for items by item names.
3. Then the customer adds the selected items to shopping cart.
4. If cart is not empty, the customer can remove items anytime.
5. Customer can add any number of items to the cart.
4. Once finished, the customer requests to process the order.
5. Then system will generate and display the bill.
I -a. If login fails the customer will ask to login again.

Hint: You may use two boundary, two control and three entity classes in your a swer.

Question 2 20 Marks

Given below is a detailed description of an online student registration. ystem for an academic
institute. Model a physical diagram according to the given description. (20 marks)

The system consists of Web server, Application server, Registration server and Student server.
The Web server and Application server are deployed in two Oracle x 6 server devices while
Registration server and Student server arc deployed in two Oracle SPA ~C servers. All servers
installed Oracle Solaris 10 operation system.

Web server contains an applicatiee=called Student_Registration while the Application server

contains Student, Registration_system, Register and OWL_Registration_system applications. The
OWL_Registration_system is an online web learning application. The Student application is a war
file which uses the deployment specification in web.xml file. Web.xrsl file resides within the same
Application server.

Registration server contains Registration_database component and Student server contains

Student_ Registration_System component. Student_Registration_SystelT' implements IStudent
interface, which is used by OWL_Registration_System. Further Registration_System
communicates with the Registration_Database component through IRegi tration interface, which

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IS implemented by Registration Database. Registration _ Databas e component uses

Student_Registration application through !Database interface. Also Register component
implements IRegister interface which uses by OWL_Registration_System

Two Oracle x86 servers communicate with two Oracle SPARC servers over local area network.
Web server and Application server communicates with each other over TC P/IP protocol.

Question 3 20 Marks

a. How many rrurnrnum number of test cases are needed for full statement coverage of

following code segment? Calculate percentages for each test case. (8 Marks)

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Nestedlf {

private static Scanner sc;

public static void main(String[] args) {

int age;
sc = new ScanAer(;
System.out.println(" Please Enter you Age: ");
age = sc.nextlnt();

if (age < 18) {

System.out.println("You are Minor.");
System.out.println("You are Not Eligible to Work");
else {
if (age >= 18 && age <= 60) {
System. out. println ("You are Eligible to Work");
System.out.println("Please fill in your details and
else {
System.out.println("You are too old to work as per the
Government rules");
Systelif:'Out.println("Please Collect your pension!");


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b. Consider the partial code segment given above.

l. Draw a control flow graph for the partial code segment given bel JW. (4 marks)

ii. Calculate the minimum number of test cases required for a full branch coverage (Show the
branch coverage as a percentage for each test case). (8 marks)

class Number {
public static void main(String[] args) {

Double nl, n2, n3, largestNumber;

if (nl >= n2) {

if (nl >= n3) {
largestNumber nl;
} else {
largestNumber n3;
} else {
if (n2 >= n3) {
largestNumber n2;
} else {
largestNumber n3;

System.out.println("Largest number is " + largestNumber);


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Question 4 20 Marks

a. Consider the below given scenario of registering a new member i 1 a web site.

A client needs to go through a registration process to get a membersh p of a web applications.

As part of a successful registration process, need to complete a serie. of steps such as saving
the registration details, creating a new member, processing payment and sending a welcome
email. In a well-designed system different components are respo sible for each of these
operations. Assuming that you are the software engineer to design the registration process,
answer the following questions.

Hint: Assume that this entire registration process requires Member jsc rvices, New_member.
Payment and Email classes.

I. Suggest an appropriate design pattern for this scenario. (I mark)

II. Give an advantage of using the design pattern you suggested in part c) - i . (I mark)
Ill. Explain the design pattern you suggested for this scenario using a simple class diagram.
(4 marks)

b. Consider the below given scenario of"Cozze Cakes" cake ordering system and answer the

"Cozze Cakes" is popular for wide variety of cakes for any occasion. Ci stomers can order cakes
in different flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, Ribbon, Red velvet an Marble. Also they have
many cake filling flavors such as Chocolate cream, Butter cream, lemon, Caramel, Cream
Cheese and Strawberry. Each cake flavor and filling flavor has its own price. Customers can
order cakes with different combinations of filling flavors as they wis .

II. Suggest an appropriate design pattern for this scenario. (I mark)

Ill. Write a reason for using the design pattern you suggested in part b) - i) or the scenario mentioned
above. (I mark)
IV. Explain the design pattern you suggested for this scenario using a simple class diagram.
(4 marks)

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c. Consider the partial code segment given below and answer the su osequent questions.

import java.util.Map;

interface StockBroker {
void update(Map<String J Double> stockList);

import java.util.lterator;
import java.util.Map;

public class StockBuyer implements StockBroker {

public void update(Map<String Double> stocks) {

public class StockViewer implements StockBroker {
public void update(Map<String Double> stocks) {

public abstract class AbstractStockMarket {

public void addStockBroker(StockBroker stockBroker) {

public void notifyStockBroker(Map<String Double> stockList)
J {
for (stockBroker broker: stockBrokers) {
public abstract void addStock(String stockSymbol Double price); J

public abstract void update(String stockSymbol Double pric );J

public class StockMarket extends AbstractStockMarket {

public void addSiock(String stockSymbol J Double price) {

stockList.put(stockSymbol price);

public void update(String stockSymbol Double price) {

stockList.put(stockSymbol price);

public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AbstractStockMarket market = new StockMarket();
StockBroker buyer = new StockBuyer();
StockBroker viewer = new StockViewer();


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I. Identify the design pattern used in the code. (I mark)

II. What is the main purpose of using the design pattern you have mentioned above for this solution?
(I mark)
Ill. Draw the class structure of the design pattern that you identified in part i with appropriate methods
for the above scenario. (6 marks)

Question 5 20 Marks

a. Draw a state machine diagram for the following scenario which de. cribes the operation of a
Virus Guard. (16 marks)

A Virus Guard is automatically loaded when the computer starts up and is initially in the checking
state where it will do a self-scan and check if the virus definitions files re up to date. If there is
an error in the self-scan, the virus guard changes its state to the critical ·tate. In the critical state,
the virus guard repair the virus definition files. Once finished, the vi 'us guard move back to
checking state. If the virus definitions are up to date the Virus Guard changes its state to the active
state. If the virus definitions is over one month old it changes its state to the major updating state.
If the virus definitions are less than one month old, it changes its state to the minor updating state.
In both cases it downloads the updates from the virus guard website. In t te major updating state it
disallows installation of new software and restricts the access to the inte -net and networks. In the
minor updating state software installations from the web are disallowed. Once the updates are
carried out successfully, the virus guard changes its state to the active state. If a virus is found and
is a non-critical virus, then the Virus Guard changes to the Virus Alert State. Here it will clean the
viruses from the source. If a virus which is of high risk or if an unknown lirus is detected the virus
guard moves into the critical virus alert state. In this state the network connections and all pen
drives are disabled. The details of the virus are sent to the virus guard vebsite through a secure
tunnel. Once the virus is removed the system it would move to the active state.

b. Explain the difference between distributed version control and certralized version control.
(2 marks)

c. Explain incident management? (2 marks)

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