Seleise Tshepsio Life Orientation Final Print''
Seleise Tshepsio Life Orientation Final Print''
Seleise Tshepsio Life Orientation Final Print''
The term “Recycle” refers to collecting and treating used objects and materials
that are ready to be thrown out in oreder to produce materials that can be used all
over again,e.g recycling paper into new products or materials such as paper
plates and cups
The term “Reduce” refers to limiting the overall use of a product for many reasons might be the to use the product sparingly
so it does not deplete or for in this case for enviromental resons to preserve the natures gifts,e.g reducing the use of plastic
the preserve the enviroment (biosphere)
The term “Reuse” refers to an industrial process where materials or products are reused a number The term “Reuse” refers to
an industrial process where materials or products are reused a number reusing plastic bags to limit their produce in large
numbers this also helps by limiting the produce of many synthetic materials or products to preserve the enviroment
➢ Green Earth Solution,an organisation located in Cape Town, South Africa is, at the forefront of
promoting waste management. They are dedicated to reviving discarded materials through recycling
program aiming to diminish reliance, on landfills and preserve our natural resources. Through
campaigns and community involvement both individuals and businesses to embrace eco habits by
practicing reduction reusing items and recycling. Their goal is build a more sustainable enviroment for
the generations to come advocating for a world one recycled item at a time
➢ Mpact Recycling, stands out as a leading play, in South Africa’s recycling sector showcasing a dedication
to sustainability and caring for the enviroment. As a part of the Mpact Limited group Mpact Recycling
operates a network of recycling centers strategically positioned throughout the country. This setup
allows the company to effectively gather and manage materials like paper, plastic, glass and cans
reducing pressure on landfills and preserving natural resources. By embracing methods community
driven projects and strategic collaborations Mpact Recylcling aims to foster a recycling culture raise
awerness about waste reduction among cictizens and bring about transformations in communuties
nationwide. With a focus, on stewardship and sustainable practices Mpact Recycling is actively
contributing to enhancing South Africa’s landscape and paving the way for a cleaner enviroment
source: file:///C:/Users/user/Pictures/project%20pics%20LO/Mpact.png
Glass, although non-toxic and inert, has a significant impact on the enviroment due to its durability and non-
biodegradeable nature. When discarded, glass waste contributes to litter and pollution, harming wildlife and
contaminating soil and waterways. If not properly recycled, glass waste can persist in the enviroment for
millions of years, causing physical harm to animals and disrupting the ecosystems. Futhermore, the production
of new glass requires raw materials like silica sand,
greenhouse gas emmissions. By adopting sustainable glass recycling practices and reduing waste, we can
mitigate the enviromental impact of glass and promote a more circular economy
The disposal of tins and cans has profound impact on enviroment. It contributes to waste accumulation pollution
and resource depletion. When sent to landfills tin and can waste takes hundreds of years to decompose.
This process realeases realeases toxic chemicals like lead and chromium into soil and groundwater. They
contaminate ecosystems and pose threat to human health. If burned, they realease harmful emissions. These
include particulate matter and volatile organic compounds. Such emissions contribute to air pollution.
Futhermore extraction and processing of raw materials for tin and can production, such as tinplate and
aluminium result in deforestration habitat destruction and energy consumption. This leads loss of diodiversity.
Transportation of tin and can products also generates amazingly greenhouse emissions. It makes climate change
However recycling tins and cans offers solution. It conserves natural resources.It reduces energy -friendly
future. sconsumption. It decreases greenhouse gas emissions. By adopting sustainable practices like recycling
and reducing single-use tin and can products we can also increase use of biodegradeable or edible packaging
alternatives. Supporting product design changes that minimize waste is crucial. Together we mitigate
enviromental impact of tins cans. We can promote more eco- friendly
The effects of plastic on the enviroment
The effects of plastic on the enviroment are devastating and far-reaching. Plastic waste pollutes our oceans,
rivers, and landscapes, harming marine life and contaminating the food chain. Microplastics are consumed by
animals, leading to physical harm and even death. Plastic debris also realeases toxic chemicals, contributing to
climate change and air pollution. Futhermore, plastic production relies on fossil fuels, exacerbating greenhouse
gas emissions and resource depletion. The staggering amount of plastic waste, estimated to be over 8 million
tons anually, overwhelms landfills and waste management systems, leading to litter and pollution. If left
unchecked, plastic pollution will continue to ravage ecosystems, threaten biodiversity, and imperil human
health. Urgent action is needed to reduce plastic consumption, increase recycling, reusing, and reducing the use
of plastic, and promote sustainable alternatives to mitigate the enviromental damaged caused by plastic.
So,first of all, lets differentiate between what the 3R’s are, and how we can use sustainable methods to
implement them in our daily lives
➢ Recycle
This is the most well-known out of the 3R’s. This means using waste itself to make new materials that can
be of use. This in turn reduce waste in landfills,conserves natural resources that would have otherwise been
wastes or incinerated, this also helps stimulate economic activity in terms of security and employment, and
lastly saves electrical enegry
I implemented recycling by introducing a new system of waste disposal in my home where it has 5
stations. One for plastic, one for glass, one for tins and cans, one for glass, and lastly one for bio-
degradeble materials. Meaning by using these stations my family and I are at the first step of recycling
which is collection of waste and seperation
The second step is to actually use some waste from one of our stations and we decided to use the station
containing bio-degradeable materials. And everything that is left in our recycling stations that we may not
want to use can be sent to municipality waste management centres where it can be processed into new
materials over again
In my home I recycled the following:
➢ Aluminum cans were turned into paper clip holders for the home office.
➢ Cereal cartons were used to generate home decorations which is great for family activities and
benefiting my family as we were bonding decorating the cereal cartons.
➢ Plastic bottles were taken to recycling ( waste management) centres.
➢ Newspapers were used for school projects and some were taken to waste mangement centres.
➢ Paper towels were used for art in school projects and also kept for cleaning purposes.
➢ Oraganic matter such as fruit remains and strains (pulp) and vegetable matter were used for compost
realeaseing useful minerals and are also quite helpful with gardening and they can also be used as manure
for our home’s garden enriching the soil.
➢ Reuse
This is the second most implemented R in the 3R’s. This means finding new ways to use things that would
have otherwise been thrown away or incinerated. It involves the repeated cycle of using a material a
number of tims until it can no longer be of use anymore. Reusing items would help to reduce your
waste footprint. This can also benefit others such as the less fortunate individuals by reusing it using
something over and over again, for example reusing a pair of old denims as a denim apron and
donating to the less fortunate or charities, or reusing a plastic bag over and over again instead of
buying a plastic each time you’re shopping etc…
I implemented this by first seperatingthe household waste by plastic, glass, tin, and aluminum cans, and
organic waste.
Next is to reuse these items, what I reused is:
➢ Cardboard boxes are reused as storage material for old (antique) items in our home
➢ Another way of reusing in my family is by donating old clothing to charity. Just because my
won’t find use in these items anymore does’nt mean others. This way of reusing clothes is
more of an indirect approach but is still very much effective in reducing waste levels at my
➢ Reduce
This is simply to make smaller or less. In terms of the 3R’s initiative, it means to create less waste by using
lesser amounts of wasteful materials. It also implies choosing the right and limiting the use of the material or
item in order to preserve the planet and its inhabitants.
I implemented this strategy in my home by first looking at the waste we have in the bin, most of which
consisted of of single-use containers, packaging/wrappers etc… looking at this, I was able to gather a few ways
to reduce the waste generated by my household
➢ Avoiding the use of single-use food and drink containers and utensils rather opting for the reusable or more
recyclable options.
➢ Buying reusable fabric grocery bags to reduce the number of plastic bags purchased and they can be used
in carrying clothing items and whatever uses for needed shopping bags. They basically replace the
plastic consumption.
➢ Buying items especially food in bulk to reduce the amount of packaging necessary for food consumption
➢ Curbing the use of paper by using digital systems instead
➢ Buying long lasting and easily maintained items to reduce thewaste in the long run because you won’t have
to re-buy the same item a number of times repeatedly
➢ Only buying necessary items. In my family , when shopping for stationery, we buy items that we already
do not have already.
The waste that human have generated over the years has had a negetive impact in the enviroment and has caused
many problems in eco-systems for example industrial factories emmit a lot of smoke causeng toxic and
dangerous chemicals to be realeased in the atmosphere and the air we breathe, causing a negetive effect in the
enviroment such as causing air pollution which is one of the most dangerous pollutions that has a lot fatal rates
globally. Air polluyion causes respitory illnesses such as lung cancer, heart disease weak immune systems,
chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, pneumonia, athsma and chronic bronchitis etc… which these diseases
are fatal and have a slim chance of surviving long.
The production of plastic has the most negetive impact because not only does the cons affect humans also
animals and trees plastic is one of the most manufactured non-biodegradeable materials as it is a synthetic
material and one of the most littered material causing a lot of it to contaminate our oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds
and many more water bodies and killing a lot if marine life and disrupting the natural habitats of many animals
not only does it contaminate the envitoment’s ecosystems but plastic is very dangerous, when incinerated it
emmits toxic chemicals posing threat to human health. And they way we humans dispose of waste is very
concerning, what is worse in this decade alone, it would seem that waste disposal has become more careless.
What we have failed to do is put into action the ideas we believe will help us mitigate or adapt to climate
change. Case in point: the waste that is dumped in landfills realeases methane gas. Taken one step futher open
landfills were found to represent 91% of all landfill methane emission. The burning of large, open piles of trash
in various parts of the world world emits dangerous levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that is heating up
our planet. Researchers have calculated that approximately 40% of the world’s waste is incinerated. And trees
are being cut disrupting the natural habitats of many animals in the wildlife and aswell as cutting the “lungs of
the world” as many say. So we c an say in conclusion that the effects of waste in the enviroment are negetive.
But with the benefits of waste management we can say that we actually do have a chance of beating this
problem by the following: benefits of waste management on the enviroment. Enviromental protection, proper
waste management helps prevent water, air, and soil pollution by this we can have a free-polution enviroment,
which will stimulate the enviroment’s health rapidly, it also reduces the realsease of harmful and dangerous
chemicals into the clean atmosphere, and posibly minimizing the negetive impact on the ecosystems, wildlife,
and human health.
Resource conservation, it involves recycling and reusing materials and avoid buying unnecessary materials over
and over again, this conserves natural resources and energy, leading to a more sustainable production process,
which will reduce the negetive effects on the enviroment and ecosystems. Energy savings many waste
management practices, such as recycling and reusing technologies generate renewable energy or recover energy
from waste. This reduces the reliance on fossil fuels and helps combat climate change. Health and safety, it can
lead to disease transmission, water contamination, and air pollution. It minimizes health risks for communities
and workers in the waste industry by this, we can create a ill-free enviroment for workers in industrial sites. So
we have concluded that the main benefits of waste on the enviroment is Enviromental protection, Resource
conservation, Public and private health improvements, Energy saving, and Economic advantages.
Throughout this project I have learned of how waste has a negetive impact on the enviroment in terms of
pollution, climate change, and degrading of the soil and land as a whole. And we should be careful of how we